Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then nordic"" "subject:"then cordic""
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International migration and economic growth in Baltic and Nordic countriesLoukagkou, Anna, Kacerauskaite, Agne January 2020 (has links)
International migration is a highly discussed topic, with its repercussions on economic growth, labour force, population’s age-distribution, and many others. While most of the literature focuses on how immigration affects economic growth, this paper aims to shed a light on emigration and its effects on the source countries. Using a two sets of panel data for Baltic and Nordic countries for the time frame between 1990 and 2017, the authors aim to find the relationship between immigration and economic growth, and emigration and economic growth. Regression outputs conclude a positive relationship between emigration and economic growth in the Nordics and a negative one with the Baltics. However, no significant relationship is found between immigration and real GDP. Based on the regression results, discussion on possible policies targeted to increase the positive externalities of migration is presented.
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Assessing Non-school and School Based Explanations of Student Achievement: A Case Study of Finland and SwedenCroft, Alicia S. 08 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Skandinaviska ungdomars läsförståelse : Bakomliggande faktorer till kunskaper i danska, norska och svenskaGustavsson, Patrik, Johansson, Lars-Gunnar January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna studie har som syfte att synliggöra de kunskaper som skandinaviska ungdomar har i de nordiska grannspråken danska, norska och svenska. Vi har använt oss av en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod, och resultaten visar dels att eleverna har en större läsförståelse i norska än danska och svenska, dels att viktigast för förståelsen är kontakten med språket.</p><p>Undervisningen i grannspråken har minskat under de sista 25 åren och en bidragande orsak till detta kan vara dels att lärarna prioriterar bort området till förmån för andra moment, dels att det engelska språket är viktigare i den alltmer globaliserade värld vi lever i.</p> / <p>The purpose of the study is to show the knowledge Scandinavian students have in the Nordic languages Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. We have conducted a survey on the question and the results show that students have a larger understanding in Norwegian than in Danish and Swedish, and the most important thing in learning and understanding a language is being exposed to the language as often as possible.</p><p>Education in Nordic languages has decreased in the last 25 years which might be due to that teachers think other parts is more important than Nordic languages and that English is more important than Nordic languages in this global world we live in.</p>
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Beredskapsstress? / Quick reactions units stress?Gustafsson, Gunnar January 2011 (has links)
Stress är en växande folksjukdom i Sverige och en grupp som kan vara särskilt utsatta för kumulativ stress är soldater som ligger i beredskap. Vi har från våra förfäder ärvt en förmåga att vid fara reagera med en stressreaktion som en förberedelse för kamp eller flykt, också med en reaktion som gör att vi kan bli handlingsförlamade. Om dessa reaktioner upprepas gång på gång utan att kroppen får utlopp för den höjda energinivån ökar slitaget på kroppen. Stresshormoner samlas i kroppen och byggs på och kan under en längre tidsperiod leda till kumulativ stress. Om detta fortsätter kan det leda till ett utmattningssyndrom. Syftet med uppsatsen är att kartlägga hur soldater som ligger i beredskap upplever sin allmänna hälsa och den stress som de dagligen utsätts för. Studien genomfördes med en enkätundersökning på en pluton med 18 soldater i Nordic Battlegroup De slutsatser som är dragna från denna studie är följande: - Soldater som befinner sig i beredskap visar vissa tendenser till att vara utsatta för stress. I många fall visar det sig i form av frustration på kollegor, ledarskap och materielen. - Soldaterna skattar sitt allmänna hälsotillstånd som mycket gott. Detta har med stor sannolikhet att göra med det fysiska arbete som det innebär att vara soldat. Då fysisk träning är en regelbunden vana påverkas också den psykiska delen av individen som mår bättre i både kropp och själ. - Då samtliga soldater som ingick i studien upplevde att deras hälsa var god till mycket god så finns det inget som tyder på att den stress som soldater i beredskap är utsatta för skulle påverka dem negativt hälsomässigt. / Stress is a growing disease in the Swedish population and one group that might be particularlyexposed for operational stress is soldiers who are in a short reaction unit.We have inherited an ability from our ancestors that when in danger react whit a stress reaction asa preparation for fight or flee it can also be whit a reaction that makes us paralysed. If this reactionrepeatedly occurs in the body without the possibility for release of the increased energy the organsin the body might get worn. Stress hormones gathers in the body and builds up, and for a longerperiod of time it might lead to something called operational stress. If this continue, it might lead toa exhaustion syndrome. The purpose of this paper is to map out how soldiers in a quick reaction unit feels about his generalhealth and the stress they are daily exposed to.The study was performed with a questionnaire on a platoon whit 18 soldiers in the Nordic Battlegroup.The conclusions from this study are: - Soldiers in a quick reaction unit show some tendency to be exposed for stress. In many cases itshows in their frustration on colleagues, leadership and equipment. - Soldiers estimate their general health to be very good. - As the soldiers in the study estimated their general health as very good, there isn’t anything thatinsinuating that the stress that soldiers in a quick reaction units are exposed to would affect theirhealth.
