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Jonathan D. Kramer's ¡mThe Time of Music¡n: An Inquiry into Time ExperienceFu, Hsiu-chuan 10 September 2007 (has links)
In 1988, through the book of¡mThe Time of Music¡nJonathan D. Kramer (1942 - 2004) provided various point of view to understand the description analysis of the¡§Time Experience¡¨of music : by way of using the methods of¡§waiting¡¨and¡§explain¡¨in both linear and nonlinear in the description analysis of¡§Time Experience¡¨, the situation of ¡§personal time experience¡¨can be emphasized; via¡§musical performance interface¡¨, the subconscious communication interface can be stirred; under the process of interaction experience the multiperspective image can be presented and the difference with the traditional analysis and description analysis in the time experience with listening experience situation can be compared.
To analysis and integrates the methods of description analysis in¡§Time Experience¡¨from Kramer' s ¡mThe Time of Music¡n is the aim of this thesis. Through¡§personal time experience¡¨ in ¡§musical performance interface¡¨, there are three categories can be discussed such as : 1) a number of the descriptions about¡§musical performance interface¡¨; 2) the concepts of¡§personal time experience¡¨in music via different auras in terms of musical performance interfaces¡F3) the points are strongly related to the perspective of¡§personal time experience¡¨in music and being the matrix of Music.
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Typen der Zeiterfahrung im Film „Das Ende des Regenbogens“Vollbrecht, Ralf 03 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Am Beispiel einer Filmanalyse zum Film „Das Ende des Regenbogens“ wird gezeigt, wie sich mit medienpädagogischen Mitteln pädagogische Themen erschließen lassen. Für den biografie-theoretischen Kontext des Filmseminars ist hier als Interpretationsperspektive die Zeiterfahrung von Jugendlichen gewählt worden. / At the example of a film analysis to the film „Das Ende des Regenbogens“ (The End of the Rainbow) is shown how with media-educational means educational subjects can be opened. For the biography-theoretical context of the film seminar the time experience of young people has been chosen here as an interpretation perspective.
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A mixed methods study to explore and describe free time experience and substance use amongst youth who have dropped out of school in cape townBrink, Megan Lee January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Occupational Therapy) - MSc(OT) / School dropout particularly amongst youth living in impoverished areas is a major concern in South Africa because of limited opportunities and resources. Therefore, these youth may experience leisure boredom, engage in sensation seeking and other risky behaviours, such as substance use, which influences their health and wellbeing. However, little research has explored youth who have dropped out of school with a specific focus on their free time experience and use of substances. Aim: The aim of the study was to explore and describe free time experience and substance use amongst youth who have dropped out of school in Cape Town. Methods: A sequential explanatory mixed methods study with two phases including quantitative (Phase one) and qualitative (Phase two) was conducted. In Phase one, data from an existing dataset was analysed. The data were from 970 youth who had dropped out of school in Cape Town who had completed the HealthWise Risk Behaviour Survey in 2016. Descriptive statistics regarding the use of free time and the prevalence of substance use were computed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. In Phase two, thirty-two participants were selected using convenience sampling who took part in one of four focus group discussions to explore in-depth the results computed in Phase one of the study. Steps were taken to enhance the validity, reliability and trustworthiness of the data.
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A mixed methods study to explore and describe free time experience and substance use amongst youth who have dropped out of school in Cape TownBrink, Megan Lee January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Occupational Therapy) - MSc(OT) / School dropout particularly amongst youth living in impoverished areas is a major concern in South Africa because of limited opportunities and resources. Therefore, these youth may experience leisure boredom, engage in sensation seeking and other risky behaviours, such as substance use, which influences their health and wellbeing. However, little research has explored youth who have dropped out of school with a specific focus on their free time experience and use of substances.
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Typen der Zeiterfahrung im Film „Das Ende des Regenbogens“Vollbrecht, Ralf 03 February 2016 (has links)
Am Beispiel einer Filmanalyse zum Film „Das Ende des Regenbogens“ wird gezeigt, wie sich mit medienpädagogischen Mitteln pädagogische Themen erschließen lassen. Für den biografie-theoretischen Kontext des Filmseminars ist hier als Interpretationsperspektive die Zeiterfahrung von Jugendlichen gewählt worden. / At the example of a film analysis to the film „Das Ende des Regenbogens“ (The End of the Rainbow) is shown how with media-educational means educational subjects can be opened. For the biography-theoretical context of the film seminar the time experience of young people has been chosen here as an interpretation perspective.
