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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing a model of sustainable learning appropriate to SMEs in the automotive supply sector

Bevis, Keith January 2009 (has links)
Evidence from national surveys conducted in 1995, 2002 and 2006 shows that, despite a variety of specific Government training initiatives, the UK automotive supply sector lags behind international competition and suffers from severe skills shortages. Long term recovery from this position will require improvements in education, careers guidance, recruitment and work related training. The aim of this research has been to design a model of work related training for the sector to help ensure that the learning involved delivers sustained changes in behaviour and skills. A series of case studies have been reviewed to provide a context of work related training in the sector. Separate surveys were used · to benchmark training performance in a World Class manufacturer to understand realistic norms of training output, to sample the sustainability of learning amongst SMEs engaged on similar training programmes and to determine the range of training needs across the automotive supply sector. In total data was obtained from 833 individuals in 389 companies. The initial conclusions that defined the requirements for the model were that The outcomes of training across SMEs in the automotive supply sector were mostly unknown, unmeasured and often unpredictable. For reference, even in large organisations it is estimated that 60% of training budgets lack quantifiable targets. Learners themselves are unpredictable, Training initiatives, deriving from recommendations of the Leitch report and which are „employer led‟ focus on “World Class Manufacturing” which, coming largely from the perspective of Automotive OEMs, means Lean Manufacturing. For smaller SMEs a constrained training offer can be an impediment to growth. Their needs are the more diverse. The model was synthesised from the survey results and its concept tested and refined by a further survey of sixteen predominately automotive companies. Tamkin‟s IES model from Human Resources was also used as a reference comparator. On the input side the new model stresses company readiness and relevance of training. On the output side it adds organisational impact to the accepted but often overlooked measurable outputs. Beneath each of the ten elements of the model there are quantifiable indicators for use with diagnostic tools in either a company‟s HR plan, a training provider‟s delivery planning or a funding agency‟s grant criteria. The companies most likely to meet these quantifiable criteria will be the competitive and innovative companies that operate as learning organisations. It is argued that training targeted on these companies will be cost effective to implement, provide measurable performance benefits and deliver sustainable learning.

Hållbar utveckling - i en ohållbar värld? : En jämförelse av grundskollärares uppfattning kring lärande för hållbar utveckling i skolan / Sustainable development - in an unsustainable world? : A comparison of primary school teachers' perception of education for sustainable development in school

Malmros, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Detta självständiga arbete behandlar grundskollärares syn på hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling, hur arbetet med detta läggs upp i skolor och vilket fokus detta ges i skolan. Arbetets syfte är att jämföra hur olika lärare, verksamma på skola i staden respektive på landsbygden, som arbetat olika länge samt undervisar i skilda ämnen, förhåller sig till hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling i sin undervisning. Arbetet lyfter vilka likheter och/eller skillnader som återfinns hos lärarna. Syftet är även att titta på hur lärares synsätt och arbetssätt förhåller sig till styrdokument, läroplan och regeringsbeslut. Det har i studien visat sig att lärarna inte till fullo uppfyller statens intentioner. Utgångpunkt för arbetet är följande frågeställningar: - Hur är lärares synsätt på undervisning kring hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling? - Hur förhåller sig lärares synsätt gentemot det som styrdokument, läroplan och regeringsbeslut säger angående hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling? - Går det att se någon skillnad på lärares synsätt utifrån variablerna verksamhetstid, undervisningsämne och om läraren arbetar i en skola på landsbygd eller i en stad? Uppsatsen riktar sig till alla som vill skapa sig en bild över hur olika grundskollärare, verksamma i de yngre åldrarna, förhåller sig till hållbar utveckling och lärande för hållbar utveckling i skolan och i sin undervisning samt vad som skiljer och/eller liknar sig i deras resonemang.

Grade 12 examination results' top 20 positions : the need for the creation of sustainable learning environments for social justice in all schools

Mahlomaholo, S. January 2012 (has links)
Published Article / Why do African learners continue to be underrepresented in the top 20 positions of the Grade 12 examination results, and what can be done to remedy the situation? Yosso's notion of community cultural wealth shows that it is because our education continues to exclude the African learners' ways of knowing and being that the situation remains as it is. Analysing discourses of top performing white former Grade 12 learners, their teachers, their parents and their former African classmates, indicate that including modes of knowing of all learners in the curriculum irrespective of their race, class, disability or gender may help to create more socially just schooling, which is reflective of sustainable learning environments.

