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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Gonçalves Miranda, Gil Felipe 15 September 2011 (has links)
The family Syrphidae (Diptera) has around 6000 species worldwide, including many species commonly seen hovering over flowers where they feed and seek possible mates. Many of the genera mimic bees or wasps, thus sharing a similar habitus, and their identification can prove difficult without a proper identification key. To aid in the identification of Syrphidae, the first chapter of the thesis presents an online interactive photographic key to the nearctic genera of Syrphidae, richly illustrated with field and laboratory images. One of the most speciose genera of the family is Ocyptamus Macquart, 1834, with around 300 species described. Recent studies suggest that Ocyptamus is paraphyletic with regards to the genera Eosalpingogaster Hull, 1949 and Toxomerus Macquart, 1855. The second chapter addresses this paraphyly through a phylogenetic analysis, based on morphological and molecular data, of 63 species currently or previously placed in the genus Ocyptamus. A monophyletic Ocyptamus was defined on the basis of cladistic principles, six new genera (Fragosa, Hypocritanus, Maiana, Nuntianus, Relictanum and Victoriana) were proposed and 10 names (Atylobaccha, Calostigma, Hermesomyia, Hybobathus, Mimocalla, Orphnabaccha, Pelecinobaccha, Pipunculosyrphus, Pseudoscaeva and Styxia) were ressurected. The third chapter considers the clade made up of Pelecinobaccha, Relictanum and Atylobaccha, revising the genera Pelecinobaccha and Relictanum, including 24 new species, 28 synonimized names, an identification key and distribution maps.

Biodiversity of Insects from the Syrphidae and Carabidae Families in Three Ecological Niches (Forest, Forest Boarder, and Farming Area) in Three Communities of the Coroico Municipality, Nor Yungas, La Paz

Alarcón, Eddy 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Today, biodiversity is one of the most studied disciplines because it encompasses all species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that exist and act within an ecosystem. In recent decades, biodiversity has been degrading rapidly due to the simplification of agricultural systems, and the irrational use of pesticides that alter the normal function of ecosystems. Within nature, each insect population is attacked by one or more natural enemies. In this investigation, during a six month period from June to December 2006, the biodiversity of predatory insects from the syrphidae and carabidae families was determined in three ecological niches of three communities with two posed risks (Malaise and Pitfall) for the Carabidae family and one (Malaise) for the Syrphidae family. This investigation presents the differences in composition of morphospecies from three ecological niches in three communities of the yungas of La Paz. In total, we recorded 67 morphospecies from the Carabidae family in a population of 1107 individuals and 38 morphospecies from the Syrphidae family in a population of 1333 individuals. From the data above, it was found that the most diverse community was San Juan de la Miel with 33 morphospecies from the Syrphidae family and 42 morphospecies from the Carabidae family. However, in the case of the Syrphidae family, a smaller quantity of individuals found were related to the other communities whereas in the case of the Carabidae family, a larger quantity of individuals found were related. The similarity indices show only around 8-15% between the different ecological niches and communities which is relatively low and indicates that dominant species exist in these ecological niches, whether in the forest or in cultivated areas. The Carabids are insects similar to beetles, coming in varied sizes and colors, with dark and bright metallic colors being the most prominent. The family contains between 20,000 and 30,000 known species. The Syrphids are similar to dipterous insects, coming in different sizes and colors. Generally, black and yellow, or a combination of both similar to bees, are the most predominant colors. The family contains around 5,400 known species. The Carabids and Syrphids are very important in the biodiversity of ecosystems as well as in ecology because they regulate the pest populations through predation. In addition, when they are adults, they pollinate crops thus reducing the use of petrochemical insecticides. The area studied has a good diversity of species due to the geomorphology of the site. It has small patches of crops and fallow land surrounded by forests that allow the maintenance of its diversity, which is very important for the balance of ecosystems.

