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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La surveillance à l’écran : l’exploration de l’actualisation d’une théorie de la surveillance et d’un modèle de visibilité dans les films de science-fiction

Bocian, Charlotte 10 February 2023 (has links)
Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous intéressons à la surveillance, que nous définissons, suivant les travaux de G.T. Marx, comme étant « l’examen d’individus, de groupes et de contextes grâce à l’usage de moyens techniques pour extraire ou créer de l’information » (Marx, 2015, p. 375, traduit dans Castagnino, 2018, p. 23). La surveillance contemporaine fait l’objet d’une attention particulière en ce qu’une « expansion capitale et une intensification de la surveillance dans presque toutes les sphères institutionnelles de notre existence » (Ball et al., 2012, p. 1, traduit dans Castagnino, pp. 18-19) caractériseraient notre époque. Face à cela, le courant des surveillance studies a vu le jour, afin de dévoiler ces pratiques de surveillance qui, selon eux, sont de nature à favoriser les discriminations, les exclusions, et bien d’autres injustices (Castagnino, 2018). Ce courant s’est longtemps basé sur les analyses de M. Foucault, et particulièrement sur la métaphore panoptique. K.D. Haggerty et R.V. Ericson (2000), cependant, avancent que la métaphore panoptique est insuffisante pour rendre compte de la surveillance contemporaine. Ils ont ainsi développé la théorie du surveillant assemblage pour mieux rendre compte, selon eux, de cette surveillance contemporaine. Les auteurs ne proposent cependant aucune empirie dans leur article pour rendre compte de leurs résultats. Pour cette raison, et afin de vérifier l’actualité du surveillant assemblage (celui-ci ayant été théorisé en 2000), ce travail consiste en une étude empirique visant l’exploration de l’actualisation du surveillant assemblage dans la culture que constituent les films de science-fiction postérieurs à l’an 2000 portant sur la surveillance. Nous procéderons de la même manière pour la métaphore panoptique, afin de donner des éléments de réponse quant à la controverse qui existe autour de la pertinence d’avancer cette métaphore pour rendre compte de la surveillance contemporaine.

Nouvelle méthode de dépistage de phytopathogènes fongiques et de plantes au potentiel envahissant par métabarcodage

