Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then internet off things"" "subject:"then internet oof things""
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Investigation of blockchain applicability to Internet of Things within supply chainsÄlvebrink, Johan, Jansson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) means that physical objects will be able to interact and communicate via embedded systems. This will lead to a distributed network of devices that can communicate with both humans and each other. One application area is in improving supply chain management. The goal in supply chains is to move a product or a service from the producer to the customer as efficient as possible. Implementation of IoT will have many benefits but it also raises security issues that can affect integrity, security and privacy for both individuals and companies. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin and more importantly, blockchain. Blockchain is a ledger of facts, data is not stored in only one network with a common processor, but it is distributed among all the clients on the network. This technology may be a solution to some problems that IoT are facing. This paper looks into up to date research of blockchain and IoT with the purpose to study blockchain as a potential solution to secure IoT data management within supply chains. Both blockchain and IoT are relatively new research areas with little existing research, which support our use of a qualitative inductive method. Semi-structured interviews, which will be further explained in the methodology section, have been conducted with people working within the fields of blockchain, IoT and supply chain. The result indicates that blockchain can be used to secure data management within any given supply chain that uses IoT technology, but blockchain should be seen as a tool, and not as a complete solution. Many of the security issues within IoT are related to the devices and blockchain will not be able to provide a solution to these problems. Blockchain can however be used for handling information, securing identities, traceability of goods, transactions being made without human interaction, automated storage management and time stamped actions to name some examples. There are still barriers to make these benefits work in reality but there is a lot of research currently on-going, trying to make it happen.
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SDN no contexto de IoT : refatoração de middleware para monitoramento de pacientes crônicos baseada em software-defined networking / SDN in the IoT context : software-defined networking based refactoring of a middleware for chronic patients monitoringArbiza, Lucas Mendes Ribeiro January 2016 (has links)
Algumas palavras e definições comumente utilizadas quando se está falando de Software-Defined Networking, como programabilidade, flexibilidade, ou gerenciamento centralizado, parecem muito apropriadas ao contexto de um outro paradigma de rede: Internet of Things. Em redes domésticas já não é incomum a existência de dispositivos projetados para segurança, climatização, iluminação, monitoramento de saúde e algumas formas de automação que diferem entre si em diversos aspectos, como no modo de operar e de se comunicar. Lidar com este tipo de cenário, que pode diferir bastante daquilo que estamos acostumados na gerência de redes e serviços, fazendo uso dos recursos tradicionais como ferramentas e protocolos bem estabelecidos, pode ser difícil e, em alguns casos, inviável. Com o objetivo de possibilitar o monitoramento remoto de pacientes com doenças crônicas através de dispositivos de healthcare disponíveis no mercado, uma proposta de middleware foi desenvolvida em um projeto de pesquisa para contornar as limitações relacionadas à interoperabilidade, coleta de dados, gerência, segurança e privacidade encontradas nos dispositivos utilizados. O middleware foi projetado com o intuito de executar em access points instalados na casa dos pacientes. Contudo, as limitações de hardware e software do access point utilizado refletem no desenvolvimento, pois restringem o uso de linguagens de programação e recursos que poderiam agilizar e facilitar a implementação dos módulos e dos mecanismos necessários. Os contratempos encontrados no desenvolvimento motivaram a busca por alternativas, o que resultou na refatoração do middleware através de Software-Defined Networking, baseando-se em trabalhos que exploram o uso desse paradigma em redes domésticas. