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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Équations différentielles issues des vecteurs singuliers des représentations de l'algèbre de Virasoro

Eon, Sylvain January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Temporal and spatial effects of a long term large scale alley farming experiment on water table dynamics : implications for effective agroforestry design

Noorduijn, Saskia L. January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Removal of native vegetation to facilitate traditional agriculture practices has been shown to reduce ecosystem health, and restricts the native habitat. The subsequent change in the predominant vegetation water use patterns has altered the catchment water balance, and hydrology which results in land degradation through such processes of salinisation and water logging. More recently, moves toward more sustainable farming practices have been taken to help re-establish catchment hydrological equilibrium and improve catchment ecosystem services. Agroforestry is one such vehicle for this reestablishment. Perennial native vegetation has been shown to have a significant effect on catchment processes, mitigating any further degradation of the land. The effect of alternating native perennial tree belts with traditional broad acre agriculture in the alleys, referred to as alley farming, is investigated in this thesis due to the potential environmental and economic benefits that can result. This thesis investigates the impact of tree belts upon the water table and aims to gauge the ability of alley farming at controlling recharge within the low-medium rainfall zone on the valley floor. The basis of this research is the analysis of data collected from the Toolibin Alley Faring Trial. This experiment was established in 1995 to assess the viability of alley farming and incorporates different combinations of belt width, alley width and revegetation density. Transects of piezometers within each design have been monitored from October 1995 to January 2008. The piezometers were sporadically monitored over this period on a total of 39 dates. ... To further understand the response observed in the water table data, in depth hydrograph analysis of the control piezometer water levels was conducted. The statistical analysis demonstrates that the belts are having a very limited impact on the water table morphology, this is associated with the restricted use of groundwater by the perennial tree belts due to the poor quality, has been applied. This explains why there is limited signature of increased water table depth in the statistical analysis; there is evidence that alley farming as a means of reducing recharge may work however the overriding control on the trial are the rainfall trends rather than perennial growth. The low perennial biomass production at the site is an effect of limited water resources; however a significant distinction can be made between the water table depth and variability beneath high and low biomass belts. There are three main controls at the site; climate, development of perennial biomass and development of perennial root systems (both vertically and laterally). The regional climatic trends will influence water table levels creating a greater soil water storage capacity; therefore the contribution of soil water to transpiration rates will enable the tree belts to have some impact on recharge. Of the alley farming designs tested, the optimal planting density and belt/alley design, from an economic perspective, is identified as having a 4m belt width which generated the greatest biomass. As a means of controlling recharge at the site the effectiveness of alley farming is limited due the shallow saline water table limiting perennial growth.

Visualization of tabular data on mobile devices / Visualisering av tabulär data på mobila enheter

Caspár, Sophia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis evaluates various ways of displaying tabular data on mobile devices using different responsive table solutions. It also presents a tool to help web developers and designers in the process of choosing and implementing a suitable table approach. The proposed solution for this thesis is a web system called The Visualizing Wizard that allows the user to answer some questions about the intended table and then get a recommended responsive table solution generated based on the answers. The system uses a rule-based approach via Prolog to match the answers to a set of rules and provide an appropriate result. In order to determine which table solutions are more appropriate to use for which type of data a statistical analysis and user tests were performed. The statistical analysis contains an investigation to identify the most common table approaches and data types used on various websites. The result indicates that solutions such as "squish", "collapse by rows", "click" and "scroll" are most common. The most common table categories are product comparison, product offerings, sports and stock market/statistics. This information was used to implement and establish user tests to collect feedback and opinions. The data and statistics gathered from the user tests were mapped into sets of rules to answer the question of which responsive table solution is more appropriate to use for which type of data. This serves as the foundation for The Visualizing Wizard.

Beteendemönster och ett narrativs betydelse i brädspel / Behavioral Patterns and a Narrative's Importance in a Table-Top Game

