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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Совершенствование государственного аудита в системе финансовой безопасности России на примере Счетной палаты : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of state audit in the financial security system of Russia on the example of the accounting chamber

Банникова, Ю. С., Bannikova, J. S. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена направлениям совершенствования государственного аудита в системе финансовой безопасности России на примере Счетной палаты. Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка использованных источников и приложений. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические аспекты финансовой безопасности государства, выявлены актуальные угрозы. Во второй главе проведен анализ и дана оценка деятельности Счетной палаты за 2017 – 2019 годы. В третьей главе предложены пути повышения эффективности деятельности Счетной палаты. / The master's thesis is devoted to the areas of improvement of state audit in the financial security system of Russia on the example of the accounting chamber. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of sources used, and appendices. In the first Chapter, the theoretical aspects of the state's financial security are considered, and current threats are identified. The second Chapter analyzes and evaluates the activities of the accounting chamber for 2017-2019. The third Chapter suggests ways to improve the efficiency of the accounting chamber.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld inom sluten vård : En litteraturstudie / Nurses’ experience of threats and violence in inpatient care : A literature review

Skarby Hay, Isabell, Christensson, Hanna-Beata January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt internationell forskning utsätts hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal i stor omfattning för hot och våld i arbetet och sjuksköterskor är särskilt utsatta. Ett område inom sjukvården med hög prevalens av hot och våld är sluten vård. Hot och våld kan bestå i verbalt våld i form av kränkningar, hot, sexuella anspelningar samt fysiskt våld. Hot och våld kan bero på olika faktorer, däribland patienten själv, sjuksköterskans kommunikation eller miljömässiga faktorer. Hot och våld kan få konsekvenser för både sjuksköterskans hälsa och välbefinnande, patientsäkerheten, omvårdnaden och organisationen. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld från patienter som vårdas inom sluten vård. Metod: En litteraturstudie bestående av 11 kvalitativa studier där data analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Litteraturstudien resulterade i fem kategorier: olika former av hot och våld, en del av arbetet, bidragande faktorer till hot och våld, hantering av hot och våld samt konsekvenser av hot och våld. Konsekvenser av hot och våld hade underkategorierna psykosociala konsekvenser, fysiska konsekvenser och konsekvenser för omvårdnaden. Hantering av hot och våld hade underkategorierna förebyggande åtgärder, strategier för hantering av pågående våld, copingstrategier, incidentrapportering och stöd. Konklusion: Hot och våld mot sjuksköterskor medför ett allvarligt problem för sjuksköterskan både privat och professionellt. Sjuksköterskor upplever konsekvenser för både sig själva, patientens omvårdnad samt för hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationen. Åtgärder behöver vidtas på flera plan för att förebygga och hantera hot och våld inom sluten vård vilket innebär att hot och våld skulle behöva beforskas ytterligare ur olika perspektiv. / Background: According to international research, health care workers are exposed to high levels of threat and violence at work and nurses are particularly exposed. One area of healthcare with high prevalence of threats and violence is inpatient care. Threats and violence can consist of verbal violence such as insults, threats, sexual harassment and physical violence. Threats and violence can be caused by various factors, including the patient, the nurse's communication or environmental factors. Threats and violence can lead to consequences for nurses' health and wellbeing, patient safety and nursing care but also the organization. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe nurses' experiences of threats and violence from patients in inpatient care. Method: A literature review consisting of 11 qualitative studies with data analyzed by qualitative content analysis was conducted. Results: The literature study resulted in five categories: different forms of threats and violence, part of the work, contributing factors to threats and violence, dealing with threats and violence and consequences of threats and violence. Consequences of threat and violence had three subcategories; psychosocial consequences, physical consequences and nursing consequences. Management of threats and violence had five subcategories; prevention, strategies for managing ongoing violence, coping strategies, incident reporting and support. Conclusion: Threats and violence against nurses is a severe problem for nurses both personally and professionally. Nurses experience consequences for themselves, the patient's care, and the healthcare organization. Measures need to be taken at several levels to prevent and manage threats and violence in inpatient care, which means that threats and violence needs further research from different perspectives.

When Words Are Worse Than Bullets: a Study of Corruption as an Unintended Consequence of Threats of Sanctions

Balanov, Aleksei 28 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Smarta enheter kräver smarta användare - om riskerna med att använda mobila enheter