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a viabilidade da utilização de Software-Defined Networking no contexto de Internet of Things, mais especificamente, aplicado ao serviço de monitoramento de pacientes da proposta anterior e explorar os possíveis benefícios resultantes. Com a refatoração, a maior parte da carga de serviços da rede e do monitoramento foi distribuída entre servidores remotos dedicados, com isso os desenvolvedores podem ir além das restrições do access point e fazer uso de recursos antes não disponíveis, o que potencializa um processo de desenvolvimento mais ágil e com funcionalidades mais complexas, ampliando as possibilidades do serviço. Adicionalmente, a utilização de Software-Defined Networking proporcionou a entrega de mais de um serviço através de um único access point, escalabilidade e autonomia no gerenciamento das redes e dos dispositivos e na implantação de serviços, fazendo uso de recursos do protocolo OpenFlow, e a cooperação entre dispositivos e serviços a fim de se criar uma representação digital mais ampla do ambiente monitorado. / Some words and definitions usually employed when talking about Software-Defined Networking such as programmability, frexibility, or centralized management sound very appropriate to the context of another network paradigm: Internet of Things. The presence of devices designed for security, air conditioning, lighting, health monitoring and some other automation resources have become common in home networks; those devices may be different in many ways, such as the way they operate and communicate, between others. Dealing with this kind of scenario may differ in many ways from what we are familiar regarding networking and services management; the use of traditional management tools and protocols may be hard or even unfeasible. Aiming to enable the health monitoring of patients with chronical illnesses through using off-the-shelf healthcare devices a middleware proposal was developed in a research project to circumvent interoperability, data collecting, management, security and privacy issues found in employed devices. The middleware was designed to run on access points in the homes of the patients. Although hardware and software limitations of the used access points reflect on the development process, because they restrict the use of programming languages and resources that could be employed to expedite the implementation of necessary modules and features. Development related mishaps have motivated the search for alternatives resulting in the middleware refactoring through Software-Defined Networking, based on previous works where that paradigm is used in home networks. This work aims to verify the feasability of the employment of Software- Defined Networking in the Internet of Things context, and its resulting benefits; specifically in the health monitoring of chronic patients service from the previous proposal. After refactoring most of the network and services load was distributed among remote dedicated servers allowing developers to go beyond the limitations imposed by access points constraints, and to make use of resources not available before enabling agility to the development process; it also enables the development of more complex features expanding services possibilities. Additionally Software-Defined Networking employment provides benefits such as the delivering of more than only one service through the same access point; scalability and autonomy to the network and devices monitoring, as to the service deployment through the use of OpenFlow resources; and devices and services cooperation enabling the built of a wider digital representation of the monitored environment.
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Internet of props : a performative ontology and design framework for the Internet of ThingsCorino, Gianni January 2017 (has links)
Set in the relatively new and fast developing field of investigation known as Internet of Things (IoT), this research starts by looking at the lack of critical and conceptual reflection on the area. With a main research question that challenges the underlying concepts of the IoT, the study develops a performative design framework to critique the field of investigation. The main corpus consists of: 1. speculative inquiry into the ontological dualisms of ‘objects’ and ‘things’ and the emerging social dimension of humans and non-humans; 2. the identification of an ontological-performative model based on the idea of Props; 3. the entanglement of theory and practice to construct a performative design framework, called the Internet of Props, which includes: an enabling platform (Smarter Planet Lab) and a set of design strategies (Transactional Props) to demonstrate and evaluate this model and framework; 4. a combined-evaluation conversational analysis methodology that assesses the performativity of the setting and the Props, through linguistic and socio-behavioural studies. Inspired by the concepts of ontological theatre, the entanglement of humans and non-humans, and the Internet of People; the IoT is imagined and performed in a theory-driven, practice-based investigation of the Internet of Props, which aims to bring new theoretical and practical knowledge for the future of the IoT.
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Uma arquitetura para provimento de ciência de situação direcionada às aplicações ubíquas na infraestrutura da internet das coisas / An architecture for situation awareness targeted to ubiquitous applications in the infrastructure of the internet of thingsLopes, Joao Ladislau Barbara January 2016 (has links)