Liedberg, Felix January 2017 (has links)
Temat för detta examensarbete är brädspel, därför börjar studien med en genomgång av brädspelens historia. Därefter följer en generell genomgång av ett flertal berättartekniker. Detta görs för att ge kontext till resten av arbetet. Forskningsfrågan för arbetet är: Hur påverkas personens agerande i en fiktiv värld utifrån dess känslomässiga koppling till ett narrativ? Denna fråga besvarades med hjälp utav ett brädspel. Detta brädspel hade två versioner, en med ett narrativ och en utan narrativ för att sedan kunna påvisa skillnader mellan dessa. Tjugo personer testade sedan de två artefakterna. Efter testningen hölls kvalitativa intervjuer. Dessa användes för att svara på forskningsfrågan ställd. Att testarnas agerande varierade mellan de två versionerna var det ingen tvekan om. De narrativa testarna kände en starkare känslomässig koppling till karaktärerna i spelet. Om arbete på undersökningen skulle fortsätta hade en större testgrupp med större mångfald varit att föredra. / The theme for this paper is table-top games, therefore the study will begin with a history review of table-top games. Following will be a general rundown of multiple narrative techniques. This is for giving a context for the rest of the work. The research question asked for this paper is: How is a person’s behavior affected by their emotional connections to a narrative?  This question was answered with the help of a table-top game. The game had two variants, one with a narrative and one without. This was for finding differences between the two. Twenty persons tested the two artefacts. After the testing, qualitative interviews took place. These were used to answer the question. There was no doubt that the behavior of the testers differentiated between the two variants. The narrative testers felt a stronger emotional connection to the characters in the game. If the study would have continued, a larger test group with a greater diversity would have been preferred.

Characterization of high-purity, multi-segmented germanium detectors / Charactérisation de détecteurs multi-segmentés au germanium hyper pur

Ginsz, Michaël 30 September 2015 (has links)
L’apparition de la segmentation électrique des détecteurs au GeHP et de l’électronique numérique a ouvert la voie à des applications prometteuses, telles que le tracking γ, l’imagerie γ ou la mesure bas bruit de fond, pour lesquelles une connaissance fine de la réponse du détecteur est un atout. L’IPHC a développé une table de scan utilisant un faisceau collimaté, qui sonde la réponse d’un détecteur dans tout son volume en fonction de la localisation de l’interaction. Elle est conçue pour utiliser une technique innovante de scan 3D, le Pulse Shape Comparison Scan, qui a été d’abord simulée afin de démontrer son efficacité. Un détecteur AGATA a été scanné de manière approfondie. Des scan 2D classiques ont permis, entre autres, de mettre en évidence des effets locaux de modification de la collection des charges, liés à la segmentation. Pour la première fois, une base de données 3D, complète, de formes d’impulsions fonction de la position d’interaction a été établie. Elle permettra notamment d’améliorer les performances du spectromètre AGATA. / Recent developments of electrical segmentation of HPGe detectors, coupled with digital electronics have led to promising applications such as γ-ray tracking, γ-ray imaging or low-background measurements which will benefit from a fine knowledge of the detector response. The IPHC has developed a new scanning table which uses a collimated γ-ray beam to investigate the detector response as a function of the location of the γ-ray interaction. It is designed to use the Pulse Shape Comparison Scan technique, which has been simulated in order to prove its efficiency. An AGATA detector has been thoroughly scanned. 2D classical scans brought out, for example, local charge collection modification effects such as charge sharing, due to the segmentation. For the first time, a 3D, complete pulse-shape database has been established. It will especially allow to improve the overall AGATA array performances.

Crescimento e produção de Tectona Grandis Linn F., em povoamentos jovens de duas regiões do estado de Mato Grosso - Brasil / Growth and yield of tectona Grandis Linn F. for the state of Mato Grosso Brazil

