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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Envolvimento de processos atencionais em tarefas de escolhas relacionadas à detecção e discriminação de estímulos sonoros, em ratos: avaliação comportamental / Involvement of attentional processes in a two-alternative choice task related to auditory stimuli detection and discrimination, in rats: behavioral evaluation

Marchelli, Leopoldo Francisco Barletta 05 December 2016 (has links)
A influência da atenção em processos de tomada de decisões é frequentemente avaliada através da tarefa denominada \"two-alternative choice\", em que os animais são treinados a emitir respostas baseadas na detecção e discriminação de dois estímulos discretos. Pela sua própria natureza, as possibilidades de se manipular a demanda atencional nessas tarefas é relativamente restrita. O desenho experimental básico adotado no presente conjunto de experimentos almejou possibilitar a variação das demandas atencionais durante o desempenho de uma tarefa que envolve discriminação auditiva, por meio da apresentação de sequências variáveis de \"beeps\" de mesma frequência (estímulos sonoros não informativos de 6 kHz) apresentados bilateralmente, seguidos de um estímulo informativo, um beep distinto de 3 ou 10 kHz, apresentado (1) bilateralmente, cuja frequência sinaliza a resposta a ser emitida (Experimento 1), ou (2) unilateralmente, cujo local de apresentação sinaliza a resposta a ser emitida (Experimento 2). No Experimento 1 observou-se uma redução dos tempos de reação para os estímulos alvo e uma redução da porcentagem de erros de comissão em função do aumento do número de estímulos não informativos, para ambos os estímulos informativos numa primeira fase e apenas para o de 10 kHz após a reversão da resposta inicialmente treinada. Curiosamente, os tempos de reação para o estímulo alvo de 10 kHz foram maiores em relação aos exibidos para o estímulo alvo de 3 kHz. Por outro lado, a redução da porcentagem de erros de comissão foi mais acentuada nas tentativas envolvendo o estímulo alvo de 10 kHz. No Experimento 2 houve aumento dos tempos de reação em função do aumento do número de estímulos não informativos apresentados. Os tempos de reação para o estímulo alvo de 10 kHz apresentado no lado esquerdo foram maiores em relação ao lado direito e também em relação ao estímulo alvo de 3 kHz apresentado no lado esquerdo ou direito. No mesmo sentido, houve menor percentagem de respostas corretas e maior percentagem de erros de comissão quando o estimulo alvo de 10 kHz foi apresentado no lado esquerdo. A porcentagem de respostas corretas assim como a redução dos tempos de reação são maiores no Experimento 2 em relação ao Experimento 1, sugerindo que nas presentes condições experimentais a identificação da fonte sonora é mais prontamente detectada do que a diferença de frequência dos estímulos alvo. Em conjunto os resultados obtidos mostram que o engajamento e manutenção de recursos atencionais longo do tempo variam em função da natureza periférica ou simbólica do estímulo alvo utilizado. A variação da frequência sonora dos estímulos alvo apresentados após uma sequência de estímulos não informativos também influencia o desempenho dos animais / The influence of attention in decision making processes is usually evaluated using two-alternative choice tasks in which the subjects react relying on detection and discrimination of two discrete stimuli. The possibilities of manipulating attentional demands in this kind of task is relatively restricted. The experimental design employed in the present experiments aimed at providing ways to manipulate the attentional demands during performance of an auditory task. This was achieved by presenting variable sequences of non-informative 6 kHz beeps, bilaterally, followed by one distinctive (either 3 or 10 kHz) informative beep presented either (1) bilaterally such that the frequency identifies the required response (Experiment 1) or (2) unilaterally such that the place of presentation identifies the required response (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1 data showed a decrease in both reaction times for target stimuli and percentage of comission errors as a function of the number of non-informative stimuli. These effects occurred early in training for both, 3 and 10 kHz target stimuli, and only for 10 kHz target stimulus after reversal of training. Interestingly, reaction times for 10 kHz target stimuli were longer relative to those seen for 3 kHz target stimuli. In contrast, reduction of the percentage of comission errors was stronger in trials using 10 kHz target stimuli. In Experiment 2 reaction times increased as a function of the increase in the number of non-informative stimuli. In addition, reaction times for 10 kHz target stimuli presented in the left side were longer as compared to both 10 kHz target stimuli presented in the right side and 3 kHz stimuli presented in both sides. Congruently, a smaller percentage of correct responses and a greater percentage of comission errors were seen when the 10 kHz target stimuli were presented in the left side. The percentage of correct responses and reaction times reduction were greater in the Experiment 2 as compared to Experiment 1, suggesting that in the present experimental conditions, identification of the place for stimulus presentation is prompter as compared to the difference in the frequency of the target stimuli. Together these results show that engagement and maintenance of attentional resources along time vary as a function of the peripheral and simbolic nature of the target stimuli. The frequency of target stimuli presented after a variable sequence of non-informative stimuli also interferes in performance of the subject

