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O engine MiTable para aplicações tabletop multi-touch e multi-usuários. / The MiTable engine for multi-touch and multi-user tabletop applications.Mauricio Cirelli 13 April 2015 (has links)
A definiçãoo e o reconhecimento de gestos multi-toque s~ao dois dos maiores desafios encontrados por desenvolvedores de aplicações para tabletops. Após a escolha dos gestos, geralmente após um longo e custoso estudo de usuário, os desenvolvedores precisam selecionar ou criar um algorítimo para reconhecê-los e integrá-lo à aplicação e ao hardware. Muitas bibliotecas e arcabouços para o reconhecimento de gestos multi-toque foram propostos nos últimos anos. Cada um deles buscou endereçar um dos diversos desafios encontrados pelos desenvolvedores quando desenvolvendo protótipos e implementando novas aplicações para tabletops, como a integração entre a camada de aplicação e a interface de hardware. Em uma das etapas de nossa pesquisa, foram identificados quatorze requisitos para tais arcabouços, variando desde o suporte ao multi-toque ao suporte a gestos colaborativo não conseguiram endereçar todos os requisitos identificados. Neste trabalho, nós apresentamos o MiTable Engine: um arcabouço flexível e configurável, criado com o objetivo de atender a todos os quatorze requisitos. Esta proposta pode ser utilizada tanto para suportar aplicações em mesas interativas para diversos usuários quanto aplicações para tablets e smartphones. O MiTable Engine foi construído a partir de uma arquitetura de quatro camadas com uma nova proposta de reconhecimento de gestos baseada em pipeline. Nossa proposta é capaz de processar diversas entradas de toque simultaneamente com grande desempenho e se torna muito flexível para personalizações. O MiTable também inclui alguns dos algorítmos do estado-da-arte para reconhecimento de gestos além de um conjunto de ferramentas para criação e inclusão de novos gestos nas aplicações. Neste trabalho, nós discutimos a engine proposta em detalhes, incluindo sua arquitetura, algorítmos e como cada requisito é endereçado. Para exercitar a engine e verificar seu funcionamento, nós apresentamos duas provas de conceito e desenvolvemos diversos testes unitários automatizados. / Gestures denition and recognition are two of the major challenges for tabletop developers. After choosing the gestures, usually after a costly user study, developers must select or create an algorithm to recognize them and integrate it to the main application layer and to the hardware interface layer. Several multi-touch gestures recognition systems and frameworks were proposed in the past years. Each of them tried to address one of several challenges developers have when prototyping and implementing new tabletop applications and to provide a seamless integration between the hardware interface and the main application. During our research, we identified fourteen requirements for multi-touch frameworks, ranging from supporting multi-touch to collaborative gestures. Although current state of art multi-touch gestures frameworks addresses several of them, there is no unique solution which addresses all the developers needs. In this work, we present the MiTable Engine: a flexible and configurable multi-touch gestures engine aimed to address all these requirements. The proposed engine is suitable for both large multi-user surfaces and for small single-user tabletops, such as tablets and smartphones. The MiTable Engine is built on top of a four layers architecture and introduces a novel multi-touch gestures recognition pipeline which can process several multi-touch inputs simultaneously with high performance and flexibility for customizations. The Engine also includes some of the state-of-art multi-touch gestures recognizers and a set of tools for creating and adding custom gestures to the application. In this work, we discuss the proposed engine in deep details, including its architecture, its algorithms and how it addresses each requirement. In order to exercise the engine and verify its functionality, we present two proof of concept applications and developed several automated unit tests.