Tremblay, Émilie D. 11 April 2019 (has links)
Les dommages causés par les pathogènes des plantes sont une menace redoutable pour l’environnement, la diversité, ainsi que pour une partie considérable des ressources naturelles forestières et agronomiques telles que les arbres, les plantes et les récoltes. Les endroits situés à proximité des ports d’importation pour le commerce international et des sites de décharge de déchets verts sont considérés comme étant à risque pour l’introduction d’organismes exotiques et indésirables tels que des insectes, des phytopathogènes et des plantes envahissantes. Bien qu’il existe plusieurs méthodes développées et validées selon des standards établis visant à détecter certains genres préoccupants ou espèces ciblées, la plupart d’entre elles sont mal adaptées aux analyses à grande échelle ou sont limitées en ce qui concerne le nombre d’organismes différents pouvant être détectés simultanément. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de développer une méthode de détection nouvelle, plus rapide, à haut débit, hyper sensible et couvrant de plus grandes superficies afin de contribuer à l’amélioration des méthodes de dépistage et de lutte contre les phytopathogènes et les espèces envahissantes. Le projet a tiré avantage d’enquêtes en entomologie d’envergure nationale et préétablies par l’Agence Canadienne d’Inspection des Aliments en réutilisant les liquides de préservation provenant de pièges à insectes. Ces pièges, en plus de pièges à spores et de pièges à granules de pollen issus du butinage par des abeilles, ont été utilisés pour recueillir des échantillons environnementaux à travers le Canada. Le développement d’un pipeline bio-informatique adapté aux types d’organismes recherchés a permis de supporter et d’analyser efficacement les grandes charges de données produites par la plateforme de séquençage de nouvelle génération (SNG) Ion Torrent. De plus, la conception d’amorces de fusion a conféré un pouvoir de multiplexage significatif aux analyses. Le pipeline intégré au métabarcodage a permis d’effectuer la biosurveillance d’entités phytopathogènes fongiques et oomycètes, de plantes envahissantes ainsi que de localiser des régions géographiques d’intérêt où des organismes indésirables ont été trouvés. Les résultats suggèrent l’existence de pathosystèmes entre des insectes xylophages et des maladies fongiques n’ayant jamais été reportés auparavant. De plus, certains pathogènes fongiques et leurs plantes hôtes ont été trouvés dans les échantillons de granules de pollen, et les espèces de plantes identifiées par SNG corroboraient avec l’identification visuelle des plantes ayant été effectuée sur le terrain. Certains des résultats obtenus par métabarcodage ont été validés avec des tests qPCR spécifiques à certaines espèces cibles, ce qui a confirmé le pouvoir et la sensibilité de cette nouvelle méthode. Par exemple, de minimes quantités de propagules d’espèces de Phytophthora spp. ont été obtenues. Plusieurs espèces faisant partie de genres préoccupants ont été détectées, dont les champignons phytopathogènes Heterobasidion annosum s.s., H. abietinum/H. parviporum, Leptographium spp., Ophiostoma spp., Gremmeniella spp. et Geosmithia spp. et les oomycètes phytopathogènes Peronospora spp., Pythium spp. et Phytophthora spp. Ces résultats prometteurs indiquent que des organismes de réglementation de partout dans le monde pourraient ajouter cette méthode de métabarcodage à leur boîte à outils servant à faire la biosurveillance et la détection d’espèces réglementées. Dans le cas où des zones nécessitant des enquêtes approfondies étaient localisées selon les résultats de métagénomique, des tests qPCR ou tout autre test validé demeurent essentiels, surtout lorsqu’il s’agit d’identifier des espèces critiques comme des ravageurs réglementés. En outre, comme les technologies de séquençage évoluent continuellement, elles produisent des données dont la qualité s’améliore constamment, et ce, à moindre coût. Par conséquent, il est anticipé que la qualité des bases de données sur lesquelles repose le métabarcodage se perfectionne du même coup, permettant également d’augmenter la capacité de résolution de la nouvelle méthodologie décrite. / Damage caused by plant pathogens represents a devastating threat to the environment, diversity, and a significant part of natural forest and agronomic resources such as trees, plants, and crops. Areas that are in close proximity to international trade ports and green waste disposal facilities are considered high-risk introduction sites for exotic and unwanted organisms such as insects, phytopathogens, and invasive plants. Although there are many standard methods developed to detect numerous specific genera of concern or target species, most are ill-suited for large-scale screening, or are limited in the number of different organisms that can be assessed at a time. The main objective of this project was to develop a new detection method which is fast, high-throughput, highly sensitive, and targets vast survey areas, in order to contribute in the improvement of the methods for screening and battling of phytopathogens and invasive species. Spore traps, insect traps, and honeybee-foraged pollen clusters were used to collect environmental samples across Canada. The project took advantage of entomology surveys conducted by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency by reusing preservative fluids from those insect traps. The development of a bioinformatics pipeline customized for the types of organisms screened allowed for the handling and efficient analysis of the large data loads produced with the Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform. Additionally, the design of fusion primers conferred the analyses a significant multiplexing power. Integrating the pipeline to metabarcoding allowed for the biosurveillance of fungal and oomycete phytopathogens, as well as invasive plants, and pinpointing geographical regions of concern where unwanted species were found. Results suggest the existence of wood-boring insects and fungal diseases pathosystems never previously reported. In addition, certain fungal pathogens and their plant hosts were detected from the pollen cluster samples, and the plants species identified by NGS corroborated the records of the visual plant inspections performed in the field. Some of the metabarcoding results were validated with some species-specific qPCR assays, which confirmed the power and the sensitivity of this new method. For example, very low levels of some Phytophthora species propagules could be detected. Multiple species within genera of concern were identified, including the plant pathogenic fungi Heterobasidion annosum s.s., H. abietinum/H. parviporum, Leptographium spp., Ophiostoma spp., Gremmeniella spp., and Geosmithia spp., and the oomycetes Peronospora spp., Pythium spp., and Phytophthora spp. These promising results indicate that regulatory agencies across the world could combine our new metabarcoding approach to their regulated species monitoring and detection toolbox for biosurveillance and screening. In the case where areas requiring further inquiries are pinpointed based on the metagenomics results, qPCR or alternate validated assays remain essential, especially to resolve the identification of critical species such as regulated pests. Furthermore, given that constantly evolving sequencing technologies yield increasing quality data continually, and at reduced costs, it is anticipated that the quality of the databases on which metabarcoding relies will improve at the same time, therefore increasing the resolving capacity of the new method described.

