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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainability analysis of project components of Narayanganj district under RIIP 2 project : Scoping of PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) in feasibility assessments of donor funded projects in Bangladesh / Hållbarhetsanalys av delprojekt i Narayanganj distriktet inom RIIP 2 projektet : Avgränsning av PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) i genomförbarhetsanalyses av givare finansierade projekt i Bangladesh

Kabir, Yasin January 2016 (has links)
This research firstly analyzes the prevailing practice of conducting sub project appraisals or feasibility studies under the scope of sustainability. Then the research debates on the existing capital intensive, people exclusive, quantitative methodology of conducting SARs and urges on introducing more people oriented right based approach of doing such type of study for donor funded projects in Bangladesh. From the study it was found that ADB launches a very detail feasibility study before launching RIIP 2 project where they looked at environment, social and economic aspect of the project components. The cut throat methodology of quantitative research was adopted with barely participation of the community. Whereas , if PRA was adopted as the tool for the feasibility it would have been less capital intensive and for inclusive from a right based perspective.

Tjänstefiering och dess möjliga värdeskapande inom Electronic Manufacturing Service marknaden : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Inission AB / Servitization and its possibility for value creation within the Electronic Manufacturing Service market : A qualitative case study of Inission AB

Björklund, Moa, Wallén, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Under det senaste århundradet har den globala uppvärmningen ökat och samhället står inför en stor utmaning, ett skifte bör ske för att skapa en hållbar framtid. Företag måste idag utveckla metoder för att på ett innovativt sätt fortsätta växa ekonomiskt, men samtidigt väga in de miljömässiga och sociala aspekterna i sin verksamhet. Tjänstefiering är ett sätt för företag att utöka sitt erbjudande och skapa värde för sina kunder. Genom att addera tjänster till existerande produkter skapas en möjlighet att stärka sin position på marknaden. Den här studien syftar till att förstå på vilket sätt en hållbarhetsanalys, som tilläggstjänst, kan skapa värde för kunderna till ett Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS)-företag. Studien bidrar med teoretiska insikter kring Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis (LCSA) och dessa praktiska tillämpning. Studien bidrar även med insikter kring värdeskapande samt korrelationen mellan tjänstefiering och hållbarhet.  För att identifiera vilket värde en hållbarhetsanalys kan skapa har tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Resultatet visar på fyra olika faktorer som påverkar värderingen av en hållbarhetstjänst. Dessa är: krav från försörjningskedjan; kostnaden av tjänsten (komplex avvägning mellan fördelar och uppoffringar); regleringar, lagar och mål samt ansvarsfördelningen mellan kund och leverantör. Dessutom indikerar resultatet att tjänstefiering kan stärka företagets position på marknaden. En rekommendation till framtida forskning är att fortsatt undersöka korrelationen mellan tjänstefiering och lönsamhet samt mellan tjänstefiering och hållbarhet. / During the last century, global warming has increased and society faces a major challenge, a shift should take place towards a sustainable future. Companies must develop innovative methods to continue to grow economically, but at the same time take the environmental and social aspects into account. Servitization is a way for companies to expand their offering and create value for their customers. By adding services to existing products it creates an opportunity to strengthen their position in the market. This study aims to understand how a sustainability analysis, as an add-on service, can create value for an EMS- company's customers. The study contributes with theoretical insights regarding the use of LCSA and its practical applications. The study also provides insights regarding value creation along with the correlation between servitization and sustainability.  In order to identify what type of value a sustainability analysis can create, ten semi-structured interviews were conducted. The results show four different factors that affect the value of a service. These are: demand from the supply chain, the cost of the service (a complex balance between benefits and sacrifices), regulations, laws and goals, and the areas of responsibilities between customer and supplier. In addition, the results indicate that servitization can strengthen the company's position on the market. A recommendation for future research is to further investigate the correlation between servitization and profitability and whether servitization can contribute to increased sustainability.

