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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformation? : A case study of teacher trainees' views on their future work as teachers compared to new teachers' views on their work

Bergehamn, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to find out if there are any differences between what teacher trainees expect and what teachers claim in a number of areas in English teaching at upper secondary schools. More specifically, are there any differences in expectations and claims between the two groups when it comes to the use of course books, the national tests, setting grades, grammar teaching and the use of movies in course A English. The involved trainees were on their last year of teacher training and the involved teachers had worked for a maximum of two years. In order to carry out the research, both quantitative- and qualitative interviews with teacher trainees and teachers were done. In the quantitative interviews, trainees and teachers answered questions about the mentioned topics and were also asked to write what they expect or claim to be the most difficult and easy area in the English teaching classroom. In addition, the qualitative interviews with six trainees and teachers gave voices to what the two groups declared. According to my findings, there are differences in all but one topic. The conclusion also suggests what can be made in teacher training education in order to declare the gap between trainees and teachers become smaller.

"Teacher Trainees' Perceptions of the Evaluation Process for Lecturers and Courses at a Tertiary Level Institution in Jamaica."

Wilson, Andrea Maureen January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT This is a quantitative methods study investigating the perceptions that teacher trainees at a tertiary level educational institution have of the evaluation process for courses and lecturers. Student evaluation of courses and lecturers is mandated by the standards of the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) and the University of the West Indies (UWI), and hinges on the quality of educational experiences within tertiary level educational institutions. Teacher trainees are vested with the responsibility to be engaged in the exercise which must be afforded by the respective institutions. The primary sources of data were generated from the responses to a Likert-type questionnaire administered to teacher trainees (TTQ). The results indicated that the teacher trainees were generally supportive of the evaluation process. Moreover, these positive results were not related to the trainees’ age, gender, or area of specialization. There were, however, some areas of concern noted. In particular, the trainees believe that the evaluation process should be conducted online since there is concern about anonymity. The implications of these results for the Ministry of Education were listed and suggestions for future research were provided. Keywords: Perceptions, Evaluation Process, Courses, Lecturers, Teacher Trainees / Educational Administration

Jämställdhet i undervisning : Lärarstudenters förhållningssätt till och jämställdhet inom planering och genomförande av undervisning / Gender equality in teaching : Teacher trainees’ approach to gender equality in the planning and implementation of teaching

Jonsson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
This essay aims to investigate the teacher trainees’ relation to gender equality and gender in education. The studie is based on surveys and interviews, where the results will be problematized based on feminist and gender theory.  The essay relies on three questions. The first question deals with how teacher trainees estimate their opportunity to work with gender equality and gender issues in their teaching, in accordance with the Swedish curriculum. The second and third question focuses on how teacher trainees believe they are given the right tools to work with issues of gender equality, as well if their personal opinions and interests effect their teaching about gender equality and gender.  The results show, that according to teaching trainees, the curriculum tends to provide opportunity for using an equality perspective in teaching. Furthermore it is revealed that the education has resulted in some tools for dealing with gender equality and gender issues. However it appears that they wish to have more tools which they can use to work with gender equality in their teaching. The final question deals with how teacher trainees’ own interests and personal opinions appear in their teaching. The analysis reveals that their own opinions could affect their teaching but that they always try to base their teaching on the values of the Swedish curriculum

Teacher Experiences and Attitudes Towards First Language Use in Foreign or Second Language Teaching : / Lärares Erfarenheter och Åsikter om Användningen av Modersmål i Främmande- eller Andraspråksundervisning

Karlberg, Mimmi, Eriksson, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
This paper examines empirical studies regarding teachers’ and teacher-trainees’ perceptions toward the use of first language (L1) when teaching a second or foreign language. The presence of the students’ first language when teaching a foreign or second language has been a disputed topic in relation to different theoretical approaches. The aim of this study is to gain knowledge about this issue by answering the research question ​“What are teachers’ and teacher-trainees’ experiences and attitudes regarding L1 when teaching in the second or foreign language classroom?” The method used has been to​ review empirical studies from several different countries from the databases ERIC (Education Resource Education Center) and ERC (Education Research Complete). The overall results reveal that the majority of the participants had positive attitudes toward the use of L1. Additionally, there was an agreement about the need for some level of exposure to the target language (TL). Furthermore, it was shown that teachers saw the first language as something unavoidable and that it should not be seen as a hindrance when it comes to learning another language. However, there are some differences with regard to when it is appropriate to use the students’ L1. Our results agree with the field of research in general and is a small contribution to the discussion of how teachers’ beliefs may have an impact on their pedagogical decisions.

