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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work, play and ride the storms : an ethnography of sustained innovation

Mukerjee Nath, Jinia 27 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de trois essais empiriques issus d’une enquête ethnographique conduite dans une entreprise innovante en Inde, et étudie les processus permettant l'innovation durable. Cette recherche aborde le rôle du jeu dans les processus de travail innovant, ainsi que le rôle de l'identité organisationnelle comme une réponse de l'organisation aux menaces extérieures. Cette thèse montre comment le jeu se déroule dans les organisations, sa nature et son rôle dans les processus de travail créatifs. Les résultats indiquent que le jeu a plusieurs effets sur les tâches et les relations qui affectent les processus collectifs de travail créatif qui soutiennent l'innovation durable. Je montre aussi les transitions entre le travail intense et jeu intense et expose un modèle incluant des conditions initiales, des mécanismes et des signaux qui facilitent les transitions. Ce faisant, cette thèse construit les bases d'une théorie du travail et du jeu. Cette recherche décrit un nouveau genre de jeu dans les organisations, différent de ceux observés et étudiés précédemment. Elle contribue aux théories du jeu et au travail créatif dans l'organisation. Prenant en compte le fait que l'innovation durable dépend aussi de la capacité de l'organisation à faire face aux menaces extérieures, cette recherche montre également comment l'identité organisationnelle joue un rôle crucial dans l'élaboration des méthodes de travail pour faire face aux menaces extérieures. Ainsi, cette étude contribue à la littérature sur la formation de l'identité organisationnelle, et son rôle dans les pratiques organisationnelles, la survie et l'innovation durable / This dissertation consists of three empirical essays based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in an innovation-based firm in India, and investigates the processes enabling sustained innovation. More specifically, it addresses the role of play in innovative work and its processes, as well as the role of organizational identity in organization’s response to external threats. I show how playfulness unfolds in work organizations, its nature, and its role in the creative work processes. Results indicate that play has several task and relationship related effects on group creative work processes on which sustained innovation rests. It also show how people transition between intense work and intense play – and explicate a model of initial conditions, mechanisms and cues for such transitions. By doing so, this study starts to lay the grounds for a theory of work and play, and provides an answer to how innovative work gets accomplished amidst playfulness in organizations. This study describes a new kind of play in work organizations, different to those observed and investigated in previous organizational studies and contributes to theories of play and creative work in organization. Mindful of the fact that sustaining innovation also depends on organization’s ability to cope with external threats, this study also shows how organizational identity play a crucial role in shaping its work practices for responding to external threats, and how threat can even lead to the formation of an organization’s initial identity. Thus, this study also contributes to the literature on organizational identity, and its role in organizational practices, survival, growth and sustained innovation

Det moderna kriget och de hybrida hoten : Ett problem för Sveriges nationella säkerhetsstrategi?

