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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research on Legal System of Taiwan Existing Public Security Fund Integration Feasibility

Huang, Chia-Sheng 10 August 2011 (has links)
In 2007, the Legislative Yuan enacted Act for Establishment and Management of Safety Fund for Police; Fire fighting, Coast Guards, Immigration, Airborne Service Personnel, And Assisting Civic Force (hereinafter referred to as Act for Management of Fund for Police and Civic Force, and Immigration Agency revised the Act on December 30, 2009). In consideration of modern democratic country under the rule of law, the Legislative Yuan depends on legislative procedures to manage policy on a legal basis, implement administration in accordance with law, improve administrative efficiency, accomplish social justice and safeguard rights and interests of the people. However, the police implement laws on behalf of the country, if its own applicable laws and regulations are out of accord with the times or fail to keep up with the times, troubles and disputes will be caused, and the welfare and rights and interests of internal colleagues may be damaged as well, even the prestige of government will be impacted. Therefore we must avoid this situation and also take care about the entire possible situation. Relevant sub-measures and administrative rules that the Ministry of the Interior authorized administrative authority to formulate in accordance with Act for Management of Fund for Police and Civic Force, including Regulations on the Establishment and Management of Safety Funds to Police Officers/Fire-Fighters/ Coastguards/Crewmen/Immigration of National Airborne Service Corps and Members of Volunteers Forces, Regulations Governing Issuance of Safety Funds to Police Officers/Fire-Fighters/Coastguards/Crewmen/Immigration of National Airborne Service Corps and Members of Volunteers Forces, as well as Provisions for Criteria of Civilian Labor Force Recruited by the Police and Fire Bridges; Maritime/Coastguard/ Immigration/Aviation Agencies, have been stipulated and published on records in accordance with legal operation procedures. Through investigation, there are as many as 7 funds administered by law enforcement office currently (hereinafter referred to as public security funds. It always seems to be overlapped, if orientation integration can be realized, it will save manpower and time, avoid from wasting of resources, prevent against malpractice and create the largest benefits. This is the research motive of this paper. This paper sticks to basic theory of administrative law - five major frames of principle, organization, limits of authority, relief and supervision as main discussion foundation. According to the research, based on analysis of five major frames of administrative law and due to different properties, Chinese existing public security funds can be divided into "government trust fund", "public and personal juridical person fund" and "non-operating special fund", in addition, they are different in central and local area, issuance conditions and objects, so the situation is quite complicated. If the integration is forced to carry out, it is possible to violate the law and cause rebound. If each foundation declares to dismiss by itself and return the surplus capital to national treasury, sufficient reasons will be required. Only for "relief fund for police and fire fighting personnel", the Executive Yuan shall be entitled to make resolutions of merger and dissolution at any time in accordance with the stipulations of Criterion of Special Fund Management of Central Government and Principle for Non-operating Special Fund Existence of Central Government. But taking many factors into account, it may be a fruitless approach to implement merger or dissolution in the short run.

Advertising, Performance and Mutual Fund Flows: The Allocation Proportion for Advertising of Funds

Wei, An-Pin 09 January 2012 (has links)
Prior studies have found that a firm advertising for one of its products not only can increase the sales of the advertised product, but also spill over the advertising effect by increasing sales of other existing products in the same brand. This study examines whether a fund family spending money on one of its managed funds can attract more money flows into the advertised fund and bring the advertising spillover effect that attract more money flows into other members in the same family. Under the assumption that a fund family is a risk aversion investor endowed with a negative exponential utility function, this study finds a theoretical allocation proportion for a fund family¡¦s spending on advertising of individual funds under management, which is the function of the fund family¡¦s risk aversion level and initial wealth, as well as the mean and the variance of the expected returns generated by individual funds¡¦ advertising and the advertising spillover effect. Empirically, the evidence shows that an advertised fund can significantly attract greater cash flows and bring the significant advertising spillover effect on cash flows of other individual funds in the same family. After grouping funds into lower-, mid- and higher-performing funds based on funds¡¦ past performance, the results indicate that an advertised fund with mid performance can attract greater cash flows than an advertised fund with higher and lower performance. Moreover, an advertised fund can bring stronger advertising spillover effect on cash flows of higher-performing funds than lower- and mid-performing funds in the same family. Regarding with the family cash flows, the evidence shows that a fund family¡¦s aggregating advertising expenditures on managed funds can significantly increase the family cash flows and the advertising effect on the family cash flows is stronger in large families than in small families. The empirical results suggest that a fund family can benefit from its advertising expenditures and which allocating higher proportion for advertising of mid-performing funds than higher-performing funds could attract money flows into its managed funds more efficiently.