Reservvattenförsörjning i Stockholms län : en hållbarhetsanalys

Andersson, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Befolkningen i Stockholms län väntas öka med omkring 445 000 personer från år 2010 till år 2030. Det ställer krav på många samhällsfunktioner, däribland dricksvattenförsörjningen. Idag försörjs mer än 90 % av länets invånare med vatten från Mälaren. Vattenförsörjningen kommer behöva anpassas efter befolkningsutvecklingen, både för att producera tillräckliga dricksvattenvolymer och för en driftsäker leverans. Vid problem med den reguljära dricksvattenförsörjningen kan vattenleveranserna säkerställas genom tillgång till reservvatten-täkter. Redan idag (2014) är reservvattenförsörjningen i länet bristfällig och behöver utvecklas för att möta även det framtida vattenbehovet. Hur stora volymer reservvatten som behöver säkerställas, och till vilka områden, beror på vilka scenarier för driftsavbrott som ska kunna hanteras. Länets vattenresurser är geografiskt ojämnt fördelade och reservvatten-behovet är större i vissa delar av länet än i andra. Det innebär att för ett effektivt utnyttjande av de tillgängliga vattenresurserna krävs samordning mellan länets dricksvattenaktörer. Därför bör alternativ till hur reservvattenförsörjningen kan förbättras tas fram och utvärderas på regional nivå.   Syftet med examensarbetet var att studera scenarier och alternativ för reservvattenförsörjning i Stockholms län, framför allt genom en hållbarhetsanalys. Alternativen togs fram baserat på resultaten av tidigare studier av länets vattentillgångar. Fyra scenarier för avbrott i den reguljära vattenförsörjningen valdes ut. Med hänsyn till dessa och utifrån en uppskattning av vattenbehovet år 2030 identifierades två alternativ för reservvattenförsörjning, A och B, som kunde klara att ersätta hela vattenbehovet. Alternativen studerades med en hållbarhetsanalys, där de jämfördes med avseende på hållbarhetskriterier inom sex huvudkategorier: Hälsa och hygien, Miljö, Ekonomi, Sociokultur, Teknisk funktionalitet samt Grad av oberoende. Alternativen skiljde sig principiellt åt genom att systemalternativ A utnyttjade andra vattenresurser än Mälaren, medan systemalternativ B var fullständigt beroende av Mälaren.   Resultatet av hållbarhetsanalysen var att systemalternativ B är mer hållbart än system-alternativ A. Det beror framför allt på att systemalternativ B presterade bättre med avseende på de ekonomiska och miljömässiga kriterierna. Dock förutsattes i hållbarhetsanalysen att reservvattenlösningarna inte behövde vara oberoende av den ordinarie dricksvattentäkten (Mälaren). Om krav hade funnits på att reservvattenförsörjningen ska vara fullständigt oberoende av den reguljära vattentäkten skulle systemalternativ B inte uppfylla kravet. Om hållbarhetskategorin Grad av oberoende inte skulle ingått i analysen hade systemalternativ B blivit överlägset mer hållbart än systemalternativ A. Utifrån analysen kan konstateras att eventuella krav på reservvattenförsörjningens oberoende av den reguljära täkten behöver diskuteras i länet. Det är också intressant att diskutera om fördelarna med avseende på övriga hållbarhetsaspekter (förutom Grad av oberoende) överväger tillräckligt mycket hos system-alternativ B för att bortse från beroendet av Mälaren, även om det är olika delar av Mälaren som utnyttjas. / The population of Stockholm County will increase by approximately 445 000 people from 2010 until 2030. This makes demands on many societal services, including drinking water supply. Today more than 90 % of the Stockholm County inhabitants receive drinking water from Lake Mälaren. An adaption of the water supply to the population growth is necessary in order to produce enough water and to ensure reliable water supply. In case of problems in the regular water sources, water supply can be ensured by the use of backup water resources. Even today (2014), the backup water supply in the county is insufficient, and needs development in order to meet also the future water demand. The volumes of backup water needed, and their spatial distribution, depend on the scenarios for disruption of the regular supply to be handled. The water resources in the county are unevenly distributed and the need for backup water is greater in some parts of the county than in others. This means that in order to ensure an efficient use of the available water resources, coordination between the county’s different drinking water actors is necessary. Therefore, alternatives for improvements of the backup water supply should be developed and evaluated on a regional level.   The aim of the master’s thesis was to study scenarios and alternatives for backup water supply in Stockholm County, mainly by the use of sustainability analysis. The alternatives were developed based on results from earlier studies of the water recourses in the county. Four scenarios for disruption of the regular water supply were chosen. In regards to these scenarios and based on an estimation of the water need 2030, two alternatives for backup water supply were identified, systems alternative A and B. The alternatives were assessed by a sustainability analysis, where they were compared based on six main categories: Health and hygiene, Environment, Economy, Socio-culture, Technical robustness and Magnitude of independence. The alternatives were principally different in that systems alternative A included exclusively other water resources than Lake Mälaren, while systems alternative B was fully dependent on Lake Mälaren.   The result of the sustainability analysis was that systems alternative B is more sustainable than systems alternative A. This is mainly due to the fact that systems alternative B had a better performance in terms of the economic and environmental criteria. However, in the sustainability analysis it was assumed that the backup water systems did not have to be independent of the regular water source (Lake Mälaren). If there would have been a requirement of the backup water supply to be fully independent of the regular water supply, then systems alternative B would not have been qualified. If the sustainability category Magnitude of independence would not have been included in the analysis, then systems alternative B would have been far superior to systems alternative A. From the analysis it is clear that possible requirements of independency of the backup water supply from the regular water supply, need to be discussed in the Stockholm County. It is also interesting to discuss whether the advantages in terms of the other sustainability aspects (besides Magnitude of independence) are large enough for systems alternative B to motivate a disregard of the dependency of Lake Mälaren, which however uses different parts of Lake Mälaren.

