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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geographies of faith, welfare and substance abuse : from neoliberalism to postsecular ethics

Williams, Andrew January 2012 (has links)
The increasing prominence of faith-based organisations (FBOs) in providing welfare in the UK has typically been regarded as a by-product of neoliberalism, as the gaps left by shrinking public service provision and the contracting out of service delivery have been filled by these and other Third Sector organisations. In this way, FBOs have been represented as merely being co-opted as inexpensive resource providers into the wider governmentalities of neoliberal politics – a process that allows a particular secularised form of religion in the public realm. In contrast FBOs working outside the financial and regulatory frameworks of government are understood to resist co-option and maintain the integrity a faith-motivated approach - an approach commonly assumed to be ideologically coercive and tainted by proselytising self-interest. This thesis challenges these conventional accounts of FBOs and the bifurcation of third sector welfare providers into “insiders” and “outsiders”. Drawing upon in-depth ethnographic research with FBOs providing drug rehabilitation services in the UK – and with the clients of these services – this thesis illustrates how neoliberalism can be co-constituted through the involvement of FBOs, which can offer various pathways of resistance in and through the pursuit of alternative philosophies of care and political activism. I critically question the difference faith makes in the processes of care and welfare in FBOs, critiquing the varied ethics of care derived in part from theological belief, and emphasise the relationships of care embodied and performed within organisational spaces as to complicate oversimplified stories of neoliberal co-option, proselytisation and social control. Equally, I argue that some accounts of secularisation of FBOs overlook a broader rapprochement between secular and faith-based ethical motivations, which can solicit new political and ethical spaces that run counter to, and sometimes actively resist, neoliberal (and religious) governmentalities. By drawing attention to the ethical agency of staff and clients in these spaces of care and regulation, this thesis paves the way for a more nuanced understanding of the geographies of faith, welfare and neoliberalism.

Apócryphus : o evangelho não autorizado segundo José Saramago

Veiga, Alan Ricardo Martins da January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar uma leitura contrastiva entre os escritos de cunho religioso do escritor português José Saramago, O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo e Caim, e os escritos tidos como sagrados pela cultura judaico-cristã: a Bíblia. A pesquisa visa, dessa forma, contribuir com uma leitura inovadora às análises já existentes das obras do autor. Além disso, procura evidenciar a relação entre Literatura e Religião, fazendo uso das teorias da Teopoética. A análise feita partiu do pensamento do próprio autor acerca do Romance, Literatura, História e Religião, mas também se remete à infância do autor em busca da compreensão do ambiente vivido por ele, bem como da educação por ele recebida. Logo, constata-se a ocorrência do sagrado em sua obra, mediante a aplicação do ateísmo ético e a associação ao conceito de apocrifia frente aos escritos religiosos. Em seguida, traça-se a evolução histórica da Bíblia, bem como sua relação com as teorias de Tradução e as possíveis ocorrências de desvios doutrinológicos sob o ponto de vista religioso, sob a observação de conceitos hermenêuticos e exegéticos. Na obtenção dos resultados, ressalta-se que alguns já eram esperados devido às leituras prévias realizadas; contudo, a maior parte deles é surpreendente do ponto de vista histórico-tradicional. Enfim, acredita-se na validade desta pesquisa, pois ela possibilita ao leitor, além de um comparativo, uma reflexão em busca da sua verdade pessoal. / This thesis intends to present a contrastive reading among the writings with religious nature of the Portuguese writer José Saramago, The Gospel according to Jesus Christ and Cain with the writings consider sacred by the Jewish and Christian cultures: the Bible. The search aims, in this way, to contribute with an innovative reading to the analysis previous done about the author’s books. Besides, let us seek to point the relation between Literature and Religion, using the theories of Theo-poetic. The analysis done started by the author’s thoughts about Novel, Literature, History and Religion, but it also comes back into the author’s childhood trying to comprehend his family environment, as well as the education received by him. Next, let us find the occurrence of the sacred in his work by applying the ethical atheism influenced by the humanistic philosophies and the association to the concept of apocryphal books in front of religious writings. After, let us present the historic evolution of the Bible, as well as, its relation with the Translation theories and the possible occurrence of doctrinal deviations from the religious point of view, under the observation of hermeneutical and exegetical concepts. In achieving the results, let us highlight that, some of them were expected due to the previous readings performed, however, most of them are surprising under the historical and traditional point of view. Finally, we believe in the validity of this research because it allows the reader, in addition to a comparison, a reflection in search of his personal truth.