Étude des conditions météorologiques favorables au déclenchement d'avalanches de neige par l'entremise d'appareils photographiques automatisés dans la région d'Umiujaq, Nunavik

Grenier, Jérémy 10 January 2024 (has links)
La croissance démographique récente au Nunavik a amené l'expansion de certains villages nordiques près de zones de relief propice au déclenchement d'avalanches de neige tant à l'hiver qu'au printemps. Dans l'optique de développer une méthode de prévision précoce des avalanches au Nunavik, la surveillance des versants en contexte périglaciaire est primordiale. Les objectifs principaux de cette recherche sont donc de caractériser les événements avalancheux survenus de 2017 à 2020 sur le versant sud-ouest de la vallée Tasiapik (Umiujaq, Nunavik) et d'identifier les conditions météorologiques favorables à leur déclenchement. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des appareils photographiques automatisés qui affichent une valeur de température sur chaque image capturée. Les données de température extraites sur près de 39 500 photographies ont été comparées aux données de température de deux stations météorologiques à proximité. Les résultats ont démontré que les appareils photographiques sont précis pour la mesure de la température à la fin de l'automne et à l'hiver. Au printemps et en été, ils ont une grande propension à surestimer la température. Les erreurs de mesure de température des appareils photographiques ont été statistiquement liées à la couverture nuageuse et à la radiation solaire incidente moyenne journalière. Par ailleurs, les photographies ont permis de caractériser 130 dépôts avalancheux. Deux principaux régimes d'avalanches ont été décrits : un régime hivernal, et un régime printanier. Des analyses de régression progressive ont permis d'établir que les conditions météorologiques propices au déclenchement des avalanches hivernales sont l'augmentation de la température minimale quotidienne et les chutes de neige ≥ à 10 cm à court terme (2 à 4 jours). Au printemps, ces conditions consistent en l'accumulation de degrés-jours de fonte, l'augmentation de la température minimale quotidienne, et la hauteur du couvert nival. Deux modèles de régression logistique ont été testés. Ensemble, ces modèles ont maintenu un taux de bonne classification global de 70.21% et ont correctement identifié 45 des 79 journées avalancheuses observées dans la vallée Tasiapik de 2017 à 2020. / Recent population growth in Nunavik has led to the expansion of northern villages some of which are located near mountainous areas prone to snow avalanches releases in winter and in spring. To develop an early avalanche forecasting method in Nunavik, monitoring of slopes in a periglacial context is essential. The main objectives of this research were to characterize avalanche events that occurred from 2017 to 2020 on the southwestern slope of the Tasiapik Valley (Umiujaq, Nunavik) and to identify the meteorological conditions that were favorable to their triggering. To do so, we used automated time-lapse cameras which displayed a temperature value on each captured image. Temperature data extracted from nearly 39,500 photographs were compared to temperature data from two nearby weather stations. The results showed that the cameras were accurate in measuring temperature in the late fall and winter. In spring and summer, they have a high propensity to overestimate temperature. The temperature measurement errors of the cameras were statistically related to the observable cloud coverage and the daily average incident solar radiation. In addition, the photographs were used to characterize 130 snow avalanche deposits. Two main avalanche regimes were described: winter and spring. Stepwise regression analyses established that the meteorological conditions conducive to winter snow avalanche initiation are the increasing daily minimum air temperature and short term (2-4 days) snowfall episodes ≥ 10 cm. In spring, these conditions are the accumulation of melting degree days, the increase in daily minimum air temperature, and snow cover height. Two logistic regression models were tested. Together, the models maintained a global correct classification rate of 70.21% correctly identifying 45 of 79 avalanche days observed within Tasiapik Valley from 2017 to 2020.

