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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudos visando à síntese assimétrica de indanos através de reações de contração de anel promovidas por tálio(III) / Studies toward the asymmetric synthesis of Indian through ring contraction reactions promoted by thallium (III)

Marcus Vinicius Craveiro 29 July 2004 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta estudos visando à síntese de indanos oticamente ativos, através da contração de anel de 3-alquenóis promovida por tálio(III). Dois novos sais de tálio(III) foram preparados - o (S)-(-)-triacetoxipropionato de tálio (TTAP) e o tripropionato de tálio (TTP) - a partir do triacetato de tálio (TTA) e dos ácidos (S)-(-)-2-acetoxipropiônico e propiônico, respectivamente. A ciclização do isopulegol foi realizada com TTAP e com TTP, em rendimentos similares aos obtidos com TTA e com trinitrato de tálio (TTN). O rearranjo oxidativo do 2-(3,4-diidronaftalen-1-il)-etanol, que é um 3-alquenol, também pôde ser efetuado com o TTAP e com o TTP, embora rendimentos inferiores aos obtidos com TTN, com TTA, ou com trifluoroacetato de tálio (TTFA) tenham sido alcançados. Nestas contrações de anel, fica evidente que a ordem de reatividade segue a força elétron atraente dos ânions ligados ao tálio. Além disso, as melhores condições reacionais obtidas foram as que utilizam como solvente uma mistura de água e do ácido correspondente ao ligante do sal de tálio(III). Finalmente, na reação de contração de anel com o sal de tálio(III) quiral TTAP, o produto de contração de anel foi obtido como uma mistura racêmica. Os testes preliminares de resolução enzimática do 3-hidroxi-1-indan-1-il-propan-1-ona realizados com lipases mostraram-se promissores, abrindo novas perspectivas para a obtenção de indanos oticamente ativos com bom excesso enantiomérico. / This dissertation presents a study toward the synthesis of optically active indans by the thallium(III) promoted ring contraction of 3-alkenols. Two new thallium(III) salts were prepared - thalllium (S)-(-)-triacetoxypropionate (TTAP) and thallium tripropionate (TTP) - from thallium triacetate (TIA) and (S)-(-)-2-acetoxypropionic acid and propionic acid, respectively. The cyclization of isopulegol was performed using TTAP or TTP. The isolated yields for these reactions are similar to that obtained with TTA or with thallium trinitrate (TTN) The oxidative rearrangement of the 2-(3,4-dihydro-naphthalen-1-yl)-ethanol, which is a 3alkenol, could also be performed by TTAP or by TTP, although the isolated yields were lower from that in a similar reaction with TTN, TTA or thallium trifluoroacetate (TTFA). In these ring contractions, the reactivity c1early depends on the eletron-withdrawing ability of the anion bonded to the thallium atom. In addition, the best reaction conditions are those where the solvent is a mixture of H2O and the acid corresponding to the ligand of the thallium(III) salt. Finally, in the reaction using the chiral non-racemic TTAP, the ring contraction product was obtained as a racemic mixture. The preliminary results on the enzymatic resolution of 3-hydroxy-1-indan-1-yl-propan-1-one using lipases show that optically active indan might be obtained in good e.e. using this approach.

Reação de álcoois homoalílicos com tálio(III), iodo e iodo hipervalente, dicloração de cetonas e estudos visando à síntese total da caramboxina / Reaction of homoallylic alcohols with thallium(III), iodine and hypervalent iodine, dichlorination of ketones and studies aiming the total synthesis of caramboxin

