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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo eletromiográfico dos músculos póstero-mediais do tronco na tarefa de levantamento simétrico de carga do solo / Electromyographic study of posterior medial muscles of the trunk during simmetric load lifting

Krumholz, Fábia Milman January 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo analisou o comportamento eletromiográfico de vários níveis dos músculos póstero-mediais do tronco, bilateralmente, para verificar a ocorrência de ativação elétrica simétrica e em busca de padrões de comportamento para embasar modelos biomecânicos. A amostra foi composta por 16 indivíduos saudáveis de ambos gêneros. Todas as execuções foram filmadas para análise cinemática, enquanto a atividade elétrica foi coletada com 14 pares de eletrodos de superfície dispostos lateral e simetricamente ao longo da coluna vertebral nos níveis da sétima vértebra cervical (C7), terceira, sexta e nona vértebras torácicas (T3, T6 e T9) e primeira, terceira e quinta vértebras lombares (L1, L3 e L5). Somente os gestos considerados simétricos através da cinemetria foram analisados. Para a análise do sinal eletromiográfico o gesto de levantar a carga foi dividido em quatro fases, considerando-se apenas a fase de subida com carga. A atividade elétrica dessa fase foi normalizada pela contração isométrica voluntária máxima. Utilizando uma ANOVA, os níveis vertebrais adjacentes foram agrupados em busca de ativação elétrica similar, foi adotado o nível de significância de p<0,05. Os resultados demonstraram que a ativação eletromiográfica não ocorre de maneira simétrica e que é possível identificar zonas com comportamento elétrico distinto entre elas, sendo que as maiores médias estavam localizadas nas regiões mais inferiores do tronco. / The present study analysed the electromyographical behaviour at various levels of posterior medial muscles on trunk, bilaterally, during load lifting to verify the occurrence of symmetry on electrical activation and to search patterns which could provide or supply biomechanical models. Sixteen healthy subjects were videotaped the 2D movement and the EMG signal was registered from 14 pairs of surface electrodes arranged symmetrically and bilaterally throughout trunk, specifically at seventh cervical vertebra (C7), third, sixth and ninth thoracic vertebra (T3, T6 and T9) and first, third and fifth lumbar vertebra (L1, L3 and L5). Only the symmetrical movements, from kinematical point-of-view, were analysed. The EMG analysis was divided in four phases and it was used in the present study the load lifting part. The electrical activation values of this phase were normalized by maximal voluntary isometric contraction. ANOVA was used to provide the adjacent groups in which electrical activation were similar. Differences were considered significant at a p<0.05. The results demonstrated the electromyographical activation does not occur in symmetrical way and, besides it was possible identify zones based on different electrical behaviours, taking into account the largest means were located on lower trunk region.

Propriedades de Jordan em anéis de grupo / Properties of Jordan in group rings

Geraldo, Anderson 04 July 2019 (has links)
GERALDO, A. Propriedades de Jordan em anéis de grupo. 2019. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Insti- tuto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2019. Neste trabalho estudamos alguns resultados a respeito do conjunto dos elementos que são simétricos sobre uma involução, orientada ou não, de um anel de grupo. Dado um anel de grupo RG, onde R é comutativo e com elemento identidade 1, e uma involução orientada # ; apre- sentamos as condições necessárias e suficientes sobre R e G para que o subconjunto (RG) + = { RG # = } seja anticomutativo, ou equivalentemente, o produto de Jordan seja trivial em (RG) + . Além disso, estudamos um caso de nilpotência de Jordan no anel de grupo RG e no seu subconjunto (RG) + , para o caso onde a involução não possui orientação. / In this work we study some results regarding the set of elements that are symmetrical about an involution, oriented or not, in a group ring. Given a group ring RG, where R is commutative and with identity element 1, and an oriented involution # we present the necessary and sufficient conditions on R and G so that the set (RG) + = { RG # = } is anticomutative, or equivalently, the Jordan product is trivial in (RG) + . In addition we study a case of Jordans nilpotency in the group RG and its subset (RG) + , for the case where involution has no orientation.

