Spelling suggestions: "subject:"talent""
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Education of Artistically Talented Students from Selected Socio-Economic and Culturally Diverse BackgroundsJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: The issue this study addresses is the need to extend the topic of gifted art education into the multicultural realm. The purpose was to assess accommodations for gifted art students of culturally diverse backgrounds, to see how socio-economic class and culture influence identification and opportunities for gifted art students, and to identify similarities and differences among gifted art students. The research took place at five public high schools containing a high percentage of culturally diverse students around the Phoenix rural and suburban areas. Participants included five high school art teachers and five artistically talented students that each teacher identified. I conducted, transcribed and analyzed interviews with the participants. Analysis of the data has led to many themes. Teacher interviews indicated universities attended by teachers in the study didn’t touch on diversity or gifted art education, although all art teachers have had a lot of experience teaching diverse students, and reported student diversity was growing. Teachers define artistically talented students as students with natural abilities, many times looking at the students' product. Teachers recommend the students to community art classes, such as the local center for the arts, or summer college courses. Teachers vary in support, some saying they have more than enough resources and support, others saying they need more space in the classroom and smaller class sizes, or want to take students to artist studios. Results from student interviews reveal that all students in the study were self-motivated to do art everyday, two mentioning especially after a big life event, such as depression or a father dying. Participating students think of art as something beautiful and something to which they can relate, defining art very vaguely, saying it could be anything or everything. All students have future plans to major or minor in art in college or continuing creating art in their free time. Participants had supportive and encouraging art teachers and parents and had art materials readily available. Universities and high school art teachers may benefit from the study because of the need to prepare for growing diversity. Art teachers may benefit from this study by gaining a better understanding of artistically talented students of diverse backgrounds and by challenging them, and getting parents involved in supporting their child. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Art 2016
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Simplicity in complex times: Six principles for teaching the gifted / Simplicidad en tiempos complejos: seis principios para enseñar a los talentososCohen, Leonora M. 25 September 2017 (has links)
The world has become increasingly complex. Curriculum methods for the gifted are likewise. Extracted from these seminal and ongoing curriculum approaches are six rules based on best practices and research from our field, which can be grasped easily and applied by teachers anywhere. When teachers work from a set of principles they can adapt to needs of students and support growth, regardless of context. Using principles strengthens teaching and supports gifted students, and perhaps all students. The six principles include: a) focus on unique pattern of strengths, b) group students by interests or abilities at least part of the time, c) move as far and as fast in the basic skills as possible, d) enrich individual interests, e) offer mediation, counseling, mentoring and facilitation, and f) provide the tools for life-long learning. / El mundo es cada vez más complejo y los métodos curriculares para los talentosos siguen la misma línea. El presente estudio propone seis reglas extraidas de las aproximaciones curriculares que revelan las mejores practicas e investigaciones en el área y que además pueden ser fácilmente comprendidas y aplicadas en todo lugar. Cuando los profesores trabajan desde un grupo de principios que sustenta su actividad, pueden adaptarlos a las necesidades de sus estudiantes y apoyar su desarrollo, independientemente del contexto. Utilizando estos principios se fortalece la enseñanza y apoya a los estudiantes talentosos, así como a todos los estudiantes. Los seis principios incluyen: a) focalizarse en un patrón único de fortalezas, b) agrupar a los estudiantes por intereses o capacidades por lo menos parte del tiempo, c) ir tan rápido y lejos como se pueda a nivel de destrezas básicas, d) enriquecer los intereses individuales, e) ofrecer mediación, consejería, mentoring y facilitación, y f) brindar herramientas para el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida.
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While literary critics acknowledge the amoral and criminal behavior of Thomas Ripley, the antihero in Patricia Highsmith’s Ripliad series, many critics fail to recognize Highsmith’s parables in connection to ethical responsibility to the Other and guilt because of falling into complete despair. By examining Ripley’s character through an ethical lens, I contend that Ripley’s inability to connect with others disallows him from engaging in moral behavior that would establish basic responsibility for others. This results in a repetitive cycle of criminality that leads to inner turmoil and a sickness of the spirit. This thesis analyzes the parables in Highsmith’s novels by applying Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics in relation with Soren Kierkegaard’s conception of human existence. Ripley lives a lonely existence because he is unaware of his ethical dilemma, covets wealth at all costs, and fails to recognize that his division from society is at the root of his infinite despair. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (MA)--Florida Atlantic University, 2021. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Agriculture Teacher Attitudes Regarding Gifted Education and Teaching Gifted Students in the Agriculture ClassroomHile, Olivia M. 01 December 2019 (has links)
Agriculture teachers are responsible for a wide variety of students in their classrooms. It was unclear before this research how much preservice teacher instruction agriculture teachers were receiving to prepare them to teach students identified as gifted. This research aimed to measure teacher attitudes, characterization of gifted students, professional development needs, and related demographic information. Of the agriculture teachers who completed a traditional teacher preparation program, 54.50% felt that they were adequately prepared to meet the needs of gifted students in their classroom.
