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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento e aparato de suporte à locomoção aquática de bebês e de crianças de 3 a 24 meses / Development of an apparatus to support aquatic locomotion of infants and children from 3 to 24 months

Dias, Jorge Augusto Barbosa de Sales 21 March 2013 (has links)
A natação para bebês e crianças de até 2 anos de idade é a atividade física mais comumente realizada por essa população em todo mundo. Tal sucesso se deve aos possíveis benefícios que essa prática pode trazer para o desenvolvimento infantil. Contudo, a investigação dos efeitos da natação sobre essa população ainda são incipientes. No que concerne ao método, há carência de um protocolo padronizado para observação e registro do comportamento do bebê e da criança no meio líquido. Há diferentes métodos de pegadas, de posturas e de posicionamento descritos comprometendo a confiabilidade das investigações. O objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver um aparato de suporte à locomoção aquática de bebês e de crianças de 3 a 24 meses de idade. Buscou-se um aparato que permitisse um controle na forma de sustentação do bebê e que ao mesmo tempo permitisse e discriminasse as ações motoras demonstradas pelos participantes. O desenvolvimento do aparato consistiu de: I. Revisão de literatura para identificar os comportamentos a serem facilitados com o aparato; II. Elaboração do memorial descritivo do aparato com os propósitos a que se destina, suas características e especificidades técnicas, simulações de sua utilização etc.; III. Construção do protótipo do aparato e sua testagem; IV. Testagem de sua funcionalidade. A funcionalidade do aparato foi analisada por duas formas. 1- Pela apreciação dos peritos a partir dos filmes das sessões de testes com os bebês. Participaram cinco peritos com formação no estudo do comportamento motor (2 doutores e 3 mestres) e com experiência sobre o nadar de bebês e crianças. 2- Pela qualificação e quantificação das ações dos bebês e das crianças no uso do aparato. Dez indivíduos com idades variando entre 5 e 22 meses participaram das sessões de testes. Todos foram nascidos a termo e com o APGAR de oito ou mais no primeiro e no quinto minuto. Os peritos foram unânimes em considerar que o aparato funcionou e que está adequado ao uso que se destina (principalmente para pesquisas). Houve restrição sobre a segurança do bebê, particularmente no bebê mais jovem, apontada por dois peritos que foi prontamente corrigida no aparato. Todos os indivíduos puderam utilizar o aparato manifestando variabilidade intra e inter-individual. As análises das ações indicaram que o aparato deu apoio suficiente para a locomoção sem restringir a diversidade de padrões / Swimming for babies and children up to 2 years of age is the most commonly performed physical activity for this population worldwide. This success is due to the possible benefits that this practice can bring to their development. However, the research on the effects of swimming on this population are still incipient. Regarding the method, there is a lack of a standardized protocol for observing and recording behavior of babies and children in water. There are different techniques for holding babies, positioning them and postures, though none have been subject of investigation thus compromising research reliability. The aim of this study was to develop an apparatus to support aquatic locomotion of infants and children, 3-24 months of age. We sought an apparatus to allow a standardized holding technique to sustain the baby as well as to give enough freedom for the participants to experiment and show different motor actions. The development of the apparatus consisted of: I. Literature review to identify the behaviors to be \"facilitated\" by the apparatus; II. Elaboration of a descriptive memorial for the apparatus, describing its intended purpose, its technical features, its use and simulations etc.; III. Constructing and testing the apparatus; IV. The testing of its functionality in two ways. 1 - Expert assessment of the apparatus from video recordings of testing sessions with babies. There were five experts on motor behavior (two PhDs and three Masters) and baby swimming. 2 Description of babies action while in the use of the apparatus. Ten individuals with ages varying between 5 to 22 months took part in the testing sessions. They were all full term born and got 8 or more on the APGAR done in the first and fifth minute. The experts were unanimous in considering the apparatus functional and suitable for its intended use (research mostly). There was a concern on babiessafety, particularly for the young ones, made by two experts which has been promptly corrected in the apparatus. All babies and children could use the apparatus when intra and inter-individual variability were manifested. The analysis of their actions indicated that the apparatus gave sufficient support for their locomotion without restraining them the diversity of patterns

An Evaluation of Swimming Abilities of the Freshman Men of Utah State Agricultural College

Morris, Rollo J. 01 May 1949 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to attempt to determine and evaluate the swimming abilities of the male freshman students of the Utah State Agricultural College. A method of classification will be used to determine and evaluate the swimming abilities of these students. It is assumed that a check list can be used to determine swimming abilities. The method of determining the swimming abilities will be of value as a quick way of classifying entering students. The classifications will be valuable as bases for swimming instruction.

