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RootChordCwik, Lukasz 22 April 2010 (has links)
We present a distributed data structure, which we call "RootChord".
To our knowledge, this is the first distributed hash table which is able to adapt to changes in the size
of the network and answer lookup queries within a guaranteed two hops while maintaining a routing table of size Theta(sqrt(N)).
We provide pseudocode and analysis for all aspects of the protocol including routing, joining, maintaining, and departing the network.
In addition we discuss the practical implementation issues of parallelization, data replication,
remote procedure calls, dead node discovery, and network convergence.
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Moldovan, I. (2011). The fire that burns from within: Tales of legendary Swedish table tennis playersIstvan, Moldovan January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the dynamics of motivational forces in career stages in legendary table tennis players. Participants invited for this study were two highly recognized Swedish table tennis players who achieved major titles during their competitive career. The theoretical frameworks included the self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 1985, 2000), achievement goal theory (AGT; Nicholls, 1989), and the developmental model of transition faced by athletes (Wylleman & Lavallee, 2004). The study was based on in-depth narrative interviews on the field where the researcher stimulated participants to tell their stories in retrospect based on their perceptions of motivational drives across different stages. Results revealed that participants were (a) strongly driven by multiple personal goals (e.g., self-determined, winning major titles), (b) had high perception of ability (e.g., high task and high ego), (c) table tennis was central to their lives, and (d) they were surrounded by facilitative environment. Results are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research. / Syftet med föreliggande studien var att undersöka dynamiken i motivationsprosessen genom olika karriärövergångar hos legendariska bordtennisspelare. Två välkända svenska bordtennisspelare deltog i studien som har vunnit stora titlar under sina professionella karriärer. De teoretiska ramverk som användes var self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 1985, 2000), achievement goal theory (AGT; Nicholls, 1989) och developmental model of transition faced by athletes (Wylleman & Lavallee, 2004). Studien var baserad på två djup-narrativa intervjuer där deltagarna stimulerades att i retrospekt berätta hur de upplevde dynamiken i deras motivation i olika karriärövergångar. Resultaten visade att deltagarna var (a) stärkt drivna av multipla personliga mål (själv-bestämd, vinna stora titlar), (b) hade hög upplevd förmåga (hög uppgift och hög prestationsmål), (c) bordtennis var central i deras liv, och (d) de var omringade av stödjande miljöer. De erhållna resultat diskuteras i relation till teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning.
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RootChordCwik, Lukasz 22 April 2010 (has links)
We present a distributed data structure, which we call "RootChord".
To our knowledge, this is the first distributed hash table which is able to adapt to changes in the size
of the network and answer lookup queries within a guaranteed two hops while maintaining a routing table of size Theta(sqrt(N)).
We provide pseudocode and analysis for all aspects of the protocol including routing, joining, maintaining, and departing the network.
In addition we discuss the practical implementation issues of parallelization, data replication,
remote procedure calls, dead node discovery, and network convergence.
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The Relationship between Motivational Climate, Goal Orientation and Psychological Well-Being among Swedish Table Tennis Players / Förhållandet mellan målorientering, motivationsklimat och psykologiskvälbefinnande bland svenska bordtennisspelare.Moldovan, Istvan January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between dispositional goal orientation (task/ego), perceived motivational climate (mastery/performance) and psychological well-being (such as emotional affect and self-esteem) among elite and non-elite table tennis players. Participants were 85 table tennis players who practice and compete on different levels. The study was carried out quantitatively by assessing perceptions of success questionnaire, perceived motivational climate inventory, positive and negative affect in sport descriptor, and a self-esteem schedule. Results showed no significance difference in goal orientations, perceived motivational climate and psychological well-being between elite and non-elite participants. Further analysis however showed significant differences in motivational and psychological patterns that existed within these two groups. The results are discussed in relation to theoretical frameworks and previous research. / Studiens övergripande syfte var att undersöka förhållandet mellan målorientering (uppgift/tävling), upplevd motivationsklimat (uppgift/tävlingsorienterat) och psykologisk välbefinnande (emotionell affekt och självkänsla) bland svenska bordtennisspelare. I studien deltog 85 svenska bordtennisspelare som tränar och tävlar på olika nivåer. Studien genomfördes kvantitativt och fyra instrument användes: upplevelse av success, upplevelse av motivationsklimat, positiv och negativ affekt och självkänsla. Resultaten visade inga signifikanta skillnader i målorientering, motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnade mellan grupperna elit och icke-elit. Ytterligare analyser visade signifikanta skillander i motivationella och psykologiska mönster (självkänsla) som förekom innanför grupperna. Resultaten diskuteras i samband med teoretiska referensram och tidigare forskning.
