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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of flower abundance and colour on pan-trap catches

Berglund, Hilda-Linn January 2016 (has links)
Pollinating insects are important for many plants and for the human population. To be able to monitor pollinators and assess improvements made for them, it is important to get information about pollinator population changes. Therefore, it is essential that the methods used to collect data are accurate (i.e. that they represent the pollinator fauna). One commonly used method is pan-traps, but this method is suggested to be affected by the abundance of surrounding flowers. The results in the present study showed that catches in pan-traps can be affected by flower cover and the colour of the flowers, depending on which colours are preferred by the insects. The effects differed when looking at a larger scale (2-6 ha) and a smaller scale (25 m2) around the pan-traps. When comparing cover of flowers with catches in pan-traps in the small scale there were some results that showed linear positive correlations (expected), but also, negative linear and quadratic correlations. In contrast, in the large scale there were no significant positive linear correlations. When comparing catches in hand-net and pan-traps, only in one out of six taxonomical groups there were a correlation. The results in this study show that catches in pan-traps can be misleading if catches are done to survey pollinator population fauna and the cover of flowers is not considered.

Biodiversidad de sírfidos (Diptera: Syrphidae) y conservación de los hábitats en el Parque Nacional de Cabañeros, España / Hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) biodiversity and habitat conservation in Cabañeros National Park, Spain

Ricarte, Antonio 22 July 2008 (has links)
El alto potencial de los insectos como herramientas para la conservación y gestión de la biodiversidad está infravalorado. Los sírfidos (Diptera: Syrphidae) destacan, entre otras cosas, por su carácter bioindicador del estado de conservación de los hábitats. No obstante, la fauna de sírfidos de la parte occidental de la Cuenca Mediterránea, está insuficientemente estudiada y los ciclos biológicos de muchas especies raras, amenazadas o endémicas se desconocen. Este estudio se ha desarrollado en un ecosistema mediterráneo típico, el Parque Nacional de Cabañeros (España). En él se dan tres tipos de hábitats: arbolados, matorrales y pastizales. Cada uno predomina en un área, constituyéndose así las matrices de tres paisajes diferentes. Los arbolados ofrecen un mayor número de nichos a los sírfidos, destacando algunos árboles por su antigüedad y porte. Se ha realizado un muestreo sistemático con manga entomológica en 18 puntos de los tres tipos de hábitats distribuidos por igual en los diferentes paisajes, así como un muestreo sistemático con trampas Malaise en cinco de los hábitats más representativos (alcornocal, fresneda, matorral, melojar, raña). También se han hecho búsquedas de fases inmaduras, sobre todo, de especies fitófagas y saproxílicas. / The high potential that insects have, as tools for conservation and management of biodiversity, is devalued due to the lack of entomological studies, even in protected areas. Hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) are important bioindicators for the conservation status of habitats, as well as pollinators, pest controllers or pests of cultivated plants. However, the hoverfly fauna from the western Mediterranean Basin is not studied enough. Life histories of numerous rare, threatened or endemic species are unknown. This study was carried out in a typical Mediterranean ecosystem, Cabañeros National Park (Spain). The area includes three habitat types, woodlands, scrublands and grasslands, dominating each one – matrix – in three different landscapes. Woodlands supply a diverse and abundant range of ecological niches for hoverflies, including many microsite types associated with overmature trees. A systematic sampling by hand net was conducted in 18 sampling points. Each landscape had a pair of sampling points belonging to each of the aforementioned three habitat types. A systematic sampling by Malaise traps was also performed in five Mediterranean-representative habitats – grassland or “raña”, Fraxinus angustifolia forest, Quercus suber forest, Quercus pyrenaica forest and scrubland. In addition, immature stages were sampled, mainly for phytophagous and saproxylic species.