Enhancing sustainable fiscal policy in South Africa

Jibao, Samuel Sangawulo January 2013 (has links)
In this study, fiscal sustainability is defined consistent with the government intertemporal budget constraint framework which is related to the solvency of the government. Fiscal sustainability analysis in this context, therefore, considers the revenue side of the budget as well as the expenditure obligations. On the revenue side, the study highlights that fiscal authorities in South Africa continue to rely on income, profit and wealth taxes as they account for a larger share of government revenue compared to indirect taxes. However, immediately prior to the first democratic South Africa, there was a substantial shift from company taxes to personal taxes; a trend that has continued onto 2010. Analyses in this study show that the structure of the main taxes of South Africa compares less favourably to other emerging economies, and the worldwide averages. For instance, even though fiscal authorities have reduced the CIT rate from a high 50% to 28%, this rate is still higher when compared to other upper middle income economies and the rest of the world‟s average. The country compares no better either when the PIT rate is considered but its VAT rate compares favourably to that of the economies mentioned. Since the new era, in particular between 2000 and 2010, fiscal authorities in South Africa focussed on the reduction and stabilisation of marginal tax rates for the major taxes as well minimising the complexity in tax administration by reducing the number of tax brackets. Despite such effort, the wedge between the statutory rates and the realised average tax rates for the three main taxes is a concern regarding the protection of the revenue base. With regards to budget allocations, this study shows that collectively, expenditure on the social sector accounts for slightly below half of government consumption expenditure; specifically, however, there was a reduction in the proportional allocation to Education whilst at the same time the proportional allocations to Social Protection, Public Order and Safety and Social Grants increased. Defence expenditure was high pre-1994 and immediately after the first democratic election, but declined in the later years of the democratic South Africa. In general, the policy of fiscal prudence after 1994 resulted in a substantial decline in debt service cost, whilst the real growth rate of the economy increased considerably. Nevertheless, the former still exceeded the latter for most part of the period between 1994 and 2010. Having reduced its debt burden over the past decades, the South African government again finds itself facing a problem of rising debt due to an increase in the fiscal deficit. On the basis of this background, this study addresses four broad questions, namely: (i) was the fiscal stance taken in the past, sufficient to attain fiscal sustainability in South Africa? (ii) How did fiscal policy in the past adjust to budget imbalances and to what extent did that affect fiscal sustainability? (iii) Which are the optimal ways to v protect the revenue base; and (iv) How does the current fiscal dispensation (i.e. composition of expenditure and tax) affect the economy and inter alia fiscal sustainability? Different econometric techniques, namely: the Smooth Transition Error Correction model; the Logistic quadratic model; the Currency Demand model and the Bayesian Structural Vector Auto Regression Model are applied in the analyses. The findings of this study suggest that fiscal policy over the sample period has been sustainable but likely to be adjusted more quickly when the budget deficit exceeds 4.02% of GDP. However, the stabilisation policies by fiscal authorities are fairly neutral at deficit levels below the estimated threshold; that is, at deficit levels of 4.02% of GDP and below. The fiscal reaction speed of the South African government (i.e. increasing the tax burden) to lower the large deficit levels towards a band of tolerable values, indicate that they are indeed concerned about solvency. Thus, on the basis of this historical fiscal stance, it can be expected that fiscal policy will remain sustainable in the medium-term; and that the government‟s projection to reduce the fiscal deficit from a high 5.3% of GDP in 2010 to 3.0% in 2015 is plausible. In South Africa the main fiscal challenge, therefore, is to find ways through which the recent gains in fiscal solvency are not at the expense of the future revenue base. Consequently, the next objective in this study is to analyse one important element of protecting the revenue base, namely, possible leakages from it. In this regard, shadow economic activity is being investigated. This study finds that on average, the size of the South African shadow economy is 22.18% of GDP with estimated revenue evaded at about 7% of GDP. Further analysis shows that there is a strong positive relationship between the tax burden and shadow income but that this relationship is not symmetric. In South Africa, businesses and individuals are likely to react quicker when the tax burden changes