Riberg, Joakim, Selin, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Under 2014 genomförde Ryssland framför ögonen på resten av världen en annektering av Krimhalvön i Ukraina. Västvärlden var i det som närmast kan beskrivas som en chock över detta offensiva beteende. Utan någon förvarning så flyttade Ryssland med stöd av "små gröna män" fram sina positioner på Krimhalvön. En ny taktik användes och strider blandades med andra medel och metoder i det som populärt kan uttryckas som gråzonen. Denna undersökning besvarar följande problemformulering med stöd av en kvalitativ textanalys i form av en dokumentundersökning. Utifrån ett säkerhetsstrategiskt perspektiv; Hur kan problamtiken med hybrida hot i gråzonen beskrivas och hur omhändertas dessa i den nationella säkerhetsstrategin? Genom att läsa i empiri och teori om gråzon, hybrida hot och säkerhetsstrategier skapar sig författarna en modell för analys. Denna analysmodell används sedan för att analysera den (Svenska) nationella säkerhetstrategin som publicerades 2017. Analysmodellen grundar sig på de av Treverton identifierade hybrida hoten: Desinformation, cyberattacker, ekonomiska påtryckningar, irreguljära beväpnade styrkor, reguljära beväpnade styrkor.Undersökningen visar att den nationella säkerhetsstrategin, trots en bristande tydlighet inom vissa områden och en bristande balans mellan mål, metoder och medel, identifierar och ger styrningar för omhändertagandet av de identifierade hybrida hoten. Vidare visar säkerhetsstrategin på en bred förståelse och tolkning av begreppen hybrida hot och gråzonen, utan att försöka definiera dessa komplexa begrepp. Då analysmodellen appliceras, belyses en möjlig hotbild; miljöhot. Resultaten av analysen visar också att det kan vara klokt att beskriva just de samtida hoten och utnyttjande av dessa, istället för att argumentera avseende definitioner. Författarna menar att det är av större vikt att skapa en större förståelse för fenomenen, i syfte att åstadkomma en allomfattande ansats för att motverka de verkliga effekterna av hoten. / In 2014 Russia, in front of the rest of the world, claimed and performed an annexing of Crimea. The larger parts of the western world were left in shock. Without any acknowledgment Russia moved forward with “little green men” and implied a different tactic. It was not officially war and nor peace, the fighting and the action took place in what was popularly named as the gray zone. This thesis is answering the following questions by using a qualitative document examination. From a strategic security perspective: How can the problem regarding hybrid threats in the gray zone be described and how does the national Swedish strategy respond to these threats? By reading and concluding existing theory about hybrid threats within the gray zone the authors have created their own model of analysis to utilize on the Swedish National Security Strategy. The model of analysis consists of the five main hybrid threats chosen from the theory presented by Treverton: Disinformation, Cyber-attacks, Economic pressure, Irregular armed forces and Regular forces.The thesis concludes that although unclear and found lacking in coherence regarding ends, ways and means; the National Security Strategy addresses and gives guidance on how to counter the effects of the above-mentioned threats. The Security Strategy also shows a consciousness regarding the complexity of the hybrid threats and the gray zone, without trying to define the actual area or methods utilized. When looked at through the model of analysis, it also highlights a possible new threat to be considered; environmental threats. The results of the analysis also indicate that it might be wise to use the term contemporary threats and the utilization of these, instead of arguing about definitions. The authors argue that it is of greater importance to create a larger understanding of the phenomena, in order to counter the actual effects by employing a truly comprehensive approach.

Social identity, mental toughness, and behavioural intentions as antecedents of overuse injury pain in physical activity contexts

Beasley, Vista January 2018 (has links)
Psychological factors specific to overuse injury pain in physical activity contexts were explored within a social identity theoretical framework. Study 1 involved development of a method for designating overuse injury pain occurrence of hikers (N = 751), along with exploration of relationships between psychological measures, overuse injury pain occurrence, and effort levels. The findings of this cross-sectional, mixed-methods investigation revealed that social identification, social identity content, and mental toughness differentiated hikers who incurred overuse injury pain or selected a higher-effort behaviour from those who did not. From qualitative analysis, several social identity constructs (i.e., group member's presence, in-group status, social creativity, additional social identity content) emerged as contributors to overuse injury occurrence. The focus of Study 2 was a prospective examination of the aforementioned psychological factors in relation to overuse injury severity of hikers (N = 283). Additionally, the Test of Intentions to Reduce Effort (TIRE) was developed to identify individuals with susceptibility to higher overuse injury severity. Results provided evidence of factorial, construct, and predictive validity of TIRE factor scores. TIRE factors and social identity content significantly predicted higher severity of hikers' overuse injury pain. Mental toughness scores moderated the relationship between social identification and overuse injury severity. Study 3 consisted of a qualitative examination of social identity mechanisms of overuse injury pain in a physical activity context, CrossFit®, involving the presence of group leaders, and in which group members view each other. Findings revealed mechanisms pertaining to social identity content, in-group status, and social threats. Overall, the findings support a new means for assessing overuse injury occurrence and susceptibility to higher overuse injury severity, whilst demonstrating the potential applicability of social identity theory to the study of overuse injury. Knowledge gained may ultimately aid development of interventions to reduce overuse injury occurrence and severity of physical activity participants.