Taksonomska analiza vrsta iz podfamilije Syrphinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) u Srbiji / Taxonomic analyses of the species from subfamily Syrphinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Serbia

Nedeljković Zorica 16 December 2011 (has links)
<p>Redeterminacijom publikovanog i determinacijom novog materijala iz podfamilije Syrphinae na području Srbije su zabeležene 134 vrste iz 25 rodova. Sedam vrsta (<em>Chrysotoxum orthostylus </em>Vujić, in prep., <em>Chrysotoxum </em>aff.<em> festivum</em>, <em>Chrysotoxum </em>aff. <em>vernale, Dasysyrphus laskai</em> Doczkal &amp; St&aring;hls, in prep., <em>Melanostoma</em> aff.<em> mellinum, Paragus rarus</em> Vujić et al., in prep. i <em>Xanthogramma citrofasciatum </em>B Doczkal, in prep.) su nove za nauku i njihovi opisi se nalaze u pripremi. 14 vrsta su nove za faunu Balkanskog poluostrva, dok su 39 nove za faunu Srbije (uključujući i one koje su nove za Balkan).</p><p>Unutar vrste<em> Chrysotoxum festivum </em>uočena su dva fenotipa &bdquo;svetli&ldquo; i &bdquo;tamni&ldquo; koji se jasno razlikuju na osnovu niza morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera (&scaron;irina lica, &scaron;irina crne trake na licu, popra&scaron;enost čela, boja dlaka na mezonotumu i skutelumu, &scaron;irina oznaka na T2 i T3) kao i na osnovu veličine i oblika krila. Usled jasne divergencije pomenutih fenotipova kao i njihove simpatrije u pitanju su odvojene vrste.</p><p>Jasno izdvajanje fenotipova na osnovu morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera odraslih jedinki uključujući i parametre krila (veličinu i oblik) ustanovljeno je i unutar vrsta <em>Chrysotoxum vernale</em> i <em>Melanostoma mellinum.</em> Unutar vrste <em>Chrysotoxum vernale</em> se izdvajaju dva nezavisna taksona- <em>Chrysotoxum vernale</em> i <em>Chrysotoxum </em>aff. <em>vernale</em>, a unutar vrste <em>Melanostoma mellinum</em>- <em>Melanostoma mellinum </em>i<em> Melanostoma </em>aff. <em>mellinum</em>.</p><p>Zoogeografskom analizom je ustanovljeno da su najbrojnije vrste &scaron;irokog areala, koje čine čak 75,19% od ukupnog broja vrsta, 12 vrsta (9,02%) ima srednjeevropski, 10 severnoevropski (7,52%), a svega dve vrste (1,5%) južnoevropski tip areala. Dve vrste (1,5%) su ograničenog areala.</p><p>Dve vrste iz podfamilije <em>Syrphinae</em> spadaju u kategoriju strogo za&scaron;tićenih vrsta, dok pet spada u kategoriju za&scaron;tićenih vrsta na području Srbije (Uredbom Ministarstva za za&scaron;titu životne sredine i prostornog planiranja Republike Srbije od 2010. godine o za&scaron;titi strogo ugroženih i ugroženih divljih vrsta biljaka, životinja i gljiva). Razmatrajući status vrsta na evropskom nivou po Speight (2010) većina vrsta (118) pripada kategoriji neugroženih vrsta &bdquo;unthreatened&ldquo;, a po četiri kategoriji ugroženih vrsta &bdquo;threatened&ldquo; i vrsta čija se brojnost smanjuje &bdquo;decreasing&ldquo;.</p><p>Najvećim indeksom diverziteta (3,66) se odlikuje Duba&scaron;nica sa Malinikom, zatim slede Vr&scaron;ačke planine (H=3,62) i Kopaonik (H=3,59). Najniži indeks diverziteta imaju Bosilegrad (1,21) i dolina Tami&scaron;a (1,55) &scaron;to je i očekivano obzirom na broj sakupljenih primeraka i registrovanih vrsta.