fall outside the band of -3.64% to +2.13% of GDP but remains neutral as long as they are within this band. The implication of this finding is that, any attempt by the fiscal authorities to increase the tax burden to levels above the estimated threshold of 2.13% in order to close the budget deficit might trigger a significant response from the shadow economy thereby reducing the tax base and further worsening the fiscal deficit. Next, the analysis shows that an increase in total government spending has a “crowding–in” effect as real GDP per capita and real private investment respond positively. When government expenditure is disaggregated into consumption and capital expenditure per capita, the analysis shows that a one standard deviation positive shock in government consumption expenditure per capita increases real GDP per capita with a multiplier effect of 0.22, which is higher than the growth multiplier effect (0.16) of government investment expenditure per capita. In addition, the effect of the total tax burden on the GDP and private investment is negative and persistent in the long-term (i.e. after 4 years). The net effect of fiscal policy, therefore, is that it is growth enhancing in the short and medium-terms leading to fiscal sustainability (since r < g) but in the long-term, the growth promoting effects of increased public intervention is offset by the growth inhibiting effects of increased taxes; hence, a threat to long-term fiscal sustainability. vii The composition of the tax regime has a substantial influence on growth; whilst taxes on income and wealth reduce growth, indirect taxes have a positive effect on growth in the short and medium term. On the basis of the above findings the following suggestions are proposed: Firstly, the nature of fiscal policy in South Africa over the post-1994 period has shown to be successful from a fiscal sustainability perspective and should therefore be continued. However, the fact that government only seem to be pro-active in the case when the budget deficit exceeds the 4% margin and actually seem to be fairly neutral at deficit levels below this ratio should be noted. By implementing drastic tax increases in such a scenario could be detrimental to the growth of the revenue base. Conversely, tax relief at lower levels of the margin outlined, and even in times of surpluses could be growth enhancing and should be implemented actively. Secondly, the 2012 medium-term budget document requesting for additional taxes to boost revenue might lead to further growth in the shadow economy, as the projected tax burden increase recommended is above the estimated threshold of 2.13% in this study. Such a reaction from shadow income poses a threat to long-term fiscal sustainability. Thirdly, in their attempt to expand and secure the revenue base fiscal authorities in South Africa should consider further adjustments to the composition of the revenue base. The continuous reliance of the government on direct taxes is shown in this analysis to affect growth adversely, which could destabilise the fiscal gains already achieved. The results of this analysis, therefore, support the international trend towards a shift to indirect taxes from direct taxes. Fourthly, expenditure priorities have to be carefully considered. Fiscal authorities should guard against populist spending patterns and prioritise those expenditures that result in capacity building and enhancing growth and employment. In this regard, the declining trend in expenditure on education and health has to be reversed. A priori, only by focussing its expenditures coupled with enhanced efficiency within such “productive” areas, would government be able to contribute towards enhancing growth which in turn is essential for long-term fiscal sustainability. Thus, the analyses in this study show that in the short- and medium-term, there is no serious threat to fiscal sustainability in South Africa but long-term fiscal sustainability remains a challenge. To enhance long-term fiscal sustainability would require continuous adjustment of policies including the speed of policy adjustment, the stabilisation of the tax burden but with a redirection of focus from direct to indirect taxes; the protection of the revenue base, in particular a reduction in the existing level of tax revenue evaded and the reprioritisation of government expenditures. A broader social and political context of fiscal sustainability has, however, not been included in this study. In a middle income country like South Africa where the role of government is politically and socially important and controversial, future research could explore how the quest to enhance fiscal consolidation can affect political and social stability which may in turn endanger the sustainability of fiscal policy. On the other hand quantifying the fiscal implications of expected developments such as demographic changes, development in health cost and public pension liabilities, could initiate future research on this topic should more relevant data becomes available. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2013 / Economics / unrestricted