Hållbart lärande i Varbergs kommun

Blomberg, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur undervisningen för hållbar utveckling ser ut för fem grundskolor i Varbergs kommun. Förhoppningsvis ska studiens resultat kunna hjälpa skolor i framtiden att se över sin undervisning gällande hållbar utveckling och på vis kunna bidra för en ljusare framtid. Metod – Den genomförda studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och baseras på semi-strukturerade intervjuer av sju stycken lärare på fem kommunala grundskolor i Varbergs kommun. Intervjuerna har bestått av åtta stycken frågor där författaren utgått från granskning av skolverkets läroplan samt aktuella undervisningsmetoder gällande hållbar utveckling. Resultat – Samtliga lärare för studien uttrycker kompetensbrist, tidsbrist samt brist av stöd från skolverket och Varbergskommun i sin undervisning när det gäller undervisningen av hållbar utveckling. Utifrån insamlade intervjuer konstaterades det att undervisning för hållbar utveckling hos berörda lärare för studien sker till största del genom miljöundervisning, speciellt i yngre åldrar. Där ligger fokus på lärdom om miljön i närområdet, materials egenskaper och förändring samt källsortering. Slutsats– Av studien kan författaren dra slutsatsen att lärarna behöver mer resurser för att kunna följa läroplanens mål för hållbar utveckling. Det räcker inte att som lärare utföra sina avsedda timmar med givna läroböcker för att nå läroplanens mål. För att kunna nå målen för hållbar utveckling måste lärare finna eget material som inspirerar elever och möter de kunskapskrav som idag är bärande i lärandet. / Purpose - The aim of this study is to investigate how the teaching of sustainable development looks for five primary schools in the municipality of Varberg. Hopefully, the study’s findings will help primary schools to revise their teaching regarding sustainable development and contribute to a brighter future. Method - The current study is based on a qualitative approach, based on semi-structured interviews with seven teachers at five public primary schools in the municipality of Varberg. The interviews consisted of eight questions, which the author has assumed from the review of the curriculum and the current teaching practices on sustainable development. Results – Teachers for the study expresses lack of skills, time and support from Skolverket and the municipality of Varberg in their teaching regarding work of sustainable development. Based on the collected interviews, it was found that education for sustainable development is done mainly through environmental education, especially at younger ages. There, the focus is on learning about the local environment, material properties and change and recycling. Conclusion - The author can conclude that teachers need more resources for to be able to follow the curriculum's sustainable development objectives. It is not enough that teachers perform their intended hours with given textbooks to reach the objectives of the curriculum. In order to achieve sustainable development goals, teachers must find their own material that inspires students and meet the proficiency requirements that are currently bearing in learning.

Sustainable knowledge sharing : An analysis of learning and management of knowledge in a water supply project in the Syrdarya region in Uzbekistan