</p><p>Rad predstavlja sintezu faunističkih istraživanja vrsta iz podfamilije Syrphinae u Srbiji, taksonomsku analizu zabeleženih vrsta kao i razre&scaron;avanje taksonomskih problema unutar mnogih vrsta unutar kojih su oni bili prisutni.</p> / <p>This PhD thesis is about the taxonomic and faunistic revision of the Syrphinae hoverflies (Syrphidae) of Serbia. As a result of this study, 134 species of 25 genera were reported to Serbia. This account comprised seven species new to science: <em>Chrysotoxum orthostylus</em> Vujić, in prep.<em>Chryotoxum </em>aff. <em>festivum</em>, <em>Chrysotoxum</em> aff. <em>vernale</em>,&nbsp;<em> Dasysyrphus laskai</em> Doczkal &amp; St&aring;hls, in prep., <em>Melanostoma</em> aff. <em>mellinum</em>, <em>Paragus rarus</em>&nbsp;Vujić et al., in prep. and <em>Xanthogramma citrofasciatum</em> B Doczkal, in prep.. Additionally,&nbsp;&nbsp; 39 species were new to Serbia, 14 of them also new to the Balkan Peninsula.</p><p>A first approach to solve some taxonomic problems within three different hoverfly taxa is provided in this study. The examined material of <em>Chrysotoxum festivum</em> from Serbia exhibited two different phenotypes, &ldquo;light&rdquo; and &ldquo;dark&rdquo;. These phenotypes were defined by both landmark-based geometric morphometric characters of wings and other adult morphological characters (width of face, width of black stripe on face, frons pruinosity,colour of hairs on mesonotum and scutellum, width of stripes on terga 2 and 3, etc). The presented results together with the sympatry of the studied phenotypes suggested the&nbsp;&nbsp; existence of at least two different taxa within the species, currently known under the name <em>Chrysotoxum festivum</em>. Similarly, traditional characters in adult morphology and morphometric characters of wings (size and shape) showed the existence of two welldefined phenotypes both within the species <em>Chrysotoxum vernale</em> <em>(Chrysotoxum vernale</em> and <em>Chrysotoxum </em>aff. <em>vernale</em>) and the species <em>Melanostoma mellinum </em>(<em>Melanostoma mellinum </em>and <em>Melanostoma</em> aff. <em>mellinum</em>).</p><p>The zoogeographic analysis showed that most of the studied species are widespread in Europe (75,19%), and the rest of species are Central European (9,02%), Northern European (7,52%) or South European (1,5%).</p><p>At European level, 118 species are thought to be unthreatened, four threatened and four with decreasing populations according to the last version of Syrph the Net, the Database of European Syrphidae. In Serbia, two of the studied species are regarded as &ldquo;strictly protected&ldquo; and five as &ldquo;protected&ldquo; under the Regulation on the Promulgation and&nbsp;&nbsp; Protection of the Protected and Strictly Protected Wild Species of Plants, Animals and Fungi (Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Serbia).</p><p>The localities of Duba&scaron;nica and Malinik have the highest values for the scored diversity index (H = 3.66), followed by Vr&scaron;ačke planine (H=3.62) and Kopaonik&nbsp; (H=3.59). Bosilegrad and Tami&scaron; have the lowest diversity values, 1.21 and 1.55 respectively, as it was expected by the low species richness and abundance of hoverflies recorded in these localities.</p>