Samir Augusto Pino Quintiliano 23 February 2010 (has links)
Abordaram-se diversos aspectos da reação de contração de álcoois homoalílicos promovida por trinitrato de tálio (TTN). A configuração relativa do indano obtido como produto foi estabelecida graças a uma difratometria de raio-x de seu derivado sólido, possibilitando a elaboração de um mecanismo detalhado desta transformação. As reações de contração de anel de alquenóis secundários e terciários com TTN produzem indanos em 33-65%. Por outro lado, os 3-alquenóis terciários que possuem uma metila a mais em posição alílica conduzem a produtos oriundos de uma reação de fragmentação em 51-69%, com a perda de uma molécula de acetona. Álcoois homoalílicos primários, ao reagirem com iodo ou iodo hipervalente, sofrem uma reação de fragmentação, formando formaldeído, que sofre uma ciclização de Prins com o substrato, produzindo hexahidro- benzo-isocromenos em 26-48%. No caso da reação com iodo, parte do substrato sofre também uma ciclização 5-endo-trig seguida de aromatização, levando a um di-hidro-naftofurano em até 30% de rendimento. A ciclização de Prins de 3-alquenóis primário, secundário ou terciário com quantidades equimolares de aldeídos - aromáticos ou alifáticos - ou cetonas alifáticas catalisada por 5 mol% de iodo pode ser alcançada em rendimentos de 54-82%. Estas reações foram efetuadas em condições brandas e não anidras. Esta metodologia foi expandida para a preparação de uma hexa-hidro-benzo-isoquinolina à partir de uma tosilamida homoalílica, em 60% de rendimento. Um método simples e eficiente para a 2,2-dicloração de 1-tetralonas, da indanona e da benzosuberona foi desenvolvido utilizando-se água de cloro e metanol (5:1), à temperatura ambiente, em 61-90% de rendimento. A caramboxina é uma neurotoxina extraída da carambola. Sua síntese seria desejável para a confirmar sua estrutura e realizar novos ensaios biológicos. A rota sintética estudada possui, como etapa-chave, uma reação de Diels-Alder seguida de uma retro-Diels-Alder entre um éster clorotetrólico e um ciclo-hexadieno derivado da dimedona. No entanto, a síntese não pode ser concluída e um análogo ciclizado da caramboxina, uma isoquinolona, foi obtido em um rendimento global de 7%, em 10 etapas, à partir da dimedona. / Several aspects concerning the reaction of homoallylic alcohols and thallium trinitrate were addressed. The relative configuration of the indan obtained as product was established based on an x-ray diffration analysis of its solid derivative. With this information a more detailed mechanism was proposed. The ring contraction reactions of secondary and tertiary alkenols with TTN produced indans in 33-65% yield. Nevertheless, 3-alkenols bearing a methyl group on the allylic position lead to fragmentation products in 51- 69% yield, with the loss of a molecule of acetone. Treatment of primary homoallylic alcohols with iodine or hypervalent iodine leads to hexahydrobenzoisochromenes in 26-48% yield via a fragmentation reaction where formaldehyde is produced and reacts with the substrate on a Prins cyclization reaction. When iodine is used, dihydronaphtofuranes are also produced in up to 30% yield through a 5-endo-trig cyclization followed by an aromatization reaction. The Prins cyclization of 3-alkenols primary, secondary or tertiary with equimolar amounts of aldehydes - aromatic or aliphatic or aliphatic ketones catalysed by 5 mol% of iodine was accomplished in 54- 82% yield. These reactions were performed in mild and non-anhydrous conditions.This methodology was also used for the preparation of a hexahydrobenzoisoquinoline from a homoallylic tosylamide, in 60% yield. An easy and efficient method to the 2,2-dichlorination of 1-tetralones, indanone and benzosuberone was developed using household bleach and methanol (5:1), at room temperature in 61-90% Caramboxin is a neurotoxin isolated from star fruit. Its synthesis was desired to confirm its structure and perform new biological tests. The key step of the synthetic path is a Diels Alder followed by a retro-Diels Alder between a chlorotetrolic ester and a cyclohexene derived from dimedone. Unfortunately the synthesis was not concluded and a cyclized analogous of caramboxin, an isoquinoline, was obtained in 7% global yield, in 10 steps, from dimedone.

Síntese total diastereosseletiva da (±)-trans-triquentrina A / Diastereoselective total synthesis of (±)-trans-trikentrin A