Mindfulness och dess effekt på uppmärksamhets- och perceptionsförmåga bland tävlingsinriktade idrottsutövare: En experimentell pilotstudie. : / Mindfulness and its effect on attention and perceptual abilities ofcompetitive athletes: An experimental pilot study.

Zlocki, Jakob, Johansson, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka effekten av en dos mindfulness session på 45 minuter och dess relation till: (1) Upprätthållandet av uppmärksamhetsförmågan, (2) exekutiv uppmärksamhetsförmåga samt (3) perceptuell förmåga. En experimentell studie genomfördes på idrottare (n=48) som uppfyllde särskilda krav för att få ingå i studien. Resultatet visade inga signifikanta skillnader gällande samtliga tre variabler mellan experimentgrupp och kontrollgrupp. Avslutningsvis diskuteras studiens resultat och implikationer i förhållande till tidigare forskning, med stöd av teoretiska referensramar. / The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of one 45 minute mindfulness session on: (1) Sustained attention abilities, (2) executive attention abilities, and (3) perceptual abilities. An experimental study was carried out on athletes (n = 48) who all met the specific requirements for being able to participate in this study. The results showed no significant difference in all three variables between the experiment group and the control group. In conclusion, the results and implications are discussed in relation to previous research, supported by theoretical frames of references.

Aandagtekortversteuring met en sonder hiperaktiwiteit : 'n neurosielkundige ondersoek na verskille in die onderliggende elemente van aandag

Wardle, Wilna Jeanne 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie ondersoek die moontlikheid dat aandagtekort versteuring met hiperaktiwiteit(ATHV/H) verband hou met probleme met voortgesette aandag, terwyl aandagtekort versteuring sander hiperaktiwiteit(ATHV/SO) verband hou met probleme met gefokusde aandag. Neurosielkundige toetse waarmee voortgesette- en gefokusde aandag gemeet word, word gebruik om drie groepe, naamlik ATHV/H(n=24), ATHV/SO(n=l5) en 'n kontrole groep(n=21), met mekaar te vergelyk. Resul tate dui daarop dat die groep ATHV/SO beduidend swakker presteer as die ander twee groepe op sommige van die toetse van gefokusde aandag, en ook neig om swakker te presteer op die toets van voortgesette aandag. Die groep ATHV/SO se probleme blyk gekoppel te wees aan 'n stadiger spoed van kognitiewe prosessering en 'n toestand van hipoopwekking. Die groep ATHV/H presteer nie beduidend swakker as die ander twee groepe op die toets van voortgesette aandag nie, maar presteer wel swakker as die kontrole groep op die Stroop Colour-Word Test waar inhibisie van ontoepaslike response vereis word. Die groep ATHV /H se probleme blyk verband te hou met frontale disfunksie wat manifesteer as 'n neighing tot impulsiwiteit en gebrekkige gedragsregulering. / This study examined the possibility that attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity(ADHD/H) is related to problems with sustained attention, while attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity (ADHD/WO) is related to problems with focussed attention. The performance of three groups: ADHD/H (n=24), ADHD/WO(n=15) and a control group(n=21) were compared. Results indicated that the ADHD/WO group performed significantly poorer than the other two groups on some of the tests of focussed attention and also tended to perform poorer on the test assessing sustained attention. This groups' symtoms appear to be related to a slowed speed of processing and a state of hypo-arousal. The ADHD/H group did not perform poorer than the other two groups on the test assessing sustained attention. The ADHD/H groups' symptoms appear to be related to frontal dysfunction resulting in impulsivity and poor behavioural control. / Psychology / M.A. (Sielkunde)

Envolvimento de processos atencionais em tarefas de escolhas relacionadas à detecção e discriminação de estímulos sonoros, em ratos: avaliação comportamental / Involvement of attentional processes in a two-alternative choice task related to auditory stimuli detection and discrimination, in rats: behavioral evaluation