Současné přístupy k vzdělávání učitelů anglického jazyka v reflexi studentských praxí / Current Approaches to English Teacher Education as Reflected in Trainees' Teaching Practice

Holý, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the English language teacher training approaches administered at the Department of English Language and Literature of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. The work seeks answers to which aspects of teacher competence are developed by each of the approaches. As almost half of the trainees involved in the research had a previous teaching experience, the role of teaching experience on the development of teaching skills is also examined. Teacher trainees' written reflections on their teaching practice are analyzed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The results are related to current trends in teacher education.

Conception et mise en œuvre d’un dispositif de formation innovant pour l’intégration des TICE dans les pratiques enseignantes : étude de cas, enseignants stagiaires des mathématiques du CRMEF Souss-Massa, 2015-2016.

Hilmi, Chakir 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Apprendre à enseigner par visioconférence : étude d'interactions pédagogiques entre futurs enseignants et apprenants de FLE / Learning to teach through videoconferencing : a study of pedagogical interactions between future teachers and learners of FFL

Drissi, Samira 02 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à décrire et analyser des interactions pédagogiques par visioconférence poste à poste ayant eu lieu dans le cadre d’échanges entre des apprenants de Berkeley (UCB) et des apprentis- tuteurs/enseignants de Lyon (Université Lyon 2). Notre travail accorde un intérêt particulier aux stratégies communicationnelles mobilisées par les tuteurs pour conduire des séances d’enseignement/apprentissage du Français Langue Etrangère à distance.Notre approche de la question puise des bases théoriques en sciences de l’éducation (formation à distance, concept de présence pédagogique à distance), en didactique des langues (acquisition d’une L2), et en sciences du langage (analyse des interactions pédagogiques) (cadre conceptuel, Partie 1). Les échanges pédagogiques ont été recueillis par le biais de captures d’écran dynamique et fournissent la matière pour étudier l’émergence de stratégies pédagogiques et communicationnelles (cadre méthodologique, Partie 2). Dans le cadre de ces échanges, les tuteurs produisent des énoncés et des actions qui orientent l’activité d’apprentissage. Nous décrivons ces régulations à partir du concept de présence pédagogique (décliné sous trois aspects : présence enseignante, présence sociale et présence cognitive) qui nous permet d’identifier les pratiques pédagogiques observables lors d’interactions par visioconférence poste à poste (analyse de la présence pédagogique, Partie 3). Cette recherche, menée à partir de transcriptions multimodales des données enregistrées, permet de mettre au jour certains des ressorts de la pédagogie synchrone en ligne. Elle aboutit, en outre, à proposer des critères d’évaluation des pratiques pédagogiques identifiées, décrites et analysées dans cette thèse en vue d’améliorer certains aspects de la formation au tutorat de langue en ligne. / The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse desktop videoconferencing pedagogical interactions that took place as between, learners of French students in Berkeley (UCB) at one end and French as a foreign language instructor trainees in Lyon (University Lyon 2) at the other end. Our work particularly focuses on communicational strategies mobilized by the trainees to conduct distance teaching/learning language sessions.Our approach draws on theoretical issues in education studies (online education, the concept of pedagogical presence within the community of inquiry framework), second language acquisition, and language sciences (pedagogical interaction analysis) (conceptual framework, Part 1). Instances of educational exchanges were collected through dynamic screenshots and provide material for studying emerging pedagogical and communicational strategies (methodological framework, Part 2). As part of these exchanges, tutors produce utterances and actions that shape the learning activities. We describe these regulations from the concept of pedagogical presence -declined in three aspects: teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence- that allows us to identify pedagogical practices observed during desktop videoconferencing interactions (analysis of the pedagogical presence, Part 3). This research, conducted with multimodal transcripts of the recorded data allows us to uncover some of the aspects of online synchronous teaching. It also allows us to propose criteria for evaluating the pedagogical practices identified, described and analysed in this thesis to improve some facets of language training in tutoring online.

