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Model za donošenje odluka u procesima prepoznavanja tipa funkcije pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja / The Model for Decision Making in Recognition Process of Reliabilitu Funcition Type in Ship FacilitiesTomašević Marko 03 July 2007 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify">Doktorska disertacija se bavi aktuelnom problematikom donošenja odluka u procesu prepoznavanja tipa funkcije pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja. U uvodnom delu doktorata objašnjeni su motivi za rad na doktorskoj disertaciji. Motivacija je proizašla iz nastojanja da se unapredi teorija i praksa donošenja odluka u prepoznavanju tipa funkcije pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja, koja se zasniva na analitič kim i matematič ko-statistič ikim metodama. Pristup za rešavanje tog problema, koji je predložen u doktoratu, svodi se na teorijsku analizu radova i tehnologija, kao i na primenu sistemske dinamike i simulacione tehnologije u eksploatacionom istraž ivanju, a koje se bave problematikom klasifikacije signala sa pragom za donošenje odluka o pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja. To je uzrokovalo da se autor ove disertacije bavi istraživanjem novih metoda koje se mogu primeniti u oblasti pouzdanosti brodskih postrojenja. U doktoratu su razvijeni matematički i verbalni modeli ponašanja sistema pomoću signala na izlazu sistema za nekoliko slučajeva. U zaključku disertacije sistematično se interpretiraju rezultati istraživanja, potvrđuju hipoteze i komentarišu teorijska i praktična rešenja, daje se pregled mogućnosti daljih istraživanja rešenja koja su predložena disertacijom. Na primeru merenih i separiranih signala eksperimentalno, pomoću simulacione metodologije i sistemske dinamike, verifikovana je hipoteza statistič ke nezavisnosti izvornih signala. Sintezom teorijskih i analitičkih saznanja i numerički potkrepljenim praktič nim rezultatima (simulacijama), težilo se osmišljavanju preporuka za usklađivanje procesa donošenja odluka na bazi prepoznavanja oblika pouzdanosti sa ukupnom sigurnošću brodskih postrojenja, na način kako se do sada nije činilo.</p> / <p>This doctoral thesis deals with up-to-date problems related to decision making in the<br />process of recognizing forms of reliability of marine plants. Marine propulsion plant is very<br />complex and includes a set of interrelated and dependent subsystems with a large number of<br />components. The reliability and availability of such complex system depends on reliability of its<br />all components.<br />In the introductory part motives for work on this thesis are explained. Motivation has<br />come out of intention to develop the theory and practice of decision making in recognizing forms<br />of reliability of marine plants based on analytical and mathematical-statistical methods. The<br />approach to solving the problem, that is proposed in the thesis, corresponds to the theoretical<br />analysis of works and technologies as well as to the application of system dynamics and<br />simulation technology in exploitation research that again deal with the problems of classification<br />of signals with the level of decision making on the reliability of marine plants. The above<br />mentioned has lead the author to devote himself to researching new methods that can be applied<br />in the field of reliability of marine plants. The thesis presents developed mathematical and verbal<br />models of system behaviour with the use of signals observed at the system output for several<br />cases. In the conclusion of the thesis results of the research are systematically interpreted,<br />hypotheses are proved and theoretical and practical solutions commented on. Furthermore, a<br />range of possibilities for further research of solutions proposed in the thesis are presented. On the<br />example of measured and separated signals the hypothesis of statistical independence of original<br />signals has been verified experimentally using simulation methodology and system dynamics.<br />Synthesis of theoretical and analytical newly gained knowledge and numerically supported<br />practical results (simulations) have been used with the aim to reach reccomendations for<br />matching the process of decision making based on recognizing forms of reliability with total<br />safety of marine plants in a manner not used so far.</p>
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Réenchanter le maritime par la promesse énergétique : technologies, trajectoires, discours / Reenchant the maritime by the energy expectation. Technologies, trajectories, discourses : Technologies, trajectories, discoursesRoche, Sylvain 27 May 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les dynamiques de changement du système énergétique en se focalisant sur les énergies marines renouvelables (EMR). A travers l’examen de dix études de cas (études à la fois sectorielles et territoriales), elle s’interroge sur les raisons du retour de ces technologies au tournant des années 2000. Mises à la marge du paradigme dominant de la production d’électricité des années 1980, nous montrons que les énergies marines renouvelables sont revenues sur le devant de la scène dans un contexte de crise systémique des 3E (environnementale, économique et énergétique). A l’interface des politiques énergétiques (celles de la transition énergétique) et des politiques maritimes (celles