Práticas arqueológicas e alteridades indígenas / Archaeological practices and indigenous alterities

Pouget, Frederic Mario Caires 30 April 2010 (has links)
O que proponho nesta pesquisa é explorar as redes de relações (institucionais, políticas ou \'naturais\') ou, em outras palavras, a sociabilidade em si, decorrente da prática do arqueólogo em território indígena e colocar em contraste o debate antropológico sobre a alteridade. É necessário ressaltar que não se trata de criticar as redes sociais ou refletir através da sociologia crítica o embate entre grupos sociais, mas de explorar as tensões existentes no aspecto abstrato, no mundo conceitual que formula a alteridade tanto do cientista quanto da comunidade indígena, configurando-se, assim, em um exercício de análise simétrica. / My intention in this research is to explore the networks of relations (institutional, politics or \"naturals\") or, in other words, the sociability itself; as a consequence of the archeological practice in an indigenous territory; also, to contrast the anthropological debate regarding alterity. It is necessary to highlight that this work do not aim to criticize social networks or to reflect through critical sociology the tensions between social groups, but to explore the existing strains in the abstract arena, in the conceptual world that shows the alterity of the researches and also of the indigenous community, conforming a symmetrical analysis exercise.

Aspectos clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação por selênio em suínos

Gomes, Danilo Carloto January 2012 (has links)
Dois surtos de intoxicação por selênio em suínos que ocorreram no estado do Paraná são descritos. Foram acometidos leitões em fase de creche, 16 de um lote de 100 com 27 dias de idade (surto 1) e 350 de 2285 com 22 dias de idade (surto2) apresentaram poliomielomalácia simétrica focal. Animais que sobreviveram aos surtos desenvolveram lesões de casco características de intoxicação crônica por selênio. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram após 6 dias e 30 horas da introdução da ração com alto teor de selênio nos surtos 1 e 2, respectivamente. O surgimento dos sinais foi abrupto, os animais começavam com andar cambaleante, evoluiam para paralisia dos membros pélvicos e progrediam para paralisia dos membros torácicos e tetraparesia. Os animais do surto 1 não tinham alterações de comportamento e mantinham estado de alerta e animais do surto 2 apresentaram quadros de depressão. Macroscopicamente, observaram-se focos circulares amarelados com áreas deprimidas mais escura, em alguns animais, restritas ao corno ventral da substância cinzenta (H medular) em intumescências cervical e lombar. Microscopicamente, essas áreas corresponderam à malácia da substância cinzenta, caracterizada por microcavitações, perda neuronal, cromatólise, neuronofagia, infiltrado de células Gitter, microgliose, astrócitos de Alzheimer tipo II e proliferação de células endoteliais evidenciadas na imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) para fator de von Willebrand. 9Continua) No segundo surto, dois animais apresentaram vacuolização difusa do citoplasma de neurônios. Em um animal, Astrócitos gemistocíticos foram observados. Na IHQ para Proteína Ácida Glial Fibrilar (GFAP), obteve-se marcação positiva na maioria dos animais e, na IHQ para Proteína S-100, obteve-se marcação em alguns casos. Além dessas alterações medulares, foram encontrados, em dois animais lesões de polioencefalomalácia em porções do tronco encefálico. Fragmentos de fígado de oito animais e ração de ambos os surtos foram encaminhados para dosagem de selênio. Em amostras de ração, detectou-se 3,38 ppm (surto 1) e 154 ppm (surto 2) e em amostras de fígado teve dosagens superiores a 3,34 ppm. No surto 2, foi realizada uma visita onde seis suínos foram eutanasiados para monitoramento de níveis hepáticos de selênio, sendo dois animais controles e quatro sobreviventes do surto. Quarenta e dois dias após a retirada da ração, os níveis de selênio foram inferiores ao controle e ao nível considerado em quadros de intoxicação (3 ppm). / Two outbreaks of selenium poisoning occurred in pigs in Cruzeiro do Iguaçu and Dois Vizinhos, both of the located in Paraná State. The affected pigs were in the post-weaning period, 16 out of 100 were 27 days of age (outbreak 1) and 350 out of 2285 were 22 days of age (outbreak 2). Affected animals showed signs of focal symmetrical poliomyelomalacia. Surviving pigs developed lesions in hoof, which are characteristic of chronic poisoning by selenium. Clinical signs were observed 6 days and 30 hours after the introduction of the feed with high selenium content in outbreaks 1 and 2, respectively. The appearance of the signs was abrupt, beginning with gait and progressing to paralysis of rear limbs and the forelimbs, or tetraparesis. Animals of outbreak 1 were alert and had no behaviors changes and animals of outbreak 2 showed depression. Macroscopically, in some animals there were yellow circular focus with dark areas, restricted to the ventral horn of the gray matter of spinal cord in cervical and lumbar intumescence. Microscopically, these areas corresponded to gray substance malacia characterized by microcavitation, neuronal loss, chromatolysis, Gitter cell infiltrate, neuronophagia, microgliosis, Alzheimer type II astrocytes and proliferation of endothelial cells, which were labeled by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for von Willebrand factor. In the second outbreak, two animals showed a diffuse cytoplasm vacuolization of the neurons. Gemistocytic astrocytes were observed in one animal. In most affected pigs, positive in test for glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP) was observed, but only in some cases, there was positive anti-S-100 IHC. In addition these spinal cord changes were seen polioencephalomalacia in portions of the brainstem in two animals. Liver samples from eight animals and feed samples from both outbreaks were referred to determine selenium concentration. Selenium dosages in feed samples were 3.38 ppm (outbreak 1) and 154 ppm (outbreak 2) and in liver samples were above 3.34 ppm. Additions six animals were euthanized for monitoring hepatic levels of selenium, two were control animals and four were survivors of the second outbreak. 42 days after the withdrawal of the diet, selenium levels were lower than in internal control and the level seen in intoxication outbreaks (3 ppm).