Bionomía, diversidad y morfología preimaginal de sírfidos depredadores (Diptera: Syrphidae) en el Estado Lara, Venezuela. Importancia en el control biológico de plagas

Arcaya, Evelin 23 October 2012 (has links)
Este estudio constituye una importante fuente de información sobre el potencial de los sírfidos depredadores (Diptera: Syrphidae, Syrphinae) como agentes biológicos para el control de plagas en cultivos agrícolas en Venezuela. Las larvas de los Syrphidae presentan una morfología muy variada y poseen una gran diversidad de modos de vida. La mayor parte de los representantes de la subfamilia Syrphinae, son depredadores de una amplia gama de hemípteros de cuerpo blando aunque también pueden alimentarse de otros artrópodos. Las principales presas de los sírfidos depredadores son los áfidos o pulgones (Aphididae), escamas (Coccoidea), aleuródidos (Aleyrodidae) y trips (Thripidae). Para la realización de la presente Tesis doctoral se realizó un muestreo en los principales cultivos del estado Lara y se revisó la colección del Museo de Entomología José M. Osorio (MJMO = UCOB, según el Biodiversity Collections Index) de la Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado". También se revisaron ejemplares de la colección del Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola (MIZA) de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Entre los resultados de la tesis, se presenta una base de datos con los sírfidos depredadores estudiados con un total de 2571 ejemplares agrupados en 11 géneros y 59 especies. Del total de especies estudiadas, al menos se identificaron 15 nuevos taxa para la ciencia. Adicionalmente, se realizó un inventario de las presas y plantas asociadas a cada especie de Syrphidae depredador. Se reportaron nuevas especies de presas y plantas asociadas que aumentan de manera significativa el conocimiento de estas relaciones conocidas hasta la fecha en Venezuela. Como ejemplo, para A. exotica, se indican 6 nuevas presas y 23 plantas hospedantes; para P. clavatus se registran 7 nuevas plantas hospedantes. Por último, destacar 26 nuevos registros de presas relacionadas con el género Ocyptamus sobre 33 especies de plantas asociadas, presentando la mayor diversidad de presas de todos los sírfidos estudiados. En función de los resultados obtenidos en el muestreo se procedió al estudio del potencial biológico de Allograpta exotica, Pseudodoros clavatus y Ocyptamus dimidiatus, utilizando como presa al áfido de las leguminosas, Aphis craccivora en condiciones de laboratorio. Los parámetros biológicos de la especie (A. exotica) fueron estudiados en detalle. Las curvas de respuesta funcional de A. exotica se ajustaron mejor y mostraron el valor más alto de R2 para el modelo Polinomial indicando una fuerte correlación entre el aumento de áfidos depredados por A. exotica y las diferentes densidades ofrecidas de A. craccivora. El coeficiente de determinación para el modelo de Holling sugiere que A. exotica responde al Tipo de curva II. De manera complementaria a los estudios anteriores, se procedió al análisis de la morfología preimaginal de los géneros Allograpta, Pseudodoros y Ocyptamus. Además, se estudió la morfología preimaginal de Eosalpingogaster umbra Mengual y Thompson, Salpingogaster nigra Schiner, Leucopodella sp. nov. y xanthandrus bucephalus (wiedemann) aportando las primeras informaciones conocidas sobre su morfología preimaginal y las implicaciones sistemáticas derivadas. Se describen por vez primera el pupario, la larva madura (L-3) y la quetotaxia de O. dimidiatus y O. gastrostactus. También se describen los puparios de Ocyptamus funebris, O. norina, O. phaeopterus O. stenogaster, Ocyptamus lividus, O. tristani y Ocyptamus sp.nov aff. attenuatus. Por último se incluye una clave de identificación diagnóstica de las especies de Ocyptamus cuya morfología preimaginal ha sido analizada en esta memoria. / Consejo de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico y Tecnológico de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (CDCHT-UCLA), financiamiento al proyecto de Tesis Doctoral 003-DAG-2007.

Faune pollinisatrice, paysage et échelle spatiale des flux de pollen chez brassica napus l. (brassicaceae)