A Computação Ubíqua (UbiComp) foi introduzida na década de 90 como a área de pesquisa que estuda a integração da tecnologia às tarefas cotidianas, com a intenção de proporcionar aos usuários a manutenção do foco em suas atividades, reduzindo a necessidade de seu envolvimento com a gerência da infraestrutura computacional. Considerando esta perspectiva de integração das tecnologias, exigindo o mínimo de participação do usuário, um dos desafios centrais de pesquisa para contemplar essa proposta da UbiComp é a Ciência de Situação. A construção do suporte à Ciência de Situação para as aplicações ubíquas envolve a representação do contexto, a coleta, o armazenamento e o processamento dos dados contextuais, bem como a identificação e disseminação das situações, de forma autônoma. Dentre as maneiras que tem sido consideradas para materializar a UbiComp, vem se destacando a Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things - IoT). Esta abordagem utiliza a Internet como principal meio para interoperação entre dispositivos computacionais. Nesse sentido, a IoT tem como premissa unir o mundo físico ao digital, preconizando a ideia do “tudo conectado”, criando assim uma rede de objetos incorporados ao ambiente de forma ubíqua. Deste modo, esta tese tem como objetivo conceber uma arquitetura para provimento de Ciência de Situação às aplicações ubíquas, na perspectiva da infraestrutura da Internet das Coisas. A arquitetura, denominada SAUI (Situation-aware Architecture for Ubiquitous applications in the Internet of things), é concebida considerando os trabalhos previamente desenvolvidos pelo grupo de pesquisa GPPD/UFRGS, particularmente o middleware EXEHDA (Execution Environment for Highly Distributed Applications) Entende-se como contribuições centrais desta tese: (i) a definição de uma abordagem híbrida para representação e processamento do contexto, visando à identificação de situações de interesse das aplicações; e (ii) a concepção de uma arquitetura distribuída, baseada em eventos e regras, visando o suporte à Ciência de Situação das aplicações ubíquas, considerando a infraestrutura provida pela IoT. As funcionalidades da Arquitetura SAUI são avaliadas através de cenários de uso nas áreas de agropecuária e saúde, sendo caracterizados os protótipos desenvolvidos, as tecnologias empregadas e os testes realizados. Os resultados obtidos corroboram com a abordagem da Arquitetura SAUI de considerar um suporte concomitante para operação distribuída, tratamento autônomo dos dados contextuais baseado em eventos e regras, e processamento híbrido do contexto, visando à identificação de situações de interesse das aplicações. / The Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) was introduced in the 90s as the area of research that studies the integration of technology in the everyday tasks, with the objective to keep the focus of the users in their activities, reducing the need of their involvement in the management of the computational infrastructure. Considering this perspective of technologies integration, requiring minimal user participation, one of the central research challenges is the situation awareness. The construction of the support to situation awareness for ubiquitous applications involves the representation of context; the acquisition, storage and processing of contextual data; and the identification and dissemination of situations, in autonomous way. Among the ways that have been considered to materialize UbiComp, has been highlighting the IoT (Internet of Things). This approach uses the Internet as the main means for interoperation between computing devices. In this sense, the IoT has the premise of join the physical and digital worlds, contemplating the idea of “everything connected”, thus creating a network of objects embedded in the environment ubiquitously. Thus, this thesis aims to design an architecture for providing situation awareness to ubiquitous applications, considering the IoT infrastructure. The architecture, called SAUI (Situation-aware Architecture for Ubiquitous applications in the Internet of things), is designed considering the work previously developed by the research group GPPD/UFRGS, particularly EXEHDA middleware (Execution Environment for Highly Distributed Applications) It is considered as central contributions of this thesis: (i) the definition of a hybrid approach for modeling and processing of context, aiming at identification of situations of interest of the applications; and (ii) the design of a distributed architecture, driven by events and rules, aiming at supporting the situation awareness of ubiquitous applications, considering an IoT infrastructure. The funcionalities of SAUI architecture are evaluated through usage scenarios in the areas of agriculture and healthcare. It was characterized the developed prototypes, the technologies used, and the tests performed. The results corroborate with the approach of SAUI architecture, which considers a concomitant support for distributed operation, autonomous handling of context based on events and rules, and hybrid processing of context, aiming at identification of situations.