de la croissance bleue), les énergies marines renouvelables ont été légitimées au moment où la mer est devenue un terrain pour (re)construire des discours visionnaires, avant-gardistes et technopolitiques. Par ce biais, nous mettons en lumière l’importance des croyances et des représentations collectives sur l’activité technologique. Au regard de la diversité des trajectoires technologiques examinées (énergie des marées et des courants, énergie des vagues, énergie thermique des mers et éolien marin), nous montrons que « la filière » des énergies marines renouvelables se présente en France comme une construction politique sans cohérence technologique affirmée entre des univers techniques différents. Cette thèse permet également de relativiser la notion d’innovation de rupture et de destruction créatrice en mettant en évidence des phénomènes de résurgence technologique pouvant durer plusieurs décennies, voire plusieurs siècles, dans l’exploitation de sources d’énergies renouvelables. Enfin, en s’inscrivant dans une démarche rétro-prospective, cette thèse défend l’idée que les processus fondamentaux dans la dynamique de changement du système énergétique ne sont pas la création et la nouveauté mais plutôt l’actualisation et la réinterprétation. Elle entend ainsi apporter une contribution originale aux interrogations à la fois des économistes, des sociologues et des historiens des techniques, qui chacun dans leur domaine tentent de comprendre les trajectoires de l'innovation et les conditions de réussite des technologies de l’énergie. / This thesis sheds light on the dynamics of change in the energy system by taking the example of marine renewable energies (MRE). By exploring ten case studies (both sectoral and territorial), it reflects on the reasons for the return of these technologies in the 2000’s. Previously excluded from the dominant paradigm of French electricity production, in the 1980s, marine renewable energies are currently making a comeback in the context of the systemic crisis of the 3Es (environmental, economic and energy). At the interface of energy policies (energy transition policies) and maritime policies (blue growth policies), marine renewable energies were legitimized when the sea became a new horizon for (re)building visionary, avant-garde and technopolitical discourses. Through this, we highlight the importance of beliefs and collective representations of technological activity. Through the diversity of technological trajectories discussed in this thesis (tidal stream and tidal range energy, wave energy, ocean thermal energy conversion and offshore wind energy), we show that, in France, the industry of marine renewable energies presents itself as a political construction without asserted technological consistency, at the interface between different technical worlds. This thesis put into perspective the notion of disruptive innovation and creative destruction by highlighting phenomena of technological rebirth, which can take several decades and even centuries. Through a retroprospective analysis, this thesis defends the idea that the dynamics of change of the energy system are not mainly driven by creation and novelty, but could, rather, be construed as a process of update and reinterpretation of existing technological principles. This thesis aims to provide insights to economists, sociologists and historians of technology who try to understand the trajectories of innovation and the conditions for success of energy technologies.
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Spolehlivost technických systémů / Reliability of technical systemsPařil, Radek January 2009 (has links)
Abstract: The diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of reliability and diagnostics of the electric rotary machines originated in industrial energetic practice. There are diagnostic methods in the diploma thesis having been used in practice and analysis of measurement results of the functional measurement on the real electric machines.
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Shared Mobility As A Socio-Technical System : An investigation of the mobility system in AugsburgHenke, Wiebke Lena January 2020 (has links)
A major shift in our society is the one from a goods-dominant logic to a service-dominant one. Ownership becomes less important, while services from the area of sharing economy experience a rising demand. Municipalities and private companies are adapting and different shared mobility systems are emerging from their pursuit of new forms of mobility. In 2019, Augsburg created a shared mobility system where public transport, carsharing and bikesharing are all provided via one subscription. As this form of subscription does not have many customers yet, this thesis aims to first identify the system and research which reason and components motivate the people in Augsburg to use the system, as well as collecting different ideas for improvement. An expert interview was conducted with someone from the operator side and then customer interviews were held to get an insight from the customers’ point of view. This data was analyzed using tools from the area of information system as well as information architecture and the system was mapped out and discussed. The system was mapped out around the user and the connections were shown, which indicated that the user wants simplicity and clarity, as too many platforms and ways to book a mobility service was stated negatively.