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Vliv Nordic Walking na vybrané antropometrické ukazatele. / Effect of Nordic Walking on selected anthropometric indicators..ŠIKLOVÁ, Helena January 2015 (has links)
The thesis aims at finding out, how efficient the Nordic Walking therapy is, when applied to chosen segments of human musculoskeletal system. Also it aims at exploration of the question concerning the utilization of Nordic Walking during musculoskeletal system treatment with a connection to a visceral body sphere. The theoretical part is dedicated to an analysis of the professional terms and concepts closely related to Nordic Walking. Opinions of various Czech and foreign Nordic Walking topic specialists are stated there. In addition, body mass indicators, and the way in which exercise influences the human organism, are also described in the theoretical part of the thesis. The practical part consists of research sample characteristics, definition of utilized methodology and measurement results evaluation. The results are processed in the form of graphs and tables and amended by discussion
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Využití nordic walkingu u dětí se sluchovou disabilitou ve věku 8-15 let / Nordic walking in children with hearing disability aged 8-15 yearsBROŽEK, Radek January 2013 (has links)
In this work on the topic of "The use of nordic walking in children with hearing disability in age 8-15 years" in the first theoretical part I focus on nordic walking, his history, the correct technik influence on the functional systems of the human body. In addition, in this diplom work I focus on hearing loss, his significance and anatomy. A special chapter devoted to hearing disability as such, his etiology, classification and types of hearing loss. Emphasis on the development of children with hearing disability. In the practical part is devoted to the influence of nordic walking fitness program created for children with hearing disabilitou aged 8-15 years. . From the measured values of the health status and value orientation of the tests, I find this an adequate physical activity at the childern´s home in České Budějovice. The results indicate that the intervention motion program had a positive impact on children; benefits are demonstrable in particular improvements of menthal and physical health.
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Skandinaviska ungdomars läsförståelse : Bakomliggande faktorer till kunskaper i danska, norska och svenskaGustavsson, Patrik, Johansson, Lars-Gunnar January 2007 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att synliggöra de kunskaper som skandinaviska ungdomar har i de nordiska grannspråken danska, norska och svenska. Vi har använt oss av en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod, och resultaten visar dels att eleverna har en större läsförståelse i norska än danska och svenska, dels att viktigast för förståelsen är kontakten med språket. Undervisningen i grannspråken har minskat under de sista 25 åren och en bidragande orsak till detta kan vara dels att lärarna prioriterar bort området till förmån för andra moment, dels att det engelska språket är viktigare i den alltmer globaliserade värld vi lever i. / The purpose of the study is to show the knowledge Scandinavian students have in the Nordic languages Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. We have conducted a survey on the question and the results show that students have a larger understanding in Norwegian than in Danish and Swedish, and the most important thing in learning and understanding a language is being exposed to the language as often as possible. Education in Nordic languages has decreased in the last 25 years which might be due to that teachers think other parts is more important than Nordic languages and that English is more important than Nordic languages in this global world we live in.