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Soil mesostigmatid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) inhabiting rose fields and neighboring vegetation in the Bogota plateau and their potential role as biological control agents of Frankliniella occidentalis (Insecta: Thysanoptera) / Ácaros Mesostigmata edáficos (Acari: Mesostigmata) presentes em culturas de rosas de corte e vegetação próxima na Sabana de Bogotá e o papel potencial destes ácaros como potenciais agentes de controle biológico de Frankliniella occidentalis (Insecta: Thysanoptera)Diana Marcela Rueda-Ramírez 14 September 2018 (has links)
It has been frequently mentioned that Colombia is a \"megadiverse\" country, containing a larger number of species than other countries, some of which with much larger territories. However, very few people know what this means and about the benefits that can be obtained from that high diversity, with its proper exploration. One of the benefits refers to the sustainable use of biological resources. Colombia can take advantage of the discovery, conservation or production, and commercialization of species that serve as biological control agents of species that harm certain economic activities. Applied biological control involves the possibility to exploit native biodiversity in the form of conservation or biocommerce for use in activities such as agriculture and livestock. Thus, the studies composing this thesis aimed at initiating the recognition of the richness of predatory mites in the soil of the major rose-producing region of the country, and the evaluation of potential representative predators for use in the management of thrips, the most important pest group on rose cultivation in Colombia. Chapter 1 addressed the importance of the crop, the pest groups and the possible natural enemies to be found in Colombia. In Chapter 2, the results of a general survey of the soil mites in four rose fields in greenhouses during one year and a half was presented. Additionally, the population dynamics of soil the mites and thrips was studied, relating the variation in population levels with environmental factors, including climatic and soil factors. Knowing the variation of populations over time under the usual conditions of crop management can help to understand how a predator can respond in the field when used in pest management programs. To complement those data, especially in what refers to the evaluation of the native fauna, surveys were carried out on patches of secondary vegetation located near two of the rose fields, in a rose field in another area and a patch of secondary vegetation nearby, and in two more extensive and less disturbed patches of the Bogota plateau. With this work, it was possible to verify the great richness of species of soil non-Uropodina Mesostigmata found in the soil of the Bogotá plateau. Only representative mites of the cohort Cercomegistina of the suborder Trigynaspida and of the cohort Gamasina of the suborder Monogynaspida were found. As expected, species and dominant families resemble those reported in temperate areas, given the similar climatic conditions. Both densities and number of species are lower in rose fields than in secondary vegetation patches nearby, which also was expected from the much more uniform ecosystem in rose fields. Additionally, the exclusive presence of some species in rose fields suggests either the introduction of those species with material related to the cultivation system or a drastic change in faunistic composition, turning rare field species abundant in rose fields because of the cultivation system. The variation in densities and presence of species was shown to be more related to soil, especially organic matter and pH, than to climatic characteristics. Therefore, patches of secondary vegetation, whose soils had higher content of organic matter, are more similar to each other, in terms of composition of species, than to the nearby rose fields. The results of the Chapter 2 indicated the need for morphological and taxonomic studies of several of the species found, either because of the poorly detailed descriptions currently available or because of the recognition of new species for science. Thus, in Chapters 3 and 4, the morphological characterization and the description of some of the new species found in the Ascidae, Blattisociidae and Melicharidae (Chapter 3) and Laelapidae (Chapter 4) were presented. It was also observed that many of the previously described species found in this study also need similar studies to be conducted in the future. However, through these two chapters, initial steps were taken to contribute to the recognition of scarcely known mites groups in Colombia to facilitate future ecological studies and the use of those species in pest management programs. The results of Chapter 2 also served as base to select species to be considered in an initial