The Air Is Free

January 2014 (has links)

Proposta de um modelo híbrido de potencialização pós-ativação para melhora do desempenho de nadadores velocistas / Proposition of a hybrid model of postactivation potentiation to improve the performance of sprinter swimmers

Arruda, Tarine Botta de 01 February 2019 (has links)
Tradicionalmente na natação, os protocolos de aquecimento são aplicados em elevado volume e intensidade moderada. Entretanto, evidências demonstram que a utilização de esforços com elevada intensidade, principalmente exercícios que envolvem o desenvolvimento de força, podem trazer algum benefício ao nadador, efeito reconhecido como potencialização pós-ativação (PPA). Com isso, o objetivo do presente estudo foi propor um modelo híbrido para a PPA a fim de melhorar o desempenho na natação e verificar as respostas neuromusculares e parâmetros mecânicos em relação à PPA. Para isso, 13 nadadores realizaram quatro protocolos de PPA seguidos por um desempenho máximo de 50m. No primeiro protocolo (P1) os participantes realizaram um aquecimento convencional. No segundo protocolo (P2), os nadadores foram submetidos a exercício de \"afundo\", no terceiro (P3) realizaram esforços na barra fixa e saltos sobre o caixote e no quarto protocolo (P4), os nadadores foram submetidos ao protocolo híbrido, constituído pelos exercícios tanto do segundo como do terceiro protocolo. Os protocolos de PPA não apresentaram efeito sobre o aquecimento convencional. Porém, o P2 (27,01 ± 1,25 s) foi o que manteve o mesmo desempenho do P1 (27,01 ± 1,18 s) e apresentou melhoras nos parâmetros mecânicos da saída do bloco em relação aos outros protocolos. Ainda, o tempo de virada também apresentou efeito positivo, principalmente no P3 (3,12 ± 0,28 s) o que sinaliza a melhora dessa variável em todos os protocolos. Os valores de força pico (300,95 ± 53,11 N) e força média (258,04 ± 51,89 N) para os membros superiores apresentaram uma possível chance positiva de aumento somente no intervalo individual do P4 e para membros inferiores todos os protocolos apresentaram um possível efeito positivo na porcentagem de ativação voluntária em relação ao aquecimento convencional. Pode-se concluir que os protocolos propostos não foram eficientes para melhora do desempenho nos 50m nado crawl em relação ao modelo convencional. / Traditionally in swimming the warm-up protocols are applying in a high volume and moderate intensity. However, evidences show that the utilization of efforts with high intensity, mainly with trainings that involves the force development, can bring some benefit to the swimmer, effect known as post-activation potentiation (PAP). Thereby, the objective of the present study was to propose a hybrid model for PAP in order to improves swimming performance and verify neuromuscular responses and mechanical parameters in relation to PAP. For this, 13 swimmers performed four PAP protocols followed by a maximum performance of 50m. In the first protocol (P1) the participants performed a conventional warm-up. In the second protocol (P2) the swimmers of submitted to lunge exercise, in the third (P3) they made efforts in the pull-up and box jumps on the and, in the fourth protocol (P4), the swimmers were submitted to the hybrid model, using the second and the third protocol exercises. The PAP protocols had no effect on standard warm-up. However, the P2 (27,01 ± 1,25 s) was the one that maintained the same performance of P1 (27,01 ± 1,18 s) and presented improvements in the mechanical parameters of the block exit in relation to the other protocols. Still, the turn time also had a positive effect, mainly in P3 (3,12 ± 0,28 s) which shows the improvement of this variable in all protocols. The values of peak strength (258,04 ± 51,89 N) for the upper limbs showed a possible positive chance of increase only in the individual P4 interval and for all lower limbs of voluntary activation in relation to standard warming up. In conclusion, the proposed protocols were not efficient for performance improvement at 50-m free swim compared to the standard model.

