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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: A study of mean levels and air-sea fluxes over the Baltic Sea

Wittskog, Cristoffer January 2005 (has links)
The Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere has increased dramatically since the start of the industrialisation. The effects that the increase of CO2 has on the future climate are still not fully investigated. CO2 in the atmosphere contributes to the, for all life on earth, necessary greenhouse effect. It is confirmed that higher CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases the green house effect, which results in higher temperature. The main source to the increase of CO2 is burning of fossil fuels. The change in land use is also a contribution to the increase of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The largest sinks of CO2 are organic consumption and oceanic uptake. The organic consumption of CO2 varies a lot at higher latitudes due to the difference in vegetation between the seasons. During the warmer seasons the consumption of CO2 is large and during the winters the consumptions of CO2 is practically zero. The ocean uptake of CO2 varies also a lot during the year because the CO2 dissolves more easily in cold water. The purpose of this study is to analyse CO2 concentration and air-sea fluxes of CO2 measured at Östergarnsholm, a small flat island east of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, and compare the results to previous studies. The CO2 concentration data was collected between 1997 – 1999 and 2001 – 2003. The CO2 flux data was collected between 2001 and 2003. The analysis of the CO2 concentration showed that for the period 1997 to 1999, the CO2 concentration at Östergarnsholm was lower than for the reference series from a Polish site in the Baltic Sea. A correction was made by adding 27 ppm to the Östergarnsholm series. The annual fluctuations of CO2 concentration at Östergarnsholm are significant (about 40 ppm). During the summer 1998, the expected decrease was not as large as it should be because of the El Niño outbreak 97/98 and the locally cold and rainy summer. The direct measured CO2 fluxes were corrected with the well known Webb correction before they were analysed. The CO2 fluxes are wind dependant – higher wind speed give higher CO2 flux. The CO2 fluxes are also dependant of the difference in partial pressure between the air and the water. Parameterised CO2fluxes were calculated and compared to the direct measured CO2 fluxes. The parameterisations use a quadratic as well as a cubic wind dependency. To calculate the parameterised CO2 fluxes, a fixed value of the difference in partial pressure between the air and the water was used because the CO2 in the water was not measured. The parameterised CO2 fluxes wind dependency agreed with the direct measured CO2 fluxes. / Koldioxid(CO2)-koncentrationen i atmosfären har ökat stadigt sen början av industrialiseringen. Effekten som de ökade CO2-halterna kommer ha på framtidens klimat är ännu inte helt utrett. CO2 bidrar till den livsviktiga växthuseffekten. Det är en ökning av växthusgaser, bland annat CO2, som leder till en ökning av växthuseffekten. Ökad växthuseffekt leder till högre temperatur på jorden. Den största ökningen av CO2 i atmosfären beror på förbränning av fossila bränslen. Även förändringen i markanvändning leder till ökade halter av CO2. De största sänkorna av CO2 är den organiska konsumtionen av CO2 och havens upptag av CO2. Den organiska konsumtionen av CO2 varierar mycket under året och är som störst under de varmare månaderna. Havens upptag av CO2 varierar också mycket under året eftersom havens förmåga att lösa CO2 beror på vattnets temperatur. Syftet med den här studien är att analysera CO2-koncentrationen och CO2-flödena mellan hav och luft på Östergarnsholm, en liten, låg ö öster om Gotland. Resultaten jämförs med tidigare studier. CO2-koncentrationsdata samlades in mellan 1997 – 1999 och 2001 – 2003. CO2-flödesdata samlades in mellan 2001 och 2003. Analysen av CO2-koncentrationen visar att under perioden 1997 till 1999 är CO2- halterna för låga på Östergarnsholm. En korrektion gjordes genom att lägga till 27 ppm till de uppmätta CO2-halterna. Årsvariationerna av CO2-halterna är mycket tydliga men sommaren 1998 sjunker inte CO2-halten till så låga värden som de borde vara. Att CO2-halterna inte sjönk mer beror dels på El Niño-utbrottet 97/98 och dels på den lokalt kalla och regniga sommaren. De direkt mätta CO2-flödena korrigerades med hjälp av den välkända Webbkorrektionen innan de analyserades. CO2-flödena är beroende av vindhastigheten – högre vindhastighet ger högre CO2-flöden. CO2-flödena beror också på skillnaden i CO2-halt mellan luften och havet. Parameteriserade CO2-flöden beräknades och jämfördes med de direkt mätta CO2-flödena. De parameteriserade CO2-flödena beräknas antingen med kvadratiskt eller kubiskt vindberoende. För att beräkna parameteriserade CO2-flöden användes ett fast värde på skillnaden i CO2-halt mellan luften och vattnet eftersom CO2-halten i vattnet inte mäts. De parameteriserade CO2- flödenas vindberoende stämde överrens med de direkt mätta CO2-flödena.

