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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

To trender møtes – ISO og miljøstandardene : The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) og deres miljøstandarder (14000 familien) / The international Organization for standardization (ISO) and their environmental standards (the 14000-family)

Bårnås, Kristin Stanwick January 2013 (has links)
ISO sine miljøstandarder ble først publisert i 1996. Arbeidet derimot hadde startet alt i 1991, på bakgrunn av at ISO hadde blitt en annerkjent organisasjon for også ikke-tekniske standarder og på bakgrunn av det økte internasjonale miljøfokuset. Hoveddeltagerne i arbeidet var ledere og viktige personer i mellomstore og store bedrifter, og dette bidro til at fokuset ble på miljøstyringsystemer istedenfor på konkrete miljøkrav. Arbeidet de første 2 årene ble gjort gjennom Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment (SAGE), som var et sammarbeid mellom ISO og IEC. I 1993 ble en teknisk komitee opprettet. Denne fikk navn TC 207: miljøstyring, og har sitt hovedkontor i Canada.

Effect of disorder on the melting phase transition

Storey, Marianne January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Unexpected temperature and polarization behavior of the high-TC superconductor Bi(Pb)-2212

Ghafari, Aliakbar 03 June 2013 (has links)
In dieser Doktorarbeit wird der Hochtemperatur-Supraleiter Bi-2212 auf seine elektronische Struktur hin untersucht. Für diesen Zweck wurden Röntgen- Absorptionsspektroskopie (XAS) und winkelaufgelöste Photoemissionsspektroskopie (ARPES) verwendet. Zusätzlich wurden mittels Dichtefunktionaltheorie theoretische Trends in der elektronischen Struktur aufgezeigt. Zu Beginn wurde die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Löcher-Konzentration (nH) von nahezu optimal dotierten und geringfügig unterdotierten Einkristallen mittels XAS untersucht. Die Messungen der Temperaturabhängigkeit von nH mit XAS zeigen ein komplett anderes Verhalten als das, welches aus dem Hall-Effekt hergeleitet wurde. Hinzu kommt, dass es unmöglich ist, die Formel von Gor''kov und Teitel''baum, d.h. mit einem konstanten und einem Aktivierungsterm, an die Daten anzupassen. Als Lösungsansatz kommen Magnonen in Frage. Zusätzlich wurde die Polarisationsabhängigkeit der Löcher- Konzentration mittels XAS gemessen, die zeigt, dass in den Kupferoxidschichten die Löcher offenbar offenbar inhomogen verteilt sind. Solch ein Verhalten wird für die isotrope Struktur der Bi-2212-Kristalle nicht erwartet und kann nur schwer erklärt werden. Möglicherweise sind die, die Symmetrie brechenden magnetischen Eigenschaften wie magnetische Streifen die Antwort. Um zusätzliche experimentelle Informationen zu erhalten, wurde darüber hinaus noch die Temperatur- und Polarisationsabhängigkeit der Bi-2212-Einkristalle mittels ARPES studiert. Insbesondere die ''Peak-Dip-Hump''-Emissionsstruktur an der Fermi-Energie wurde gemesssen, die sich am M-Punkt der Brillouin-Zone befindet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der scharfe Peak nahe der Fermi-Kante eine deutliche Polarisations- und Temperaturabhängigkeit aufweist, welche bei der Pseudolücken-Temperatur T* und nicht bei der Sprungtemperatur TC verschwindet. Die Polarisationsabhängigkeit an den vier M-Punkten der Brillouin-Zone hat gezeigt, dass eine Symmetrieachse im 45°-Winkel zur Cu-O-Cu-Richtung existiert. Dies könnte ebenfalls mit magnetischer Streifenbildung erklärt werden. Des Weiteren wurde das beobachtete Versagen der Dipol-Näherung zur Beschreibung der Spektren bei einer Polarisation senkrecht zur Spiegelebene erörtert. Andererseits ist die Berechnung von Materieleigenschaften mittels der Dichtefunktionaltheorie ein sehr aktiver Bereich der Festkörperphysik geworden. Nachdem meine DFT-Rechnungen auf der Basis des MBJ-Potentials sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen des ternären Halbleiters ZrSexS2-x und die LiZrSexS2-x –Verbindung erzielt haben, habe ich diese auch zur Unterstützung der experimentellen Supraleiterdaten angewendet. Die elektronischen Eigenschaften von CaCuO2 und des Bi-2212-Kuprats wurden mittels DFT auf der Basis von GGA und GGA+U berechnet, wobei der Hubbard-U-Term mit einer „abinitio“-Methode berechnet wurde. Die Ergebnisse ergaben, dass nur Rechnungen auf der Basis von MBJ+U einen antiferromagnetischen Grundzustand für die CaCuO2- Verbindung lieferten, während alle Funktionale versagten, den antiferromagnetischen Grundzustand für das Bi-2212-Kuprat zu finden. / In this PhD work the electronic structure of high-TC Bi-2212 cuprates is investigated. For this purpose x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) are used. Additionally, density functional theory is applied for making theoretical trends of the electronic structure evident. At first, the temperature dependence of the hole density (nH) by XAS on nearly optimum and slightly underdoped single crystals is studied. The measurements of the temperature dependence of nH by XAS show completely different behavior as that derived from Hall effect. Moreover, fitting our data by the Gor’kov and Teitel’baum formula, i.e. assuming a constant term and an activation term, was impossible. For solving the problem a contribution of magnons is suggested. Additionally, the polarization dependence of the hole density has been measured by XAS showing that an inhomogeneity of holes in the copper oxide planes may exist. Such a behavior is not expected for the isotropic structure of the Bi(Pb)-2212 crystals and was only hardly to be explained. Possibly, magnetic symmetry breaking properties like e.g. magnetic stripes might give an answer. In order to derive additional experimental information, the temperature and polarization dependence of the electronic structure of the CuO2 planes of Bi(Pb)-2212 single crystals has been studied by ARPES. In particular, the so-called peak-dip-hump emission structure close to the Fermi energy has been measured, which is located at the M point of the Brillouin zone. The results show that the sharp emission structure close to the Fermi edge reveals a distinct polarization dependence and it vanishes at the pseudogap temperature T* and not at the critical temperature TC. The polarization dependence at the four M points of the Brillouin zone has revealed that there exists a symmetry line along to 45?? from the Cu-O-Cu direction. This could also be due to stripe formation. Additionally, the observed failure of the dipole approximation to describe the spectra at normal polarization with respect to the mirror plane is discussed. On the other hand, the calculation of material properties by density functional theory has become a very active area of research in condensed matter physics. Therefore, after my calculations based on DFT by the MBJ potential have revealed good agreement with experimental data for the ternary semiconductors ZrSexS2-x and the LiZrSexS2-x compound I applied it for a support of the experimental superconductor data. The electronic properties of CaCuO2 and the Bi-2212 cuprate have been calculated by DFT based on GGA and GGA+U where the Hubbard U term has been calculated by an ab initio method. The results reveal that only calculations based on MBJ+U lead to an anti-ferromagnetic ground state for the CaCuO2 compound while all functionals fail to find an antiferromagnetic ground state for Bi-2212.