En hållbarhetsanalys över Lunds kommuns styrdokument / A sustainability analysis on Lunds municipality’s regulatory documents

Lycksell, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och göra en hållbarhetsanalys över Lunds kommuns styrdokument vad gäller hållbar utveckling. Styrdokumenten utgörs av programmet för hållbar utveckling LundaEko, Lunds kommuns översiktsplan och den fördjupade översiktsplanen för Brunnshög. Analysen är av kvalitativ karaktär och utgörs av en fallstudie och en dokumentstudie. Uppsatsen har tagit fram en egen analysmodell baserat på fyra relevanta indikatorer, de Globala målen och Agenda 2030 samt hur begreppet hållbar utveckling definieras och används i styrdokumenten. Undersökningen har ett större fokus på social och ekologisk hållbarhet i syfte att göra en mer djupgående analys. Kommunens fysiska åtgärder och definition av begreppet hållbar utveckling undersöks utifrån styrdokumenten. Resultatet visade att Lunds kommun inte har en enhetlig bild om vad hållbar utveckling innefattar. Kommunen har ett stort fokus på ekologisk hållbarhet, vilket resultatet visar bidrar till ett minskat fokus på social och särskilt ekonomisk hållbarhetsutveckling i stadsbyggnadsprojekten. De har därtill en fjärde dimension som de tar upp i sin översiktsplan, den kulturella dimensionen. Stadsbyggnadsprojektet i Brunnshög motiveras med sociala och ekologiska innovationer men flertalet av de policys och strategierna som presenteras i styrdokumenten realiseras inte i praktiken. Det råder en varierande tydlighetsgrad i vad som bör ingå i de båda översiktsplanerna. Begreppet hållbar utveckling är diffust, vilket kan vara en bidragande faktor till att kommunen har utrymme att använda sig av en kulturell dimension. Möjligtvis skulle framtagandet av en nationell mall för hållbar utveckling innebära att det inte lämnas utrymme för egna tolkningar. Detta skulle underlätta för stadsbyggnadsprojekt som Brunnshög. I nuläget slängs det med abstrakta strategier och policys samt nya hållbarhetsdimensioner, vilket leder till att fysiska åtgärder för social, ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet krockar. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate and make a sustainability analysis of Lund Municipality's governing documents regarding sustainable development. The regulatory documents consist of the program for sustainable development LundaEko, Lund Municipality's comprehensive plan and the in-depth comprehensive plan for Brunnshög. The analysis is of a qualitative nature and consists of a case study and a document study. The thesis has developed its own analysis model based on four relevant indicators, the Global Goals and Agenda 2030, as well as how the concept of sustainable development is defined and used in the governing documents. The study has a greater focus on social and ecological sustainability to make a more in-depth analysis. The municipality's physical measures and definition of the concept of sustainable development are examined based on the regulatory documents. The results showed that Lund municipality does not have a uniform picture of what sustainable development entails. The municipality has a strong focus on ecological sustainability, which the results show contributes to a reduced focus on social and especially economic sustainability development in urban development projects. They also have a fourth dimension that they address in their master plan, the cultural dimension. The urban development project in Brunnshög is motivated by social and ecological innovations, but most of the policies and strategies presented in the governing documents are not realized in practice. There is a varying degree of clarity in what should be included in the two general plans. The concept of sustainable development is diffuse, which can be a contributing factor to the municipality having space to use a cultural dimension. It is possible that the development of a national template for sustainable development would mean that there would be no room for personal interpretations. This would make it easier for urban development projects such as Brunnshög. At present, abstract strategies and policies as well as new sustainability dimensions are being thrown away, leading to physical measures for social, ecological, and economic sustainability clashing.

Three Essays on Economic Modeling and Environmental Policy Evaluation

Gong, Ziqian 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Sustainability Analysis Of Intelligent Transportation Systems

Ercan, Tolga 01 January 2013 (has links)
Commuters in urban areas suffer from traffic congestion on a daily basis. The increasing number of vehicles and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) are exacerbating this congested roadway problem for society. Although literature contains numerous studies that strive to propose solutions to this congestion problem, the problem is still prevalent today. Traffic congestion problem affects society’s quality of life socially, economically, and environmentally. In order to alleviate the unsustainable impacts of the congested roadway problem, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has been utilized to improve sustainable transportation systems in the world. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the sustainable impacts and performance of the utilization of ITS in the United States. This thesis advances the body of knowledge of sustainability impacts of ITS related congestion relief through a triple bottom line (TBL) evaluation in the United States. TBL impacts analyze from a holistic perspective, rather than considering only the direct economic benefits. A critical approach to this research was to include both the direct and the indirect environmental and socio-economic impacts associated with the chain of supply paths of traffic congestion relief. To accomplish this aim, net benefits of ITS implementations are analyzed in 101 cities in the United States. In addition to the state level results, seven metropolitan cities in Florida are investigated in detail among these 101 cities. For instance, the results of this study indicated that Florida saved 1.38 E+05 tons of greenhouse gas emissions (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent), $420 million of annual delay reduction costs, and $17.2 million of net fuel-based costs. Furthermore, to quantify the relative impact and sustainability performance of different ITS technologies, several ITS solutions are analyzed in terms of total costs (initial and operation & maintenance costs) and benefits (value of time, emissions, and safety). To account for the uncertainty in benefit and cost ii analyses, a fuzzy-data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology is utilized instead of the traditional DEA approach for sustainability performance analysis. The results using the fuzzy-DEA approach indicate that some of the ITS investments are not efficient compared to other investments where as all of them are highly effective investments in terms of the cost/benefit ratios approach. The TBL results of this study provide more comprehensive picture of socio-economic benefits which include the negative and indirect indicators and environmental benefits for ITS related congestion relief. In addition, sustainability performance comparisons and TBL analysis of ITS investments contained encouraging results to support decision makers to pursue ITS projects in the future.