Den svenska försvarsomställningen : Teknologi, politik eller kultur – en kvalitativ motivanalys

Granström, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Kalla krigets slut kom att innebära en ökad andel militära försvarsomställningar. Ända sedan dess har det rått delade meningar i forskarvärlden angående hur militära försvarsomställningar ska förklaras; Farrell och Terriff är några av de forskare som försökt förklara dessa genom att skapa en teoretisk förklaringsmodell. Den teoretiska förklaringsmodellen utgår ifrån tre förklarande kategorier: teknologibaserade, politiskastrategiska och kulturbaserade. För att uppfylla syftet med denna uppsats genomfördes en teoriprövning med Farrell och Terriffs teoretiska förklaringsmodell som utgångspunkt för att testa om den kunde förklara den svenska försvarsomställningen. För att kunna genomföra teoriprövningen genomfördes en motivanalys av proposition 2014/15:109 Försvarspolitisk inriktning – Sveriges försvar 2016-2020. Utifrån det analyserade materialet drogs slutsatsen att den teoretiska förklaringsmodellen kunde förklara den svenska försvarsomställningen, främst genom politiska-strategiska orsaker, men att den behöver utvecklas ytterligare för att på ett mer strukturerat och omfattande sätt kunna förklara försvarsomställningar.

Apócryphus : o evangelho não autorizado segundo José Saramago

Veiga, Alan Ricardo Martins da January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar uma leitura contrastiva entre os escritos de cunho religioso do escritor português José Saramago, O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo e Caim, e os escritos tidos como sagrados pela cultura judaico-cristã: a Bíblia. A pesquisa visa, dessa forma, contribuir com uma leitura inovadora às análises já existentes das obras do autor. Além disso, procura evidenciar a relação entre Literatura e Religião, fazendo uso das teorias da Teopoética. A análise feita partiu do pensamento do próprio autor acerca do Romance, Literatura, História e Religião, mas também se remete à infância do autor em busca da compreensão do ambiente vivido por ele, bem como da educação por ele recebida. Logo, constata-se a ocorrência do sagrado em sua obra, mediante a aplicação do ateísmo ético e a associação ao conceito de apocrifia frente aos escritos religiosos. Em seguida, traça-se a evolução histórica da Bíblia, bem como sua relação com as teorias de Tradução e as possíveis ocorrências de desvios doutrinológicos sob o ponto de vista religioso, sob a observação de conceitos hermenêuticos e exegéticos. Na obtenção dos resultados, ressalta-se que alguns já eram esperados devido às leituras prévias realizadas; contudo, a maior parte deles é surpreendente do ponto de vista histórico-tradicional. Enfim, acredita-se na validade desta pesquisa, pois ela possibilita ao leitor, além de um comparativo, uma reflexão em busca da sua verdade pessoal. / This thesis intends to present a contrastive reading among the writings with religious nature of the Portuguese writer José Saramago, The Gospel according to Jesus Christ and Cain with the writings consider sacred by the Jewish and Christian cultures: the Bible. The search aims, in this way, to contribute with an innovative reading to the analysis previous done about the author’s books. Besides, let us seek to point the relation between Literature and Religion, using the theories of Theo-poetic. The analysis done started by the author’s thoughts about Novel, Literature, History and Religion, but it also comes back into the author’s childhood trying to comprehend his family environment, as well as the education received by him. Next, let us find the occurrence of the sacred in his work by applying the ethical atheism influenced by the humanistic philosophies and the association to the concept of apocryphal books in front of religious writings. After, let us present the historic evolution of the Bible, as well as, its relation with the Translation theories and the possible occurrence of doctrinal deviations from the religious point of view, under the observation of hermeneutical and exegetical concepts. In achieving the results, let us highlight that, some of them were expected due to the previous readings performed, however, most of them are surprising under the historical and traditional point of view. Finally, we believe in the validity of this research because it allows the reader, in addition to a comparison, a reflection in search of his personal truth.