Leopoldo Francisco Barletta Marchelli 05 December 2016 (has links)
A influência da atenção em processos de tomada de decisões é frequentemente avaliada através da tarefa denominada \"two-alternative choice\", em que os animais são treinados a emitir respostas baseadas na detecção e discriminação de dois estímulos discretos. Pela sua própria natureza, as possibilidades de se manipular a demanda atencional nessas tarefas é relativamente restrita. O desenho experimental básico adotado no presente conjunto de experimentos almejou possibilitar a variação das demandas atencionais durante o desempenho de uma tarefa que envolve discriminação auditiva, por meio da apresentação de sequências variáveis de \"beeps\" de mesma frequência (estímulos sonoros não informativos de 6 kHz) apresentados bilateralmente, seguidos de um estímulo informativo, um beep distinto de 3 ou 10 kHz, apresentado (1) bilateralmente, cuja frequência sinaliza a resposta a ser emitida (Experimento 1), ou (2) unilateralmente, cujo local de apresentação sinaliza a resposta a ser emitida (Experimento 2). No Experimento 1 observou-se uma redução dos tempos de reação para os estímulos alvo e uma redução da porcentagem de erros de comissão em função do aumento do número de estímulos não informativos, para ambos os estímulos informativos numa primeira fase e apenas para o de 10 kHz após a reversão da resposta inicialmente treinada. Curiosamente, os tempos de reação para o estímulo alvo de 10 kHz foram maiores em relação aos exibidos para o estímulo alvo de 3 kHz. Por outro lado, a redução da porcentagem de erros de comissão foi mais acentuada nas tentativas envolvendo o estímulo alvo de 10 kHz. No Experimento 2 houve aumento dos tempos de reação em função do aumento do número de estímulos não informativos apresentados. Os tempos de reação para o estímulo alvo de 10 kHz apresentado no lado esquerdo foram maiores em relação ao lado direito e também em relação ao estímulo alvo de 3 kHz apresentado no lado esquerdo ou direito. No mesmo sentido, houve menor percentagem de respostas corretas e maior percentagem de erros de comissão quando o estimulo alvo de 10 kHz foi apresentado no lado esquerdo. A porcentagem de respostas corretas assim como a redução dos tempos de reação são maiores no Experimento 2 em relação ao Experimento 1, sugerindo que nas presentes condições experimentais a identificação da fonte sonora é mais prontamente detectada do que a diferença de frequência dos estímulos alvo. Em conjunto os resultados obtidos mostram que o engajamento e manutenção de recursos atencionais longo do tempo variam em função da natureza periférica ou simbólica do estímulo alvo utilizado. A variação da frequência sonora dos estímulos alvo apresentados após uma sequência de estímulos não informativos também influencia o desempenho dos animais / The influence of attention in decision making processes is usually evaluated using two-alternative choice tasks in which the subjects react relying on detection and discrimination of two discrete stimuli. The possibilities of manipulating attentional demands in this kind of task is relatively restricted. The experimental design employed in the present experiments aimed at providing ways to manipulate the attentional demands during performance of an auditory task. This was achieved by presenting variable sequences of non-informative 6 kHz beeps, bilaterally, followed by one distinctive (either 3 or 10 kHz) informative beep presented either (1) bilaterally such that the frequency identifies the required response (Experiment 1) or (2) unilaterally such that the place of presentation identifies the required response (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1 data showed a decrease in both reaction times for target stimuli and percentage of comission errors as a function of the number of non-informative stimuli. These effects occurred early in training for both, 3 and 10 kHz target stimuli, and only for 10 kHz target stimulus after reversal of training. Interestingly, reaction times for 10 kHz target stimuli were longer relative to those seen for 3 kHz target stimuli. In contrast, reduction of the percentage of comission errors was stronger in trials using 10 kHz target stimuli. In Experiment 2 reaction times increased as a function of the increase in the number of non-informative stimuli. In addition, reaction times for 10 kHz target stimuli presented in the left side were longer as compared to both 10 kHz target stimuli presented in the right side and 3 kHz stimuli presented in both sides. Congruently, a smaller percentage of correct responses and a greater percentage of comission errors were seen when the 10 kHz target stimuli were presented in the left side. The percentage of correct responses and reaction times reduction were greater in the Experiment 2 as compared to Experiment 1, suggesting that in the present experimental conditions, identification of the place for stimulus presentation is prompter as compared to the difference in the frequency of the target stimuli. Together these results show that engagement and maintenance of attentional resources along time vary as a function of the peripheral and simbolic nature of the target stimuli. The frequency of target stimuli presented after a variable sequence of non-informative stimuli also interferes in performance of the subject