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Uma abordagem para a integração de sistemas industriais aplicando o conceito de internet das coisas e de modelos semanticos no contexto da industria 4.0 / An approach for the integration of industrial systems through the adoption of the internet of things and semantic model concepts in the industry 4.0 contextSteinmetz, Charles January 2018 (has links)
Com a chegada da era da computação ubíqua, o número de dispositivos com poder computacional vêm crescendo de forma acelerada. A conexão desses dispositivos em uma rede de comunicação traz novas possibilidades e serve como base para o conceito chamado Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things - IoT). Uma das aplicações desse conceito é no domínio industrial e está impulsionando uma nova revolução industrial, a chamada Indústria 4.0. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma abordagem de integração de componentes de forma automatizada, no contexto da Indústria 4.0, utilizando ontologias para representar os elementos do sistema e um middleware IoT para servir de meio de integração. Essa abordagem utiliza conceitos propostos em trabalhos relacionados, com características inovadoras na criação de sistemas IoT. Dentre estas está a integração automatizada a partir de modelos semânticos, que possibilita que usuários modelem sistemas em alto nível. A partir desse modelo, as interfaces de comunicação são criadas automaticamente, trazendo uma garantia de consistência sintática nas chamadas de métodos ou funções. Além disso, a pesquisa proposta traz a possibilidade de usar esse mesmo modelo semântico para apresentar as informações ao usuário final. Como resultados deste trabalho podem ser ressaltados o desenvolvimento de uma ontologia para modelar esses elementos industriais e também o de uma extensão para um middleware IoT a fim de poder-se trabalhar com esses modelos de forma automatizada. / With the advent of the ubiquitous computing era, the number of devices with computing power is growing rapidly. The connection of these devices onto a communication network brings new possibilities and serves as the basis for the concept called the Internet of Things (IoT). One of the applications of this concept is in the industrial domain where it is driving a new industrial revolution, usually designated as “Industry 4.0”. This research study presents a automated integration approach in the context of Industry 4.0, using ontologies to represent elements of the system and an IoT middleware to provide a means for its integration. This approach uses concepts proposed in related works with innovative features regarding the creation of IoT systems. Among these features, an automated integration based on semantic models is proposed, which enables users to model their systems at a high level. From this model, communication interfaces are created automatically, bringing a guarantee of syntactic consistency in calling methods or functions. Another advantage that this work brings is the possibility of using this same semantic model to present information to the end user. As result of this work, an ontology was developed to model industrial elements, and an extension for an IoT middleware was developed to enable to work with these models.
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Monitoramento da produção e da eficiência de processos de manufatura usando RFID e internet das coisas / Production and efficiency monitoring of manufacturing processes using RFID and the internet of thingsSanches, Heverton Bacca 31 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Heverton Bacca Sanches (heverton.bacca@gmail.com) on 2018-10-04T18:51:13Z
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Dissertação Versão Final Heverton Bacca.pdf: 4605967 bytes, checksum: 71c4c3e4663ea6e70f2f69495a5c82b6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Lucilene Cordeiro da Silva Messias null (lubiblio@bauru.unesp.br) on 2018-10-04T19:08:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
sanches_hb_me_bauru.pdf: 4605967 bytes, checksum: 71c4c3e4663ea6e70f2f69495a5c82b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-04T19:08:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-08-31 / O conceito da Indústria 4.0 está relacionado à evolução dos sistemas produtivos através da interconexão e integração total entre tecnologias de automação industrial e tecnologia da informação visando a obtenção de maior eficiência, qualidade e produtividade. Nesse contexto, uma tendência recente no ambiente industrial tem sido a utilização conjunta da Identificação por Rádio Frequência (RFID) e a da Internet das Coisas (IoT) na busca da melhoria dos seus processos de manufatura. O principal desafio é promover a integração entre essas tecnologias, de forma que os dados estejam disponíveis sob demanda e em tempo hábil para que as melhores decisões de produção sejam alcançadas. Este trabalho utilizou o RFID e a IoT para o desenvolvimento de uma solução para o monitoramento da produção e da eficiência de um sistema de manufatura flexível (FMS). O desenvolvimento do projeto consistiu em três etapas: aquisição dos dados RFID, processamento para obtenção dos parâmetros de produção e eficiência requeridos e disponibilização em nuvem para a IoT. Etiquetas RFID alocadas nas peças e nos pallets de movimentação permitiram o monitoramento da produção por meio da medição dos tempos de produção e transporte de cada peça produzida no FMS. O cálculo do indicador OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), através dos índices de Performance, Qualidade e Disponibilidade, permitiu o monitoramento da eficiência das estações de trabalho e do FMS. A disponibilização dos dados da aplicação em nuvem de forma padronizada e acessível a outros sistemas foi realizada através da IoT, com a utilização do ScadaBR usando comunicação via serviço web SOAP. Experimentos foram realizados com a produção de peças diferentes (branca, vermelha e preta) e com quantidade de pallets diferentes. Análises estatísticas dos resultados de tempos de produção e de transporte permitiram quantificar erros ou anormalidades na operação do FMS. Resultados relativos ao indicador OEE permitiram o monitoramento e melhoria da eficiência do processo de manufatura. / The Industry 4.0 concept is related to the evolution of production systems through the interconnection and integration between industrial automation and information technology in order to obtain greater efficiency, quality and productivity. In this context, a recent trend in the industrial environment has been the joint use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Internet of Things (IoT) seeking for improvement in their manufacturing processes. The main challenge is to promote the integration between these technologies, so that the data is available on demand and in real time so that the best production decisions are achieved. This work used the RFID and IoT for the development of a solution for the monitoring of the production and the efficiency of a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS). The development of the project consisted of three steps: acquisition of RFID data, processing to obtain the required production and efficiency parameters and availability of this data in the Cloud for the IoT. RFID tags allocated in the parts and conveyor pallets allowed production monitoring by measuring the production and transport times of each produced part in the FMS. The calculation of the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) indicator, through Performance, Quality and Availability indexes, enabled the monitoring of the efficiency of workstations and the FMS. The real-time availability of application data in the cloud in a standardized and accessible form to other systems was performed by IoT with the use of ScadaBR via web service SOAP communication. Experiments were carried out with the production of different parts (white, red and black) and number of pallets. Statistical analysis of the production and transport times allowed to quantify errors or anomalies in the operation of the FMS. Results for the OEE allowed monitoring and improving the efficiency of the manufacturing process.