Sjösten, Dennis January 2012 (has links)
Användandet av internetstödjande enheter som kan användas överallt i det vardagliga livet har ökat intensivt på bara några få år. Informationsmobilitet är större idag än någonsin tidigare. Fler och fler människor har tillgång till information så nära som i hans eller hennes ficka. Detta beteende har både positiv och negativ potential. I studien undersöker vi hur en mindre grupp människor använder sina enheter och även hur oförsiktigt beteende kan sammankopplas med några av de stora potentiella skador som kan inträffa på mobila enheter. Frågan ”På vilka sätt kan oförsiktigt användande av mobila enheter påverka säkerheten kring information som finns tillgänglig via enheten?” besvaras med en jämförelse mellan litteratur och resultaten från en enkätundersökning. Det oförsiktiga användandet av mobila enheter har definitivt en påverkan på datasäkerheten, oavsett om informationen är personlig eller organisatorisk. / The use of devices with internet connectivity that can be used everywhere in everyday life has increased immensely in just a few years. Information mobility is greater today than ever before. A lot of people have access to large amounts of information in his or her pocket. This behavior has both positive and negative potentials. In this study we explore how a small group of people use their devices and also how inconsiderate behavior can be linked to some threats directed towards mobile devices. The question “In what ways can careless usage of mobile devices affect the safety regarding information accessible from the device?” is answered by comparing studied literature and the results of a survey. The careless use of mobile devices definitely has an impact on data integrity, independently of whether it is personal or organizational data.

Kategorisering på uppfattningar om digitala hot på webbapplikationer : Med en studie som visar de ekonomiska konsekvenserna av cyberattacker / Categorization of conceptions about digital threats on web applications : With a study showing the economic consequences of cyber attacks

Alyoussef, Elyas January 2022 (has links)
Detta examensarbete tar upp digitala hot mot webbapplikationer och kategoriserar allmänhetens uppfattning om dem. Digitala hot är oftast kopplade till ekonomiska konsekvenser varvid även dessa kommer att studeras. Målet med detta arbete är att bidra till en vetenskaplig artikel i framtiden, som kan vara värdefull för allmänheten, samt för framtida arbete och sysselsättning. För att analysera samlade uppfattningar användes konstant jämförande metoden. Resultatet avslöjar flera spännande fynd för teori och praktik, där uppfattningar om cybervärlden presenteras för att kunna förstå mer hur andra ser på cybersäkerhet idag. Det visar även betydande variationer bland deltagarnas uppfattningar och att informationssäkerhet, även om den gradvis utvecklas, har en lång väg tills den blir en obruten del av affärsverksamheten och arbetskraftens verklighet.  Denna studie kan även fungera som en guide för de olika uppfattningarna om cyberattacker eftersom den ger en översikt över de idag mest relevanta cyberattackerna. Arbetet kompletterades med en studie som belyser ekonomiska konsekvenser av cyberattacker. Utöver detta studerades även cyberattacken mot Coop under sommaren 2021. / This thesis presents a categorization of conceptions about digital threats on web applications with a study showing the economic consequences of cyber-attacks. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a scientific article, which can be valuable to the public, as well as for future work and employment. Constant comparison method was used to analyse aggregate perceptions. The results reveal several exciting findings for theory and practice, where perceptions of the cyber world were presented in order to understand more how others see cybersecurity today. It also shows significant variations among the participants' perceptions. This shows that information security, even if it is gradually developed, has a long way to go until it becomes an unbroken part of the business.  This study can also serve as a guide for the different perceptions of cyber-attacks as it provides an overview of the most relevant cyber-attacks today. This thesis was supplemented with a study that highlights the economic consequences of cyberattacks. In addition to this, the cyber-attack on Coop during the summer of 2021 was also studied.

IoT Security Assessment of a Home Security Camera

Hjärne, Nina, Kols, Ida January 2021 (has links)
The amount of IoT devices in society is increasing.With this increase there is an inherently higher risk of hackersexploiting the vulnerabilities of such a device, accessing sensitivepersonal information. The objective of this project was to assessthe security level of a home security camera through findingvulnerabilities and exploiting them. The method used for thiswas to analyze the system and its communication, threat modelthe system to identify threats, perform vulnerability analysisand exploit the vulnerabilities through penetration testing. Theattacks on the system did not succeed and the system wasdeclared secure in the vulnerability analysis. From the aspectstested in this project, it can be assumed that safety precautionshave been taken to secure the home security camera frommalicious hackers. / Antalet IoT-produkter i samhället ökar ochmed fler och fler uppkopplade produkter i våra hem ökarrisken att hackare utnyttjar produkters sårbarheter för ondaavsikter, till exempel för att komma åt känslig personlig data.Målet med det här projektet var att hitta sårbarheter i ensäkerhetskamera för hemmet, attackera dem och utifrån resultatetbedöma hur säker produkten är. Detta gjordes genomatt analysera systemet och dess kommunikation, göra en hotmodellför att identifiera hot, genomföra sårbarhetsanalys ochsedan penetrationstesta hoten. Hackningsattackerna misslyckadesoch produkten bedömdes som säker i sårbarhetsanalysen.Utifrån de aspekter som testades i projektet kunde det bedömasatt grundläggande säkerhetsåtgärder vidtagits för att skyddasäkerhetskameran från hackare. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm

