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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinação de nutrientes e contaminantes Inorgânicos em café solúvel por espectrometria de emissão atômica com plasma de argônio induzido (ICP-AES) / Determination of nutrients and inorganic contaminants in soluble coffee by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively-coupled plasma (ICP-AES)

Eder José dos Santos 07 April 1999 (has links)
A produção industrial do café solúvel brasileiro destina-se, na sua maior parte, ao mercado externo, constituindo-se em um importante ítem de exportação do país. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de métodos de análise química adequados à investigação de componentes inorgânicos em café solúvel. Inicialmente foi definido o método de mineralização das amostras através da avaliação de 6 procedimentos diferentes, classificados em 3 classes: (I) microondas focalizado; (II) via úmida convencional e (III) sistema sob pressão em frascos de decomposição com tampas (bombas de teflon). As determinações dos nutrientes e contaminantes inorgânicos: Na, K, Mg, Al, P, S, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sb, Pb, Cr, Sn, As, Se e Hg, após a utilização do procedimento de mineralização que emprega o sistema de microondas focalizado com os reagentes HNO3 e H2O2, foram realizadas por espectrometria de emissão atômica com plasma induzido, ICP-AES (da nomenclatura inglesa Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry). Interferências de matriz e/ou espectrais foram detectadas nas determinações de Pb, Cr, Sn, As, Se e Hg. No caso do Sn, optou-se pela correção da radiação de fundo através do software do equipamento, pois outras linhas de emissão deste analito eram menos sensíveis e igualmente sujeitas a interferências espectrais. Para o Pb e Cr a escolha de comprimentos de ondas alternativos eliminou os problemas de interferências espectrais devido à matriz das amostras. A aplicação das técnicas de geração de hidretos para o As e Se e a geração de vapor frio para o Hg, possibilitaram as determinações destes analitos nas amostras de café solúvel, aumentando a sensibilidade das análises. Os resultados obtidos para os teores dos nutrientes e contaminantes inorgânicos em 21 amostras de café solúvel disponíveis no mercado brasileiro, foram aceitáveis para o consumo humano, tanto no aspecto nutricional como toxicológico, com exceção de uma amostra com teor de Cr igual a 0,52 ± 0,02 mgKg-1, acima do permitido pela legislação brasileira que fixa o valor máximo de 0,10 mgKg-1. A aplicação de técnicas estatísticas, análise de clusters hierárquicos e componentes principais aos resultados obtidos, possibilitaram investigar a variabilidade das composições minerais e classificar grupos de amostras similares. O emprego da técnica instrumental ICP-AES através do sistema de nebulização convencional e a utilização do sistema de geração de hidretos e vapor frio, mostraram-se adequados para as determinações dos nutrientes e contaminantes inorgânicos em café solúvel, uma vez que níveis de precisão e exatidão aceitáveis foram obtidos. / The production of Brazilian soluble coffee is almost entirely destined for exporting. Therefore, the objective of this work was the development and the establishment of appropriate methods of chemical analysis of inorganic components in soluble coffee. Firstly, the appropriate digestion procedure for soluble coffee samples was defined through the evaluation of six different digestion techniques that were classified into three groups: (I) focused microwave system, (II) conventional wet digestion and (III) pressure digestion system in teflon bombs. The determinations of nutrients and toxic elements: Na, K, Mg, Al, P, S, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sb, Pb, Cr, Sn, As, Se, and Hg after the utilization of the focused microwave system with HNO3 and H2O2 reagents, were made by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES) technique. Matrix and spectral interferences were detected in the determination of Pb, Cr, Sn, As, Se and Hg. Correction of the background enhancement by the equipment software was made in the determination of Sn, as other analytical lines were unsuitable for this application. For Pb and Cr, the choice of other analytical lines eliminated the problem of matrix and spectral interferences. The application of the hydride generation technique for As and Se and cold atomic vapour with ICP-AES for Hg, were suitable methods to determine these analytes in soluble coffee samples with increased sensitivity of the analysis. The results obtained of nutrients and toxic elements in twenty-one samples of soluble coffee collected from Brazilian market were acceptable to human consumption at nutritional and toxic level with exception of a sample with 0,52 ± 0,02 mgKg-1 of Cr, above the value specified in Brazilian Food Legislation, that fixes the maximum Cr contend in 0,10 mgKg-1. The aplication of statistical techniques analysis of principal components and the hierarchical cluster on the results of mineral compositions, enabled to investigate the variability in the composition and to classify groups of similar samples. The application of the ICP-AES technique using the conventional pneumatic nebulization system, the hydride generation technique and the cold vapour for Hg were suitable to determine the nutrients and toxic elements in soluble coffee, as they provided acceptable results indicating accuracy and precision.

