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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Český trh elektronických knih - překážky a možnosti / Czech Electronic Book Market – Obstacles and Opportunities

Šperková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This master dissertation "Czech Electronic Book Market -- Obstacles and Opportunities" analyzes Czech market with e-books. The aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation on the market in terms of technologies, distribution models and legal issues. It describes commercial, free and illegal sources in the market, including a description of digitisation projects in Czech libraries. The thesis also includes a theoretical introduction to e-books and their development in the past. Details are discussed, focusing on technology, modern electronic readers with electronic ink. For comparison, the thesis also analyzes the U.S. market with e-books. In analytical part the individual portals with e-books on the market, their supply and user interfaces are compared. The real example analyzes the costs of an e-book and its comparison to costs of a printed book. At the end of the thesis, alternative models of distribution requirements for establishment of a new portal with e-books are characterised, the Creative Commons licenses are described and the current trend of e-journals is mentioned. Finally, I suggest recommendations especially for sellers on the Czech market describe the advantages and disadvantages of e-books in terms of individual roles in the distribution model and estimate the future market development. More detailed information related to the comparison of different types of electronic ink, a list of electronic readers that are available on the Czech e-book market at this time and specific examples of various users' interfaces that are being used on Czech e-books portals can be found in Appendix.

Хемијско проређивање цветова и плодова јабуке / Hemijsko proređivanje cvetova i plodova jabuke / Flower and fruit chemical thinning of apple

