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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of coordination challenges on quality of global software development projects

Nekkanti, Lakshmi Sowjanya January 2016 (has links)
Context. Global software development (GSD) gained huge recognition in today’s business world. Most of the software companies day by day are striving hard to evolve globally where software is developed in the context of different environmental settings that are distanced on various factors like geography, timezone, culture and language. Coordination is the factor that plays one of the prominent roles in such a setting for effective teamwork and project success. Although numerous efforts has been done in this research area, there has been no proper evidence from industry about the impact of these coordination challenges on the overall quality of the software when being developed in a distributed setting. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to examine and identify the coordination challenges and risks faced in global software development projects that has a negative impact on the quality of software from practitioner’s perspective. It also identify the tools, methods, and techniques that are used in industry to overcome these challenges and maintain quality standards. Methods. The aims and objectives of our study are fulfilled by conducting survey among practitioners working in GSD projects all around the globe. Further, 10 interviews are conducted with practitioners working in different companies and geographical locations in order to gain a detailed understanding of the impact of identified coordination challenges on the quality of software in GSD projects. Results. A total of 50 survey responses are recorded, out of which 48 respondents specify that coordination challenges has a negative impact on software quality in GSD context. By the ratings given by the participants, we identified the challenges and risks that had a major impact. Mixed results are obtained during interviews where most of them prioritized coordination as a major problem in GSD projects. It also included that use of some tools, methods and processes help them in overcoming this issue. The quality attributes that are mostly affected due to the challenges in GSD projects are also identified. Conclusions. After the analysis of survey results, the coordination challenges and associated risks in GSD projects are identified. They were found to havemostly negative impact on software quality. After thematic analysis of interview results, we observed that though the impact of coordination challenges is negative, its extent of implication is moderate in most cases.

Diseño de arquitectura de seguridad perimetral para una empresa dedicada a la actividad inmobiliaria

Montes Larios, Jose Manuel, Iturrizaga Hernández, Manuel Antonio January 2015 (has links)
Debido a que el uso de Internet se encuentra en aumento, cada vez más compañías permiten a sus socios y proveedores acceder a sus sistemas de información. Por lo tanto, es fundamental saber qué recursos de la compañía necesitan protección para así controlar el acceso al sistema y los derechos de los usuarios del sistema de información. A su vez día a día se descubren nuevas vulnerabilidades, nuevos tipos de ataques y nuevos parches que aplicar los sistemas institucionales, convirtiendo la operación de la seguridad en una tarea sumamente compleja y demandante. El presente documento es sobre el desarrollo de la seguridad perimetral en la empresa Los Portales, vale indicar que dicha empresa es una de las más renombradas a nivel de la actividad inmobiliaria en el Perú, por ende se está considerando las amenazas de seguridad desde perspectivas diferentes para permitir de esta forma conocer algunos riesgos que puedan afectar a la institución, así como determinar el nivel de madurez de la seguridad informática, a su vez se demostrara a detalle el diseño e implementación de la solución así como el alcance económico. Because Internet use is increasing, more and more companies allow their partners and suppliers access to their information systems. Therefore, it is essential to know what company resources need protection so as to control system access and the rights of users of the information system. In turn every day new vulnerabilities, new types of attacks and new patches to apply institutional systems, making the security operation in an extremely complex and demanding task are discovered. This thesis is on the development of perimeter security at Los Portales, it indicate that the company is one of the most renowned level of real estate activity in Peru, thus being considered security threats from different perspectives to meet thus enable some risks that may affect the institution, and to determine the maturity level of computer security, in turn demonstrate in detail the design and implementation of the solution as well as the economic scope.

