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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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文道關係視野下的明末清初散文研究: Dao and wen : study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties. / Dao and wen: study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties / Wen dao guan xi shi ye xia de Ming mo Qing chu san wen yan jiu: Dao and wen : study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

January 2014 (has links)
明末清初的散文發展,前人或以載道觀念論之,或以抒情觀念論之,又或以流派分梳論之,各有其理,亦各有其弊。本人認為,明末清初散文發展自有其一以貫之的內在邏輯,因而本文力圖探尋其內在邏輯,重建其發展軌跡。本文指出,文道關係正是影響明末清初散文發展的關鍵因素,時人對於文道關係的不同詮釋與理解,決定了當時散文發展的方向。 / 「古文傳統」與「小品傳統」,是理解明清之際散文發展的重要概念。特別是周作人等以抒情為宗旨建構的「小品傳統」,對理解這一段散文史,產生了深遠的影響。然而本文通過考察「小品傳統」的建構過程,以及其所反抗的「古文傳統」之內涵,並辨析二者關係,相比起「古文傳統」內部「載道、唐宋、法度」的體系,「小品傳統」自身存在局限,並不足以貫穿明清散文的發展。相反,考察晚明小品文家的古文觀,清初古文家的小品創作,本文以為小品儘管一度興盛,然而「古文傳統」才是其時古文發展的主軸。 / 「古文傳統」既是關鍵所在,則如何詮釋文道關係是其時文壇的重要問題。本文指出明清之際的文道論接續了唐宋以來古文家與理學家的討論,並面臨如何承繼二者而有所發展的問題。本文通過辨析各家對文道合一的詮釋,考索其時文道論與唐宋古文家、理學家的論述之關係,指出明清之際的文人一方面推崇理學家道的修養,一方面提倡古文家的文章造詣,來達到文道合一。並通過加強文與經之間的關係,強調文必本於經典,來彌合古文家與理學家的分歧。 / 本文同時以錢謙益、黃宗羲、侯方域、汪琬為中心,具體討論明清之際文道關係的發展過程。指出錢謙益通過批評復古派,推崇反經,提出性情、學問與世運的主張,以道決定文的思路,拉開重建古文傳統的序幕。黃宗羲則在錢謙益的基礎上,通過擴大性情的內涵,以及道在審美上的包容性,重新詮釋文道關係。然而明清之際對侯方域的評價之轉變,從肯定其古文主張,到批評其小說筆法,恰正體現道決定文的思路在重建古文傳統過程中遇到的困境。汪琬則從道的層面維護程朱理學,從文的層面肯定復古派,批評錢謙益,排斥小說筆法,試圖通過文道並重的方法來解決困境。可以說明清之際古文的發展,正是從道決定文走向文道並重的過程。 / Prose development in late Ming and early Qing periods is accounted for by scholars in terms of the theories of Confucianism, the concepts of lyricism or the summaries of different schools of classical prose. This study holds the belief that the prose development within this period of time has its consistent internal logic, and its aim is to establish a new theory to explain and restore the track of such development based on the existing theories by previous scholars. This study points out that the relationship between dao 道 and wen 文 is the major element influencing the prose development in late Ming and early Qing; the interpretation and comprehension of it dictates the direction of prose development. / The two different traditions of classical prose and familiar essay are key concepts in understanding the prose development in late Ming and early Qing, especially the latter, which was constructed by Zhou Zuo-ren under the principle of lyricism. Based on the examination of its establishment, the nature of classical prose tradition it defies, and the relationship between the two, this study reveals that the familiar essay tradition was bound by its limitations which rendered it insufficient in accounting for the entire prose development of the whole period, in contrast to the internal system of classical prose tradition. The review of the view on classical prose by familiar essay writers in late Ming and the familiar essay output of classical prose writers in early Qing indicate that the