De l'observation des pratiques des maîtres débutants : éléments de compréhension des organisateurs de pratiques typiques / Observing the trainee teachers' pratice : comprehension elements of pratical organisers

Françoise, Christine 03 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de notre recherche est de tenter d'identifier les compétences professionnelles (Altet, 1996 et 2009) acquises ou en cours d'acquisition des maîtres novices durant leur année de stagiarisation (visée heuristique). Pour ce faire, nous nous inscrivons dans le paradigme écologique ou paradigme de la complexité (Clanet, 1997 ; Piot, 2014). Nous portons un intérêt particulier à l'acquisition des compétences liées à trois dimensions clés que sont la gestion du temps, la tâche et les interactions maîtres-élèves, dimensions étudiées notamment par les chercheurs intégrés au réseau OPEN (Observation des pratiques enseignantes). Nous postulons que le développement professionnel (Wittorski & Briquet-Duhazé, 2010), initié en début de carrière, est variable selon les novices et que cette variabilité est interdépendante du degré de maîtrise des compétences attachées à ces dimensions. Le niveau d'expérience constituant un axe majeur de notre recherche, nous opposerons dans une approche contrastive, l'enseignant stagiaire à l'enseignant expérimenté, évoluant dans des situations similaires. Si nous avons pour ambition de déceler des différences entre les stagiaires en formation professionnelle (variabilité inter-maîtres), nous visons également l'identification des « invariances qui dénotent la présence d'organisateurs des pratiques » (Clanet, 2001). Nous nous efforçons donc de repérer parmi les pratiques enseignantes mobilisées, les organisateurs des pratiques typiques des maîtres « novices ». Pour ce faire, nous recourons à des méthodes mixtes, quantitative (questionnaires) et qualitative (observations et entretiens). Les questionnaires portent sur le niveau de maîtrise des compétences attendues (Référentiel de compétences, 2013) et sur les difficultés potentielles des futurs maîtres. La population enquêtée concerne les stagiaires eux-mêmes (N=178) ainsi que les maîtres d'accueil temporaire (MAT) (N=83) qui les accompagnent. Dans un second temps sont confrontés les deux corpus de représentations pour en évaluer le degré de congruence. Centrées sur trois dimensions organisatrices précédemment déclinées (Clanet, 2010), les observations portent sur six trinômes d'enseignants (un MAT et deux stagiaires N=18) œuvrant dans des classes de cycle III. Nous prenons appui sur la dimension tâche, afin d'analyser les dimensions transversales temps et interactions. Plus précisément, les étapes communes, mises en évidence au sein de séances portant sur la résolution de problèmes – et partant la tâche donnée à l'élève – sont analysées via la gestion du temps et des interactions. Dans une perspective ergonomique (Leplat, 2000), nous mesurons enfin, à travers ces observations et des entretiens, l'écart entre tâche « prescrite » et tâche « effective ». Les premiers résultats nous ont permis de dégager une typologie déclinant trois profils dominants parmi les maîtres stagiaires. En outre, il semble que s'agissant de l'enseignement des mathématiques à l'école élémentaire, les stagiaires rencontrent certaines difficultés communes, caractéristiques des premiers pas dans le métier. Pour autant, l'opposition initiale entre pratiques des stagiaires et pratiques des maîtres expérimentés laisse place à un continuum intégrant la complexité des pratiques d'enseignement donnant lieu à de multiples déclinaisons. Au regard de l'analyse des résultats, la formation initiale des futurs professeurs des écoles pourrait être questionnée dans le but d'en améliorer la qualité via un processus réflexif. / The aim of our research is to try to identify the professional competences that have been acquired or are being acquired by new teachers during their training year (heuristic objective). To do so, we are following an ecological or complex paradigm (Clanet, 1997; Piot, 2014). We are particularly interested in the acquisition of competences related to three key notions such as time control, task, teacher-pupil interactions, that are studied by researchers integrated in the OPEN network (Observation des pratiques enseignantes). We presume that the professional development (Wittorski & Briquet-Duhazé, 2010), initiated at the beginning of a career, varies according to people and that this variability is interdependent of the level of these notions' competence mastering. The experience level is a major axis in our study; in a contrastive study, we shall oppose the trainee to the experienced teacher that are working in similar situations. If we aim to find out differences between professional trainees (Inter-trainee varaibility), we also claim to identify « invariabilities that show the presence of practice organisers » (Clanet, 2001). We try to identify typical beginner teacher organisers among teaching practice that are set up. To do so, we use mixed, quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (observation and interviews) methodologies. Questionnaires are about the mastering level of expected competences (Competence official list, 2013) and about the potential difficulties met by future teachers. People in the survey are trainees (N=178) as well as their temporary trainee supervisers (MAT: N=83). Eventually, the two representation studies are compared in order to assess their similarities. Six groups of three persons (a superviser and two trainees) in cycle 3 classes are being observed according to the three previously defined notions (Clanet, 2010). We focus on the notion of « task » in order to analyse the cross notions time and interactions. Common steps that are seen during lessons dealing with problem solving activities- and consequently tasks given to pupils- are analysed through time control and interactions. In an ergonomic perspective (Lepalt, 2000), we measure the gap between a « given » and an « effective » task through observation and interviews. The first results allow us to find out a typology of three main profiles among trainees. Moreover, in maths teaching at primary level, trainees meet similar obstacles that are common to beginners. The initial opposition between training and experienced teachers is replaced by a continuum which integrates complex teaching practice leading to multiple consequences. Through the result analysis, initial primary teacher training could be questioned in order to improve its quality, thanks to a reflexive process.