Análise pluridimensional da sustentabilidade do ciclo de vida de um sistema estrutural de cobertura em madeira de Pinus: caso assentamento rural Pirituba II / Multidimensional sustainability analysis of a structural roof system life cycle made of Pinus wood: case Pirituba II rural settlement

Egas, Leonardo 25 June 2008 (has links)
O trabalho está inserido no debate dos sistemas construtivos mais sustentáveis, procurando analisar a forma como a construção civil está atuando atualmente e propondo alternativas para minimização de seus impactos. Nas últimas décadas esse tema vem sendo abordado de forma parcial, com proposições de novas tecnologias, sem no entanto avançar nos estudos que procuram avaliar as complexas relações existentes na realidade para resolução desses problemas. As práticas sociais, econômicas, políticas e culturais, normalmente não abordadas na maioria dos estudos, muitas vezes são causadoras dos atuais níveis de consumo e produção de resíduos e emissões, devendo ser necessariamente estudadas de forma indissociável às questões tecnológicas e ambientais e em relações de ganhos e perdas de sustentabilidade, para que então se proponham novos sistemas construtivos e procedimentos, capazes de trazer um cenário mais sustentável em determinado contexto e dimensão. O objetivo do trabalho é levantar e analisar os pontos de maior e menor sustentabilidade do ciclo de vida do sistema estrutural de cobertura em vigas laminadas pregadas de madeira de Pinus de 3ª qualidade, nas dimensões ambiental, social, econômica, política e cultural, avaliando suas relações de ganhos e perdas ao longo do processo. O trabalho dividiu-se em duas grandes etapas, sendo que na primeira foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica, levantando os atuais métodos de sustentabilidade e identificando seus limites e potencialidades, na qual constatou-se que nenhum estudo abrangia as diferentes dimensões de forma satisfatória, concentrando-se apenas na ambiental. Em seguida, para se aproximar de uma análise pluridimensional de forma satisfatória, escolheu-se a avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) como método mais indicado, associando-o aos indicadores Ethos, a outras variáveis levantadas da literatura e a uma nova ferramenta criada para organização e visualização dos dados, resultando no método proposto, a Avaliação Pluridimensional do Ciclo de Vida (APCV). Na segunda etapa aplicou-se o método desenvolvido em um estudo de caso único, o ciclo de vida do sistema estrutural em vigas laminadas pregadas produzido no assentamento rural Pirituba II, onde foram levantados os impactos gerados durante toda sua cadeia. Os resultados atingidos mostraram que a utilização da madeira em um processo de mutirão, com pré-fabricação em uma marcenaria coletiva, pode trazer impactos positivos, pois, além de ser um material renovável, é capaz de capturar do \'CO IND.2\' da atmosfera, gerar energia a partir de seus resíduos, gerar trabalho e renda e trazer melhorias na qualidade de vida dos mutirantes e da comunidade. O trabalho chega em uma análise de relações de ganhos e perdas da sustentabilidade, indicando os pontos de maior ou menor fragilidade nos processos e dimensões, possibilitando assim mudanças de postura frente a essas questões e auxiliando nas escolhas de sistemas construtivos mais sustentáveis. / This paper is enclosed in the discussion of a more sustainable building systems, seeking to study how the civil construction is acting out in the present time and offering alternatives to reduce its impacts. In the last decades this theme has been partially approached, with new technology propositions, however, without coming along with studies that assess the existing complex relations in the reality to solve these problems. The social, economical, political and cultural experiences usually not approached in most studies, mostly are the ones responsible for the current levels of consumerism and production of leftovers and emission, thus necessarily becoming the target of studies that connect them to the technical and environmental matters, regarding to the gains and losses of sustainability, to propose new building systems and procedures ables to bring up a more sustainable scenario in some contexts and dimension. The aim of this paper is to bring about and analyze the points of higher and lower sustainability in the structural roof system life cycle in nail-laminated wood beams made of 3rd class quality Pinus, in the environmental, social, economical, political and cultural dimensions, assessing its relations of gains and losses along the process. The work was divided in two big steps, having the first one step a bibliography revision, collecting data about the current sustainable methods and identifying their limits and potentialities, where it revealed that no studies has covered the different dimensions in a satisfactory way, focusing only on the environment. Following, to become closer to an acceptable multidimensional analysis, the life cycle assessment (LCA) was chosen as the most indicated method, connected to the Ethos indicators, the other raised variables from the literature and the new tool created to organize and viewing the data, resulting in the proposed method, the Multidimensional Life Cycle Assessment (MLCA). In the second step, it was used the method developed in the singular case study, the life cycle of the structural system of naillaminated beams, developed in the Pirituba II rural settlement, where the impact generated across the chain was raised. The achieved results showed that the use of wood in a cooperative process, with prefabricated parts in the cooperative carpentry workshop can bring positive impacts, since it is a renewable resource and also capable to capture \'CO IND.2\' from the atmosphere, to generate energy from its leftovers, creating works and revenues hence bringing quality of life for workers and the community. The work progresses to the analysis of relations in the sustainability gains and losses, suggesting the points of major or minor fragility in the process and dimensions, thus allowing changes of posture facing these matters and helping out in the choices of more sustainable building systems.

