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Implementing and Evaluating Variable Soil Thickness in the Community Land Model, Version 4.5 (CLM4.5)Brunke, Michael A., Broxton, Patrick, Pelletier, Jon, Gochis, David, Hazenberg, Pieter, Lawrence, David M., Leung, L. Ruby, Niu, Guo-Yue, Troch, Peter A., Zeng, Xubin 05 1900 (has links)
One of the recognized weaknesses of land surface models as used in weather and climate models is the assumption of constant soil thickness because of the lack of global estimates of bedrock depth. Using a 30-arc-s global dataset for the thickness of relatively porous, unconsolidated sediments over bedrock, spatial variation in soil thickness is included here in version 4.5 of the Community Land Model (CLM4.5). The number of soil layers for each grid cell is determined from the average soil depth for each 0.9 degrees latitude x 1.25 degrees longitude grid cell. The greatest changes in the simulation with variable soil thickness are to baseflow, with the annual minimum generally occurring earlier. Smaller changes are seen in latent heat flux and surface runoff primarily as a result of an increase in the annual cycle amplitude. These changes are related to soil moisture changes that are most substantial in locations with shallow bedrock. Total water storage (TWS) anomalies are not strongly affected over most river basins since most basins contain mostly deep soils, but TWS anomalies are substantially different for a river basin with more mountainous terrain. Additionally, the annual cycle in soil temperature is partially affected by including realistic soil thicknesses resulting from changes in the vertical profile of heat capacity and thermal conductivity. However, the largest changes to soil temperature are introduced by the soil moisture changes in the variable soil thickness simulation. This implementation of variable soil thickness represents a step forward in land surface model development.
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The development of the horticultural industry in Namibia : an assessment of the determinants of the global market competitiveness of table grape productionThomas, Benisiu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The declaration of Namibia’s independence from South Africa in 1990 has seen the Namibian government aim to plan and implement development programmes that enhance a growing agricultural sector. The new government is facing challenges regarding the addressing of inequalities of income and the allocation and distribution of resources, which have resulted in implementation of the land reform programmes. On the international front, Namibia is a member country of various trade arrangements, such as the WTO, the SADC and SACU. The main driving force behind Namibia’s joining the international communities chiefly has been market access and trade policy reforms. The country’s agricultural sector, in particular the horticultural industry, in regards to table grape production, has been significantly affected by both domestic and regional policies, as well as by the WTO rules.
The aim of this study is to determine the environmental factors that create a competitive advantage for the Namibian table grape industry in the international market. A detailed supply-chain analysis, augmented by Porter’s ‘diamond’ model, is used in this study to assess the determinants of the competitiveness of fresh table grapes. Interviews were conducted in informal, semi-structured questions. The questionnaires were mailed to several producers within the table grape-growing industry. Secondary information was obtained from reports, articles and research publications, among other sources. An expert assessment was used to verify information based on the reference methods. Consultations took place in the form of office visits and, in some cases, telephone interviews were held with different experts.
The finding of the study shows that Namibia can supply the European markets during the northern hemisphere off-season with quality fresh table grapes. However, industry growth in the European Union (EU) market is constrained by limited free import quotas and high tariffs, specifically as regards seeded fresh table grapes, which are not exempt from such duties. Such constraints are in place despite Namibia’s meeting of international set quality standards, such as EUREPGAP.
Moreover, there is potential for increasing supplies to the regional and Asian markets as well as the US market albeit to the lesser extent.