Role of PFOA and PFOS on Serum Apolipoprotein B, NHANES, 2005-2006

Maisonet, Mildred, Yadav, Ruby, Leinaar, Edward 01 September 2015 (has links)
Background: Exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) have been associated with higher circulating concentrations of total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). ApoB is the primary apolipoprotein component of LDL-C, and acts as a ligand for LDL-C receptors in various cells throughout the body. Circulating concentrations of ApoB are considered to be a better indicator of heart disease risk than TC or LDL-C. Objectives: Explore associations of concentrations of PFOA and PFOS with serum ApoB in adults. Methods: We analyzed data from 2744, 20-80 years old participants in the 2005–2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Linear regression models were used to estimate adjusted predicted means of serum ApoB (in g/L) for quartiles of PFOA and PFOS (in ng/mL) to describe patterns of associations. Results: Adjusted predicted mean concentrations of serum ApoB did not appear to vary meaningfully with increasing concentrations of PFOA (Q1 1.11, Q2 1.02, Q3 1.01, Q4 1.02) or increasing concentrations of PFOS (Q1 1.06, Q2 1.05, Q3 1.07, Q4 0.99) in study participants. Conclusions: Exposure to PFOA or PFOS does not appear to alter Apo B concentrations in adults.

Investigation Of Hydrodynamic Demands Of Tsunamis In Inundation Zone

Ozer, Ceren 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzed the new parameter hydrodynamic demand representing the damage of tsunami waves on structures and coastlines,maximum positive amplitudes and current velocities occurred during tsunami inundation by using the numerical model TUNAMI-N2. Regular shaped basins were used with two different bottom slopes in analyses in order to understand the behaviour of tsunami wave and investigate the change of important tsunami parameters along different slopes during tsunami inundation. In application, different initial conditions were used for wave profiles such as solitary wave, leading elevation single sinusoidal wave and leading depression sinusoidal wave. Three different initial wave amplitudes were used in order to test the change of distribution of the hydrodynamic demand. The numerical results were compared and discussed with each other and with the results of existing analytical and experimental studies.

