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Úkoly Krajského ředitelství Policie ČR vyplývající z Krizového plánu kraje / The tasks of Regional Directorate Police Czech Republic resulting from the crisis plan of the regionPETŘÍK, Jindřich January 2016 (has links)
In the practical part I have proposed an emergency plan for the Regional Police Directorate of South Bohemia (RPD). The main question was: "what are the potential threats to (i) building (ii) day-to-day operations of the Directorate?" The question was addressed through an expert research and security inspection of the building; identified threats were analysed and an adequate security measures were proposed in the concluding paragraph.Some threats were taken from the Emergency Plan of South Bohemia, some of the other security documentation that establishes a Regional Police Directorate of the South Region. In another part of the Plan of emergency preparedness are contained details of the processor and its activities, which in the case of the RPD of the South Bohemian region only to protect internal security and public order in the region
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The price of threat: the role of identity-safe marketplaces in predicting intergroup price sensitivityJacob Filho, Jorge Rodrigues 26 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JORGE JACOB FILHO (jorgejacob@gmail.com) on 2016-05-24T18:36:39Z
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Dissertação final para biblioteca 24.mai.pdf: 1505142 bytes, checksum: ed1c813b8dd0d5ad8dadcd26d9c6ebac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2016-06-03T12:36:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertação final para biblioteca 24.mai.pdf: 1505142 bytes, checksum: ed1c813b8dd0d5ad8dadcd26d9c6ebac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2016-06-07T14:42:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
~$e price of the threat - dissertação 06.05 (completo).docx: 162 bytes, checksum: 2ae824f3602b738b79fd94cffe5d470f (MD5)
Dissertação final para biblioteca 24.mai.pdf: 1505142 bytes, checksum: ed1c813b8dd0d5ad8dadcd26d9c6ebac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-07T14:42:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertação final para biblioteca 24.mai.pdf: 1505142 bytes, checksum: ed1c813b8dd0d5ad8dadcd26d9c6ebac (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-04-26 / In field experiments with subjects living either inside or outside Brazilian slums (n=955), we show that consumers living in slums are less price sensitive, in opposition with recent price sensitivity research. Comparing slum and non-slum dwellers, we found that negatively stereotyped consumers (e.g. slum dwellers) were more likely to pay higher amounts for friendlier customer service when facing social identity threats (SITs) in marketplaces such as banks. The mechanism which makes them less price sensitive is related to the perception of how other people evaluate their social groups, and we argue that they pay more because they are seeking identity-safe commercial relationships. This work, besides extending the literature in SITs, presents a perspective for the exchange between economics and psychology on price sensitivity, showing that consumers living in slums are willing to pay more to avoid possibly social identity threating experiences.
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A resposta do consumidor ao uso do humor em serviços: os papéis de ameaça, credibilidade e familiaridadeSouza, Carla Moura de Melo 28 February 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Oliveira (cristiane.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2011-05-25T13:59:23Z
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / Quando as pessoas estão felizes, tendem a avaliar produtos e serviços de uma maneira mais positiva. Esta parece ser o objetivo subjacente ao uso crescente do humor nos serviços: induzir um estado afetivo positivo. Há relatos de sucesso do seu emprego em hospitais, escolas e instituições de treinamento. A literatura corrobora esta prática de promover estados afetivos positivos no consumidor, pois as avaliações costumam ser congruentes com o estado afetivo. Entretanto, algumas vezes, o humor não apenas não consegue gerar uma atitude favorável como até potencializa atitudes negativas. O objetivo desta Tese é sugerir e testar variáveis moderadoras que possam explicar este comportamento. Os resultados mostraram que a Ameaça modera a relação entre Humor e Atitude Relativa ao serviço assim como a relação entre Humor e Desejo de Experimentar o serviço. Esta Tese também propôs como hipótese que a Credibilidade e a Familiaridade poderiam diminuir ou eliminar o efeito redutor da Ameaça sobre a avaliação dos serviços com humor. Esta hipótese não foi confirmada para Credibilidade nos experimentos realizados, mas confirmou-se para Familiaridade. Portanto, Familiaridade provou ser uma condição segura para fundamentar o serviço com humor. / When people are happy they tend to evaluate products and services in a more positive manner. This seems to be the implicit objective behind the increasing use of humor in services: inducing a positive mood state. There are several examples of successful implementation of humor at hospitals, schools, training and educational facilities. Literature supports the practice of promoting consumer positive affective states: during evaluative judgments individuals use affective information in a congruent manner. However, sometimes humor cannot produce favorable attitudes and even