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Relationen mellan motivation och målorientering, upplevd förmåga samt uppfattat motivationsklimat hos gymtränande kvinnor och mänAndersson, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose was to examine relations between motivation and goal orientation, perceived ability and perceived motivational climate among persons working out in gym. Another purpose was to study differences in motivation, perceived ability and motivational climate among men and women. The final purpose was to study interactional effects on the dependent variable motivation. The participants were 59 men and 69 women. The instruments used were Task and Ego Goal Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), Harter´s Competence scale and part of Mahoneys R-5 test. The results showed positive correlation between motivation and task orientation, and between motivation and perceived ability. Further the results showed positive correlations between perceived ability and both task and ego orientation. Women perceived higher level of task orientation than men. No interactional effects were found. Instructors should focus on taskoriented goalstrategies and develop clients competens for higher motivation.</p>
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MOTIV TILL FORTSATT ELITSATSNING - En studie på svenska längdskidåkare utanför a-landslagetByström, Anders, Jonsson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>Längdskidåkning är en fysiskt och psykiskt påfrestande idrott. Ändå satsar många svenska elitskidåkare helhjärtat utan att komma med i landslaget. Studien ville kartlägga vad som motiverar just dessa utövare att fortsätta elitsatsa. Sekundära syften var att söka svar på vad försökspersonerna vill åstadkomma med satsningen, samt vilka fördelar (plus) och nackdelar (minus) som försökspersonerna upplevde med satsningen. Undersökningen genomfördes med kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och omfattade 13 individer (åtta män, fem kvinnor) i åldern 20-30. Resultatet visade att försökspersonerna främst hade inre motivation som drivkraft, där den sociala gemenskapen samt emotionella faktorer upplevdes som viktiga. Det försökspersonerna ville åstadkomma med satsningen handlade dels om mål att vilja prestera i större tävlingar, dels en önskan om att förbättra den egna prestationen och att utvecklas. Sammantaget en kombination av individinriktad målorientering och uppgiftsinriktad målorientering. Upplevda fördelar med skidsatsningen visade sig slutligen överväga upplevda nackdelar. Som vidare forskning rekommenderas att studera vilken påverkan ekonomiska faktorer och klimatförändringar har på motivationen hos elitskidåkare.</p>
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MOTIV TILL FORTSATT ELITSATSNING - En studie på svenska längdskidåkare utanför a-landslagetByström, Anders, Jonsson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
Längdskidåkning är en fysiskt och psykiskt påfrestande idrott. Ändå satsar många svenska elitskidåkare helhjärtat utan att komma med i landslaget. Studien ville kartlägga vad som motiverar just dessa utövare att fortsätta elitsatsa. Sekundära syften var att söka svar på vad försökspersonerna vill åstadkomma med satsningen, samt vilka fördelar (plus) och nackdelar (minus) som försökspersonerna upplevde med satsningen. Undersökningen genomfördes med kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och omfattade 13 individer (åtta män, fem kvinnor) i åldern 20-30. Resultatet visade att försökspersonerna främst hade inre motivation som drivkraft, där den sociala gemenskapen samt emotionella faktorer upplevdes som viktiga. Det försökspersonerna ville åstadkomma med satsningen handlade dels om mål att vilja prestera i större tävlingar, dels en önskan om att förbättra den egna prestationen och att utvecklas. Sammantaget en kombination av individinriktad målorientering och uppgiftsinriktad målorientering. Upplevda fördelar med skidsatsningen visade sig slutligen överväga upplevda nackdelar. Som vidare forskning rekommenderas att studera vilken påverkan ekonomiska faktorer och klimatförändringar har på motivationen hos elitskidåkare.
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Relationen mellan motivation och målorientering, upplevd förmåga samt uppfattat motivationsklimat hos gymtränande kvinnor och mänAndersson, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
The purpose was to examine relations between motivation and goal orientation, perceived ability and perceived motivational climate among persons working out in gym. Another purpose was to study differences in motivation, perceived ability and motivational climate among men and women. The final purpose was to study interactional effects on the dependent variable motivation. The participants were 59 men and 69 women. The instruments used were Task and Ego Goal Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), Harter´s Competence scale and part of Mahoneys R-5 test. The results showed positive correlation between motivation and task orientation, and between motivation and perceived ability. Further the results showed positive correlations between perceived ability and both task and ego orientation. Women perceived higher level of task orientation than men. No interactional effects were found. Instructors should focus on taskoriented goalstrategies and develop clients competens for higher motivation.