Vulnerabilidade da paisagem pantaneira: estudo de caso da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Sesc Pantanal e entorno / Vulnerability of the pantaneira landscape: case study of the Sesc Pantanal Private Reserve of Natural Heritage and around

Cristina Cuiabália Rodrigues Pimentel Neves 10 March 2015 (has links)
Os impactos negativos das atividades humanas no ambiente vêm historicamente acelerando a transformação e a degradação das paisagens no mundo. Atualmente, a questão socioambiental vem sendo colocada em pauta diante deste cenário, fazendo com que a implantação de reservas naturais protegidas ganhe importância, pois constituem um dos pilares da proteção da biodiversidade, contribuindo sobremaneira na manutenção dos serviços ecossistêmicos gerados pelos processos naturais. Mesmo com os avanços e benefícios desta estratégia de conservação in situ, há desafios a serem superados. Em linhas gerais, as ameaças às áreas naturais protegidas variam amplamente conforme o contexto, porém, as consequências geralmente conduzem à fragmentação, degradação e perda de hábitat em seu entorno ou podem ainda atingir diretamente as reservas. Nesta direção, a presente pesquisa tem como área de estudo a Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) Sesc Pantanal e seu entorno, sendo esta a mais extensa unidade de conservação do Brasil nesta categoria, localizada no município de Barão de Melgaço, Mato Grosso. O objetivo geral deste estudo visa compreender os elementos da paisagem pantaneira no âmbito da RPPN e seu entorno, para verificar as causas e os efeitos das principais pressões e ameaças à sua conservação, visando identificar áreas vulneráveis e propor mecanismos de monitoramento. Portanto, esta pesquisa, de caráter aplicado, poderá auxiliar no processo de gestão da RPPN contribuindo para o planejamento e conservação da paisagem. Sendo uma pesquisa essencialmente interdisciplinar, os métodos e procedimentos operacionais foram definidos a partir da articulação entre abordagens quantitativas e qualitativas. Com relação à natureza das fontes de informações, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica para o levantamento de dados secundários e os dados primários foram obtidos através de pesquisa documental e pesquisa de campo com os sujeitos envolvidos por meio de diferentes técnicas, tais como: observação direta, análise documental, entrevistas não dirigidas e semi-estruturadas e oficinas de planejamento. A análise dos dados teve como apoio os recursos da cartografia digital, da multirreferencialidade, ou triangulação, das observações, escutas (entrevistas) e fala (oficina de planejamento). Como principal base conceitual, esta pesquisa faz uso da noção da paisagem cultural para compreender as dimensões nas quais as áreas naturais protegidas se inserem, incorporando aspectos sociais, ambientais e econômicos. No contexto amplo brasileiro, foram identificados 18 tipos de pressões e ameaças relacionadas às unidades de conservação e seu entorno, dos quais 07 estão presentes na área de estudo, quais sejam: desmatamento; remoção de fauna; pesca predatória; turismo e recreação; deposição de resíduos; incêndios de origem antrópica e narcotráfico. Quanto ao grau de importância de cada aspecto, os levantamentos indicaram a pesca predatória e o narcotráfico como as mais relevantes ameaças à proteção da paisagem em estudo. Portanto, os resultados demonstraram um campo heterogêneo quanto aos pontos de vistas relacionados à conservação da paisagem, possibilitando desvelar aspectos significativos, porém até então obscuros da vulnerabilidade, para a definição das estratégias de conservação efetiva na Reserva, indo além de suas fronteiras espaciais e do alcance de sua capacidade de gestão. / Anthropogenic negative impacts on the environment have catalyzed landscape transformation and degradation over time. In the present time, social-environmental issues have been more and more addressed facing this scenario. Thus the implementation of nature reserves have become more relevant, once it constitutes one of the main pillars of biodiversity protection, and so highly contributing to the maintenance of ecosystem services. Despite all benefits coming from this in situ conservation strategy, there is a range of challenges to be overcome. In general, threats towards nature reserves vary according to the context in which they are inserted. However their consequences usually lead to fragmentation, degradation and habitat loss in its surroundings and within the nature reserve itself. The present work\'s study site was the Sesc Pantanal Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (PRNH, or RPPN - Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural), the largest in Brazil in its category, located in the municipality of Barão de Melgaço, state of Mato Grosso. This work aimed the understanding of landscape elements within the PRNH and its surroundings through the verification of cause-effect mechanisms amongst the main pressures and threats to its conservation, and so identifying vulnerable areas and proposing monitoring strategy suggestions. Therefore, this applied research might assist in the management of the Sesc Pantanal PRNH, specifically concearning planning and landscape conservation. The interdisciplinary character of this work demanded both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Secondary data were accessible through literature consultation. Primary data were acquired through a documentation survey and the field surveys with different stakeholders (e.g., direct observation, unguided interviews, semi structured interviews, and planning workshops). Data analysis has been supported by digital cartography and triangulation of field-acquired data. The adopted conceptual framework is based on the idea of cultural landscape, allowing the comprehension of social, environmental and economic aspects related to the nature reserve. The study has found 18 types of pressures and threats to conservation units in Brazil, from which 07 of them influence the study site: deforestation; fauna suppression; predatory fishing; tourism and recreation; waste disposal; anthropic-related fires; and illegal drug trade. The most relevant impacts in the area were predatory fishing and illegal drug trade. According to the present study, the conservation of this particular landscape relies on heterogeneous elements, what unveils its vulnerability and enables the development of more effective conservation strategies that pervade the PRNH itself and its management capacity.