Finally, Namibian fresh table grapes profitability is significantly affected by the high production and transaction costs incurred, as well as by the decline in business and the depreciation of the US Dollar against the Namibian Dollar. The study makes the general recommendation that producers should significantly reduce their transaction costs within the chain, by means of vertical co-ordination and integration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die verklaring van Namibië se onafhanklikheid van Suid-Afrika in 1990 het die Namibiese regering hulle dit ten doel gestel om ontwikkelingsprogramme te beplan en in werking te stel ten einde daardie land se groeiende landbousektor te versterk. Die nuwe regering moet tans uitdagings met betrekking tot inkomsteongelykhede en die toekenning en verspreiding van hulpbronne die hoof bied wat tot die inwerkingstelling van grondhervormingsprogramme aanleiding gegee het. Internasionaal is Namibië 'n lidland van verskeie handelsreëlings soos die Wêreldhandelsorganisasie (WHO), die Suider-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG) en die Suider-Afrikaanse Doeane-unie (SADU). Die twee hooffaktore wat daartoe gelei het dat Namibië hom by die internasionale gemeenskappe skaar, is marktoegang en handelsbeleidhervormings. Die land se landbousektor, in besonder die tuinboukundige bedryf met die klem op tafeldruifproduksie, is aansienlik deur binnelandse en streeksbeleid asook deur die WHO-reëls geraak.
Die doel van hierdie studie is om die omgewingsfaktore te bepaal wat in die internasionale mark aan die Namibiese tafeldruifbedryf 'n mededingende voordeel gee. Derhalwe gebruik die navorser 'n gedetailleerde aanvoerkettingontleding, ondersteun deur Porter se “diamantmodel”, om die beslissende faktore vir die mededingendheid van vars tafeldruiwe te evalueer. Onderhoude is met behulp van informele, semigestruktureerde vrae gevoer. Die vraelyste is aan verskeie produsente op die gebied van tafeldruifboerdery gepos. Sekondêre inligting is ook onder andere uit verslae, artikels en navorsingspublikasies verkry. Met behulp van 'n kundige evaluering is inligting op grond van die verwysingsmetodes geverifieer. Oorlegpleging met verskeie kundiges het in die vorm van kantoorbesoeke en in sommige gevalle deur middel van telefoononderhoude plaasgevind.
Die studiebevinding toon dat Namibië die Europese markte gedurende die noordelike halfrond se tussenseisoen van gehalte- vars tafeldruiwe kan voorsien. Die uitbreiding van die bedryf in die Europese Unie (EU-) mark word egter deur beperkte gratis invoerkwotas en hoë tariewe aan bande gelê, in besonder met betrekking tot pitlose, vars tafeldruiwe wat nie van invoerbelasting vrygestel is nie. Hierdie beperkinge word opgelê ten spyte daarvan dat Namibië aan vasgestelde internasionale gehaltestandaarde soos EUREPGAP voldoen. Die moontlikheid bestaan boonop om lewering aan die streeks- en Asiatiese markte asook die VS-mark te verhoog, hoewel in 'n mindere mate.
Laastens word die winsgewendheid van Namibiese vars tafeldruiwe beduidend deur hoë produksie- en transaksiekoste, asook deur die afname in sake en die waardevermindering van die Amerikaanse teenoor die Namibiese dollar geraak. Die studie maak die algemene aanbeveling dat produsente hulle transaksiekoste binne die ketting aansienlik met behulp van vertikale koördinering en integrasie moet verminder.
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Analysis of gravity data from the Picacho Basin, Pinal County, ArizonaChristie, Fritz Jay January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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The long term impact of the Seli One shipwreck on the Table Bay beachesSeifart, Christian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: On the 9th September 2009, the 178 m Panamanian bulk carrier, the Seli One, ran aground off the coast of
Blouberg in Table Bay, South Africa. Due to failed salvage attempts, the vessel has remained stranded
approximately 500 m off the Blouberg beachfront. Since the vessel ran aground, a gradual change in the
Blouberg beach shape in the lee of the wreck has been observed. The local coastline, which has traditionally
been fairly uniform, has assumed a curved shape, with significant sediment accretion being observed in the
wave shadow of the wreck. Initially, the Seli One wreck remained intact. However, during a storm on the 4th
September 2011, the vessel split up into three separate pieces.
The impact that the wreck is having on the local wave, current and sediment transport dynamics remains
undefined. This lack of knowledge results in significant risks, relating to shoreline stability and beach amenity.
The objective is this study was therefore the determination of the long-term impact of the Seli One shipwreck
on the Blouberg beachfront.
