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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neues kommunales Rechnungswesen : quo remanes, Austria? /

Lehner, Barbara. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Dipl.-Arb.--Linz, 2006.

Verwaltung zwischen Reformdruck und Entwicklung : Analysen und Vorschläge anhand eines systemtheoretischen Modells /

Schlechter, Arne. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Witten-Herdecke, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.

"Vi är lika moderna som vilken butik som helst" : en fallstudie av hur marknadsbegreppen kund och varumärke upplevs av personalen inom Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar län / "We are as modern as any store"

Roback, Emma, Ånholm, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
The public sector in Sweden has in recent decades undergone a large change due to market and liberalism impact. This change has meant that marketing communication and its concepts have been adopted by administrative authorities. In this thesis, we used governmentality, social constructivism and an interpretive perspective to examine the staff at the County Administrative Board in Kalmar County and their experiences and opinions of the concepts ”customer” and ”trademark”. The study was designed as a case study with qualitative interviews. The study showed that the experiences can be divided into three categories: those that are positive, those who are worried and see risks as well as those who believe the concepts are just empty words. We also discovered that there was a discrepancy between the management's view of the market influenced communication, which was positive and more liberal, and the rest of the staff which emphasized the traditional bureaucratic rhetoric.

Spelets regler : Arbetsmiljö och verksamhetsstyrning i socialtjänsten

Hoff, Jessica January 2015 (has links)
Socialtjänsten är en verksamhet som i studier framträder som särskilt problematisk vad gäller den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, arbetsrelaterad ohälsa och personalomsättning. Mot bakgrund av socialtjänstens verksamhetsstyrning, vilken är omfattande och komplex, ställs frågan hur kommunen ser på möjligheterna att verka för en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö. I denna fallstudie har 12 nyckelaktörer med någon form av personalansvar gentemot socialsekreterarna från en och samma socialförvaltning intervjuats. Intervjuerna analyserades genom innehållsanalys med latent fokus. Resultaten visar att den bild som framträtt i forskning kring socialsekreterarnas arbetsvillkor inte nått full legitimitet på organisatorisk nivå. Resultaten visar även att det arbete som bedrivs för att stärka den psykosociala arbetsmiljön sker genom primära interventioner vars fokus riktar sig mot organisationen samt interaktionen mellan individ och organisation. Vidare antyder resultaten att kunskapen gällande verksamhetsstyrningens relation till psykosocial arbetsmiljö är i behov av utveckling. Studien tyder på att det behövs mer forskning kring sambandet mellan socialtjänstens verksamhetsstyrning och socialsekreterarnas psykosociala arbetsmiljö liksom att dialogförhållandet mellan kommuner och den statliga överbyggnaden behöver undersökas närmare. / The social services is an area that studies suggest are notably problematic when exploring the psychosocial work environment, work-related illnesses and employee turnover. In light of the complex and comprehensive operational strategy of the social services questions might be raised over the ability of municipalities to achieve a suitable, and functional, psychosocial work environment. In producing this paper, twelve key employees have been interviewed from the same social service centre. The methodology for analysis of interviews has been through ‘content analysis’ with a latent focus. There are several conclusions to be drawn. Results show that the recommendations from previous studies on improving the working conditions of social service workers have, to date, not been given their full legitimacy on an organisational level. Corrective interventions have primarily been directed both towards the organisation and the interaction between the organisation and the individual. Analysis also indicates that the understanding of the relationship between the operational strategy and the psychosocial work environment still needs to be developed. Finally, this paper shows that further research on the relationship between the operational strategy in the social services and the psychosocial work environment is still required, including research on the dialogue between the municipalities and the governmental superstructure. / <p>Uppsatsen har under AFA Försäkrings FoU-dag i Stockholm 10 november 2015 tilldelats AFA Försäkrings och Prevents stipendium “Utmärkt arbetsmiljöuppsats”. Se länken nedan för mer information:</p><p>https://www.afaforsakring.se/nyhetsrum/pressmeddelanden/2015/11/student-vid-malardalens-hogskola-tilldelas-stipendium-for-uppsats-om-socialsekreterares-arbetsmiljo/</p><p></p>

The complexities of performance measurement in the public sector : a case study of the City Auditor’s Integrity Unit