Drescher, Ronaldo 29 January 2004 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The Tectona grandis Linn F. was introduced in Mato Grosso in the end of the sixties and new planting is made each year in the State with the aim of replacing native woods of noble use. Beyond the expectation of great future gains the teak plantations are, most of the time, made in the mosaic system. This system is certainly the greatest advantage of this wood species, which is conquering more space each year in the Mato Grosso economical set. For this project, information about teak was acquired from the cities of Santo Antonio do Leverger and Brasnorte. In this places, the plantations are the propriety of Brasteca e Berneck companies, respectively. These plantations were young - less than 11 years old. And the possibility of short crop allows the discussion of the importance of processing wood in small dimensions. Since there was no production planning of Tectona grandis in Mato Grosso, which would allow rapid wood stock determination, the need to study the structuring of production for this species arose. This project also aimed at establishing: the study of hypsometric relationship; the study of the site and the determination of the site index; the study of diameter, height, base area and volume growth by year and by hectare; the development of the artificial form factor; the making of volume tables, form factor tables and yield tables for regional use. The results achieved in this work were the followings: to model the growth, the Chapman-Richard s equation described efficiently the dominate height variable evolution within the time span analyzed. The model h = 1,390 − 0,063 ⋅ d + 0,448 ⋅ ln 2 d , was selected to explain the relationship between height and diameter. The volume was modeled with the equation log(v) = −4,141 + 1,781 ⋅ log(d ) + 0,974 ⋅ log(h). The following equation was that showed the best adjustment for artificial form factor ( ) ⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎛ ⋅ ⋅ + ⎟ ⎟⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜⎝ ⎛ ⋅ − ⎟ ⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝ ⎛= + ⋅d h ddddln f 0,774 0,697 ln 0,647 ln 0,199 ln 1 20,120,51,3 Finally, six curves of site index, between 10 and 20, was needed to describe the variation of the dominate height growth over the age in the index-age of 10 years. As a conclusion it was verified a greater growth of teak in the state of Mato Grosso in comparison with other countries. This demonstrates the importance of teak not only for the state of Mato Grosso but for the whole country. / A Tectona grandis Linn F. foi introduzida em Mato Grosso no final da década de sessenta e, a cada ano, novos plantios são realizados no estado com o intuito de substituir as madeiras nativas de uso nobre. Os plantios de teca são realizados, na sua maioria, em sistemas de mosaico, sendo este o maior ganho dessa espécie madeireira que, a cada ano, vem conquistando mais espaço no cenário econômico do estado de Mato Grosso. Para este estudo, foram realizados levantamentos em plantios de teca nos municípios de Santo Antônio do Leverger e Brasnorte, em propriedade das Empresas Brasteca e Berneck, respectivamente. Pode-se considerar os plantios estudados jovens, possuindo não mais que 11 anos de idade, com a possibilidade de rotações curtas que permitem a discussão da importância de se processar madeira com dimensão pequena. Tendo em vista a inexistência de tabelas de produção da Tectona grandis para o Mato Grosso que possibilitasse determinações rápidas do estoque de madeira e o planejamento da produção, originou-se a necessidade de estudar o crescimento e a produção para a espécie. Este estudo também teve por objetivo determinar: relação hipsométrica; estudo do sítio e determinação do índice de sítio; estudo do crescimento em diâmetro, altura, área basal e volume por hectare e idade; confecção de tabelas de volume, fator de forma artificial, produção para uso regional e comparar crescimento e produção com os de outros locais. Como resultados obtidos neste trabalho têm-se que: a equação de Chapman Richard s, testada para modelar o crescimento, descreveu de forma adequada e eficiente a evolução da variável altura dominante dentro do intervalo de idade analisado; para descrever a variação do crescimento da altura dominante sobre a idade, foram necessárias seis curvas de índice de sítio de 10 a 20, na idadeíndice de 10 anos; o modelo h = 1,390 − 0,063 ⋅ d + 0,448 ⋅ ln 2 d , foi o selecionado para explicar a relação entre altura e diâmetro; para estimar o volume, o modelo selecionado foi log(v) = −4,141 + 1,781 ⋅ log(d)+ 0,974 ⋅ log(h); para fator de forma artificial, ( ) ⎟⎠ ⎞⎜⎝⎛⋅⋅ + ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜ ⎜⎝⎛⋅ − ⎟ ⎟⎠⎞⎜ ⎜⎝⎛= + ⋅d h ddddln f 0,774 0,697 ln 0,647 ln0,199 ln 1 20,120,51,3, foi a equação que apresentou melhor ajuste; Neste estudo foi verificado maior crescimento da teca em Mato Grosso quando comparado a outros países. Isso demonstra a importância dessa espécie não só para o estado, mas também para o país.

Anatomy of smooth integers

Mehdizadeh, Marzieh 07 1900 (has links)
Dans le premier chapitre de cette thèse, nous passons en revue les outils de la théorie analytique des nombres qui seront utiles pour la suite. Nous faisons aussi un survol des entiers y−friables, c’est-à-dire des entiers dont chaque facteur premier est plus petit ou égal à y. Au deuxième chapitre, nous présenterons des problèmes classiques de la théorie des nombres probabiliste et donnerons un bref historique d’une classe de fonctions arithmétiques sur un espace probabilisé. Le problème de Erdos sur la table de multiplication demande quel est le nombre d’entiers distincts apparaissant dans la table de multiplication N × N. L’ordre de grandeur de cette quantité a été déterminé par Kevin Ford (2008). Dans le chapitre 3 de cette thèse, nous étudions le nombre d’ensembles y−friables de la table de multiplication N × N. Plus concrètement, nous nous concentrons sur le changement du comportement de la fonction A(x, y) par rapport au domaine de y, où A(x, y) est une fonction qui compte le nombre d’entiers y− friables distincts et inférieurs à x qui peuvent être représentés comme le produit de deux entiers y− friables inférieurs à p x. Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous prouvons un théorème de Erdos-Kac modifié pour l’ensemble des entiers y− friables. Si !(n) est le nombre de facteurs premiers distincts de n, nous prouvons que la distribution de !(n) est gaussienne pour un certain domaine de y en utilisant la méthode des moments. / The object of the first chapter of this thesis is to review the materials and tools in analytic number theory which are used in following chapters. We also give a survey on the development concerning the number of y−smooth integers, which are integers free of prime factors greater than y. In the second chapter, we shall give a brief history about a class of arithmetical functions on a probability space and we discuss on some well-known problems in probabilistic number theory. We present two results in analytic and probabilistic number theory. The Erdos multiplication table problem asks what is the number of distinct integers appearing in the N × N multiplication table. The order of magnitude of this quantity was determined by Kevin Ford (2008). In chapter 3 of this thesis, we study the number of y−smooth entries of the N × N multiplication. More concretely, we focus on the change of behaviour of the function A(x,y) in different ranges of y, where A(x,y) is a function that counts the number of distinct y−smooth integers less than x which can be represented as the product of two y−smooth integers less than p x. In Chapter 4, we prove an Erdos-Kac type of theorem for the set of y−smooth integers. If !(n) is the number of distinct prime factors of n, we prove that the distribution of !(n) is Gaussian for a certain range of y using method of moments.