Chifflet, Rémy 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'intérêt pour la dispersion des gènes via le pollen a augmenté avec les cultures de plantes génétiquement modifiées. A ce jour, les données expérimentales ainsi que la modélisation portant sur les mouvements du pollen de colza, Brassica napus L., à l'échelle du paysage ne différencie pas clairement la part du vent et des insectes dans cette dispersion. Cependant, l'estimation de la dispersion des gènes par le pollen reste une condition nécessaire pour la gestion des risques d'échappement des (trans-)gènes vers l'environnement et les cultures conventionnelles. A travers cette thèse, nous avons pu mettre en évidence qu'une grande diversité d'insectes pollinisateurs pouvait transporter du pollen viable entre différentes plantes de colza sur des distances importantes (>1.1 km). La diversité d'insectes varie d'une région à l'autre et d'une année sur l'autre. Cependant, bien que la majorité des insectes sur une zone de grande production de colza ait du pollen de cette culture sur leur corps, seulement 39,4 % des insectes capturés sur des plantes mâle-stériles transportent du pollen de colza viable. Bien que nous n'ayons pas pu déterminer avec précision la part du vent et des insectes dans le pollinisation du colza, il semblerait que les insectes participent de façon plus importante à la pollinisation de plantes présentes en bordures de champs, augmentant ainsi le taux de pollinisation croisée. Nos résultats fournissent des données fiables pour améliorer les modèles de dispersion pollinique pour des cultures entomophiles à l'échelle du paysage. Ces modèles sont essentiels pour l'aide à la gestion afin de réduire la dispersion des gènes par le pollen des cultures génétiquement modifiées vers les plantes sauvages ou les cultures conventionnelles

Experimental study on the utilisation of substitute food resources by parasitic wasps and syrphid flies attacking the rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) (Homoptera :Aphididae)

Bribosia, Emmanuel J. 22 December 2004 (has links)
The rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is the most serious pest apple aphid in view of the scale of damages inflicted to the fruits by a small number of individuals. Although numerous natural enemies have been associated with D. plantaginea, they are unable to halt infestations soon enough in most commercial apple orchards obliging fruit growers to control it chemically to prevent severe economic losses. In order to reinforce the contribution of indigenous aphidophaga in regulating rosy apple aphids, the use of insectary plants selected to support two groups of specialist aphid antagonists, notably aphid parasitoids and aphidophagous monovoltine syrphids, was investigated. 1. A first step consisted in selecting appropriate plant species. The rowan tree Sorbus aucuparia L. and the common elder Sambucus nigra L. were selected for their ability to support substitute aphids for the rosy apple aphid parasitoid E. persicae Froggatt (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Aphidiinae) and monovotine syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae) respectively. 2. Next, trials were conducted to induce substitute aphid infestations on their host plants by introducing eggs of Dysaphis sorbi Kaltenbach on rowan and small colonies of Aphis sambuci L. on elder. The resulting aphid populations which developed on their respective host plants in spring proved to be exploited by the natural enemies expected, i.e. E. persicae and monovoltine syrphids of the genus Epistrophe. Besides, diapause mummies of E. persicae and diapausing last-instar Epistrophe larvac were recorded on rowan and in the elder litter respectively, indicating the successful settlement of the antagonists in the orchard environment. A complementary investigation devoted to syrphid adults indicated that females of all species recorded ovipositing on the eider shrubs, including Epistrophe spp. had consumed a large majority of apple pollen grains as a protein source required for egg maturation. 3. To comfort our choice in the two groups of aphidophaga considered, a study dedicated to their respective phenology versus the one of D. plantaginea showed that they could both potentially halt rosy apple aphid infestations by attacking the aphids while the latter still occupied the primary, fundatrix-induced rosette leaf colonies, i.e. a critical moment in rosy apple aphid control. 4. Finally, marking methods were tested to label E. persicae internally and the egg load of gravid syrphids. These trials were intended to pave the way towards future mark-release-recapture experiments aimed to evaluate the antagonists’ activity range and thus strategically position the insectary plants for optimal aphid biological control in the whole orchard. The first step of new approach in the biological control of D. plantaginea has been set with this study. Its originality lies in the induction of economically indifferent aphid infestations on selected plants introduced in the orchard to encourage well-targeted groups of specialist aphid antagonists. Further trials are still needed to validate the field efficacy of the insectary plant systems developed and evaluate their possible integration within the whole array of pest management tools in both organic and integrated apple production. / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation biologie animale / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Prostorová rozmanitost opylovacích sítí / Spatial Variability in Pollination Networks

Hadrava, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Plant-pollinator interaction assembly can be represented as so called pollination network. Using these networks, assembly of plant-pollinator communities and geographic patterns in pollination networks can be studied. During last years, a great progress in describing patterns in structure of plant-pollinator interaction webs and in describing their spatial variability was made. However, these results are mostly based on data from previous studies, which are not seamlessly comparable due to their nonuniformity. My thesis aims at the methodological concepts of study on pollination networks. Based on meta- analysis of previously published data and on data from four years detailed study of plant-pollination system from one locality, I show several methodological problems caused by dissimilarities in sam- pling method of current pollination-network data. These dissimilarities could be responsible for some observed patterns in the assembly of pollination networks. Thus, I propose a uniform method for observing pollination networks suitable for macroecolo- gical meta-analyses (pollination network samples). I tested this method in the field and I described 49 pollination networks from the central and eastern Europe by using such method. In these ne- tworks, no nonrandom structure character such as...

