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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förutsättningar för byte av skivmaterial i regelstomsystem - brandsäkerhetsperspektiv / Prerequisites for exchange of board materials for rail- and studsystems - fire safety perspective.

Rezai, Zahra January 2020 (has links)
Bostadsbristen ökar i samhället och många byggföretag vill hitta en lösning som gör att det går att tillverka snabbare, billigare och säkrare byggnader. Att bygga moduler med trästomme är en lösning men användning av trä kräver särskilda kunskaper när det gäller brandskydd. Att skydda trästomme med gipsskivor kan vara en metod för att öka brandsäkerheten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om Vida Building AB kan byta ut den bärande väggkonstruktionen i deras volymelement där reglarna skyddas av två gipsskivor av typ A med tjockleken 12,5 och en plywoodskiva med tjockleken 12,5 mm, mot en skiva av märket Fermacell, en så kallad fibergipsskiva. Bärförmågan har beräknats efter 60 minuters brand i väggkonstruktionen när gips-och plywoodskivor bytts mot skivor av Fermacell. Bestämning av bärförmågan hos konstruktionen gjordes med hjälp av två beräkningsmodeller. Resultatet visar att det går att använda en Fermacell skiva på 18 mm om reglarnas dimensioner ökas från 45x95 mm till 45x120 mm eller till 45x145 mm. Alternativt kan en bärförmåga motsvarande den för nuvarande konstruktion erhållas om två skivor av Fermacell med tjockleken 12,5 mm används.

Toward [Re]generative Environmental Design

Oesch, H. Frederick 18 December 2000 (has links)
Even with all the knowledge and wisdom we can acquire, combined with the best of collective intentions, it will always be the case, that ultimately we have to balance what’s desirable with what’s possible. But what’s possible always proceeds us, like a carrot in front of our nose. Yet yesterday's dreams, could have been today’s reality... and perhaps todays dreams, can become real tomorrow. “Too often budget restrictions are used as the reason why good design is not possible, but the vernacular demonstrates over and over that fine, low-budget, small-scale design is possible if the designer [builder and inhabitant] cares.” [Wayne Attoe: The Architecture of Ricardo Legorreta] In this case, the project is a new rural family residence for a couple and their son, with an adjacent cottage for their aging parents. With a collective desire to design, build and live in the most ecologically responsible manner possible, the challenge is to integrate as many environmentally beneficial principles as logistics and budget constraints will allow. The result is a collaborative choreography of site, structure, materials selection, and sequence. The appropriate criteria by which a given structural system or material should be specified, is relative to the total system performance and longevity. Optimized performance is achieved through the correct interrelationship of elements, to maximize the greatest cumulative benefit. For example, the high embodied energy and pollution from the manufacture of extruded polystyrene [XPS] insulation is undesirable. However, because of its high R-value, moisture resistance, compressive strength, and dimensional stability, it is currently the best insulation available for below grade applications. Its use makes a living sod roof practical, which may have an enormous overall positive impact, but otherwise might not even be possible. "The most elegant design solutions... those that reduce complexity while solving multiple problems... won't be found by considering each item in isolation." [Alex Wilson and Nadav Malin: Environmental Building News, 10.95] In keeping with the principles and intentions cited earlier, the decision was made to build a [passive solar / straw bale and heavy timber / living roof] home. / Master of Architecture

Analyse de la vulnérabilité sismique des structures à ossature en bois : essais expérimentaux, modélisation numérique, calculs parasismiques / Probabilistic analysis of the seismic vulnerability of timber frame building

Boudaud, Clément 07 December 2012 (has links)
Les travaux de thèse visent à améliorer les connaissances sur le comportement parasismique des bâtiments à ossature en bois. Le comportement de ces bâtiments sous sollicitations sismiques est lié à celui de ses assemblages par connecteurs métalliques (pointes, vis, équerres, etc.). La modélisation numérique d'une telle structure s'appuie sur une démarche multi-échelles, afin de représenter les comportements locaux à l'échelle de l'ouvrage. Trois échelles sont définies. Échelle 1 : assemblages, échelle 2 : éléments de structure (mur, plancher, toiture), échelle 3 : bâtiment. A chaque échelle, une loi de comportement dédiée (hystérétique avec endommagement) permet la modélisation. Les calages ou validations s'appuient sur des campagnes d'essais expérimentaux. Diverses configurations de spécimen et divers chargements sont testés afin de construire une vaste base de données de résultats. Les essais sur les assemblages par connecteurs métalliques ont permis le calage du modèle numérique à l'échelle 1. Un modèle éléments finis (EF) détaillé de mur est validé expérimentalement en quasi-statique et en dynamique. Un modèle EF simplifié de mur (macro) permet de passer à l'échelle du bâti. Cet élément macro, calibré sur le modèle détaillé, permet de reproduire avec une précision satisfaisante le comportement dynamique d'un mur. L'assemblage d'éléments de murs (pleins ou avec ouverture) permet de tendre vers la modélisation tridimensionnelle d'une structure. Ce modèle numérique de structure permettra d'étudier, localement et globalement, le comportement parasismique des constructions à ossature bois afin de proposer des dispositifs constructifs et un dimensionnement adaptés à ces ouvrages en zone sismique. / This research aims at a better understanding of the vulnerability of timber-frame buildings against earthquakes. The behavior of these structures under seismic loading relies on their joints with metal fasteners (nails, screws, 3 dimensionnal connections, etc.). The numerical modeling of such a structure is based on a multi-scale approach, which allows to take into account the local behaviors at the structural scale. Three scales are defined: Scale 1: joints, scale 2: structural elements (shear walls, floors, roofs), scale 3: buildings. At each scale, a behavior law (hysteretic with damage) is used. The calibrations or validations are based on experimental tests. Tests on joints with metal fasteners are used to calibrate the numerical model at scale 1. A detailed finite elements (FE) model of shear wall is developped and its predictions are confronted to quasi-static and dynamic experimental results for validation. A simplified FE model of shear wall (macro element) is used to generate a numerical model at the building scale. This macro element, calibrated on the detailed FE model, accurately reproduces the dynamic behavior of a shear wall despite its simplicity. The numerical model of timber-frame buildings will be used to study, locally and globally, their behavior against earthquake in order to propose construction details and design adapted to these structures in seismic areas.

