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Mot nätverkssjukvård i komplex miljö : - behov av en vetenskaplig syn på ledning för säker vård och effektiv resursanvändning / Towards networked healthcare in complex environment : – need for a developed scientific view on management for safe care and efficient use of resourcesLagerstedt, Marianne January 2016 (has links)
Since 2008 advanced home healthcare agencies (ASiH) in a larger Swedish county council has underwent a transformation, to become part of a coming concept: networked healthcare (NVS). NVS means that intermediate multi-organizational healthcare (IMV) will be produced often in the home, and from 2013 to an increasing number of patients in different age groups with different diagnoses and medical conditions - in large variability of needs. At the same time IMV has proved to be not simply practical to implement in a resource-efficient and patientsafe way. Based on theories from Command and Control Science the safetyproblem that arise in connection with IMV is a sign of the less known increasing need of the direction and coordination support that IMV requires. With a casestudy based research approach with interactive elements, different qualitative methods has been used in two phases between 2008 - 2013. The first phase is characterized by a phenomenological approach, while the second phase has a critical hermeneutic approach. Research methods includes fieldvisits with informal discussions, in-depth interviews, validation with respondents and two different methodologies for textanalysis. The main result shows that practical aggravating circumstances for safe care consists of lesser known and from 2013 increasing problems with direction and coordination, through expanded advanced IMV in the home as a part of NVS concept. This also as a result of inadequate and inappropriate direction and coordination support for IMV. The thesis concludes that the NVS represents a resource intensive health care concept, which requires a new view on the management issue and a network-related methodology for direction and coordination. This is to promote ethical, equitable, patientsafe and dignified advanced IMV so an optimized use of resources can be implemented, through shared responsibility and coordination in patientuniquely designed networkconstellations as a given work model. / <p>QC 20160926</p>
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En hållbarhetsanalys över Lunds kommuns styrdokument / A sustainability analysis on Lunds municipality’s regulatory documentsLycksell, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och göra en hållbarhetsanalys över Lunds kommuns styrdokument vad gäller hållbar utveckling. Styrdokumenten utgörs av programmet för hållbar utveckling LundaEko, Lunds kommuns översiktsplan och den fördjupade översiktsplanen för Brunnshög. Analysen är av kvalitativ karaktär och utgörs av en fallstudie och en dokumentstudie. Uppsatsen har tagit fram en egen analysmodell baserat på fyra relevanta indikatorer, de Globala målen och Agenda 2030 samt hur begreppet hållbar utveckling definieras och används i styrdokumenten. Undersökningen har ett större fokus på social och ekologisk hållbarhet i syfte att göra en mer djupgående analys. Kommunens fysiska åtgärder och definition av begreppet hållbar utveckling undersöks utifrån styrdokumenten. Resultatet visade att Lunds kommun inte har en enhetlig bild om vad hållbar utveckling innefattar. Kommunen har ett stort fokus på ekologisk hållbarhet, vilket resultatet visar bidrar till ett minskat fokus på social och särskilt ekonomisk hållbarhetsutveckling i stadsbyggnadsprojekten. De har därtill en fjärde dimension som de tar upp i sin översiktsplan, den kulturella dimensionen. Stadsbyggnadsprojektet i Brunnshög motiveras med sociala och ekologiska innovationer men flertalet av de policys och strategierna som presenteras i styrdokumenten realiseras inte i praktiken. Det råder en varierande tydlighetsgrad i vad som bör ingå i de båda översiktsplanerna. Begreppet hållbar utveckling är diffust, vilket kan vara en bidragande faktor till att kommunen har utrymme att använda sig av en kulturell dimension. Möjligtvis skulle framtagandet av en nationell mall för hållbar utveckling innebära att det inte lämnas utrymme för egna tolkningar. Detta skulle underlätta för stadsbyggnadsprojekt som Brunnshög. I nuläget slängs det med abstrakta strategier och policys samt nya hållbarhetsdimensioner, vilket leder till att fysiska åtgärder för social, ekologisk och ekonomisk hållbarhet krockar. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate and make a sustainability analysis of Lund Municipality's governing documents regarding sustainable development. The regulatory documents consist of the program for sustainable development LundaEko, Lund Municipality's comprehensive plan and the in-depth comprehensive plan for Brunnshög. The analysis is of a qualitative nature and consists of a case study and a document study. The thesis has developed its own analysis model based on four relevant indicators, the Global Goals and Agenda 2030, as well as how the concept of sustainable development is defined and used in the governing documents. The study has a greater focus on social and ecological sustainability to make a more in-depth analysis. The municipality's physical measures and definition of the concept of sustainable development are examined based on the regulatory documents. The results showed that Lund municipality does not have a uniform picture of what sustainable development entails. The municipality has a strong focus on ecological sustainability, which the results show contributes to a reduced focus on social and especially economic sustainability development in urban development projects. They also have a fourth dimension that they address in their master plan, the cultural dimension. The urban development project in Brunnshög is motivated by social and ecological innovations, but most of the policies and strategies presented in the governing documents are not realized in practice. There is a varying degree of clarity in what should be included in the two general plans. The concept of sustainable development is diffuse, which can be a contributing factor to the municipality having space to use a cultural dimension. It is possible that the development of a national template for sustainable development would mean that there would be no room for personal interpretations. This would make it easier for urban development projects such as Brunnshög. At present, abstract strategies and policies as well as new sustainability dimensions are being thrown away, leading to physical measures for social, ecological, and economic sustainability clashing.
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“We have got this wrong” : En kvalitativ fallstudie av H&M:s kriskommunikation på deras sociala medier i fallet om ”coolest monkey in the jungle".Gustavsson, Johanna, Sjögren, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Prior research has pointed out the importance of companies attending social media during company crises. Though limited studies have examined how crisis communication stands on social media platforms during real organisational crises. Done by a qualitative textual analysis conducted through official statements from H&M:s Facebook posts, Twitter posts and Instagram posts for this case, this study aims to explore how the crisis communication for H&M stood during their crisis “coolest monkey in the jungle” in January 2018 to see how H&M used effective crisis communication strategies. The textual analysis is used to study how the empirical material reveal recurrent strategies from Image repair theory together with the rhetorical concept of ethos pathos and logos. Based on prior research for crisis communication mainly made through case studies we use the same design which has been proven successful. Findings suggested how H&M regularly were using recurrent strategies from Image repair theory and the rhetorical concept in their crisis communication in this case. The outcome of this study shows an example for how crisis communication on social media can be and how effective crisis communication strategies can be used on social media.
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Praxisimmanente Pädagogik koreanischer ErzieherinnenHan, Jung-Sook 07 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The present study was aimed to answer the question, “how develop the korean after-school childcareworkers their pedagogy in the situation, where they do not get enough help from government”. Specific questions are: From what source do they create their pedagogy, what pedagogy do they develop and how does their pedagogy relate to the education of science? To answer these questions, case studies were conducted. 28 Korean careworkers were inter-viewed. These interviews were evaluated and analyzed according to the question.
As results, the author obtained the following conclusion:
1. The influencing factors for creating practice immanent pedagogy are personal educational belief, interests, earlier careers and vocational training of careworkers. The needs of children, parents and the social affiliation of the family are also important factors influencing their work. The social claim for school success plays a basic role, too.
2. The careworkers developed seven pedagogies, which often are in accordance with the so-cial affiliation of the family. E.g. compensatory education for lower class children, special education combined with socialwork, pedagogy which denies the mainstream of the korean educational situation and reforming education. There was education, which differs from the conventional teaching, such as the „project method”. Some careworkers practiced family sup-plementary education.