Attention soutenue et vieillissement normal : étude des mécanismes cognitifs et neuronaux associés au contrôle attentionnel / Sustained attention and normal aging : study of cognitive and neuronal mechanisms associated with attentional control

Staub, Bérengère 17 September 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse était d’avancer dans la connaissance des effets du vieillissement normal sur les capacités d’attention soutenue et les mécanismes de contrôle attentionnel qui les sous-tendent. A cette fin, nous avons combiné l’utilisation de mesures comportementales, subjectives, et électrophysiologiques (potentiels évoqués). Les résultats comportementaux mettent en évidence des effets différenciés de l’âge sur les capacités d’attention soutenue en fonction de l’approche utilisée : détérioration dans les tâches de détection, et préservation dans les tâches d’inhibition. Les données électrophysiologiques mettent en évidence plusieurs spécificités des seniors dans l’engagement des mécanismes de contrôle attentionnel en situation d’attention soutenue : une activation globalement plus importante de ces mécanismes, une activation maintenue ou augmentée de ces mécanismes au fil de la tâche, et une topographie plus frontale des régions qui les sous-tendent. / The purpose of this project was to gain more knowledge about the effects of normal aging on sustained attention ability and attentional control mechanisms underlying this ability. To that end, we combined the use of behavioral, subjective and electrophysiological (event-related potentials) measures. Behavioral results evidenced differential effects of age on sustained attention ability according to the approach used: deterioration in detection tasks, and preservation in inhibition tasks. Electrophysiological data evidenced several special features of seniors regarding the recruitment of attentional control mechanisms in a situation of sustained attention: overall greater activation of these mechanisms, stable or increased activation of these mechanisms over the course of the task, and a more frontal topography of the regions underlying these mechanisms.

Étude des mécanismes de contrôle cognitif sous-tendant les détériorations et fluctuations d'attention soutenue chez les patients souffrant de schizophrénie et les sujets sains / Study of cognitive control mechanisms underlying deteriorations and fluctuations of sustained attention in patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects

Hoonakker, Marc 19 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été d’avancer dans les connaissances des mécanismes de contrôle cognitif sous-tendant les détériorations et fluctuations d’attention soutenue chez les patients souffrant de schizophrénie et les sujets sains. Dans ce but, nous avons combiné mesures comportementales, électrophysiologiques et subjectives. Nos résultats montrent une préservation des capacités d’attention soutenue chez les patients ainsi qu’une origine distincte des variations d’attention soutenue chez les patients. Les détériorations sont sous-tendues par une diminution du mode de contrôle réactif chez les patients et du mode proactif chez les témoins. De plus, différents précurseurs des lapses attentionnels ont été mis en évidence chez les patients selon l’état attentionnel. Les variations d’attention soutenue sont principalement liées à une diminution des ressources attentionnelles chez les patients, alors que chez les témoins, en fonction de l’état attentionnel, elles pourraient également être liées à un désengagement, une défaillance du contrôle cognitif. / The purpose of this project was to gain more knowledge about cognitive control mechanisms underlying deteriorations and fluctuation of sustained attention in schizophrenia and healthy participants. To that end, we combined the use of behavioral, electrophysiological (event-related potentials and functional connectivity) and subjective measures. Our results revealed spared sustained attention in schizophrenia and a distinct patterns of sustained attention changes in schizophrenia. Deteriorations are underlined by a decrease of reactive mode of cognitive control in patients and by a decrease of proactive mode in controls. Our results also highlighted slightly distinct patterns of precursors of lapses in sustained attention in schizophrenia according to the attentional state. Sustained attention changes are associated with resource depletion in patients, whereas in healthy participants, according to attentional state, they could also be caused by disengagement of cognitive control.