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Wireless Positioning and Tracking for Internet of Things in GPS-denied EnvironmentsCiftler, Bekir Sait 30 June 2017 (has links)
Wireless positioning and tracking have long been a critical technology for various applications such as indoor/outdoor navigation, surveillance, tracking of assets and employees, and guided tours, among others. Proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the evolution of smart cities, and vulnerabilities of traditional localization technologies to cyber-attacks such as jamming and spoofing of GPS necessitate development of novel radio frequency (RF) localization and tracking technologies that are accurate, energy-efficient, robust, scalable, non-invasive and secure. The main challenges that are considered in this research work are obtaining fundamental limits of localization accuracy using received signal strength (RSS) information with directional antennas, and use of burst and intermittent measurements for localization. In this dissertation, we consider various RSS-based techniques that rely on existing wireless infrastructures to obtain location information of corresponding IoT devices. In the first approach, we present a detailed study on localization accuracy of UHF RF IDentification (RFID) systems considering realistic radiation pattern of directional antennas. Radiation patterns of antennas and antenna arrays may significantly affect RSS in wireless networks. The sensitivity of tag antennas and receiver antennas play a crucial role. In this research, we obtain the fundamental limits of localization accuracy considering radiation patterns and sensitivity of the antennas by deriving Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds (CRLBs) using estimation theory techniques. In the second approach, we consider a millimeter Wave (mmWave) system with linear antenna array using beamforming radiation patterns to localize user equipment in an indoor environment. In the third approach, we introduce a tracking and occupancy monitoring system that uses ambient, bursty, and intermittent WiFi probe requests radiated from mobile devices. Burst and intermittent signals are prominent characteristics of IoT devices; using these features, we propose a tracking technique that uses interacting multiple models (IMM) with Kalman filtering. Finally, we tackle the problem of indoor UAV navigation to a wireless source using its Rayleigh fading RSS measurements. We propose a UAV navigation technique based on Q-learning that is a model-free reinforcement learning technique to tackle the variation in the RSS caused by Rayleigh fading.
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IoT based remote patient health monitoring systemJasti Madhu, Narasimha Rao January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computer Science / Daniel A. Andresen / With an improvement in technology and miniaturization of sensors, there have been attempts to utilize the new technology in various areas to improve the quality of human life. One main area of research that has seen an adoption of the technology is the healthcare sector. The people in need of healthcare services find it very expensive this is particularly true in developing countries.
As a result, this project is an attempt to solve a healthcare problem currently society is facing. The main objective of the project was to design a remote healthcare system. It’s comprised of three main parts. The first part being, detection of patient’s vitals using sensors, second for sending data to cloud storage and the last part was providing the detected data for remote viewing. Remote viewing of the data enables a doctor or guardian to monitor a patient’s health progress away from hospital premises.
The Internet of Things (IoT) concepts have been widely used to interconnect the available medical resources and offer smart, reliable, and effective healthcare service to the patients. Health monitoring for active and assisted living is one of the paradigms that can use the IoT advantages to improve the patient’s lifestyle. In this project, I have presented an IoT architecture customized for healthcare applications. The aim of the project was to come up with a Remote Health Monitoring System that can be made with locally available sensors with a view to making it affordable if it were to be mass produced.
