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Le droit international face aux pandémies : vers un système de sécurité sanitaire collective ? / International law in the face of pandemics : towards a system of collective health security ?Pooter, Hélène de 06 December 2013 (has links)
Face aux pandémies, le droit international s'organise-t-il sous la forme d'un « système de sécurité sanitaire collective» (abandon des mesures unilatérales excessives - garantie offerte par la collectivité par le biais d'une action commune - sauvegarde du droit des États d'adopter les mesures individuelles nécessaires) ? L'étude des instruments adoptés au sein de l'OMS (Règlement sanitaire international et Cadre de préparation en cas de grippe pandémique), des actes unilatéraux de l'ONU (résolutions de l'Assemblée générale, du Conseil de sécurité et du Conseil économique et social), de la coopération entre organisations intergouvernementales et des accords de l'OMC (GATT, Accord SPS et Accord sur les ADPIC) révèle que chaque segment de la question reçoit une réponse positive. Pourtant, on ne peut ignorer le caractère largement imparfait du résultat de la lutte contre les pandémies. S'il existe indéniablement des indices en faveur de la thèse selon laquelle un système de sécurité sanitaire collective serait en formation, le droit international face aux pandémies se caractérise par un agglomérat de fragments aux antipodes d'un édifice juridique cohérent. / In the face of pandemics, is international law organized as a "system of collective health security" (foregoing excessive unilateral measures - guaranteed by the community through joint action - upholding State rights to adopt necessary individual measures)? The study of instruments adopted by the WHO (International Health Regulations, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework), of unilateral acts of the UN (resolutions of the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council), of cooperation between international organizations and of the WTO's Agreements (GATT, SPS Agreement and TRIPS Agreement) reveals that the answer to each segment of the question is positive. However, one cannot ignore the highly imperfect result of the fight against pandemics. If there are undeniable indices which illustrate the existence of a nascent system of collective health security, international law in the face of pandemics is nevertheless thus far characterized by an agglomerate of fragments at odds with a coherent legal edifice.
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Připravenost Zdravotnické záchranné služby Zlínského kraje na krizové situace / The preparedness of the Emergency Medical Service of Zlin Region for Crisis SituationsMANA, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
Impacts of global climate changes in the form of repeated natural disasters are becoming a part of the day-to-day life of the present-day society. The issue of preparedness for extraordinary and crisis situations is becoming more and more topical. The Czech Republic is no exception; it regularly faces heavy rains, floods or snow. The key prerequisite for successful management of these emergencies is an effective prevention and preparedness in the form of crisis plans or crisis preparedness plans. The objective of my thesis is to find out whether Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region is sufficiently prepared for the occurrence of emergencies and to propose solutions if shortcomings are identified. The Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region constitutes a basic component part of the Integrated Rescue System of Zlín Region. As a provider of emergency medical services, it is included in the Crisis Plan of Zlín Region. Capacity for action and the activities of the Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region have to be ensured not only in day-to-day operation, but also if an emergency occurs and continues. The theoretical part of my thesis provides a general overview of emergency and crisis planning, competencies of administrative authorities with respect to emergency medical services in case of an emergency situation announcement, traumatology plan and pandemic plan. This chapter includes also characterization of the legal entity of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region and description of special antropogenic and natural threats. The theoretical part is followed by qualitative research, which involves in particular a detailed study of available professional resources in printed and electronic form, especially crisis and emergency planning documents of Zlín Region and internal documents of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region. The practical part of the thesis contains an analysis of external and internal threats at respective ambulance stations of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region. The external risks analysis is based on the Crisis Plan of Zlín Region and Emergency Plan of Zlín Region, while the internal risks analysis is based on an expert estimate of potential risks at respective ambulance stations of EMS ZR. I assigned the potential impact on the activity of EMS ZK to each identified risk in the risk analysis. The outputs from the analysis became the main source for the preparation of the crisis preparedness plan. The analysis of external risks confirmed that agility and EMS ZK activities may disrupt in particular the following threats: natural flood (ambulance station in Zlín Peroutkovo nábřeží, Uherské Hradiště, Vsetín), special flood (ambulance station in Zlín - Peroutkovo nábřeží, Karolinka, Vsetín), risks arising from climatic conditions (especially heavy snow in Wallachia), disruption of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies (secondary consequence of the crisis) and electricity cuts (especially ambulance stations that do not dispose of emergency power unit). The thesis result is a proposal of Crisis Preparedness Plan of Medical Emergency Service of Zlín Region. A legal entity or an individual who secures the performance of measures resulting from the regional crisis plan is responsible for the preparation of the crisis preparedness plan. The particulars and manner of preparation of the crisis preparedness plan are described in detail in the Government Decree No. 462/2000 Coll., which implements the provisions of Sec. 27(8) and Sec. 28(5) of Act No. 240/2000 Coll., on Emergency Management and Amendment to Some Acts. When drafting the plan I proceeded according to valid legislation. This plan is an internal document of the legal entity to solve the challenges of security in crisis situations.