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Severská spolupráce. Její proměny ve druhé polovině 20. století a současná podoba / Nordic Cooperation. Its Transformation in the Second Half of the 20th Century and its Current ShapeViktorová, Iva January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Nordic Cooperation. Its Transformation in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Its Current Shape" deals with the Nordic cooperation among Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden from the second half of the 20th century with the focus on the period from the 1990s till 2008. At the beginning, there is an introduction to the history of cooperation in Scandinavia till the 1990s and a description of two main institutions of the Nordic cooperation: the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers. The main chapter analyses the Nordic cooperation from the 1990s, it focuses on areas and intensity of the cooperation and describes concrete programmes, projects, institutions, targets and results of the cooperation. The thesis also deals with the question of the impact of the three Baltic States involvement in the Nordic cooperation in the 1990s. The answer is that the internal Nordic cooperation has been developing very intensively - it was demonstrated by the analysis of the Nordic cooperation in the 1990s in the main chapter - without any affecting of the Baltic States involvement in the main. On the contrary, the Baltic States involvement has brouhgt the external opportunity for the Nordic countries to integrate into the cooperation in the Baltic Sea region.
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An investigation of reasons for Finland's success in PISAChung, Jennifer January 2009 (has links)
The Programme for International Student Assessment, or PISA, administered by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, surveyed fifteen-year-olds for the first time in 2000. PISA focuses on mathematics, science, and reading literacy, and intends to undertake a new study every three years. The administration in 2003 added a section that measured problem-solving skills. The results from all three surveys thus far have placed Finland as the highest achieving country in PISA. Finland’s top performances in PISA astonished the educational world. More so than previous cross-national surveys such as TIMSS and PIRLS, PISA has drawn worldwide educational interest towards Finland and its educational system. PISA, unlike TIMSS, does not measure mastery of curriculum, but rather outcomes of education. PISA focuses on real-life applications of knowledge. Triggering global curiosity, the PISA has placed Finland on the itinerary of those wishing to discover the influences behind educational success. This research focuses upon Finland’s historical, cultural, and social context as a part of the Nordic countries and also its immense success in PISA. This project uncovers some of the factors contributing to Finland’s success in education, as indicated by the results in PISA. Finland’s history as a part of both Sweden and Russia has intertwined education with the movement for independence. The struggles after independence, including war and recession, have also reinforced the importance of education within Finnish society. The important status of teachers in Finland, in addition to their high quality, has further enhanced the excellence of the Finnish education system. PISA findings, however, have indicated that the Swedish-speaking Finns score lower than the Finnish-speaking Finns, a phenomenon explored within the research. This project investigates the reasons behind this counterintuitive result. The project incorporates perspectives through interviews with teachers and head teachers from the six sample schools, both Swedish-speaking and Finnish-speaking, Finnish education ministers, PISA creators from the OECD, and Finnish educational researchers and professors responsible for executing PISA in Finland. Their insight, from many different points of view, illuminated different perspectives on PISA and education in Finland.
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A Review of Exhibit Marketing : A Nordic School PerspectiveLe, Thanh Huong, Karlsson, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Exhibit marketing can be a remarkably useful promotional practice that generates new applications and can adjust to different situations in the fierce marketplace. However, academics show little interest in this concept as well as its connection to former schools of thought. Accordingly, the purpose of this literature review is to evaluate and integrate the findings of multiple qualitative research studies to provide an overview of the concept of exhibit marketing. This study will provide a content analysis through a meta-synthesis with the citation index as a foundation. Extracted perspectives from different scholars are carefully analysed and summarized using the proposed theoretical framework. Findings revealed that the concept of exhibit marketing has close relation to the Nordic School of Thought.
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