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Addressing the need of transition by socializing and making new friends : A socio-technical perspective on large-scale change in constructionHåkansson, Olof January 2022 (has links)
This research took its point of departure in the aspiration of large-scale change of the construction industry, where existing industry structures has been frequently criticized. To facilitate innovation and change in the Swedish construction industry, a strategic innovation program has been established based on the idea that research, innovation, and development should manifest itself through the mobilization of collaborative and actor-driven networks. Using a strategic innovation program to support inter-organizational collaboration and actor-driven change is a fairly new phenomenon in the context of construction and thus the subject of inquiry for this research. From a theoretical point of view, this can be understood in terms of a transition of a socio-technical system. Therefore, the purpose was to gain a deeper understanding of how a socio-technical transition of the construction industry could be facilitated. The research presented in this licentiate thesis has been conducted between September 2019 – March 2022 and has been a part of a research project called Program Generic Measurement Methods. This research has a qualitative inquiry and has been designed as a longitudinal case study to understand, and follow, this process of change. The data that has been collected consist of document collection, structured interviews, semi-structured interviews and an autoethnographic approach including observations and self-reflection. Actor-network theory, and specifically the concepts related to the translation process and black boxing, has been used as an analytical framework and facilitated the analysis of the collected data. This thesis increases the understanding of how a socio-technical transition in construction could be facilitated by analyzing the events that lead to the development of the strategic innovation program as well as events from the operational part of the program. Key actors in these processes are identified as well as their roles in a transition of the construction industry. The results indicates that this is far from a linear process that contains a lot of negotiation between participating actors. During this process, the role of digitalization changes when the intention of the program moves from its initiators to the actors engaged in different technological niches. A better integration of academia is asked for due to the complexity that digitally driven transition processes brings. Moreover, actors in the construction industry are encouragedto engage in technological niches to interact and collaborate in new, or modified, ways outside traditional construction activities since it stimulates learning and facilitate a deeper understanding of the challenges that actors in the construction process face together.
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Digitala tvillingar i samhällsplaneringen : Kommunernas väg till en digital tvilling / Digital twins in Spatial planningJakobsson, Jesper, Magnusson, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats är ett examensarbete i kandidatprogrammet Lantmätarprogrammet: samhällsplanering och samhällsuppbyggnad och handlar om vilka problem det finns med att implementera en digital tvilling i samhällsplanering. Det presenteras också vilka åtgärder som kan göras. En digital tvilling kan enklast förklaras som en digital kopia av ett fysiskt objekt. Den har flera användningsområden där den exempelvis kan utföra olika simulationer och analyser. De senaste åren har den däremot blivit allt vanligare inom samhällsplaneringen, detta skapar nya problem, dels finns det ingen allmän definition av vad en digital tvilling är inom samhällsplaneringen. Då staden är komplext som innehåller ett socialt system. Det leder till att i denna studie kommer det att undersökas vad ett fortgående digitaliseringsarbete hade kunnat bidra med, hur en allmän definition av en digital tvilling i samhällsplaneringen kan underlätta. Det kommer även presenteras ett antal aspekter som bör tas i beaktning om/närdet skapas nationella riktlinjer för digitala tvillingar inom samhällsplaneringen Studiens frågeställningar besvaras genom en explorativ observationsstudie och intervjuer som utförts med Trollhättans- och Göteborgs stad. Det har genom dessa metoder undersökts hur det ser i dagsläget och vilka problem som finns. Utifrån detta framställdes fyra frågeställningar. En dokumentanalys utfördes för att framställa ett teoretiskt ramverk som speglas mot hur det ser ut i praktiken. I resultatet framställs det empiriska materialet från intervjuer samt från Karlskronas hemsida och videoguider. De aspekter som bör tas i beaktning efter vad som framställts i resultatet är artificiell intelligens, hållbar utveckling, insamling och bearbetning av data samt ett sociotekniskt perspektiv. / This Bachelor thesis is the final work in land surveyor: Urban management and spatial planning and it is about what problems there are in implementing a digital twin in spatial planning. It is also presented which measures that can be taken. A digital twin can most easily be explained as a digital copy of a physical object. It has several uses where it can, for example, perform various simulations and analyzes. In recent years, however, it has become increasingly common in urban planning, this creates new problems, and there is no general definition of what a digital twin is in urban planning. Then the city is complex because it contains a social system. This means that in this study it will be investigated what an ongoing digitization work could have contributed with, how a general definition of a digital twin in urban planning can facilitate. A number of aspects will also be presented that should be taken into account if/when national guidelines for digital twins in urban planning will be created. The study's questions are answered through an exploratory observational study and interviews conducted with the cities of Trollhättan and Gothenburg. Through these methods, it has been investigated how it looks at present and what problems that exist. Based on this, four questions were raised. A document analysis was performed to produce a theoretical framework that is mirrored against how it looks in practice. The result presents the empirical material from interviews as well as Karlskronas website and videoguides. The aspects that should be taken into account according to what has been presented in the results are artificial intelligence, sustainable development, data collection and processing, and a socio-technical perspective.