Análise pluridimensional da sustentabilidade do ciclo de vida de um sistema estrutural de cobertura em madeira de Pinus: caso assentamento rural Pirituba II / Multidimensional sustainability analysis of a structural roof system life cycle made of Pinus wood: case Pirituba II rural settlement

Leonardo Egas 25 June 2008 (has links)
O trabalho está inserido no debate dos sistemas construtivos mais sustentáveis, procurando analisar a forma como a construção civil está atuando atualmente e propondo alternativas para minimização de seus impactos. Nas últimas décadas esse tema vem sendo abordado de forma parcial, com proposições de novas tecnologias, sem no entanto avançar nos estudos que procuram avaliar as complexas relações existentes na realidade para resolução desses problemas. As práticas sociais, econômicas, políticas e culturais, normalmente não abordadas na maioria dos estudos, muitas vezes são causadoras dos atuais níveis de consumo e produção de resíduos e emissões, devendo ser necessariamente estudadas de forma indissociável às questões tecnológicas e ambientais e em relações de ganhos e perdas de sustentabilidade, para que então se proponham novos sistemas construtivos e procedimentos, capazes de trazer um cenário mais sustentável em determinado contexto e dimensão. O objetivo do trabalho é levantar e analisar os pontos de maior e menor sustentabilidade do ciclo de vida do sistema estrutural de cobertura em vigas laminadas pregadas de madeira de Pinus de 3ª qualidade, nas dimensões ambiental, social, econômica, política e cultural, avaliando suas relações de ganhos e perdas ao longo do processo. O trabalho dividiu-se em duas grandes etapas, sendo que na primeira foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica, levantando os atuais métodos de sustentabilidade e identificando seus limites e potencialidades, na qual constatou-se que nenhum estudo abrangia as diferentes dimensões de forma satisfatória, concentrando-se apenas na ambiental. Em seguida, para se aproximar de uma análise pluridimensional de forma satisfatória, escolheu-se a avaliação do ciclo de vida (ACV) como método mais indicado, associando-o aos indicadores Ethos, a outras variáveis levantadas da literatura e a uma nova ferramenta criada para organização e visualização dos dados, resultando no método proposto, a Avaliação Pluridimensional do Ciclo de Vida (APCV). Na segunda etapa aplicou-se o método desenvolvido em um estudo de caso único, o ciclo de vida do sistema estrutural em vigas laminadas pregadas produzido no assentamento rural Pirituba II, onde foram levantados os impactos gerados durante toda sua cadeia. Os resultados atingidos mostraram que a utilização da madeira em um processo de mutirão, com pré-fabricação em uma marcenaria coletiva, pode trazer impactos positivos, pois, além de ser um material renovável, é capaz de capturar do \'CO IND.2\' da atmosfera, gerar energia a partir de seus resíduos, gerar trabalho e renda e trazer melhorias na qualidade de vida dos mutirantes e da comunidade. O trabalho chega em uma análise de relações de ganhos e perdas da sustentabilidade, indicando os pontos de maior ou menor fragilidade nos processos e dimensões, possibilitando assim mudanças de postura frente a essas questões e auxiliando nas escolhas de sistemas construtivos mais sustentáveis. / This paper is enclosed in the discussion of a more sustainable building systems, seeking to study how the civil construction is acting out in the present time and offering alternatives to reduce its impacts. In the last decades this theme has been partially approached, with new technology propositions, however, without coming along with studies that assess the existing complex relations in the reality to solve these problems. The social, economical, political and cultural experiences usually not approached in most studies, mostly are the ones responsible for the current levels of consumerism and production of leftovers and emission, thus necessarily becoming the target of studies that connect them to the technical and environmental matters, regarding to the gains and losses of sustainability, to propose new building systems and procedures ables to bring up a more sustainable scenario in some contexts and dimension. The aim of this paper is to bring about and analyze the points of higher and lower sustainability in the structural roof system life cycle in nail-laminated wood beams made of 3rd class quality Pinus, in the environmental, social, economical, political and cultural dimensions, assessing its relations of gains and losses along the process. The work was divided in two big steps, having the first one step a bibliography revision, collecting data about the current sustainable methods and identifying their limits and potentialities, where it revealed that no studies has covered the different dimensions in a satisfactory way, focusing only on the environment. Following, to become closer to an acceptable multidimensional analysis, the life cycle assessment (LCA) was chosen as the most indicated method, connected to the Ethos indicators, the other raised variables from the literature and the new tool created to organize and viewing the data, resulting in the proposed method, the Multidimensional Life Cycle Assessment (MLCA). In the second step, it was used the method developed in the singular case study, the life cycle of the structural system of naillaminated beams, developed in the Pirituba II rural settlement, where the impact generated across the chain was raised. The achieved results showed that the use of wood in a cooperative process, with prefabricated parts in the cooperative carpentry workshop can bring positive impacts, since it is a renewable resource and also capable to capture \'CO IND.2\' from the atmosphere, to generate energy from its leftovers, creating works and revenues hence bringing quality of life for workers and the community. The work progresses to the analysis of relations in the sustainability gains and losses, suggesting the points of major or minor fragility in the process and dimensions, thus allowing changes of posture facing these matters and helping out in the choices of more sustainable building systems.