classical prose tradition was then the main pillar of prose development and familiar essay was its subsidiary, despite its once high popularity. / With classical prose tradition being the key to prose development in late Ming and early Qing, the interpretation of the relationship between dao and wen was a significant issue in the ancient literary society. This study points out that when the scholars in late Ming and early Qing discussed dao and wen, such discussion was a continuation of that contributed by the masters of prose writing and philosophers of Neo-Confucianism since Tang and Song Dynasties, which relates to the problem of finding ways to advance through inheriting the two notions. Literary society in the past upheld the idea of fusing dao and wen. By analyzing the different interpretations of such fusion by various parties, this study investigates the relationship between the discussion of dao and wen in late Ming and early Qing dynasties and also that in Tang and Song dynasties, pointing out that by strengthening the relationship between prose and classics and emphasizing the classical basis of prose, it bridges the gap between Neo-Confucian philosophers’ morality and classical prose writers’ literariness. / Lastly, this study discusses the specific development of the theory of dao and wen during late Ming and early Qing through four case studies, namely, Qian Qian-yi’s criticism on Revival Theory, Huang Zong-xi’s theory of qing 情, the changing reviews on Hou Fang-yu, and Wang Wan’s criticism on Qian Qian-yi and fictional prose. Qian’s criticism marked the beginning of the revival of classical prose tradition during late Ming and early Qing, where he promoted the returning to classic, proposing the concept of qing and knowledge being complementary and the idea of dao determining wen. Huang, based on Qian’s thoughts, reinterpreted the relationship between dao and wen by further expanding the pool of connotations of qing and the aesthetic comprehensiveness of dao. / However, the phenomenon of scholars agreeing on Hou Fang-yu’s stand on classical prose while excoriating his ‘fictional style of prose writing techniques’小說筆法 reflects the predicament faced by the idea of dao determining wen in the process of reconstructing the classical prose tradition. Wang tried to resolve such predicament through putting emphasis on both dao and wen, defending neo-confucianism from the aspect of dao and affirming Ming Classicalists from that of wen, while criticizing Qian and rejecting fictional style. All these illustrate that classical prose development during Late Ming and Early Qing is a process of the transition from dao determining wen to emphasizing both dao and wen. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李向昇. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 215-229). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Li Xiangsheng.