Evolucioni odnosi u rodu CheilosiaMeigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) / Evolutionary relationships in the genus CheilosiaMeigen, 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae)

Ludoški Jasmina 08 May 2008 (has links)
<p>U radu su analizirani nukleotidni diverzitet COI mtDNK i fenotipska varijabilnost &nbsp;veličinskih komponenti krila taksona roda&nbsp;<em> Cheilosia</em>. Dobijeni podaci su kori&scaron;ćeni u&nbsp;sagledavanju filogenetskih i&nbsp; evolucionih odnosa odabranih taksona. Amplificiran je i&nbsp;sekvenciran 3&#39; kraj gena COI mtDNK 119 jedinki 14 vrsta roda<em> Cheilosias</em>akupljenih na 8&nbsp;lokaliteta Balkanskog poluostrva i u Laponiji, Finska (vrsta C. albitarsis). Analizom su bile obuhvaćene i sekvence COI mtDNK devet vrsta C. melanuragrupe i tri vrste C. &nbsp;canicularis grupe preuzete iz Banke Gena. Geometrijsko morfometrijskom metodom analizirane su veličinske komponente desnog krila (oblik i veličina) 4717 jedinki 29 vrsta roda Cheilosia poreklom sa 21 područja Balkanskog poluostrva.</p><p>U radu su utvrđeni diferencijalni fenotipovi veličine i oblika krila i specijes-specifični&nbsp;haplotipovi COI mtDNK koji su omogućili identifikaciju i razdvajanje blisko srodnih vrsta&nbsp;roda Cheilosia. Analizom parametara krila kod većine analiziranih taksona utvrđene su&nbsp;značajne razlike između konspecifičkih populacija većine analiziranih taksona, kod je jasan&nbsp;&nbsp; polni dimorfizam u obliku krila uočen kod svih analiziranih vrsta.</p><p>Usagla&scaron;eno filogenetsko stablo na osnovu sekvenci 3&#39; COI mtDNK ukazuje na&nbsp;monofiletski rod <em>Cheilosiau</em> okviru kojeg se izdvajaju četiri jasno odvojene klade koje&nbsp;odgovaraju podrodovima <em>Convocheila,&nbsp; Taeniochilosia,&nbsp; Eucartosyrphusi Cheilosias</em>. str.&nbsp;definisanim na osnovu morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera tradicionalnom &nbsp;taksonomijom (((<em>Cheilosia </em>s.&nbsp; str. +<em> Eucartosyrphus</em>) + <em>Taeniochilosia</em>) + <em>Convocheila</em>). Unutar klade <em>Cheilosias.</em> str. sve analizirane vrste su formirale monofiletske klastere sa &nbsp;njima blisko srodnim vrstama. Fenogrami evolucionih odnosa konstruisani su UPGMA metodom na osnovu oblika krila su bili podudarni sa topologijom filogenetskih stabla analiziranih grupa vrsta.</p> / <p>Nucleotide COI mtDNA diversity and phenotypic variation of wing parameters (size&nbsp;and shape) of taxa of the genus <em>Cheilosiawere</em> analysed. Obtained data were used to solve phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships of these taxa. A total of 119 specimens from 14 <em>Cheilosiaspecies</em> collected from eight localities on the Balkan Peninsula and one from Finnish Lapland (specimens of <em>C. albitarsis</em>) were used for DNA sequencing. Amplification was attempted for 3&#39; end of COI mtDNA gene (and 5&#39; COI mtDNA and ITS2 rDNA in <em>C.&nbsp;laticornis&nbsp;</em>species group). COI mtDNA sequences from nine species of the <em>C. melanura </em>group and three species of the <em>C. canicularis</em> group were obtained from GenBank. Geometric morphometric analysis of wing size and shape was conducted on 4717 specimens from 29 species collected from 21 localities on the Balkan Peninsula.</p><p>Based on differential phenotypes of wing size and shape and species-specific COI&nbsp;mtDNA haplotypes it was possible to identify and delimitate closely related species of genus&nbsp; Cheilosia. It was estimated that size and shape variation occurred among conspecific populations. A consistent sexual wing shape dimorphism was revealed in all analyzed species.</p><p>Strict consensus cladogram based on COI mtDNA data revealed monophyletic genus <em>&nbsp;Cheilosia</em><i>&nbsp;</i>and subgeneric divisions that are congruent with subgenera described based on traditional morphological character (((<em>Cheilosia</em> s. str. +<em> Eucartosyrphus</em>) + <em>Taeniochilosia</em>) + <em>Convocheila</em>). Within the clade <em>Cheilosias</em>. str. closely related species group were supported as monophyletic. UPGMA phenograms of evolutionary relationships based od wing traits produced the same topology as the phylogenetictrees constructed using molecular data.</p>

Taksonomska analiza vrsta iz podfamilije Syrphinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) u Srbiji / Taxonomic analyses of the species from subfamily Syrphinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Serbia