Milić Biserka 25 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Циљ савременог гајења јабуке је да се у засаду велике густине садње, заснованом са садницама високог квалитета које рађају већ у години садње, и савременим сортиментом који укључује и сорте склоне алтернативној родности, успоставе редовни и високи приноси који ће се кретати од 50-70 t/ha и добар квалитет плодова. Мера која је од највећег значаја за регулисање родности јесте хемијско проређивање цветова и плодова јабуке.<br />Циљ обављених истраживања је да се испита утицај хемијског проређивања цветова и плодова на заметање, квалитет плодова и родност пупољака сорти јабуке као и да се испита интеракција између минералне исхране азотом и хемијског проређивања. Резултати истраживања били би смернице за хемијско проређивање плодова у агроеколошким условима Србије, са тежњом да у скорој будућности постану део законске регулативе и припадајућих правилника за интегралну производњу, као и развој побољшаних формулација препарата за проређивање.<br />На основу испитивања проређивања цветова може се закључити да сорте јабуке бребурн и златни делишес различито реагују на примену ATS и KTS. Примена 3% ATS и 1,5% KTS код сорте бребурн изазива јаке ожеготине на листовима које могу бити узрок смањеној маси плода и слабијем образовању родних пупољака. Код сорте златни делишес ATS концентрације 3% не испољава негативно дејство на крупноћу плодова и родност пупољака, али са друге стране није ефикаснији од ATS нижих концентрација, док KTS има знатно слабије дејство.<br />Ефикасност препарата на бази NAA у смањењу заметања и приноса сорте јабуке бребурн није зависила од примењене концентрације, док је маса плода у свим варијантама била веома велика, те се за практичну примену могу препоручити ниже концентрације, до 10 &mu;l/l NAA. Сви третмани са NAA у распону концентрација од 8 до 12 &mu;l/l били су једнако ефикасни у редуковању заметања и приноса плодова, док је BA испољио слабију ефикасност у проређивању сорте јабуке камспур. Родност пупољака у третманима проређивања плодова сорти бребурн и камспур није сразмерна повећању концентрације препарата, већ у великој мери зависи од године испитивања.<br />Значајна интеракција је утврђена између фактора ђубрење и проређивање за параметре заметања плодова. Интеракција ова два фактора огледа се у томе да се у режиму интензивног ђубрења азотним ђубривима концентрација препарата на бази NAA и BA треба повећати како би се постигао задовољавајући ниво проређивања.<br />Додавање нафтенских киселина нафтилсирћетној киселини и бензиладенину значајно доприноси повећању просечне масе плода сорте јабуке златни делишес у односу на формулације без нафтенских киселина, као последица биолошке активности нафтенских киселина у смеши. Запажено је повећање чврстине плода у варијантама где је примењена формулација BA са нафтенским киселинама у односу на формулације без<br />нафтенских киселина.<br />Датум прихватања теме од стране Сената:<br />ДП<br />30.5.2013.<br />Чланови комисије:</p> / <p>Cilj savremenog gajenja jabuke je da se u zasadu velike gustine sadnje, zasnovanom sa sadnicama visokog kvaliteta koje rađaju već u godini sadnje, i savremenim sortimentom koji uključuje i sorte sklone alternativnoj rodnosti, uspostave redovni i visoki prinosi koji će se kretati od 50-70 t/ha i dobar kvalitet plodova. Mera koja je od najvećeg značaja za regulisanje rodnosti jeste hemijsko proređivanje cvetova i plodova jabuke.<br />Cilj obavljenih istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj hemijskog proređivanja cvetova i plodova na zametanje, kvalitet plodova i rodnost pupoljaka sorti jabuke kao i da se ispita interakcija između mineralne ishrane azotom i hemijskog proređivanja. Rezultati istraživanja bili bi smernice za hemijsko proređivanje plodova u agroekološkim uslovima Srbije, sa težnjom da u skoroj budućnosti postanu deo zakonske regulative i pripadajućih pravilnika za integralnu proizvodnju, kao i razvoj poboljšanih formulacija preparata za proređivanje.<br />Na osnovu ispitivanja proređivanja cvetova može se zaključiti da sorte jabuke breburn i zlatni delišes različito reaguju na primenu ATS i KTS. Primena 3% ATS i 1,5% KTS kod sorte breburn izaziva jake ožegotine na listovima koje mogu biti uzrok smanjenoj masi ploda i slabijem obrazovanju rodnih pupoljaka. Kod sorte zlatni delišes ATS koncentracije 3% ne ispoljava negativno dejstvo na krupnoću plodova i rodnost pupoljaka, ali sa druge strane nije efikasniji od ATS nižih koncentracija, dok KTS ima znatno slabije dejstvo.<br />Efikasnost preparata na bazi NAA u smanjenju zametanja i prinosa sorte jabuke breburn nije zavisila od primenjene koncentracije, dok je masa ploda u svim varijantama bila veoma velika, te se za praktičnu primenu mogu preporučiti niže koncentracije, do 10 &mu;l/l NAA. Svi tretmani sa NAA u rasponu koncentracija od 8 do 12 &mu;l/l bili su jednako efikasni u redukovanju zametanja i prinosa plodova, dok je BA ispoljio slabiju efikasnost u proređivanju sorte jabuke kamspur. Rodnost pupoljaka u tretmanima proređivanja plodova sorti breburn i kamspur nije srazmerna povećanju koncentracije preparata, već u velikoj meri zavisi od godine ispitivanja.<br />Značajna interakcija je utvrđena između faktora đubrenje i proređivanje za parametre zametanja plodova. Interakcija ova dva faktora ogleda se u tome da se u režimu intenzivnog đubrenja azotnim đubrivima koncentracija preparata na bazi NAA i BA treba povećati kako bi se postigao zadovoljavajući nivo proređivanja.<br />Dodavanje naftenskih kiselina naftilsirćetnoj kiselini i benziladeninu značajno doprinosi povećanju prosečne mase ploda sorte jabuke zlatni delišes u odnosu na formulacije bez naftenskih kiselina, kao posledica biološke aktivnosti naftenskih kiselina u smeši. Zapaženo je povećanje čvrstine ploda u varijantama gde je primenjena formulacija BA sa naftenskim kiselinama u odnosu na formulacije bez<br />naftenskih kiselina.<br />Datum prihvatanja teme od strane Senata:<br />DP<br />30.5.2013.<br />Članovi komisije:</p> / <p>The goal of modern apple growing in high density orchards, established with high-quality nursery trees which bear fruits in the year of planting, often including varieties prone to biennial bearing is to achieve high and regular yields that range from 50 to 70 t/ha with good fruit quality. Chemical thinning of flowers and fruits is a technical practice which is of great importance for crop regulation.<br />The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of chemical thinning of apple flowers and fruits on fruit set, fruit quality and bearing potential of apple buds as well as to examine the interaction between the nitrogen supply and chemical thinning treatments. The research will result with guidelines for the chemical thinning in agroecological conditions of Serbia, aiming to become a part of the legislation and associated regulations for integrated production in the near future. Testing of improved formulations of thinning chemicals will be included into expe rimental plan.<br />Considering the results derived from flower thinning experiments, it could be concluded that cv. Braeburn and Golden Delicious react differently to the application of ATS and KTS. Application of 3% ATS and 1.5% of KTS in cv Braeburn causes severe leaf burns that may be causing reduced fruit weight and a decrease in bearing potential. In cv Golden Delicious ATS applied at the concentration of 3% does not exhibit a negative effect on fruit size and bearing potential, but at the other side is not more efficient than ATS at lower concentrations, whereas KTS has a much weaker thinning effect.<br />The efficacy of NAA in reducing fruit set and yield of apple variety Braeburn is not dependent on the concentration applied, while fruit size was very large within the range of NAA concentrations. Therefore, for the practical application, concentrations lower than 10 ml/l NAA would be recommended. All treatments with NAA at concentrations ranging from 8 to 12 ml/l were equally effective in reducing fruit set and yield, while the BA exhibited decreased efficiency in thinning apple variety Camspur. Fertility of buds in Braeburn and Camspur varieties was not proportional to the increase in concentration of chemical, but to a large extent depends on the conditions of the experimental year.<br />An interaction between nitrogen supply and chemical thinning significantly affected fruit set in a way that concentration of NAA and BA for fruit thinning should be increased in order to achieve a satisfactory level of thinning at a higher level of nitrogen supply.<br />Adding of naphthenic acids to NAA and BA significantly contributed to the increase of average fruit weight of apple variety Golden Delicious compared to same chemical formulation without naphthenic acids, as a result of the biological activity of naphthenic acids in the mixture. An increase of fruit firmness was detected in thinning treatments where naphthenic acids were added to BA compared BA applied alone.</p>

Evaluation of integrated control of postharvest grey mould and blue mould of pome fruit using yeast, potassium silicate and hot water treatments.