Modelling temporal aspects of healthcare processes with Ontologies / Modelling temporal aspects of healthcare processes with Ontologies

Afzal, Muhammad January 2010 (has links)
This thesis represents the ontological model for the Time Aspects for a Healthcare Organization. It provides information about activities which take place at different interval of time at Ryhov Hospital. These activities are series of actions which may be happen in predefined sequence and at predefined times or may be happen at any time in a General ward or in Emergency ward of a Ryhov Hospital. For achieving above mentioned objective, our supervisor conducts a workshop at the start of thesis. In this workshop, the domain experts explain the main idea of ward activities. From this workshop; the author got a lot of knowledge about activities and time aspects. After this, the author start literature review for achieving valuable knowledge about ward activities, time aspects and also methodology steps which are essentials for ontological model. After developing ontological model for Time Aspects, our supervisor also conducts a second workshop. In this workshop, the author presents the model for evaluation purpose.

Étude comparative expérimentale des opérations d’atomisation et d’autovaporisation : application à la gomme arabique et au soja / Comparative experimental study of spray drying and autovaporization operation : application to the gum arabic and soybean

Nguyen, Duc Quang 26 June 2014 (has links)
De nos jours, la nécessité d’atteindre la stabilité à long terme et la facilité d'utilisation, en plus d’une plus grande fonctionnalité, implique que de nombreux produits alimentaires et ingrédients liquides ou solides sont déshydratés ou transformés mécaniquement en poudre. Les procédés de fabrication des poudres alimentaires exigent toujours la satisfaction d’une série de critères tels que la performance du procédé et la qualité du produit. La technologie d’atomisation est toujours considérée comme la principale technologie de production des poudres dans plusieurs domaines variés grâce à ses avantages prépondérants. Néanmoins dans quelques cas, l’atomisation se montre moins efficace car les frais d’investissement initiaux et de production sont trop élevés ; le besoin d’aboutir à une grande surface spécifique des poudres entraîne beaucoup de problèmes complexes concernant le transport, le nettoyage, la récupération du produit, les risques d’explosion et la dégradation thermique du produit. Tandis que, de nombreux travaux de recherche sur le phénomène d’autovaporisation par DIC (Détente Instantanée Contrôlée) ont montré que la technologie DIC est capable de résoudre de nombreuses problématiques industrielles, menant par la suite à l’obtention de produits finis de très hautes qualités et à la réduction de la consommation d’énergie. Cependant, les applications de la technologie DIC dans la fabrication des poudres alimentaires restent encore restreintes, et la comparaison des propriétés de la poudre obtenue grâce à la DIC avec les autres méthodes de production n’est pas encore effectuée systématiquement. Dans un tel contexte, ce travail de thèse est réalisé en vue de contribuer à résoudre quelques problèmes concernant le contrôle et l’amélioration de la qualité de poudre alimentaire ainsi que l’efficacité du transfert de chaleur dans les opérations d’atomisation et d’autovaporisation (traitement DIC). Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, deux matières premières principales examinées sont la gomme arabique et le soja. Cinq principales recherches effectuées dans cette thèse consistent en : premièrement, l’étude comparative des procédés de production de la poudre de gomme arabique et les impacts du traitement DIC sur les propriétés du produit fini ; deuxièmement, l’optimisation des conditions opératoires de l’atomiseur dans la fabrication du mélange de poudres de gomme arabique (GA) et maltodextrin (MD) en tant qu’un matériau de parois pour la technologie d’encapsulation ; troisièmement, l’étude comparative des procédés de production de la poudre de soja et les impacts du traitement DIC sur les propriétés du produit fini ; quatrièmement, l’optimisation des conditions opératoires de l’atomiseur dans la fabrication de la poudre de soja ; et finalement, les impacts du taux (GA/MD) dans la fabrication de la poudre de soja par atomisation. Les résultats obtenus ont indiqué que la technologie DIC peut être utilisée à la place de l’atomisation pour fabriquer les poudres de haute qualité de la gomme arabique et du soja. Les propriétés de ces poudres ont été contrôlées et améliorées à travers le réglage des conditions opératoires de l’atomiseur et du traitement DIC. Les paramètres opératoires optimaux dans chaque cas ont été trouvés grâce à l’optimisation de processus en termes de qualité du produit fini et d’efficacité de transfert de chaleur dans la chambre de séchage. / Nowadays, the need to achieve long term stability and usability, in addition to greater functionality, implies that many food products and liquid or solid ingredients are dehydrated or mechanically transformed into powder. The manufacturing processes of food powders always require the satisfaction of a series of criteria, such as process performance and product quality. The spray drying technology is always considered the main method used for producing the powders in many varied fields thanks to its preponderant advantages. However, in some cases, the spray drying shows less effective because the initial investment and production costs are too high ; the need to reach a large specific surface area of the powders causes a lot of complex problems relating to the transportation, cleaning, product recovery, explosion risk and thermal degradation of final product. Whereas, many research work on the autovaporization phenomenon by DIC (Instant controlled pressure drop) showed that the DIC technology is able to solve many industrial problems, eventually leading to obtaining the very high-quality finished products and reducing the energy consumption. However, applications of the DIC technology in the manufacture of food powders are still restricted, and the comparison of the properties of the powder obtained by DIC with other production methods is not yet performed systematically. In such a context, this thesis work is performed in order to contribute to solving some problems concerning the control and improvement of the food powder quality as well as the heat transfer efficiency in the spray drying and autovaporization operations (DIC treatment). In order to attain these objectives, two main raw materials consisting of gum arabic and soybean were examined. Five main researches carried out in this thesis consist of : firstly, comparative study of methods for producing the gum arabic powder and the impacts of DIC treatment on the properties of finished products ; secondly, optimization of the spray drying operating conditions for producing the powder mixture of gum arabic (GA) and maltodextrin (MD) as a wall material for encapsulation technology ; thirdly, comparative study of methods for producing the soybean powder and the impacts of DIC treatment on the properties of finished products ; fourthly, optimization of the spray drying operating conditions for producing the soybean powder ; and finally, impacts of ratio (GA/MD) in the manufacture of soybean powder by spray drying. The obtained results showed that the DIC technology can be used instead of the spray drying to produce the high quality powders of gum Arabic and soybean. The properties of these powders were improved and controlled by adjusting the operating conditions of spray dryer and DIC treatment. The optimal operating parameters for each case were found thanks to the process optimization in terms of product quality and heat transfer efficiency in the drying chamber.

Application de la détente instantanée contrôlée pour l'eco-extraction des produits naturels : intensification & combinaison / Instant controlled pressure drop for green extraction of natural products : intensification & combination