Nedeljković Zorica 16 December 2011 (has links)
<p>Redeterminacijom publikovanog i determinacijom novog materijala iz podfamilije Syrphinae na području Srbije su zabeleţene 134 vrste iz 25 rodova. Sedam vrsta (Chrysotoxum orthostylus Vujić, in prep., Chrysotoxum aff. festivum, Chrysotoxum aff. vernale, Dasysyrphus laskai Doczkal &amp; St&aring;hls, in prep., Melanostoma aff. mellinum, Paragus rarus Vujić et al., in prep. i Xanthogramma citrofasciatum B Doczkal, in prep.) su nove za nauku i njihovi opisi se nalaze u pripremi. 14 vrsta su nove za faunu Balkanskog poluostrva, dok su 39 nove za faunu Srbije (uključujući i one koje su nove za Balkan). Unutar vrste Chrysotoxum festivum uočena su dva fenotipa &bdquo;svetli&ldquo; i &bdquo;tamni&ldquo; koji se jasno razlikuju na osnovu niza morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera (&scaron;irina lica, &scaron;irina crne trake na licu, popra&scaron;enost čela, boja dlaka na mezonotumu i skutelumu, &scaron;irina oznaka na T2 i T3) kao i na osnovu veličine i oblika krila. Usled jasne divergencije pomenutih fenotipova kao i njihove simpatrije u pitanju su odvojene vrste. Jasno izdvajanje fenotipova na osnovu morfolo&scaron;kih karaktera odraslih jedinki uključujući i parametre krila (veličinu i oblik) ustanovljeno je i unutar vrsta Chrysotoxum vernale i Melanostoma mellinum. Unutar vrste Chrysotoxum vernale se izdvajaju dva nezavisna taksona- Chrysotoxum vernale i Chrysotoxum aff. vernale, a unutar vrste Melanostoma mellinum- Melanostoma mellinum i Melanostoma aff. mellinum. Zoogeografskom analizom je ustanovljeno da su najbrojnije vrste &scaron;irokog areala, koje čine čak 75,19% od ukupnog broja vrsta, 12 vrsta (9,02%) ima srednjeevropski, 10 severnoevropski (7,52%), a svega dve vrste (1,5%) juţnoevropski tip areala. Dve vrste (1,5%) su ograničenog areala. Dve vrste iz podfamilije Syrphinae spadaju u kategoriju strogo za&scaron;tićenih vrsta, dok pet spada u kategoriju za&scaron;tićenih vrsta na području Srbije (Uredbom Ministarstva za za&scaron;titu ţivotne sredine i prostornog planiranja Republike Srbije od 2010. godine o za&scaron;titi strogo ugroţenih i ugroţenih divljih vrsta biljaka, ţivotinja i gljiva). Razmatrajući status vrsta na evropskom nivou po Speight (2010) većina vrsta (118) pripada kategoriji neugroţenih vrsta &bdquo;unthreatened&ldquo;, a po četiri kategoriji ugroţenih vrsta &bdquo;threatened&ldquo; i vrsta čija se brojnost smanjuje &bdquo;decreasing&ldquo;. Najvećim indeksom diverziteta (3,66) se odlikuje Duba&scaron;nica sa Malinikom, zatim slede Vr&scaron;ačke planine (H=3,62) i Kopaonik (H=3,59). Najniţi indeks diverziteta imaju Bosilegrad (1,21) i dolina Tami&scaron;a (1,55) &scaron;to je i očekivano obzirom na broj sakupljenih primeraka i registrovanih vrsta. Rad predstavlja sintezu faunističkih istraţivanja vrsta iz podfamilije Syrphinae u Srbiji, taksonomsku analizu zabeleţenih vrsta kao i razre&scaron;avanje taksonomskih problema unutar mnogih vrsta unutar kojih su oni bili prisutni.</p> / <p> This PhD thesis is about the taxonomic and faunistic revision of the Syrphinae hoverflies (Syrphidae) of Serbia. As a result of this study, 134 species of 25 genera were reported to Serbia. This account comprised seven species new to science: Chrysotoxum orthostylus Vujić, in prep., Chrysotoxum aff. festivum, Chrysotoxum aff. vernale, Dasysyrphus laskai Doczkal &amp; St&aring;hls, in prep., Melanostoma aff. mellinum, Paragus rarus Vujić et al., in prep. and Xanthogramma citrofasciatum B Doczkal, in prep.. Additionally, 39 species were new to Serbia, 14 of them also new to the Balkan Peninsula. A first approach to solve some taxonomic problems within three different hoverfly taxa is provided in this study. The examined material of Chrysotoxum festivum from Serbia exhibited two different phenotypes, &ldquo;light&rdquo; and &ldquo;dark&rdquo;. These phenotypes were defined by both landmark-based geometric morphometric characters of wings and other adult morphological characters (width of face, width of black stripe on face, frons pruinosity, colour of hairs on mesonotum and scutellum, width of stripes on terga 2 and 3, etc). The presented results together with the sympatry of the studied phenotypes suggested the existence of at least two different taxa within the species, currently known under the name Chrysotoxum festivum. Similarly, traditional characters in adult morphology and morphometric characters of wings (size and shape) showed the existence of two well-defined phenotypes both within the species Chrysotoxum vernale (Chrysotoxum vernale and Chrysotoxum aff. vernale) and the species Melanostoma mellinum (Melanostoma mellinum and Melanostoma aff. mellinum). The zoogeographic analysis showed that most of the studied species are widespread in Europe (75,19%), and the rest of species are Central European (9,02%), Northern European (7,52%) or South European (1,5%). At European level, 118 species are thought to be unthreatened, four threatened and four with decreasing populations according to the last version of Syrph the Net, the Database of European Syrphidae. In Serbia, two of the studied species are regarded as &ldquo;strictly protected&ldquo; and five as &ldquo;protected&ldquo; under the Regulation on the Promulgation and Protection of the Protected and Strictly Protected Wild Species of Plants, Animals and Fungi (Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Serbia). The localities of Duba&scaron;nica and Malinik have the highest values for the scored diversity index (H = 3.66), followed by Vr&scaron;ačke planine (H=3.62) and Kopaonik (H=3.59). Bosilegrad and Tami&scaron; have the lowest diversity values, 1.21 and 1.55 respectively, as it was expected by the low species richness and abundance of hoverflies recorded in these localities.</p>