"Foraging and oviposition behaviour in the predatory hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera:Syrphidae): a multitrophic approach/Le comportement de recherche et de ponte des femelles du syrphe ceinturé, Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptère, Syrphidae) : approche multitrophique".

Al-Mohamad, Raki 10 September 2010 (has links)
"Summary: The larvae of predatory hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera: Syrphidae), have limited dispersal ability to forage. The selection of the oviposition site by gravid females is crucial for the survival larvae. Therefore hoverfly females should optimise their foraging behaviour by choosing suitable oviposition sites. The aim of this PhD thesis was to understand how hoverfly females assess aphid patch quality during their egg-laying behaviour. The impact of several factors on the oviposition response of E. balteatus females including host plant, aphid species, aphid colony size, semiochemicals emitted from aphids or their association with host plants, presence of intra- or interspecific competitors and females age, was clearly demonstrated during this research. In the first part, we have shown that E. balteatus females select their oviposition site according to aphid-host plant and aphid species, which is also shown to be related to offspring performance (fitness). Aphid species Myzus persicae (Sulzer) infested-Solanum tuberosum L. was the most preferred aphid-plant combination as an oviposition site by syrphid females. The E. balteatus survival was enhanced in this system and females laid numerous eggs when larvae were reared with M. persicae as prey, especially when the host plant was potato. Broad bean plants Vicia faba infested with Megoura viciae (Buckton) or Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) were equally attractive for E. balteatus females. Aphis fabae (Scopoli) was the least preferred aphid. Higher hoverfly fitness was also observed when larvae were reared on M. viciae or A. pisum compared to those reared on A. fabae. Moreover, it was also demonstrated that foraging hoverfly females is guided by different infochemical cues emitted by aphid host plant, such as (E)-β-farnesene, enabling them to locate aphid infested plant and to select an adequate oviposition site. In the second part, the leaf disc system was found to be a practical and efficient method to assess the hoverfly reproductive behaviour under different laboratory conditions. Results also showed that there was a significant quadratic relationship between the released (E)-β-farnesene amounts and aphid colony size, which means that this molecule play important role in oviposition decision made by hoverfly females in response to aphid colony size. In the third part, we have highlighted that the E. balteatus females avoid aphid colonies in which conspecific larvae or their tracks were already present. Similar response was also shown by females to the presence of Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) larval tracks. This oviposition deterring stimulus was also shown to be mediated by odourant cues emitted from larval tracks extracts. It was also demonstrated that the foraging behaviour of hoverfly females was modified by the presence of parasitoids Aphidius ervi (Haliday) in aphid colonies. Females did not exhibit any preference for plants infested with unparasitised or parasitised aphids for 7 days, but they are reluctant to lay eggs in response to the presence of mummies or their exuvia on broad bean plants. Oviposition preference of predatory hoverfly females according to the developmental state of the parasitoid larvae in aphid prey was also found to be related with larval performance. Finally, the age of hoverfly females was found to be an important factor affecting their reproduction ability, suggesting that younger E. balteatus females (2 to 5 weeks old) could be have potential to play a role in biological control of aphids because of their higher reproductive efficiency. All experiments were performed in a laboratory environment and most results obtained are discussed in relation to the context of biological