Benthic metabolism and sediment nitrogen cycling in Baltic sea coastal areas : the role of eutrophication, hypoxia and bioturbation

Bonaglia, Stefano January 2012 (has links)
Eutrophication is one of the greatest threats for the Baltic Sea, and one of its more critical consequences is bottom water hypoxia. Nutrient enrichment and oxygen-depletion affect both the deep central basins and a number of coastal areas, even though strategies for nutrient reduction have lately been implemented. In order to better understand why those threats are expanding and formulate more effective remediation strategies two main achievements are needed: (1) new data on benthic nutrient dynamics should be available in order to develop updated budgets for sensitive Baltic areas; (2) the main transformation processes and their regulation mechanisms (i.e. oxygen availability, presence of macrofauna, different organic loading scenarios) should be better constrained. Paper I was able to demonstrate that re-oxygenation of previously anoxic sediment has a positive effect on the ecosystem because of better retention of nutrients and efficient conversion of fixed nitrogen to nitrogen gas. Sediment colonization by the invasive genus Marenzelleria counteracts some of the positive aspects provided by benthic oxygenation (in particular, nutrient retention, N2 loss). A possible explanation for this reversal can be that Marenzelleria does stimulate anaerobic more that aerobic metabolism. Results from Paper II suggest that at the outermost stations of Himmerfjärden denitrification follows a pronounced seasonal pattern, primarily regulated by bottom water temperatures. At the innermost and impacted site oxygen level in the bottom water varies considerably during the year and causes denitrification/DNRA predominance to be the main nitrate reduction pathway. On an annual scale, the net amount of lost N2 is comparable at the four sampling sites and accounts for 96% of the total DIN discharged from the sewage treatment plant, suggesting that denitrification in the estuarine sediment acts as a major nitrogen sink for external N inputs.

Mass balance of perfluoroalkyl acids in the Baltic Sea

Filipovic, Marko January 2013 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) are man-made chemicals. Their unique properties make them beneficial for a wide range of industrial and consumer applications, such as constituents in fire fighting foams, hydraulic oils and food packaging materials.PFAAs have shown to be highly persistent in the environment, and the toxicological potential of long chain PFAA homologues is of a concern. International regulation and voluntary actions by the industry have been implemented and led to reduced primary emissions of PFAAs to the environment. However, the concentrations of some PFAAs in e.g. birds from the Baltic Sea are still very high and of ecotoxicological concern. Measures to reduce the PFAA contamination require an understanding of the sources and how the PFAAs are being transported in the environment.In this licentiate thesis a mass balance was assembled for perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) in the Baltic Sea. A one-box model was used including the input pathways river inflow, atmospheric deposition, wastewater discharges and inflow from the North Sea via the Danish Straits, while the loss processes considered were sediment burial, transformation of the chemicals and outflow to the North Sea via the Danish Straits. Additionally, the inventories of the four target PFAAs in the Baltic Sea were estimated. Both chemical fluxes and inventories were estimated using recently published monitoring data (2005-2010).In order to obtain a detailed perspective on the current knowledge regarding PFAAs in the Baltic Sea, challenges and uncertainties in data selection were discussed for the most dominant input pathways. This included WWTP emissions and calculation of emission factors (EFs), atmospheric deposition and riverine inflow.River inflow and atmospheric deposition were the dominant inputs, while wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents made a minor contribution. The input to the Baltic Sea exceeded the output for all 4 PFAAs, suggesting that inputs were higher during 2005-2010 than during the previous 20 years despite efforts to reduce emissions of PFAAs. Comparing the difference between PFAA input and output with the PFAA inventory, the doubling time for the concentration in the Baltic Sea was estimated to be 8-94 yr for PFHxA, 12-16 yr for PFOA, 3-5 yr for PFDA and 4 yr for PFOS. The surplus of the input can be an effect of retention and delayed release of PFAAs from atmospheric deposition in the soils and groundwater of the watershed.The licentiate thesis contributes to a holistic understanding of the major input and output pathways and inventories of PFAAs in the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, it points out current knowledge gaps in our understanding of sources and fate of PFAAs in the aquatic environment. / <p>At the time of the defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript</p>