Fauna osolikih muva (Diptera: Syrphidae) Grčke / Fauna of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Greece

Likov Laura 28 August 2018 (has links)
<p>Osolike&nbsp; muve&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; bitnu&nbsp; i korisnu&nbsp; insekatsku&nbsp; grupu.&nbsp; Pružaju&nbsp; nezamenljive ekolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; i&nbsp; ekonomske&nbsp; usluge,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; usluge&nbsp; za&nbsp; životnu sredinu.&nbsp; Navedene&nbsp; usluge&nbsp; su&nbsp; omogućene&nbsp; njihovom sposobno&scaron;ću&nbsp; opra&scaron;ivanja&nbsp; biljaka&nbsp; u&nbsp; prirodnim&nbsp; i agroekosistemima,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; zahvaljujući&nbsp; larvama&ndash; predatorima&nbsp; lisnih&nbsp; va&scaron;i&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih&nbsp; insekata,&nbsp; smanjujući ekonomske&nbsp; gubitke&nbsp; u&nbsp; prinosu&nbsp; kultivisanih&nbsp; biljaka. Takođe&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; poslužiti&nbsp; kao&nbsp; bioindikatori&nbsp; klimatskih promena&nbsp; i&nbsp; stanja&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta.&nbsp; Neke&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; i konzervacioni značaj, obzirom da su zbog&nbsp; antropogenih uticaja postale ugrožene, &scaron;to zahteva preduzimanje mera za&nbsp; obezbeđivanje njihovog opstanka. Izuzetno bogatstvo flore i faune na Balkanskom<br />poluostrvu&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; jedinstveni&nbsp; ekolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; i biogeografski&nbsp; fenomen&nbsp; u&nbsp; Evropi.&nbsp; Grčka,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedna&nbsp; od najvažnijih&nbsp; centara&nbsp; biodiverzita&nbsp; na&nbsp; Balkanu&nbsp; i&nbsp; u Mediteranu&nbsp; se&nbsp; odlikuje&nbsp; &scaron;irokim&nbsp; spektrom&nbsp; važnih&nbsp; tipova ekosistema,&nbsp; od&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; su&nbsp; najbitniji&nbsp; &scaron;umski,&nbsp; budući&nbsp; da najveći&nbsp; broj&nbsp; osolikih&nbsp; muva&nbsp; preferira&nbsp; upravo&nbsp; taj&nbsp; tip stani&scaron;ta.<br />Značaj&nbsp; faunističkih&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; se&nbsp; ogleda&nbsp; u otkrivanju&nbsp; sastava&nbsp; i&nbsp; brojnosti&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; na&nbsp; određenim stani&scaron;tima ili područjima. Faunistički sastav pruža uvid u biodiverzitet&nbsp; istraživane&nbsp; oblasti,&nbsp; koja&nbsp; se&nbsp; neprekidno menja,&nbsp; naročito&nbsp; u&nbsp; poslednje&nbsp; vreme&nbsp; pod&nbsp; uticajem negativnog&nbsp; antropogenog&nbsp; uticaja.&nbsp; Podaci&nbsp; o&nbsp; vrstama mogu&nbsp; biti&nbsp; od&nbsp; velikog&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; za&nbsp; eventualne&nbsp; programe za&scaron;tite&nbsp; i&nbsp; oporavka&nbsp; ugroženih&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; planiranju formiranja&nbsp; novih&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; ili&nbsp; u&nbsp; uvođenju novih mera za&scaron;tite u već postojećim prirodnim dobrima.<br />Prepoznavanje ugroženih vrsta ili ugroženih stani&scaron;ta koje one&nbsp; naseljavaju,&nbsp; igra&nbsp; bitnu&nbsp; ulogu&nbsp; u&nbsp; planiranju konzervacionih strategija za njihovo očuvanje. Rezultati&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; upotpunjujuznanje o faunističkom sastavu, taksonomiji, distribuciji i&nbsp; diverzitetu osolikih muva u Grčkoj. Pomoću sakupljenih&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; formiran&nbsp; je&nbsp; identifikacioni&nbsp; ključ&nbsp; za razlikovanje&nbsp; kako&nbsp; rodova&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp;&nbsp; registrovanih&nbsp; na&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; području,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; u&nbsp; velikoj&nbsp; meri&nbsp; pomaže&nbsp; u&nbsp; daljim faunističkim&nbsp; istraživanjima.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; rezultat&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; dobijena&nbsp; je&nbsp; konačna&nbsp; lista&nbsp; od&nbsp; 418&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; iz&nbsp; 83 roda.&nbsp; Od&nbsp; ukupnog&nbsp; broja&nbsp; zabeleženih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; 64&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; su&nbsp; prvi put registrovane na teritoriji Grčke, dok&nbsp; su 18 vrsta&nbsp; nove za nauku.<br />Osnovni&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada&nbsp; je&nbsp; revizija&nbsp; faune osolikih muva&nbsp; Grčke&nbsp; na osnovu prikupljenog materijala iz&nbsp; publikovanih&nbsp; i&nbsp; nepublikovanih&nbsp; zbirki&nbsp; i&nbsp; dopunskih<br />terenskih istraživanja, sastavljanje liste o svim poznatim&nbsp; vrstama&nbsp; sa&nbsp; područja&nbsp; Grčke,&nbsp; i&nbsp; izrada&nbsp; identifikacionog ključa&nbsp; za&nbsp; razlikovanje&nbsp; zabeleženih&nbsp; rodova&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrsta<br />(praćeni&nbsp; fotografijama&nbsp; i&nbsp; crtežima&nbsp; dijagnostičkih morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; adultnih&nbsp; jedinki).