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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Διδακτική προσέγγιση του φωτός με τη χρήση ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή στην προσχολική ηλικία

Νταλακούρα, Βασιλική 27 March 2012 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας ερευνητικής εργασίας είναι πρώτον να διερευνηθεί ο ρόλος του ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή σε ένα πραγματικό περιβάλλον τάξης, δηλαδή εάν ο υπολογιστής μπορεί να λειτουργήσει ως μέσο που οδηγεί τη σκέψη των παιδιών στην οικοδόμηση ενός πρόδρομου μοντέλου για το φαινόμενο του φωτός. Δεύτερον είναι να διερευνηθεί εάν οι νοητικές παραστάσεις των παιδιών μεταβάλλονται και σε ποιο βαθμό μετά τη διδασκαλία του φαινομένου με τον ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή. Η εργασία αποτελείται από τέσσερα βασικά μέρη. Το 1ο Μέρος αποτελεί θεωρητικό πλαίσιο στο οποίο στηρίζεται η έρευνα. Γίνεται αναφορά στις νοητικές παραστάσεις, στο επιστημονικό μοντέλο για το φως, στις φυσικές επιστήμες ως διδακτικό αντικείμενο, στη χρήση των ΤΠΕ ως μέσο για τη διδασκαλία των φυσικών επιστημών και επίσης παρουσιάζεται βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση αναφορικά με το φαινόμενο του φωτός. Στο 2ο Μέρος παρουσιάζεται η μεθοδολογία της έρευνας. Αναλύονται ο σκοπός και τα ερευνητικά ερωτήματα, προσδιορίζεται το είδος της έρευνας, το δείγμα, το ερευνητικό εργαλείο και περιγράφεται η διεξαγωγή της έρευνας. Ακολουθεί το 3ο Μέρος με την παρουσίαση των αποτελεσμάτων για τις συνεντεύξεις του προ-τεστ και μετά-τεστ και με την αξιολόγηση της διδακτικής παρέμβασης. Τέλος, στο 4ο Μέρος υπάρχουν τα συμπεράσματα, καθώς και οι προτάσεις της έρευνας. / --

Um estudo sobre crenças de professores nikkeis: abordagens de ensino em uma escola de colônia / A study about nikkei teachers beliefs: teaching approach on a colony school