Mbili, Nokwazi Carol. January 2012 (has links)
The public concern over synthetic pesticides in foods and the environment has created an interest to find effective and safe non-fungicide means of controlling postharvest pathogens. The overall objective of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of potassium silicate, yeast antagonists and hot water dip treatment to control postharvest grey mould and blue mould of pome fruits, caused by Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum, respectively. Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum were isolated from infected strawberry and pear fruits, respectively. These isolates were found to be non-resistant to YieldPlus® (Anchor yeast, Cape Town, South Africa), a biofungicide containing a yeast Cryptococcus albidus. A total of 100 epiphytic yeast isolates were obtained from the fruit surface of “Golden Delicious” apples and “Packham’s Triumph” pears, and screened against B. cinerea and P. expansum. Fifteen yeast isolates reduced grey mould incidence by > 50%, when applied four hours before inoculation with B. cinerea. Similarly, seven yeast isolates reduced blue mould incidence by > 50%, when applied four hours before inoculation with P. expansum. YieldPlus® and yeast Isolate YP25 provided the best control of B. cinerea, while Isolate YP60 and YieldPlus® provided the best control of P. expansum on “Golden Delicious” apples. A mixture of YP25 and YP60 provided complete control of both B. cinerea and P. expansum, when applied to “Golden Delicious” apples before inoculation with either B. cinerea or P. expansum. Electron microscopy studies showed that yeast Isolates YP25 and YP60 inhibited the mycelial growth of B. cinerea and P. expansum, respectively. Preventative and curative application of potassium silicate resulted in reduced incidence of B. cinerea or P. expansum of “Golden Delicious” apples. Electron microscopy studies indicated that potassium silicate inhibited the growth of B. cinerea and P. expansum. Furthermore, treatment of “Golden Delicious” apples with either potassium chloride or potassium hydroxide resulted in reduced incidence of both B. cinerea and P. expansum. In vivo tests showed that the disease incidence of P. expansum and B. cinerea on “Golden Delicious” apples was reduced by hot water dip treatments at 58-60°C for 60 to 120 seconds, compared with the control fruit treated with sterile distilled water, without causing skin damage. The use of potassium silicate, yeasts (Isolates YP25 and YP60), YieldPlus® and the antagonists mixture (YP25+YP60) in combination, resulted in the control of B. cinerea and P. expansum of “Golden Delicious” apples compared with Imazalil® treated fruit. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

Blossoms and borders: Cultivating apples and a modern countryside in the Pacific Northwest, 1890-2001.

Bennett, Jason Patrick 21 April 2008 (has links)
At the turn of the twentieth century, apples served as a catalyst for far-reaching social and environmental change in the North American West. As people debated the future of North American society as a rural or urban civilization, rural advocates found their answer in horticulture. Steadfast in their conviction that urban environments were corrupt, immoral, and disordered, people on both sides of the international boundary engaged in a boisterous promotional campaign that culminated with the creation of an orcharding landscape that spanned British Columbia, Washington State, and Oregon. Consequently, countless communities found new purpose or came into existence organized around the cultivation of apples and other assorted fruits. Fully aware of negative stereotypes that depicted farming as backwards and unfulfilling, horticulturists argued that fruit farming would lead to the creation of a modern countryside. Guided by scientific agriculture, refined and intelligent settlers would transform rural life by uniting in partnership with “Dame Nature,” leading to bountiful harvests as nature was finished to its “intended end.” As a result, the orcharding landscape would organize an alternative modernity that stood in juxtaposition to the urban-industrial axis of development. Despite their location in different political projects, fruit farmers on either side of the International Boundary bore striking affinities that were affirmed and reinforced through publications, associations, exhibitions, and educational initiatives, underlining the significance of the border as a vantage to appreciate divisions as well as continuities. While the creation of a modern countryside was sustained by high hopes, growers did not anticipate that nature’s bounty would in many instances stand as a curse rather than a blessing. Through two world wars, growers wrestled with the changing contours of rural life, particularly as it related to rural growth. While orcharding endured, its original conception as the nucleus of a progressive and middle class rural society did not.

Blossoms and borders: Cultivating apples and a modern countryside in the Pacific Northwest, 1890-2001.