Isupov, Marina 05 August 2011 (has links)
The last two decades of public sector reform have ushered in a new paradigm of client-citizens expecting better governmental performance at lower costs. Two distinct, but not unconnected, forces have been at the heart of this transformation: the drive towards applying “New Public Management” (NPM) techniques in public sector administration, and the shift to a “Governance” view in rule making and political action. The City of Austin has been at the forefront of these movements, and The City Auditor’s Office (COA) rests at their nexus. This report is a study of the City Auditor Integrity Unit (CAIU), the investigative arm of COA, and more specifically, the CAIU’s system of performance measurement. The report explores the challenges of designing and using a performance measurement system within CAIU to achieve more socially optimal outcomes for the City of Austin. The analysis in the report draws on a number of theoretical perspectives, most significantly on Complex Adaptive Theory (CAS). / text

New public management and nursing relationships in the NHS

Hoyle, Louise P. January 2011 (has links)
Western governments face increasing demands to achieve both cost efficiency and responsiveness in their public services leading to radical and challenging transformations. Following the imposition of New Public Management (NPM) approaches within England, it is argued that similar elements of NPM can be also seen within Scottish healthcare, despite policy divergences following devolution. This thesis considers the influence of NPM on Scottish hospital frontline nursing staff in their work. It explores the ways in which managerial practices (specifically professional management; discipline & parsimony; standard setting & performance measurement; and consumerism) have shaped the working relationships, interactions, and knowledge-exchange between managers, staff and patients and the ability of staff to carry out nursing duties within an acute hospital setting. The study is a qualitative interpretivist study grounded in the methodology of adaptive theory and draws upon the works of Lipsky (1980) in order to explore how the front-line nurses cope with and resist the demands of the workplace. Based on thirty-one qualitative interviews with front-line nursing staff in an inner city hospital in Scotland, this thesis presents the findings resulting from nurses’ views of management, finances, policies, targets, audits and consumerism. The findings show that these nurses believe there has been a proliferation of targets, audits and policies, an increasing emphasis on cost efficiency and effectiveness, a drive for professional management and a greater focus on consumerism in NHS Scotland. These are all closely linked to the ethos of NPM. From the findings it can be seen that many elements influence the working relationships of the frontline hospital nursing staff. The study suggests that the main reason for conflict between managers and nursing staff is due to their differing foci. Managers are seen to concentrate on issues of targets, audits and budgets with little thought given to the impact these decisions will have on patient care or nurses’ working conditions. Furthermore the findings highlight high levels of micro-management, self-surveillance, control and the regulation of the frontline nursing staff which has led to tensions both between nursing staff and managers, but also with patients and the public. Finally, although there has supposedly been policy divergence between Scotland and England, this thesis has identified many similarities between Scottish and English polices and NPM approaches continues to influence the working relationships of front-line nursing staff within this study despite the rhetoric that Scotland has moved away from such practices.

Valstybinių organizacijų pokyčių ir reformų teorinė analizė / Theoretical Analysis of Reforms and Changes of Governmental Organizations

Tumėnas, Aurimas 14 September 2010 (has links)
Disertacijoje analizuojami pokyčiai ir reformos, susiję su Naujosios viešosios vadybos diegimu valstybinėse organizacijose. Išskiriami ignoruojami faktoriai, įtakojantys reformų veiksmingumą, analizuojami reformų ir pokyčių mechanizmai. Disertacijoje siekiama išanalizuoti ir įvertinti, ar Naujosios viešosios vadybos ar kitos vadybinės koncepcijos pagrindu reformuotoje sistemoje atsiranda pakankamai prielaidų veiksmingų sprendimų priėmimui ir, ar atsižvelgiant į valstybinių organizacijų ir jų aplinkos ypatumus, tokia sistema pajėgi būti efektyviai valdoma. Daroma išvada, kad reikalinga ne „viena lemiama“ reforma, bet sukūrimas tokios valdymo politikos taikytinos valstybinių organizacijų sistemai valdyti, kuri leistų atlikti pakeitimus, visuomet susijusius su visos sistemos valdymu. Pasiūlomi konceptualiniai modeliai, išryškinantys informacijos apdorojimo ypatumus valstybės valdymo sistemoje. Modeliuose naudojami disertacijoje išskirti faktoriai, taip pagrindžiant būtinybę atlikti reformas, kurios sudarytų struktūrines prielaidas pagerinti sprendimų priėmimą. / The changes and reforms related to the installation of the New Public Management in governmental organizations are analyzed in the dissertation. Ignored factors that influence the effectiveness of reforms are distinguished and the analysis of reform and change mechanisms is provided. In the dissertation it is aimed to analyze and assess whether a reformed system by the New Public Management or other managerial concepts has sufficient preconditions for effective decision-making, and whether such a system can be effectively managed, taking into account features of governmental organizations and their environment. Conclusion is done that not “a one decisive” reform is required, but the creation of such encompassing public policy for the management of public sector, which allows governments to make changes, always related to the management of the whole system. Conceptual models of the information processing characteristics of the public administration system are provided. Models incorporate factors that were identified in the dissertation and are used to justify the need for reforms that would provide the structural prerequisites for better decision-making.