Marley Francisca de Lima 19 October 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação realizou uma pesquisa de crenças sobre abordagens de ensino de japonês em uma escola comunitária de uma associação de nipo-brasileiros localizada no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Seu objetivo foi analisar as crenças sobre abordagem de ensino de duas professoras descendentes de imigrantes japoneses que atuam em uma escola vinculada à uma associação de descendentes de imigrantes japoneses e as influências que as atividades culturais da escola e associação produzem no ensino de japonês. As duas professoras possuem experiência no Japão como alunas do ensino regular, e começaram a ensinar o idioma japonês ao retornar ao Brasil. Ambas possuíam entre 24 e 28 anos à época da coleta de dados, sendo uma filha de pai descendente e de mãe não descendente de imigrantes japoneses, e a outra, filha de pais descendentes de segunda geração. A primeira adquiriu a língua japonesa e o português simultaneamente, enquanto a segunda adquiriu o japonês por volta de 10 anos de idade, ao viajar com os pais para o Japão. Os dados utilizados neste trabalho foram coletados mediante o uso de instrumentos de pesquisa comuns à uma investigação de crenças com base contextual, como observação e gravações em áudio das aulas, observação do contexto (escola e associação), notas de campo e entrevistas. Com base no método de pesquisa científico-indutivo, de abordagem qualitativa com enfoque comparativo, analisamos os dados a partir do foco de estudo de caso e etnografia, comparando as abordagens utilizadas pelas duas professoras. Tornou-se necessário uma análise histórica do ensino de japonês no Brasil, pelo fato da escola ser vinculada à uma associação de descendentes de imigrantes japoneses, e ambas as instituições apresentarem ainda muito das práticas típicas das associações, escolas e colônias de imigrantes japoneses dos primeiros períodos no Brasil. Os resultados mostraram que apesar das duas professoras possuírem experiências parecidas como ter estudado em escola no Japão enquanto seus pais trabalhavam como decasséguis, e terem participado de cursos para professores de japonês no Brasil e no Japão, apresentam abordagens de ensino diferentes uma da outra. / This essay has done a research of beliefs about Japanese teaching approaches on a nipo-brazilian community school located on Brazils Middle-West region. Its objective was to analyze the beliefs about the teaching approach of two Nikkei teachers (Japanese immigrants descendants) that work on a school related to a descendants association of Japanese immigrants and the influence that the schools cultural activities and association produce on the Japanese teaching. Both teachers have experience on Japan as regular students and started teaching de Japanese language by the time they returned to Brazil. They both had between 24 and 28 years old by the time of the data collecting, being one of them daughter of Japanese immigrants descendant father and non-descendant mother, and the other one, daughter of descendants parents of second generation. The first one acquired the Japanese and Portuguese languages simultaneously, while the second one acquired the Japanese when she was around 10 years old, when travelling to Japan with her parents. The data thats been used on this essay was collected with the use of research instruments common to beliefs investigation with contextual base, such as observation e audio recording of the classes, context observation (school and association), field notes and interviews. Based on the inductive research method, with a qualitative approach and comparative focus, we analyzed the data based on case study and ethnography, comparing both teachers approach. It became necessary an historical analyses of the Japanese learning in Brazil, by the fact that the school is attached to an association of Japanese immigrants descendant, and both institution still presents a lot of the associations typical practices. Schools and colonies of the first years Japanese immigrants on Brazil. The results showed that, despite both teachers have similar experience, such as studying in Japan while their parents worked as migrant, and have had participated on Japanese teachers classes on Brazil and on Japan, they present different teaching approaches.

A contribuição da abordagem triangular do ensino das artes e culturas visuais para o desenvolvimento da epistemologia da educomunicação / -

Silva, Mauricio da 19 September 2016 (has links)
SILVA, Mauricio da. A contribuição da Abordagem Triangular do Ensino das Artes e Culturas Visuais para o desenvolvimento da epistemologia da Educomunicação. 2016. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) ­ Escola de Comunicações e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2016. Inspirado em observações da práxis Arteducativa e Educomunicativa, este trabalho identifica e analisa as inter-relações teóricas da Arte/Educação, no paradigma da Abordagem Triangular do Ensino das Artes e Culturas Visuais, e a Comunicação/Educação, no paradigma da Educomunicação, com o objetivo de refletir sobre os pontos que tem em comum para apontar as possíveis contribuições que a Abordagem Triangular do Ensino das Artes e Culturas Visuais pode fazer para o aprofundamento conceitual do campo da Educomunicação. São apresentadas as estruturas/sistemas das áreas de conhecimento híbridas da Arte/Educação e Comunicação/Educação dentro de um olhar transdisciplinar e suas diferentes vertentes relacionadas aos contextos, para referência comparativa na fundamentação das características da Abordagem Triangular e da Educomunicação. Por fim é indicado o Ler-Fazer- Contextualizar, base da Abordagem Triangular do Ensino das Artes e Culturas Visuais como processo orientador para a desenvolvimento da práxis e epistemologia da Educomunicação. / Teaching Art and Visual Cultures can bring to conceptual deepenings in the field of Educomunication. This study exposes the structures/systems in hybrid knowledge areas of Art/Education as well as Communication/Education through a transdisciplinary view and their various contextualized dimensions, for comparative reference purposes, based on the grounds of the characteristics of the Triangular Approach and Educommunication. Finally, indicates the three combined actions Read-Do-Contextualize, the foundations of Triangular Teaching Approach of Arts and Visual Cultures, as a guiding process for the praxis and epistemology of Educommunication development.