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”Skoba [dammsug] igen, en gång till!” : Barns interaktioner med dammsugaren som ett tekniskt system i en undervisningssituation / ”Skoba [vacuum] again, one more time!” : Children’s interactions with the vacuum cleaner as a technical system in a teaching situationLövgren Röös, Joline January 2024 (has links)
Teknik framställs som ett viktigt ämne i förskolans läroplan. Samtidigt utrycker många förskolelärare en brist på kunskap om att undervisa i tek-nikämnet. I studien ska jag ge ett exempel på en undervisningsaktivitet. Då studien genomförs inom ramen för designbaserad forskning bygger den på en aktivitet som jag har planerat och genomfört med några barn i förskolan. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur de yngre barnen kunde interagera med en dammsugare som ett tekniskt system. För att få reda på det användes en kvalitativ metod. Barnen videoinspelades och därefter observerade jag videoinspelningen och transkriberade den. Resultatet presenteras i olika teman med olika underrubriker i form av situationer som uppstod. Situation-erna analyserades och kopplades till tidigare forskning och teorier. I resultaten framkom att barnen visade förståelse för hur dammsugaren fungerade men att det var skillnad på om barnet var ett år eller tre år. En treåring kunde visa vad som krävdes för att dammsugaren skulle starta, förståelse för dess funktion och uppbyggnad. En ettåring visade mest förståelse för hur dammsugaren är uppbyggd och ser ut. Resultatet visade också att barnen utforskade genom sina kroppar och olika sinnen. Barnen visade att de upplevde med sin hörsel genom att hålla för sina öron, de fysiskt hoppade över dammsugaren, de provade även att dammsuga olika föremål. Barnen utforskade och prova nya sätt att använda dammsugaren på. / Technology is presented as an important subject in the preschool curriculum. Many preschool teachers lack knowledge of technology. In the study I give an example of a teaching activity. The study is an example of a design-based study, and it is based on an activity that I have planned and conducted with preschool children. The purpose of the study was to find out how the younger children interact with a vacuum cleaner as a technical system. To find it out I use a qualitative method. The children were video recorded as they engaged with the activity, and then I observed the videotape and transcribed it. The result was presented in different categories with subheadings of those situa-tions that happened. The situations were analysed and connected to earlier science and theories. The result showed that the children showed a lot of understanding for the vacuum cleaner, their understanding was different depending on if the child was one or three years old. A three year old showed how to start the vacuum cleaner, and an understanding for the function and the construction. A one year old showed most understanding for how the vacuum cleaner looks like and the construction. The result also showed that the children explored through their bodies and different senses. The children showed that they experienced through hearing by cover their ears. They jumped over the vacuum cleaner and tried to vacuum different objects. The children explore and try new ways to use the vacuum cleaner.
