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The Role of the PFC in Semantic Memory TasksGilbert, Chris 08 1900 (has links)
<p>The PFC plays an important role in memory tasks in organizing free recall. However, very little is known about the exact mechanisms underlying PFC function. Many researchers, like Morris Moscovitch (1994) believe the PFC supplies cues to other memory areas but details concerning this hypothetical function are vague. Anderson (2003), in contrast, believes that the PFC directly suppresses semantic memory traces. These potential functions of the PFC were explored in the following work. A model of non-strategic memory was built using a TCM framework, and a number of different implementations were evaluated. The model was then applied to Anderson's RIF work, to determine whether an item inhibition account of memory was necessary to explain RIF results. Finally, the model was applied to semantic memory strategies in free recall results to guide empirical research. It was found that no direct inhibition was necessary to explain RIF, and that, in a timed and categorized free recall task, the PFC best performs a semantic strategy by generating category labels at recall. Implications of this work were then discussed. </P> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Quality control of phytopharmaceuticals : assessment and quality control of traditional Chinese medicineJin, Ye January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Performance Evaluation of M-ary APSK using Punctured Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) for DVB ApplicationsMainali, Miraj 14 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Three-Component Model (TCM) of commitment i svensk kontext : En undersökning av relationen mellan commitment gentemot organisation och närmaste chefPersson Brage, Hedvig, Olofsson, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka relationen mellan commitment gentemot organisationen och chefs-commitment i en svensk kontext med hjälp av TCM Employee Commitment Survey. Metoden för att undersöka detta var en webbenkät som delades ut till sammanlagt 188 personer, med en svarsfrekvens på 35%. Respondenterna arbetade i tre olika organisationer inom offentlig sektor. I enkäten fick respondenterna ta ställning till påståenden rörande sin organisation och sin närmaste chef. Resultatet visade att ju lägre continuance commitment är gentemot närmaste chef, desto högre är affective commitment gentemot organisationen. Vidare visade resultatet att ju högre continuance commitment är gentemot närmaste chef, desto högre är continuance commitment gentemot organisationen. Dessutom visade resultatet att ju högre normative commitment gentemot närmaste chef är, desto högre är normative commitment gentemot organisationen. I motsats till tidigare studier fann vi ingen korrelation mellan affective commitment gentemot organisation och affective commitment gentemot närmaste chef. / The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational commitment and supervisor commitment within a Swedish context using TCM Employee Commitment Survey. Measures were done via a questionnaire distributed to a total of 188 people, with a response rate of 35%. The respondents were employees from three different organizations within the public sector. They were asked to consider different statements regarding their organization, their supervisor and work-related identity. The results showed that if continuance commitment to supervisor is low, affective organizational commitment will be high. The results also showed that when continuance commitment to supervisor was high, continuance organizational commitment was also high. When normative supervisor commitment was high, so was normative organizational commitment. In contrast to previous studies, we found no correlation between affective organizational commitment and affective commitment to supervisor.
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Strategic alliances in a town centre : Stakeholder’s perceptions of property owner’s roleHåkansson, Johan, Lagin, Madelen January 2013 (has links)
In order for town centres to manage increased competition in retailing, co-operation between stakeholders in a strategic alliance has become more important. A typical set of stakeholders in a strategic alliance for strengthening retailingare retailers, local authorities and property owners. The roles of retailer’sand local authorities’ are well researched. However, the role of property owners is not. The aim of this paper seeks to unfold the role of property owners in a strategic alliance. This is a case study of a medium-sized town in which semi-structured interviews with different stakeholders were conducted. In the chosen town there is a TCM alliance co-operation at work. The above mentioned stakeholders are possible members in an alliance. The case studied shows a fragmented property owner market with no dominant property owner, as it is in many medium-sized towns. Our study shows that many stakeholders look at the role of property owners as crucial for town centre development. However, property owners do not see that they can significantly contribute to or benefit from the development.The main reasons for this opinion are that they consider themselves as not having enough resources or the capability to influence the town development.
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Implementation & Performance Analysis of MP3 Player over ARM9 PlatformHuang, Zih-Cheng 06 July 2005 (has links)
This paper has mentioned the detailed process in which MP3 has been porting so as to being executed on the plate of ARM9 and working device of AACI¡BMMU¡BI-Cache¡BD-Cache¡BDMA¡BI-TCM¡BD-TCM on the developing board of Versatile VPB926EJS; the device has reduced clock Rate of ARM926EJ CPU. On the basis of lowest Clock Rate, the software of MP3 player could be executed smoothly with the little hardware resource.