magnifies negative ones. The goal of this thesis is to suggest and empirically test moderator variables that can explain this behavior. This thesis argues that when consumers anticipate potential damage to their well-being or self-esteem at the service, they feel threatened and evaluate service with humor poorly in comparison with the no humor alternative. The logic behind this hypothesis is that humor is ambiguous and his hostile and deprecating side would be considered in a situation of perceived threat, turning evaluations unfavorably or less favorably. The results show that threat moderates the relation between humor and service attitude and humor and willingness to try the service. This thesis also hypothesized that credibility and familiarity could reduce or eliminate the negative effect of threat on evaluations of services with humor. This hypothesis doesn’t hold for credibility, but it holds for familiarity. Therefore familiarity proved to be a safe ground to build service humor.
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Řízení výrobního podniku v podmínkách rizika / Risk management of the agricultural enterpriseREŠLOVÁ, Marcela January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze the production enterprise under the risk conditions and to identify the risk factors which have the influence on agricultural business. The theoretical part gives a definition of risk, risk classification and risk management with different methods of risk treatment. The special part is focused on agricultural risk management, its objectives and principles. The analytic part of the thesis contains characteristics of the analyzed enterprise. Special attention is paid to the calculation formula in plant and livestock production and the break even analysis. The risk analysis is performed in the following order: threat identification and risk-ranking matrix determination according to probability of occurrence and severity of consequences. Based on a strategy are identified ways to reduce risk and determined the risk mitigation. Improvements for the enterprise are suggested on the basis of the results.
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Polaridade regional e percepção de ameaças: comparando as políticas de defesa de África do Sul, Brasil e Índia / Regional polarity and threat perception: comparing the defense policies of South Africa, Brazil and India.Igor Daniel Palhares Acácio 16 December 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Tendo como pressuposto teórico a regionalização das questões de segurança internacional no pós Guerra Fria, esta dissertação objetiva realizar uma análise comparativa da Política de Defesa de três potências regionais, quais sejam, África do Sul, Brasil e Índia, identificando
percepção de ameaça no âmbito das suas políticas de defesa. Para fazê-lo, fez-se necessário ter em consideração as capacidades materiais (inspirado no neorrealismo e realismo neoclássico), e os aspectos relativos à percepção de ameaças, numa dimensão ampliada dos estudos de segurança (inspirados pela Escola de Copenhague). Com isso em mente, este
trabalho lida com a literatura sobre a segurança regional e as potências regionais, a qual se baseia em vários pressupostos teóricos Neorrealistas, Realistas Neoclássicos e da Escola de Copenhague. A proposição heurística que guia este trabalho é, dado que a percepção de ameaça externa vem de uma leitura, feita pelo Estado, do seu contexto regional, um Estado com baixo nível de ameaças externas tende a vincular de forma mais intensiva de segurança com o desenvolvimento. As fontes utilizadas são dados quantitativos (Composite Index of National Capabilities do projeto Correlates of War), que permitem avaliar a distribuição de capacidades materiais em três regiões (América do Sul, África do Sul, e no Sul da Ásia) e,
principalmente, as políticas declaratórias de defesa, os documentos que carregam percepção dos Estados em relação à segurança. Na comparação dos casos, dois aspectos são o foco para a análise do discurso de segurança: as percepções de segurança sobre as suas regiões, o nexo entre segurança e desenvolvimento. / Having as theoretical assumption the regionalization of security issues on the post Cold War period, this dissertation aims is to carry out a comparative analysis of the Defense Policy of three regional powers, namely Brazil, India and South Africa, identifying threat perception in
the framework of their Defense Policies. In order to do it, both material capabilities (inspired by Neorealism), and the aspects concerning the perception of threats and widening security studies (inspired by the Copenhagen School) are taken into consideration. Theoretically, this work draws on the literature on regional security and regional powers, which builds upon several assumptions made by Neorrealists, Neoclassical Realists and Copenhagen School
thinkers. My heuristic proposition is that, given that foreign threat perceptions come from a State reading of its regional context, a State with low level of foreign threats tends to link more intensively security with development. The sources used are quantitative data (COWs Composite Index of National Capabilities) which allows evaluating the distribution of material capabilities in three regions (South America, Southern Africa, and the South Asia) and mainly the declaratory defense policies, documents that carry States perception regarding
security. In the comparison of cases, three aspects for discourse analysis: the security perceptions about their regions, the nexus between security and development.