《昭代簫韶》與清代宮廷演劇研究: A study of the glorious music of a brilliant age (Zhaodai xiaoshao) and the court theatre in the Qing dynasty. / 昭代簫韶與清代宮廷演劇研究 / Study of the glorious music of a brilliant age (Zhaodai xiaoshao) and the court theatre in the Qing dynasty / "Zhao dai xiao shao" yu Qing dai gong ting yan ju yan jiu: A study of the glorious music of a brilliant age (Zhaodai xiaoshao) and the court theatre in the Qing dynasty. / Zhao dai xiao shao yu Qing dai gong ting yan ju yan jiu

January 2014 (has links)
本文以清代宮廷演劇制度的完善與興替、宮廷大戲《昭代簫韶》的創作與演出為中心,探討其中帝王性情、意識形態的投射與帝國形象的建構;試圖對宮廷演劇繁盛與變遷的原因、《昭代簫韶》文本與演出的意涵、宮廷與民間演劇的交流與影響等問題,作出新的解釋。 / 現有研究強調清朝帝后喜好戲曲娛樂、宮廷舞臺壯麗輝煌,以及晚清宮廷演劇變革等等。本文認為,清代宮廷演劇實有更多豐富的內涵有待更深入的研討。帝后的倡導及參與,自是推動清代宮廷演劇繁盛的重要原因,但在滿足帝后娛樂的同時,宮廷演劇也用於朝廷儀典;戲曲教化與國家儀式的功能相互結合。 / 清代宮廷演劇,在元明清雜劇傳奇及亂彈之外,還有適應現實需要而奉旨編演的大戲與節戲。宮廷大戲,規模龐大,情節複雜,排場繁縟,在中國戲曲史上十分獨特。創作於乾嘉之際的《昭代簫韶》,取材於明代演義小說《北宋志傳》,鋪寫楊家將輔宋抗遼事。通過特定情節與人物穿戴,《昭代簫韶》參與了清代正統華夷的論述,並含有重評歷史與訓諭臣民的深意。此部大戲將褒忠誅奸的昇仙入地與軍陣鬥法的神道描寫,與觀劇現場的君臣秩序相結合,形成舞臺上、下戲曲與現實的呼應,道德教化寓意明顯。 / 本文對清代宮廷演劇制度變遷與宮廷大戲《昭代簫韶》演出史的考察,還特別關注戲曲在宮廷與民間的流動與影響。尤其是外學伶人進入與退出宮廷,使得宮廷伶人的規模與組成發生改變,這不僅影響到大戲的演出形式與藝術呈現,也使得宮廷演劇處於對外開放與吸收融合的狀態。清代戲劇便在宮廷、文人與民間三方面,均臻繁盛。 / Theatrical performance played an important role in the Qing court culture. This thesis discusses the evolution and change of the court theatre institution throughout the Qing Dynasty. In the contexts of court entertainment, political activities and cultural policy, the creation and performance history of the grand theatre piece, Zhaodai xiaoshao, or The Glorious Music of a Brilliant Age, from the Qianlong-Jiaqing to the Guangxu period serve as an adequate example. In this case study, we can explore the nature of the Qing emperors and Empress Dowager Cixi, state ideology and the construction of the Empire’s image. / Most existing research in Qing court drama and theatre focuses on the Qing emperors’ great passion for theatre, the three-tiered grand stage in the imperial palace and the wealth of props and costumes, as well as the repertoire change in the late Qing, especially the formation and development of Jingju or Peking Opera. This thesis arguesthat given its rich contents and relevant contexts, the Qing court theatre deserves far more research both in breadth and in depth. The participation of the imperial power undoubtedly promoted court theatre. Theatrical performances at court became not only private entertainment for the imperial family; they also appeared in state ceremonies with special ritual significance. In addition, the grand plays like the 240-scened Glorious Music of a Brilliant Age projected the images and instructions of the emperorsto enlighten the subjects, for particular needs in political circumstances. / The Glorious Music of a Brilliant Age was based on the story of the Yang Family Generals in the Northern Song Dynasty. Usingthe concept of destiny, the grand play established the plot in which Song defeated Liao and the Taizong of Song completed the unification of the Hans and non-Hans. This is not the real history. However, the play reflected the transition from the early Qing of the northern ethnic-group regime to the mid-Qing of the unified Chinese dynasty. It showed the Manchu emperors’ intent to construct a political orthodox position for their empire. Through the specific costumesof its characters, this history play revealed the ethnic and identity issues among the audience in the Qing court. It teaches the audience and later, readers to be loyal subjects. / In the performance history of The Glorious Music of a Brilliant Age, it is also important to note the institutional evolution of the court theatre, especially the folk actors flowing inside and outside the court. These actors’ movement created opportunities for exchange between the court theatre and the public theatre. For instance, during the Hundred Days Reform, Zhaodai xiaoshao was adapted from its original Kun-Yi music to the Pihuang music under the command of the Empress Dowager Cixi to be performed by the eunuch actors and famous celebrities from the capital theatre. The adaptation and performances of this play, when closely examined, expressed the "ideal" parent-child and monarch-subject relationship which the Empress desired Emperor Guangxu to observe, given the reality of tension between the two at that time. In other words, the performances at court theatre often serve the political purpose of communication, indoctrination, as well as integration. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 胡光明. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 255-281). / Abstracts also in English. / Hu Guangming.