evaluation of the potential of members of the Colombian mesostigmatic fauna as control agents of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergander), the most numerous thrips species found in this study. Two of the most frequently found predator species, Gaeolaelaps aculeifer (Canestrini) and Parasitus bituberosus Karg, were selected to carry out the second part of this work, whose results were presented in Chapters 5 and 6, respectively. For each predator, the study consisted of the evaluation the predation capacity on F. occidentalis, the oviposition rates on this and other prey species, and of the determination of their life table parameters. Gaeolaelaps aculeifer is presently used in other countries for the control of different pests including thrips. The results showed that both predators are able to feed and reproduce when pre-pupae and pupae of F. occidentalis were part of their diets. The biological characteristics of the Colombian population of G. aculeifer are comparable to those reported for other populations of the same predator, suggesting its potential for use to control F. occidentalis in Colombia. Although the presence of a complementary prey (Aleuroglyphus ovatus (Troupeau)) in the system led to a small reduction of its predation rate of F. occidentalis pre-pupae and pupae, the results show that A. ovatus can be used as factitious food for mass rearing or as complementary food in periodic releases, when the pest in not abundant. It was shown that P. bituberosus deutonymph needs a stimulus for the emergence of adults, which, in this case, was the pairing with a mite of the opposite sex. Nematodes are not only necessary in the diet in the immature stage of this predator, but also improve its performance, as indicated by the higher fecundity and the net and intrinsic reproductive rates on this prey. The results indicated as warranted the conduction of larger scale investigations on the possible use of G. aculeifer and P. bituberosus for thrips control, by periodic releases, as well as the evaluation of other predator species found less frequently. Larger-scale evaluations would initially consist of experiments in pots and later on at the semi-field and field conditions. Results of the relation between predator density and environmental factors also suggest to be important the conduction of studies to evaluate the possibility to increase predator performance by increasing the level of soil organic matter content or pH level. / Tem sido freqüentemente mencionado que a Colômbia é um país \"megadiverso\", contendo um número maior de espécies que outros países, alguns dos quais com territórios muito mais extensos. No entanto, poucos sabem o que isso significa e os benefícios que podem ser obtidos dessa alta diversidade, com sua exploração adequada. Um dos benefícios refere-se ao uso sustentável de recursos biológicos. A Colômbia pode aproveitar a descoberta, a conservação ou a produção e a comercialização de espécies que servem como agentes de controle biológico de espécies que prejudicam certas atividades econômicas. O controle biológico aplicado envolve a possibilidade de explorar a biodiversidade nativa na forma de conservação ou biocomércio para uso em atividades como agricultura e pecuária. Assim, os estudos que compõem esta tese visam a iniciar o reconhecimento da riqueza de ácaros predadores no solo da região produtora de roseiras da Colômbia, e a avaliação de potenciais predadores representativos para uso no manejo de tripes, o mais importante grupo de pragas no cultivo de rosas na Colômbia. O Capítulo 1 abordou a importância da cultura, dos grupos de pragas e dos possíveis inimigos naturais encontrados na Colômbia. No Capítulo 2, os resultados de um levantamento geral dos ácaros de solo em quatro campos de cultivo de rosas em estufas durante um ano e meio foram apresentados. Além disso, a dinâmica populacional de ácaros e tripes no solo foi estudada, relacionando a variação nos níveis populacionais com fatores ambientais, incluindo fatores climáticos e do solo. Conhecendo a variação das populações ao longo do tempo sob as condições usuais de manejo de culturas pode ajudar a entender como um predador pode responder no campo quando usado em programas de controle de pragas. Para complementar esses dados, especialmente no que se refere à avaliação da fauna nativa, foram realizados levantamentos em fragmentos de vegetação secundária localizados próximos a dois dos campos de cultivo de rosas, num cultivo de rosa em outra área e um fragmento de vegetação secundária nas proximidades, e em dois fragmentos mais extensos e menos perturbados do planalto de Bogotá. Com este trabalho, foi possível verificar a grande riqueza de espécies de ácaros Mesostigmata (não incluindo os Uropodina) encontradas no solo do planalto de Bogotá. Apenas ácaros representativos da coorte Cercomegistina da subordem Trigynaspida e da coorte Gamasina da