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Plán připravenosti obce Borovany na Mimořádné události / Plan of the village Borovany to Emergencies.NÝDL, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the threats and risks that can occur in the administrative district of Borovany town and the preparedness of the municipality to face these undesirable elements. The result of this work, based on the crisis plan of ORP Trhové Sviny, is the Borovany's emergency law. The whole work consists of three basic parts. In the first theoretical part, we are dealing with valid legislation on emergency and crisis situations. Here are defined the most important concepts, such as risks, threats, integrated rescue system, emergency event, and crisis situation. When collecting and sorting data, I proceeded mainly by the factual-analytical method. I have consulted this problematics with experts in various fields. In the next part of my diploma thesis I deal with methodology of research focused on risk detection in the administrative district of Borovany. There is described a multi-criteria risk analysis of the crisis plan of the ORP Trhové Sviny, which is the source for this thesis. In a research part, the Borovany town is characterized, for which the plan is being prepared. The most important part of the diploma thesis is the Borovany risk analysis. Out of the total of 34 threats to ORP Trhové Sviny, 12 were identified that could arise in the administrative district of Borovany. By multi-criteria and SWOT analysis, it was found that the ORP Trhové Sviny crisis plans are too general and insufficient for the Borovany administrative district to prepare for emergency events. This conclusion is based on the SWOT analysis, where I detected threats that the crisis plan does not consider. In the next part, I analysed the identified threats by model action plans and I investigated the negative impacts on the inhabitants, the functioning of the municipality. I also planned the necessary measures for specific cases of emergency event. The result of the thesis is a proposal of the crisis preparedness plan of the Borovany town and the finding that Borovany town is not fully prepared for the current risks because the crisis plan of the ORP Trhové Sviny is too general and does not analyze all the threats that may arise here. The proposed plan should help the response to emergency events and crisis situations in the district and the created cards should make it easier to solve. The resulting proposed plan could become a template for other municipalities in solving and managing emergency events and crisis situations.
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Real-time detection of Advanced Persistent Threats using Information Flow Tracking and Hidden Markov Models / Détection temps réel de menaces persistantes avancées par suivi de flux d'information et modèles de Markov cachésBrogi, Guillaume 04 April 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons les risques posés par les Menaces Persistentes Avancées (APTs) et proposons une approche en deux temps pour distinguer les attaques qui en font partie. Ce travail fait partie d'Akheros, un Système de Détection d'Intrusion (IDS) autonome développé par trois doctorants. L'idée est d'utiliser l'apprentissage machine pour détecté des évènements inattendus et vérifier s'ils posent un risque de sécurité. La dernière étape, et le sujet de cette thèse, est de mettre en évidence les APT. Les campagnes d'APT sont particulièrement dangereuses car les attaquants sont compétents et ont un but précis ainsi que du temps et de l'argent. Nous partons des résultats des parties précédentes d'Akheros: une liste d'évènements traduisible en flux d'information et qui indique quand des attaques sont détectées. Nous faisons ressortir les liens entre attaques en utilisant le Suivi de Flux d'Information: nous ajoutons une nouvelle teinte pour chaque attaque. Lors de la propagation, si une teinte se trouve en amont d'un flux qui fait partie d'une attaque, alors les deux attaques sont liés. Certaines attaques se trouvent liées par erreur car les évènements que nous utilisons ne sont pas assez précis, d'où l'approche en deux temps. Dans le cas où certaines attaques ne sont pas détectées, la teinte de cette attaque n'est pas créée, cependant, les autres teintes sont propagées normalement, et l'attaque précédent l'attaque non détectée sera liée à l'attaque lui faisant suite. Le deuxième temps de l'approche est de retirer les liens erronés. Nous utilisons un Modèle de Markov Caché pour représenter les APTs et retirons les campagnes qui ne suivent pas le modèle. Ceci fonctionne car les APTs, quoique toutes différentes, passent par les mêmes