Análise de modelos de regressão multiníveis simétricos / Analysis of symmetrical multilevel regression models

Osio, Marina Mitie Gishifu 24 April 2013 (has links)
O uso de modelos multiníveis é uma alternativa interessante para analisar dados que estão estruturados de forma hierárquica, pois permite a obtenção de diferentes estimativas de parâmetros relativos a grupos distintos e, ao mesmo tempo, leva em consideração a dependência entre as observações em um mesmo grupo. Neste trabalho, desenvolvemos e aplicamos modelos de regressão multiníveis simétricos, a fim de fornecer alternativas ao modelo usual, sob normalidade. Além disso, apresentamos uma breve análise de diagnóstico e estudo de simulação. Como motivação, consideramos dados educacionais, a fim de avaliar se o número de reprovações no histórico escolar do aluno e a infraestrutura da escola são variáveis relevantes que afetam o baixo desempenho dos alunos do ensino básico na disciplina de Matemática / The use of multilevel models is an interesting alternative to analyze data that is structured in a hierarchical manner, since it allows the obtention of different parameters estimates for distinct groups and, at the same time, it takes into account the dependence of observations in the same group. In this dissertation, we develop and apply symmetrical multilevel regression models, for the purpose of providing alternatives to the usual model, under normality. Furthermore we present a brief diagnostics analysis and a simulation study. As motivation, we consider educational data in order to assess whether the number of failures in school history of students and the school infrastructure are important variables that affect the low performance of elementary school students in Mathematics

Um estudo das componentes simétricas generalizadas em sistemas trifásicos não senoidais /

Costa, Leandro Luiz Húngaro. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo José Amaral Serni / Banca: Claudionor Francisco do Nascimento / Banca: Fernando Pinhabel Marafão / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um estudo dos fenômenos de desequilíbrio e assimetria que podem ocorrer em sistemas trifásicos, no qual foram estudadas duas abordagens. A primeira delas é a abordagem tradicional de análise de fenômenos de desequilíbrio e assimetria, proposta por Fortescue, denominadas Componentes Simétricas ou Componentes de Sequência. Essa proposta desenvolvida no domínio da frequência foi estudada também no domínio do tempo, após sua adaptação. Isso porque as componentes simétricas generalizadas, nova abordagem de análise de desequilíbrio, está desenvolvida no domínio do tempo. Ambas as propostas de análise do desequilíbrio e assimetria trifásicos são aplicadas à sistemas trifásicos periódicos não senoidais. Enquanto que as componentes simétricas de Fortescue, para serem calculadas, necessitam que o sistema trifásico não senoidal seja decomposto nas harmônicas da série de Fourier, as componentes simétricas generalizadas podem ser aplicadas diretamente ao sistema não senoidal. O desenvolvimento de ambas as abordagens para um sistema periódico não senoidal resulta em relação entre ambas as propostas de análise de desequilíbrio e assimetria As relações entre as componentes simétricas generalizadas e as componentes simétricas de Fortescue são a principal contribuição deste trabalho. Baseado nas componentes simétricas generalizadas, novos indicadores de desequilíbrio são propostos. Os novos indicadores são comparados com os indicadores de desequilíbrio clássicos, os quais foram desenvolvidos a partir da proposta de Fortescue. Por fim, uma aplicação é desenvolvida na qual foram aplicados os conceitos estudados. Nesta aplicação, uma tensão trifásica não senoidal desequilibrada alimenta um motor de indução trifásico / Abstract: This work presents a study of the phenomena of unbalance and asymmetry which may occur in three-phase systems which two approaches were studied. The first one is the traditional approach of analysis of phenomena of unbalance and asymmetry, proposed by Fortescue, called Symmetrical Components or Sequence Components. This proposal developed in the frequency domain was also studied in the time domain after adaptation. This because of the generalized symmetrical components, new approach to the analysis of unbalance and asymmetry is developed in the time domain. Both proposals for analysis if the unbalance and asymmetry in three-phase systems are applied to the periodic non-sinusoidal three-phase systems. While the symmetrical components of Fortescue, to be calculated, require that the non-sinusoidal three-phase system is decomposed into harmonic Fourier series, the generalized symmetrical components can be applied directly to the non-sinusoidal system. The development of both approaches to a periodic non-sinusoidal system results in relationships between both proposals for analysis of unbalance and asymmetry. The relationships between the symmetrical components and the generalized symmetrical components of Fortescue are the main contribution of this work. Based on the generalized symmetrical components, new indicators of unbalance are proposed. The new new indicators are compared with the classical indicators of unbalance, which were developed from the proposed Fortescue. Finally, an application is developed with the concepts studied. In this application, an unbalanced non-sinusoidal three-phase voltage supplies a three-phase induction motor / Mestre