&nbsp; Drugi&nbsp; deo doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; se&nbsp; bavi&nbsp; prepoznavanjem&nbsp; retkih&nbsp; i<br />ugroženih vrsta Grčke sa naglaskom na njihovu za&scaron;titu i konzervaciju.&nbsp; U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; disertacije je&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; prostorna analiza distribucije vrsta na području&nbsp; Grčke, koja su već ugrožena&nbsp; na&nbsp; evropskom&nbsp; i&nbsp; balkanskom&nbsp; nivou,&nbsp; a&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; određivanja&nbsp; područja&nbsp; sa&nbsp; posebnim&nbsp; značajem&nbsp; za&nbsp; njihovo očuvanje.</p> / <p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> 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thanks&nbsp; to&nbsp; larvaepredators&nbsp; of&nbsp; aphids&nbsp; and&nbsp; other&nbsp; insects,&nbsp; reducing&nbsp; economic losses&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; yield&nbsp; of&nbsp; cultivated&nbsp; plants. Hoverflies&nbsp; are extremely important for the environment, as they can serve as bioindicators of climate change and habitat conditions. Some species&nbsp; also&nbsp; have&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; importance,&nbsp; since&nbsp; they&nbsp; have become&nbsp; endangered&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; anthropogenic&nbsp; effects,&nbsp; which requires taking measures to ensure their survival. The extraordinary richness of flora and fauna on the Balkan&nbsp; Peninsula&nbsp; represents&nbsp; a&nbsp; unique&nbsp; ecological&nbsp; and biogeographical phenomenon in Europe. Greece, as one of the most important center of biodiversity in the Balkans and in the Mediterranean,&nbsp; is&nbsp; characterized&nbsp; by&nbsp; a&nbsp; wide&nbsp; spectrum&nbsp; of important&nbsp; ecosystem&nbsp; types,&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; important&nbsp; of&nbsp; which&nbsp; are forests, since the largest number of hoverflies prefer this type of habitat.The importance of faunal research is reflected in the discovery&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; composition&nbsp; and&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; in specific habitats or areas. The faunal composition provides an insight into the biodiversity of the investigated area, which is&nbsp; constantly&nbsp; changing,&nbsp; especially&nbsp; lately&nbsp; under&nbsp; the&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of negative&nbsp; anthropogenic impact. Data about species can be of great importance for possible programs for the protection and recovery of endangered species, as well as in the planning of the formation of new protected areas or in the introduction of new&nbsp; measures&nbsp; of&nbsp; protection&nbsp; in&nbsp; already&nbsp; existing&nbsp; natural resources.&nbsp; Identifying&nbsp; endangered&nbsp; species&nbsp; or&nbsp; endangered habitats&nbsp; they&nbsp; inhabit&nbsp; plays&nbsp; an&nbsp; important&nbsp; role&nbsp; in&nbsp; planning conservation strategies for their conservation.The&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; these&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; complement&nbsp; the knowledge&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; composition,&nbsp; taxonomy,&nbsp; distribution and diversity of hoverflies in Greece. Using the collected data, an&nbsp; identification&nbsp; key&nbsp; was&nbsp; formed&nbsp; to&nbsp; distinguish&nbsp; both&nbsp; the genera&nbsp; and&nbsp; species&nbsp; registered&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; area,&nbsp; which&nbsp; greatly assisted in further faunistic research. As a result of these thesis a final list of 418 species rom 83 genus was obtained. Of the total&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; recorded&nbsp; species,&nbsp; 64&nbsp; species&nbsp; were&nbsp; first&nbsp; time registered in the territory of Greece, while a total of 18 species are new to science. The main goal of this paper is to revise the fauna of Greek&nbsp; howerflies&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; collected&nbsp; material&nbsp; from published&nbsp; and&nbsp; unpublished&nbsp; collections&nbsp; and&nbsp; additional&nbsp; field research, compile a list of all known species from&nbsp; Greece, and create an identification key to distinguish the recorded genera and&nbsp; species&nbsp; (accompanied&nbsp; by&nbsp; photographs&nbsp; and&nbsp; drawings&nbsp; of diagnostic morphological characters of adult individuals). The second&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; deals&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; identification&nbsp; of&nbsp; rare and endangered species of Greece&nbsp; with an emphasis on their protection&nbsp; and&nbsp; conservation.&nbsp; Within&nbsp; the&nbsp; framework&nbsp; of&nbsp; the dissertation, a spatial analysis of the distribution of species in Greece&nbsp; was&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out,&nbsp; already&nbsp; threatened&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; European and&nbsp; Balkan&nbsp; levels,&nbsp; in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; areas&nbsp; of&nbsp; special<br />significance for their preservation.</p>