Segurança e defesa da Amazônia: o exército brasileiro e as ameaças não-tradicionais / Security and defense of the Amazon: the Brazilian Army and the non-traditional threats

Piletti, Felipe José January 2008 (has links)
As grandes guerras da Idade Moderna foram, em sua maioria, travadas por inimigos que se organizavam sob a forma de Estado-nação. Após o final da Guerra Fria, entretanto, um conjunto múltiplo e disperso de fenômenos e atores, predominantemente não-estatais e transnacionais, tem se tornado um importante alvo das políticas de segurança internacional, especialmente as dos Estados do Ocidente. Esses novos fenômenos e atores de caráter nãotradicional são definidos na política de defesa dos EUA – bem como na daqueles Estados, setores e organismos internacionais por ela influenciados – como as “novas ameaças”, um conceito que abrange atividades diversificadas, tais como o terrorismo e o crime organizado em geral (narcotráfico, tráfico de armas e de pessoas, por exemplo). Ao mesmo tempo, estaríamos vivenciando um processo de “securitização” de novas questões a partir da extensão do conceito de “segurança” para novas áreas, como a economia, o meioambiente, a sociedade e a política, supostamente superando a segurança entendida em termos militares e estratégicos. O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar a posição do Exército Brasileiro com relação a quatro problemas de segurança não-tradicionais presentes na Amazônia, quais sejam: as questões ambientais, os problemas relacionados aos povos indígenas, os crimes transnacionais e a guerrilha colombiana. A nossa hipótese é de que a atuação das Forças Armadas brasileiras na Amazônia continue prevendo fundamentalmente a defesa da soberania nacional contra inimigos tradicionais externos (estatais) e que, neste sentido, as questões de segurança de caráter não-tradicional presentes na Amazônia brasileira sejam vistas e tratadas pelo Exército Brasileiro como ameaças à segurança nacional a partir de um quadro tradicional – na medida em que poderiam servir de pretexto para justificar uma ingerência ou mesmo intervenção externa sobre a região amazônica, sob a alegação de que o Brasil seria incapaz de resolver esses problemas por si próprio. / Most of the important wars of the Modern Age were fought by enemies organized under the state-nation form. After the end of the Cold War, however, a multiple and spread complex of phenomena and actors, mostly transnational and non-state, has become an important target of the international security policies, especially in the Western states. This new phenomena and actors with non-traditional characteristics are defined in the United States’ defense policy – as in the policies of those states and international organisms influenced by it – as the “new threats”, a concept that entails very diversified activities such as the terrorism and the organized crime (drugs, weapons and people traffic, for example). At the same time, we are supposedly experiencing a process of “securitization” of new issues through the stretching of the concept of “security” to fields like the economy, the environment, the society and the politics, allegedly overcoming the state-military-strategic understanding of security. The purpose of the present dissertation is to analyze the position of the Brazilian Army about four non-traditional security issues present in the Amazon, which are: the environmental issues, the problems related to the indigenous peoples, the transnational crimes and the Colombian guerrilla. Our hypothesis is that the activity of the Brazilian Armed Forces in the Amazon continues to predict fundamentally the defense of the national sovereignty against traditional state enemies; in this sense, the non-traditional security issues present in the Amazon are treated by the Brazilian Army as threats to the national security considering a traditional perspective – which predicts that those issues could be used as excuses to justify external interferences or even a foreign intervention by some of the “great powers” over the Amazon, under the allegation that Brazil would not be able to solve those problems by itself.