control efforts/Résumé : Les larves du syrphe aphidiphage Episyrphus balteatus (Diptère, Syrphidae) ont une capacité de déplacement limitée. Le choix du site doviposition des femelles est donc crucial pour la survie larvaire. Pour cela, les femelles de ce diptère devraient optimiser leurs choix de sites doviposition pour maximiser les chances de survie de leurs progénitures. Le but de cette thèse de doctorat était de comprendre comment les femelles dE. balteatus évaluent la qualité de patches de pucerons au cours de leur comportement de ponte. La réponse de ponte des femelles dE. balteatus observées à travers plusieurs facteurs a été réalisée, parmi lesquels: la plante hôte, lespèce de pucerons, la taille de la colonie de pucerons, les substances sémiochimiques émises par les pucerons et leurs associations avec leurs plantes hôtes, la présence de compétiteurs intra- ou interspécifiques et l'âge de la femelle. Dans la première partie de ce travail, les résultats obtenus ont permis de mettre en évidence que les femelles dE. balteatus sélectionnent le site de ponte en fonction de la plante hôte et lespèce de puceron, et ce comportement a été aussi montré comme étant lié avec la performance du prédateur (fitness). La combinaison puceron/plante M. persicae/Solanum tuberosum a été la plus préférée par les femelles dE. balteatus, et le fitness de ce prédateur était plus élevé en particulier lorsque les larves sont nourries avec M. persicae élevées sur une plante de pomme de terre. De même, les femelles dE. balteatus ont montré une même préférence pour les deux combinaisons M. viciae/V. faba et A. pisum /V. faba, et un fitness supérieur du prédateur adulte a été aussi observé lorsque les larves sont nourries avec les deux espèces de pucerons. De plus, nous avons aussi montré que les femelles dE. balteatus en recherche de site de ponte sont guidées par des substances volatiles, en particulier le E-(β)-farnésène, émises par les pucerons infestant leur plante hôte. Dans la deuxième partie, le système feuille-disque est démontré comme étant une méthode pratique et efficace pour évaluer le comportement de ponte dE. balteatus au laboratoire sous différentes conditions. Les résultats ont aussi démontré quil y a une relation quadratique entre lémission du E-(β)-farnésène et la taille de colonie de pucerons, ce qui permet de seffectuer que cette molécule a un rôle important dans le comportement de ponte des femelles dE. balteatus en réponse à la taille de la colonie de pucerons. Les résultats obtenus dans la troisième partie, nous ont permis de montrer que les femelles dE. balteatus réduisent leurs pontes dans une colonie de pucerons contenant préalablement des larves de leur propre espèce ou leurs traces. Une réponse similaire a été aussi montrée en présence des substrats préalablement visitées par les larves de coccinelle Harmonia axyridis. Ainsi, la réduction de la ponte des femelles dE. balteatus est provoquée par des substances volatiles émises par les substrats des larves de syrphe. Nous avons aussi démontré que la présence du parasitoïde Aphidius ervi dans une colonie de pucerons a un effet significatif sur le comportement de ponte des femelles dE. balteatus. Les femelles dE. balteatus ne distinguent pas les plants infestées par les pucerons parasités ou non parasités, cependant les femelles réduisent leur pontes en réponse à la présence des pucerons momifiés ou des exuvies de momies. De plus, un fitness supérieur du prédateur a été aussi observé lorsque les larves sont nourries avec lespèce de pucerons A. pisum parasités ou non parasités. Enfin dans la dernière partie, lâge de la femelle dE. balteatus influence significativement leur reproduction, ce qui permet de proposer que les jeunes femelles (2 à 5 semaines) peuvent être plus efficaces dans la lutte biologique contre les pucerons car elles ont une grande efficacité de reproduction. Toutes les expériences ont été effectuées au laboratoire et la plupart des résultats obtenus sont discutés en relation avec le contexte de la lutte biologique".

Enhancing the predatory potential of hoverflies on aphids in Oregon broccoli fields with floral resources