How Organizational Communication Shaped the Hearst Ranch Conservation Easement

Tehrani, Mo 01 March 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to show how organizations involved with the Hearst Ranch Conservation Easement negotiations might have used the feedback loop characteristic of two-way Symmetrical communication theory to reach consensus on the Hearst Ranch Conservation Agreement. Conservation easements are complex situations and each has separate and distinct goals, constraints, compromises, funding mechanisms, and public values. This study analyzed public documents from seven different organizations that provided input in the public consultations regarding the Hearst Ranch Conservation Easement, which completed in 2005. This study concluded that one of the communication methods adopted during the Hearst Ranch Conservation Negotiation was Hunt and Grunig’s two-way symmetrical communication theory.

Blogging i PR-branschen : en ny sorts omvärldsbevakning?

Brun, Jonathan January 2005 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Purpose/aim: To clarify what information is communicated through the PR-firm JKL:s blog, how it is communicated, how it relates to and diverges from the communication theories in point, and what the strategies behind the blogging are. By doing this I hope to contribute to the knowledge on corporate blogging and how it can be used.</p><p>Material/method: Qualitative textual analysis of ten blog posts published on the JKL Blog and process seeking interview with the person in charge of the same blog.</p><p>Main results: JKLs’ blogging coincides to the most part with business intelligence, with the exception that the information doesn’t relate directly to the company’s’ main activities. This is mainly due to that they can’t publish information about their customers or competitors. Instead they want to expose the broad knowledge the company possesses, and thereby create goodwill towards their target groups. JKL can therefore be said to contribute with a different aspect to business intelligence. The blog also uses an asymmetrical PR-model with two way communication but no deep dialogue. This is not, as Grunig and Hunt argue, due to their claiming to be right in every matter, but rather to the nature of the comments given. Feedback on the blog posts is none the less important to JKL, mainly to correct and bring nuance to the information.</p><p>Key words: Blogging, corporate blogging, public relations, symmetrical/asymmetrical communication, one way/two way communication, communication strategy, business intelligence.</p>

The role of the Intranet at Lonmin Platinum : the perceptions of middle management / N. Theunissen

Theunissen, Nicola January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Blogging i PR-branschen : en ny sorts omvärldsbevakning?

Brun, Jonathan January 2005 (has links)
ABSTRACT Purpose/aim: To clarify what information is communicated through the PR-firm JKL:s blog, how it is communicated, how it relates to and diverges from the communication theories in point, and what the strategies behind the blogging are. By doing this I hope to contribute to the knowledge on corporate blogging and how it can be used. Material/method: Qualitative textual analysis of ten blog posts published on the JKL Blog and process seeking interview with the person in charge of the same blog. Main results: JKLs’ blogging coincides to the most part with business intelligence, with the exception that the information doesn’t relate directly to the company’s’ main activities. This is mainly due to that they can’t publish information about their customers or competitors. Instead they want to expose the broad knowledge the company possesses, and thereby create goodwill towards their target groups. JKL can therefore be said to contribute with a different aspect to business intelligence. The blog also uses an asymmetrical PR-model with two way communication but no deep dialogue. This is not, as Grunig and Hunt argue, due to their claiming to be right in every matter, but rather to the nature of the comments given. Feedback on the blog posts is none the less important to JKL, mainly to correct and bring nuance to the information. Key words: Blogging, corporate blogging, public relations, symmetrical/asymmetrical communication, one way/two way communication, communication strategy, business intelligence.

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