subordem Monogynaspida foram encontrados. Como esperado, espécies e famílias dominantes se assemelham aos grupos relatados em áreas temperadas, dadas as condições climáticas semelhantes. Tanto as densidades quanto o número de espécies são menores nos campos de cultivo de rosas do que nos fragmentos de vegetação secundária próximos, o que também era esperado tendo em vista o ecossistema muito mais uniforme nos campos cultivo de rosas. Além disso, a presença exclusiva de algumas espécies nestes campos sugere que estas tenham sido introduzidas com material relacionado ao sistema de cultivo ou que tenha havido uma mudança drástica na composição faunística, tornando abundantes em campos de cultivo de rosas as espécies que são raras na vegetação secundária, devido às características do sistema de cultivo. A variação nas densidades e presença de espécies mostaram-se mais relacionadas às características do solo, especialmente níveis de matéria orgânica e pH, do que às características climáticas. Portanto, fragmentos da vegetação secundária, cujos solos tinham maior conteúdo de matéria orgânica, são mais semelhantes entre si, em termos de composição das espécies, do que aos campos de rosas próximos. Os resultados do Capítulo 2 indicaram a necessidade de estudos morfológicos e taxonômicos de várias das espécies encontradas, pelas descrições pouco detalhadas atualmente disponíveis ou pelo reconhecimento da ocorrência de espécies novas para a ciência. Assim, nos Capítulos 3 e 4, uma caracterização morfológica e a descrição de algumas das espécies novas encontradas em Ascidae, Blattisociidae e Melicharidae (Capítulo 3) e Laelapidae (Capítulo 4) foram apresentadas. Também foi observado que muitas das espécies descritas anteriormente e encontradas neste estudo necessitam de estudos semelhantes, a serem realizados no futuro. No entanto, através destes dois capítulos, os passos iniciais foram dados, para contribuir para o reconhecimento de grupos de ácaros pouco conhecidos na Colômbia, para facilitar futuros estudos ecológicos e o uso destas espécies em programas de controle de pragas. Os resultados do Capítulo 2 também serviram como base para a seleção de espécies a serem consideradas em uma avaliação inicial do potencial de membros da fauna mesostigmática colombiana como agentes de controle de Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergander), a espécie mais numerosa de tripes encontrada neste estudo. Duas das espécies de predadores mais encontradas, Gaeolaelaps aculeifer (Canestrini) e Parasitus bituberosus Karg, foram selecionadas para realizar a segunda parte deste trabalho, cujos resultados foram apresentados nos Capítulos 5 e 6, respectivamente. Para cada predador, o estudo consistiu na avaliação da capacidade de predação em F. occidentalis e das taxas de oviposição quando alimentando-se desta e de outras presas, assim como na determinação dos parâmetros de sua tabela de vida. Gaeolaelaps aculeifer é atualmente usado em outros países para o controle de diferentes pragas, incluindo tripes. Os resultados mostraram que ambos os predadores são capazes de se alimentar e se reproduzir quando pré-pupas e pupas de F. occidentalis fazem parte de suas dietas. As características biológicas da população colombiana de G. aculeifer são comparáveis àquelas relatadas para outras populações do mesmo predador, sugerindo seu potencial para uso no controle de F. occidentalis na Colômbia. Embora a presença de uma presa complementar (Aleuroglyphus ovatus (Troupeau)) no sistema tenha levado a uma pequena redução de sua taxa de predação de pupas e pupas de F. occidentalis, observou-se que A. ovatus pode ser usado como alimento factício para a criação massal ou como alimento complementar em liberações periódicas, quando a praga não seja suficientemente abundante para manter a população deste predador. Foi demonstrado que a deutoninfa de P. bituberosus precisa de um estímulo para a emergência dos adultos, que, neste caso correspondeu ao seu pareamento com um ácaro do sexo oposto. Os nematoides não apenas são necessários na dieta na fase imatura desse predador, mas também melhoram seu desempenho, como indicado pela maior fecundidade e pelas taxa liquida de reproducao e capacidade innata de aumentar em numero dessa presa. Os resultados indicaram como justificável a realização de estudos em maior escala sobre o possível uso de G. aculeifer e P. bituberosus no controle de tripes, por meio de liberações periódicas, bem como a avaliação de outras espécies predadoras encontradas com menor frequência. As avaliações em larga escala consistiriam inicialmente em experimentos em vasos e, posteriormente, em semi-campo e campo. Os resultados da relação entre densidade de predadores e fatores ambientais também sugerem ser importante a realização de estudos que avaliem a possibilidade de aumentar o desempenho dos predadores, aumentando o nível de matéria orgânica do solo ou o pH.