O ensino em uma abordagem CTS: evoluções nas concepções de futuros professores de Física / Teaching on a STS approach: evolution on conceptions of Physics future teachers

Silva, Daniela Fiorini da 04 June 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho de pesquisa, apresentamos uma análise das evoluções nas concepções sobre a abordagem de ensino baseada nas relações entre Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade. Neste contexto, realizamos uma pesquisa pautada pela abordagem qualitativa, no âmbito da formação inicial de professores de Física do nível médio. Os dados da pesquisa foram obtidos ao longo do desenvolvimento das disciplinas de Metodologia de Ensino de Física I e II ministradas no curso de Licenciatura em Física da Universidade de São Paulo. Utilizamos questionários, entrevistas e sínteses produzidas pelos futuros professores, que nos possibilitaram caracterizar as concepções em foco e selecionar sujeitos para dois estudos de caso. Estes sujeitos tiveram suas concepções analisadas segundo uma ordem cronológica e segundo parâmetros que embasaram as categorias de análise que foram definidas com base nos dados e também a partir da literatura pertinente. Três dimensões dentro do ensino em uma abordagem CTS foram consideradas: objetivos do ensino, diversidade temática e metodologia de ensino. A análise evidenciou que os futuros professores reelaboraram suas concepções iniciais ao longo da disciplina gradativamente, em movimentos de aproximação destas concepções a características de um ensino de Física em uma abordagem CTS. Com base em nossa pesquisa, ressaltamos a importância de que estejam presentes nos cursos de Formação de Professores de Física as discussões que envolvam as possibilidades das abordagens de ensino, renovação curricular, bem como a conscientização dos licenciandos sobre as evoluções de suas próprias concepções. / In this research report, we introduce an analysis of the evolutions on conceptions about the teaching approach based on Science, Technology and Society (STS) relationship. In this context, we developed a research reasoned on qualitative approach, on initial Physics teaching formation at high school. The research data, obtained during the development of the discipline Metodologia de Ensino de Física I e II, furnished on Physic under graduating course of University of São Paulo. We used questionnaires, interviews, and written reports made by the future teachers, that gave us the possibility to characterize the focusing conceptions and select future teachers for two case study. These future teachers had their ideas discussed by following a chronological order and through parameters related to the analysis category. These were defined based not only on data, but also from relevant literature. Three dimensions of a STS approach teaching were considered: goals, theme and methodology. The analysis showed that the future teachers elaborated over again their initial conceptions during development of the discipline, in approximation movements of theirs conceptions to a STS teaching approach. Based on our research, we give prominence to importance to be present on Teacher Formation Courses of arguing about possible teaching approaches, curricular renovation and future teachers acquiring knowledge about their own conceptions evolutions.

Primary teachers’ perceptions and attitudes on the status of experiential learning in outdoor language teaching in Cyprus

Chrysostomou, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Outdoor education is considered to be a recent teaching approach and method in a general educational framework, which is related to learning through authentic places and different direct experiences. However, the learning process within the educational system in Cyprus is mainly based on traditional models of teaching. Despite that fact, a modified society established the necessity for a new educational curriculum, which was implemented in 2010. Thus, the current research is focused on a curriculum-related study on outdoor learning and teaching, based on experiential learning in primary schools in Cyprus. Specifically, the focal point is on teachers’ perceptions regarding the status of experiential learning within the Greek language curriculum and the possibilities of implementing outdoor language activities, in order to enhance students’ learning. Through a qualitative approach, this research included analysis of the data extracted from ten semi-structured synchronous online interviews with primary teachers. The data were analysed thematically and summarized in five themes related to the connections between outdoor learning, experiential learning and language teaching. In particular, the relevant findings demonstrated that experiential learning is mainly presented on a theoretical base through the language curriculum and that outdoor language activities, although they can enhance the implementation of more efficient lessons, are limited. The results reveal primary teachers’ basic knowledge on the field of outdoor education, as they additionally noted some important barriers of outdoor learning, such as time limitations, lack of support and the traditional way of thinking. Thus, they pointed out the necessity of applying significant changes that will support the new Greek language curriculum and its basic principles. Additionally, the teachers acknowledged several benefits of outdoor language teaching mainly related to the students’ personal and social development. The above findings contribute to the current limited scientific knowledge, concerning the practice of outdoor education in primary level in Cyprus. To conclude, the results of the specific study are focused on the perceptions of the ten participants, so they cannot be generalized. Therefore, further research on the related field would be important for a wider investigation of outdoor language learning within the Cypriot educational system.