A review of existing literature has indicated that no empirical relationships are available which could be used
to calculate the impact of a shipwreck on nearby coastal processes. Numerous methods are available which
can be used to determine the net longshore transport rates, but these cannot be used to quantify the impacts
of shipwrecks on the local sediment transport regime. Numerical models were therefore used to determine
the impact of the Seli One shipwreck.
Through the analysis of simulation results, it was concluded that, as expected, the shipwreck has resulted in a
significant reduction in the net longshore sediment transport rate in her lee, resulting in sediment deposition
in this area. It was further concluded that the vessel does not result in the complete blockage of longshore
sediment transport, and that sediment is able to periodically pass through the lee of the vessel.
The simulated beach salient on the 3rd July 2011 was compared to results of a beach survey, performed on the
same date specifically for this study. The simulated accretion of approximately 27 m in the lee of the
shipwreck agrees well with the measured salient. It has been shown that approximately 75% of the salient
accretion occurred within the first two months of the vessel’s arrival. Furthermore, shoreline erosion on the
northern side of the salient resulting directly from the shipwreck has been shown to be approximately 15 m.
This too occurs relatively rapidly, within approximately two months of the vessels arrival.
Following the initial impact of the wreck in its intact configuration, the long-term potential impact of the vessel
in its broken-up configuration was determined. This included the assumption that the vessel does not undergo
any additional breaking-up, and remains in its three-piece configuration indefinitely. This has shown that the
salient width resulting from the shipwreck is reduced to approximately 20 m, compared to the initial 27 m.
However, shoreline erosion on the northern side of the wreck has increased from approximately 15 m initially
to approximately 18 m in the long-term, which is caused by the continuous sedimentation between the vessel
and the beach.
A two-dimensional coupled wave, current and sediment transport model has been developed and has shown
that the wave shelter resulting from the Seli One results in the formation of a submerged salient between the
vessel and the shoreline.
It was found that shipwrecks have the potential of significantly altering local longshore sediment transport
characteristics in general. Depending on local conditions, this may pose serious risks, both in terms of
jeopardizing local seaside infrastructure, as well as creating dangerous swimming conditions.
Considering the impact that a shipwreck can have on local shoreline changes, with special regard to the rate at
which these shoreline changes can occur, it is recommended that the results obtained from the current study
be used to estimate the impact of potential future shipwreck scenarios in Table Bay. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Op die 9de September 2009 het die 178 m lange Panamese vragskip, die Seli Een, aan die kus van
Bloubergstrand in Tafelbaai, Suid Afrika, gestrand. Weens mislukte reddingspogings, het die skip ongeveer 500
m van die kuslyn gestrande gebly. Sedertdien, is ‘n geleidelike verandering in die vorm van Bloubergstrand se
kuslyn waargeneem. Die kuslyn, wat tradisioneel redelik uniform en reguit was, het onlangs ‘n aansienlike
geboë vorm aangeneem, met ‘n beduidende hoeveelheid sand wat in die skip se lykant neerset. Aanvanklik
het die Seli Een wrak ongeskonde gebly, maar tydens ‘n storm op die 4de September 2011, het die skip in drie
afsonderlike stukke opgebreek.
Die impak wat die wrak op die golf, strome en sediment vervoer dinamika het,bly ongedefinieërd. Hierdie
gebrek aan kennis veroorsaak ‘n aansienlike hoeveelheid risiko’s met spesifieke betrekking tot kuslyn stabiliteit
en strand gerief. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om die langtermyn-impak van die Seli Een skeepswrak op
Bloubergstrand te bepaal.
'n Hersiening van bestaande literatuur het aangedui dat geen empiriese verhoudings beskikbaar is wat gebruik
kan word om die impak van 'n skeepswrak op die nabygeleë kustelike prosesse te bereken nie, maar wel
versekeie metodes wat gebruik kan word om die netto langsstroom sediment vervoer te bepaal. Hierdie
verhoudings kan egter nie gebruik word om die impak van ‘n skeepswrak op die sediment vervoer meganisme
te kwantifiseer nie, dus is numeriese modelle gebruik om die impak van die Seli Een skeepswrak te bepaal.