Bennett, Jason Patrick 21 April 2008 (has links)
At the turn of the twentieth century, apples served as a catalyst for far-reaching social and environmental change in the North American West. As people debated the future of North American society as a rural or urban civilization, rural advocates found their answer in horticulture. Steadfast in their conviction that urban environments were corrupt, immoral, and disordered, people on both sides of the international boundary engaged in a boisterous promotional campaign that culminated with the creation of an orcharding landscape that spanned British Columbia, Washington State, and Oregon. Consequently, countless communities found new purpose or came into existence organized around the cultivation of apples and other assorted fruits. Fully aware of negative stereotypes that depicted farming as backwards and unfulfilling, horticulturists argued that fruit farming would lead to the creation of a modern countryside. Guided by scientific agriculture, refined and intelligent settlers would transform rural life by uniting in partnership with “Dame Nature,” leading to bountiful harvests as nature was finished to its “intended end.” As a result, the orcharding landscape would organize an alternative modernity that stood in juxtaposition to the urban-industrial axis of development. Despite their location in different political projects, fruit farmers on either side of the International Boundary bore striking affinities that were affirmed and reinforced through publications, associations, exhibitions, and educational initiatives, underlining the significance of the border as a vantage to appreciate divisions as well as continuities. While the creation of a modern countryside was sustained by high hopes, growers did not anticipate that nature’s bounty would in many instances stand as a curse rather than a blessing. Through two world wars, growers wrestled with the changing contours of rural life, particularly as it related to rural growth. While orcharding endured, its original conception as the nucleus of a progressive and middle class rural society did not.

Processo de desenvolvimento das inovações na cadeia produtiva da maçã brasileira

Cruz, Marcia Rohr da 19 September 2013 (has links)
A inovação exerce importância no negócio das empresas, compreende diferentes aspectos e contribui de formas diversas para o seu crescimento e desenvolvimento. Dentre os aspectos que podem ser levados em consideração para as inovações estão os aspectos internos relacionados com o contexto da organização e os aspectos externos que envolvem todo o ambiente em que a organização está inserida. Acredita-se que estes aspectos exercem influência tanto na decisão para o desenvolvimento das inovações quanto para a aplicação dos produtos ou processos de inovação no mercado. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar como e porque as inovações emergem na cadeia produtiva da maçã brasileira e quais os resultados obtidos a partir das inovações implementadas nos segmentos produtores e packinghouses. Os procedimentos metodológicos empregados têm como estratégia de pesquisa o estudo de caso, o qual foi efetivado através das abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa de pesquisa. Em relação aos objetivos o estudo teve caráter exploratório, descritivo e explicativo. A etapa qualitativa foi executada através da pesquisa exploratória com especialistas da cadeia produtiva da maçã brasileira para identificar as inovações que foram implementadas e também para classificá-las de acordo com o encadeamento do anel tetralógico. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos ressalta-se a identificação dos aspectos que compuseram o framework e serviram de norteador para a realização da pesquisa qualitativa. Destaca-se também o encadeamento obtido entre os aspectos identificados de forma empírica e a junção com as teorias utilizadas, em especial os pressupostos de Edgar Morin, através da teoria da complexidade. A etapa quantitativa foi efetivada através do método estatístico, por meio da análise fatorial, cuja análise apresentou a identificação dos resultados que as inovações apresentam para os fatores sociais, econômicos, organizacionais, políticos e mercadológicos na amostra de produtores e packing-houses da cadeia produtiva da maçã brasileira definidas para esta investigação. Na análise quantitativa merece destaque a apresentação através de estatística descritiva da caracterização das amostras, bem como os processos de inovação que cada amostra tem implementado. A análise fatorial permitiu a apresentação das variáveis destacadas para cada fator nas quatro amostras (produtores e packing-houses de Santa Catariana e Rio Grande do Sul) individualmente e também para toda a cadeia incluindo as quatro amostras. Através da análise de regressão múltipla identificou-se a percepção sobre o impacto das inovações para toda cadeia produtiva da maçã brasileira, incluindo os produtores e packing-houses dos estados de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-04-25T19:25:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Marcia Rohr da Cruz.pdf: 2558047 bytes, checksum: 714824fb7f0fdc80f826cdc4a5231130 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-25T19:25:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Marcia Rohr da Cruz.pdf: 2558047 bytes, checksum: 714824fb7f0fdc80f826cdc4a5231130 (MD5) / Innovation plays importance in business enterprises, comprises different aspects and contributes in different ways to their growth and development. Among the aspects that can be considered for the innovations are the internal aspects related to the context of the organization and external aspects that involve the whole environment in which the organization operates. It is believed that these aspects influence both the decision for the development of innovations in the application for product or process innovation in the market. This study aimed to identify how and why innovations emerge in the productive chain of Brazilian apples and what the results obtained from the innovations implemented in the sectors producing and packing houses. The methodological procedures have employed as a research strategy case study, which was effected by means of qualitative and quantitative approaches to research. In relation to the objectives the study had an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. The qualitative analysis was performed through exploratory research with experts in the productive chain of Brazilian apples to identify innovations that have been implemented and also to classify them according to the chain ring tetralogical. Among the main results emphasize the identification of aspects that compose the framework and provided a guideline for conducting qualitative research. Also noteworthy is the chain obtained among those identified empirically and the junction with the theories used, in particular the assumptions of Edgar Morin, by complexity theory. The quantitative stage was effected through the statistical method, by means of factor analysis, which analysis showed identification results show that the innovations to the social, economic, organizational, political and market in the sample of producers and packing-houses of the production chain Brazilian apple defined for this investigation. The quantitative analysis deserves the presentation through descriptive statistics of the characterization of the samples, as well as the processes of innovation that each sample has implemented. A factor analysis of the presentation highlighted variables for each factor in the four samples (producers and packing houses of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul) individually and for the entire chain including the four samples. Through multiple regression analysis identified the perception of the impact of innovations for the entire production chain of Brazilian apples, including growers and packing houses in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.