Bitrate Reduction Techniques for Low-Complexity Surveillance Video Coding

Gorur, Pushkar January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
High resolution surveillance video cameras are invaluable resources for effective crime prevention and forensic investigations. However, increasing communication bandwidth requirements of high definition surveillance videos are severely limiting the number of cameras that can be deployed. Higher bitrate also increases operating expenses due to higher data communication and storage costs. Hence, it is essential to develop low complexity algorithms which reduce data rate of the compressed video stream without affecting the image fidelity. In this thesis, a computer vision aided H.264 surveillance video encoder and four associated algorithms are proposed to reduce the bitrate. The proposed techniques are (I) Speeded up foreground segmentation, (II) Skip decision, (III) Reference frame selection and (IV) Face Region-of-Interest (ROI) coding. In the first part of the thesis, a modification to the adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based foreground segmentation algorithm is proposed to reduce computational complexity. This is achieved by replacing expensive floating point computations with low cost integer operations. To maintain accuracy, we compute periodic floating point updates for the GMM weight parameter using the value of an integer counter. Experiments show speedups in the range of 1.33 - 1.44 on standard video datasets where a large fraction of pixels are multimodal. In the second part, we propose a skip decision technique that uses a spatial sampler to sample pixels. The sampled pixels are segmented using the speeded up GMM algorithm. The storage pattern of the GMM parameters in memory is also modified to improve cache performance. Skip selection is performed using the segmentation results of the sampled pixels. In the third part, a reference frame selection algorithm is proposed to maximize the number of background Macroblocks (MB’s) (i.e. MB’s that contain background image content) in the Decoded Picture Buffer. This reduces the cost of coding uncovered background regions. Distortion over foreground pixels is measured to quantify the performance of skip decision and reference frame selection techniques. Experimental results show bit rate savings of up to 94.5% over methods proposed in literature on video surveillance data sets. The proposed techniques also provide up to 74.5% reduction in compression complexity without increasing the distortion over the foreground regions in the video sequence. In the final part of the thesis, face and shadow region detection is combined with the skip decision algorithm to perform ROI coding for pedestrian surveillance videos. Since person identification requires high quality face images, MB’s containing face image content are encoded with a low Quantization Parameter setting (i.e. high quality). Other regions of the body in the image are considered as RORI (Regions of reduced interest) and are encoded at low quality. The shadow regions are marked as Skip. Techniques that use only facial features to detect faces (e.g. Viola Jones face detector) are not robust in real world scenarios. Hence, we propose to initially detect pedestrians using deformable part models. The face region is determined using the deformed part locations. Detected pedestrians are tracked using an optical flow based tracker combined with a Kalman filter. The tracker improves the accuracy and also avoids the need to run the object detector on already detected pedestrians. Shadow and skin detector scores are computed over super pixels. Bilattice based logic inference is used to combine multiple likelihood scores and classify the super pixels as ROI, RORI or RONI. The coding mode and QP values of the MB’s are determined using the super pixel labels. The proposed techniques provide a further reduction in bitrate of up to 50.2%.

Aspectos da produção científica da vigilância sanitária de medicamentos / Aspects of scientific production on medicines sanitary surveillance

Silva, Alessandro Izidoro da 09 September 2013 (has links)
Introdução Sabe-se que a cadeia do produto farmacêutico é extensa, ampla, dinâmica e que é influenciada constantemente por diversos campos da sociedade. O estudo do risco envolvido em todo o ciclo de produtos farmacêuticos (da produção à pós-comercialização) é relevante diante das incertezas proporcionadas pela Ciência. A criação do SUS, os escândalos da falsificação de medicamentos, a consequente instauração da CPI dos medicamentos, o controle social, a implantação da Política de Medicamentos, o surgimento dos medicamentos genéricos, o advento da Anvisa e todo arcabouço legal advindo destas transformações deram força à democratização do País e a transparência da Gestão Pública. Objetivo Avaliar artigos científicos nacionais sobre aspectos da Vigilância Sanitária de Medicamentos a partir da criação do SUS (1990) até 2011. Métodos Pesquisa nas bases de dados: Lilacs, PubMed/Medline, Embase, Ipha, Web of Science e Scopus e seleção de artigos relacionados à Vigilância Sanitária de Medicamentos publicados entre 1990 e 2011. Resultados e Discussão - A esfera nacional das ações de Vigilância Sanitária foi a de maior foco de estudo (55,83 por cento ). O eixo Produção foi o mais pesquisado (50,92 por cento ) e a categoria mais estudada foi Prescrição e Dispensação (15,34 por cento ). É preocupante o reduzido número de artigos sobre Distribuição, Transporte e Armazenamento Os medicamentos de maior interesse para estudo foram os fitoterápicos (29,41 por cento ). Os autores da região Sudeste do Brasil foram os que mais publicaram (56,44 por cento ). Este fato pode estar relacionado à concentração econômica-industrial e a presença de pólos acadêmico-tecnológicos avançados nesta região geopolítica brasileira. Conclusão- A análise dos achados, opiniões e conclusões de diversos autores distribuídos pelo Brasil mostrou a ausência de qualidade, eficácia e segurança de alguns medicamentos disponíveis no mercado com inerente risco ao paciente / Introduction It is known that the pharmaceutical chain is long, wide, dynamic and constantly that is influenced by many fields of the society. The study of the risk involved in the whole cycle of pharmaceutical products (from production to post-marketing) is relevant in view of the uncertainties provided by Science. The creation of the unified health system (SUS), the scandals of counterfeit medicines, the consequent establishment of the the parliamentary inquiry (CPI) on medicines, social control, the implementation of the medicines policy, the emergence of generic medicines, the advent of ANVISA and the whole legal framework arising from these changes gave strength democratization of the country and the transparency of public management. Objective Assess national scientific articles on aspects of the Sanitary Surveillance of Medicines from the creation of the SUS (1990) until 2011. Method Search in databases: Lilacs, PubMed/Medline, Embase, IPHA, Web of Science and Scopus and selection of articles related to Sanitary Surveillance of Medicines published between 1990 and 2011. Results and Discussion - The national level of the tasks belonging to the Sanitary Surveillance was the major focus of the studies (55.83 per cent ). The axis \"Production\" (50.92 per cent ) and the category Prescription and Dispensing (15.34 per cent ) were the most searched. The small number of articles on \"Distribution, Transport and Storage\" is worrying. The authors have published more about herbal medicines (29.41 per cent ). The authors of southeastern Brazil were the most published (56.44 per cent ). This fact may be related to economic concentration and the presence of advanced industrial-academic-technological poles in this Brazilian geopolitics region. Conclusion - The analysis of the findings, opinions and conclusions of several authors throughout Brazil showed the absence of quality, safety and efficacy of some medicines available in the market with inherent risk to the patient