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Elever och självreglerat lärande. : En studie om grundskoleelevers uppfattning om inlärningsstrategier.Fjällström, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
Scientists and educational psychologists research have seen on self-regulated learning as learningconstruction. Every scientists have developed their own terms and concepts in the events of explaining how self-regulation affects students learning-process. Keyprocesses in previous studies is the importance of the active choice, to be goal-oriented,and awareness is what students need to self-regulate their own learning. The purpose of this study is to examine how students use different educational learning strategies based on the principles for self-regulated learning (SRL). From the process of the previous research, different concepts and terms have been divided into three key concepts titled:Active choices and actions, Goal-orientation and goal setting, as well as consciousness and self-awareness. These three have been the theoretical ground for the study and has been supplemented with data from interviews. The interviewed are ten high-performing high school students. The implementation was based on reflective interview questions based on the measuring instrument MSLQ and the study's research questions. The result shows on one hand how grading and assessment is a major motivating factor for the choices and actions the students are doing to regulate their learning ability, but on the other hand how grades and assessment creates stress and anxiety for the students. The students indicates how aware they are of themselves when they are evaluating their own performance level and know which active choices they need to do to achieve the goals they strive for in their studies. This completed study indicates that the school isn't teaching students how to use different educational learning strategies sufficiently and that teachers do not work actively enough with students individual learning strategies.This means that traditional approaches to learning is based on repetition and how much time a student puts on their studies, and is the most common learning strategy that the students in this study choose to use as well.
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Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka vilka motiv utifrån Self-Determination Theory (SDT) som är främst förekommande samt vilken intensitet och frekvens gymmotionärer har till att motionera. Detta har undersökts genom självskattningsformulär där instrumenten Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire (GCEQ) och Godin Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire(GLTEQ) har använts. Deltagarna för studien (n=164) bestod av både män (n=82)och kvinnor (n=82) i fyra ålderskategorier yngrevuxna, vuxna, äldre vuxna och äldre. Resultatet visar att inre målorienteringar är starkare motiv än yttre för ökad motionsintensitet och frekvens. Resultatet visar även att män har en högre frekvens än kvinnor inom ansträngande motion. De två yngre ålderskategorierna har en högre frekvens och träningsintensitet än de två äldre ålderskategorierna. Slutsatserna visar på att äldre har en inre motivation men att de yngre har både inre- och yttre motiv för motionsdeltagande. Detta visade sig genom antaganden om en individ har ett uppgifts- eller egoorienterat beteende. / The purpose of this study are to investigate what motives that are more represented, and what intensity and frequency gym exercisers have to exercise by Self-Determination Theory. This has been investigated by a self-questionnaire instrument, Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire (GCEQ) and Godin Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire (GLTEQ). The respondents (n=164) were Men (n=82) and Women (n=82) in four age categories younger, adults, old adults, and seniors.The results shown that intrinsic goal orientations were stronger motives than extrinsic for increased exercise intensity and frequency. The results also shown that Men has a higher frequency than Women by strenuous exercise. The two younger age groups shown a higher frequency and exercise intensity than the two older ones. The conclusion shows that older individuals have an intrinsic motivation while the younger has both an intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to exercise participation. These assumptions are based on an individual being task- or ego oriented.