An investigation of the surface fluxes and other parameters in the regional climate model RCA1 during ice conditions / En undersökning i hur bra den regionala klimatmodellen RCA1 beskriver olika parametrar över is, i huvudsak de turbulenta flödena

Tisell, Camilla January 2004 (has links)
In this study data from the regional climate model RCA1 is compared to measured data to investigate how good the model is during ice conditions and mainly how well the turbulent surface fluxes are described by the model. Comparisons of the sensible heat flux and the momentum flux as well as mean parameters are included. The measured data used are from the Bothnian Bay measured during the BASIS field experiment in February to March 1998. RCA1 (Rossby Centre regional Atmospheric model) is a regional climate model for Northern Europe based on HIRLAM and forced by ERA-40 data. Two different grid points of the RCA1 44 km grid have been chosen with geographical coordinates as close as possible to the two measuring sites. The first site is a small peninsula south of the town Umeå at the east coast of Sweden and the second one is the ship R/V Aranda anchored in the sea ice outside the Finnish west coast. The model presents generally too large negative (downward) sensible heat fluxes and too large momentum fluxes over ice. The largest difference between modelled and measured sensible heat fluxes are seen after warm front passages due to melting conditions. There are some uncertainties in the comparison of modelled fluxes and measured fluxes at Umeå due to a complex and varying ice cover around this measuring site. The vertical structure in the atmosphere has also been studied and modelled temperature, wind and humidity profiles were compared to radiosondes at the Umeå site. Two periods with on-ice flow and off-ice flow was analysed and one of the main differences was that for the on-ice situation an internal boundary layer was built up over the ice. Modelled profiles are generally smoother then measured profiles and inversions and other small-scale phenomena like low-level jets are almost never described correctly by the model but there are tendencies of the phenomena to occur. / Sammanfattning av ”En undersökning i hur bra den regionala klimatmodellen RCA1 beskriver olika parametrar över is, i huvudsak de turbulenta flödena”. I denna undersökning har den regionala klimatmodellen RCA1 jämförts med mätdata för att se hur bra modellen är över is och framförallt hur bra den beskriver de turbulenta flödena över is. RCA1 är en regional klimatmodell för norra Europa baserad på HIRLAM och som drivs av ERA-40 data. Modelldata har jämförts med mätdata från två platser i Bottenviken, en liten halvö utanför Umeå på den svenska östkusten och forskningsfartyget Aranda som var fastankrad i havsisen utanför Finlands västkust. Mätningarna gjordes under BASIS fältexperiment i februari till mars 1998. Modellen ger generellt för stora negativa (nedåtriktade) sensibla värmeflöden över is och likaså för stora impulsflöden över is. Den största skillnaden mellan modellvärden och mätningar förekom efter det att varmfronter passerat och detta beror delvis på smältförhållanden. I jämförelsen av de turbulenta flödena beräknade av RCA och de uppmäta turbulenta flödena från Umeå finns det vissa osäkerheter pga. den komplicerade issituationen runt denna mätplats med mycket varierande isförhållanden. Den vertikala strukturen i atmosfären har också undersökts och temperatur, vind och fuktighetsprofiler har jämförts. Två perioder varav en där det blåste från havet mot isen (on-ice) och en där det blåste från isen mot havet (off-ice) valdes ut och en av skillnaderna var att det bildades ett internt gränsskikt över isen i on-ice perioden. Modellen har en tendens att släta ut profilerna och småskaliga fenomen som inversionsskikt, inversionshöjder och low-level jets är nästan aldrig korrekt beskrivna i modellen men det finns tendenser till inversioner och vindmaximum.