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Analysis of a multiple dispatch algorithmHolmberg, Johannes January 2004 (has links)
<p>The development of the new programming language Scream, within the project Software Renaissance, led to the need of a good multiple dispatch algorithm. A multiple dispatch algorithm, called Compressed n-dimensional table with row sharing; CNT-RS, was developed from the algorithm Compressed n-dimensional table, CNT. The purpose of CNT-RS was to create a more efficient algorithm. This report is the result of the work to analyse the CNT-RS algorithm. </p><p>In this report the domain of multiple dispatch, the multiple dispatch algorithm CNT and the new extended algorithm CNT-RS are presented. The correctness of CNT- RS algorithm is shown and it’s proven that the CNT-RS algorithm is at least as good as the CNT algorithm, in regards to space complexity of the dispatch structure.</p>
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Hydraulic Properties of the Table Mountain Group (TMG) Aquifers.Lin, Lixiang. January 2008 (has links)
<p><font face="TimesNewRoman">
<p align="left">Research findings in current study provide a new insight into the fractured rock aquifers in the TMG area. Some of the results will have wide implications on the groundwater management and forms a solid basis the further study of the TMG aquifers.</p>
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Phylogeny and evolution of a highly diversified catfish subfamily : the Loricariinae (Siluriformes, Loricariidae)Covain, Raphaël 15 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The Loricariinae belong to the Neotropical mailed catfish family Loricariidae, the mostspeciose catfish family in the world, and are united by a long and flattened caudal peduncle and the absence of an adipose fin. Despite numerous works conducted on this group, no phylogeny is presently available. Prior to conduct evolutionary studies, an exhaustive and robust phylogeny was reconstructed using mitochondrial and nuclear data. Then, this phylogeny was used in multivariate and multi-table analyses to reveal the main evolutionary trends of the subfamily. The resulting phylogeny indicated that the Harttiini tribe, as classically defined, formed a paraphyletic assemblage and was restricted to three genera, and within the Loricariini tribe, two sister subtribes were distinguished, Farlowellina and Loricariina, both displaying complex evolutionary patterns. In addition several new taxa were highlighted and described. Subsequently using this phylogeny as exploratory tool, we demonstrated: (1) using co-inertia analysis that the diagnostic features provided to define the different genera were phylogenetically dependent; (2) using multiple co-inertia analysis that the underlying evolutionary forces shaping their diversification included intraphenotypic (morphology and genetics) and extraphenotypic (ecology and distribution) components; (3) using the RLQ analysis that co-dispersion events occurred between co-distributed species responsible for the current fish distribution; and (4) using the multi-scale pattern analysis that the co-evolution in traits related to the mouth characteristics was linked to reproductive functions responsible for a tertiary evolution of this organ.
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Forensic analysis of unallocated spaceLei, Zhenxing 01 June 2011 (has links)
Computer forensics has become an important technology in providing evidence in investigations of computer misuse, attacks against computer systems and more traditional crimes like money laundering and fraud where digital devices are involved. Investigators frequently perform preliminary analysis at the crime scene on suspects‟ devices to determine the existence of any inappropriate materials such as child pornography on them and conduct further analysis after the seizure of computers to glean leads or valuable evidence. Hence, it is crucial to design a tool which is portable and can perform efficient instant analysis. Many tools have been developed for this purpose, such as Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (COFEE), but unfortunately, they become ineffective in cases where forensic data has been removed. In this thesis, we design a portable forensic tool which can be used to compliment COFEE for preliminary screening to analyze unallocated disk space by adopting a space efficient data structure of fingerprint hash tables for storing the massive forensic data from law enforcement databases in a flash drive and utilizing hash tree indexing for fast searching. We also apply group testing to identify the fragmentation point of the file and locate the starting cluster of each fragment based on statistics on the gap between the fragments. Furthermore, in order to retrieve evidence and clues from unallocated space by recovering deleted files, a file structure based carving algorithm for Windows registry hive files is presented based on their internal structure and unique patterns of storage. / UOIT
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Literary Developments of the Table of Nations and the Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon EnglandMajor, Tristan Gary 18 February 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the various ways Anglo-Saxon authors interpreted and adapted Genesis 10–11: the Table of Nations and the Tower of Babel narrative. Although Genesis 10–11 offered Christians of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages a scripturally authorized understanding of the origins of ethnic and linguistic diversity of the world, its nature as an ancient Jewish text that deals with matters more suitable to its original audience than to its late antique and medieval readers allowed these later readers to transform the meaning of the text in order to give it a significance more fitting to their own times.