phases. Ces phases sont les états cachés du modèle. Les observations sont les types d'attaques effectuées pendant ces phases. De plus, les actions futures des attaquants dépendent des résultats de l'action en cours, ce qui satisfait l'hypothèse de Markov. Le score utilisé pour classer les campagnes potentielles de la plus proche d'une APT à la plus éloigné est basé sur un algorithme de Viterbi modifié pour prendre en compte les attaques non détectées potentielles. / In this thesis, we present the risks posed by Advanced Persitent Threats (APTs) and propose a two-step approach for recognising when detected attacks are part of one. This is part of the Akheros solution, a fully autonomous Intrusion Detection System (IDS) being developed in collaboration by three PhD students. The idea is to use machine learning to detect unexpected events and check if they present a security risk. The last part, and the subject of this thesis, is the highlighting of APT. APTs campaigns are particularly dangerous because they are performed by skilled attackers with a precise goal and time and money on their side.We start with the results from the previous part of the Akheros IDS: a list of events, which can be translated to flows of information, with an indication for events found to be attacks. We find links between attacks using Information Flow Tracking. To do so, we create a new taint for each detected attack and propagate it. Whenever a taint is on the input of an event that is part of another attack, then the two attacks are linked. However, the links are only potential because the events used are not precise enough, which leads to erroneously propagated taints. In the case of an undetected attack, no taint is created for that attack, but the other taints are still propagated as normal so that previous attack is still linked to the next attack, only skipping the undetected one. The second step of the approach is to filter out the erroneous links. To do so, we use a Hidden Markov Model to represent APTs and remove potential attack campaign that do not fit the model. This is possible because, while each APT is different, they all go through the same phases, which form the hidden states of our model. The visible observations are the kind of attacks performed during these phases. In addition, the results in one phase dictate what the attackers do next, which fits the Markov hypothesis. The score used to rank potential attack campaign from most likely an APT to least likely so is based on a customised Viterbi algorithm in order to take into account potentially undetected attacks.
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Polaridade regional e percepção de ameaças: comparando as políticas de defesa de África do Sul, Brasil e Índia / Regional polarity and threat perception: comparing the defense policies of South Africa, Brazil and India.Igor Daniel Palhares Acácio 16 December 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Tendo como pressuposto teórico a regionalização das questões de segurança internacional no pós Guerra Fria, esta dissertação objetiva realizar uma análise comparativa da Política de Defesa de três potências regionais, quais sejam, África do Sul, Brasil e Índia, identificando
percepção de ameaça no âmbito das suas políticas de defesa. Para fazê-lo, fez-se necessário ter em consideração as capacidades materiais (inspirado no neorrealismo e realismo neoclássico), e os aspectos relativos à percepção de ameaças, numa dimensão ampliada dos estudos de segurança (inspirados pela Escola de Copenhague). Com isso em mente, este
trabalho lida com a literatura sobre a segurança regional e as potências regionais, a qual se baseia em vários pressupostos teóricos Neorrealistas, Realistas Neoclássicos e da Escola de Copenhague. A proposição heurística que guia este trabalho é, dado que a percepção de ameaça externa vem de uma leitura, feita pelo Estado, do seu contexto regional, um Estado com baixo nível de ameaças externas tende a vincular de forma mais intensiva de segurança com o desenvolvimento. As fontes utilizadas são dados quantitativos (Composite Index of National Capabilities do projeto Correlates of War), que permitem avaliar a distribuição de capacidades materiais em três regiões (América do Sul, África do Sul, e no Sul da Ásia) e,
principalmente, as políticas declaratórias de defesa, os documentos que carregam percepção dos Estados em relação à segurança. Na comparação dos casos, dois aspectos são o foco para a análise do discurso de segurança: as percepções de segurança sobre as suas regiões, o nexo entre segurança e desenvolvimento. / Having as theoretical assumption the regionalization of security issues on the post Cold War period, this dissertation aims is to carry out a comparative analysis of the Defense Policy of three regional powers, namely Brazil, India and South Africa, identifying threat perception in