Apócryphus : o evangelho não autorizado segundo José Saramago

Veiga, Alan Ricardo Martins da January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar uma leitura contrastiva entre os escritos de cunho religioso do escritor português José Saramago, O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo e Caim, e os escritos tidos como sagrados pela cultura judaico-cristã: a Bíblia. A pesquisa visa, dessa forma, contribuir com uma leitura inovadora às análises já existentes das obras do autor. Além disso, procura evidenciar a relação entre Literatura e Religião, fazendo uso das teorias da Teopoética. A análise feita partiu do pensamento do próprio autor acerca do Romance, Literatura, História e Religião, mas também se remete à infância do autor em busca da compreensão do ambiente vivido por ele, bem como da educação por ele recebida. Logo, constata-se a ocorrência do sagrado em sua obra, mediante a aplicação do ateísmo ético e a associação ao conceito de apocrifia frente aos escritos religiosos. Em seguida, traça-se a evolução histórica da Bíblia, bem como sua relação com as teorias de Tradução e as possíveis ocorrências de desvios doutrinológicos sob o ponto de vista religioso, sob a observação de conceitos hermenêuticos e exegéticos. Na obtenção dos resultados, ressalta-se que alguns já eram esperados devido às leituras prévias realizadas; contudo, a maior parte deles é surpreendente do ponto de vista histórico-tradicional. Enfim, acredita-se na validade desta pesquisa, pois ela possibilita ao leitor, além de um comparativo, uma reflexão em busca da sua verdade pessoal. / This thesis intends to present a contrastive reading among the writings with religious nature of the Portuguese writer José Saramago, The Gospel according to Jesus Christ and Cain with the writings consider sacred by the Jewish and Christian cultures: the Bible. The search aims, in this way, to contribute with an innovative reading to the analysis previous done about the author’s books. Besides, let us seek to point the relation between Literature and Religion, using the theories of Theo-poetic. The analysis done started by the author’s thoughts about Novel, Literature, History and Religion, but it also comes back into the author’s childhood trying to comprehend his family environment, as well as the education received by him. Next, let us find the occurrence of the sacred in his work by applying the ethical atheism influenced by the humanistic philosophies and the association to the concept of apocryphal books in front of religious writings. After, let us present the historic evolution of the Bible, as well as, its relation with the Translation theories and the possible occurrence of doctrinal deviations from the religious point of view, under the observation of hermeneutical and exegetical concepts. In achieving the results, let us highlight that, some of them were expected due to the previous readings performed, however, most of them are surprising under the historical and traditional point of view. Finally, we believe in the validity of this research because it allows the reader, in addition to a comparison, a reflection in search of his personal truth.

“I don’t need to change my body to feel like a boy” : En tematisk transanalys av transrepresentation i Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Backman, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur trans representeras i tv-serien Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, med syftet att undersöka vad för mening serien skapar om trans i stort. Detta undersöks genom att titta närmare på en karaktär i serien, transpersonen Theo Putnam, och hur han och andra förhåller sig till hans kropp och kön. Studiens metoder är en tematisk analys samt en transläsning och fyra teman av transrepresentation har identifierats i materialet: mobbning i relation till kropp och kön, kroppen som hinder, kroppen som accepterad samt sexualitet och kärlek i relation till trans. Dessa teman visar att trans i serien representeras som något som tidvis gör att en blir utsatt och mobbad, men som till största del inte är så problematiskt. Kroppen och könet är i serien frånkopplade, och serien visar att en inte måste korrigera sin kropp som transperson. Studien kommer fram till att trans i serien framställs som något bra, och att kön, kropp, relationer samt sexualitet ses som flytande och föränderliga.

Phénoménologie et métaphysique dans la pensée de Max Scheler / Phenomenology and Metaphysics in Max Scheler's thought