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Sein, Zeit und Lebenswelt.: Eine temporale Phänomenologie des Daseins ausgehend vom Denken der Zeit bei Edmund Husserl und Hans Blumenberg.Rülke, Tommy 12 March 2019 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Phänomenen Zeit und Lebenswelt. Ausgehend von einer phänomenologischen Analyse des Lebensweltbegriffs in den Arbeiten von Husserl und Blumenberg wird die Zeit als externer Störfaktor erkannt, der die Lebenswelt im Sinne eines ereignislosen stautus quo zerstört und den Menschen überhaupt erst den Zutritt ins Leben verschafft. Anhand der Analysen Husserls zum Inneren Zeitbewusstsein soll der je eigene zeitliche Charakter jedes Daseins herausgearbeitet werden um schließlich im Hauptteil sich dem Zeitverständnis von Hans Blumenberg zu widmen. Er sieht in der Divergenz von Lebenszeit und Weltzeit das Hauptärgernis des menschlichen Daseins, gegen welches wir anrennen und ihm doch nicht entkommen können. Oder anders formuliert: die Welt hat immer mehr Zeit, als der einzelne Mensch, ein Fertigwerden ist nicht vorgesehen. Wir teilen unsere Zeit mit Anderen, anhand dieser Fremderfahrung können wir letztlich überhaupt Wissen von der und Orientierung in der Welt erlangen. Die Arbeit zeigt auch anhand der von Blumenberg als 'memoria' benannten Form der Erinnerung Wege, wie mit der Absolutheit der Zeit umzugehen ist, auch und gerade im Alter. Dabei soll das Bewusstsein, dass die Welt sich nicht für uns interessiert, anerkannt und akzeptiert werden.:1. Einleitende Gedanken zur Zeiterfahrung und zum Status phänomenologischer Philosophie in der aktuellen Zeit
2. Das Konzept der Lebenswelt
2.1. Einführende Bemerkungen zur Diversität der Begrifflichkeit von ›Lebenswelt‹.
2.2. Edmund Husserl: Das phänomenologische Lebensweltkonzept und die Krisis der modernen Wissenschaften.
2.3. Hans Blumenberg: Das Selbstverständliche verstehen – eine Theorie der Lebenswelt.
2.3.1. Das Lebenswelt-Missverständnis und die Frage nach dem Glück.
2.3.2. Die Destruktion der Lebenswelt. Oder: Negation als menschliches Grundpotential. Der Ausweg aus der Lebenswelt hinein ins Leben.
3. Was ist Zeit?
3.1. Grundlegendes und Menschliches: Zeit als Erfahrungsdimension des alltäglichen Lebens.
3.2. Edmund Husserl: Die Phänomenologie des Inneren Zeitbewusstseins.
3.2.1. Die Ausgangsgrundlage des Husserlschen Zeitverständnis.
3.2.2. Passive Synthesis. Überlegungen zum intentionalen Bewusstsein und zur Zeitlichkeit.
3.2.3. Retention als primäre Erinnerung.
3.2.4. Die Vervollständigung des Inneren Zeitbewusstseins: Urimpression und Protention.
4. Hans Blumenberg: Die Divergenz von Lebenszeit und Weltzeit und die daraus resultierende melancholische Zeiterfahrung.
4.1. Meine Zeit und die der Anderen. Eine Annäherung an Blumenbergs Denken der Zeit.
4.2. Lebenszeit als Defizit. Oder: Warum Leben Zeit kostet. Die Krise der Lebenszeit-Erfahrung.
4.3. Objektive Weltzeit als Voraussetzung für Inneres Zeitbewusstsein. Oder: Die Divergenz von Lebenszeit und Weltzeit und die daraus resultierende Krise das Daseins.
4.4. Das Leben als Episode. Oder: Das Dasein als eine kurze Unterbrechung des Fortseins.
4.5. Exkurs: Das Altern als Schwund an Zeit. Überlegungen zur Endlichkeit und der Möglichkeit des guten Lebens im Alter.
4.6. Dass die Welt mit mir ende: Über die Versuche einer Zusammenführung von Lebenszeit und Weltzeit.
5. Schlussbetrachtung. Aus der Lebenswelt heraus in ein Leben in der Zeit. Oder: Die Herrschaft der Zeit und ihre Folgen für das Leben.
6. Ausblick. Von Husserl und Blumenberg zur Hypermoderne. Ideen zur möglichen
Fortführung des Themas.