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Digitalisation for sustainability in procurement within the textile value chain : Analysis of artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and blockchainJentsch, Theresa January 2022 (has links)
Background/ Problem/Purpose: Sustainability and Digitalisation are two buzzwords nowadays. The textile value chain is one of the most criticised value chains with respects to ecological as well as social sustainability. Thus, it seems a worthwhile project to be examined in the context of how digital technologies can be used to support sustainability aspirations. Academic literature rarely describes the relation between sustainability and digitalisation in a theoretical and empirical way. Most studies focus on one of the two topics, especially in the context of textile procurement. The purpose of this study is to investigate to which extent digital technologies, such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation, can contribute to sustainable procurement in the textile value chain. Methodology: The study follows a qualitative approach and combines insights obtained by means of conducted semi-structured interviews combined with secondary data related to the studied cases. While embracing an abductive approach, the data analysis follows the extended six-dimension model by Münch et al. (2022) based on the socio-technical system theory. The findings were summarised in two frameworks and discussed in the context of the socio-technical system theory and academic literature. Findings – Through the differentiated model, the findings shed light on the relationship between sustainability and digitalisation in the context of textile procurement. Internal and external organisational aspects of technology implementation were identified for digital tools towards sustainability in the textile procurement. Consequently, possible external and internal drivers, challenges and requirements could be identified for implementing digital technologies. Moreover, the contribution of specifically Robotic Process Automation, Artificial Intelligence as well as Blockchain to sustainable procurement in the textile value chain was analysed and compared. Originality/Value – This study combines, as one of the few, sustainability and digitalisation in the context of the textile value chain. It provides an insight into external as well as internal aspects that can foster or hamper the successful implementation of advanced digital technologies, as well as requirements needed for a successful implementation. Furthermore, the study applies the theory of socio-technical system theory in the context of sustainability and digitalisation. The study offers practitioners a better understanding of the potential effects of advanced digital technologies towards sustainable procurement. It also provides a framework that can support the sustainability driven implementation of advanced digital technologies.
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Technology, Participatory Management Practices (PMP), and Dignity at Work: Negotiating the Use of Technology in a Plastics Packaging FirmCamacho Carvajal, Luis Felipe 17 July 2020 (has links)
Since the introduction of Toyota's Production System, the deployment of lean production systems (or lean manufacturing), and more advanced technological developments, Participatory Management Practices (PMP) have been viewed as lying at the heart of successful manufacturing workplaces. Studies on technology and PMP have concluded that the state of technology in a company unequivocally shapes PMP and can open spaces to enhance the wellbeing of workers regardless of the PMP dynamics. However, these claims are contested by studies that question the positive effects from PMP. These studies argue that workplaces are organized in such a way that workers are viewed as mere resources to be deployed in the production process, without paying attention to their human morale and agency.
This research presents a case study of a food plastics packaging firm that contextualizes, describes, and analyzes: 1) PMP from a Socio-technical Systems Theory (SST) perspective to further our understanding of the role of participative dynamics in the wellbeing of workers; and 2) the dynamics of control-resistance in the workplace as a measure of dignity at work in the context of power relations. This research provides a rich exploration of a workplace that is facing and managing the challenge of automation and technological development.
Using an extended case study research method (Burawoy, 2009), data are collected by observing workers' daily interactions with a combination of technologies. These observations reveal the importance of team dynamics in the production process. The observed PMP dynamics show conflictive, competitive, and cooperative behaviors that are negotiated through continuous human-machine, machine-machine, and human-human interactions in the production process. However, management is found to be indifferent to the impact that a combination of technologies and lean production approaches have on participation dynamics. This indifference inhibits managers from embracing and appreciating the value of PMP. All the identified expressions of what technology and PMP mean to workers, and their dynamics, show an ongoing negotiating process. This process comes from all types of participation in which a worker struggles for dignity. The organizational structure of the firm expects workers to display specific types of participation in team efforts, but workers are also provided with opportunities to negotiate their interests or struggle for dignity by changing their type of participation in team activities.
The work processes and findings described in this dissertation generally support the theory of Hodson (2001). Further, this research develops the concept of "combination of technologies," which can be used to help observe workers' understanding of technology and participative dynamics. The research also identifies various types of participation based on the interactions of workers in the technology process and how workers manage or safeguard their dignity based on their engagement with different types of participation in team-based situations or events. Finally, this research identified how participative engagement by workers can be used as a power mechanism to retain their dignity. / Doctor of Philosophy / Modern manufacturing production is based on the increasing use of technology and workers' participation in problem solving when it comes to the production system. These types of production systems are called Lean Production Systems. These systems stem from the philosophy of doing more with less and are viewed as lying at the heart of successful manufacturing workplaces. However, studies on technology and teams have concluded that not only does technology shape the dynamics of teams, but the practices and dynamics of workers in teams can open spaces to enhance human wellbeing. Even so, some studies question the positive effects of worker participation in teams based on Participatory Management Practices (PMP). These studies argue that workplaces are organized in such a way that workers are viewed as mere resources to be deployed in the production process, without paying attention to human morale and agency.