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Organisationer i samverkan : Samverkans roll i stadskärnors arbete för ökad attraktivitet / Organizations in collaboration : The role of united cooperation in city center's work for increased attractivenessRoghell Carnbring, Elvira, Stålby, Tove January 2017 (has links)
För många ansedda som mindre städer i Sverige, benämnda i den här uppsatsen somsmåstäder, förekommer ett starkt hot i form av externhandeln. Småstad definieras i våruppsats som en till folkmängden mindre ort med karaktäristiska drag av en stad, det finnssåledes en huvudgata i staden och ett utmärkande centrum. Stadskärnor runt om i landet harunder decennier tömts på både organisationer och befolkning i relation till att marknaden harflyttats utanför staden. Detta har bidragit till att stadskärnorna löper stor risk att dö ut. För attreducera denna risk har en stor satsning gjorts på samverkan i flera delar av landet och även isamarbete med Norge. Kommuner har gått samman för att arbeta externt tillsammans medandra städer och internt för att få olika aktörer i stadskärnan att samarbeta med varandra.Tidigare forskning pekar på att samverkan ses som en vital ingrediens för att kunna stärka enstadskärna och det lyfts fram att alla parter som har ett intresse av stadskärnan måstesamverka. Det krävs då att både den offentliga- och privata sektorn ingår i ett samarbetevilket i denna uppsats benämns som ett offentligt-privat partnerskap. I den här studienundersökte vi bland annat samverkans roll i stadskärnors arbete för ökad attraktivitet. Vårtsyfte med studien är att undersöka hur organisationer arbetar för fortsatt överlevnad i enstadskärna. Granskningar gjordes på det arbete som utförts av två stadskärnor i Sverige.Deras tillvägagångssätt studerades för att se hur de har undvikit eller besegrat de hot somcirkulerar. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi har granskatoch tolkat det empiriska material vi samlade in genom två djupintervjuer med trerespondenter som arbetar med centrumutveckling i de städer vi granskade. Vår teoretiskareferensram är baserad på vetenskapliga artiklar och presenterar aktuell forskning samtteorier kring centrumutveckling och metoder för att uppnå framgångsrik utveckling. Detempiriska underlaget i studien är baserat på två intervjuer som vi har genomfört med trerespondenter vars yrkesroller är gällande centrumutveckling. En av våra respondenter ärprojektledare och arbetar med projekt inom centrumutveckling, en är näringsutvecklare för enkommun i Sverige och den tredje har en yrkesroll som centrumutvecklare. Den teoretiskareferensramen och empirin är utgångspunkterna för vår analys samt tolkningar. Det är sedanutav detta som vi har kunnat dra slutsatser kring centrumutveckling och dess metoder förframgång. Samverkan är nödvändigt för att en stadskärna ska kunna nå ökad attraktivitet. Detär inte tillräckligt att olika stadskärnor samverkar med varandra för att nå en lyckadcentrumutveckling och ökad attraktionskraft till staden. Det är vitalt att stadskärnornas inresamarbetar med varandra och med det menar vi att stadens egna handlare, fastighetsägare,kommun, politiker, boende, konsumenter, besökare etc. samarbetar mot gemensamma mål.De två mest vitala faktorerna för samverkan som vi kunde avläsa var engagemang och engemensam målbild. Genom studien kan det konstateras att de två faktorerna är avgörande församverkans del i att reducera risken att stadskärnor utarmas. / For a lot of small cities in Sweden, mentioned in this paper as small towns, there is a strongthreat in terms of external trade. Small cities is defined in our essay as a smaller town withthe characteristic features of a city, so there is a main street in the city and a distinguishingcenter. City centers around the country have been emptied for both organizations andpopulations for decades in relation to the fact that the market has moved outside the city. Theresult of that is the fact that the city centers are at high risk of extinction. In order to reducethis risk, a major effort has been made on cooperation in several parts of the country and alsoin cooperation with our neighboring country Norway. Townships has cooperated to workexternally with other cities and internally to get different actors in the city center to cooperatewith each other. Previous research shows that cooperation is seen as a important ingredient instrengthening of a city center, and it is emphasized that all parties that has an interest in thecity center must cooperate. It is then required that both the public and private sector is a partof the cooperation, which in this paper is called a public-private partnership. In this study, weinvestigated the role of united action in city centers work for increased attractiveness. Ourpurpose of the study is to investigate how organizations work for continued survival in a citycenter. Examinations were made on the work carried out by two small towns in Sweden.Their approach was studied to see how they have avoided or defeated the threat that encirclesthem. In order to achieve our purpose we have conducted a qualitative study where we haveexamined and interpreted the empirical material we collected through the two interviews thatwere made with three respondents who work with center development in the cities wereviewed. Our theoretical reference framework is based on scientific articles and presentscurrent research as well as theories about town center management and methods forachieving successful development in city centers. The empirical basis of the study is based onthe two interviews that we have made with respondents in a career in center development.One of our respondents is a project manager and work with projects in center development,one is a business developer for a municipality in Sweden and the third has a professional roleas a center developer. The theoretical reference framework and empiricism are the startingpoints for our analysis and interpretations. It is because of that we have been able to drawconclusions about city center development and its methods of success. Collaboration isnecessary for a city center to achieve increased attractiveness. It is not enough that differentcity centers collaborates with each other in order to achieve successful city centerdevelopment and increased attractiveness to the city. It is vital that the inner core of the citycooperates with each other, and by that we mean that the city's own trader, property owner,municipality, politicians, residents, consumers, visitors, etc., work together towards commongoals. The two most important factors for collaboration that we could read were commitmentand a common goal. Thanks to the study it is clear that the two factors are crucial forcooperation in reducing the risk of urban deaths.