Rydberg, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
This Master thesis in Science of Engineering and of Education at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm is conducted on the basis of a Minor Field Study financed by the Swedish International Development Agency, SIDA. The thesis aims to describe and analyze the process of learning and the knowledge exchange that occurs in a technical assistance project. The studied project is a water supply project in Syrdarya region in Uzbekistan. In every project of this kind, as well as projects of domestic character, the concept of knowledge sharing and management is essential for the success of the project. In the case of technical assistance projects and human aid projects, there is a discussion whether the projects help developing the country or if they rather make the countries weaker as regards to their own abilities. This study analyzes the transposition of learning and management of knowledge components incorporated in the goals of the World Bank and the interaction between international consultants and local engineers. Previous research has highlighted the importance of this interaction and of the informal roles taken by participants. The result of this study concurs this and indicates proof of a reality with high proficiency of, and conversance with, technical skills and theories. However, the result also indicates a lack of awareness of knowledge sharing and the question of how it could be integrated within the project on a daily work basis. The conclusion is that the “signal”, that is, the goals and visions of the World Bank concerning knowledge transfer, is successfully received and transposed at project design level as well as successfully received at local level. However, responsibility and active measures for final implementation almost solely depend on the will and engagement of each individual consultant. Eventually, the study underlines the importance of a project community of practice and of tacit knowledge. Because of the difficulties regarding conscious, continuous learning and management of knowledge when executing technical assistance projects there is a need for further research on the implementation of sustainable knowledge sharing, focusing on the incentives’ of the international engineers working in development projects and on the process of recruitment. Universities of technology have an important role to play when preparing engineers working with development projects. Keywords: Knowledge sharing, community of practice, technical assistance project, water supply project, sustainable development, sustainable learning. / Som grund för denna masteruppsats inom civilingenjör- och lärarprogrammet vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm ligger en SIDA-finansierad Minor Field Study. Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva och analysera processen av lärande och kunskapsutbyte inom ett tekniskt utvecklingsprojekt. Projektet som studerats är ett vattenförsörjningsprojekt i Syrdaryaregionen i Uzbekistan. Begreppen kunskapsdelning och kunskapshantering är väsentliga för den slutliga framgången hos varje projekt av detta slag och även i inhemska projekt. När det gäller tekniska utvecklingsprojekt och biståndsprojekt finns en diskussion gällande huruvida projekten hjälper landet ifråga eller om de snarare försvagar landet och dess egna resurser. Studien analyserar hur Världsbankens mål kring lärande och kunskapshantering överförs till internationella konsulter och lokala ingenjörer och hur samspelet mellan dessa ser ut. Tidigare forskning har pekat på betydelsen av detta samspel och på de informella roller som deltagarna tar på sig. Resultaten från denna studie understöder dessa slutsatser. Studien visar också på en teknisk verklighet som utmärks av yrkesskicklighet och förtrogenhet med tekniska teorier. Emellertid tyder resultaten även på att det finns en bristande medvetenhet kring kunskapsspridningen och kring hur denna skulle kunna integreras på daglig basis i projektet. Slutsatsen i uppsatsen är att ”signalen”, d.v.s. Världsbankens mål och visioner om kunskapsförmedling, överförs framgångsrikt till den nivå där projektet utformas konkret och även framgångsrikt förs över till den lokala nivå där projektet ska genomföras. Ansvaret och åtgärderna för det slutliga genomförandet är dock helt och hållet avhängigt den enskilde konsultens vilja och engagemang. I studien understryks slutligen vikten av en egen professionell arbetsgemenskap inom projektet och betydelsen av att ”se” även tyst kunskap. Svårigheterna kring medvetet och kontinuerligt lärande och kunskapshantering i samband med genomförandet av tekniska utvecklingsprojekt medför att ett behov av fortsatt forskning uppstår rörande hur en hållbar kunskapsspridning kan förverkligas, detta med fokus på de internationella ingenjörernas drivkrafter i utvecklingsprojekt och på rekryteringsprocessen. Tekniska universitet och högskolor har en viktig roll att spela i formandet av de ingenjörer som ska arbeta med utvecklingsprojekt.

The influence of the learner profile on recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment