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How to Present Statistical Comparisons between Swedish Hospitals and CountiesXia, Binyan January 2011 (has links)
Background The Swedish Association of local authorities and regions in collaboration with the national board of health and welfare produces the yearly “Swedish Health Care Report” in order to provide evaluations of the hospitals and counties in Sweden for both the politicians and the general public. Method We describe several standard methods which have been used to present the performance of each hospital or county: Forest plot (FL), League Table (LT), League Plot (LP) and Funnel Plot (FP). Using simulation technique to produce the League Plot of rank is also presented in order to illustrate the unreliable of the ranking principle. Results The league plot with confidence interval is easily understood by people, but it should provide the total number of operations (sample size) as well. The resulting multiple-indicators system gives a clear overview of the whole system, but the cut-off points used in the traffic light method is not the best choice. Several possible improved methodologies are: A league plot traffic light method and a standard funnel plot traffic light method is recommended when aiming at finding the outliers; A p=0.67 funnel plot traffic light method is suggested when wishing to divide the units into approximately equally large groups; A one-side traffic light method seems to be a wonderful choice when focusing on the bad performance units.
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Linearization Of Rf Power Amplifiers With Memoryless Baseband Predistortion MethodKolcuoglu, Turusan 01 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In modern wireless communication systems, advanced modulation techniques are used to support more users by handling high data rates and to increase the utilization efficiency of the limited RF spectrum. These techniques are sensitive to the nonlinear distortions due to their high peak to average power ratios. Main source of nonlinear distortion in transmitter topologies are power amplifiers that determine the overall efficiency and linearity of the transmitter. To increase linearity without sacrificing efficiency, power amplifier linearization techniques may be a choice. Baseband predistortion technique is known to be one of the optimum methods due to its relatively low complexity and its convenience for adaptation. In this thesis, different memoryless baseband signal predistortion methods are investigated and analyzed by simulations. Look-Up Table(LUT) and Polynomial approaches are compared and LUT approach is found to be better in performance. Parameters, like indexing, training sequences and training duration are evaluated. An open loop testbench is built with a real amplifier and a different
LUT predistortion method that is based on amplifier modeling is offered. It is evaluated by using two tone test and adjacent channel power suppression with 8PSK data. Also, some
Look-Up Table parameters are re-investigated with the proposed method. The performances of the proposed method in dierent amplifier classes are observed. Along with these studies,
a list of prerequisites for design of a predistortion system is determined.
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Fragility Of A Shear Wall Building With Torsional IrregularityAkansel, Vesile Hatun 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Buildings with torsional irregularity represent the main focus of many
current investigations. However, despite this volume of research, there is no
established framework that describes adequately the seismic vulnerability of
reinforced concrete shear wall systems. In this study, the three-dimensional
behavior of a particular shear-wall structure under earthquake effects was
examined with regard to the nonlinear behavior of the reinforced concrete
assembly and the parameters that characterize the structure exposed to seismic
motion for damage assessment.