Using Self-Monitoring and Goal Setting to Increase Swimming in Adults

Abraham, Sarah Rose 16 September 2015 (has links)
Many people in the United States do not engage in the recommended levels of physical activity. Self-management strategies, including self-monitoring and goal setting, are among the interventions that have been used to increase physical activity in adults. Visual feedback has also been incorporated into interventions to increase physical activity. Minimal research has focused on increasing swimming behavior. The current study investigated the effectiveness of self-management strategies to increase swimming activity in adults. An automated recording device (watch) was used to collect data on participants’ swimming behavior. The effect of self-monitoring in the form of a self-graphing intervention to increase swimming activity was evaluated. If self-graphing alone was not effective, goal setting was added to the intervention. Three participants showed an increase in swimming activity when self-graphing was implemented. Two participants showed little or no change in activity across all phases. This study did not include any reinforcement contingencies for engaging in an increase in swimming activity. Future research directions are discussed.

Mobbning i skolan : En undersökning om elevers uppfattningar av mobbning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa / Bullying in school : A survey of student´s views of bullying in physical education and health

Höiseth Borg, Veronica January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bullying is a serious problem for many children and youths in today’s society. Surveys have shown that more than 145 000 children and youths are concerned by the problem as a victim or as bullies. The purpose with this survey is to obtain a clear picture of the students’ views of bullying in physical education and health.</p><p>The main questions in this study are:</p><p>·         Does bullying occur in a bigger extent within the subject physical education and health than within other subjects?</p><p>·         In which elements during physical education lessons is the risk highest to be exposed to bullying?</p><p>·         Are there any differences concerning the students’ views of physical education in relation to what age they are. </p><p>To acquire an understandable picture of bullying I have chosen to do a literature study where different kinds of definitions are presented. There are also different varieties of bullying such as physical or social.  Further, to answer my research questions, I have done interviews with students in secondary school.</p><p>Physical education and health is a subject where bullying is more common than in other school subjects according to my results. Further the survey shows that lessons in swimming is an element where the risk to be exposed to bullying is highest.</p><p>Since bullying is a big problem in today`s school I think that it`s important that the staff has good knowledge when it comes to bullying. With open eyes and a big commitment I think that we can go far when it comes to the problems with bullying.</p> / <p>Mobbning är i dagens samhälle ett allvarligt problem för många barn och ungdomar, och då framförallt i skolan men även på fritiden. Undersökningar har visat att mer än 145 000 barn och ungdomar är berörda av problemet som offer eller som mobbare. Syftet med den här undersökningen är att få en inblick i elevers uppfattningar angående mobbning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa.</p><p>Frågeställningarna jag använt mig av är:</p><p>·         Förekommer mobbning i större utsträckning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa än inom övriga ämnen?</p><p>·         Under vilket moment inom ramarna för idrott och hälsa är det störst risk att bli utsatt för mobbning?</p><p>·         Hur skiljer sig uppfattningarna i årskurserna 5-9 åt då det gäller mobbning under lektioner i idrott och hälsa?</p><p>Jag har genomfört en litteraturundersökning för att få en klarare bild av begreppet mobbning. I denna undersökning presenteras olika definitioner, liksom att det finns olika typer av mobbning såsom fysisk och social. För att få svar på mina frågeställningar har jag gjort en intervjuundersökning med elever i årskurserna 5-9.  Enligt mina resultat är ämnet idrott och hälsa ett ämne där mobbning förekommer i större utsträckning än inom övriga ämnen. Vidare visar också min undersökning på att bad är det moment inom ämnet där risken att bli utsatt för mobbning är som störst</p><p>Eftersom mobbning är ett stort problem i dagens skola anser jag att det är viktigt att all berörd personal har goda kunskaper om mobbning. Med öppna ögon och ett stort engagemang tror jag att det går att komma långt med mobbningsproblematiken.</p>

Behavior and Transport of Pelagic Coral Reef Fish Larvae in the Straits of Florida