Surveiller et ficher. La veille sur l'ordre national de l'entre-deux-guerres à travers les archives de renseignement politique de la Seine-Inférieure (76) / Disciplining and registering. The monitoring of the national order of the inter-war period throught the archives of the intelligence services of the Seine-Inférieure (76)

Neveu, Guillaume 19 September 2018 (has links)
La prolifération contemporaine des techniques de surveillance tend à affirmer l’idée répandue que la nécessité institutionnelle de cumuler du savoir sur les populations serait un phénomène contemporain, ce que le recourt à la démarche socio-historique permet de déconstruire. La recherche menée dans les fonds préfectoraux des Archives Départementales de la Seine-Maritime, complétée par la consultation du « fonds de Moscou » a permis d’inscrire cette recherche au sein d’une étape constructiviste de l’analyse des sociétés de surveillance. Le corpus constitué majoritairement des fichiers de la police spéciale durant l’entre-deux-guerres interroge l’interdépendance entre la notion foucaldienne d’espace de sécurité et celle d’espace public, ou plutôt d’espaces publics. Résultat d’une forme de gouvernement de l’opinion, la veille proactive des espaces publics se développant en marge de l’espace public bourgeois était une nécessité afin de maintenir l’ordre républicain en cas de conflits entre ces espaces – comme ce fut le cas entre les militants des ligues d’extrême droite et de ceux qui se sont ralliés derrière la bannière de l’antifascisme. Un aspect de cette démarche est la régulation d’une parole prolétarienne, instrumentalisée par les acteurs principaux des institutions communistes et syndicales. Des individus suivis en fonction de leur influence sur les masses, de leurs actes, discours et propagandes dont la résultante en termes de jugement policier se fait en fonction de la préservation de la communauté nationale, par la désignation d’un ennemi de l’intérieur, étranger au sein du corps social et susceptible de propager une parole illégitime au sein de la population. / The contemporary proliferation of monitoring techniques in people's everyday lives tends to assert the widespread belief that the institutional necessity of accumulating knowledge about populations is a contemporary phenomenon. This pre-notion can be quickly deconstructed by recourse of the historical study, the work carried out during this thesis in the Prefecture funds of the Archives départementales de Seine-Maritime, supplemented by the consultation of the "fonds de Moscou" enables me to register this research within a constructivist step of the analysis of the surveillance societies. The corpus, mainly composed of police spéciale files during the inter-war period, enables us to question the interdependence between the Foucaldian concept of a security space and public sphere, or rather of public spheres. As a result of a form of government of opinion, the proactive observation of public spheres which have developed on the margins of the bourgeois public sphere was a necessity in order to maintain the republican order in case of conflicts between these spheres – as was the case between the militants of the extreme right leagues and those who rallied behind the banner of anti-fascism. Another of the main aspects of this approach is the regulation of a public speech from the proletariat, instrumentalized by the main actors of the communist and trade union institutions. Individuals who are tracked according to their influence on the masses, their acts, speeches and propaganda whose resultd in terms of police judgment is to the preservation of the national community, by the designation of interior enemy, a stranger within society and likely to spread an illegitimate speech within the population.

A Privacy-Preserving, Context-Aware, Insider Threat prevention and prediction model (PPCAITPP)