Allaf, Tamara 24 June 2013 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’analyse fondamentale et expérimentale des processus d’extraction des procédés conventionnels et innovants. L’intensification de ces techniques s’est tout d’abord basée sur des approches théoriques. D’une part, nous nous sommes focalisés sur « le paradoxe » généré par l’extraction conventionnelle des huiles essentielles et les issues et solutions que la Détente Instantanée Contrôlée (DIC) ou les Micro-Ondes (MO) peuvent apporter. D’autre part, nous nous sommes intéressés à la problématique d’intensification des opérations d’extraction par solvant des composés non-volatils à partir de végétaux. La spécificité des processus diffusionnels leur donne une importance particulière en raison de la structure propre de la matière, traduisant ainsi une mauvaise aptitude technologique intrinsèque. L’amélioration de l’extraction par l’action de la DIC sur la structure de la matrice, des MO sur le chauffage et des UltraSons (US) sur la micro-agitation, permet d’envisager un couplage, de conduire à une intensification après optimisation souvent multicritères (cinétique, qualité et énergie). La DIC a été appliquée sur des feuilles de romarin et des écorces d’orange afin d’en extraire les huiles essentielles. Ce traitement a permis d’accéder à une expansion et de parvenir à une intensification de l’extraction des molécules antioxydantes. Nous avons donc procédé à une combinaison DIC/MO pour le romarin et DIC/US pour les écorces d’orange. Enfin, la cinétique de l’extraction d’huiles de colza a été intensifiée par un prétraitement DIC et étudiée à travers une modélisation dont l’un des aspects a été une diffusion de type Fick couplée à une solution de Crank / This study focuses on fundamental analysis and experimental work carried out on extraction via conventional and innovative processes. The intensification of these techniques is first based on theoretical approaches. On the one hand, we focused our meditation on examining the "paradox" generated by conventional steam-distillation of essential oils, and suggested solutions from Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) or Microwave (MW). On the other hand, we were interested in the problematic of solvent extraction operations of plant-based non-volatile compounds. The specificity of the diffusional process gives them a special importance because of the specific structure of the material, reflecting poor intrinsic technological ability. Improving extraction by letting DIC act on the structure of the matrix, MW on heating, and UltraSound (US) on the micro-agitation, allows to coupling technologies leading to a perfect intensification and thus multi-criteria optimization (kinetics, quality and energy). DIC was applied to the leaves of rosemary and orange peel to extract essential oils. This treatment has access to expansion and to achieve increased extraction of antioxidant molecules. We therefore conducted a combination DIC/MW for rosemary and DIC/US for orange peel. Finally, the extraction kinetics of rapeseed oil has been intensified by DIC pretreatment. This kinetics was identified through modeling including Fick diffusion coupled to a Crank solution

Instant messaging in work-based virtual teams : the analysis of non-verbal communication used for the contextualisation of transactional and relational communicative goals

Darics, Erika January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I use a multi-perspectival analytical approach to investigate the paralanguage of naturally occurring work-based Instant Message conversations. My research into the field of computer-mediated discourse analysis (CMDA) has shown that written non-verbal cues have been considered as important means of contextualising text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC), yet their scholarly treatment has been scant. Previous findings about the importance paralanguage in CMD have been further strengthened by the findings of the field of business communication: in the virtual work environment the lack of audio-visual information has been found to contribute to miscommunication and consequently hinder cooperation. The linguistic devices and discursive strategies that are used in order to compensate for the limitations imposed by the text-based communicative channel have therefore been identified as in need of further exploration. In this thesis, I have outlined a CMC cue system based on the previous findings of CMDA to investigate the range of cues used as non-verbal signals in workplace text- based CMC. I have also used a multi-perspectival approach based on the theoretical frameworks of interactional sociolinguistics, communities of practice, relational work and politeness and conversation analysis (CA) in order to investigate the range of interactional roles of paralanguage during computer-mediated business conversations. The interpretive CA-informed analysis I have conducted has provided evidence of the important role of non-verbal signals during the contextualisation of complex transactional and relational communicative goals in the workplace. The analysis in this thesis has provided two significant results: firstly, by incorporating the findings of research into paralanguage of spoken as well as other written genres it resulted in a comprehensive description of the orthographic and typographic non-verbal cues used in text-based CMC and, secondly, by drawing on the multi-perspectival framework, it allowed for a description of the complex interactional functions of these cues during the contextualisation of content and relational intent and the creation of interactional coherence in IM.

Affective gesture fast-track feedback instant messaging (AGFIM)