Security threats to critical infrastructure: the human factor

Ghafir, Ibrahim, Saleem, J., Hammoudeh, M., Faour, H., Prenosil, V., Jaf, S., Jabbar, S., Baker, T. 24 January 2020 (has links)
Yes / In the twenty-first century, globalisation made corporate boundaries invisible and difficult to manage. This new macroeconomic transformation caused by globalisation introduced new challenges for critical infrastructure management. By replacing manual tasks with automated decision making and sophisticated technology, no doubt we feel much more secure than half a century ago. As the technological advancement takes root, so does the maturity of security threats. It is common that today’s critical infrastructures are operated by non-computer experts, e.g. nurses in health care, soldiers in military or firefighters in emergency services. In such challenging applications, protecting against insider attacks is often neither feasible nor economically possible, but these threats can be managed using suitable risk management strategies. Security technologies, e.g. firewalls, help protect data assets and computer systems against unauthorised entry. However, one area which is often largely ignored is the human factor of system security. Through social engineering techniques, malicious attackers are able to breach organisational security via people interactions. This paper presents a security awareness training framework, which can be used to train operators of critical infrastructure, on various social engineering security threats such as spear phishing, baiting, pretexting, among others.

Mellan hot och hopp: Journalistiska ideal som copingmekanismer : En komparativ studie om journalistiska ideal och coping- under hot, hat och trakasserier i Sverige och Turkiet.

Sağlam, Tuğba January 2023 (has links)
This study analyzes how Swedish and Turkish journalists cope with threats, hatred, and harassment, and what role journalistic ideals and organizational support play in their coping process. The study is based on qualitative interviews, analyzed utilizing aspects from the theoretical framework of systems and coping theories. The aim of the study is to delve into personal experiences in circumstances where journalists face threat, hatred, or harassment to increase our understanding of how journalists cope with them and what happens to their journalistic ideals during this process. The results show that both groups have a similar view on which journalistic ideals are important. Both groups of journalists used emotion-focused and problem-focused coping mechanisms which utilized journalistic ideals in one way or another, to feel control over the situation. In some cases, ideals were experienced as comforting, and in others, they were compromised. Lastly, organizational support was seen and experienced as a part of individual coping only for Swedish journalists, who expressed it as a primary method to cope with hostile situations, while it remained absent for Turkish journalists in this study.

Vulnerabilities in Outdated Content Management Systems : An Analysis of the Largest WordPress Websites.

Ekstam Ljusegren, Hannes January 2023 (has links)
The rapid growth of the internet over the past two decades has been accompaniedby a significant increase in cyberattacks, including ones targeting websites. Among thevast number of websites, approximately 50% are built using popular Content ManagementSystems (CMS) such as WordPress, Shopify, and Wix. Furthermore, websites created usingCMS platforms may be more attractive targets for attackers due to common frameworksand shared vulnerabilities. This study examines the prevalence of security vulnerabilitiesin the category "Vulnerable and Outdated Components" in these CMS-created websiteswith a focus on the WordPress CMS. From scanning one million of the largest websites,version information of WordPress and related extensions is collected and matched againstexploits in publicly available databases (exploit databases). The study finds that approxi-mately 65% of the WordPress websites are up-to-date, and that approximately 1.1% of thelargest websites running WordPress are susceptible to severe vulnerabilities to the Word-Press Core, and more to plugin vulnerabilities. The study also finds that 70% of all severepublic exploits both recently and historically spawn from 3 categories, including cross-sitescripting attacks, cross-site request forgery, and SQL injection. Based on the results gath-ered, a well-designed demonstration showcasing two vulnerabilities is develo

Hur säkerhetsmedvetna är dagens pensionärer? : En kvalitativ studie om äldres säkerhetsmedvetande i en alltmer digitaliserad värld

Le, Thanh Quang January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att hitta förbättringspunkter i den äldre generationens onlinebeteende och säkerhetsmedvetande. Samt att kunna ge förslag och rekommendationer på säkerhetsåtgärder som kan bidra positivt till att motverka dagslägets vanligaste informationssäkerhetsrisker och hot.  Metoden som användes för att uppnå detta var en kombination av litteratursökning och intervjustudie för datainsamling.  Resultatet påvisade att respondenterna hade medvetenhet angående huvudsakligen olika sorters bedrägerier med inslag av social manipulation, såsom phishing, vishing, och smishing. Dock inte lika mycket medvetenhet angående mer tekniska säkerhetshot relaterade till exempelvis skadlig kod eller programvara. Det ansågs därmed existera förbättringspunkter gällande pensionärers säkerhetsmedvetande i form av behov av mer information och nyttjande av grundläggande säkerhetsåtgärder i högre grad, främst tekniska verktyg och åtgärder. / The purpose of this qualitative study is to find points of improvement in the older generation’s online behaviour and security awareness. Also to be able to give recommendations and suggestions on security measures that can contribute positively to the preventative work and counteraction against some of the most common information security risks and threats the elderly could face in today’s day and age as well.  The method used to achieve this was a combination of a literature overview and an interview study for data collection.  The results showed that the respondents had awareness regarding mainly different types of fraud including certain elements of social manipulation, such as phishing, vishing, and smishing. However, they showed less awareness regarding more technical security threats related to, for example, malicious code or software. It was therefore concluded that points of improvement exist regarding the pensioners’ security awareness. This is in the form of a need for more information and greater use of basic security measures, particularly technical tools and measures.

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