Tekle, Solomon Mekonnen 07 1900 (has links)
The insider threat problem is extremely challenging to address, as it is committed by insiders who are trusted and authorized to access the information resources of the organization. The problem is further complicated by the multifaceted nature of insiders, as human beings have various motivations and fluctuating behaviours. Additionally, typical monitoring systems may violate the privacy of insiders. Consequently, there is a need to consider a comprehensive approach to mitigate insider threats. This research presents a novel insider threat prevention and prediction model, combining several approaches, techniques and tools from the fields of computer science and criminology. The model is a Privacy- Preserving, Context-Aware, Insider Threat Prevention and Prediction model (PPCAITPP). The model is predicated on the Fraud Diamond (a theory from Criminology) which assumes there must be four elements present in order for a criminal to commit maleficence. The basic elements are pressure (i.e. motive), opportunity, ability (i.e. capability) and rationalization. According to the Fraud Diamond, malicious employees need to have a motive, opportunity and the capability to commit fraud. Additionally, criminals tend to rationalize their malicious actions in order for them to ease their cognitive dissonance towards maleficence. In order to mitigate the insider threat comprehensively, there is a need to consider all the elements of the Fraud Diamond because insider threat crime is also related to elements of the Fraud Diamond similar to crimes committed within the physical landscape. The model intends to act within context, which implies that when the model offers predictions about threats, it also reacts to prevent the threat from becoming a future threat instantaneously. To collect information about insiders for the purposes of prediction, there is a need to collect current information, as the motives and behaviours of humans are transient. Context-aware systems are used in the model to collect current information about insiders related to motive and ability as well as to determine whether insiders exploit any opportunity to commit a crime (i.e. entrapment). Furthermore, they are used to neutralize any rationalizations the insider may have via neutralization mitigation, thus preventing the insider from committing a future crime. However, the model collects private information and involves entrapment that will be deemed unethical. A model that does not preserve the privacy of insiders may cause them to feel they are not trusted, which in turn may affect their productivity in the workplace negatively. Hence, this thesis argues that an insider prediction model must be privacy-preserving in order to prevent further cybercrime. The model is not intended to be punitive but rather a strategy to prevent current insiders from being tempted to commit a crime in future. The model involves four major components: context awareness, opportunity facilitation, neutralization mitigation and privacy preservation. The model implements a context analyser to collect information related to an insider who may be motivated to commit a crime and his or her ability to implement an attack plan. The context analyser only collects meta-data such as search behaviour, file access, logins, use of keystrokes and linguistic features, excluding the content to preserve the privacy of insiders. The model also employs keystroke and linguistic features based on typing patterns to collect information about any change in an insider’s emotional and stress levels. This is indirectly related to the motivation to commit a cybercrime. Research demonstrates that most of the insiders who have committed a crime have experienced a negative emotion/pressure resulting from dissatisfaction with employment measures such as terminations, transfers without their consent or denial of a wage increase. However, there may also be personal problems such as a divorce. The typing pattern analyser and other resource usage behaviours aid in identifying an insider who may be motivated to commit a cybercrime based on his or her stress levels and emotions as well as the change in resource usage behaviour. The model does not identify the motive itself, but rather identifies those individuals who may be motivated to commit a crime by reviewing their computer-based actions. The model also assesses the capability of insiders to commit a planned attack based on their usage of computer applications and measuring their sophistication in terms of the range of knowledge, depth of knowledge and skill as well as assessing the number of systems errors and warnings generated while using the applications. The model will facilitate an opportunity to commit a crime by using honeypots to determine whether a motivated and capable insider will exploit any opportunity in the organization involving a criminal act. Based on the insider’s reaction to the opportunity presented via a honeypot, the model will deploy an implementation strategy based on neutralization mitigation. Neutralization mitigation is the process of nullifying the rationalizations that the insider may have had for committing the crime. All information about insiders will be anonymized to remove any identifiers for the purpose of preserving the privacy of insiders. The model also intends to identify any new behaviour that may result during the course of implementation. This research contributes to existing scientific knowledge in the insider threat domain and can be used as a point of departure for future researchers in the area. Organizations could use the model as a framework to design and develop a comprehensive security solution for insider threat problems. The model concept can also be integrated into existing information security systems that address the insider threat problem / Information Science / D. Phil. (Information Systems)

Boj proti terorismu na národní a mezinárodní úrovni / The fight against terrorism at a national and international level