Univerzální senzorová testovací platforma / Verastile Sensor-based Experimental Platform

Tydor, Maximilián January 2015 (has links)
This document deals with issues of testing semiconductor inertial sensors like gyroscopes and accelerometers, but also other sensors like magnetometers, inclinometers and others for aviation navigation purposes where strict requirements cover every system. The goal of this thesis is to create modular test platform for testing wide variety of sensors in different combinations under variable circumstances. The development covers mechanical design, electrical design – hardware and also control algorithm – software.

En jämförelse av metoder och verktyg för datahantering och analys inom datalager / A comparison of methods and tools for data management and analysis within data warehouses

Aziz, Adeeba January 2024 (has links)
I detta examensarbete utförs en jämförande analys av metoder och verktyg för hantering och analys av data inom datalager. Med den snabbt ökande mängden data och utvecklingen av molnteknologier står företag inför utmaningen att navigera bland olika metoder för att välja den mest lämpliga för sin specifika datahantering och analysbehov. Rapporten belyser metoden One Big Table (OBT) samt verktyget Data Build Tool (dbt) och undersöker deras för- och nackdelar i datalagermiljöer. För att få en djupare förståelse för deras funktion och effektivitet jämförs de i olika användarfall genom prestandatester på latens och samtidighet med hjälp av verktyget Hyperfine. OBT implementeras med hjälp av Google BigQuery såväl som Google Cloud SQL för PostgreSQL där latens och samtidighet för analytiska målsättningar utvärderas genom användning av Python-skript med SQL-frågor respektive med dbt-modeller. Skripten och dbt-modellerna körs mot BigQuery samt PostgreSQL och de båda implementerar OBT. Resultatet visar att SQL-skripten uppvisade lägre latens än dbt-modeller när de exekverades mot både BigQuery och PostgreSQL. Ett annat fynd är att latensen för SQL-skripten var lägre i PostgreSQL jämfört med BigQuery, medan dbt-modellerna istället uppvisade högre latens i PostgreSQL jämfört med BigQuery. I båda datalagermiljöer visas det även att SQL-skripten presterar bättre än dbt-modeller vid samtidiga körningar. / This bachelor’s thesis presents a comparative analysis of methods and tools for data management and analysis within data warehouses. With the rapidly increasing volume of data and the development of cloud technologies, companies face the challenge of navigating various methods to choose the most suitable one for their specific data management and analysis needs. The report highlights the One Big Table (OBT) method and the Data Build Tool (dbt), examining their advantages and disadvantages in data warehouse environments. To gain a deeper understanding of their functionality and efficiency, they are compared in different use cases through performance tests on latency and concurrency using the Hyperfine tool. OBT is implemented using Google BigQuery as well as Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, where latency and concurrency for analytical purposes are evaluated using Python scripts with SQL queries and dbt models. The scripts and dbt models are run against BigQuery and PostgreSQL, both implementing OBT. The results show that the SQL scripts exhibited lower latency than the dbt models when executed against both BigQuery and PostgreSQL. Another finding is that the latency for SQL scripts was lower when run against PostgreSQL compared to BigQuery, while dbt models showed higher latency when run against PostgreSQL compared to BigQuery. The SQL scripts also performed better than the dbt models in concurrent executions in both BigQuery and PostgreSQL.

Architecture: In the Line of Economy

Baumbach, Robert Warren 12 December 1997 (has links)
Three houses are presented in this book. Each house has been designed with distinct site parameters with the expectation that obvious differences in form would occur. The focus of this investigation lies within the significant parallels that exist between the projects and how those parallels relate to the principles that constitute a framework of operation for a designer. / Master of Architecture

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