In the first section of my dissertation, I treat the topos of the number 72, which becomes prominent when authors of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages read it into the Table of Nations as the number of descendants of Noah’s three sons. My first chapter deals with the initial development of this topos in Christian and Jewish writings of Late Antiquity; my second chapter with the topos in the Latin writings of early Anglo-Saxons, from the biblical commentaries from the School of Canterbury to Alcuin; and my third chapter with the topos in the writings of later Anglo-Saxons, from King Alfred to the Old English texts of the eleventh century.
In the second section of my dissertation, I treat the interpretations of the Tower of Babel as they form and are informed in Late Antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England. As in the first section, three chapters are presented: the first on the initial developments in Late Antiquity; the second on the continual development into the Latin authors of early Anglo-Saxon England; and the third on the mainly Old English authors of the later Anglo-Saxon period.
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Development and Error Analysis of a Conrad Probe for Measurements of 2D Velocity in a Laminar Boundary LayerYuan, Zhou 27 November 2012 (has links)
The present study proposes to use a Conrad probe for transient growth study by measuring the two-dimensional velocity behind an array of roughness elements in the Blasius boundary layer. A look-up table approach is proposed to increase the accuracy of the data reduction process at low velocities, based on the results of the calibration performed in a round jet. A velocity correction method is proposed to minimize the errors due to high velocity shear and wall-proximity in the Blasius boundary layer by comparing Conrad probe results to previous hot-wire data. Measurements of the steamwise velocity perturbation obtained with the Conrad probe agree with previous studies. The measured spanwise perturbation confirms the transport process suggested by simulation. The results show that the perturbation amplitude increases by increasing both the freestream velocity and roughness elements height. However, the mechanism for changing the perturbation amplitude of influence differs for these two parameters.
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Development and Error Analysis of a Conrad Probe for Measurements of 2D Velocity in a Laminar Boundary LayerYuan, Zhou 27 November 2012 (has links)
The present study proposes to use a Conrad probe for transient growth study by measuring the two-dimensional velocity behind an array of roughness elements in the Blasius boundary layer. A look-up table approach is proposed to increase the accuracy of the data reduction process at low velocities, based on the results of the calibration performed in a round jet. A velocity correction method is proposed to minimize the errors due to high velocity shear and wall-proximity in the Blasius boundary layer by comparing Conrad probe results to previous hot-wire data. Measurements of the steamwise velocity perturbation obtained with the Conrad probe agree with previous studies. The measured spanwise perturbation confirms the transport process suggested by simulation. The results show that the perturbation amplitude increases by increasing both the freestream velocity and roughness elements height. However, the mechanism for changing the perturbation amplitude of influence differs for these two parameters.
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Literary Developments of the Table of Nations and the Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon EnglandMajor, Tristan Gary 18 February 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the various ways Anglo-Saxon authors interpreted and adapted Genesis 10–11: the Table of Nations and the Tower of Babel narrative. Although Genesis 10–11 offered Christians of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages a scripturally authorized understanding of the origins of ethnic and linguistic diversity of the world, its nature as an ancient Jewish text that deals with matters more suitable to its original audience than to its late antique and medieval readers allowed these later readers to transform the meaning of the text in order to give it a significance more fitting to their own times.
In the first section of my dissertation, I treat the topos of the number 72, which becomes prominent when authors of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages read it into the Table of Nations as the number of descendants of Noah’s three sons. My first chapter deals with the initial development of this topos in Christian and Jewish writings of Late Antiquity; my second chapter with the topos in the Latin writings of early Anglo-Saxons, from the biblical commentaries from the School of Canterbury to Alcuin; and my third chapter with the topos in the writings of later Anglo-Saxons, from King Alfred to the Old English texts of the eleventh century.
In the second section of my dissertation, I treat the interpretations of the Tower of Babel as they form and are informed in Late Antiquity and Anglo-Saxon England. As in the first section, three chapters are presented: the first on the initial developments in Late Antiquity; the second on the continual development into the Latin authors of early Anglo-Saxon England; and the third on the mainly Old English authors of the later Anglo-Saxon period.
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