Cooperação em segurança e defesa no espaço andino-amazônico : ambiguidades e potencialidades

Fagundes , Flávia Carolina de Resende January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como intuito entender a cooperação em segurança e defesa no espaço andino amazônico, a partir do arcabouço teórico de regimes e cooperação internacional, sendo enfocadas as abordagens do institucionalismo em sua discussão com as proposições do realismo, e o neofuncionalismo, bem como comunidades de segurança. Dessa forma, buscamos através da síntese teórica que compreende também as concepções acerca da cooperação transfronteiriça entender esta no espaço geográfico. Ademais, como observamos um alto grau de interdependência em relação aos problemas de segurança dos países amazônicos que se referem, basicamente, a ameaças transnacionais. Assim, nesta pesquisa propomos a partir da abordagem dos Complexos Regionais de Segurança de Barry Buzan e Ole Waever, trabalhar com a ideia de um Complexo Regional de Segurança Andino- Brasileiro. Tendo em vista as ações colaborativas demandadas pela arquitetura de segurança regional é desenvolvida uma análise a cerca dos processos de integração regional: a Organização do Tratado de Cooperação Amazônica e a União dos Países Sul-Americanos e o avanço mais significativo para a cooperação em segurança e defesa na América da Sul, a instituição do Conselho de Defesa Sul-Americano. Tendo em vista a relevância do Brasil na região analisamos as políticas deste país para as áreas de fronteira, pois este constitui um lócus privilegiado para observar processos de integração à medida que estas áreas são uma das mais afetadas pela integração. Neste sentido, observamos que no espaço andino- amazônico, especialmente no Brasil, houve um processo de securitização das fronteiras, com os países adotando políticas de defesa que prezam pela introspecção nacional, como observamos no caso brasileiro com políticas de aumento da vigilância das fronteiras. Porém, podemos observar que tais ações também podem ampliar o leque de ações colaborativas, podendo ser incorporadas aos processos de integração, por meio da articulação entre as políticas externa e de defesa. / This dissertation aims to understand cooperation in security and defense in the Amazonian Andean space, from the theoretical framework of regimes and international cooperation, and focused approaches of institutionalism in his discussion with the propositions of realism, and neofunctionalism and communities security. Therefore, we sought through theoretical synthesis that also includes conceptions of the Cross-Border Cooperation to understand this I that geographic space. Moreover, as we observed a high degree of interdependence with security problems of Amazonian countries, that basically concern transnational threats. Thus, in this research we propose using the approach of the Regional Security Complexes by Barry Buzan and Ole Waever, working with the idea of an Andean-Brazilian Regional Security Complex. Given that collaborative actions are demanded by the architecture of regional security, an analysis about the processes of regional integration is developed: the Organization of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty and the Union of South American Countries and most significant advance for cooperation in security and defense in of South America, the institution of the Council of the South American Defense. Given the importance of Brazil in the region, we analyzed the policies of this country to the border areas, because this is a privileged place to observe integration processes, as these areas are the most affected by the integration. In this regard, we note that in the Andean - Amazon region, especially in Brazil , there was a process of securitization of borders, with countries adopting policies to protect this areas which have the character of national introspection, as noted in the Brazilian case with policies increased border surveillance. However, we observe that such actions can also extend the range of collaborative actions by being incorporated into the integration processes, through the articulation between the foreign and defense policies.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av hot och våld på akutmottagningar / Nurses’ experience of threats and violence at emergency centers