Analýza chování a metod navrhování smykových stěn lehkých dřevěných konstrukcí / Analysis of structural response and design methods for shear walls in light timber frame structures

Zajíc, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
The prediction of shear capacity of light timber frame walls in a multi-storey arrangement is the main focus of this dissertation. The available theories neglect to account for the fact that the shear resistance of the walls may depend on the actual vertical position of the applied horizontal force. However, the actual arrangement of the structures in practice introduces a vertical offset between the wall head height and the position of the resultant of the external horizontal forces. Thus, the horizontal shear force is accompanied by dependent overturning moment. Solving such a problem for partially anchored walls inevitably leads to an iterative calculation. The aim is to provide a comprehensible and less calculation-intensive procedure for multi-storey buildings that would be competitive with existing simplified methods. A model derived from lower bound plastic method was successfully put to the test in a parametric study and compared with limited test results. The results show that the capacities predicted using the novel method compare favourably with the results obtained from traditional theories using a more complicated iterative process. Therefore, the presented single-step approach may be appealing to the industry. A test program was formulated to understand better the implications of the recommended best practice of introducing gaps between sheathing panels. It was set to experimentally verify the difference in the shear capacity for setups with and without gaps between the sheathing panels. The significance of this study is that it informs the industry that the manufacturers’ recommendation to incorporate a gap between sheathing panels would not compromise the structural integrity. Considering the model uncertainty and the safety margins, the introduction of gaps does not alter the strength or stiffness of the wall.

Víceúčelový rekreační objekt / Multipurpose Rekreational Facility

Holá, Ludmila January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the proposal of a multifunctional recreational facility. The complex of buildings consists of a guesthouse and stables. The guesthouse is a single-storey building with a residential attic. It also includes a restaurant with a mini-brewery and a shop selling horse riding products. The guesthouse is designed to accommodate up to 41 people. The first floor is barrier-free. The main entrance of the guesthouse and the shop faces southwest. The restaurant is accessible from the southeast. There are paved guest parking areas around the buildings. The building of stables with its accompanying facilities is a single-storey which is designed to stable 17 horses. The main entrance of the stables faces southeast and the building is also accessible from the northeast and the northwest. Both buildings have a gabled roof which consists of supporting rafters. The buildings are as designed a timber-frame construction with a supporting frame made of timber pillars which is coated with the FERMACELL boards.

Vícepodlažní budova / Multi-storey building

Janoušek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design of the timber structure four-storey building. Plan dimensions of the hall are 20 x 30 m. The structure is designed for the Třebíč. The structure is designed as a heavy timber frame. The axial distance of arches is 5 m. The timber structure is placed between the reinforced concrete towers.

Stavba horského hotelu na bázi dřeva / Wooden Based Hotel in Mountains

Zuczek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is the design of new mountain hotel based on wood, which is located at the top of Little Maple, cadastral area Trinec-Tyra, the city of Trinec, Frydek-Mistek level documentation for construction. The building has a partial basement, with three floors. The supporting system consists of three structural systems. The structural system consists of basement formwork, the first floor is made of ceramic blocks heluz, second and third floor is designed as a timber frame panel. Roof structure is made up of lattice wood trusses and gabled aisle. Proposal mountain hotel respects the territorial plan of Trinec. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the layout, including ensuring the design to the static, architectural, energy savings and safety in the use of the building.