This research is a case study of a rigid food plastics packaging firm that contextualizes, describes, and analyzes: (1) the participation of workers in PMP from the perspective that workers and technology have a social relationship with deep contextual meaning; and (2) a measure of human dignity in the context of power relations and how control and resistance are met in these spaces. This research provides a rich exploration of a workplace that is facing and managing the challenge of automation and technological development. Using an extended case study research method (Bloomfield, 1994 as cited in Burawoy, 2009, p. 154), data are collected from workers' daily interactions with a combination of technologies.
The importance of how people participate in teams during the production process, was observed and acknowledged to enhance workers wellbeing. A range of dynamics were observed and defined as conflictive, competitive, or cooperative behavior that are negotiated through the continuous human-machine, machine-machine, and human-human interactions that occur during the production process. However, management is indifferent to and disregards the impact that technology has on worker participation in teams and is unconcerned with contrasting meanings of technology from workers, which means they are not paying attention to how these factors impact the use of technology and participation dynamics. All expressions of what technology and worker participation means show an ongoing negotiating process in which workers struggle for dignity. This research follows Hodson (2001) categories of struggle for dignity as a measure of self-worth.
This research develops concepts that can be used to help observe workers' understanding of technology and participative dynamics, as well as identifies different types of participation by observing the interactions of workers in the technology process. This research identified how workers manage or safeguard their dignity based on their engagement with different types of participation observed during team-based situations or events. Finally, the research identified how workers' ability to change their interactions in teams is used as a power mechanism to retain their dignity.
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Obstacles for Remote Air Traffic Services: A Multilevel Perspective / Utmaningar för fjärrstyrda flygtrafiktjänster: Ett multinivåperspektivSegersten, Kristoffer, ZHAI, KEREN January 2018 (has links)
Air traffic services (ATS) play an important role for flight safety. Remote air traffic services (RATS) represent a novel, more digitalized, ATS solution. In some aspects, RATS can be argued to outperform conventional ATS. However, as it entails various sociotechnical obstacles, making RATS the dominant solution for ATS is challenging. An inadequate awareness of such sociotechnical obstacles potentially impedes the competitiveness of RATS in general and the RATS providers in particular. This study intends to - from a sociotechnical perspective - identify main obstacles as faced by RATS when aspiring to become the dominant solution for ATS. In order to identify such obstacles, an abductive case study has been conducted. Empirical data was primarily gathered by semi-structured interviews with 10 key stakeholders involved, directly or indirectly, with RATS. The study is delimited to principally gather empirics from Sweden and the United Kingdom. Theoretical concepts of Large Technical Systems (LTS) and the Multilevel Perspective (MLP) are employed to understand and analyze the empirical data. The identified obstacles faced by RATS are mapped into the different levels of the MLP. Obstacles have been identified in all levels of the MLP. The most prominent obstacles seem to lay in social aspects of change processes, a proposition-perception gap, and connectivity infrastructure dependency. / Flygtrafiktjänster (ATS) spelar en viktig roll för flygsäkerhet. Fjärrstyrda flygtrafiktjänster (RATS) representerar en ny, i högre grad digitaliserad, lösning för ATS. I vissa avseenden kan RATS anses prestera bättre än konventionellt utförda flygtrafiktjänster. Vägen mot ett tillstånd där RATS är den dominerande lösningen för RATS är dock kantad av olika sociotekniska utmaningar. En otillräcklig medvetenhet om dessa utmaningar kan potentiellt minska konkurrenskraften för RATS i allmänhet och för utvecklare av RATS i synnerhet. Denna studie syftar till att, från ett sociotekniskt perspektiv, identifiera utmaningar som RATS står inför i, en situation där RATS ämnar ta steg mot att bli den dominerande lösningen för ATS. För att identifiera sådana utmaningar har en abduktiv fallstudie utförts. Empirisk data samlades huvudsakligen in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med 10 intressenter, direkt eller indirekt involverade, i RATS. Studien är avgränsad till att huvudsakligen samla in empirisk data från Sverige och Storbritannien. Teoretiska ramverk och begrepp beträffande Large Technical Systems (LTS) och Multilevel Perspective (MLP) används för att förstå och analysera empirisk data. De identifierade utmaningarna kopplas till de olika nivåerna i MLP. Utmaningar har identifierats i alla nivåer av MLP, och de mest framstående utmaningarna tycks ligga i sociala aspekter av förändringsprocesser, ett gap mellan proposition och perception, samt ett beroende av uppkopplingsinfrastruktur.
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