Hence the proposed architecture collects the sensor data through Arduino microcontroller and relays it to the cloud where it is processed and analyzed for remote viewing. Feedback actions based on the analyzed data can be sent back to the doctor or guardian through Email and/or SMS alerts in case of any emergencies.
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Contextualizing Industry 4.0 in the Pulp and Paper industry : A case study at Stora Enso / Kontextualisering av Industri 4.0 i pappers- och massaindustrin : En fallstudie hos Stora EnsoPersson, Björn January 2018 (has links)
Leading industrial nations invest to try to increase advanced manufacturing and innovation to catch up in a free-market world. One common vision for these investments has been Industry 4.0. In short can this topic be described as the internet moving into the industry. The concept is relatively new and has become one of the most discussed topics during the last couple of years in many manufacturing conferences. However, the industry is so far lacking a clear definition of the concept, and much of the focus is on laboratory experiments rather than industrial applications. The research that has been conducted so far has not involved the process industry, where this thesis will operate. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of how Industry 4.0 can be related to the pulp and paper industry by contextualizing the concept, and function as a “door-opener” for further research. Potentials, sustainability aspects and a concrete example has been used to comprehend this. The study has been designed with a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews at the specific case company Stora Enso, Skoghall. As the concept of Industry 4.0 not yet has an explicit definition the start of the thesis was therefore to create a theoretical framework of the theory to relate to during the rest of the study. The findings of the research show that Industry 4.0 in the pulp and paper industry focuses on Availability through possibilities of prediction and response improvement. The concept should emphasis on keeping the production ongoing with fever break-downs and increased Quality of the products. Communication improvements will be essential in reaching the new industry level, with connecting the whole plant as a crucial part. The thesis contributes with a first insight to what Industry 4.0 will mean to the pulp and paper industry and how it contextualizes in the sector. / Framträdande industriella nationer investerar idag för att öka den avancerade tillverkningen och antalet innovationer för att hänga med i den fria marknaden. En gemensam vision för de här investeringarna är Industri 4.0. I korta drag kan det beskrivas som att internet flyttar in i industrin. Konceptet är relativt nytt och har kommit att bli ett av de mest diskuterade områdena under de senaste åren på tillverkningskonferenser. Industrin saknar dock en tydlig definition av konceptet, och mycket av fokus gällande ämnet hamnar på laborationsexperiment istället för praktiska applikationer. Vidare finns det ett behov av att titta på hur detta ser ut i processindustrin eftersom detta ännu inte granskats, vilket kommer vara området för uppsatsen. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till förståelsen för hur Industri 4.0 kan relateras till pappersindustrin genom att kontextualisera konceptet och verkasom en ”dörr-öppnare” för vidare forskning. Möjligheter, hållbarhetsaspekter och ett konkret exempel har använts för att skapa förståelse för detta. Studien har designats med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt med semi-strukturerade intervjuer på det specifika fallet, Stora Enso Skoghall. Eftersom konceptet Industri 4.0 ännu saknar en tydlig definition började studien med att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk för att kunna relatera till detta genom arbetet. Resultaten visar att Industri 4.0 i pappersindustrin fokuserar på Tillgänglighet genom ökade prediktions- och åtgärdsmöjligheter. Konceptet borde lägga vikt vid att hålla igång produktionen med färre avbrott och ökad Kvalitet på produkterna. Kommunikationsförbättringar kommer bli essentiella för att nå den nya nivån av industri, där integrationen av hela fabriken kommer spela en stor roll. Examensarbetet bidrar med en första inblick i vad Industri 4.0 kommer betyda för pappersindustrin och hur det kontextualiseras i branschen.