A techno-economic case study of external timber wall assemblies in Swedish single-family homes

Maad, Deaa, Alkhen, Mohamad Feras January 2021 (has links)
Decisions made at the early stage of building design can significantly influence theenvironmental, energy and economic performance of buildings. Future homeowners anddevelopers often have to make decisions concerning the design and specification of thebuilding. These choices are usually governed by functionality, aesthetics, cost, materialavailability, etc. Except for decisions related to long-term performances, they are relativelyeasy and straightforward to make. Long-term performance assessments that consider theimpact of a product over its lifetime, requires thorough research. Due to the lack of studies onthe long-term benefits and performance of different building design options, homeowners anddevelopers often base their decisions on short-term financial benefits, ignoring long-termbenefits. This may lead to incorrect decisions that are difficult to correct.Within this context, the aim of this study is to compare the long-term economic viability ofdifferent external timber wall construction types. By doing so, our goal is to address the lackof techno-economic studies within the construction industry and thus, to assist the decisionmakingof Swedish homeowners and developers. We evaluate the economic performance ofthree wooden wall construction alternatives—that of IsoTimber, cross-laminated timber(CLT), and timber frame walls—via thirteen wall assembly scenarios and two case housesfrom Bysjöstrand eco-village, Sweden. The scenarios account for variations in wall type andwall thicknesses. Our study utilizes an approach based on life cycle costing (LCC) andconsiders the capital cost and the present value of heating cost. The latter is calculated for 1m2of heated area of each case houses over a 40-year period. Indoor Climate and Energy software(IDA ICE) is used to estimate the heating energy use and the Bidcon program to estimate thematerials and labor costs for all cases. The study considered reasonable economic parameters,but to see their impact on the results and feasibility of wall constructions improving, sensitiveanalysis has been done using different values.The main finding of this thesis is that timber frame wall construction is the most economicchoice in the long term. In contrast, IsoTimber wall is the least economic choice, in general,and for two-story homes, in particular. Moreover, the present value total cost for IsoTimber intwo-story building is 5% higher than for a single-story building that has a similar U-value. Incontrast, it is 3% and 7% lower for CLT and timber frame walls respectively. Also, the resultsindicate that although the present value heating cost decreases with increasing wall thickness,this increase is considerably smaller than the increase in the capital cost. Finally, assumedeconomic factors affect the results greatly, but in general, improving the U-value of CLT wallconstruction might be the most profitable then timber frame comes after, and then IsoTimbercomes in the last. Along with, return economic benefit from the improvement of all studiedwall constructions in single-story building is higher than the benefit in two-story building.

Analyse du comportement parasismique des murs à ossature bois : approches expérimentales et méthodes basées sur la performance sismique / Seismic behavior analysis of light timber frame walls : experimental approaches and seismic performance-based methods

Verdret, Yassine 01 February 2016 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente les travaux de thèse visant à étudier le comportement parasismique des éléments de murs à ossature en bois aux travers d’approches expérimentales et du développement d’une méthodologie d’application de méthodes basées sur la performance sismique. Les approches expérimentales sont constituées de trois campagnes d’essais : (1) une série d’essais monotones et cycliques à l’échelle d’assemblages agrafés et pointés, (2) une série d’essais monotones et cycliques à l’échelle de l’élément de mur à ossature en bois et (3) une série d’essais dynamiques sur table vibrante. La base de données constituée par les résultats d’essais permet alors l’examen des propriétés de résistance et de raideur des éléments de murs suivant les conditions de sollicitation (vitesse d’essai, chargement vertical). Le développement d’une modélisation à l’échelle macro du comportement cyclique et dynamique de tels éléments est également proposé à l’aide de modèles de loi de comportement hystérétiques. Une méthodologie d’application aux structures à ossature bois de méthodes basées sur la performance sismique (méthode N2 et MPA) ainsi qu’une analyse de vulnérabilité - construction de courbes de fragilité - à l’aide de la méthode N2 sont proposées. / This thesis presents a study of the seismic behavior of light timber frame walls with stapled and nailed sheathings through experimental approaches and the development of a methodology for the application of seismic performance-based methods. The experimental approaches consist of three test campaigns: (1) a series of static tests on stapled and nailed connections, (2) a series of static tests performed on light timber frame walls and (3) a series of dynamic tests performed on light timber frame walls on a vibrating table. The database consists of these test results then allows the examination of strength and stiffness properties of the wall elements according to the stress conditions (strain rate, vertical load). The development of a macro-scale modeling of the cyclic and dynamic behavior of such elements is also proposed using constitutive law models. A framework of the application to light timber frame structures of seismic performance-based methods based (N2 method and MPA method) and a vulnerability analysis - fragility curves - using the N2 method are proposed.

Podnikatelský záměr stavebního podniku se zaměřením na dřevostavby / Business Intention of Construction Company focused on Timber Constructions

Grossmann, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The thesis includes business intention of construction company in the form of a feasibility study. Planned company deals with the realization of timber-framed buildings that are built by hand directly on the construction site. The introductory part describes basic knowledge of the investment projects planning. One subchapter shortly describes the timber construction system. Parts of the business intention are oriented on corporate strategy, marketing, production technology, manpower, economic a financial analysis and risk management. In conclusion is an overall assessment of the project feasibility.

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