3. It was found that the pedagogy of the careworkers has much in common with the educa-tional science theory.
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Praxisimmanente Pädagogik koreanischer ErzieherinnenHan, Jung-Sook 13 April 2011 (has links)
The present study was aimed to answer the question, “how develop the korean after-school childcareworkers their pedagogy in the situation, where they do not get enough help from government”. Specific questions are: From what source do they create their pedagogy, what pedagogy do they develop and how does their pedagogy relate to the education of science? To answer these questions, case studies were conducted. 28 Korean careworkers were inter-viewed. These interviews were evaluated and analyzed according to the question.
As results, the author obtained the following conclusion:
1. The influencing factors for creating practice immanent pedagogy are personal educational belief, interests, earlier careers and vocational training of careworkers. The needs of children, parents and the social affiliation of the family are also important factors influencing their work. The social claim for school success plays a basic role, too.
2. The careworkers developed seven pedagogies, which often are in accordance with the so-cial affiliation of the family. E.g. compensatory education for lower class children, special education combined with socialwork, pedagogy which denies the mainstream of the korean educational situation and reforming education. There was education, which differs from the conventional teaching, such as the „project method”. Some careworkers practiced family sup-plementary education.
3. It was found that the pedagogy of the careworkers has much in common with the educa-tional science theory.
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Organiseringsprocesser i ett popband : bakom kulisser och mellan människor / Processes of organizing in a pop bandMalm, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Det finns ett gap mellan tanke och handling i mindre organisationer. Omedvetenhet om den egna verksamheten har lett till att både lyckad och misslyckad organisering getts missvisande förklaringar. Studiens syfte är därför att utveckla kunskap om och förståelse för organiseringsprocesser i mindre organisationer och specifikt i popband. Forskningsdesignen är en longitudinell fallstudie av ett popband. Metodologin har inspirerats av etnografi och har en abduktiv ansats. Den huvudsakliga datainsamlingstekniken har varit observation av chattande, men direkta observationer, intervjuer och reflektionsmöte har också genomförts. Resultaten visar hur popbandet organiseras i projekt och på vikten av komplexitet och den gemensamma mening som det kan skapa. Stöd har tagits i Czarniawskas organiseringsteori och Weicks teori om meningsskapande. Slutsatsen dras att ihållande och sammanhängande organiseringsprocesser är förbundna med kollektiva meningsprocesser. Strävan efter gemensam mening är en strävan efter att förverkliga organisationen som ett kollektiv. Implikationerna för välfungerande verksamhet i mindre organisationer föreslås vara att sträva efter komplexitet genom att involvera alla deltagares mest meningsfulla projekt i varandra, att schemalägga träffar och att sätta multipla deadlines, samt att undvika enväldigt ledarskap, att undvika konkurrerande kompiskollektiv, att undvika delegering och tilldelning av ansvarsområden och att undvika strävan efter en gemensam syn på verksamheten. / There is a gap between thought and action in smaller organizations. Unawareness of its own activities has led to misleading explanations for both successful and unsuccessful organizing. This study therefore aims to develop knowledge and understanding of processes of organizing in smaller organizations and specifically in pop bands. The research design is a longitudinal case study of a pop band. The methodology was inspired by ethnography and has an abductive approach. The main source for data collection has been observation of chatting, however direct observations, interviews and a meeting of stimulated recall has also been conducted. The results show how the pop band is organized in projects and the importance of complexity and the collective sense that it can make. Analysis is based on Czarniawska's theory of organizing and Weick's theory of sensemaking. It is concluded that sustained and coherent processes of organizing are associated with processes of collective sensemaking. An endeavor for collective sense is an endeavor to realize the organization as a collective. The implications for well-functioning activities in smaller organizations proposed to be to endeavor for complexity by involving the most sensible projects according to all participants into one another, and to schedule meetings and to have multiple deadlines, and avoid authoritarian leadership, avoid competing buddy collective, avoid delegation and allocation of areas of responsibility and avoid the pursuit of a common view.
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