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Etická dimenze prožívání volného času dětí a mládeže v České republice / Ethic dimension of spending leisure time children and youth in the Czech republicPROKOPCOVÁ, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deal with incorporated of ethic dimensions into acitivities in leisure time of children and youth. The first chapter targets delimination of the basic notions from the area of leisure time and ethics. The next chapter deal with value orientation children and youth. The third chapter attend to ethic dimension acitivities in leisure time first in the continuity with experience and ethic education in leisure time. The last chapter deal with owing to medial activities to children and youth, consumption orientation, synthesis influence of educational aspects and synthesis ethic values and their signification for individuality development children and youth.
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[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é discutir as propostas estéticas dos
modernismos de Mário de Andrade e de Almada Negreiros como respostas
específicas a uma experiência de crise civilizacional. Este entendimento do seu
tempo como período de viragem histórica suscitou diferentes propostas baseadas
em expectativas diversas de futuro. Esta abordagem parte do pressuposto de que a
representação artística se apresenta de forma intimamente relacionada à percepção
do espaço e sua relação com os corpos. O modernismo, como forma simbólica,
está intimamente relacionado com uma alteração significativa da percepção
espaço temporal. Entretanto, essa dialética entre movimento artístico
(modernismo) e experiência de espaço (modernidade) produziu na crítica
literária uma avaliação do modernismo como uma resposta cultural à
experiência da modernidade. Essa leitura relaciona-se com uma visão da
modernidade como uma linha contínua de avanços tecnológicos, sociais,
econômicos, etc., que surgem em centros e se espalham em direção à
periferia. A partir desta interpretação produziram-se conceitos como
modernismo tardio, modernismo periférico ou atraso cultural. A análise se
propõe a situar as doutrinas e práticas estéticas agrupadas sob o conceito de
modernismo em relação a conjunturas internas de cada país e a conjunturas
internacionais num complexo mapa de coordenadas geopolíticas. Para isso, a Tese
se estrutura em quatro pilares fundamentais de sustentação: Modernos,
modernidades e modernismos; Futurista?! Em busca de uma expressão moderna
de nacionalidade; Modernismos em modernidades incipientes: a insuficiência de
invenções características da segunda revolução industrial nas narrativas
romanescas de Mário de Andrade e Almada Negreiros; Modernismos e Estados
Novos: os projetos de transformação cultural na esfera política do Salazarismo e
do Varguismo. A partir destes pontos, o trabalho se pretende a associar o
modernismo, não como uma dinâmica que surgiu no centro e se espalhou pela
periferia como aplicação de um discurso estrangeiro, mas antes como a
constituição de uma problemática impulsionadora de questionamentos diversos
nas instâncias de entrecruzamento da cultura, da política e da arte. / [en] Modernisms in incipient modernities: Mário de Andrade and Almada
Negreiros. The objective of the present work is to discuss the modernist
aesthetical proposals from Mário de Andrade and Almada Negreiros as specific
responses to an experience of civilizational crisis. This understanding of the time
as a period of historical shift produced different proposals based on diverse
expectations of future. This approach is based on the prerogative that the artistic
representation presents itself intimately related to the perception of space-time and
its relations with the bodies. The modernism, as symbolic form, is intimately
related to a significant change in space-time perception. However, the dialetic
between artistic movement (modernism) and experience of space (modernity)
produced in the literary critique an evaluation of modernism as a cultural response
to the experience of modernity. This reading in related to a understanding of
modernity as a continuous line of technological, social and economical advances
that occurred in centers and spread to the peripheries. From this interpretation
concept such as late modernism, peripheral modernism and cultural delay were
produced. The present analysis intend to situate the doctrines and aesthetical
practices grouped under the concept of modernism in relation to the internal
conjunctures of each country and the international conjunctures in a complex map
of geopolitical coordinates. Thereunto, the Thesis structure itself in four
fundamental supporting pillars: Moderns, modernities and modernisms;
Futurist?! Searching for a modern expression of nationality; Modernisms in
incipient modernities: the insufficiency of characteristic inventions from the
second industrial revolution in the prosaic narratives from Mário de Andrade and
Almada Negreiros; Modernism and New States: the projects of cultural
transformation in the political field of Salazarism and Varguism. From these
topics the work intends to associate modernism, not with a dynamic that rise in
the centers and spread to the peripheries as application of a foreign speech, but
rather as the constitution of a problematic that produced e diverse investigations in
the lathing among culture, politics and arts.
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