A three story reinforced concrete shear-wall building was analyzed using
the finite element method based ANSYS software. The scaled model building was
subjected to shaking table tests at Saclay, France. The project was led by the
Atomic Energy Agency (CEA Saclay, France) under the &ldquo / SMART 2008 Project.&rdquo / The investigation was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, the results of
the finite element method and experiments were examined, and were reported in
this study. For time history analysis, micro-modeling was preferred due to
allowing inclusion the nonlinear effects of concrete and steel for analysis. The
guiding parameters (acceleration, displacement, strain) of analytical results are
compared with the corresponding values that were measured in the experiments to
be able to quantify the validity of models and simulation. For the comparison of
the numerical model results with the experimental results FDE (Frequency
Domain Error) method was used.
After comparison of the numerical model results with the experimental
results, the second phase of the SMART 2008 Project was undertaken. The second
phase consisted of two parts summarized as &ldquo / Sensitivity Study&rdquo / and
&ldquo / Vulnerability Analyses&rdquo / . However, in this report only the sensitivity study and
fragility analyses will be reported.
Sensitivity study was done to understand which parameters affect the
response of the structure. Twelve parametric cases were investigated under two
different ground motions. Different behavior parameters were investigated. The
effective damping coefficient was found to affect the structural response at 0.2 g
design level as well as at 0.6 g over-design level. At the design level, it was
observed that elasticity modulus of concrete and additional masses on the
specimen determined as effective on the calculated results.
To derive the failure probabilities of this structure under various
earthquake forces for the given limit states, fragility curves were obtained.
Different seismic indicators such as PGA (Peak ground acceleration), PGV (Peak
ground velocity), PGD (Peak ground displacement) and CAV (Cumulative
absolute velocity) were used as seismic indicators and MISD (Maximum interstory
drift) were used as damage indicator for fragility curves. In all 30 time
history analyses were done. Regression analyses using least squares method were
performed to determine the median capacity and its deviation.
Correlation coefficients of the time history data versus fitted curves
obtained from the regression analyses changes between 0.65 and 0.99. The lower
cases were for PGD- MISD graphs. The scatter of the fragility curves calculated
for each damage limit was slightly wider. HAZUS MH MR1 (2003) damage
states were also used for the calculation of the fragility curves and compared with
the SMART 2008 damage states.
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Dynamic Simulation Of Shaking Table Tests For A Shear-wall Building Having TorsionNazirzadeh, Saeideh 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Simulating the non-linear response of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings subjected to a sequence of input earthquake records, is an extremely complex concern in the field of the Earthquake Engineering. Buildings with no symmetry in plan have much more complicated behavior under earthquake effects than symmetric buildings. Torsional irregularity in plan is the main topic of many current researches. In previous decades, considerable amount of numerical and experimental studies have been conducted, but more researches are needed in order to confirm a better understanding of the concept of seismic behavior of these structures.
In this study modeling and analyses efforts to simulate the experimental response of a scaled three dimensional reinforced concrete shear wall structure tested on a shaking table, are presented.
The model structure is a ¼ / scale of a three story reinforced concrete building that has torsion due to plan irregularity and layout of structural walls. In order to simulate response quantities measured for the specimen tested on a shaking table, a series of non-linear time history analyses were performed. This structure subjected to AZALEE shaking table tests in Saclay, France under the project of &ldquo / SMART 2008&rdquo / which was led by CEA (Atomic energy agency). The model building was tested under a set of bi-directional synthetic and real ground motions that have varying intensities, peak ground accelerations ranging from 0.1g to 1g. Ground motions were applied sequentially to the specimen, starting with the one having the smallest intensity. Displacements and accelerations measured at different locations on the plan at third story were compared with the numerically computed values in order to check the validity of the Finite Element Model that has been obtained in ANSYS ver.12.1.