以劇寫「史」: 黃燮清《倚晴樓九種曲》研究. / 以劇寫史: 黃燮清《倚晴樓九種曲》研究 / 黃燮清倚晴樓九種曲研究 / Writing "history" through drama: a study of Huang Xieqing's Yiqing Lou jiuong qu / Yi ju xie 'shi': Huang Xieqing "Yi qing lou jiu chong qu" yan jiu. / Yi ju xie shi: Huang Xieqing "Yi qing lou jiu chong qu" yan jiu / Huang Xieqing Yi qing lou jiu chong qu yan jiu

January 2011 (has links)
梁慧. / "2011年5月". / "2011 nian 5 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liang Hui. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 史傳文學下的論述 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 「史傳」與「文學」 / Chapter 二、 --- 以劇寫「史」的意涵 / Chapter 三、 --- 黃燮清筆下的「史劇」 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究目的 --- p.11 / Chapter 第三節 --- 文獻回顧 --- p.15 / Chapter 一、 --- 清末民初的迴響 / Chapter 二、 --- 近代評論的主題 / Chapter 三、 --- 既有研究的不足 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結 / Chapter 第四節 --- 研究方法 --- p.22 / Chapter 第二章 --- 黃燮清與《倚晴樓九種曲》 --- p.24 / Chapter 第一節 --- 黃燮清生平及其作品 --- p.24 / Chapter 第二節 --- 黃燮清戲曲的創作緣起 --- p.26 / Chapter 第三節 --- 結語 --- p.34 / Chapter 第三章 --- "「藉古人啼笑,今人悲喜」一為司馬相如翻案及自喻的《茂陵絃》" --- p.37 / Chapter 第一節 --- 前言 --- p.37 / Chapter 第二節 --- 翻案史劇的提出 --- p.37 / Chapter 一、 --- 「翻案劇」釋義 / Chapter 二、 --- 「司馬相如事」的討論熱潮 / Chapter 三、 --- 《史記》、《西京雜記》記載的「司馬相如事」 / Chapter 四、 --- 《茂陵絃》簡介 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「譜曲覓知音」一《茂陵絃》的旨趣 --- p.44 / Chapter 第四節 --- 「惜青史之傳誣」一一黃燮清「翻案」的筆法 --- p.47 / Chapter 一、 --- 《茂陵絃》與《琴心記》 / Chapter 二、 --- 翻案的特色 / Chapter 三、 --- 小結 / Chapter 第五節 --- "以曲作賦,借古喻今" --- p.52 / Chapter 第六節 --- 結語 --- p.59 / Chapter 第四章 --- 以劇寫史《帝女花》中的抒情與歷史 --- p.62 / Chapter 第一節 --- 前言 --- p.62 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《帝女花》簡介 --- p.63 / Chapter 第三節 --- "史家筆法:譜興亡之舊事,寫離合之情悰" --- p.64 / Chapter 第四節 --- 《帝女花》的藝術構思 --- p.72 / Chapter 一、 --- 腳色分派 / Chapter 二、 --- 服飾穿戴 / Chapter 三、 --- 時空安排 / Chapter 第五節 --- 《帝女花》中的母題與象徵 --- p.80 / Chapter 一、 --- 「帝女之花」與長平「兩起死」 / Chapter 二、 --- 天命與人事 / Chapter 第六節 --- 以劇寫史一一黃燮清的史心 --- p.91 / Chapter 第七節 --- 結語 --- p.95 / Chapter 第五章 --- 書寫「列女」內外的歷史一一女性入傳的《玉台秋》、《桃谿雪》 --- p.98 / Chapter 第一節 --- 前言 --- p.98 / Chapter 第二節 --- 為女性發聲的《玉台秋》及《桃谿雪》 --- p.101 / Chapter 一、 --- 前言 / Chapter 二、 --- 內容簡介 / Chapter 三、 --- 黃燮清筆下的張宜人不和吳絳雪 / Chapter 第三節 --- 典範女性的建立一一儼如私人「墓誌銘」 --- p.105 / Chapter 第四節 --- 「節烈」一一正史《列女傳》的規範 --- p.111 / Chapter 一、 --- 《桃谿雪》》與吳絳雪 / Chapter 二、 --- 從典範到規範一一黃燮清筆下的吳絡雪 / Chapter 第五節 --- 劇為史傳的筆法 --- p.123 / Chapter 一、 --- 列傳的意圖 / Chapter 二、 --- 「列女傳」的演變 / Chapter 三、 --- "傳人兼傳史,借傳以存史" / Chapter 第六節 --- 結語 --- p.136 / Chapter 一、 --- 以劇傳人的意義 / Chapter 二、 --- 明清文人為女性寫墓誌銘的原因及情況 / Chapter 三、 --- 史學與性別的思考一一創作的意涵 / Chapter (一) --- 《玉台秋》的意圖 / Chapter (二) --- 《桃谿雪》的關懷 / Chapter 第六章 --- 清朝時事劇的復興一《絳稍記》和《居官鑑》 --- p.146 / Chapter 第一節 --- 前言 --- p.146 / Chapter 第二節 --- 影射時事的嘗試一一《絳稍記》 --- p.148 / Chapter 一、 --- 《絳稍記》簡介 / Chapter 二、 --- 影射時事的筆法 / Chapter 三、 --- 《絳稍記》的可觀性 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結 / Chapter 第三節 --- 直寫時事的創作一《居官鑑》 --- p.157 / Chapter 一、 --- 《居官鑑》簡介 / Chapter 二、 --- 國事家事天下事一黃燮清筆下的現實 / Chapter 三、 --- 黃燮清筆下的人物 / Chapter 四、 --- 以筆載史一詩歌與戲文 / Chapter 第四節 --- 結語 --- p.170 / Chapter 一、 --- 從《茂陵絃》到《居官鑑》一一黃燮清白喻形象的轉變 / Chapter 二、 --- 直刺史實的影響 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.174 / Chapter 第一節 --- 總結 --- p.174 / Chapter 一、 --- "戲曲詩化以「緣,情」 ,r言志」" / Chapter 二、 --- 黃燮清以「史」為劇的發展進程 / Chapter (一) --- 史劇中的人物與歷史的關係 / Chapter (二) --- 劇中的「黃燮清」 / Chapter (三) --- 巾幗不讓鬚眉的女性形象 / Chapter (四) --- 從「聊以自娛」到「直刺時事」 / Chapter 三、 --- 研究晚清戲曲的新進路 / Chapter 第二節 --- 餘論一一黃燮清筆下的歷史與虛構 --- p.185 / Chapter 一、 --- 從吳梅語「劇場惡套」說起 / Chapter 二、 --- 黃燮清歷史劇中的虛構情節 / Chapter 三、 --- 歷史與虛構的結合 / Chapter (一) --- 尚實風氣的形成和重現 / Chapter (二) --- 虛構情節一一文人作意好奇的意義 / Chapter 四、 --- 黃燮清歷史劇的結局與不朽的聯想 / 參考書目