Nationalstadsparken delta reserve

Stuart, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
Stockholm is built on top of a rare landscape phenomenon: At the ridge of an esker crossing where the sweet water of Mälaren meets the brakish of the Baltic sea. An absolute ecological melting pot, not to be found anywhere else in this part of the world.  Due to the development of Stockholm, the nature of what takes place here has over the past 800 years slowly been lost in the citys urban web. As the citys development continues and generates a land-mass-bi-product in shape of blast stone. -Could the ecology of this rare aquatic environment connecting sweet and brakish be regenerated if the connection was recreated artificially with excess blast stone?

Extra-Large Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (XLUUVs) : Payload Benefits, Technological Advancements and Military Utility in the Baltic Sea

Palmroos, Nico January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the potential military utility and key priorities of employing extra-large unmanned underwater vehicles (XLUUVs) in the complex and challenging environment of the Baltic Sea. Focusing on payload benefits, technological advancements, and military utility, the research employs a theoretical framework based on concept analysis, systems engineering and military utility. Data is collected and analyzed using a mixed-methods approach including literature review and scenario analysis. The findings suggest that XLUUVs could complement and extend existing defense systems in the Baltic Sea region, demonstrating proficiency in handling diverse missions with factors of flexibility, endurance, adaptability, and modular design. The study highlights the importance of further research and development in areas such as autonomy, communication technologies, and systems integration.

Legitimacy and justice on the verge of deterioration : A case study of Swedish local efforts to reduce eutrophication

Vafa, Amir January 2021 (has links)
Eutrophication is one of the major threats to the marine environment in the Baltic Sea. The human pressure on the sea by nutrient input from agriculture, industry, public sewage facility and small sewage treatment plants causes excessive algal blooms leading to oxygen depleted seabed and an ecosystem out of balance. The objective of this study is to investigate how local legitimacy and fairness is addressed in the multilevel and complex issue of reducing Baltic Sea eutrophication. The main results show that there is a great challenge and uncertainty in dealing with the problem of eutrophication. Furthermore, there is an unfair distribution of costs and responsibilities related to wastewater treatment in the municipal planning documents and nearly total exclusion of the individual property owners from participating in the decision-making processes related to the expansion plans for public sewage facility. This in turn risks the legitimacy and the democratic aspects of the plans. Previous studies related to public and simple sewage plants have investigated different issues related to the legislation and practical planning as possible reasons for a sluggish progress in the measures to reduce nutrient discharges to the sea. However, the fairness aspects and the participatory processes of the plans have not been studied. The implications of this study are to invite to a more inclusive and fair planning process with the use of alternative solutions to the compulsory expansion of public sewage facility. Modifications in the legislation to include economic instruments creating incentives for the property owners can be a way of increasing participation and thus the legitimacy of the system.