Statistical And Spatial Approaches To Marina Master Plan For Turkey

Karanci, Ayse 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Turkey, with its climate, protected bays, cultural and environmental resources is an ideal place for yacht tourism. Subsequently, yacht tourism is increasing consistently. Yacht tourism can cause unmitigated development and environmental concerns when aiming to achieve tourist satisfaction. As the demand for yacht tourism intensifies, sustainable development strategies are needed to maximize natural, cultural and economic benefits. Integration of forecasts to the strategic planning is necessary for sustainable and use of the coastal resources. In this study two different quantitative forecasting techniques - Exponential smoothing and Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) methods were used to estimate the demand for yacht berthing capacity demand till 2030 in Turkey. Based on environmental, socio-economic and geographic data and the opinions gathered from stakeholders such as marina operators, local communities and government officials an allocation model was developed for the successful allocation of the predicted demand seeking social and economical growth while preserving the coastal environment. AHP was used to identify and evaluate the development, social and environmental and geographic priorities. Aiming a dynamic plan which is responsive to both national and international developments in yacht tourism, potential investment areas were determined for the investments required to accommodate the future demand. This study provides a multi dimensioned point of view to planning problem and highlights the need for sustainable and dynamic planning at delicate and high demand areas such as coasts.

Tsunami Hydrodynamics In Coastal Zones

Ozer, Ceren 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzes the parameter &ldquo / hydrodynamic demand&rdquo / that is also defined by the square of Froude Number representing the damage of tsunami waves on structures and coastlines, and other hydrodynamic parameters, i.e., the distribution of instantaneous flow depths, runup values and the direction of maximum currents, occurred during tsunami inundation by using advanced numerical modeling. The analyses are performed on regular-shaped basins with different bottom slopes and real-shaped topographies using different wave shapes, wave periods and types. Various orientation and amount of coastal and land structures are used in simulations to have results for many different cases. This study provides the opportunity to define the damage of level in residential areas and to test the performance of coastal protection structures. The behavior of tsunami hydrodynamic parameters in shallow and inundation zone is investigated and a correlation is obtained between the average maximum values of square of Froude Number with the wave characteristics and sea bottom slope. After determining hydrodynamic parameters in regular shaped basins, a case study is applied by modeling the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami with finer resolution in nested domains. The determination of hydrodynamic parameters in inundation zone during 2011 Japan event is performed in one of the most damaged coastal city Kamaishi.

Contribution à l'étude du matériau supraconducteur à température critique élevée YBa2Cu3O7: cristallogénèse et caractérisations physico-chimiques

Nganga, Léon 14 September 1990 (has links) (PDF)
Des monocristaux de YBa2Cu3O7 ont été préparés par une méhode de flux en creuset d'or. Une analyse des spirales de croissance et des domaines ferroélastiques révélés par une étude en microscopie optique en lumière polarisée et en microscopie électronique a balayage sur la face principale (001) à été effectuée. Un ensemble de caractérisations physico-chimiques (diffraction X, EPMA, détermination de la température critique par mesures électriques, spectroscopie micro-Raman, mesures des susceptibilités alternatives en champ faible) réalisé sur des cristaux bruts de croissance et recuits sous oxygène à permis de relier l'évolution des propriétés supraconductrices à la non stoechiométrie en oxygène. Enfin le phénomène de dégradation atmosphérique de YBa2Cu3O7 à été confirmé par une étude sur monocristal, à l'aide des techniques spectroscopiques (micro-Raman, Auger, XPS)

Cristallogenèse et caractérisations d'oxydes supraconducteurs du système Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O

Frison, Jean-Claude 07 December 1990 (has links) (PDF)
Les cristaux de phases supraconductrices de formulation générale, TlmBa2Can-1CunO2n+m+2 (avec m=1, 2 et n=1, 2, 3) ont été préparés par une technique de croissance en flux. Chaque phase a été caractérisée par diffraction X (Weissenberg, Buerger, cristal tournant) et par micro-spectroscopie Raman. L'analyse par microsonde électronique a révélé des déficits cationiques par rapport a la formulation idéale. Une étude par HREM a montré dans la plupart des cristaux l'absence d'intercroissance à l'échelle atomique. La température critique a été mise en évidence par mesures électriques, mesures sous champ magnétique continu et susceptibilite alternative. Le comportement magnétique révèle une très forte anisotropie entre les propriétés supraconductrices dans la direction de l'axe c et dans le plan (a, b) (Hc1(c)/Hc1(a,b)=1000 pour la phase 2212). Les courbes d'effet Meissner et d'effet d'écran révèle que l'aimantation est réversible près de Tc et irréversible a plus basse température. La ligne d'irréversibilite (H*, T*) a été caractérisée pour la phase 2212.

The Focal Reducing Imager and Spectrograph FORS, built for the optical 16-metre ‘Very Large Telescope’ of the European Southern Observatory / Der Fokal-Reduktor und Spektrograph FORS, entwickelt für das optische 16-meter ‘Very Large Telescope’ des Europäischen Süd-Observatoriums

Nicklas, Harald 04 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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