Valorisation des fruits et des sous-produits de l'industrie de transformation des fruits par extraction des composés bioactifs / Valorisation of fruits and by-products from fruits industry by bioactive compounds extraction

Grigoraş, Cristina-Gabriela 24 September 2012 (has links)
Les fruits et les sous-produits de l’industrie de transformation des fruits sont obtenus chaque année en quantités importantes partout dans le monde. Les cerises et les résidus de pommes sont parmi les sources végétales les plus riches en composés bioactifs qui sont reconnus pour leurs effets bénéfiques sur l’organisme humain. Des méthodes appropriées d’extraction (macération, extraction par solvant pressurisé, extraction assistée par ultrasons, extraction assistée par microondes), d’analyse (HPTLC, HPLC-UV-DEDL, HPLC-MS, SFC) et de fractionnement (CPC, HPLC semi-préparative, extraction liquide-liquide) ont été mises au point pour la récupération, l’identification et la purification des composés bioactifs de cerises (Prunus avium) et de résidus de différentes variétés de pommes (Royal Gala, Golden, Granny Smith, Pink Lady). Les résultats obtenus au cours des travaux de recherches indiquent le fait que ces sources végétales contiennent des composés phénoliques (cerises, résidus de pommes) et des composés triterpéniques (résidus de pommes) qui peuvent être valorisés par incorporation dans différentes formulations alimentaires, pharmaceutiques, cosmétiques etc. / Fruits and by-products of fruit processing industry are produced annually in large quantities worldwide. Cherries and apple pomace are among the richest plant sources in bioactive compounds that are recognized for their beneficial effects on the human body. Appropriated methods of extraction (maceration, pressurized solvent extraction, ultrasoundassisted extraction, microwave assisted extraction), analysis (HPTLC, HPLC-UV-ELSD, HPLC-MS, SFC) and fractionation (CPC, HPLC semipreparative, liquid-liquid extraction) have been developed in order to extract, to identify and to purify bioactive compounds of cherry (Prunus avium) and pomaces of different apple varieties (Royal Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pink Lady). The results obtained during the research work indicate that these plant sources contain phenolic compounds (cherry, apple pomace) and triterpenic compounds (apple pomace) that can be used as ingredients for various food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic formulations etc.