Larsson, Adam, Lodin, Alexander January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld finns i så pass stor utsträckning på akutmottagningar att det idag anses vara en del av arbetet. Ökningen av hot och våld ger en förändring av arbetssättet då de skapar utmaningar att bedriva en god och säker vård. Sjuksköterskan har en stor risk att inte klara av att utföra sitt arbete ordentligt då erfarenhet från hot och våld kan ge negativa konsekvenser på arbetet. Detta leder till att arbetet inte utförs patientsäkert. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva hur omvårdnaden påverkas av hot och våld ur sjuksköterskans perspektiv på akutmottagningar. Metod: Genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt där elva kvalitativa artiklar inkluderades. Sökningar gjordes via databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Artiklarna har analyserats efter en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre kategorier identifierades. Stress, säkerhet & miljö, Rädsla & professionalitet och Ledningens närvaro & stöd. Påverkan från miljön förekom i ett flertal studier. Ett annat fynd var att stress hade stor påverkan på sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsarbete. Slutsats: Känslor som rädsla och osäkerhet är en del av vardagen för sjuksköterskan. Sjuksköterskans känslor nonchaleras och bortprioriteras av ledning och chefer. Det krävs bättre rutiner vid hantering av hot och våld för att sjuksköterskan ska kunna utföra sitt arbete och hantera sina känslor. / Background: Threat and violence is considered to be a part of the daily work. The increase of threats and violence brings a change in the workplace as they create challenges to conduct a good and safe care. The nurse is at high risk of failing to perform the work properly, since experience from threats and violence can adversely affect work. This means that the work is not carried out according to patient safe. Aim: The purpose of the literature review is to describe how nursing care is affected by threats and violence from the nurse's perspective in emergency centers. Method: This study was conducted as a literature review whereof eleven articles are included. Searches were made within databases CINAHL and PubMed. The articles were analyzed with a content analysis. Result: Three categories were identified. Stress, Safety & Environment, Fear & Professionalism and Management's Presence & Support. Environmental impacts have been found. Another common finding was that stress had a major impact on the nurse's nursing work. Conclusion: Feelings like fear and insecurity are part of everyday life for the nurse. Nurses’ emotions is out of priority by management and managers. Better procedures are needed with threats and violence in order for the nurse to be able to do her work and to handle her feelings.

Säkerhet i smarttelefoner : En jämförelsestudie mellan bärbara datorer och smarttelefoner i verksamheter

Olsson, Per January 2013 (has links)
Smartphones have become more common as business tools within the workplace. With its many features and great flexibility, the smartphone has stormed the business world and become an alternative or complement to the laptop. As these mobile units' popularity has increased, the interest of businesses to invest in this new technology has increased, but has security kept up with the technology developments? This study aims to conduct a study to see if the companies in the IT industry have the same safety awareness for smart phones to laptops. The study shows that companies have greater safety awareness and higher safety requirements for laptops than smartphones. Meanwhile, both end-users and management are well aware of the risks and threats that the smartphone is facing.

Säkerhet i smarttelefoner : En jämförelsestudie mellan bärbara datorer och smarttelefoner i verksamheter

Juhlin, Pär January 2013 (has links)
Smarttelefoner har blivit vanligare som affärsverktyg inom arbetslivet. Med sina många funktioner och stora flexibilitet har smarttelefonen stormat affärsvärlden och kommit att bli ett alternativ eller komplement till den bärbara datorn. Allt eftersom smarttelefoners popularitet har ökat, har även företagens intresse att investera i denna nya teknik vuxit, men har säkerheten följt med i denna snabba utveckling? Denna studies syfte är att genomföra en undersökning för att se ifall företag inom IT-branschen har samma säkerhetsmedvetande för smarttelefoner som för bärbara datorer.   Studien visar att företag har ett större säkerhetsmedvetande och högre säkerhetskrav för bärbara datorer än smarttelefoner. Samtidigt är både slutanvändarna och företagsledningen väl medvetna om de risker och hot som smarttelefonen ställs inför. / Smartphones have become more common as business tools within the workplace. With its many features and great flexibility, the smartphone has stormed the business world and become an alternative or complement to the laptop. As these mobile units' popularity has increased, the interest of businesses to invest in this new technology has increased, but has security kept up with the technology developments?   This study aims to conduct a study to see if the companies in the IT industry have the same safety awareness for smart phones to laptops.   The study shows that companies have greater safety awareness and higher safety requirements for laptops than smartphones. Meanwhile, both end-users and management are well aware of the risks and threats that the smartphone is facing.

Recent transformations in West-Coast Renosterveld: patterns, processes and ecological significance

Newton, Ian Paul January 2008 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / South Africa

Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an Enterprise

Tomašovičová, Martina January 2007 (has links)
Subject of this dissertation is "Strategic Analysis of an Enterprise". In theoretical part are evaluated common analytics methods. This method are applied on company GOPAS, a.s. in practical part, aim is to find strong and weak aspects, opportunities, potentials threats, which affect business of the GOPAS company.

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