Covariation and Synchronicity of Sustained Attention Measures in Infancy

Wei Siong Neo (9721622) 15 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Sustained attention, the ability to direct and maintain attentional focus on tasks and stimuli, emerges during infancy and undergoes rapid development throughout early childhood. Abnormal patterns of sustained attention are implicated in several childhood psychological disorders. Improving our measurement of infant sustained attention may clarify how child psychopathology develops and inform targeted prevention and early intervention efforts. While several behavioral and psychophysiological measures index infant sustained attention, previous studies have employed these measures in isolation, focused on analyses at short timescales of milliseconds to a few seconds, and examined synchronous associations among these measures. Therefore, the associations and temporal relationships across multiple, concurrent behavioral and psychophysiological measures of infant sustained attention remain unclear, particularly at long timescales. The present study assessed sustained attention in 12-month-old infants using behavioral (looking), cardiac (heart rate), and neural (theta and alpha oscillations) measures to investigate two temporal aspects of infant sustained attention. First, we examined whether associations among infant sustained attention measures were similar or different across short (1-second) and long (10-second) timescales. Covariation analyses indicated largely similar association patterns among these measures across the two timescales. Second, we evaluated whether specific infant sustained attention measures temporally preceded other measures. Cross-correlation analyses broadly revealed that short-timescale measures exhibited asynchronous temporal relationships, such that looking behaviors preceded neural oscillations that in turn preceded cardiac responses. Our findings highlight the value of considering the temporal dimension when studying and measuring infant sustained attention. Additional multimodal research may yield greater insights into dynamic biobehavioral processes that underlie infant sustained attention and enhance clinical interventions aimed at promoting optimal outcomes for young children with abnormalities in sustained attention.</p>

The Effects of Chronic Sleep Deprivation on Sustained Attention: A Study of Brain Dynamic Functional Connectivity

He, Yiling 01 January 2015 (has links)
It is estimated that about 35-40% of adults in the U.S. suffer from insufficient sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation has become a prevalent phenomenon because of contemporary lifestyle and work-related factors. Sleep deprivation can reduce the capabilities and efficiency of attentional performance by impairing perception, increasing effort to maintain concentration, as well as introducing vision disturbance. Thus, it is important to understand the neural mechanisms behind how chronic sleep deprivation impairs sustained attention. In recent years, more attention has been paid to the study of the integration between anatomically distributed and functionally connected brain regions. Functional connectivity has been widely used to characterize brain functional integration, which measures the statistical dependency between neurophysiological events of the human brain. Further, evidence from recent studies has shown the non-stationary nature of brain functional connectivity, which may reveal more information about the human brain. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to investigate the effects of chronic sleep deprivation on sustained attention from the perspective of dynamic functional connectivity. A modified spatial cueing paradigm was used to assess human sustained attention in rested wakefulness and chronic sleep deprivation conditions. Partial least squares approach was applied to distinguish brain functional connectivity for the experimental conditions. With the integration of a sliding-window approach, dynamic patterns of brain functional connectivity were identified in two experimental conditions. The brain was modeled as a series of dynamic functional networks in each experimental condition. Graph theoretic analysis was performed to investigate the dynamic properties of brain functional networks, using network measures of clustering coefficient and characteristics path length. In the chronic sleep deprivation condition, a compensation mechanism between highly clustered organization and ineffective adaptability of brain functional networks was observed. Specifically, a highly clustered organization of brain functional networks was illustrated with a large clustering coefficient. This organization suggested that brain utilizes more connections to maintain attention in the chronic sleep deprivation condition. A smaller impact of clustering coefficient variation on characteristics path lengths indicated an ineffective adaptability of brain functional networks in the chronic sleep deprivation condition. In the rested wakefulness condition, brain functional networks showed the small-world topology in general, with the average small-world topology index larger than one. Small-world topology was identified as an optimal network structure with the balance between local information processing and global integration. Given the fluctuating values of the index over time, small-world brain networks were observed in most cases, indicating an effective adaptability of the human brain to maintain the dominance of small-world networks in the rested wakefulness condition. On the contrary, given that the average small-world topology index was smaller than one, brain functional networks generally exhibited random network structure. From the perspective of dynamic functional networks, even though there were few cases showing small-world brain networks, brain functional networks failed to maintain the dominance of small-world topology in the chronic sleep deprivation condition. In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge this thesis was the first to investigate the effects of chronic sleep deprivation on sustained attention from the perspective of dynamic brain functional connectivity. A compensation mechanism between highly clustered organization and ineffective adaptability of brain functional networks was observed in the chronic sleep deprivation condition. Furthermore, chronic sleep deprivation impaired sustained attention by reducing the effectiveness of brain functional networks' adaptability, resulting in the disrupted dominance of small-world brain networks.

Effects of Subjective Workload Measurement During a Workload Transition on Task Performance

Bowers, Drew 26 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity and Stress as Predictors of Vigilance

Reinerman, Lauren E. 04 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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