Macagnan, Fernanda Teixeira 22 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The passion fruit peel (CM), apple pomace (BM) and orange bagasse (BL) are by-products generated in large quantities and usually wasted by brazilian industries of juices processing. However have nutritional qualities important for health, as relevant levels of dietary fiber. In this context, the study aimed to characterize the flour of these by-products, study potential nutritional as alternative sources of fiber in diets drawn up for rats, and test the nutritional and sensory quality of honey breads enriched with these flours. In step characterization, it was verified a high content of dietary fiber, which varied 54.82 to 76.84% in dry matter (DM), highlighting the soluble fraction (18.97% to 25.17% in DM), mainly composed of pectin (49.19% to 91.25% of the soluble fiber). Phenolic compounds were also elevated in the samples analyzed (479.71 to 862.11 mg% in DM). The BM stood out for higher fiber content, pectin, condensed tannins and greatest copper binding capacity. The CM presented a high mineral content, very small percentage of fat, high hydration capacity and greater fat binding capacity. The BL was the by-product with higher levels of soluble fiber and phenolic content. In biological assay, conducted for 40 days, it was used 32 male Wistar rats, with 21 days old, randomly distributed (eight animals / treatment) between the following experimental treatments: TC, control treatment with cellulose as a fiber source; TBM; treatment with apple pomace as fiber source; TBL, treatment with orange bagasse as a source of fiber; TCM; treatment with passion fruit peel as a source of fiber.The different sources of fiber did not affect the average consumption, weight gain, feed conversion, gastrointestinal transit time, and neither exerted influence on the weight of the intestine empty, kidney, liver and epididymal fat of animals. There was also not significant difference in the levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, albumin, total protein and lipids in the liver. However, it was found that the addition of these by-products has enabled significant reductions in serum triglycerides and hepatic cholesterol, and also promote changes in important parameters for gut health (pH, nitrogen and fecal moisture) and play important roles in the control of postprandial glycemia. The fiber derived from BM showed greater potential to reduce the absorption and metabolization of fat for its increased excretion in feces, but it was the only one that did not exercise significant influence on fasting glucose. The fiber from the CM had higher apparent digestibility and the animals fed with BL showed the better postprandial glycemic response. The replacement of 15% of wheat flour standard formulation of honey bread by flours fruit by-products of allowed the reduction of caloric value and the increase in dietary fiber content (from 6.62 to 9.61% in DM to the formulations added BL and BM, respectively) and your soluble fraction. Sensory evaluation of honey breads enriched with flour by-products indicated good acceptability average for all parameters evaluated (color, aroma, flavor, texture, overall acceptability) and favorable purchase intent of these products. Is founded, thus, the rational utilization of these by-products of processing fruits as alternative sources of fiber with potential nutritional and technological to be used in human food. / A casca de maracujá (CM), o bagaço de maçã (BM) e o bagaço de laranja (BL) são subprodutos gerados em grande quantidade e geralmente desperdiçados pelas indústrias brasileiras de processamento de sucos. Contudo possuem qualidades nutricionais importantes, como teores relevantes de fibra alimentar. Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetivou caracterizar as farinhas desses subprodutos, estudar o potencial nutricional como fontes alternativas de fibra em dietas elaboradas para ratos e testar a qualidade nutricional e sensorial de pães de mel enriquecidos com essas farinhas. Na etapa de caracterização, constatou-se alto teor de fibra alimentar, que variou de 54,82 a 76,84% na matéria seca (MS), destacando-se a fração solúvel (18,97% a 25,17% na MS), composta principalmente por pectina. Os compostos fenólicos também foram elevados nas amostras analisadas (479,71 a 862,11 mg % na MS). O BM destacou-se pelo maior teor de fibra, pectina, taninos condensados e superior capacidade de ligação ao cobre. A CM apresentou alto teor de minerais, baixo percentual de gordura, elevada capacidade de hidratação e maior capacidade de ligação à gordura. O BL foi o subproduto com maior teor de fibra solúvel e conteúdo de fenóis. No ensaio biológico, conduzido por 40 dias, utilizou-se 32 ratos Wistar machos, com 21 dias de idade e distribuídos aleatoriamente (oito animais/tratamento) entre os seguintes tratamentos experimentais: TC, tratamento controle com celulose como fonte de fibra; TBM; tratamento com bagaço de maçã como fonte de fibra; TBL, tratamento com bagaço de laranja como fonte de fibra; TCM; tratamento com casca de maracujá como fonte de fibra. As diferentes fontes de fibras não afetaram o consumo médio, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, tempo de trânsito gastrointestinal e nem exerceram influência no peso do intestino vazio, do rim, do fígado e da gordura epididimal dos animais. Também não foi observada diferença significativa nos níveis de colesterol total, colesterol HDL, albumina, proteínas totais e lipídeos no fígado. Contudo, constatou-se que adição desses subprodutos possibilitou reduções significativas nos níveis de triglicerídeos séricos e de colesterol hepático, além de promover modificações em parâmetros importantes para a saúde do intestino (pH, nitrogênio e umidade fecal) e desempenhar importante ação no controle da glicemia pós-prandial. A fibra oriunda do BM mostrou maior potencial em reduzir a absorção e a metabolização da gordura pela sua excreção aumentada nas fezes, mas foi a única que não exerceu influência significativa na glicemia de jejum. A fibra advinda da CM apresentou maior digestibilidade aparente e os animais alimentados com BL mostraram a melhor resposta glicêmica pós-prandial. A substituição de 15% da farinha de trigo da formulação padrão de pão de mel pelas farinhas dos subprodutos de frutas possibilitou a redução do valor calórico e o incremento no teor de fibra alimentar (6,62 a 9,61% na MS para as formulações adicionadas de BL e BM, respectivamente) e de sua fração solúvel. A avaliação sensorial dos pães de mel enriquecidos com as farinhas dos subprodutos indicou boa média de aceitabilidade para todos os parâmetros avaliados (cor, aroma, sabor, textura, aceitação global) e favorável intenção de compra desses produtos. Fundamenta-se, assim, a utilização racional desses subprodutos do processamento de frutas como fontes alternativas de fibras, que têm potencial nutricional e tecnológico para serem utilizadas na alimentação humana.