Beskouings oor onderrig : implikasies vir die didaktiese skoling van wiskundeonderwyser / Hercules David Nieuwoudt

Nieuwoudt, Hercules David January 1998 (has links)
Views of teaching: implications for the didactic training of mathematics teachers. School mathematics teaching is an essential learning area in South African schools. Owing to persistent traditional positivist-based views and approaches, it still suffers from a variety of teaching-learning problems. Various national attempts have already been made to develop an effective teaching-learning program for school mathematics. Prominent researchers reveal that the failure of teaching-learning programmes often have to be attributed to the lack of an underlying grounded didactic theory. Therefore this study focused on the development of a grounded teaching-theoretical framework for school mathematics teaching. A further problem regarding school mathematics is that its teaching and learning traditionally are viewed from a narrow school subject disciplinary perspective. Therefore this study departed from a general didactic-theoretical perspective, creating the opportunity to approach and solve problems from a wider angle. A constructivist-based post-positivist view of effective teaching was developed, before entering the field of school mathematics. In this way an integrated ontologicalcontextual view of teaching was developed in terms of six identified ontological essential features, and their contextual coherence, namely: intention, teacher, leamer, interaction, content and context. Contrary to traditional positivist views, no causal relationship between teaching and learning was imposed, and teaching was not qualified in terms of learning products. Instead, teaching was characterised and qualified on ontological grounds, departing from the phenomenon itself. In this way the limitations of positivist process-product views of teaching could be identified, explained and overcome. Alternatively, a dynamic integrated view of teaching as a human act, directed at the facilitation of relevant and meaningful learning, was grounded and developed. Based on this general ontological-contextually based view, a specific ontologicalcontextual view of effective school mathematics teaching was grounded and developed. To this end a variety of prominent contemporary views of and approaches to school mathematics, and its teaching and learning, needed to be analysed in a critical way. According to this analysis school mathematics, and its teaching and learning should be viewed and approached from a constructivist-based dynamic change-and-grow perspective as human acts. In addition, it could have been proved that the perspective concerned can facilitate the treatment and solving of the currently experienced teaching-learning problems. This requires the reconsideration, from a similar perspective, of the current school mathematics curriculum, as well as the preservice didactic training of mathematics teachers. Specific implications of the developed ontological-contextual view of effective school mathematics teaching were identified, and practically tested in the corresponding preservice didactic training situation in the North West Province. Based on this an integrated model for the training concerned was formulated. It was found that the current training largely contributed to the continuation of traditional views of and approaches to school mathematics teaching, and its essential features. From the developed integrated ontological-contextual perspective definitive proposals regarding the transformation of school mathematics teaching and the corresponding didactic training were made and motivated. Further areas for investigation and development, resulting from this study, were identified, as well. This study aimed at investigating, and revealing for further exploration, the specific and broadening interaction between the general teaching and subject didactical fields and research, particularly in the two contexts of effective school mathematics teaching and the corresponding preservice didactical training. A particular attempt was made to accomplish this in a grounded and integrated way, to the benefit of both fields. / Thesis (PhD)--PU for CHE, 1998.