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Hmm, ska jag vara med eller inte? : Elevers motiv till att delta i eller avstå från idrottsundervisningenHenriksson, Louise January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Det huvudsakliga syftet med mitt examensarbete var att undersöka hur elever i årskurs 7 resonerar kring sitt deltagande på idrottslektionerna, deras motiv huruvida de väljer att avstå eller delta i undervisningen. Min undersökning bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer, där eleverna intervjuats i frågor rörande förväntningar, olika slags motivation, kommunikation och relationer. Jag har studerat och jämfört likheter och skillnader mellan elevernas motiv. Studien visar på få skillnader i motiven men desto fler likheter. Resultatet pekar på att aktiviteterna, deras nivå och kommunikationen mellan lärare- elev och elev- elev är en väsentlig grund för elevernas deltagande. Vidare visar det sig att eleverna är hälsomedvetna och att denna medvetenhet bidrar till rörelse på lektionerna. De faktorer eleverna beskrev som anledningar att sitta vid sidan om var bland annat sjukdom och skador. Eleverna visar dock ett allmänt genuint intresse för att vara fysiskt aktiva då de sysselsätter sig med andra fysiska aktiviteter, även om de inte deltar i den obligatoriska idrottsundervisningen.</p><p> </p> / <p> </p><p>The main purpose with this study was to investigate the motivational behavior of pupils in an elementary school, with respect to whether they participate in the PE class or not. The study is based on interviews, where I have asked the pupils questions concerning expectations, external and internal motivation, communication and relationships. Afterwards I made comparisons on likeliness and differences in their answers, where patterns were discovered. The study shows a small amount of differences and a larger set of likeliness on their purposes to attend or not attend PE. The result indicates that the activities, their level and the teacher-pupil and pupil- pupil communication are the most important reasons to participate. Moreover it is shown that pupils that are aware of their health and this awareness promotes movement. Illness and injuries were described as the main factors to step aside and not participate. The pupils show a genuine interest about physical activities in general, as they keep themselves occupied with other physical activities, even though they’re not participating in the compulsory PE class.</p>
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Hmm, ska jag vara med eller inte? : Elevers motiv till att delta i eller avstå från idrottsundervisningenHenriksson, Louise January 2009 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med mitt examensarbete var att undersöka hur elever i årskurs 7 resonerar kring sitt deltagande på idrottslektionerna, deras motiv huruvida de väljer att avstå eller delta i undervisningen. Min undersökning bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer, där eleverna intervjuats i frågor rörande förväntningar, olika slags motivation, kommunikation och relationer. Jag har studerat och jämfört likheter och skillnader mellan elevernas motiv. Studien visar på få skillnader i motiven men desto fler likheter. Resultatet pekar på att aktiviteterna, deras nivå och kommunikationen mellan lärare- elev och elev- elev är en väsentlig grund för elevernas deltagande. Vidare visar det sig att eleverna är hälsomedvetna och att denna medvetenhet bidrar till rörelse på lektionerna. De faktorer eleverna beskrev som anledningar att sitta vid sidan om var bland annat sjukdom och skador. Eleverna visar dock ett allmänt genuint intresse för att vara fysiskt aktiva då de sysselsätter sig med andra fysiska aktiviteter, även om de inte deltar i den obligatoriska idrottsundervisningen. / The main purpose with this study was to investigate the motivational behavior of pupils in an elementary school, with respect to whether they participate in the PE class or not. The study is based on interviews, where I have asked the pupils questions concerning expectations, external and internal motivation, communication and relationships. Afterwards I made comparisons on likeliness and differences in their answers, where patterns were discovered. The study shows a small amount of differences and a larger set of likeliness on their purposes to attend or not attend PE. The result indicates that the activities, their level and the teacher-pupil and pupil- pupil communication are the most important reasons to participate. Moreover it is shown that pupils that are aware of their health and this awareness promotes movement. Illness and injuries were described as the main factors to step aside and not participate. The pupils show a genuine interest about physical activities in general, as they keep themselves occupied with other physical activities, even though they’re not participating in the compulsory PE class.
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Hur påverkas elevernas motivation av undervisning? En aktionsstudie om effekter av att arbeta med motivation och problemlösning. / How is the students ́motivation affected by the teaching: An action study on the effect of working with motivation and problem-solvingViksten, Carola January 2020 (has links)
In 2019, more than one in ten students in Sweden lacked a final grade in mathematics and there can be several reasons as to why this occurs. In this field of work, the two aspects focused on were students’ motivation and their problem-solving abilities. The purpose was to attain knowledge about how teaching might strengthen the students' motivation and ability to solve problems, in order to try to increase long-term effectiveness. The students had to fill out a digital questionnaire twice about their own motivation, and in between, the students' motivation and problem-solving strategies were affected in eight actions. Thereafter, the questionnaires were compared in order to draw attention to differences in student responses from instances one and two. The two questions in the study were “What does students' motivation for mathematics look like before and after the intervention” and “What effect does work with mathematical strategies in problem-solving, mindset and motivation theories have on the student”. The results showed that a low initial value for mathematic strategies in the students was significantly increased by the eight actions. Moreover, the study also showed that after the eight actions, the students’ dynamic mindset increased, because they put the reason for their results more on themselves and the amount of training being done. A further effect was that the students worked to a lesser extent to make the teacher satisfied, which meant that the controlled extrinsic motivation decreased. The study displays no evidence that the students’ intrinsic motivation, or desire, was positively affected by the actions.