Marcus Vinicius Craveiro 11 March 2009 (has links)
Esta tese descreve uma nova abordagem para a síntese de ciclopenta[g]indóis baseada na reação de contração de anel mediada por trinitrato de tálio (TTN) de uma olefina tricíclica, que contém uma unidade indólica. Foi possível encontrar condições reacionais em que o sal de tálio(III) mostrou-se quimiosseletivo, reagindo com a ligação dupla do anel cicloexênico, sem oxidar a ligação C2-C3 do anel indólico. Utilizando-se a reação acima, pôde-se alcançar a primeira síntese diastereosseletiva da (±)-trans-triquentrina A, que é um alcalóide indólico isolado de uma esponja marinha, em 20 etapas e com rendimento global de 2%. A etapa chave foi uma reação de contração de anel mediada por TTN em CH3CN com redução in situ promovida por NaBH4. Nestas condições o anel trans-1,3-dimetilciclopentânico da molécula alvo foi alcançado com excelente diastereosseletividade. Tentativas de hidrogenação assimétrica do (E)-etil-3-(1-benzil-4-etil-1H-indol-7-il)-but-2- enoato utilizando-se catalisadores de irído foram realizadas, visando a síntese da (+)-trans-triquentrina A. / This thesis presents a new approach toward the synthesis of cyclopenta[g]indoles using a ring contraction reaction mediated by thallium trinitrate (TTN) of a tricyclic olefin, bearing an indol unit. We could find reactional conditions where the thallium(III) salt was chemoselective, reacting on the cyclohexenic double bond without formation of C2-C3 indolic oxidation byproducts. Using the reaction above, we could accomplish the first diastereoselective total synthesis of (±)-trans-trikentrin A, which is an indolic alkaloid isolated from a marine sponge, in 20 steps and 2% of global yield. The key-step was a ring contraction reaction mediated by TTN in CH3CN with in situ reduction promoted by NaBH4. Under this condition the trans-1,3- dimethylcyclopentane moiety of the target molecule was achieved with good diastereoselectivity. The asymmetric hydrogenation of (E)-ethyl-3-(1-benzyl-4-ethyl-1H-indole-7-yl)-but-2- enoate was attempted using iridium catalysts were performed, aiming the synthesis of (+)-trans-trikentrin A.

Hodnocení obsahu glutathionu v rostlinách jako markeru znečištění životního prostředí těžkými kovy / Evaluation of glutathione content in plants as a marker of heavy metals environmental contamination

Borková, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Dependence of glutathione concentration on the amount of thallium in the plant was studied. Observed plant was maize (Zea mays) which was divided to two parts – root and overground. Two culture procedures were elaborated where seeds and young seedlings were cultivated in a solution of thallium of concentration 0, 1, 3, 5, 8, a 10 µmol/l. Extraction agents used during extraction were phosphate buffer and solution of ascorbic acid. Determination of glutathione was realized by capillary electrophoresis (CE) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Diode array detector (DAD) was used in both methods. Quantification of the thallium amount in the plant was done by method of inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).

Nahordnung und mittelreichweitige Ordnung in den binären Legierungsschmelzen: Ag-Bi, Bi-Cu, Cu-Pb, Ga-Tl

Nomssi Nzali, Jacques Hubert Christian 27 October 2000 (has links)
Die Arbeit befaßt sich mit binären Legierungssystemen, die eine geringe Mischbarkeit der Komponenten im festen Zustand und eine Entmischungstendenz in der Schmelze aufweisen. Die Nahordnung in den binären Legierungsschmelzen Ag-Bi, Bi-Cu und Cu-Pb wird über einen großen Konzentrationsbereich mit Röntgenbeugung untersucht, die Nahordnung und die mittelreichweitige Ordnung in der Ga-Tl-Schmelze hingegen im kritischen Bereich mit Neutronenweitwinkel- und Kleinwinkelbeugung. Ag-Bi und Bi-Cu sind eutektische Systeme mit einem Wendepunkt in der Liquiduslinie, während die Systeme Cu-Pb und Ga-Tl monotektisch sind und eine Mischungslücke im flüssigen Bereich aufweisen. Die Arbeit stellt die verwendeten Beugungsmethoden vor und beschreibt die Röntgendiffraktometrie besonders ausführlich. Die erhaltenen Strukturfaktoren und Paarverteilungsfunktionen werden dargestellt und mit anderen Untersuchungen verglichen. Durch Modellierung werden charakteristische Eigenheiten der Entmischungssysteme wie die Aufspaltung des ersten Maximums, die negativen Faber-Ziman-Strukturfaktoren bei kleinen Q-Werten und die schwache Struktur bei großen Q-Werten qualitativ wiedergegeben. Im Fall der Bi-Cu Schmelze wird durch Kombination von Daten aus Röntgen- und Neutronenbeugung mit Reverse Monte Carlo Simulation ein neuer Satz von partiellen Strukturfaktoren ermittelt, bei dem die partiellen Strukturfaktoren S_{BiCu}(Q) für die Bi-Cu-Wechselwirkung über den gesamten Konzentrationsbereich zuverlässiger sind als zuvor. Mit der Kleinwinkelstreuung werden die Konzentrationsfluktuationen im kristischen Bereich der Ga-Tl-Legierungsschmelze quantitativ beschrieben. / (Short- and medium-range order in the binary liquid alloys : Ag-Bi, Bi-Cu, Cu-Pb, Ga-Tl) The short-range order (SRO) and the medium-range order (MRO) are investigated in binary alloys with a negligible solubility of the components in the solid state and a demixing tendency in the liquid state. Ag-Bi and Bi-Cu are eutectic systems with an inflexion point in the liquidus line; Cu-Pb and Ga-Tl are monotectic with a miscibility gap in the liquid state. The SRO in the Ag-Bi, Bi-Cu and Cu-Pb melts is studied by means of X-ray diffraction over a large concentration range, whereas wide-angle and small-angle neutron scattering are used for investigation of the SRO and MRO of the Ga-Tl melt near the critical concentration. The diffraction methods used in the work are presented. The treatment of the X-ray scattering data is discussed in detail. The obtained Faber-Ziman total structure factors S(Q) and pair correlation functions g(r) are plotted and compared with results from the literature. The peculiarities of S(Q) such as the splitting of the first maximum, the negative Faber-Ziman structure factors in the Q-range near 1 Å^-1, the vanishing structure oscillations for Q-values beyond the first maximum are described qualitatively with a simple demixing model. In the case of the Bi-Cu melt, the contrast between X-Ray and neutron diffraction is used to assess the partial structure factors with Reverse Monte Carlo simulation. It is shown that the MRO of the Ga-Tl melt at the critical concentration is well described with a correlation length in the Ornstein-Zernike theory.