Domenech, Théodora 10 December 2018 (has links)
Max Scheler développe une phénoménologie de l’affectivité fondée sur l’idée que l’amour est source de toute connaissance. L’amour, défini comme l’acte intentionnel par excellence, est un acte d’essence personnelle. Cette affirmation amène le philosophe à considérer comme une nécessité eidétique l’existence d’une personne infinie divine, un Dieu amour. Cela engendre deux questions : l’essence de la personne divine découle-t-elle de l’expérience intuitive fondée sur l’amour ? Ou bien, au contraire, l’amour ne peut-il être pensé comme fondement de la connaissance que d’après une représentation préalable de Dieu défini comme amour ? Notre recherche propose d’interroger, à partir de la position schelerienne, la possibilité de constituer une phénoménologie absolument neutre de tout présupposé métaphysique. Nous travaillons pour cela avec plusieurs concepts de métaphysique : réalisme ontologique, idéalisme subjectiviste, et Weltanschauung. Nous interrogeons dans un premier temps la pensée schelerienne à travers le prisme du débat généré par le tournant idéaliste de Husserl, en nous demandant si le personnalisme de Scheler peut être qualifié de réalisme et en quel sens. Nous étudions ensuite l’ensemble des axiomes religieux mobilisés par Scheler dans sa phénoménologie afin de mettre en évidence ce que nous appelons une théo-logique de sa conception de la logique phénoménologique. Nous examinons enfin la façon dont Scheler soumet rétrospectivement la phénoménologie à un regard critique, en cherchant à dégager ses présupposés métaphysiques implicites. Cela permet de comprendre pourquoi Scheler, dans la dernière période de ses recherches, abandonne la phénoménologie et considère sa nouvelle pensée comme une métaphysique nouvelle. / Max Scheler’s phenomenological thinking is based on the idea that love is the source of all knowledge. Defined as the ultimate intentional act, love is an essentially personal act. This claim drives the philosopher to consider the existence of an infinite personal God – a loving God - as an eidetic necessity. This raises the following questions: does the essence of God arise from an intuitive experience grounded in love? Or is love conceived as the source of all knowledge according to an existing representation of God defined as love? Taking Scheler’s position on the matter as the guiding thread of my research, I examine the possibility of a phenomenology free from any metaphysical presupposition. To this end, several definitions of the term metaphysics will be examined: ontological realism, idealist subjectivism, and theological Weltanschauung. I first question Scheler’s thought through the prism of the debate surrounding Husserl’s idealist turn by asking whether his personalist phenomenology can be described as « realist » and if so, in what sense. Then I examine all the religious axioms that Scheler uses in his phenomenology to highlight what I call a « theo-logic », i.e. an implicit theological conception of phenomenological logic. Finally, I look at how Scheler criticizes phenomenology in the hope of revealing its implicit metaphysical presuppositions. My thesis thus sheds light on why Scheler, at the end of his life, decided to put phenomenology aside and to define his thinking in terms of a new metaphysics.

Scaling of Steady States in a Simple Driven Three-State Lattice Gas

Thies, Michael 15 September 1998 (has links)
Phase segregated states in a simple three-state stochastic lattice gas are investigated. A two dimensional finite lattice with periodic boundary conditions is filled with one hole and two oppositely "charged" species of particles, subject to an excluded volume constraint. Starting from a completely disordered initial configuration, a sufficiently large external "electric" field <I>E</I> induces the phase segregation, by separating the charges into two strips and "trapping" the hole at an interface between them. Focusing on the steady state, the scaling properties of an appropriate order parameter, depending on drive and system size, are investigated by mean-field theory and Monte Carlo methods. Density profiles of the two interfaces in the ordered system are studied with the help of Monte Carlo simulations and are found to scale in the field-dependent variable, Ε = 2 tanh <I>E</I> /2), for <I>E</I> ≲ 0.8. For larger values of <I>E</I>, independent approximations of the interfacial profiles, obtained within the framework of mean-field theory, exhibit significant deviations from the Monte Carlo data. Interestingly, the deviations can be reduced significantly by a slight modification of the mean-field theory. / Master of Science

Instrumentalisation of natural science for the reconstruction of architectural konowledge: Lissitzky, Doesburg, Meyer, Teige/

İnceköse, Ülkü. Çıkış, Şeniz January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Doctoral) -- İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir, 2006. / Keywords: natural sciences, instrumentalisation, inter war period. Includes bibliographical references (p. 162-172).

A Representação da Informação do Folclore Alagoano na Obra Literária e Bibliográfica de Théo Brandão: um Meio de Visibilidade e Acessibilidade