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Obhajoba lékařů a praktiků aplikujících Tradiční čínskou medicínu a jejich vypořádání se s kritikou své práce ze strany konvenčně zaměřených kolegů / Defence of doctors and practitioners applying traditional Chinese medicine and how they deal with the criticism from their conventional colleaguesGutwirtová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been common practice for many years, and part of the treatment plan of several million patients in the world. This includes areas such as Great Britain, USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland and China. However, its possibilities in the territory of the Czech Republic are limited and insufficiently mapped (the area of practicing TCM for non-medical education practitioners). The thesis analyzes the current situation of doctors and practitioners applying TCM in the territory of the Czech Republic compared to other countries where TCM has been successfully established within the health system for many years. It also aims to find out how doctors and practitioners advocate their focus, what reasons they present for treatment with the TCM and how they deal with the criticism of their colleagues from the West. The work will include findings on why conventional physicians are heading towards Eastern medicine. Due to the debate of the topic, the thesis will continue to deal with the legislative anchoring of TCM in the laws of the Czech Republic and the world. The theoretical part of the thesis presents basic concepts related to the history and philosophy of the TCM. It also describes methods of diagnostics, treatment and pillars that the TCM supports...
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Systems of innovation : case study on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) organisations' knowledge & capability developments through collaborationsLai, Robert January 2014 (has links)
Chinese medicine is one of China's key national assets, an indigenous medical knowledge and practices that serves Chinese for thousands of years. As very little research has been focused on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from systems of innovation perspective, the topic of study was chosen. This qualitative case study research introduces, defines and explores how TCM organisations collaborate to innovate from an evolutionary, interactive system perspective. In particular, the focus is on the development of knowledge and capabilities related to TCM drug research and production. Thirty one TCM organisation cases were analysed and presented in this study, interpreting their behaviour in terms of ideas drawn mainly from the literatures on systems of innovation, collaboration between organisations and resource (knowledge) based theory of the firm. Actors such as government play various roles in facilitating organisational and sectoral innovation processes. 'Various policy instruments', in particular research funding and institutions (e.g., standards and regulations) were used to enhance innovation and production. Various forms of collaborative networks were found among key actors: enterprises, universities, research organisations and end users. They contribute to the active innovation processes of 'Identification, Selection, Integration and Creation' of tangible and intangible outcomes and changes. Based on the research, new insights were derived as to how indigenous resources (defined as original and/or traditional knowledge and capabilities) may lead to indigenous innovation. This thesis contributes to the academic understanding of systems of innovation operating in the context of indigenous product and related process developments with reference to various actors interplaying in complex networks (systems) of collaborations. New understandings made on the processes of indigenous innovation (using TCM as a case) through investigating the actors' roles, inter-relations and their restless attempts to identify opportunities and problems, select and integrate different indigenous, scientific, technological and managerial knowledge, capabilities, resources and institutions, to create value that may 'fit' in evolutionary terms, the demand of the key actors in the sector.
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Generational Differences in the Level of Commitment in the U.S. Marine CorpsYassa-Lopez, Nadya Yvonee 01 January 2018 (has links)
Generational differences directly impact the culture and discipline in the U.S. Marine Corps. Previous research suggests that Generation Y's characteristics do not align with traditional military service. The specific problem is that there is a gap in the research and scholarly literature on the level of commitment of Generation Y compared to Generation X Marines. The purpose of this nonexperimental, quantitative study was to examine the influence on Marine Corps culture due to the level of commitment of active duty, enlisted Generation Y Marines compared to active duty, enlisted Generation X Marines. The theoretical frameworks for this study were the theory of generations and the organizational culture theory. The central research question was focused on the influence of Generation Y's experiences, ideas, and opinions on Marine Corps culture. In order for Marine Corps leaders to be effective, they need a better understanding of the people who work for them. This quantitative, cross-sectional survey study used a sample of 264 active duty, enlisted Marines from the 1st Marine Logistics Group in Southern California. The t tests revealed that Generation X has a higher level of commitment than Generation Y. However, the t tests also revealed that Generation Y's commitment profile indicates that the generation continues to serve because they want to or desire to remain in the Marine Corps. Lastly, multiple linear regression analysis revealed that each type of commitment was affected differently by the independent variables (age, gender, generation, and pay grade). The results provide the Marine Corps with a better understanding of generational issues. The positive social change from this research is the ability to sustain an essential and successful military culture and as a consequence, to improve the combat capability of the Marine Corps and the Department of Defense.
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