Rewriting the inner chambers : the boudoir in Ming-Qing women's poetry

Li, Xiaorong, 1969- January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

The Looking Back and the Secend Start of Heroines at the end of century ¢w¢wfrom "Huang Hsiu Chiu" to "Female Prison Flower"

Tsai, Pei-yu 10 September 2012 (has links)
After the Opium War, China has entered a rapid transformation. At the later period of Qing Dynasty, fictions were put to excellent, it was emphasized the actual function of the social. It reflected social conditions and enlighten the people through advocacy fictions. Intellectuals deeply appreciate female issues tightly linked with the fate of the country, and carried out the large-scale feminist movement of the later period of Qing Dynasty. Through against foot-binding, build female schools , promote freedom of marriage, established the independent personality of female, and the liberated women totally. Fictions were written female lives and reflected women' issues at this time. "Huang Hsiu Chiu" reflected female lives and situations very well in many feminist fictions, it was centered foot-binding, female education, women' issues. Miao-Ru Wang had created a a group of new revolutionary female who be strong, be no fear of might by female writing in "Female Prison Flower". These females found themselves in the corresponding relationships of saving the nation, women's rights, and woman's education.

The English East India Company's Trade in the Western Pacific through Taiwan, 1670 – 1683

Holroyd, Ryan Edgecombe Unknown Date
No description available.

Rewriting the inner chambers : the boudoir in Ming-Qing women's poetry

Li, Xiaorong, 1969- January 2006 (has links)
My dissertation takes the social and symbolic location of women---the inner chambers [guige or gui]---as a point of departure to examine Ming-Qing women's unique approach to the writing of poetry. In Ming-Qing China, women continued to be assigned to the inner, domestic sphere by Confucian social and gender norms. The inner chambers were not only a physically and socially bounded space within which women were supposed to live, but also a discursive site for the construction of femininity in both ideological and literary discourses. The term gui embraces a nexus of meanings: the material frame of the women's chambers; a defining social boundary of women's roles and place; and a conventional topos evoking feminine beauty and pathos in literary imagination. Working with the literary context of boudoir poetics, yet also considering other indispensable levels of meanings epitomized in the cultural signifier guige, my dissertation demonstrates how Ming-Qing women poets re-conceive the boudoir as a distinctive textual territory encoded with their subjective perspectives and experiences. Compared with the poetic convention, the boudoir as inscribed in Ming-Qing women's texts is far more complex as its depiction is informed by nuances in their historical, social and individual experiences.

清朝中國對在華外人的司法態度─兼論領事裁判權 / The Juridical Attitude toward Foreigners of Qing Dynasty─with Analysis of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction

趙帝凱, Chao, Di Kai Unknown Date (has links)
每當論及清朝中國自鴉片戰爭以來的對外關係,一般都認為是清朝中國被迫簽訂大量不停等條約之「屈辱外交」的開始,特別是在對外司法審判的議題上,大多認為清朝給與外國所謂「領事裁判權」的權利,造成中國司法管轄權的損害。但事實上,這種所謂「領事裁判權」的現象,在中國本身涉及外人在華犯罪的處置上,是普遍被採行的作法,不僅是過去中國歷代均有的慣例,就連清朝本身與俄羅斯簽訂的〈尼布楚條約〉,也被學界公認為是清朝中國第一個對等互惠的對外條約。姑且不論日後領事裁判權對中國的傷害為何,僅以清朝中國在簽約當下的時空背景來看,中國給予西方國家「領事裁判權」一事究竟該如何理解,值得後人重新檢視。 本文研究主旨在於用「同時代史觀」的視角,以清朝簽約當下的時空背景,來重新檢視清朝中國涉外司法審判。本文首先整理了中國自唐朝至明朝以來對涉外司法審判的沿革,並且爬梳清朝中國涉外司法審判的模式,從中發現清朝中國給予西方國家「領事裁判權」的做法,是符合清朝中國對外關係的邏輯思維,並證明清朝中國隊在華外人的司法態度,與中國自唐代以來的對在華外人的司法態度是一致的。本文認為,領事裁判權成為「屈辱外交」的意涵,是因為後人以歐洲近代國際法話語權下的「民族國家」視角來檢視過去清朝中國的對外關係,並且在不理解清朝中國固有對外秩序的邏輯下所做出的評斷。 / When it comes to China’s foreign relations in late Qing dynasty, the government has been criticized for its “humiliated diplomacy”, especially on the issue of extraterritorial jurisdiction since the Treaty of Nanking between China and Britain. The authorization of consular jurisdiction to foreign countries is often considered as sabotage for the jurisdiction of China. However, the criticism is questionable because offering extraterritorial jurisdiction is ubiquitous among every dynasty in China. Even in Qing dynasty, the juridical attitude of China in the Treaty of Nerchinsk signed in 1689 with Russia is often recognized by academia as reciprocity to foreign country. Regardless of the disadvantages in the future, this act of giving extraterritorial jurisdiction by Qing dynasty at that time is worth to be scrutinized again. With this in mind, the purpose of this thesis is to discover the pattern of judgments involving foreigners from Tang to Qing dynasty in China. We also discuss about the response of Qing government when it faced the request of extraterritorial jurisdiction from foreign countries. In addition, a reinterpretation of the attitude toward the judgments involving foreigners of Qing dynasty is based on the perspective of China indigenous order to foreign relations. The research analyzes the settlement of judgments involving foreigners in different dynasties of China, confirming the consistency to China indigenous order to foreign relations and evolution during the Qing period. At last, this thesis overthrew the humiliation impression in contemporary understanding of the diplomacy in Qing dynasty, arguing such attitude is interpreted later by the concept of “nation state” , which is developed from early modern European countries to judge the international relations of Qing dynasty without understanding the Chinese foreign relations comprehensively.