Aspectos da produção científica da vigilância sanitária de medicamentos / Aspects of scientific production on medicines sanitary surveillance

Alessandro Izidoro da Silva 09 September 2013 (has links)
Introdução Sabe-se que a cadeia do produto farmacêutico é extensa, ampla, dinâmica e que é influenciada constantemente por diversos campos da sociedade. O estudo do risco envolvido em todo o ciclo de produtos farmacêuticos (da produção à pós-comercialização) é relevante diante das incertezas proporcionadas pela Ciência. A criação do SUS, os escândalos da falsificação de medicamentos, a consequente instauração da CPI dos medicamentos, o controle social, a implantação da Política de Medicamentos, o surgimento dos medicamentos genéricos, o advento da Anvisa e todo arcabouço legal advindo destas transformações deram força à democratização do País e a transparência da Gestão Pública. Objetivo Avaliar artigos científicos nacionais sobre aspectos da Vigilância Sanitária de Medicamentos a partir da criação do SUS (1990) até 2011. Métodos Pesquisa nas bases de dados: Lilacs, PubMed/Medline, Embase, Ipha, Web of Science e Scopus e seleção de artigos relacionados à Vigilância Sanitária de Medicamentos publicados entre 1990 e 2011. Resultados e Discussão - A esfera nacional das ações de Vigilância Sanitária foi a de maior foco de estudo (55,83 por cento ). O eixo Produção foi o mais pesquisado (50,92 por cento ) e a categoria mais estudada foi Prescrição e Dispensação (15,34 por cento ). É preocupante o reduzido número de artigos sobre Distribuição, Transporte e Armazenamento Os medicamentos de maior interesse para estudo foram os fitoterápicos (29,41 por cento ). Os autores da região Sudeste do Brasil foram os que mais publicaram (56,44 por cento ). Este fato pode estar relacionado à concentração econômica-industrial e a presença de pólos acadêmico-tecnológicos avançados nesta região geopolítica brasileira. Conclusão- A análise dos achados, opiniões e conclusões de diversos autores distribuídos pelo Brasil mostrou a ausência de qualidade, eficácia e segurança de alguns medicamentos disponíveis no mercado com inerente risco ao paciente / Introduction It is known that the pharmaceutical chain is long, wide, dynamic and constantly that is influenced by many fields of the society. The study of the risk involved in the whole cycle of pharmaceutical products (from production to post-marketing) is relevant in view of the uncertainties provided by Science. The creation of the unified health system (SUS), the scandals of counterfeit medicines, the consequent establishment of the the parliamentary inquiry (CPI) on medicines, social control, the implementation of the medicines policy, the emergence of generic medicines, the advent of ANVISA and the whole legal framework arising from these changes gave strength democratization of the country and the transparency of public management. Objective Assess national scientific articles on aspects of the Sanitary Surveillance of Medicines from the creation of the SUS (1990) until 2011. Method Search in databases: Lilacs, PubMed/Medline, Embase, IPHA, Web of Science and Scopus and selection of articles related to Sanitary Surveillance of Medicines published between 1990 and 2011. Results and Discussion - The national level of the tasks belonging to the Sanitary Surveillance was the major focus of the studies (55.83 per cent ). The axis \"Production\" (50.92 per cent ) and the category Prescription and Dispensing (15.34 per cent ) were the most searched. The small number of articles on \"Distribution, Transport and Storage\" is worrying. The authors have published more about herbal medicines (29.41 per cent ). The authors of southeastern Brazil were the most published (56.44 per cent ). This fact may be related to economic concentration and the presence of advanced industrial-academic-technological poles in this Brazilian geopolitics region. Conclusion - The analysis of the findings, opinions and conclusions of several authors throughout Brazil showed the absence of quality, safety and efficacy of some medicines available in the market with inherent risk to the patient