Adesemowo, A. Kayode January 2005 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Text communication is often perceived as lacking some components of communication that are essential in sustaining interaction or conversation. This interaction incoherency tends to make text communication plastic. It is traditionally devoid of intonation, pitch, gesture, facial expression and visual or auditory cues. Nevertheless, Instant Messaging (IM), a form of text communication is on the upward uptake both on PCs and on mobile handhelds. There is a need to rubberise this plastic text messaging to improve co-presence for text communications thereby improving synchronous textual discussion, especially on handheld devices. One element of interaction is gesture, seen as a natural way of conversing. Attaining some level of interaction naturalism requires improving synchronous communication spontaneity, partly achieved by enhancing input mechanisms. To enhance input mechanisms for interactive text-based chat on mobile devices, there is a need to facilitate gesture input. Enhancement is achievable in a number of ways, such as input mechanism redesigning and input offering adaptation. This thesis explores affective gesture mode on interface redesign as an input offering adaptation. This is done without a major physical reconstruction of handheld devices. This thesis presents a text only IM system built on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE). It was developed with a novel user-defined hotkey implemented as a one-click context menu to "fast-track" text-gestures and emoticons. A hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach was taken to enable data triangulation. Results from experimental trials show that an Affective Gesture (AG) approach improved IM chat spontaneity/response. Feedback from the user trials affirms that AG hotkey improves chat responsiveness, thus enhancing chat spontaneity.

El factor imagen del brand equity en la relación a intención de compra de la categoría de sopas instantáneas en supermercados de Lima Metropolitana.

Toricelli Castillo, Gianpaolo Giacomo 21 May 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad peruana, existe una tendencia hacia la comida saludable, la cual está generando muchos cambios en el mercado, ya que los consumidores están teniendo otro comportamiento frente a las marcas de comida no saludable, como la de sopas instantáneas, y están bajando su frecuencia de consumo o dejando de consumirlas. Sin embargo, existen otros factores que tienen mucho más predominancia que las tendencias actuales. Específicamente, se investigará de la categoría de sopas instantáneas y el factor de rápida preparación, el cual se acomoda al estilo de vida que llevan hoy en día las madres modernas o los jóvenes en general. Sin embargo, algunas personas prefieren perder un poco de tiempo con tal de consumir un producto saludable o hecho en casa. Por ello, las marcas están utilizando estrategias de marketing como el Brand equity, con el objetivo de darle un valor de marca a su producto que pueda superar esta tendencia saludable que viene aumentado cada año. Tomando en consideración los hallazgos cualitativos y cuantitativos, por medio de la regresión lineal múltiple y las técnicas de focus Group y entrevistas se pudo determinar que no la variable de moda (salud) y tiempo (rapidez) no influye de manera relevante e influyente en la situación de compra de sopas instantáneas. Por este motivo, la presente investigación tiene utilidad en la categoría de sopas instantáneas. / Currently in Peru, there is a trend towards healthy food, which is generating many changes in the market, since consumers are behaving differently towards unhealthy food brands, such as instant soups, and are lowering their frequency of consumption or stopping consuming them. However, there are other factors that are much more prevalent than current trends. Specifically, we will investigate the category of instant soups and the quick preparation factor, which accommodates the lifestyle that modern mothers or young people in general lead today. However, some people prefer to waste a little time consuming a healthy or homemade product. For this reason, brands are using marketing strategies such as Brand equity, with the aim of giving their product a brand value that can overcome this healthy trend that has been increasing every year. Taking into consideration the qualitative and quantitative findings, by means of multiple linear regression and the techniques of focus group and interviews it was possible to determine that the variable of fashion (health) and time (speed) does not influence in a relevant and influential way the instant soup purchase situation. For this reason, this research is useful in the category of instant soups. / Trabajo de investigación

Modelado biomecánico del cuello basado en la imagen cinemática de la función articular para su aplicación en tecnologías para la salud y el bienestar del ser humano