Estudo da flamabilidade e resist?ncia ? chama de comp?sito de poli?ster insaturado e fibra da folha do abacaxizeiro (PALF)

Ribeiro, Luciene Mendes 11 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:58:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LucieneMR_DISSERT.pdf: 3721446 bytes, checksum: 16ced8820ae92014f7d8c365770f515c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-11 / In the present research work, composites were prepared using pine apple leaf fibres (PALF) as reinforcement with unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, incorporating with fire retardant at different compositions. The PALF was obtained from the decortication of pine apple leaves obtained from Ramada 4 from Ielmo Marinho in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The unsaturated polyester resin and the catalyzer were bought from the local establishment. The fire retardant, aluminium tri-hydroxide - Al(OH)3 was donated by Alcoa Alum?nio S.A and was used in the proportions of 20%, 40% and 60% w/w. Initially the fibres were treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, to remove any impurities present on the fibre surface, such as wax, fat, pectin and pectate, in order to have a better adsorption of the fibres with the matrix as well as the flame retardant. The fibre mat was prepared in a mat preparator by immersion, developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory, at the UFRN. The composites (300x300x3 mm) were prepared by compression molding and the samples (150x25x3 mm) for analysis of the properties were cut randomly using a laser cutter. Some of the cut samples were used to measure the smoke emission and fire resistance using UL94 standard. Mechanical tension-extension and flexural properties were carried in CTG?s RN and the Laborat?rio de Metais e Ensaios Mec?nicos Engenharia de Materiais UFRN , as well as SEM studies were carried out at N?cleo de Estudos em Petr?leo e G?s Natural - UFRN . From the observed results, it was noted that, there was no marked influence of the fire retardant on the mechanical properties. Also in the water absorption test, the quantity of water absorbed was less in the sample with higher concentration of fire retardant. It was also observed that the increase in the proportion of the fire retardant increased the time of burning, may be due to the compactness of the composite due to the presence of fire retardant as a filling material even though it was meant to reduce the rate of inflammability of the composite / Na presente pesquisa foram desenvolvidos comp?sitos com fibras da folha do abacaxizeiro (PALF - Pineapple Leaf Fiber), utilizando resina de poli?ster insaturado como matriz, incorporando retardante de chama em diferentes composi??es. As fibras da folha do abacaxizeiro foram obtidas na ramada 4 do munic?pio de Ielmo Marinho no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. A resina de poli?ster insaturado e o catalisador foram comprados no com?rcio. O retardante de chama de alumina trihidratada (hidr?xido de alum?nio - Al(OH)3) foi doado pela empresa Alcoa Alum?nio S.A. e foi utilizado em propor??es de 20%, 40% e 60% do peso do material utilizado na fabrica??o dos comp?sitos. As PALFs foram tratadas com 2% de hidr?xido de s?dio, por 1 hora, para eliminar as impurezas superficiais tais como ceras, gorduras, pectinas e pectatos, para que houvesse uma melhor ades?o da matriz ?s fibras, bem como do retardante de chama. As mantas de fibras foram preparadas num preparador de manta por imers?o, desenvolvido no Laborat?rio de Engenharia T?xtil da UFRN. Os comp?sitos (300x300x3 mm) foram moldados por compress?o e as amostras (150x25x3 mm) para an?lise das propriedades foram cortadas, em diferentes posi??es da placa do comp?sito com aux?lio de uma m?quina de laser. As propriedades mec?nicas de tra??o e flex?o em tr?s pontos foram realizadas no CTG?s RN e no Laborat?rio de Metais e Ensaios Mec?nicos de Engenharia de Materiais da UFRN. Os testes da emiss?o de fuma?a e resist?ncia ao fogo foram realizados no Laborat?rio de Engenharia T?xtil da UFRN, utilizando a norma UL94. As amostras resultantes das propriedades mec?nicas foram avaliadas no MEV do N?cleo de Estudos em Petr?leo e G?s Natural da UFRN. Com base nas an?lises dos resultados nos ensaios mec?nicos, observou-se que o retardante de chama n?o tem influ?ncia significativa. Tamb?m observou-se que no ensaio de abosor??o de ?gua, quanto maior a concentra??o de retardante de chama, a quantidade de ?gua absorvida ? menor. No teste de inflamabilidade, observou-se que quanto maior a concentra??o de retardante de chama, maior o tempo de queima. Pode ser conclu?do que a presen?a de retardante de chama, al?m de atuar como inibidor de chama, tamb?m atua como uma carga que influ?ncia a compacta??o do comp?sito e desta forma reduz a taxa de queima

Estudo da produ??o de pectinase por fermenta??o em estado s?lido utilizando ped?nculo de caju como substrato / Pectinases production by solid-state fermentation using cashew apple as substrate