Biología, interacciones y uso del depredador Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Diptera: Syrphidae) en el control integrado de plagas de áfidos en cultivos de invernadero / Biology, interactions and use of predator Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Diptera: Syrphidae) on integrated management of aphid pests in greenhouse crops

Amorós Jiménez, Rocco 26 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The ecology of Melangyna viridiceps and Simosyrphus grandicornis (Diptera : Syrphidae) and their impact on populations of the rose aphid, Macrosiphum rosae

Soleyman-Nezhadiyan, Ebrahim. January 1996 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaves 213-233. This thesis studies the influence of the two common syrphid species on populations of rose aphids in rose gardens in Adelaide. The study determines whether the provision of attractive flowers increases the suppressive effect of syrphids on rose aphids and analyses some ecological and biological aspects of two syrphid species -- Melangyana viridiceps (Macquart) and Simosyrphus grandicornis (Macquart) -- in a Mediteranean climate to obtain a better understanding of their biological control potential.

A revision of the Nearctic Species of Platycheirus Lepeletier and Serville (Diptera: Syrphidae)

Young, Andrew D. 09 May 2012 (has links)
The Nearctic members of the genus Platycheirus Lepeletier and Serville are revised. Five species, Platycheirus alpigenus Nielsen and Barkalov, Platycheirus brunnifrons Nielsen, Platycheirus clausseni Nielsen, Platycheirus speighti Doczkal, Stuke, and Goeldlin, and Platycheirus splendidus Rotheray, are newly recorded for the Nearctic Region, while three species, Platycheirus sp. trichopus, Platycheirus sp. “hyperboreus dark form” and Platycheirus n. sp. “perpallidus1” are new manuscript names. Females of 42 species are described for the first time. The genus Pyrophaena Schiner is resurrected. The genus Tuberculanostoma Fluke is synonymized with Platycheirus. An illustrated key to all 73 males and 52 females of Platycheirus and the males and females of the 3 species of Pyrophaena occurring in the Nearctic region is provided. Morphological and combined morphological/molecular COI phylogenetic analyses of the Platycheirus albimanus group are presented, as well as a molecular analysis of all available Platycheirus COI sequences. The species groups within Platycheirus are redefined based on these analyses. / NSERC-CANPOLIN

The ecology of Melangyna viridiceps and Simosyrphus grandicornis (Diptera : Syrphidae) and their impact on populations of the rose aphid, Macrosiphum rosae / by Ebrahim Soleyman-Nezhadiyan.

Soleyman-Nezhadiyan, Ebrahim January 1996 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 213-233. / xiii, 255 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / This thesis studies the influence of the two common syrphid species on populations of rose aphids in rose gardens in Adelaide. The study determines whether the provision of attractive flowers increases the suppressive effect of syrphids on rose aphids and analyses some ecological and biological aspects of two syrphid species -- Melangyana viridiceps (Macquart) and Simosyrphus grandicornis (Macquart) -- in a Mediteranean climate to obtain a better understanding of their biological control potential. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Crop Protection, 1997

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