Participants characterized gifted agriculture students as outstanding problem solvers, quick to memorize information, and excellent in science. They did not characterize this group of students as excellent entrepreneurs, very active in FFA, and excellent leaders. These characteristics have implications for how to work with this population of students, such as using problem-based learning and integrating more science content into the classroom. By analyzing results of the importance and ability needs assessment, professional development is needed in creating challenging classroom content, differentiating instruction, and teaching problem solving skills specifically to teach gifted students in their classrooms.
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Attitudes toward technology and development of technological literacy of gifted and talented elementary school studentsHolland, Susan Marie 22 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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A survey of secondary school compliance with the gifted and talented mandate of House Bill 72 for grades 9-12Cooke, Barbara L. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to determine what selected school districts throughout the state of Texas are doing to meet the Texas Gifted and Talented mandate at the high school level, grades 9-12. The study is also to help determine if more guidelines from the state are needed, or if schools are able to meet student needs and mandate requirements as they currently exist.
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Consideration of Dynamic Assessment to Identify Gifted, Emerging Bilingual Latinx Students: Lessons for School LeadersToy, Adam P. 05 1900 (has links)
Little, if any, research exists that provides guidance for educators on the use of a dynamic assessment as a tool for better identifying Latinx students for gifted programs. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the perceptions of campus principals and elementary teachers as dynamic assessment was being considered as part of the gifted and talented identification protocol. Data were collected through teacher and principal interviews and focus groups, along with an analysis of current practices and protocols within the studied district. The findings revealed several key themes that emerged from educator perspectives on the ability of emergent bilingual students to be placed in gifted programs and how dynamic assessment could or could not play a part in the assessment process. The study provides support and context for future research about dynamic assessment as applied to gifted and talented identification of Latinx students, including (a) the development of a dynamic assessment, (b) the implementation of a dynamic assessment with presentation of data that supports or do not support its use, (c) training to support the implementation of a dynamic assessment, (d) the human capital and time associated with implementing a dynamic assessment, and (e) educator mindset associated with the implementation of a dynamic assessment for students who do not speak English in the home.
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Särbegåvade eller? : En studie om lärares attityder och tankar om arbetet med särbegåvade eleverMattsson, Sara, Redman, Sallie January 2021 (has links)
Enligt skollagen har alla elever rätt till stimulans i utbildningen. Alla elever “ska ges den ledning och stimulans som de behöver i sitt lärande och sin personliga utveckling för att de utifrån sina egna förutsättningar ska kunna utvecklas så långt som möjligt enligt utbildningens mål.” Skollagen (2010:800, 3 kap. 2§). Internationell forskning visar att elever som ”resonerar och utmärker sig med skärpa” behöver stimulering utöver det vanliga skolarbetet. Förmågan att kunna utmärka sig med skärpa utöver det vanliga skolarbetet är ett fenomen som beskrivs som särbegåvning. Studien bidrar till kunskap om lärarens egen uppfattning och reflektioner kring särbegåvning i den svenska grundskolan i relation till sitt eget yrkesutövande. Studien är gjord utifrån ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv vilket innebär att kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare har analyserats för att förstå tolkning av fenomenet särbegåvning. Empirin har analyserats och kategoriserats efter frågeställningarna för att framställa och diskutera forskningsresultatet. Resultaten visar att, även om det råder en ovisshet och oenighet hos lärare kring begreppet särbegåvning, så kunde alla lärare i studien framgångsrikt identifiera attributen för den särbegåvade eleven samt var överens om att det finns ett behov av ytterligare resurser och stöd i lärares arbete med dessa elever. Utbildning om särbegåvning och särbegåvade elevers förutsättningar inom lärarkåren anses som viktig för framtiden. / According to the Education Act in Sweden, all students have the right to stimulation in education. All pupils “must be given the guidance and stimulus they need in their learning and personal development so that they can develop as far as possible according to the goals of education and in accordance with their own abilities.” Skollagen (2010:800, 3 kap. 2§). International research shows that students who give evidence of the ability for exceptional achievement need stimulation in addition to the usual schoolwork. The ability to excel with exception is a phenomenon described as gifted and talented. The purpose of this study is to understand the teacher’s perceptions and reflections on the phenomenon of gifted and talented students in Swedish primary schools. The study has used a phenomenographic perspective, which means that qualitative interviews with teachers were analyzed to understand their interpretations of the phenomenon gifted and talented. The data was then analyzed and categorized according to the research questions in order to present and discuss the research results. The results show that even though there is uncertainty and disagreement among teachers over the concept of gifted and talented, all the teachers in the study could successfully identify the attributes of the gifted student and they agreed that there is a need for additional resources and support in their work. Further education, about gifted and talented students, for the teaching staff was considered essential for future progress.