Commentated Into His Own Image: Jin Shengtan and His Commentary Edition of the Shuihu Zhuan

Morrison, Mark Benjamin 22 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines three aspects of the commentary edition of the Chinese vernacular novel Shuihu Zhuan written by Ming Dynasty literatus Jin Shengtan (ca. 1610-1661), analyzing three of the most innovative features that the commentary brings to our understanding of the novel, and what Jin Shengtan desired for the reader of his commentary to understand. The first chapter looks at a series of techniques that Jin outlines in the preliminary "How to Read" section of the commentary (dufa), where the techniques are shown to be very similar in focus and style to the literary theory of narratology as written about by Gerard Genette through a sample comparison of five of the techniques with varying characteristics of narratology. The second chapter looks at how Jin Shengtan constructs the image of the author, Shi Nai'an, through both his interlineal commentary (jiapi) and his preliminary chapter commentary (zongpi). We see through this analysis that Jin Shengtan has gone against the tradition of shu er bu zuo -- a Confucian tradition that relegates the position of the author to the background of his work -- and has brought the author into a position of prominence through his construction of the image of an unparalleled genius. The third and final chapter looks at the idea of "heroism" (xia) and how Jin's commentary reworks the way many of the primary characters of the novel and their heroic actions are seen and interpreted, focusing especially on the characters of Wu Song, Lu Zhishen, Song Jiang and Li Kui, where we see that Jin's commentary focuses on parallels between the heroes such as Wu Song and Lu Zhishen in the first portion of the novel, while switching to a more juxtapositional perspective in the latter half of the novel through Song Jiang and Li Kui. / Graduate / 0305 / 0332 / mblsm00@gmail.com

The Xingshi yinyuan zhuan : a study of utopia and the perception of the world in seventeenth-century Chinese discourse

Berg, Dorothea Daria January 1994 (has links)
The present project sets out to discover what the Xingshi yinyuan zhuan ('A Tale of Marriage Destinies that will Bring Society to its Senses'), an anonymous novel of manners from seventeenth-century China, can tell us about life in the world out of which it emerged. Seventeenth-century records depict China on the verge of modernity as a world torn between the traditional agricultural society and the new challenges of urban life, commerce and a money economy. The shifts from conventional norms and values gave rise to concepts of Utopia and anti-utopia: to nostalgia for the lost paradise of the past and to apocalyptic satire on present conditions. Scholars have noted the prominence of utopianism in seventeenthcentury fiction but no detailed study has been undertaken so far. Utopianism is here explored in terms of the indigenous Chinese traditions. The text of the Xingshi yinyuan zhuan is analysed to see how it perceives and reflects the seventeenth century Chinese world. Utopia serves as an analytical construct to recreate a glimpse of society and the moral evaluation of the world through the eyes of a contemporary observer. The body of the thesis analyses three major motifs in the Xingshi yinyuan zhuan: the healers, the elite and the mother. Critical comparison with other contemporary literary and historical sources attempts to place the novel into its context. The visions of Utopia and anti-utopia provide insight into the dreams and nightmares as seventeenth-century Chinese minds may have perceived them, shedding light on the vernacular culture as opposed to the officially recognised and imperially ordained culture of China.

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