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Krizový management a vnitropodnikové procesy / Krizový management a vnitropodnikové procesyUHLÍŘOVÁ, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of crisis management and internal processes in relation to health and safety at work.
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Justifying the Unforgivable: how ideology shapes patterns of violence of Boko Haram and Al-ShabaabPost, Gerdine January 2018 (has links)
The question of how armed group ideology influences its behaviour has been tentatively explored in the past decade. However, which role distinct ideological commitments play in civilian targeting has not been satisfactorily discussed thus far. This thesis turns to research on genocide and mass violence and incorporates the concepts of ‘exclusionary ideologies’ and ‘threat perceptions’ to fill this research gap. It addresses the following question: to what extent do exclusionary ideologies of armed groups influence their use of violence against civilians during civil conflicts? When revolutionary armed groups pursue their goals, threat perceptions determine which groups are considered legitimate targets for attack. Therefore, it is hypothesized that exclusionary groups will employ more violence against civilians than inclusionary groups because the former have a more expanded understanding of legitimate targeting than the latter. Through a structured focused comparison, discourse analysis and process tracing applied to the cases of Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab, moderate support for this hypothesis is found. It is shown that both armed groups to varying extents invoke threat perceptions regarding certain out-groups to legitimize and rationalise their patterns of violence. Nonetheless, a descent into indiscriminate violence by Boko Haram and data shortage of Al-Shabaab attacks warrant caution.
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Dissuasion et infractions routières chez les individus ayant une faible maîtrise de soiPoirier, Brigitte 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Činnost orgánů krizového řízení při zajištění připravenosti na řešení mimořádných událostí a finanční zabezpečení přípravy / The activity of emergency management authorities in provision of preparedness for resolution of extraordinary ebeny and funding of preparation.PEŠEK, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with analysis of current security system in the Czech Republic and, in particular, with the legal framework for the training of state authorities and local governments to manage non-military events. The study and analysis of legislation and the subsequent synthesis of the findings enabled to arrange the chapters into a clearly structured whole. The rights and obligations of the emergency management authorities at the emergency response training and management, the system of security councils and crisis headquarters, activities and the scope of competencies of individual entities providing the emergency response training and management, focusing on the scope and powers of the regional and local administrative bodies, are described. The level of financial security spent by individual institutions on preparation for emergencies management is clearly surveyed. For municipal authorities, a model of a call for the provision of material support and resources at the time of an emergency situation has been suggested, since the large majority of mayors perform this activity voluntarily and without a refund of their salaries (besides their jobs) and they are not fully familiar with the issue. The current security system in the Czech Republic is functioning, and its settings and functionality have been verified in recent years in various emergency situations, without finding significant deficiencies. Yet it is still necessary to optimize the scope, methodology and actions of its components at different levels and in different areas and to consolidate the relevant legislation
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En gemensam fiende? : -En jämförande studie om olika staters syn på terrorismRönnlund, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Even though terrorism has been on the political agenda for several years there is no general accepted definition of the phenomena of terrorism. Several scientist do also apply that terrorism have changed after the 9/11-attacks. The purpose with this thesis was to analyze and compare the image of terrorism represented by the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway, in an attempt to draw conclusions about similarities and differentials. The material that was used was these four nations individual counter terrorism strategy. This was made by using idea analysis and self constructed dimensions based on earlier science about security, terrorism and international law. A result of this study showed that there is a consensus about terrorism as a high existential threat because of the religious extremism that is related to Al Qaeda and justifies mass murder and have showed attempt to acquire weapons of mass destruction. On this adoption the nations in this study justifies extraordinary actions in cooperation against global terrorism. It is however some differentials about the means to counter this threat. The United States, United Kingdom and Norway describes in their strategy that the threat of Al Qaeda and its allies should be met by military force. United Kingdom describes that the military action is to consider as an exception based on the extraordinary threat that Al Qaeda poses. Sweden on the other hand shows a description of terrorism as a criminal act that should be met by national measures.