Kriteria en strategieë vir die optimering van kontaktyd in die bereiking van leeruitkomste in die geografie-opleiding van onderwysstudente / Aubrey Golightly

Golightly, Aubrey January 2005 (has links)
With the acceptance of Outcomes-based Education (OBE) in South Africa, the emphasis shifted from a teacher-centred to a learner-centred instruction approach. The learner-centred teaching approach of OBE is based on the social constructivistic teaching view. This view is based on the fundamental acceptance that people construe knowledge through interaction between their existing knowledge and beliefs and new ideas or situations within a social environment or milieu. It is thus essential that future Geography education students receive training in a similar manner as that which is expected of them as future practising teachers. Lecturers' and students' beliefs and perceptions of how instruction must take place, in the majority of cases, still support the traditional direct instruction approach where lecturers transfer knowledge to students mainly through formal lectures. The acceptance of the social constructivistic teaching approach for the training of Geography education students implies that the beliefs of lecturers and students as well as their roles in the teaching learning process, must change. This means that the purpose of contact time between lecturer and students must necessarily change. Contact time should not just be used by the lecturer for presenting content. It is the task of the Geography lecturer to create a learning environment where students are actively involved in cooperative learning environments in the learning process. The lecturer acts as facilitator, guide, enabler and fellow-explorer in the learning process. Contact sessions must be used to offer the students the opportunity to report back on the learning assignments and activities or to reflect on what has been learnt. Continuous formative assessment takes place during contact and non-contact times to give quick feedback on learning. The lecturer and students are involved in the assessment process. Clear assessment criteria must be compiled by the lecturer in cooperation with students so that the students will know precisely what is expected of them. Together with the learner-centred teaching approach, certain universities worldwide have been obliged to decrease contact time between lecturer and student. Reasons for this can mainly be ascribed to an increase in student numbers and to effectively vii manage the lecturers' time so that more time can be spent on research. The lecturer is supposed to design and plan a specific module so that the set learning outcomes could be achieved within the reduced time. Different guidelines are identified in the context of reducing contact time so as to ensure the effective achievement of learning outcomes. The lecturer should prepare, plan and manage contact time. Students must also accept larger responsibility for independent learning and attain some of the learning outcomes during non-contact times. To support students during non-contact times and to guide them in the attainment of learning outcomes and completion of assignments, students must make use of resource-based learning. The interactive study guide and work planning, as developed and compiled by the lecturer, is necessary for providing students with assistance and guidance so that students know precisely what is expected of them, what resources to use and when. It is furthermore necessary that the assessment strategies, that are used in the teaching of Geography, support the decrease in contact time. Bigger responsibility is given to students in the assessment process and is included in self and peer group assessment of and feedback to assignments. The Geography education lecturer involved in the development of the different Geography modules must make sure that over-assessment does not take place, but that students are exposed to multiple assessment methods. Decision-making by university management on decreased contact time was probably taken without considering the full implications for learner-centred teaching. This study is an attempt to implement a learner-centred teaching approach in the Geography training of education students within the optimising of contact time between lecturer and students. A concept model for the Geography training of education students was developed to ensure the successful attainment of learning outcomes. The perception and attitudes of the students regarding the concept model in Geography-training within the optimising of contact time was analysed, after which the examination results of the students were compared with results of previous years. From the information required in the literature as well as in the implementation of the concept model in Geography training, criteria and strategies for the effective training of Geography teachers in the optimising of contact time were developed. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Beskouings oor onderrig : implikasies vir die didaktiese skoling van wiskundeonderwyser / Hercules David Nieuwoudt