The Composite Index of Global Fund Performance -- Factor Analysis Method

Chou, Ya-chu 22 May 2008 (has links)

Behavioral Finance : Svenska fondbolags hantering av psykologiska fallgropar i praktiken / Behavioral finance : Swedish fund companies' handling of biases in practice

Johansson, Whilma, Sköld, Frida January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det har i tidigare forskning visats att människor alltid påverkas av psykologiska fallgropar. Empiriska studier har tidigare genomförts med syfte att finna hanteringssätt att reducera psykologiska fallgropar. Vid litteraturstudien till denna uppsats påträffades dock ingen kvalitativ studie vilken berör hanteringen i praktiken varför det var av intresse att studera det genom intervjuer med svenska fondbolag. Då dessa empiriska studier till viss del utgått från praktiken vid skapandet av hypoteser gällande problematiken med psykologiska fallgropar var det även relevant att kartlägga på vilken kunskapsnivå svenska fondbolag befinner sig gällande behavioral finance som forskningsfält. Syfte: Denna uppsats syftar till att kartlägga och analysera svenska fondbolags kunskaper gällande behavioral finance som forskningsfält. Den ämnar även analysera om och i vilken mån hanteringssätt av psykologiska fallgropar, presenterade av tidigare forskning, i praktiken används av svenska fondbolag vid investeringsbeslut. Genomförande: För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte har ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt använts med utgångspunkt i åtta genomförda intervjuer med representanter från svenska fondbolag. Samtliga representanter har en övergripande insyn i hur fondförvaltningen går till på respektive fondbolag. Den insamlade empirin har dels analyserats utifrån en för denna uppsats framtagen analysmodell med syfte att kartlägga vart svenska fondbolag befinner sig kunskapsmässigt gällande behavioral finance, och dels utifrån tidigare empirisk forskning inom forskningsområdet. Slutsats: Uppsatsen lägger fram en ny hypotes vilken innebär att teoretiska förkunskaper om behavioral finance saknas i branschen samt att de hanteringssätt som används av svenska fondbolag till stor del inte reducerar psykologiska fallgropar. Det förklaras av att det till stor del inte finns stöd för svenska fondbolags hanteringssätt i tidigare forskningsresultat. / Background: Previous research has shown that people always are influenced by biases. Empirical studies have previously been conducted in order to find ways to reduce the biases. In the literature review for this thesis was however no qualitative study found which concerned the handling in practice, why it was of interest to study. Since the empirical studies, to some extent, have been based on practice when creating their hypotheses regarding the problem of biases, it was also relevant for this paper to survey the knowledge that Swedish fund companies currently have regarding behavioral finance as a research field. Aim: This paper aims to survey and analyse Swedish fund companies’ knowledge regarding behavioral finance as a research field. The paper also intends to analyse if and to what extent ways of handling biases, by previous research presented, in practice are used by Swedish fund companies when making investment decisions. Completion: To achieve the purpose of this paper, a qualitative approach has been used based on eight interviews conducted with representatives from Swedish fund companies. All representatives have an overall insight into how the fund management is done in respective fund companies. The collected empirical data has been analyzed partly on the basis of one, for this paper developed, analytical model with the aim to survey were Swedish fund companies are in terms of knowledge regarding behavioral finance, and partly on previous empirical research in the field of this research area. Conclusion: This paper table a new hypothesis which means that the industry lacks theoretical knowledge in behavioral finance and that the methods used by Swedish fund companies generally do not reduce biases. It is explained by the fact that a majority of the methods used by Swedish fund companies are not supported in precious research.

Cross-Sectional Differences between Topic 1: Money Market Mutual Funds and their Role in the Mutual Fund Families. Topic 2: Innovations in Financial Products. Conventional Mutual Funds versus Exchange Traded Funds.