Snyman, Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an assessment process through which experience gained outside academic contexts is recognised. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence the learner profile has on RPL assessment. To realise the purpose, the learner profile was described and consequently learning outcomes formulated for a portfolio workshop. The method which the study followed was a qualitative interpretative approach. The research comprised a literature study about adult learning theories that served as a theoretical framework for the study, as well as an overview of RPL assessment, followed by an empirical study. The empirical research component followed a multiple data collection method. The personal life stories of the research participants were analysed in order to compile a learner profile. The role the workshop played was determined from a learner perspective by means of an open questionnaire for participants. It included a collection of workshop photographs. Finally, the reflection of a group of RPL learners about their personal learning experiences was analysed. The research found that the learner profile included distinctive personal traits, such as motivation, task orientation, a sense of responsibility and an orientation towards the future. The nature of the learner profile as well as of informal learning gained within diverse learning contexts require directed preparation for assessment. The learners regarded the portfolio workshop as a sustainable learning process and as a transformational learning experience. The role the workshop played was multidimensional, as it served as preparation for compiling the portfolio. It also empowered and prepared the learner on a personal level for the context of tertiary education. Based on the research findings, the recommendations for an RPL approach should include the following: Firstly, the learner‟s voice should be afforded recognition. Secondly, preparation for assessment is essential. Thirdly, the preparation should follow an approach of assessment as a sustainable learning process. Finally, the learning outcomes for the portfolio workshop make a contribution to support the learners in bridging the learning contexts of informal learning and academic learning. The research makes a valuable contribution, as the empirical research shows that the holistic learner profile guides the approach to assessment. The mission of RPL to bring about transformation will only become a reality if a learner-centred approach recognises and empowers the learner on a personal and academic level. / Die Erkenning van Vorige Leer (EVL) is 'n assesseringsproses waardeur ervaring wat buite akademiese kontekste verwerf is, erken word. Die doel met die navorsing was om die invloed van die leerderprofiel op EVL-assessering te bepaal. Om die doel te bereik, is die leerderprofiel beskryf en voortvloeiend daaruit leeruitkomste vir 'n portefeuljewerkswinkel saamgestel. Die metode wat die studie gevolg het, was 'n kwalitatiewe interpretiewe benadering. Die navorsing bestaan uit 'n literatuurstudie oor volwasse leerteorieë wat as teoretiese raamwerk vir die studie gedien het, asook 'n oorsig oor EVL-assessering, gevolg deur 'n empiriese studie. Die empiriese navorsingskomponent het 'n meervoudige dataversamelingsmetode gevolg. Die navorsingsdeelnemers se persoonlike lewensverhale is geanaliseer om sodoende 'n leerderprofiel saam te stel. Die rol van die werkswinkel is vanuit 'n leerdersperspektief bepaal deur middel van 'n ope-vraelys aan deelnemers, wat 'n versameling werkswinkel-foto's ingesluit het. Laastens is die reflektering van 'n groepie EVL-leerders oor hulle persoonlike leerervaringe ge-analiseer. Die navorsing het bevind dat die leerderprofiel onderskeidende persoonlike kenmerke, soos motivering, taakgerigtheid, 'n verantwoodelikheidsin en 'n toekomsgerigtheid insluit. Die aard van die leerderprofiel, asook die aard van informele leer verwerf binne diverse leerkontekste vereis gerigte voorbereiding tot assessering. Die leerders het die portefeuljewerkswinkel as 'n volhoubare leerproses en as transformasionele leerervaring beskou. Die rol van die werkswinkel is meervoudig, aangesien dit dien as voorbereiding tot die saamstel van die portefeulje, asook die leerder op persoonlike vlak bemagtig en voorberei vir die konteks van tersiêre onderrig. Die aanbevelings tot 'n EVL-benadering behoort, op grond van die navorsingsbevindinge, die volgende in te sluit. Eerstens moet erkenning aan die stem van die leerder gegee word, tweedens is voorbereiding tot assessering noodsaaklik en derdens behoort die voorbereiding 'n benadering van assessering as 'n volhoubare leerposes te volg. Laastens lewer die leeruitkomste vir die portefeuljewerkswinkel 'n praktykgerigte bydrae om die leerder te ondersteun om die leerkontekste van informele leer en akademiese leer te oorbrug. Die navorsing lewer 'n waardevolle bydrae aangesien die empiriese navorsing toon dat die holistiese leerderprofiel die benadering tot assessering rig. Die missie van EVL om transformasie te weeg te bring, sal slegs 'n realiteit word indien 'n leerdergesentreerde benadering die leerder op persoonlike en op akademiese vlak erken en bemagtig. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The influence of the learner profile on recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment