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Vers le futur Internet d'objets au travers d'une optimisation inter-couches des protocoles standardisés / Going towards the future Internet of Things through a cross-layer optimization of the standard protocol suitePavkovic, Bogdan 18 December 2012 (has links)
Le paradigme d'Internet des objets (IdO) envisage d'augmenter l'Internet actuel avec un grand nombre de dispositifs intelligents communicants. Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (RCsF) déploient les appareils fonctionnant sur les approvisionnements énergétiques maigres et mesurent les phénomènes environnementaux (comme la température, la radioactivité, ou CO2). Les applications populaires de réseaux de capteurs sans fil comprennent la surveillance, la télémétrie et la prévention des catastrophes naturelles. Les majeurs défis de réseaux de capteurs consistent à: comment obtenir l'efficacité énergétique? Comment surmonter les déficiences de support sans fil? et comment les faire fonctionner d'une manière auto-organisée? L'intégration de réseaux de capteurs dans IoD s'appuiera sur un ensemble de standards ouverts qui s'efforcent d'offrir le passage à l'échelle, la fiabilité dans une variété des conditions, et les scénarios d'exploitation. Néanmoins, les standards dans leur état actuel ont des problèmes d'interopérabilité et peuvent bénéficier de nouvelles améliorations. Les contributions de la thèse sont les suivantes: • Nous avons mené une analyse expérimentale et identifié les caractéristiques d'un environnement de réseau de capteurs. Notre analyse a porté sur la modélisation des liens et la dynamique du réseau, ainsi que la corrélation des liens avec les paramètres environnementaux. L'étude analytique nous a permis d'identifier les principales faiblesses de l'environnement du RCsF et a permis aussi d'obtenir une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique de lien radio et le voisinage des nœuds. • Nous avons confrontés la question de l'interopérabilité des deux principaux standards - IEEE 802.15.4 dans la couche de contrôle d'accès au medium, et RPL dans la couche de transport. Nous proposons d'adapter la structure originale de cluster tree et de construire un framework élégant, qui permettra le fonctionnement conjoint de l'IEEE 802.15.4 et RPL sans l'apparition des collisions. En outre, nous évaluons à travers de nombreuses simulations les deux algorithmes distribués d'attribution de slots. Ces algorithmes permettront d'atteindre un fonctionnement presque sans collisions. • Nous proposons une solution inter-couche distribuée dans le but de construire une topologie afin que IEEE 802.15.4 et RPL puissent fonctionner ensemble. Notre algorithme auto-organisé obtient une structure topologique obéissante aux recommandations globales, cela, par la seule utilisation des métriques mesurées localement. De nombreuses simulations démontrent les avantages de la structure résultante en termes de convergence de temps, de stabilité, et d'efficacité énergétique dans le long terme. Les simulations démontrent aussi un impact positif sur les performances de routage. • Nous proposons un ensemble de nouveaux mécanismes qui permettront d'améliorer les performances de RPL et d'utiliser la Qualité de Service pour gérer les problèmes de trafic sensible. Notre extension de routage opportuniste et multi-chemin contribue à améliorer la livraison des paquets avant une date limite, tout en minimisant le surcout et la consommation d'énergie par rapport à la version de base de RPL. / Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm envisages expanding the current Internet with a huge number of the intelligent communicating devices. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) deploys the devices running on the meager energy supplies, and measuring environmental phenomena (like temperature, radioactivity, or CO2). WSN popular applications include monitoring, telemetry, and natural disaster prevention. Major WSN challenges are how to allow energy efficiency, overcome impairments of wireless medium, and operate in the self-organized manner. The WSN integrating IoT will rely on a set of the open standards striving to offer scalability, reliability in a variety of the operating scenarios and conditions. Nevertheless, the current state of the standards has interoperability issues and can benefit from further improvements. The contributions of the thesis work are: • We conducted an experimental analysis and characterization of a WSN environment. Our analysis included the link characterization, correlation with environmental parameters as well as network dynamics. Analytical study allowed us to identify key weaknesses of the WSN environment as well a get a better understanding of the dynamics—both link and node neighborhood related. • We confront the interoperability issue of the leading IEEE 802.15.4 standard on the Medium Access Control layer and RPL standard on the transport layer. We propose to accommodate the original cluster-tree structure and to build an elegant framework for collision free multi-hop operation of the IEEE 802.15.4 that will allow RPL to run on top of it. Furthermore, we evaluate through extensive simulations two distributed schemes that achieve near collision free self-organization of the nodes. • We propose a distributed cross-layer convergecast topology construction within the joint IEEE 802.15.4 and RPL framework. Self-organization scheme obtains a topological structure obeying the global recommendations by the sole use of locally measured metrics. Extensive simulations demonstrate the advantages of the resulting structure in terms of convergence time, stability, and energy efficiency in long term and a positive impact on the routing performances. • We propose a set of new mechanisms that will improve RPL performances and enable Quality of Service operation that will handle delay sensitive traffic. Our multi-path opportunistic routing extension helps to improve packet delivery before a deadline, while minimizing overhead and energy consumption compared to the basic version of RPL.STAR
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