Santos, Noaide Reis dos 29 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Valdinei Souza (neisouza@hotmail.com) on 2016-01-05T20:05:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO NOAIDE REIS DOS SANTOS.pdf: 2655838 bytes, checksum: 9718b5036819e6a4de27feb442859989 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Urania Araujo (urania@ufba.br) on 2016-02-19T20:12:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO NOAIDE REIS DOS SANTOS.pdf: 2655838 bytes, checksum: 9718b5036819e6a4de27feb442859989 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-19T20:12:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO NOAIDE REIS DOS SANTOS.pdf: 2655838 bytes, checksum: 9718b5036819e6a4de27feb442859989 (MD5) / A Representação da Informação é apresentada nessa pesquisa com o objetivo de averiguar a forma como a obra literária e bibliográfica de Théo Brandão está sendo representada no processo da Linguagem Documentária. O estudo apresenta essas obras nos acervos da Biblioteca Nacional, em 69 Universidades Federais Brasileiras e em cinco bibliotecas públicas e privadas do estado de Alagoas. O problema consiste em saber se a obra literária e bibliográfica do autor, da forma como está sendo representada nas Linguagens Documentárias é capaz de dar visibilidade e acesso ao folclore alagoano e ao seu maior representante? Foi utilizada a técnica de observação direta e levantamentos em bases de dados nos acervos das bibliotecas pesquisadas; adotada a aplicação de questionário e visita técnica com entrevista, como canal de comunicação entre os profissionais das Instituições em questão, com o propósito de descobrir e analisar os acervos e seus dados de representação, visando à obtenção de informações sobre a Representação e a utilização documentária. Para a realização da pesquisa foi necessária uma reflexão sobre a literatura que abordasse os temas referentes à Representação da Informação (Linguagem Documentária) e suas temáticas, aproximando-as de suas contribuições para a visibilidade, o acesso e a disseminação da informação sobre a cultura popular/folclore, fortalecendo e dando continuidade à interação de um povo com o seu meio social, cultural e ao mesmo tempo possibilitando a visibilidade dos acervos para os usuários. A pesquisa justifica-se pela valorização e a visibilidade da cultura popular por uma instituição, através do seu acervo literário, as quais perpassam os caminhos da informação e do conhecimento. A motivação deste trabalho é analisar, sob o ponto de vista da Representação da Informação, como ela é processada em algumas bibliotecas do estado de Alagoas, na perspectiva da visibilidade. Como resultado, constatamos que em dezesseis bibliotecas federais, essas obras são bem representadas e acessíveis, porém com uma pequena quantidade de itens. Em Alagoas, nas bibliotecas pesquisadas, com exceção da biblioteca central da Universidade Federal (UFAL), ainda existe uma subutilização dessas linguagens no processo de utilização. Damos ênfase para o acervo da Biblioteca do Museu Théo Brandão, que possui uma maior quantidade de itens, porém ainda necessita de maiores ações das instituições mantenedoras (UFAL, Museu Théo Brandão e IPHAN), como, apoio, gerenciamento, organização, patrocínio, cooperação, financiamento, gestão para que o acervo possa, a um curto prazo, tornar-se disponível nos sistemas de informação globalizado, perpetuando assim as nossas raízes através da cultura popular/folclore brasileiro. / ABSTRACT The Representation of the Information is presented in this research and the which aims ascertain the form how the literary and bibliographical work of Theo Brandao is being represented in the process of Languages Documentary. The study presents these works in the acquis of the National Library, in 69 Brazilian federal universities and five public and private libraries in the state of Alagoas. The problem consist in know if the literary acquis and bibliographic of the author, of the way is being represented in documentary Languages is able to give visibility and access to the alagoano folklore and to the yours bigger representative? It was used the technique of direct observation and the survey in data bases in the acquis of the surveyed libraries; after adopted the application of the questionnaire and technical visit with interview, as a communication channel between the professionals of the institutions in question, for the purpose of discovering and analyzing the acquis and the your data of the representation in order to obtain information on the representation and the utilization the documents. For to realization of the research was necessary a reflection on the literature that address the themes related with the representation of information (documentary languages) and their thematics, approaching them from their contributions to the visibility, access and dissemination of information on popular culture / folklore, strengthening and continuing with the interaction of a peoples with their social, cultural environment and at the same time enabling the visibility of acquis for users. The research is justified by the appreciation and visibility of popular culture by an institution, through its literary acquis, which cut across the paths of information and knowledge. The motivation of this work is to analyze, from the point of view of the representation of the information, how it is processed in some state libraries of the Alagoas, in the perspective of visibility. As result, we found that in sixteen federal libraries, these works are well represented and accessible, but with a small amount of items. In Alagoas, in the surveyed libraries, except the Central Library of the Federal University (UFAL), there is an under-utilization of those languages in the utilization process. We give emphasis to the acquis of the library of the Museu Theo Brandao, that has a highest quantity of items, but require further action of the sponsor institutions (UFAL, Theo Brandao Museum and IPHAN) as support, management, organization, sponsorship, cooperation, financing. management so that the acquis can, a short-term, be available in the global information systems, thus perpetuating our roots through popular culture / Brazilian folklore.

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