Naujosios viešosios vadybos principų taikymo Šiaulių profesinio rengimo centre galimybės ir perspektyvos / Possibilities and perspectives of applying the principles of new public management in Šiauliai Vocational Education and Training Centre

Petkuvienė, Aistė 16 September 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra nagrinėjamos naujosios viešosios vadybos principų taikymo Šiaulių profesinio rengimo centre ir tuo pačiu visos Lietuvos profesinio mokymo sistemoje galimybės bei perspektyvos. Tyrimo empirinę bazę sudaro 12 Šiaulių profesinio rengimo centro darbuotojų. Pagrindinis tyrimo tikslas - išnagrinėti naujosios viešosios vadybos principų taikymo galimybes ir perspektyvas Šiaulių profesinio rengimo centre. Atsižvelgiant į tyrimo tikslą bei iškeltus uždavinius darbe buvo apžvelgta naujosios viešosios vadybos situacija, pagrindiniai jos principai. Pagal tris NVV principus – decentralizaciją, darbuotojų produktyvumą bei orientaciją į kokybę ir rezultatus – analizuojama Šiaulių profesinio rengimo centro veikla. Išsamiai analizuojamas Centro darbuotojų požiūris į darbo rezultatus, motyvaciją, veiklos vertinimo sistemą. Nagrinėjamos kliūtys, trukdančios įstaigoje įsitvirtinti naujosios viešosios vadybos principams. Patvirtinama darbo autoriaus iškelta hipotezė, kad pritaikius naujosios viešosios vadybos principus Šiaulių profesinio rengimo centre jo veikla taps efektyvesnė, veiksmingesnė ir ekonomiškesnė. / Possibilities and perspectives of applying the principles of new public management in Šiauliai Vocational Education and Training Centre and whole are analysing in this master‘s work. Empirical base of the survey consists of 12 Šiauliai Vocational Education and Training Centre employees. The main aim of the research is – to analyse possibilities and perspectives of applying the principles of new public management in Šiauliai Vocational Education and Training Centre. Considering to the research aim and tasks, there were overlook situation of new public management, the main principles of it. In accordance with three NPM principles – decentralization, productiveness of employees and orientation to quality also results – there were analysed activities of Šiauliai Vocational Education and Training Centre. Viewpoint of employees about work results, motivation, system of activities evaluation are analysing very comprehensively. Also, there is made analysis of disadvantages, which disturbs the process of NPM principles establishment.

Valstybinių organizacijų reformų ir pokyčių teorinė analizė / Theoretical analysis of reforms and changes of governmental organizations