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Threat Analysis Using Goal-Oriented Action Planning : Planning in the Light of Information FusionBjarnolf, Philip January 2008 (has links)
An entity capable of assessing its and others action capabilities possess the power to predict how the involved entities may change their world. Through this knowledge and higher level of situation awareness, the assessing entity may choose the actions that have the most suitable effect, resulting in that entity’s desired world state. This thesis covers aspects and concepts of an arbitrary planning system and presents a threat analyzer architecture built on the novel planning system Goal-Oriented Action Planning (GOAP). This planning system has been suggested for an application for improved missile route planning and targeting, as well as being applied in contemporary computer games such as F.E.A.R. – First Encounter Assault Recon and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The GOAP architecture realized in this project is utilized by two agents that perform action planning to reach their desired world states. One of the agents employs a modified GOAP planner used as a threat analyzer in order to determine what threat level the adversary agent constitutes. This project does also introduce a conceptual schema of a general planning system that considers orders, doctrine and style; as well as a schema depicting an agent system using a blackboard in conjunction with the OODA-loop.
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安倍政府之防衛政策(2012-2017) / The Defense Policy of Shinzo Abe(2012-2017)蔣緯達, Jiang, Wei-Da Unknown Date (has links)
安倍自2012 年12 月第二次執政後,要讓日本成為世界大國的目標十分明確。
行為模式。 / Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has clearly made his intent for Japan to become a big power since his second term starting from December 2012. To attain this goal, he first enforced financial policy in response to domestic economic chaos, meanwhile adopted “Balancing" and “Alliance"strategies in accordance with“neo-realism" based onits strategic theory.In one hand, Abe uses the geopolitical threat formed by China, North Korea and Russia to rationalize his policies of raising national defense budget, reforming armament transfer principles, increasing force deployed on Japan's southwest islands and strengthen overall defensive capability.
On the other hand, he carefully uses the U.S. fear China may replace it as the Asia-Pacific hegemony, and that U.S. needs firm coalition with Japan, keeping U.S. much involved with the power-pursuing game in Asia. This research intends to discover the key factors that results in Abe’s current defense policy and its structural change, while to understand the logic and processes of policy-making process, in order to identify how and what Japan will conduct in the Asia-Pacific area.
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Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori / Europe's border under a security policy change? : A case study on security policy at the European border between 2007 - 2010 and a review ofthe Copenhagen School’s theory of SecuritizationCerda, Salvador January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School’s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission’s “Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges”, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement. The frame of analysis will be the Copenhagen School’s theory of Securitization with the acknowledgement of the critic brought forward by Johan Eriksson and Thierry Balzacq. The Copenhagen school brings forward with their theory, the importance of the discourse of security and thus presents actors and referents which are involved in the process. They also include different sectors in which the different threats images may appear. All of this will be crucial for my examination of the theory as a hole. Furthermore, the essay will modify its methodology to include some of the critic. The purpose is to test if the theory can give a satisfying view of the threat images, sectors, actors and referents at the European border, with a qualitative and a quantitative method. In conclusion, the essay found that the securitization actor during the period between 2007-2010 was the commission itself and the reference object was EU and indirect its members states. The functional actors was the organization PKK and the UN, who with their actions changes the security dynamic in the region. Furthermore, the threat images that was constantly present in the rapports, was organized crime which was consistent with the result that the most found sector was the military sector. These results can be linked to the work of Peter Andreas who argues that the American and European border have shifted from a military tasks to policing tasks. This task change is something that also can be related to Johan Eriksson’s work regarding the change of task in the Swedish security. My final conclusion is that the Securitization theory most be seen as a framework for analyses. Further discussions are need regarding the theories concepts. I notice there are three fundamental discussions that need to be focused on; the focus on the securitized threats images, the lack of including the context and the focus on the speech act.
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