Exploring relationships between reading attitudes, reading ability and academic performance among teachers trainees in Swaziland

Lukhele, B.B.S. January 2009 (has links)
Attitudes to extensive reading have been shown to be crucial in the additional language (AL) learning classroom. Research seems to confirm that the affective domain – attitudes, motivations, interests and personal evaluations – is essential in a study of behaviour and practice in the AL classroom. The current study aims to find out what the reading attitudes and practices of students at a teacher training college are and explore whether there are significant relationships between the students’ reading attitudes and their reading ability, vocabulary skills and academic performance. It is in light of the above-mentioned quest that we seek to understand what reading attitudes are and what they entail. The ‘attitude’ construct is defined by Guthrie and Greaney (1991: 87) who state that people’s attitudes to reading are resultant from “perceptions” acquired from past reading experiences regarding how pleasurable and valuable reading is. It appears that positive reading outcomes assist in the development of a positive attitude, whereas negative outcomes of reading tend to discourage further ventures into reading, resulting in the development of a negative attitude (McKenna, Kear & Ellsworth, 1995: 941). / Educational Studies / M. A. (Applied Linguistics)

Exploring relationships between reading attitudes, reading ability and academic performance among teachers trainees in Swaziland

Lukhele, B.B.S. January 2009 (has links)
Attitudes to extensive reading have been shown to be crucial in the additional language (AL) learning classroom. Research seems to confirm that the affective domain – attitudes, motivations, interests and personal evaluations – is essential in a study of behaviour and practice in the AL classroom. The current study aims to find out what the reading attitudes and practices of students at a teacher training college are and explore whether there are significant relationships between the students’ reading attitudes and their reading ability, vocabulary skills and academic performance. It is in light of the above-mentioned quest that we seek to understand what reading attitudes are and what they entail. The ‘attitude’ construct is defined by Guthrie and Greaney (1991: 87) who state that people’s attitudes to reading are resultant from “perceptions” acquired from past reading experiences regarding how pleasurable and valuable reading is. It appears that positive reading outcomes assist in the development of a positive attitude, whereas negative outcomes of reading tend to discourage further ventures into reading, resulting in the development of a negative attitude (McKenna, Kear & Ellsworth, 1995: 941). / Educational Studies / M. A. (Applied Linguistics)

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