Huebert, Klaus B. 24 June 2009 (has links)
The supply of coral reef fish larvae from the open ocean to reefs is vital for the persistence of local fish populations. Whether larvae are dispersed over hundreds of km or only few km depends on biophysical interactions between larvae and their environment. Relationships between environmental variables, larval swimming behavior, and larval transport were examined for reef fish larvae in the Florida Straits. In a series of research cruises, the upper 100 m of the water column was sampled with plankton nets fishing at four different depths. Variability in the vertical distributions of most larvae was not consistently related to measured environmental variables. Relative densities of larvae were predictably related to sampling depth in five taxa. In seven taxa, more developed larvae were distributed significantly deeper than less developed larvae, revealing ontogenic vertical migrations. In three taxa, vertical distributions varied significantly between day and night, revealing diel migrations. Since the Florida Current was strongest near the surface, observed vertical distributions and migrations resulted in reduced larval transport relative to surface currents. To identify cues involved in regulating vertical distributions, behavioral experiments were conducted with larvae from four reef fish families. All four groups showed significant responses to pressure cues, swimming up in response to high pressure and down in response to low pressure. In two families there was a significant correlation between capture depth and experimental pressure preference, suggesting that larvae use similar behavior to regulate depth in situ. To study horizontal swimming behavior, late-stage larvae of one species were caught in light-traps and observed by SCUBA divers ~1 km offshore of the Florida Keys barrier reef. All larvae swam remarkably straight, but their swimming directions were distributed randomly. A simulation model was used to generate swimming trajectories of longer duration than could be observed directly. Observed and simulated trajectories indicated that horizontal swimming by larvae with or without an external reference frame was important at spatial scales of several km. Overall, some larvae exercised a strong influence on transport, either by vertical or horizontal swimming. Behaviors varied between species and families, highlighting the need for more species-specific data.

Mobbning i skolan : En undersökning om elevers uppfattningar av mobbning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa / Bullying in school : A survey of student´s views of bullying in physical education and health

Höiseth Borg, Veronica January 2008 (has links)
Bullying is a serious problem for many children and youths in today’s society. Surveys have shown that more than 145 000 children and youths are concerned by the problem as a victim or as bullies. The purpose with this survey is to obtain a clear picture of the students’ views of bullying in physical education and health. The main questions in this study are: ·         Does bullying occur in a bigger extent within the subject physical education and health than within other subjects? ·         In which elements during physical education lessons is the risk highest to be exposed to bullying? ·         Are there any differences concerning the students’ views of physical education in relation to what age they are.  To acquire an understandable picture of bullying I have chosen to do a literature study where different kinds of definitions are presented. There are also different varieties of bullying such as physical or social.  Further, to answer my research questions, I have done interviews with students in secondary school. Physical education and health is a subject where bullying is more common than in other school subjects according to my results. Further the survey shows that lessons in swimming is an element where the risk to be exposed to bullying is highest. Since bullying is a big problem in today`s school I think that it`s important that the staff has good knowledge when it comes to bullying. With open eyes and a big commitment I think that we can go far when it comes to the problems with bullying. / Mobbning är i dagens samhälle ett allvarligt problem för många barn och ungdomar, och då framförallt i skolan men även på fritiden. Undersökningar har visat att mer än 145 000 barn och ungdomar är berörda av problemet som offer eller som mobbare. Syftet med den här undersökningen är att få en inblick i elevers uppfattningar angående mobbning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa. Frågeställningarna jag använt mig av är: ·         Förekommer mobbning i större utsträckning inom ämnet idrott och hälsa än inom övriga ämnen? ·         Under vilket moment inom ramarna för idrott och hälsa är det störst risk att bli utsatt för mobbning? ·         Hur skiljer sig uppfattningarna i årskurserna 5-9 åt då det gäller mobbning under lektioner i idrott och hälsa? Jag har genomfört en litteraturundersökning för att få en klarare bild av begreppet mobbning. I denna undersökning presenteras olika definitioner, liksom att det finns olika typer av mobbning såsom fysisk och social. För att få svar på mina frågeställningar har jag gjort en intervjuundersökning med elever i årskurserna 5-9.  Enligt mina resultat är ämnet idrott och hälsa ett ämne där mobbning förekommer i större utsträckning än inom övriga ämnen. Vidare visar också min undersökning på att bad är det moment inom ämnet där risken att bli utsatt för mobbning är som störst Eftersom mobbning är ett stort problem i dagens skola anser jag att det är viktigt att all berörd personal har goda kunskaper om mobbning. Med öppna ögon och ett stort engagemang tror jag att det går att komma långt med mobbningsproblematiken.