Venegas Toro, William Ricardo 13 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] En esta Tesis Doctoral se plantea un nuevo modelado biomecánico del cuello para su aplicación en los campos de la valoración funcional y la ergonomía. Se ha realizado un estudio cinemático para describir los axoides asociados a los ejes instantáneos de rotación (EIR) del movimiento de la cabeza respecto del tórax, así como las variables cinemáticas (posiciones, velocidades y aceleraciones), que se describen como funciones continuas mediante técnicas de Análisis de Datos Funcionales (FDA). Se han analizado movimientos cíclicos continuos. El movimiento más reproducible es el de flexo-extensión. Para el análisis dinámico, se ha elaborado un modelo articular de dinámica inversa, que permite estimar las fuerzas, momentos a nivel de C7 y potencia desarrollada, a partir de la cinemática del movimiento y de las características inerciales del sistema cuello-cabeza, obtenidas a partir de estudios previos y ajustadas mediante un procedimiento de calibración. El modelo ha sido validado experimentalmente y se ha cuantificado su fiabilidad, que resulta suficiente para aplicaciones clínicas. Se han estudiado una muestra de sujetos sanos (n=45) con la finalidad de obtener una base de normalidad, analizar el efecto de características individuales (edad, sexo y características antropométricas), y una muestra de pacientes con dolor inespecífico de cuello (n=24), para analizar las diferencias asociados a la patología. Este es el primer estudio en el que se obtiene una representación continua del EIR y se realiza una descripción de la cinemática y dinámica usando funciones continuas mediante técnicas estadísticas de FDA. Los resultados muestran que los patrones cinemáticos y dinámicos están influidos por el sexo y por la longitud del cuello. Las mujeres presentan más movilidad que los hombres y una mayor longitud del cuello va asociada a movimientos más lentos. El efecto de la edad no es demasiado acusado en la muestra analizada, con edades inferiores a 50 años en la mayoría de casos. Las diferencias cinemáticas entre personas sanas y con dolor de cuello son muy claras, siendo mayores en las variables de posición y de aceleración que en los rangos, por lo que son éstas variables más adecuadas para definir protocolos de valoración biomecánica clínica. Desde el punto de vista dinámico, hay diferencias muy claras en las fuerzas y en la potencia desarrollada, aunque no tanto en el momento articular. Las diferencias en las variables funcionales son mucho más evidentes que en las correspondientes variables numéricas extraídas de éstas (rangos, valores máximos y mínimos). En definitiva, se demuestra que el registro de movimientos continuo y el uso conjunto de información cinemática y dinámica ofrece una visión más completa de los patrones biomecánicos de movimiento del cuello y puede mejorar los actuales sistemas de valoración funcional. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral es planteja un nou modelatge biomecànic de el coll per la seva aplicació en els camps de la valoració funcional i l'ergonomia. S'ha realitzat un estudi cinemàtic per descriure els axoides associats als eixos instantanis de rotació (EIR) de el moviment del cap respecte de tòrax, així com les variables cinemàtiques (posicions, velocitats i acceleracions), que es descriuen com a funcions contínues mitjançant tècniques d'Anàlisi de Dades Funcionals (FDA). S'han analitzat moviments cíclics continus. El moviment més reproduïble és el de flexo-extensió. Per a l'anàlisi dinàmic, s'ha elaborat un model articular de dinàmica inversa, que permet estimar les forces, moments a nivell de C7 i potència desenvolupada, a partir de la cinemàtica de el moviment i de les característiques inercials de sistema coll-cap, obtingudes a partir d'estudis previs i ajustades mitjançant un procediment de calibratge. El model ha estat validat experimentalment i s'ha quantificat la seva fiabilitat, que resulta suficient per a aplicacions clíniques. S'han estudiat una mostra de subjectes sans (n = 45) amb la finalitat d'obtenir una base de normalitat, analitzar l'efecte de característiques individuals (edat, sexe i característiques antropomètriques), i una mostra de pacients amb dolor inespecífic de coll (n = 24), per analitzar les diferències associats a la patologia. Aquest és el primer estudi en el qual s'obté una representació contínua de l'AIR i es realitza una descripció de la cinemàtica i dinàmica usant funcions contínues