Ambrosino, Mario D. 13 March 2006 (has links)
Four key aspects of the relationship between predatory hoverflies and the aphid pest Brevicoryne brassicae L. on broccoli were investigated in the Willamette Valley, Oregon USA: 1) the relationship between aphid density and hoverfly oviposition, 2) the larval voracity of key hoverfly species, 3) the preferences of hoverflies and broccoli pests for candidate insectary plant species, and 4) the role of insectary plantings in enhancing hoverfly oviposition in aphid colonies in broccoli fields. Hoverfly oviposition at two commercial broccoli field sites increased at aphid densities greater than 50 aphids per plant, but did not peak at the highest aphid densities. A logistic regression model, selected with Akaike's Information Criterion, of the odds of oviposition in relation to aphid density included effects for sampling date and aphid species (B. brassicae and Myzus persicae (Suizer)). The magnitude of the response was similar for B. brassicae and M persicae. The oviposition response was greater in the upper part of the plant canopy, and different on individual leaves from that seen on whole plants. The voracity and development rate of Scaeva pyrastri (L.) were greater than those of Eupeodes fumipennis (Thomson), and both exceeded Syrphus opinator Osten Saken and Sphaerophoria suiphuripes (Thomson). Both E. fumipennis and S. opinator reduced aphid populations to low levels on plants over two weeks, but E. fumipennis spent much of the time foraging away form the caged plants. Alyssum (Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv.), coriander (Coriandrum sativa L.), buckwheat (Fagropyrum esculentum Moench), and phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.) were screened for arthropod visitation frequency. The three pest species Pieris rapae (L.), Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata Mannerheim, and Lygus hesperus Knight visited phacelia the most frequently, while the hoverfly species visited mostly coriander, which was possibly influenced by competition from other foragers. Hoverfly oviposition was increased near within-field blocks of alyssum in broccoli fields at the end of the season however, hoverflies arriving at the field had pollen in their guts and were oviparous four to five weeks before their eggs were detected in aphid colonies. This late oviposition may have occurred because threshold densities for oviposition were not reached until this stage. / Graduation date: 2006

Reproductive biology and nectary structure of <i>Lythrum</i> in central Saskatchewan

Caswell, Wade Devin 26 August 2008
This project examined multiple aspects of the reproductive biology of the wetland invasive species, purple loosestrife (<i>Lythrum salicaria</i> L.), in central Saskatchewan. An examination of insect taxa visiting the three floral morphs of <i>Tristylous</i> L. <i>salicaria</i>, as well as a ranking of the pollination efficiency of individual insect species, an apparent first for L salicaria, was undertaken. Surface features of the floral nectary of L. <i>salicaria</i>, as well as floral nectar secretion dynamics, were also investigated. This project also re-visited some of the previous work done on this invasive species, including various floral organ morphometrics in relation to heterostyly, and aspects of the tristylous breeding system including self-fertilization, and fertilization potential of both illegitimate pollination and legitimate pollination.<p>The trimorphic nature of the sexual floral organs of L. <i>salicaria</i> were well defined in Saskatchewan. Significant differences in length (long-, intermediate- and short-style lengths) exist between all three floral morphs. Lengths of the staminal filaments (long, intermediate, and short) were also significantly different. Also the floral nectary in L. <i>salicaria</i> is located in a depression formed at the interface of the hypanthium and the gynoecium. Several stomata are located at regular intervals along the nectary surface, and may constitute the escape route for floral nectar. No morphological differences in nectary structure were apparent among the three floral morphs.<p>Nectar secretion dynamics of L. <i>salicaria</i> were examined between the three floral morphs throughout two summer days in 2006. Peak average nectar volumes and nectar sugar quantities were detected at 3:00 pm, and, interestingly, no significant differences were detected between floral morphs, in accordance with nectary morphology. The estimated secretion rates for L. <i>salicaria</i> ranged from 61 83 µg of nectar sugar per flower per hour.<p>Hand-pollination experiments carried out over the summers of 2006 and 2007 at three field sites in and around Saskatoon have verified the strong self-incompatibility in the breeding system of this tristylous species. Intramorph pollination, using illegitimate pollen, did not result in fertilisation, whereas legitimate hand-pollination experiments yielded multiple pollen tubes at the style base, without exception.<p><i>Lythrum salicaria</i> in central Saskatchewan was visited by several bee taxa including honeybees (<i>Apis mellifera</i> L.), bumblebees (Bombus spp.), leafcutter bees (Megachile spp.), and sweat bees (Lasioglossum spp.). A single visit by <i>Anthophora furcata</i> (Panzer) was also recorded in 2007. Generally, bee visits led to high levels of pollination success as determined by fluorescence microscopy of pollen tubes following single insect visits to previously-unvisited flowers. However, most visits by hoverflies (Syrphidae) were non-pollinating. Visits by Pieris rapae (L.), yellowjacket wasps (Vespidae) and some non-syrphid flies (Diptera) also yielded no pollen tubes at the style base.<p>A study of the ultrastructure and development of the floral nectary of the purple loosestrife cultivar Morden Gleam (<i>Lythrum virgatum</i> L. x L. alatum Pursh.) showed that starch build up in pre-secretory nectary tissues declined throughout secretion, and is virtually absent in post-secretory nectary tissues. The lack of a direct vascular supply to the floral nectary suggests that the starch breakdown products likely make up most of the floral nectar carbohydrates. Surface features of the floral nectary in Morden Gleam closely resembled those of L. salicaria, located in the valley formed between the hypanthium and gynoecium. Nectary stomata, occasionally in pairs, likely serve as outlets for nectar in this cultivar.