Nieuwoudt, Hercules David January 1998 (has links)
Views of teaching: implications for the didactic training of mathematics teachers. School mathematics teaching is an essential learning area in South African schools. Owing to persistent traditional positivist-based views and approaches, it still suffers from a variety of teaching-learning problems. Various national attempts have already been made to develop an effective teaching-learning program for school mathematics. Prominent researchers reveal that the failure of teaching-learning programmes often have to be attributed to the lack of an underlying grounded didactic theory. Therefore this study focused on the development of a grounded teaching-theoretical framework for school mathematics teaching. A further problem regarding school mathematics is that its teaching and learning traditionally are viewed from a narrow school subject disciplinary perspective. Therefore this study departed from a general didactic-theoretical perspective, creating the opportunity to approach and solve problems from a wider angle. A constructivist-based post-positivist view of effective teaching was developed, before entering the field of school mathematics. In this way an integrated ontologicalcontextual view of teaching was developed in terms of six identified ontological essential features, and their contextual coherence, namely: intention, teacher, leamer, interaction, content and context. Contrary to traditional positivist views, no causal relationship between teaching and learning was imposed, and teaching was not qualified in terms of learning products. Instead, teaching was characterised and qualified on ontological grounds, departing from the phenomenon itself. In this way the limitations of positivist process-product views of teaching could be identified, explained and overcome. Alternatively, a dynamic integrated view of teaching as a human act, directed at the facilitation of relevant and meaningful learning, was grounded and developed. Based on this general ontological-contextually based view, a specific ontologicalcontextual view of effective school mathematics teaching was grounded and developed. To this end a variety of prominent contemporary views of and approaches to school mathematics, and its teaching and learning, needed to be analysed in a critical way. According to this analysis school mathematics, and its teaching and learning should be viewed and approached from a constructivist-based dynamic change-and-grow perspective as human acts. In addition, it could have been proved that the perspective concerned can facilitate the treatment and solving of the currently experienced teaching-learning problems. This requires the reconsideration, from a similar perspective, of the current school mathematics curriculum, as well as the preservice didactic training of mathematics teachers. Specific implications of the developed ontological-contextual view of effective school mathematics teaching were identified, and practically tested in the corresponding preservice didactic training situation in the North West Province. Based on this an integrated model for the training concerned was formulated. It was found that the current training largely contributed to the continuation of traditional views of and approaches to school mathematics teaching, and its essential features. From the developed integrated ontological-contextual perspective definitive proposals regarding the transformation of school mathematics teaching and the corresponding didactic training were made and motivated. Further areas for investigation and development, resulting from this study, were identified, as well. This study aimed at investigating, and revealing for further exploration, the specific and broadening interaction between the general teaching and subject didactical fields and research, particularly in the two contexts of effective school mathematics teaching and the corresponding preservice didactical training. A particular attempt was made to accomplish this in a grounded and integrated way, to the benefit of both fields. / Thesis (PhD)--PU for CHE, 1998.

Kriteria en strategieë vir die optimering van kontaktyd in die bereiking van leeruitkomste in die geografie-opleiding van onderwysstudente / Aubrey Golightly