Tumėnas, Aurimas 14 September 2010 (has links)
Disertacijoje analizuojami pokyčiai ir reformos, susiję su Naujosios viešosios vadybos diegimu valstybinėse organizacijose. Išskiriami ignoruojami faktoriai, įtakojantys reformų veiksmingumą, analizuojami reformų ir pokyčių mechanizmai. Disertacijoje siekiama išanalizuoti ir įvertinti, ar Naujosios viešosios vadybos ar kitos vadybinės koncepcijos pagrindu reformuotoje sistemoje atsiranda pakankamai prielaidų veiksmingų sprendimų priėmimui ir, ar atsižvelgiant į valstybinių organizacijų ir jų aplinkos ypatumus, tokia sistema pajėgi būti efektyviai valdoma. Daroma išvada, kad reikalinga ne „viena lemiama“ reforma, bet sukūrimas tokios valdymo politikos taikytinos valstybinių organizacijų sistemai valdyti, kuri leistų atlikti pakeitimus, visuomet susijusius su visos sistemos valdymu. Pasiūlomi konceptualiniai modeliai, išryškinantys informacijos apdorojimo ypatumus valstybės valdymo sistemoje. Modeliuose naudojami disertacijoje išskirti faktoriai, taip pagrindžiant būtinybę atlikti reformas, kurios sudarytų struktūrines prielaidas pagerinti sprendimų priėmimą. / The changes and reforms related to the installation of the New Public Management in governmental organizations are analyzed in the dissertation. Ignored factors that influence the effectiveness of reforms are distinguished and the analysis of reform and change mechanisms is provided. In the dissertation it is aimed to analyze and assess whether a reformed system by the New Public Management or other managerial concepts has sufficient preconditions for effective decision-making, and whether such a system can be effectively managed, taking into account features of governmental organizations and their environment. Conclusion is done that not “a one decisive” reform is required, but the creation of such encompassing public policy for the management of public sector, which allows governments to make changes, always related to the management of the whole system. Conceptual models of the information processing characteristics of the public administration system are provided. Models incorporate factors that were identified in the dissertation and are used to justify the need for reforms that would provide the structural prerequisites for better decision-making.

Naujosios viešosios vadybos išplitimas Druskininkų mokyklų pavyzdžiu / New Public Management in Schools of Druskininkai

Jakavonienė, Inga 07 February 2011 (has links)
Švietimo sistemos pertvarkos problemų aktualumą patvirtina spaudoje nuolat publikuojami straipsniai, pedagogų bei visuomenės nepasitenkinimas. Kadangi švietimo sistemoje dalyvauja beveik visi visuomenės nariai, todėl jie yra suinteresuoti, kad švietimo sistemos reforma būtų vykdoma rezultatyviai bei veiksmingai. Vienas iš būdų tą padaryti yra naujosios viešosios vadybos principų pritaikymas. Tyrimo objektas - Druskininkų bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti naujosios viešosios vadybos principų taikymą Druskininkų bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti moklinę literatūrą NVV klausimais; 2. Išanalizuoti LR švietimo dokumentus, mokslinę, pedagoginę literatūrą nagrinėjama tema bei atskleisti ko tikimasi iš vykusių ir tebevykdomų švietimo reformų; 3. Fiksuoti NVV principų išplitimo lygį Druskininkų bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, atlikti jų sklaidos analizę; 4. Išanalizuoti gautus rezultatus, pateikti išvadas bei rekomendacijas. Tyrimo hipotezė – galima pagerinti mokyklų darbą remiantis NVV principais. Darbe naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros bei publikacijų analizė; įstatymų ir kitų teisinių dokumentų analizė; lyginamoji analizė; anketinė apklausa; interviu. Nustatyta, jog Druskininkų mokyklose taikoma dauguma naujosios viešosios vadybos principų ir tai teigiamai įtakoja institucijų veiklą. Hipotezė, kad galima pagerinti mokyklų darbą remiantis NVV principais, pasitvirtino. Siekiant efektyvesnio naujosios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relevance of reforms in education system is based on regular articles in the press as well as pedagogues and public dissatisfaction. As almost all members of the community are included in the education system, they are interested that education reform would be carried out effectively and efficiently. One way to do this is adaptation of new public management principles. The object of this research - secondary schools in Druskininkai. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the new public management principles in schools of Druskininkai. Tasks of the work are: 1) To analyze scientific literature on new public management issues; 2) To analyze the documents, scientific, educational literature on the subject, and reveal what is expected from past and ongoing educational reforms; 3) To trace the rate of spread of new public management principles in schools of Druskininkai, to carry out an analysis of their dispersion; 4) To analyze the results, present conclusions and recommendations. Hypothesis of the research – activities of schools could be improved based on principles of new public management. Methods of the work: analysis of scientific literature and publications, analysis of laws and other legal documents, comparative analysis, questionnaire, interview. It was found that the majority of schools in Druskininkai use principles of new public management and have positive results. The hypothesis that activities of schools could be improved based on principles of new public... [to full text]

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