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Er opplæring et godt sikkerhetstiltak? : Forebygging av risiko og ulykker gjennom opplæring av trafikanteneStene, Trine Marie January 2005 (has links)
<p>The thesis has basis in the question some have to the usefulness of education in traffic safety prevention. The eighties were dominated by optimism concerning safety education, which was followed by pessimism in the nineties.</p><p>The two studies in the thesis include young drivers and motor cyclists. Theoretical aspects are more in focus in the first study, while practical education is emphasized in the second.</p><p>Both theory and the two studies illustrate the possibility to utilize education in traffic safety work. Discussion subjects in the thesis are - how education can be designed in order to achieve desired results, whether man is rational, and whether education can influence road user’s overestimation of their own skills and performance.</p><p>Recommendations for future studies are e.g. the safety research would benefit from extending the traditional cognitive focus to include theory on emotion and individual differences; one should emphasize safety, mastery and how things work; theory can bring important ideas on how road users can develop realistically expectations of management and control.</p><p>Together, the results indicate a relation between education and safety. The relation is influenced of the person’s thoughts, feelings, behaviour, and earlier experiences, in addition to the social context. Variables studied are education, personal variables (attitudes, personality, self concept, and social norm), risk behaviour, near accidents and accidents.</p><p>It is a difference between men’s and women’s explanatory models for both groups (motor cyclists and drivers).</p><p>The study of young drivers indicates that education has a varying effect on attitudes, social norms and self concept, and where the largest effect is on self concept. The significance of education on risk is mainly through driver’s risk perception.</p><p>The study of motor cyclists emphasizes technical training. The results indicate that technical training may have more importance than theoretical education. The technical training seems to have significant influence on the motor cyclist’s interests, perception of challenges and experiences of flow. Similarly to the drivers, the education of motor cyclists has an indirect effect on accidents via the person’s behaviour and near accidents. Near accidents and accidents are influenced of both feelings and thoughts, in addition to the individual differences among the motor cyclists.</p> / <p>Utgangspunktet for avhandlingen er at enkelte har uttrykt skepsis til nytten av opplæring for å fremme trafikksikkerhet. På 80-tallet var det optimisme med hensyn til troen på sikkerhetsopplæring som fulgtes av pessimisme på 90-tallet. </p><p>De to undersøkelsene i avhandlingen er av bilførere og motorsyklister. Hos bilførerne er det lagt mest vekt på teoretiske deler av opplæringen, mens hos motorsyklistene er den praktiske opplæringen mer i fokus.</p><p>Både teori og egne undersøkelser belyser muligheten for å utnytte opplæringen bedre i trafikksikkerhetsarbeidet. Tema som diskuteres er hvordan opplæringen kan utformes for å gi gode resultater, om mennesket er rasjonelt, hvorvidt opplæring kan ha innvirkning på trafikanters overdrevne tro på egne ferdigheter.</p><p>Anbefalinger for framtidig forskning er eksempelvis: sikkerhetsforskningen vil være tjent med å utvide et tradisjonelt kognitivt fokus til å omfatte teori med vekt på emosjoner og individuelle forskjeller; det bør legges mer vekt på sikkerhet, mestring og hvordan ting fungerer; teori kan gi nyttige innspill til hvordan vi kan skape realistiske forventninger om mestring.</p><p>Samlet sett tyder resultatene på at det er sammenheng mellom opplæring og sikkerhet. Sammenhengen mellom opplæring og ulykker er påvirket av personens egne tanker, følelser, atferd og tidligere erfaringer, i tillegg til de sosiale omgivelsene. Variable som studeres er opplæring, personlige variable (som selvoppfatning, holdninger, sosial norm, personlighet), risikoatferd, nestenulykker og ulykker.</p><p>Det er forskjell på menn og kvinners forklaringsmodeller både for motorsyklistene og bilførerne.</p><p>Studien av unge bilførere tyder på at opplæring har varierende effekt på variable som holdninger, sosiale normer og selvoppfatning, og hvor den største effekten er på selvoppfatning. Betydningen av opplæring på risiko går i første rekke via førernes risikopersepsjon.</p><p>Studien av motorsyklister har stor vekt på teknisk trening. Resultatene tyder på at teknisk trening kan ha større betydning enn teoretisk opplæring. Den tekniske treningen synes å ha stor betydning for motorsyklistenes indre motivasjon - slik som interesser, oppfatning av utfordringer og følelse av flyt. Likeledes som for bilførne, så har opplæringen av motorsyklistene en indirekte innvirkning på ulykker via personens atferd og nestenulykker. Nestenulykker og ulykker er påvirket både av motorsyklistenes følelser og tanker, i tillegg til individuelle forskjeller mellom førerne.</p>
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