Trous d' électrons dans des oxydes de type cuprate supraconducteur. Etude cristallochimique d'une nouvelle famille d' oxyhalogènure de tellure et d' alcalinoterreux A3Te2O6X2 (A=Sr, Ba et X=Cl, Br

Cahoreau, Amélie 15 February 1996 (has links) (PDF)
Certaines propriétés des cuprates supraconducteurs restent aujourd'hui encore mystérieuses pour le monde scientifique. Ce travail vise a éclaircir l'une d'entre-elles: la nature de leurs porteurs de charge. Une approche théorique a été effectuée sur le composé La2CuO4 puis étendue a des composés de type cuprate supraconducteur exempts de cuivre. Elle consiste en des calculs de potentiel de Madelung et de diagrammes de structure de bandes. Les composes "TlBa2ZnO5" et "TlBa2MgO5" ayant servi de modèles pour ces calculs ont ensuite été préparés puis caractérisés par dosage iodométrique, diffraction des rayons X, spectrométrie Raman, MET et RPE. Les résultats alors obtenus mettent en évidence l'existence de trous d'électrons sur les atomes d'oxygène de ces composés, notes O dans le texte. Nous avons alors tenté d'expliquer le comportement encore inconnu de ces porteurs de charge. Une deuxième étude a été menée en parallèle de la précédente. Elle nous a permis de mettre a jour une nouvelle famille d'oxyhalogenures de tellure et d'alcalino-terreux de formulation A3Te2O6X2. Le composé pour lequel A=Sr et X=Cl a fait l'objet d'une détermination structurale complète. Les composés pour lesquels A=Sr, Ba et X=Br ont été isolés.

Sur de nouveaux verres oxyiodes conducteurs de l' ion Ag+. Corrélations structures-propriétés de transport

Rossignol, Sylvie 11 February 1994 (has links) (PDF)
De nouveaux verres, conducteurs ioniques de l' ion Ag+, ont été mis en évidence dans les systèmes TeO2-Ag2O-AgI et TeO2-Tl2O-AgI. Les caractérisations structurales (IR, Raman et RMN 109Ag) ont révèle l'existence de deux sous-réseaux, l'un iode, l'autre oxygène. L'étude des propriétés électriques en fonction de la composition montre que la conduction ionique est principalement liée a la mobilité des ions Ag+ situes dans un environnement iode. La substitution de AgI par la composition eutectique (AgI0,75TlI0,25) permet d'élargir le domaine vitreux et d'obtenir des verres présentant de très bonnes performances électriques. La présence de TlI semble induire l' existence de chemins de conduction plus ouverts facilitant ainsi un meilleur déplacement des ions Ag+.

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