mitjançant tècniques estadístiques de FDA. Els resultats mostren que els patrons cinemàtics i dinàmics estan influïts pel sexe i per la longitud de coll. Les dones presenten més mobilitat que els homes i una major longitud de coll va associada a moviments més lents. L'efecte de l'edat no és massa acusat en la mostra analitzada, amb edats inferiors a 50 anys en la majoria de casos. Les diferències cinemàtiques entre persones sanes i amb mal de coll són molt clares, sent majors en les variables de posició i d'acceleració que en els rangs, de manera que són aquestes variables més adequades per definir protocols de valoració biomecànica clínica. Des del punt de vista dinàmic, hi ha diferències molt clares en les forces i en la potència desenvolupada, encara que no tant en el moment articular. Les diferències en les variables funcionals són molt més evidents que en les corresponents variables numèriques extretes d'aquestes (rangs, valors màxims i mínims). En definitiva, es demostra que el registre de moviments continu i l'ús conjunt d'informació cinemàtica i dinàmica ofereix una visió més completa dels patrons biomecànics de moviment de coll i pot millorar els actuals sistemes de valoració funcional. / [EN] In this Doctoral Thesis, a new biomechanical modeling of the neck is proposed for its application in the fields of functional assessment and ergonomics. A kinematic study has been carried out to describe the axoids associated with the instantaneous axes of rotation (EIR) of the movement of the head with respect to the thorax, as well as the kinematic variables (positions, velocities and accelerations), which are described as continuous functions using techniques of Functional Data Analysis (FDA). Continuous cyclical movements have been analyzed. The most reproducible movement is flexion-extension. For the dynamic analysis, a joint model of inverse dynamics has been developed, which allows estimating the forces, moments at the C7 level and developed power, from the kinematics of the movement and the inertial characteristics of the neck-head system, obtained from starting from previous studies and adjusted by means of a calibration procedure. The model has been experimentally validated and its reliability has been quantified, which is sufficient for clinical applications. A sample of healthy subjects (n = 45) were studied in order to obtain a normality base, analyze the effect of individual characteristics (age, sex and anthropometric characteristics), and a sample of patients with nonspecific neck pain (n = 24), to analyze the differences associated with the pathology. This is the first study in which a continuous representation of the EIR is obtained and a description of the kinematics and dynamics is made using continuous functions using FDA statistical techniques. The results show that the kinematic and dynamic patterns are influenced by gender and neck length. Women are more mobile than men and longer neck length is associated with slower movements. The effect of age is not too pronounced in the analyzed sample, with ages less than 50 years in most cases. The kinematic differences between healthy people and those with neck pain are very clear, being greater in the position and acceleration variables than in the ranges, making these variables more suitable for defining clinical biomechanical assessment protocols. From the dynamic point of view, there are very clear differences in the forces and the power developed, although not so much in the articulation moment. The differences in the functional variables are much more evident than in the corresponding numerical variables extracted from them (ranges, maximum and minimum values). In short, it has been shown that continuous movement recording and the joint use of kinematic and dynamic information offers a more complete view of the biomechanical patterns of neck movement and can improve current functional assessment systems. / Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el Instituto Universitario de Ingeniería Mecánica y Biomecánica de la Universitat Politècnica de València, y ha sido financiado con el proyecto de investigación Junior PIJ-15-08 de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional de Quito-Ecuador. / Venegas Toro, WR. (2021). Modelado biomecánico del cuello basado en la imagen cinemática de la función articular para su aplicación en tecnologías para la salud y el bienestar del ser humano [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/174522 / TESIS