Golightly, Aubrey January 2005 (has links)
With the acceptance of Outcomes-based Education (OBE) in South Africa, the emphasis shifted from a teacher-centred to a learner-centred instruction approach. The learner-centred teaching approach of OBE is based on the social constructivistic teaching view. This view is based on the fundamental acceptance that people construe knowledge through interaction between their existing knowledge and beliefs and new ideas or situations within a social environment or milieu. It is thus essential that future Geography education students receive training in a similar manner as that which is expected of them as future practising teachers. Lecturers' and students' beliefs and perceptions of how instruction must take place, in the majority of cases, still support the traditional direct instruction approach where lecturers transfer knowledge to students mainly through formal lectures. The acceptance of the social constructivistic teaching approach for the training of Geography education students implies that the beliefs of lecturers and students as well as their roles in the teaching learning process, must change. This means that the purpose of contact time between lecturer and students must necessarily change. Contact time should not just be used by the lecturer for presenting content. It is the task of the Geography lecturer to create a learning environment where students are actively involved in cooperative learning environments in the learning process. The lecturer acts as facilitator, guide, enabler and fellow-explorer in the learning process. Contact sessions must be used to offer the students the opportunity to report back on the learning assignments and activities or to reflect on what has been learnt. Continuous formative assessment takes place during contact and non-contact times to give quick feedback on learning. The lecturer and students are involved in the assessment process. Clear assessment criteria must be compiled by the lecturer in cooperation with students so that the students will know precisely what is expected of them. Together with the learner-centred teaching approach, certain universities worldwide have been obliged to decrease contact time between lecturer and student. Reasons for this can mainly be ascribed to an increase in student numbers and to effectively vii manage the lecturers' time so that more time can be spent on research. The lecturer is supposed to design and plan a specific module so that the set learning outcomes could be achieved within the reduced time. Different guidelines are identified in the context of reducing contact time so as to ensure the effective achievement of learning outcomes. The lecturer should prepare, plan and manage contact time. Students must also accept larger responsibility for independent learning and attain some of the learning outcomes during non-contact times. To support students during non-contact times and to guide them in the attainment of learning outcomes and completion of assignments, students must make use of resource-based learning. The interactive study guide and work planning, as developed and compiled by the lecturer, is necessary for providing students with assistance and guidance so that students know precisely what is expected of them, what resources to use and when. It is furthermore necessary that the assessment strategies, that are used in the teaching of Geography, support the decrease in contact time. Bigger responsibility is given to students in the assessment process and is included in self and peer group assessment of and feedback to assignments. The Geography education lecturer involved in the development of the different Geography modules must make sure that over-assessment does not take place, but that students are exposed to multiple assessment methods. Decision-making by university management on decreased contact time was probably taken without considering the full implications for learner-centred teaching. This study is an attempt to implement a learner-centred teaching approach in the Geography training of education students within the optimising of contact time between lecturer and students. A concept model for the Geography training of education students was developed to ensure the successful attainment of learning outcomes. The perception and attitudes of the students regarding the concept model in Geography-training within the optimising of contact time was analysed, after which the examination results of the students were compared with results of previous years. From the information required in the literature as well as in the implementation of the concept model in Geography training, criteria and strategies for the effective training of Geography teachers in the optimising of contact time were developed. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Chinese Primary School Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences of Outdoor Education

Zhao, He January 2016 (has links)
Outdoor education as a cultural construct comprises outdoor activities, personal and social development, and environmental education. However, the learning process within the Chinese educational system is mainly based on traditional models of teaching. As a relatively new and progressive teaching method, outdoor education tries to find and consolidate its place within the existing educational system. Thus, the aim of the current research is to investigate Chinese primary school teachers' perceptions and experience in outdoor education. Specifically, ten Chinese primary school teachers reported their views and experiences about outdoor education. The current research uses qualitative approach methodology, which specifically is thematic analysis of data extracted from semi-structured interviews with those ten Chinese primary school teachers. From the thematic analysis of the data four themes emerged to report the participants' opinions. The participants revealed their basic knowledge and perceptions about outdoor education and presented examples including some characteristics of outdoor education. However, they emphasized outdoor activities more than other characteristics and tend to consider outdoor education as environmental education, without other essential aims, theories and practices that defined this multidimensional approach. Besides, although Chinese education is still based on traditional teaching and learning approach, the participants showed the willingness to enrich their classes in various ways. The outdoor activities in their classes were mainly combined observation and participation. The participants also revealed that the places they chose were mainly schoolyard and other places out of the classroom but still within the school. Moreover, Chinese primary school teachers acknowledged several benefits of practicing outdoor education such as stimulating multi-senses to help experience, improving social relation and both mental and physical health, promoting educational knowledge and attitude, developing creativity and imagination, and increasing interest and participation. Additionally, the participants reported several barriers that suppress their willingness of practicing outdoor education, such as restricted time, limited place, large population, lack of financial support, air pollution situation, weather factor, insufficient pedagogical training, lack of preparation, teachers' attitude and preference. It is highlighted by the participants that air pollution situation and large population are two essential factors that prevent them applying outdoor education. The above findings contribute to the current limited scientific knowledge concerning the practice of outdoor education in the context of China. Thus, further qualitative research is a prerequisite so that the results of the current research can be testified and be further discussed.

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