HOLUB, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Terrorism is a modern and constantly developing problem which has been threatening and noticeably affecting the protected interests and built-up values of states. Terrorist groups strive to spread fear, violence, opinions, and ideas to reach their goals through attacks on the population. Today, even countries that have not faced this threat yet, are confronted with this problem. Modern trends and new technologies along with the migration crisis cause that we face this threat in our homes more than ever before. The upraise of The Islamic State can be considered as a phenomenon of today, which has infected practically whole world and gives a space to various individuals to commit terrorist attacks under the auspices of this organization, or just provides instructions on committing such acts for any reason and with different aims. It is necessary to respond adequately to this threat, and it is necessary not to remain only with regret after every terrorist attack. It is essential to monitor the latest trends in terrorist attacks same as fighting against them, which in consequence will help us to set up operational procedures how to deal with these kind of incidences. There is also a need for a strong political spectrum which understands that these measures will never be profitable or popular, however its necessary it keeps supporting them.

The United States Congress and the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program : August 1991 to December 1996

Newman, Andrew Minto Clarke January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available

九○年代美「中」關係中的「中國威脅論」 / "China Threat Theory" in Sino-America Relations in the Ninties

王裕宏, Wang, Yu-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Det villkorade tillståndet : Centralförbundet för Socialt Arbete och liberal politisk rationalitet 1901–1921 / The State of Suspension : National Association of Social Work and Governmentality 1901–1921

Kaveh, Shamal January 2006 (has links)
<p>This is a dissertation about Swedish liberalism as a political rationality and, more specifically, the conditions that made the transition from an exclusionary society to an inclusive one possible at the beginning of the 20th century. I have made a case study of National Association of Social Work (Centralförbundet för Socialt Arbete, CSA), an association that played a significant role in the institutionalization of social politics in Sweden. The objectives are threefold. Firstly, to analyze CSA as a liberal political rationality. Secondly, to analyze its political ontology. Thirdly, to examine its motives for defending an including society.</p><p>One of the main arguments in this dissertation is that the political rationality of CSA is characterized by a form of government that works in and through society, as well as through freedom. By using the concept of ”the state of suspension” I try to capture and analyze the ontological ambiguity of the individual in liberal thought; an ambiguity expressed in biopolitical categorizations of the population according to perceived capacities for rational thought. The inclusion of the excluded part, which I describe through the notion of “the social”, was possible due to a new political ontology, which considered the individual as being a product of social circumstances, and as someone possible to shape and govern in and through society. </p><p>I argue that the political struggle of the excluded not only served to revise the political ontology of CSA, but also provided the rationale for the efforts to create an including society with universal suffrage. CSA did not regard citizenship as a right, but as a political technology and as a solution. Furthermore, I argue that citizenship shouldn’t be seen as a prerequisite for the politization of the excluded. On the contrary, this part of the population was already, at least partially, politicized and they became political subjects through their participation in the struggle for political rights.</p>

Exploring Teachers' and Black Male Students' Perceptions of Intelligence

Williams, Patrick Anthony 02 May 2009 (has links)
This study explored teachers' perceptions of intelligence of 11th-grade Black male students and how students themselves perceived their own intelligence in light of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence. Qualitative research methods were used to gain novel understanding of the students' and teachers' feelings, and perceptions as outlined in the research questions. Two versions of ecological systems theory provided the underpinnings for the framework of this study: 1) Brönfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory, and 2) Spencer's PVEST (Phenomenological Variant of Ecological Systems Theory) model, which is an adaptation of the ecology model to Black students in the United States. In a large urban school district in the Southeast section of the United States, twenty-six students completed an online survey of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. Seven Black male students were selected and interviewed along with ten of their teachers. The study found that despite the negative stereotypes toward Black males by society, the Black male students in this study interpreted intelligence to be multifaceted and perceived themselves as intelligent Black males. The teachers of the Black male students perceived them as intelligent and also interpreted intelligence to be multifaceted. The Black male students were resilient in debunking the idea that Black males were not considered intelligent in a society where negative Black male stereotypes abound.

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