Santos, Sharline Florentino de Melo 20 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SHARLINEFMS.pdf: 1463401 bytes, checksum: ffe101fa6bbf11d2b6fe49f4d837a15c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Pectinolytic enzymes, or simply pectinases, are complex enzymes that degrade pectic polymers. They have many uses, such as fruit juice extraction and purification, textile fiber treatment and vegetal oil extraction. The aim of this work was to study the kinetics of pectinases production by solid-state fermentation, using dry cashew apple residue as substrate and the microorganism Aspergillus niger CCT 0916. The influence of the initial medium moisture and medium supplementation with a source of nitrogen and phosphorus was evaluated using the factorial experimental planning and response surface methodology. Ammonia sulphate and potassium phosphate were used as nitrogen and phosphorus source, respectively. The variables time of contact (T) and ratio volume solvent/fermented medium (RZ), in systems with and without agitation, were evaluated in order to study the best extraction condition of the produced enzyme. Washed and unwashed cashew apple residues were tested as the growth medium. The unwashed residue was obtained by drying the residue after the extraction of the juice, while the washed residue was obtained by water washing 5 times using the proportion of 1 kg pulp/2 liters of water. Samples were taken every 12 hours for moisture content, pH, protein, reducing sugars, polygalacturonase activity (PG) and viscosity reduction. The physical-chemical composition of the residues had different sugar and pectin levels. For the unwashed residue, the peak activity was reached with 40% of initial moisture content, 1% of nitrogen supplementation without phosphorus addition after 30 hours of process. These conditions led to 16 U/g of PG activity and 82% of viscosity reduction. The calculated models reached similar values to the experimental ones in the same process conditions: 15.55 U/g of PG and 79.57% of viscosity eduction. Similarly, the greatest enzyme production for washed residue was reached with 40% initial moisture content, 1% nitrogen supplementation without phosphorus addition after 22 hours of cultivation. In this condition it was obtained polygalacturonase activity of 9.84 U/g and viscosity reduction of 81.36%. These values are close to experimental values that were of 10.1 U/g and 81%, respectively. The conditions that led to the best PG activity results was the agitated one and the best extraction condition was obtained with 100 minutes of solvent/medium contact and RZ of 5 (mL/g) / As enzimas pectinol?ticas ou pectinases formam um grupo heterog?neo de enzimas que hidrolisam as subst?ncias p?cticas, s?o usadas na extra??o de suco de fruta e sua clarifica??o, tratamento de fibra t?xtil e extra??o de ?leo vegetal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo da produ??o de pectinases (cin?tica fermentativa) atrav?s da fermenta??o em estado s?lido, usando como substrato o ped?nculo de caju seco e como agente da fermenta??o o microrganismo Aspergillus niger CCT 0916. Utilizando a metodologia do planejamento experimental fatorial e an?lise de superf?cie de resposta estudou-se a influ?ncia da umidade inicial do meio, suplementa??o do meio com fonte de nitrog?nio e fonte de f?sforo. Como fonte de nitrog?nio foi utilizado o sulfato de am?nia e como fonte de f?sforo o fosfato de pot?ssio monob?sico. Estudou-se, tamb?m, a melhor condi??o de extra??o da enzima produzida do meio de fermenta??o. Neste caso, foram estudadas as vari?veis: raz?o volume de solvente/gramas de meio fermentado e tempo de contato entre as fases, utilizando-se dois sistemas de extra??o com e sem agita??o. Como meio de cultivo foram utilizados dois res?duos do ped?nculo de caju: res?duo sem lavar e res?duo lavado. Estes res?duos diferem devido ao tratamento dado antes da secagem. O sem lavar foi obtido secando o res?duo ap?s a extra??o do suco, enquanto que o lavado, foi obtido lavando-se com ?gua, cinco vezes, ap?s a extra??o do suco, na propor??o 1 kg de baga?o para 2 litros de ?gua. A caracteriza??o f?sico-qu?mica dos res?duos mostrou composi??es diferentes, principalmente em rela??o aos teores de a??cares redutores e pectina. Durante o cultivo foram analisados, em intervalos de aproximadamente 12 horas, umidade do meio, pH, teor de prote?na, a??cares redutores, atividade da poligalacturonase (PG) e o percentual de redu??o de viscosidade. Para o res?duo sem lavar o pico de atividade foi com 40% de umidade e 1% de nitrog?nio, sem adi??o de f?sforo, com 30 horas de cultivo sendo 16 U/g de atividade de PG e 82% de redu??o de viscosidade. As equa??es emp?ricas obtidas fornecem valores bem pr?ximos aos experimentais nas mesmas condi??es de processo, 15,55 U/g de PG e 79,57% de redu??o de viscosidade para o res?duo sem lavar. Assim como para o res?duo sem lavar, para o res?duo lavado os picos de produ??o da enzima ocorreram para as mesmas condi??es de processo: umidade de 40%, nitrog?nio de 1%, sem adi??o de f?sforo, com 22 horas de cultivo. Nesta condi??o, obteve-se atividade da poligalacturonase de 9,84 U/g e percentual de redu??o de viscosidade de 81,36%. Estes valores est?o bem pr?ximos aos valores experimentais que foram de 10,1 U/g de PG e 81%, respectivamente. Na extra??o da PG o sistema que apresentou os melhores resultados de atividade foi o operado com agita??o e a melhor condi??o de extra??o foi com o tempo de contato solvente com o meio de fermenta??o de 100 minutos e a raz?o volume de solvente com o meio fermentado 5 (mL/g)

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