Reproductive biology and nectary structure of <i>Lythrum</i> in central Saskatchewan

Caswell, Wade Devin 26 August 2008 (has links)
This project examined multiple aspects of the reproductive biology of the wetland invasive species, purple loosestrife (<i>Lythrum salicaria</i> L.), in central Saskatchewan. An examination of insect taxa visiting the three floral morphs of <i>Tristylous</i> L. <i>salicaria</i>, as well as a ranking of the pollination efficiency of individual insect species, an apparent first for L salicaria, was undertaken. Surface features of the floral nectary of L. <i>salicaria</i>, as well as floral nectar secretion dynamics, were also investigated. This project also re-visited some of the previous work done on this invasive species, including various floral organ morphometrics in relation to heterostyly, and aspects of the tristylous breeding system including self-fertilization, and fertilization potential of both illegitimate pollination and legitimate pollination.<p>The trimorphic nature of the sexual floral organs of L. <i>salicaria</i> were well defined in Saskatchewan. Significant differences in length (long-, intermediate- and short-style lengths) exist between all three floral morphs. Lengths of the staminal filaments (long, intermediate, and short) were also significantly different. Also the floral nectary in L. <i>salicaria</i> is located in a depression formed at the interface of the hypanthium and the gynoecium. Several stomata are located at regular intervals along the nectary surface, and may constitute the escape route for floral nectar. No morphological differences in nectary structure were apparent among the three floral morphs.<p>Nectar secretion dynamics of L. <i>salicaria</i> were examined between the three floral morphs throughout two summer days in 2006. Peak average nectar volumes and nectar sugar quantities were detected at 3:00 pm, and, interestingly, no significant differences were detected between floral morphs, in accordance with nectary morphology. The estimated secretion rates for L. <i>salicaria</i> ranged from 61 83 µg of nectar sugar per flower per hour.<p>Hand-pollination experiments carried out over the summers of 2006 and 2007 at three field sites in and around Saskatoon have verified the strong self-incompatibility in the breeding system of this tristylous species. Intramorph pollination, using illegitimate pollen, did not result in fertilisation, whereas legitimate hand-pollination experiments yielded multiple pollen tubes at the style base, without exception.<p><i>Lythrum salicaria</i> in central Saskatchewan was visited by several bee taxa including honeybees (<i>Apis mellifera</i> L.), bumblebees (Bombus spp.), leafcutter bees (Megachile spp.), and sweat bees (Lasioglossum spp.). A single visit by <i>Anthophora furcata</i> (Panzer) was also recorded in 2007. Generally, bee visits led to high levels of pollination success as determined by fluorescence microscopy of pollen tubes following single insect visits to previously-unvisited flowers. However, most visits by hoverflies (Syrphidae) were non-pollinating. Visits by Pieris rapae (L.), yellowjacket wasps (Vespidae) and some non-syrphid flies (Diptera) also yielded no pollen tubes at the style base.<p>A study of the ultrastructure and development of the floral nectary of the purple loosestrife cultivar Morden Gleam (<i>Lythrum virgatum</i> L. x L. alatum Pursh.) showed that starch build up in pre-secretory nectary tissues declined throughout secretion, and is virtually absent in post-secretory nectary tissues. The lack of a direct vascular supply to the floral nectary suggests that the starch breakdown products likely make up most of the floral nectar carbohydrates. Surface features of the floral nectary in Morden Gleam closely resembled those of L. salicaria, located in the valley formed between the hypanthium and gynoecium. Nectary stomata, occasionally in pairs, likely serve as outlets for nectar in this cultivar.

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