Simulation and theoretical study of swimming and resistive forces within granular media

Ding, Yang 14 November 2011 (has links)
Understanding animal locomotion requires modeling the interaction of the organism with its environment. Locomotion within granular media like sand, soil, and debris that display both solid and fluid-like behavior in response to stress is less studied than locomotion within fluids or on solid ground. To begin to reveal the secrets of movement in sand, I developed models to explain the subsurface locomotion of the sand-swimming sandfish lizard. I developed a resistive force theory (RFT) with empirical force laws to explain the swimming speed observed in animal experiments. By varying the amplitude of the undulation in the RFT, I found that the range of amplitude used by the animal predicted the optimal swimming speed. I developed a numerical model of the sandfish coupled to a discrete element method simulation of the granular medium to test assumptions in the RFT and to study more detailed mechanics of sand-swimming. Inspired by the shovel-shaped head of the sandfish lizard, I used the simulation to study lift forces in granular media: I found that when a submerged intruder moved at a constant speed within a granular medium it experienced a lift force whose sign and magnitude depended on the intruder shape. The principles learned from the models guided the development of a biologically inspired robot that swam within granular media with similar performance to the lizard.

Swimming in four goldfish (Carassius auratus) morphotypes: understanding functional design and performance through artificial selection

Li, Jason 05 1900 (has links)
Although artificially selected goldfish exhibit swimming performance decrements, with the most derived morphotypes more affected, they can be utilized to explore functional design and movement pattern principles in aquatic vertebrates. Drag, steady swimming kinematics (tailbeat frequency, amplitude, stride length), energetics (standard and active metabolic rate), fast-start performance (average and maximum velocity and acceleration), stability in yaw and roll and propulsive muscle ultrastructural characteristics (mitochondrial volume density and spacing, myofibril diameter and capillary to fibre ratio in red and white muscle) were measured for four morphotypes: common, comet, fantail and eggfish, of comparable length (≈ 5 cm). A performance “pairing” (common and comet; fantail and eggfish) was a recurrent theme for most performance parameters. Vertebral numbers (30), segment lengths (≈ 0.85 mm) and standard metabolic rates (≈ 140 mg O2 kg-1 hr-1) are exceptions where values are the same. Fantail and eggfish drag and drag coefficients (referenced to frontally projected area ≈ 0.6 - 0.9) were higher (requiring more thrust at any given velocity) than those for the more streamlined common and comet (≈ 0.3 - 0.6; P < 0.05). This is reflected in kinematics; tailbeat frequency and stride length at any given velocity for the common and comet are lower and higher respectively than that of the fantail and eggfish (P < 0.05). Common and comet fatigue times are not significantly different from that of their ancestor, Crucian carp (P > 0.05), and are lower than those of the fantail and eggfish (P < 0.05). The cost of transport of the common and comet (≈ 0.6 mg O2 kg-1 m-1) is accurately predicted from the mass scaling relationship for fish (P > 0.05), but values for the fantail and eggfish (≈ 1.3 mg O2 kg-1 m-1) are not (P < 0.05). Eggfish steady swimming (dorsal fin absent) was characterized by rolling and yawing motions associated with significant energy losses. Common and comet fast-start performance (average velocity ≈ 0.45 m s-1, maximum velocity ≈ 1.2 m s-1, average acceleration ≈ 7.5 m s-2, maximum acceleration ≈ 35 m s-2) was similar to that of other locomotor generalists (e.g. trout). Eggfish maximum acceleration (≈ 5 m s-2) is poor due to the absence of inertial and lifting contributions to thrust from the dorsal fin and energy wasting rolling motions. Artificially selected fish can bear upon fitness related adaptations associated with form and movement, providing insights into the “performance envelope” of natural systems subject to ecological speciation.

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