Spatio-temporal data interpolation for dynamic scene analysis

Kim, Kihwan 06 January 2012 (has links)
Analysis and visualization of dynamic scenes is often constrained by the amount of spatio-temporal information available from the environment. In most scenarios, we have to account for incomplete information and sparse motion data, requiring us to employ interpolation and approximation methods to fill for the missing information. Scattered data interpolation and approximation techniques have been widely used for solving the problem of completing surfaces and images with incomplete input data. We introduce approaches for such data interpolation and approximation from limited sensors, into the domain of analyzing and visualizing dynamic scenes. Data from dynamic scenes is subject to constraints due to the spatial layout of the scene and/or the configurations of video cameras in use. Such constraints include: (1) sparsely available cameras observing the scene, (2) limited field of view provided by the cameras in use, (3) incomplete motion at a specific moment, and (4) varying frame rates due to different exposures and resolutions. In this thesis, we establish these forms of incompleteness in the scene, as spatio-temporal uncertainties, and propose solutions for resolving the uncertainties by applying scattered data approximation into a spatio-temporal domain. The main contributions of this research are as follows: First, we provide an efficient framework to visualize large-scale dynamic scenes from distributed static videos. Second, we adopt Radial Basis Function (RBF) interpolation to the spatio-temporal domain to generate global motion tendency. The tendency, represented by a dense flow field, is used to optimally pan and tilt a video camera. Third, we propose a method to represent motion trajectories using stochastic vector fields. Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is used to generate a dense vector field and the certainty of each vector in the field. The generated stochastic fields are used for recognizing motion patterns under varying frame-rate and incompleteness of the input videos. Fourth, we also show that the stochastic representation of vector field can also be used for modeling global tendency to detect the region of interests in dynamic scenes with camera motion. We evaluate and demonstrate our approaches in several applications for visualizing virtual cities, automating sports broadcasting, and recognizing traffic patterns in surveillance videos.