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Evaluation of sand treated with colloidal silica gelSpencer, Laura Marie 31 August 2010 (has links)
Liquefiable soils are common at ports due to the use of hydraulic fills for construction of waterfront facilities. Liquefaction-induced ground failure can result in permanent ground deformations that can cause loss of foundation support and structural damage. This can lead to substantial repair and/or replacement costs and business interruption losses that can have an adverse effect on the port and the surrounding community. Although numerous soil improvement methods exist for remediating a liquefaction-prone site, many of these methods are poorly suited for developed sites because they could damage existing infrastructure and disrupt port operations. An alternative is to use a passive remediation technique. Treating liquefiable soils with colloidal silica gel via permeation grouting has been shown to resist cyclic deformations and is a candidate to be used as a soil stabilizer in passive mitigation.
The small-strain dynamic properties are essential to determine the response to seismic loading. The small-to-intermediate strain shear modulus and damping ratio of loose sand treated with colloidal silica gel was investigated and the influence of colloidal silica concentration was determined. The effect of introducing colloidal silica gel into the pore space in the initial phase of treatment results in a 10% to 12% increase in the small-strain shear modulus, depending on colloidal silica concentration. The modulus reduction curve indicates that treatment does not affect the linear threshold shear strain, however the treated samples reduce at a greater rate than the untreated samples in the intermediate-strain range above 0.01% cyclic shear strain. It was observed that the treated sand has slightly higher damping ratio in the small-strain range; however, at cyclic shear strains around 0.003% the trend reverses and the untreated sand begins to have higher damping ratio.
Due to the nature of the colloidal silica gelation process, chemical bonds continue to form with time, thus the effect of aging on the dynamic properties is important. A parametric study was performed to investigate the influence of gel time on the increase in small-strain shear modulus. The effect of aging increases the small-strain shear modulus after gelling by 200 to 300% for the 40-minute-gel time samples with a distance from gelation (time after gelation normalized by gel time) of 1000 to 2000; 700% for the 2-hour-gel time sample with a distance from gelation of 1000; and 200 to 400% for the 20-hour-gel time samples with a distance from gelation of 40 to 100.
The treatment of all potentially liquefiable soil at port facilities with colloidal silica would be cost prohibitive. Identifying treatment zones that would reduce the lateral pressure and resulting pile bending moments and displacements caused by liquefaction-induced lateral spreading to prevent foundation damage is an economic alternative. Colloidal silica gel treatment zones of varying size and location were evaluated by subjecting a 3-by-3 pile group in gently sloping liquefiable ground to 1-g shaking table tests. The results are compared to an untreated sample. The use of a colloidal silica treatment zone upslope of the pile group results in reduced maximum bending moments and pile displacements in the downslope row of piles when compared to an untreated sample; the presence of the treatment zone had minimal effect on the other rows of piles within the group.
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Shake table experiments for the determination of the seismic response of jumbo container cranesJacobs, Laura Diane 15 November 2010 (has links)
Container cranes represent one of the most critical components of ports worldwide. Despite their importance to port operations, the seismic behavior of cranes has been largely ignored. Since the 1960s, industry experts have recommended allowing cranes to uplift, believing that it would limit the amount of seismic loading. However, modern cranes have become larger and more stable, and the industry experts are now questioning the seismic performance of modern jumbo cranes.
The main goal of this research was to experimentally investigate the seismic behavior of container cranes from the general elastic behavior through collapse, including non-linear behavior such as buckling and cross section yielding, utilizing the 6 degree-of-freedom shake tables at the University at Buffalo. The testing was divided into two phases. The first phase of testing was conducted on a 1/20th scale model. The second phase of testing was conducted on a 1/10th scale model, which was designed such that no inelastic action would develop prior to uplift (as is the common design practice). In support of the experiments, finite element models were created to determine what simplifications could be made to the structure to aid in testing. The data collected from the testing has been used to validate finite element models, to give a better understanding of the behavior of container cranes under seismic excitations, validate fragility models, and to develop recommendations and guidelines for the design and testing of container cranes.
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