Évaluation, scénarios et viabilité écologique et économique des pêcheries côtières tropicales : application au cas de la Guyane française / Evaluation and ecological-economic scenarios of tropical coastal fisheries : the case of the french guiana

Cissé, Abdoul Ahad 02 July 2013 (has links)
La nécessité d'une approche intégrée des pêches est actuellement largement affirmée, notamment par la FAO, en particulier dans le contexte des pêcheries artisanales tropicales. Ces pêcheries à petites échelles, souvent multi-spécifiques sont très importantes en termes d'emploi et de production, y compris pour la sécurité alimentaire. Néanmoins ces pêcheries et la biodiversité exploitées sont souvent marquées, d'une part, par le manque de données rendant difficile leur gestion dans le cadre d'une approche écosystémique, d'autre part, par la complexité des systèmes écologiques et économiques sous-jacents incluant interactions trophiques et techniques.Cette thèse contribue à la mise au point d'outils bioéconomiques adaptés aux petites pêcheries tropicales dans la perspective d'une gestion durable des pêches fondée sur l'approche écosystémique. Dans cette perspective, la pêcherie côtière en Guyane Française constitue un cas d'étude particulièrement fécond. La thèse propose ainsi des évaluations multi-critères, des modèles bioéconomiques complexes et des scénarios de gestion viable pour cette pêcherie.Dans un premier temps l'analyse statistique multi-variée suggère un statut global satisfaisant de la pêcherie en termes de durabilité. Cependant des différences de performance sont notées au sein de la pêcherie, notamment au niveau des zones frontalières. Aussi des améliorations dans le mode de gestion sont proposées. Ensuite, à travers la modélisation bioéconomique, les projections des différents scénarios de pêche montrent qu'à long terme le niveau d'exploitation actuel peut ne pas être en adéquation avec la future augmentation de la demande locale et qu'une perte de biodiversité peut avoir lieu. Un scénario dit de « co-viabilité » conciliant des objectifs à la fois écologique, économique et social, avec une probabilité de réalisation satisfaisante, est mis en exergue. Enfin, la comparaison des comportements optimaux en situation coopératif et non coopératif, montre dans quelle mesure la viabilité est favorisée quand les acteurs coopèrent. Au-delà du diagnostic apporté pour le cas d'étude, la méthode utilisée s'avère prometteuse dans le contexte des petites pêcheries tropicales, tandis que l'approche de « co-viabilité » permet de trouver les modalités d'exploitation dans le cadre de compromis entre durabilité écologique et socio-économique, ce que les principes de gestion halieutiques traditionnels ne permettent généralement pas. / The need for an integrated approach to fisheries is now widely affirmed, including the FAO, in particular in the context of tropical artisanal fisheries. These small-scale fisheries, often multispecies are very important in terms of production, employment and food security. However these fisheries and the exploited resources are often characterized by a lack of data making difficult their management within an ecosystem approach, and by the ecological and economic system complexities including trophic and technological interactions.This thesis aims to contribute to the development of bioeconomic tools for small tropical fisheries in a sustainable management perspective based on the ecosystem approach. In this perspective, the French Guiana coastal fishery constitutes an interesting case study. The thesis proposes multi-criteria evaluations, complex bioeconomic models and viable management scenarios for this fishery. At first, multivariate statistical analysis suggests a satisfactory overall status of the fishery in terms of sustainability. However, some performance differences are noted within the fishery, particularly at border areas. Also, management improvements are proposed. Then, through bioeconomic modeling, projections of different fishing scenarios show that, in the long term, the current exploitation level may not be consistent with the future increase of local demand and a loss of biodiversity may occur. A scenario called "co-viability" reconciling ecological, economic and social objectives, with a high probability of achievement is exhibited. Finally, the comparison of optimal behavior in cooperative and non-cooperative conditions, confirms that harvest levels are greater when actors do not cooperate. Furthermore, it is shown that the state of the ecosystem depends on the fishing strategies and the type of interaction between species. Beyond the diagnosis made for the case study, the method is promising in the context of small tropical fisheries, while the co-viability approach allows finding the exploitation conditions under which ecological and socio-economic sustainability are meet, what the conventional fisheries management generally do not allow.

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