Imagem-objetivo para a descentralização da vigilância sanitária no município

Ferraro, Andréa Helena Argolo January 2007 (has links)
p. 1-102 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-25T17:12:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 33333.pdf: 527994 bytes, checksum: c309f7633c39ebf51c1bd04560ca441c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva(mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-05-04T17:07:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 33333.pdf: 527994 bytes, checksum: c309f7633c39ebf51c1bd04560ca441c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-04T17:07:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 33333.pdf: 527994 bytes, checksum: c309f7633c39ebf51c1bd04560ca441c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Introdução - A descentralização das ações de Vigilância Sanitária, apesar de impulsionada a partir da elaboração do Termo de Ajuste e Metas, não dispõe ainda de critérios e padrões consensuais a serem utilizados pelos Estados para sua avaliação. Objetivo - Formular e validar uma imagem-objetivo da vigilância sanitária no âmbito municipal que corresponda à definição do que seria um Sistema Municipal de Vigilância Sanitária adequado às necessidades da população. Metodologia - Foi realizado um estudo de desenvolvimento segundo tipologia de Contandriopoulos. Para a formulação da Imagem-Objetivo da descentralização da VISA, foi elaborado um modelo lógico a partir do qual se derivou uma matriz, contendo dimensões, critérios e indicadores capazes de avaliar a estrutura, a gestão e os resultados do Sistema Local de Vigilância Sanitária. A seleção dos critérios e indicadores apoiou-se em revisão da literatura, da síntese dos documentos e legislação pertinente. Em seguida, essa proposta foi submetida a um grupo de nove especialistas para validação através de uma técnica denominada Conferência de Consenso. Resultados - Dentre os critérios propostos, 59% apresentaram consenso, enquanto 41% dissenso. Apenas um foi considerado de pouca importância enquanto os 53 foram considerados importantes, o que nos autorizou a considerar que a matriz proposta foi validada pelos especialistas consultados. O consenso obtido, além de poder ser utilizado para a avaliação, poderá servir de referência para a organização e o aperfeiçoamento de sistemas municipais de VISA. Os principais componentes desses sistemas seriam: infra-estrutura adequada e autonomia financeira; existência de planejamento setorial e intersetorial; política de recursos humanos, bem como de instrumentos para garantia da padronização e qualidade da ação; existência de articulação com as demais Vigilâncias e desenvolvimento de ações de comunicação e atividades informativas; existência de ações voltadas para a elevação da consciência sanitária da população e dos profissionais da saúde, dentre outros. A autora discute a provisoriedade do consenso obtido, o significado e os possíveis usos da imagem-objetivo final, ressaltando ser a mesma provisória, pois representa apenas um ponto de partida e de referência para um processo de redefinição de critérios e de renovação do consenso. / Salvador

Eventos toxicologicos como problema de saude publica : informação, ações estrategicas e modelo de toxicovigilancia para o Sistema Unico de Saude / Toxicological events like heath surveillance proposition : information, strategies and national heath system guidelines and model for toxicological surveillance