Snyman, Maria 06 1900 (has links)
The recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an assessment process through which experience gained outside academic contexts is recognised. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence the learner profile has on RPL assessment. To realise the purpose, the learner profile was described and consequently learning outcomes formulated for a portfolio workshop. The method which the study followed was a qualitative interpretative approach. The research comprised a literature study about adult learning theories that served as a theoretical framework for the study, as well as an overview of RPL assessment, followed by an empirical study. The empirical research component followed a multiple data collection method. The personal life stories of the research participants were analysed in order to compile a learner profile. The role the workshop played was determined from a learner perspective by means of an open questionnaire for participants. It included a collection of workshop photographs. Finally, the reflection of a group of RPL learners about their personal learning experiences was analysed. The research found that the learner profile included distinctive personal traits, such as motivation, task orientation, a sense of responsibility and an orientation towards the future. The nature of the learner profile as well as of informal learning gained within diverse learning contexts require directed preparation for assessment. The learners regarded the portfolio workshop as a sustainable learning process and as a transformational learning experience. The role the workshop played was multidimensional, as it served as preparation for compiling the portfolio. It also empowered and prepared the learner on a personal level for the context of tertiary education. Based on the research findings, the recommendations for an RPL approach should include the following: Firstly, the learner‟s voice should be afforded recognition. Secondly, preparation for assessment is essential. Thirdly, the preparation should follow an approach of assessment as a sustainable learning process. Finally, the learning outcomes for the portfolio workshop make a contribution to support the learners in bridging the learning contexts of informal learning and academic learning. The research makes a valuable contribution, as the empirical research shows that the holistic learner profile guides the approach to assessment. The mission of RPL to bring about transformation will only become a reality if a learner-centred approach recognises and empowers the learner on a personal and academic level. / Die Erkenning van Vorige Leer (EVL) is 'n assesseringsproses waardeur ervaring wat buite akademiese kontekste verwerf is, erken word. Die doel met die navorsing was om die invloed van die leerderprofiel op EVL-assessering te bepaal. Om die doel te bereik, is die leerderprofiel beskryf en voortvloeiend daaruit leeruitkomste vir 'n portefeuljewerkswinkel saamgestel. Die metode wat die studie gevolg het, was 'n kwalitatiewe interpretiewe benadering. Die navorsing bestaan uit 'n literatuurstudie oor volwasse leerteorieë wat as teoretiese raamwerk vir die studie gedien het, asook 'n oorsig oor EVL-assessering, gevolg deur 'n empiriese studie. Die empiriese navorsingskomponent het 'n meervoudige dataversamelingsmetode gevolg. Die navorsingsdeelnemers se persoonlike lewensverhale is geanaliseer om sodoende 'n leerderprofiel saam te stel. Die rol van die werkswinkel is vanuit 'n leerdersperspektief bepaal deur middel van 'n ope-vraelys aan deelnemers, wat 'n versameling werkswinkel-foto's ingesluit het. Laastens is die reflektering van 'n groepie EVL-leerders oor hulle persoonlike leerervaringe ge-analiseer. Die navorsing het bevind dat die leerderprofiel onderskeidende persoonlike kenmerke, soos motivering, taakgerigtheid, 'n verantwoodelikheidsin en 'n toekomsgerigtheid insluit. Die aard van die leerderprofiel, asook die aard van informele leer verwerf binne diverse leerkontekste vereis gerigte voorbereiding tot assessering. Die leerders het die portefeuljewerkswinkel as 'n volhoubare leerproses en as transformasionele leerervaring beskou. Die rol van die werkswinkel is meervoudig, aangesien dit dien as voorbereiding tot die saamstel van die portefeulje, asook die leerder op persoonlike vlak bemagtig en voorberei vir die konteks van tersiêre onderrig. Die aanbevelings tot 'n EVL-benadering behoort, op grond van die navorsingsbevindinge, die volgende in te sluit. Eerstens moet erkenning aan die stem van die leerder gegee word, tweedens is voorbereiding tot assessering noodsaaklik en derdens behoort die voorbereiding 'n benadering van assessering as 'n volhoubare leerposes te volg. Laastens lewer die leeruitkomste vir die portefeuljewerkswinkel 'n praktykgerigte bydrae om die leerder te ondersteun om die leerkontekste van informele leer en akademiese leer te oorbrug. Die navorsing lewer 'n waardevolle bydrae aangesien die empiriese navorsing toon dat die holistiese leerderprofiel die benadering tot assessering rig. Die missie van EVL om transformasie te weeg te bring, sal slegs 'n realiteit word indien 'n leerdergesentreerde benadering die leerder op persoonlike en op akademiese vlak erken en bemagtig. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

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