Die skeepswrak het ‘n aansienlike vermindering in the netto langsstroom sediment vervoer veroorsaak, wat
tot die afsetting van sediment in hierdie gebied lei. Dit is ook verder bepaal dat die Seli Een nie die volledige
verstopping van langsstroom sedimentvervoer veroorsaak nie, maar dat sediment van tyd tot tyd in staat is om
deur die lykant van die skeepswrak te beweeg.
Die gesimuleerde strand aanwas van die 3de Julie 2011 is vergelyk met resultate van ‘n strand-opmeting, wat
uitgevoer is op dieselfde datum, spesifiek vir hierdie studie. Die gesimuleerde aanwas, van ongeveer 27 m in
die lykant van die skeepswrak, stem saam met die gemete aanwas. Ongeveer 75% van die aanwas het binne
twee maande van die aankoms van die Seli Een plaasgevind. Verder is dit getoon dat aan die noordelike kant
van die aanwas, ongeveer 15 m van die kuslyn weggespoel het as gevolg van die Seli Een.
Na die aanvanklike impak van die wrak in sy ongeskonde konfugirasie, is die potensiële langtermyn impak van
die skip in sy opgebreekte konfugirasie bepaal. Dit sluit die aanname in dat die skip nie enige bykomende
breke ondergaan nie, en in sy drie-stuk konfigurasie bly. Dit het getoon dat die breedte van die aanwas, wat
veroorsaak is deur die skip, verminder tot ongeveer 20 m in vergelyking met die aanvanklike 27 m. Verder is
dit getoon dat die erosie aan die noordelike kant van die Seli Een vermeerder het van die aanvanklike 15 m na
ongeveerder 18 m in die langtermyn. Die oorsaak hiervaan is die aaneenlopende sedimentasie tussen die
wrak en die strand.
'n Twee-dimensionele gekoppelde golf, stroom en sediment vervoer model is ontwikkel en het getoon dat die
golf skuiling, as gevolg van die Seli Een, sedimentasie tussen die skip en die kuslyn veroorsaak.
Daar is gevind dat skeepswrakke die potensiaal het om aansienlike veranderinge aan die nabygeleë langstroom
sediment vervoer stelsel te veroorsaak. Afhangende van die plaaslike omstandighede, kan hierdie ernstige
risiko’s veroorsaak, beide in terme van die gevaar vir plaaslike kustelike infrastruktuur, sowel as die generasie
van gevaarlike swem toestande.
Met inagneming van die impak wat 'n skeepswrak op plaaslike kuslyn veranderinge kan hê, met spesiale
verwysing na die tempo waarteen hierdie kuslyn veranderinge kan plaasvind, word dit aanbeveel dat die
resultate wat verkryg is vanuit die huidige studie, gebruik word om die impak van moontlike, toekomstige
skeepswrakke in Tafelbaai te bepaal.
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Utforskande av olika uttryck med grund i parkettläggningsteknik / Exploring the third dimension - new takes on parquetryLiljeström Ohlin, Lone January 2013 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet kretsar kring mina experiment med parkettläggningstekniker, och mina försök att bygga en möbel som ser ut som att den har tagits över av ett mönster eller en struktur. En övergång till någonting mer skulpturalt. Jag använder träbitar som blivit över från andra projekt för att tillverka dessa dekorationer. Min utgångspunkt är traditionella parkettläggningstekniker, men jag arbetar också med en slags mer tredimensionell parkettläggning, med tjockare, vinklade bitar, för att skapa djup och ett intryck av växande. / This thesis work revolves around my experiments with parquetry and my attempts to build a piece of furniture that appears to have been taken over by a pattern or structure. A transition into something more sculptural. I use pieces of wood left over from other projects to create these decorations. My basis is traditional parquetry techniques, but I also work with a type of more three dimensional parquetry, with thicker, angled pieces, to create depth and an impression of growing.