Gandolfi, Eliane 24 August 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Maria da Graça Garcia Andrade / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T12:06:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gandolfi_Eliane_D.pdf: 2106286 bytes, checksum: 8033c283ed5232f22b2d680fe338d89d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: O estudo objetivou conhecer a toxicovigilância no Brasil, com ênfase no estado de São Paulo, e propor diretrizes e modelo para o SUS. Foi utilizado banco organizado com esta finalidade a partir dos eventos toxicológicos registrados pelos CEATOX no Estado de São Paulo. Realizou-se dois estudos epidemiológicos descritivos de série de casos: um para o período de 1991 a 2000, no qual observou-se a distribuição em relação às características gerais dos eventos, dos pacientes, dos agentes tóxicos e das circunstâncias em que ocorreram, e outro em 1998, no qual observou-se a distribuição dos eventos toxicológicos relacionados a medicamentos. Encontrou-se no primeiro 128.769 eventos toxicológicos em humanos, originados em sua maioria de ligações telefônicas (68,65%), de serviços de saúde hospitalares (51%); 60,8% dos atendimentos presenciais, foram oriundos de enfermarias e, 33,3%, de UTI. Predominaram as exposições agudas (84,5%), por via oral (68%), oriundas de área urbana (87,8%). O principal local de exposição foi a residência (74%). Predominou para o sexo masculino (52%), com maior concentração até os 10 anos (43%), sobretudo aos 2 e 3 anos de idade. Os agentes tóxicos predominantes foram os: medicamentos (38,6%), agrotóxicos (17,9%) e produtos de uso domiciliar (15,4%). As principais circunstâncias: acidentais (47,0%), tentativas de suicídio (19,8%) e ocupacionais (11,7%). Os medicamentos ocuparam o 1º lugar entre todos os tipos de agentes tóxicos registrados, e foram predominantemente registrados por telefone (78,5%), a partir de hospitais (86,6%); originados em exposições agudas, por via oral (90,2%), em residências (85,7%) de área urbana (95%). Predominou para o sexo feminino (59%) e nos primeiros 10 anos de vida (49,4%), sobretudo aos 2 e 3 anos. Preponderaram os grupos terapêuticos: psiquiatria, analgesia/anestesia e respiratório. Preponderaram os princípios ativos: fenobarbital, diazepam, haloperidol, carbamazepina e bromazepam, e as circunstâncias: acidentais (38,8%) e tentativas de suicídio (36,5%). Foram analisados documentos marcos da política internacional, nacional, e estadual e os aspectos operacionais da toxicovigilância no SUS relacionados à: informação, assistência, vigilância à saúde, constituição de equipes e integração de áreas. Diagnosticaram-se os principais sistemas de informação que registram agravos com o objetivo de verificar o estado da arte em relação às necessidades da toxicovigilância, para o qual estabeleceram-se critérios. Considerou-se estratégica a construção de sistema específico, propôs-se instrumentos e aspectos operacionais. Propôs-se o modelo no marco da vigilância da saúde, a inclusão da exposição e do evento toxicológico como objeto do registro de informações para a toxicovigilância e que as análises e ações consideram causa e contexto, atuando de modo integrado, articulado, programático, com parcerias intersetoriais, promovendo ações preventivas, de promoção da saúde e de precaução / Abstract: The study to make known the toxicological surveillance in the Brazil, with accentuation in the State of São Paulo, as well as toxicological surveillance according to the National Health System guidelines and suggest and model. To assess the epidemiological characteristics of related toxic events in the Toxicology Centers in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, in period 1991 and 2000. A descriptive epidemiological case series study was conducted, using the category related toxic event, and registered cases were analyzed. The variables studied comprised the characteristics of the events and the affected patients, toxic agents and the circumstances involved. In the study 97% (128.769) the related toxic event concerning to human cases, related toxic events were mostly reported by phone (68.65%) and hospitals (51%); they were originated from acute exposure (84,5%), oral (68%) at home (74%) and place to work (13%) in the urban area (87.8%). Most people affected were males (59%) in their first decade of life (43%), mainly between two and three years of age. Drugs ranked first among all toxic agents registered in the Centers (38.6%) and pesticides (17.9%) and the products to use in home (15.4%). The main circumstances were accidental ingestion (47%) and suicidal attempts (19.8%) and the occupactional (11.7%). Another descriptive epidemiological case series study was conducted. Using the category "drug-related toxic event", 6,673 registered cases were analyzed in the Toxicology Centers in the State of São Paulo throughout 1998. The variables studied comprised the characteristics of the events and the affected patients, toxic agents and the circumstances involved. The analysis of toxic agents took into consideration three levels of disaggregation: therapeutical groups, active ingredients and commercial brand names. Drugs ranked first among all toxic agents registered in the Centers. Drug-related toxic events were mostly reported by phone (78.5%) and hospitals (86.6%); they were originated from acute oral exposure (90.2%) at home (85.7%) in the urban area (95%). Most people affected were females (59%) in their first decade of life (49.4%), mainly between two and three years of age. The most common active ingredients found were: phenobarbital, diazepam, haloperidol, carbamazepine and bromazepam. The main circumstances were accidental ingestion (38.8%) and suicidal attempts (36.5%) and among the related active ingredients, the most prevailing therapeutical group were psychiatric, analgesic/anesthetic and respiratory. Law-abiding practices regarding prescription drugs are needed, as well as toxicological surveillance according to the National Health System guidelines. Are needed as well as toxicological surveillance according to the National Health System guidelines. The instruments principal strategy the following the toxic events and the articulate to epidemiological surveillance and sanitary surveillance the occurrence to approach integral and sectors association actions / Doutorado / Saude Coletiva / Doutor em Saude Coletiva

An evaluation of electronic surveillance as a covert technique in the investigation of organised crime

Chetty, Jessie Soobramoney January 2019 (has links)
This research was initiated as a result of the ever-evolving sophistication of criminal syndicates in their perseverance of organised crime and their use of electronic covert methodologies. Based on the researcher’s extensive managerial and operational experience, and on his unofficial observation of prosecutors, investigators and intelligence operatives, it became clear to him that there is a lack of evidence in court regarding serious and organised crime prosecutions. This can be attributed to the lack of use of investigative techniques, or investigative techniques being incorrectly used and/or a lack of knowledge regarding the use of investigative techniques. One such example of an investigative technique is surveillance or electronic surveillance. In this research study, the use and legality of electronic surveillance as a technique in the fight against organised crime, is discussed. Both national and international literature have been perused on the topic in question. Interviews were conducted with experienced former SAPS officers who were exposed to the use of electronic surveillance in the investigation of organised crime, as well as interviews with prosecutors, outlining the positive attributes of, as well as the shortcomings in, the use of electronic surveillance as an investigative tool in the investigation of organised crime. Surveillance or electronic surveillance has been in existence for a long period of time, but its usage or “know how” has been limited to only a few. The main purpose of the research is to highlight the importance of electronic surveillance as a covert technique in the investigation of organised crime. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech. (Criminal Justice)

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