Agapova, Anna 18 May 2007 (has links)
The first essay examines cross-sectional differences between money market mutual funds (MMMFs), in the context of the sponsoring fund family. While extant studies have shown that fund family characteristics impact the management of open-end equity mutual funds, results of this study’s analysis find that fund family characteristics also affect the management of MMMF assets, contributing to differences in the maturity of the fund’s holdings, expenses, and realized returns. I find that an MMMF is not simply a transitional account with a short-term low-risk investment objective, but rather, a critical role player within the fund family. Differences in maturity, yield, and expenses in MMMFs can be explained by family-specific characteristics, including diversification and cash management strategies at the family level. The second essay examines implications of substitutability of two similar financial assets: conventional index mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). I seek to explain the coexistence of these fund types, since both offer a claim on the same underlying index return process, but have different organizational structures. This study compares conventional open-end index funds with matched ETFs on various underlying indexes. Aggregate flows are used to detect substitution and clientele effects. I show that conventional funds and ETFs are substitutes, while ETFs have smaller tracking errors and lower fund expenses. However, I find that these fund types are not perfect substitutes, and their coexistence can be explained by a clientele effect that segregates them into different market niches.

The Catalysing Effect of Public Fund-of-Fund Investments

Tollén, Louise January 1900 (has links)
The amount of public money invested in the venture capital industry has increased sub-stantially over the last few decades. The goal is, in general, to facilitate growth in highly in-novative small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) by securing their supply of capital in early stages. Hence, an important aspect of the effectiveness of public investment is wheth-er it increases the investees’ ability to attract additional funding. The process through which public investments can contribute to a better supply of capital to SMEs by more than just their own investment is commonly known as the catalysing or leverage effect of public in-vestment. In order to increase understanding of how this effect can be maximized, this study com-pares the amount of capital attracted to Swedish SMEs as a result of public fund-of-fund (FoF) investment to that of direct public investments. This study shows that: - FoFs are more effective in increasing the capital supply to SMEs in the market. - Public investments have a higher catalysing effect on the fund level than on the enterprise level. Hence, EUR 1 invested at the fund level has a larger positive impact for SMEs than EUR 1 invested at the enterprise level. - The investment quality of private venture capital (VC) investments is generally higher than that of direct public investments. Hence, FoFs allows public inves-tors to "free ride" on the skills of private VCs rather than setting up own struc-tures. / Masters Thesis

Hur arbetar en förvaltare av fastighetsfonder i dagsläget? / How Does a Real Estate Fund Manager Work Nowadays?