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Reliable peer to peer grid middlewareLeslie, Matthew John January 2011 (has links)
Grid computing systems are suffering from reliability and scalability problems caused by their reliance on centralised middleware. In this thesis, we argue that peer to peer middleware could help alleviate these problems. We show that peer to peer techniques can be used to provide reliable storage systems, which can be used as the basis for peer to peer grid middleware. We examine and develop new methods of providing reliable peer to peer storage, giving a new algorithm for this purpose, and assessing its performance through a combination of analysis and simulation. We then give an architecture for a peer to peer grid information system based on this work. Performance evaluation of this information system shows that it improves scalability when compared to the original centralised system, and that it withstands the failure of participant nodes without a significant reduction in quality of service. New contributions include dynamic replication, a new method for maintaining reliable storage in a Distributed Hash Table, which we show allows for the creation of more reliable, higher performance systems with lower bandwidth usage than current techniques. A new analysis of the reliability of distributed storage systems is also presented, which shows for the first time that replica placement has a significant effect on reliability. A simulation of the performance of distributed storage systems provides for the first time a quantitative performance comparison between different placement patterns. Finally, we show how these reliable storage techniques can be applied to grid computing systems, giving a new architecture for a peer to peer grid information service for the SAM-Grid system. We present a thorough performance evaluation of a prototype implementation of this architecture. Many of these contributions have been published at peer reviewed conferences.
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THE ERUPTION OF THE CANDIDATE YOUNG STAR ASASSN-15QIHerczeg(沈雷歌), Gregory J., Dong, Subo, Shappee, Benjamin J., Chen(陈 平), Ping, Hillenbrand, Lynne A., Jose, Jessy, Kochanek, Christopher S., Prieto, Jose L., Stanek, K. Z., Kaplan, Kyle, Holoien, Thomas W.-S., Mairs, Steve, Johnstone, Doug, Gully-Santiago, Michael, Zhu, Zhaohuan, Smith, Martin C., Bersier, David, Mulders, Gijs D., Filippenko, Alexei V., Ayani, Kazuya, Brimacombe, Joseph, Brown, Jonathan S., Connelley, Michael, Harmanen, Jussi, Itoh, Ryosuke, Kawabata, Koji S., Maehara, Hiroyuki, Takata, Koji, Yuk, Heechan, Zheng, WeiKang 02 November 2016 (has links)
Outbursts on young stars are usually interpreted as accretion bursts caused by instabilities in the disk or the star-disk connection. However, some protostellar outbursts may not fit into this framework. In this paper, we analyze optical and near-infrared spectra and photometry to characterize the 2015 outburst of the probable young star ASASSN-15qi. The similar to 3.5mag brightening in the V band was sudden, with an unresolved rise time of less than one day. The outburst decayed exponentially by 1mag for 6. days and then gradually back to the pre-outburst level after 200 days. The outburst is dominated by emission from similar to 10,000K gas. An explosive release of energy accelerated matter from the star in all directions, seen in a spectacular cool, spherical wind with a maximum velocity of 1000 km s(-1). The wind and hot gas both disappeared as the outburst faded and the source returned to its quiescent F-star spectrum. Nebulosity near the star brightened with a delay of 10-20 days. Fluorescent excitation of H-2 is detected in emission from vibrational levels as high as v = 11, also with a possible time delay in flux increase. The mid-infrared spectral energy distribution does not indicate the presence of warm dust emission, though the optical photospheric absorption and CO overtone emission could be related to a gaseous disk. Archival photometry reveals a prior outburst in 1976. Although we speculate about possible causes for this outburst, none of the explanations are compelling.
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Reinterpreting Hieronymus Bosch's Table Top of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things through the Seven Day Prayers of the Devotio ModernaHwang, Eunyoung 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines Hieronymus Bosch's Table Top of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things. Instead of using an iconographical analysis, the thesis investigates the relationship between Bosch's art and the Devotio Moderna, which has been speculated by many Bosch scholars. For this reason, a close study was done to examine the Devotio Moderna and its influence on Bosch's painting. Particular interest is paid to the seven day prayers of the Devotio Moderna, the subjects depicted in Bosch's painting, how Bosch's painting blesses its viewer during the time of one's prayer, and how the use of gaze ties all of these ideas together.