the framework of their Defense Policies. In order to do it, both material capabilities (inspired by Neorealism), and the aspects concerning the perception of threats and widening security studies (inspired by the Copenhagen School) are taken into consideration. Theoretically, this work draws on the literature on regional security and regional powers, which builds upon several assumptions made by Neorrealists, Neoclassical Realists and Copenhagen School
thinkers. My heuristic proposition is that, given that foreign threat perceptions come from a State reading of its regional context, a State with low level of foreign threats tends to link more intensively security with development. The sources used are quantitative data (COWs Composite Index of National Capabilities) which allows evaluating the distribution of material capabilities in three regions (South America, Southern Africa, and the South Asia) and mainly the declaratory defense policies, documents that carry States perception regarding
security. In the comparison of cases, three aspects for discourse analysis: the security perceptions about their regions, the nexus between security and development.
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Facial width-to-height ratio as a cue of threat : An ERP studyEldblom, Hans January 2018 (has links)
The late positive potential (LPP) is an event-related potential (ERP) component associated with increased affective processing. Studies have shown that stimuli with high evolutionary significance (e.g. a threatening face) induce increased activity over centro-parietal areas of the brain. In an electrophysiological context, this is hypothesized to be indexed by greater LPP amplitudes. The facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) is a facial-masculinity metric which refers to cheekbone width, divided by upper facial height (top of the lip to between the brows). For the first time, LPP amplitudes were examined in subjects upon observing faces with high vs. low facial fWHRs. Prior studies suggest that faces with high fWHRs are perceived as more threatening than faces with low fWHRs. Consequently, fWHR has by some researchers been proposed to serve as a cue of threat. Two separate tasks in the present study were used to investigate this. In the aggression task, males with high fWHRs were judged as more aggressive. Moreover, when put in a threatening context, high fWHR faces also elicited greater LPP amplitudes in subjects compared to faces with low fWHRs. Conversely, in the self-regulation task, differences in LPP amplitudes did not reach significance. In this task, statistical power was low due to few blocks/trials in the ERP experiment and subjects were not primed on threat, which may explain the non-significant results. Taken together, the results provide modest support to the theory that fWHR serve as a cue of threat. Future studies will need to take the present study’s limitations into consideration
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Formation of Threat Image and Identity Building in Latvia during the pre- and post-Accession Period to the EU and NATOCapra, Yves January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, I explore if Latvia has experienced, during the last ten years, a change in identity and threat perception that could allow for the building of a “cooperative security community” in Northern Europe. Recent constructivist researches contend that such change is in progress in neighboring Estonia. This research, performed through a discourse analysis of political elite’s speeches, reveals the presence – explained by the concept of interim inconsequentiality - of two opposite identity/security discourses. I link the first, inclusive, discourse to Latvia’s Western socialization, but not to a change in identity, as I contend that both threat images and identity have been instrumentalized for the sake of the accession strategy. As for the second, exclusionary, discourse that shows a persistent distrust of both Russia and the ethnic Russian minorities, and is the more prevalent in terms of political behavior, I link it to Latvia’s identity as a small ethnic nation vulnerable to external pressures - an identity strengthened during the period by Russia’s behavior. I verify this thesis by exposing the exclusionary discourse’s salience on the EU integration issue. I conclude that the period of reference, far from resolving the security dilemma, has, on the contrary, reinforced it.
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