Using Near-Field Communication (NFC) to Improve Messaging Privacy on Android OS / Using Near-Field Communication (NFC) to Improve Messaging Privacy on Android OS

Karmazín, Jaromír January 2016 (has links)
V této práci vytváříme jednoduchý systém pro rychlou textovou komunikaci (IM), který využívá technologii Near-Field Communication (NFC) ke zlepšení bezpečnosti a soukromí. V první části zkoumáme samotnou technologii NFC. Poté se věnujeme možnostem NFC v operačním systému Android pro chytrá mobilní zařízení a také existujícím aplikacím, které tyto možnosti využívají. Rovněž zkoumáme nejmodernější přístup k bezpečnému IM, zejména Signal Protocol a jeho open-source implementaci pro Android. Dále pak navrhujeme IM systém, který používá Signal Protocol pro šifrování zpráv a NFC pro výměnu kryptografického materiálu, aniž by vyžadoval použití telefonních čísel nebo důvěryhodnou třetí stranu. Nakonec předkládáme vzorovou implementaci klientské i serverové aplikace a zhodnocení vlastností tohoto systému z hlediska soukromí a bezpečí.

Étude in vivo de la relation entre la structure et la fonction de la boucle variable de l'ARN de transfert de la sélénocystéine d'E. coli

Nemours, Stéphane 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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