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Flooding Effects On Tree-Ring Formations Of Riparian Eastern White-Cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.), Northwestern Quebec, CanadaDenneler, Bernhard, Bergeron, Yves, Bégin, Yves 01 1900 (has links)
Tree-ring formation of eastern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) at a boreal lake in northwestern Quebec, Canada, was monitored using manual band dendrometers to (i) retrace cambial activity phases, (ii) evaluate the effects of flooding on radial growth, and (iii) analyze the relationships
with meteorological factors. The daily circumferential activity of four trees at each of two sites, a
riparian and an upland site, was recorded during the growing season of 1996, a year with an extreme spring flood. First cambium cell divisions occurred near June 9, followed by a distinct and sustained upward trend in the stem basal area until mid-July that reflected the earlywood formation. The strongly synchronous circumferential activity at both sites suggests no adverse flooding effect on growth of the riparian trees, which is explained by the rapid retreat of the water just before growth initiation in early June. The following month until mid-August was characterized by strong short-term fluctuations caused by alternating drought and rain periods and a slight downward trend of the basal area for six of the eight banded white-cedars. The dendrometers of two trees, the closest to the lake, showed a slight upward trend probably reflecting latewood formation. Pearson correlation with meteorological data indicated that precipitation was positively related to the daily changes in basal area of all trees except during the period of earlywood formation, which probably resulted from the high soil moisture after spring snow-melting. Mean and minimum air humidity were positively related and maximum temperature negatively related to the daily variations in stem circumference during the whole monitoring period, emphasizing the importance of the internal water status on stem size.
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Le référentiel, organisateur du dit « coaching » ? : Etude socio clinique de ses usages / Is the reference table an organizer or what is called coaching ? : A socio-clinical study of its usesGuillemot, Valérie 02 June 2014 (has links)
La diversité de l'offre disponible sous le mot « coaching » est source de confusion pour les clients, les commanditaires et les coachs eux-mêmes. Dans une visée de didactique professionnelle, à partir d'une démarche de recherche socio clinique compréhensive auprès de six cas de coachs, il est montré que le référentiel est davantage un indicateur qu'un organisateur du dit « coaching ». L'absence de conceptualisation du coaching a pour effet l'impossibilité d'un consensus autour d'une définition, d'un référentiel, d'un mode de transmission et de reconnaissance. A partir de quatre organisateurs des métiers de l'humain que sont le rapport au savoir, le rapport aux normes, le rapport aux valeurs et le rapport à l'image du Soi professionnel, les résultats relatifs à l'activité des cas de coachs et à leurs dynamiques identitaires montrent que l'usage du référentiel est un indicateur de leur posture : guidage ou accompagnement. Puisque le mot « coaching » ne dit rien de la posture de celui qui s'en prévaut, la dénomination désignant l'activité d'accompagnement professionnel dans le champ des ressources humaines et ceux qui la pratiquent devra évoluer. Former ces accompagnateurs aux usages contraires du référentiel permettra que s'élaborent le genre du métier, et le style de ces accompagnateurs. / Market supply over the word « coaching » is confusing for customers and partners, and for coaches themselves. With occupational didactics as a line of sight, and a socio-clinical comprehensive approach to study the case of six coaches, this research comes to the conclusion that the reference table appears to be more an indicator than an organizer of what is called « coaching ». Because coaching has not yet been conceptualized, there is no consensus on its definition, nor on a reference table, or on ways of teaching it and it lacks recognition. Using four organizers of human businesses, which are the relationships to knowledge, to norms and standards, to values, and to one's professional self, it is possible to analyse the coaches' activities and identity dynamics. The obtained results show that the use of a reference table is an indicator of the position they adopt: either in a guidance or accompanying position. Since the word « coaching » says nothing about the position adopted by the ones who refer to themselves as coaches, the denomination referring to the professional -accompanying activity in the field of human resources, and to those who undertake it, will have to evolve. Training these accompanying professionals to the contrary usages of the reference table will allow the elaboration of the profession type and the style of these accompanying professionals.
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