Lekfullhet och humor i samband med miljöfrågor / Lekfullhet och humor i samband med miljöfrågor

Ubrig, Felicia, Andersson, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
I denna artikel undersöker författarna hur lekfullhet och humor kan användas i en animation för att uppmärksamma miljöfrågor, med syftet att uppmuntra publiken till engagemang och diskussion. Teman som tas upp i artikeln är symbolism och hur det kan användas för att skapa en djupare mening med gestaltningar, olika metoder som uppmuntrar till kreativt arbete, samt de olika källor som undersökningen har baserats på. Undersökningen fokuserar på miljöförstöring i Östersjön, och hur försurning av havet kan gestaltas. Den resulterande gestaltningen som gjorts i samband med undersökningen är en stop-motion inspirerad animation målad i akvarell. / In this article, the authors explore how playfulness and humour can be used in animation to draw attention to environmental issues, with the aim of encouraging audience engagement and discussion. Themes addressed in the paper include symbolism and how it can be used to create deeper meaning in illustrations, different methods that encourage creative work, and the different sources on which the research was based. The research focuses on environmental degradation in the Baltic Sea, and how the acidification of the sea can be portrayed. The resulting artwork made in connection with the research is a stop-motion inspired animation painted in watercolour.

The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and the Presence of Russia

Nikolova, Iskra January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to reveal how the European – Russian political cooperation in the common Baltic Sea Region developed over the last twenty years, ending up at the recently adopted European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, which excludes Russian participation. This single case study is divided into two well-defined historical periods: starting from the fall of the Berlin Wall until the Eastern Bloc European enlargement and from 2004 to the adoption of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea region in 2009; where comparison and process-tracing methods are applied to connect different variables that matter for clarifying the current state of relations. Furthermore, the analysis is conducted with the help of Constructivist and Neo-Realist theories for two purposes – to achieve stronger scientific explanation and to avoid too loose interpretation of the events. The results show that the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is often seen and understood differently by the various political actors, but consequently this leads to a situation in which the role of Russia in the common region remains unclear. When it comes to defining the Russian position today, the Baltic Sea Region provides a good climate for collaboration but so far, the European Union has failed to recognize that the Russian Federation although with a limited access to the sea, remains an actor that should not be ignored. Russia, as well appears confused about its overall foreign policy towards the European Union. Nevertheless, another significant outcome reveals that the levels of regional cooperation have been continuously increasing over the last twenty years, which is an indicator that the Russian presence did not diminish. Finally, the study suggests the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is perhaps the beginning of a new tendency towards macro-regional policy development, which will play a future important role in the international relations.

Mechanisms controlling air-sea gas exchange in the Baltic Sea

Gutiérrez-Loza, Lucía January 2020 (has links)
Carbon plays a major role in physical and biogeochemical processes in the atmosphere, the biosphere, and the ocean. CO2 and CH4 are two of the most common carbon-containing compounds in the atmosphere, also recognized as major greenhouse gases. The exchange of CO2 and CH4 between the ocean and the atmosphere is an essential part of the global carbon cycle. The exchange is controlled by the air–sea concentration gradient and by the efficiency of the transfer processes. The lack of knowledge about the forcing mechanisms affecting the exchange of these climate-relevant gases is a major source of uncertainty in the estimation of the global oceanic contributions. Quantifying and understanding the air–sea exchange processes is essential to constrain the estimates and to improve our knowledge about the current and future climate. In this thesis, the mechanisms controlling the air–sea gas exchange in the Baltic Sea are investigated. The viability of micrometeorological techniques for CH4 monitoring in a coastal environment is evaluated. One year of semi-continuous measurements of air–sea CH4 fluxes using eddy covariance measurements suggests that the method is useful for CH4 flux estimations in marine environments. The measurements allow long-term monitoring at high frequency rates, thus, capturing the temporal variability of the flux. The region off Gotland is a net source of CH4, with both the air–sea concentration gradient and the wind as controlling mechanisms. A sensitivity analysis of the gas transfer velocity is performed to evaluate the effect of the forcing mechanisms controlling the air–sea CO2 exchange in the Baltic Sea. This analysis shows that the spatio-temporal variability of CO2 fluxes is strongly modulated by water-side convection, precipitation, and surfactants. The effect of these factors is relevant both at regional and global scales, as they are not included in the current budget estimates.

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