Lennström, Fredrik, Kakalaw, Safin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att gå in i djupet i hur en förvaltare av fastighetsfonder arbetar. Det stora fokusområdet för uppsatsen är processen bakom olika fondförvaltares beslutsfattande där olika faktorer som påverkar detta analyseras. Det vill säga hur beslut fattas mellan olika fastighetsrelaterade tillgångar som aktier och fastigheter i fonden samt vilka faktorer som påverkar portföljen både på mikro- och makronivå. Olika teorier kring förvaltning av fastighetsfonder studeras. Beslutsteori innebär olika modeller för hur beslut fattas och vilka hinder som finns mot att fatta rationella beslut. Förvaltningsstrategier som tas upp innefattar olika mätmetoder för förvaltarens aktivitet, vilka strategier som har fungerat historiskt och vilka riskklasser som fondförvaltaren måste ta hänsyn till. Hållbarhet i förvaltningen, coronapandemins inverkan på olika fastighetssegment, olika förvaltaregenskapers påverkan på fonden och fondavgift studeras också. För att förstå den dagliga förvaltningen för en förvaltare av fastighetsfonder så genomfördes det en kvalitativ studie genom att ställa semistrukturerade frågor för att kunna besvara vår frågeställning. Resultatet visar att för att förvaltaren skall kunna fatta ett så rationellt beslut som möjligt, ser svaren lite olika ut. Bland annat kan man använda sig av en investeringskommitté eller en scoring-modell. Faktorer som påverkar innehaven i aktiefonder och för onoterade bolag är bland annat aktieanalys, hållbarhetskrav och möjligheten till fastighetsutveckling. Makroekonomiska förhållanden har olika inverkan på olika fastighetssegment. Till följd av det allokeras tillgångar i fonden ofta efter makroekonomiska cykler. Sett till de tre hållbarhetsområdena environmental, social och governance (ESG) är environmental den viktigaste. EU-taxonomin kan användas som regelverk för att säkerställa att innehaven i fonden är hållbara. En förvaltare av fastighetsfonder arbetar efter en tydlig struktur. Det kan vara med hjälp av checklistor och investeringskommittéer. Hållbarhet, aktievärdering, framtida tillväxtmöjligheter och makroekonomi är viktiga faktorer när fondförvaltaren väljer vilka tillgångar som ska finnas i fonden. / The purpose of this study is to examine in-depth how Swedish real estate fund managers oversee and optimize the portfolio daily. The main focus area in this essay is the decision-making of real estate fund managers, how decisions are being made regarding assets like stocks and real estate as well as contributing factors that can affect the portfolio at macro-and micro-levels. Different theories in the management of real estate funds are brought up in this study. Decision theory is the study of how decisions are made and contains different models that can be used to make decisions. Decision theory also contains the barriers that make it hard to make rational decisions. Fund management strategies contain different measurements of the fund manager's activeness and different fund risk classes that the fund manager must have in mind when allocating assets in the fund. Theories regarding sustainability in fund management, the coronavirus pandemic impact on different real estate segments, fund manager characteristics and their impact on real estate funds, the fee structure in real estate funds, and historical fund performance are also studied. To understand what a real estate manager's everyday life looks like while handling real estate funds a qualitative study was made by asking semi-structured questions based on the literature to get a general perception of our question at issue. The results show that a manager should be able to make the most rational decision possible. The answers were varied and differed from each other in the sense that some decisions were made through investment committees and some used a scoring model. Factors that influence the holdings that are brought up in this essay for equity funds and unlisted real estate companies are stock valuation, sustainability requirements, and the ability of real estate development. Macroeconomic factors have a different impact on different real estate segments. As a result, the portfolio is managed dependent on the segment and its suitability in current and future macroeconomic cycles. Regarding the three sustainability factors, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) it is clear that the environment is the key area to observe. EU taxonomy is being used as a regulation to secure the possession of sustainable funds. Real estate fund managers have a clear structure in their working life. It can be done with checklists and investment committees. Sustainability, stock valuation, future growth opportunities, and macroeconomics are important factors for fund holdings.

Revisiting fund-raising encroachment of public relations in light of the theory of donor relations

Swanger, William. Rodgers, Shelly January 2008 (has links)
The entire thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file; a non-technical public abstract appears in the public.pdf file. Title from PDF of title page (University of Missouri--Columbia, viewed on October 5, 2009). Thesis advisor: Dr. Shelly Rodgers, Includes bibliographical references.

Stabilization programs, credibility and external enforcement

Santaella, Julio A. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Los Angeles, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 202-219).

A Strategic Management Perspective of Fund Family Competition: Theories and Evidence from America and China

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Since the 2008 financial crisis, the total assets managed by U.S. mutual funds have frequently hit new highs and the industry has become increasingly concentrated. In the meantime, two strategies have emerged in the American mutual fund industry: active and passive management. What factors affect the market shares of firms that adopted these two different strategies? Building on strategic management theories, I suggest that mutual fund families that adopted active and passive management strategies tend to compete in different dimensions. Active management fund families tend to implement the product differentiation strategy, competing on “product quality” through excess-returns, innovative and differentiated fund products; passively managed fund families focus more on "price competition" by conducting an overall cost leadership strategy. This research examines the driven factors of fund families’ market share. The results show that: the market share of actively managed fund families is more sensitive to positive impact of fund performance, while passive management firms are more sensitive to negative effect of management fees and total loads; 12b-1 expense improves the competitiveness of active fund families and thus enhance their market shares but it has negative impact on passive fund families. In addition, high turnover decreases the market share of all fund families, especially for passively managed families. The outcome reveals the latest US mutual industry orientation: products differentiation, turnover, management fee have greater impact on market share while the competition of fund performance is diminishing. The Matthew effect in US mutual fund industry is outstanding. Industrial competition dimension expands from performance and products to cost cutting. Empirical analysis on Chinese mutual fund families is also conducted. Different from the US, there is only small number of mutual fund families targeting passive management products. The results show that the distribution channel has the largest impact on Chinese mutual fund family market share and investors are more willing to chase performance than to consider cost-efficient fund families. This study then analyses reasons behind the difference of Chinese and American mutual fund industries. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2018

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