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Aligning educational standards to the education of academically talented studentsCrowl, Kelly January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Технологии поддержки талантливой молодежи в сфере науки и техники в Кыргызской Республике : магистерская диссертация / Technologies to support talented youth in the field of science and technology in the Kyrgyz RepublicШайдылдаев, И. Ж., Shaidyldaev, I. J. January 2023 (has links)
Актуальность магистерской диссертации заключается в том, что талантливая молодежь является ключевым ресурсом для развития науки, технологий и экономики Кыргызской Республики. Новые вызовы, цифровизация и развитие технологий диктуют необходимость в высококвалифицированных кадрах, в работниках с гибким мышлением, способных к новаторству. Однако, несмотря на значительный потенциал молодых талантов и существующие программы и проекты для их поддержки, реальные результаты научно-технического развития в стране отстают от зарубежных стран. В работе раскрыто понятие таланта как способность человека к достижению выдающихся результатов в той или иной области деятельности. В рамках исследования проводится анализ подходов к поддержке талантливой молодежи в сфере науки и техники России, Кыргызстана и в зарубежных странах. А также рассмотрены механизмы и инструменты, используемые в этих странах для выявления и развития талантов, описывает опыт образовательных учреждений, конкурсов и программ, которые предназначены для поддержки талантливой молодежи. Кроме того, на основании научной литературы были определены проблемы и препятствия, с которыми сталкиваются талантливые молодые люди в Кыргызстане. Особое внимание уделено технологиям, которые могут помочь молодым талантливым людям достичь успеха в своей деятельности и стать ценными участниками инновационного сообщества Кыргызстана. Представлены результаты социологического исследования по социокультурному портрету талантливой молодежи в сфере науки и техники, итоги экспертного опроса по выявлению наиболее эффективных технологий поддержки талантливой молодежи. Разработана кейс технология для обучения талантливых старшеклассников по формированию гибких навыков. На основании анализа социокультурного портрета молодежи, предложений по информационному сопровождению, экспертного опроса для определения наиболее эффективных технологий поддержки талантливой молодежи, разработана модель поддержки талантливой молодежи для реализации в Кыргызстане. В рамках модели предложены основные проекты по развитию талантливой молодежи:
Создание координационного совета при Президенте Кыргызской Республики по развитию талантливой молодежи в сфере науки и техники.
Учреждение президентского гранта «Илим Билим» для финансовой и организационной поддержки талантливой молодежи Кыргызской Республики.Учреждение фонда «Келечек» для финансовой поддержки талантливой молодежи совместно с промышленными компаниями. Делается вывод что предлагаемые технологии поддержки талантливой молодежи являются эффективными и могут быть реализованы в Кыргызской Республике. / The relevance of the master's thesis lies in the fact that talented youth is a key resource for the development of science, technology and the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic. New challenges, digitalization and the development of technologies dictate the need for highly qualified personnel, employees with flexible thinking, capable of innovation. However, despite the significant potential of young talents and existing programs and projects to support them, the real results of scientific and technological development in the country lag behind foreign countries. The paper reveals the concept of talent as a person's ability to achieve outstanding results in a particular field of activity. The study analyzes approaches to supporting talented youth in the field of science and technology in Russia, Kyrgyzstan and in foreign countries. It also considers the mechanisms and tools used in these countries to identify and develop talents, describes the experience of educational institutions, competitions and programs that are designed to support talented youth. In addition, based on the scientific literature, the problems and obstacles faced by talented young people in Kyrgyzstan were identified. Particular attention is paid to technologies that can help young talented people achieve success in their activities and become valuable participants in the innovation community of Kyrgyzstan. The results of a sociological study on the sociocultural portrait of talented youth in the field of science and technology, the results of an expert survey to identify the most effective technologies for supporting talented youth are presented. A case technology has been developed for teaching talented high school students in the formation of flexible skills. Based on the analysis of the socio-cultural portrait of young people, proposals for information support, an expert survey to determine the most effective technologies for supporting talented youth, a model for supporting talented youth has been developed for implementation in Kyrgyzstan. Within the framework of the model, the main projects for the development of talented youth are proposed: Creation of a coordinating council under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic for the development of talented youth in the field of science and technology. Establishment of the presidential grant "Ilim Bilim" for financial and organizational support of talented youth of the Kyrgyz Republic. Establishment of the "Kelechek" fund for financial support of talented youth together with industrial companies. It is concluded that the proposed technologies to support talented youth are effective and can be implemented in the Kyrgyz Republic.
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