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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Påverkas matkonsumtion och mättnadskänsla av TV-tittande

Bjöörn, Laila, Söderström, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Matkonsumtionen och mättnadskänslan kan påverkas av många olika faktorer på flera olika sätt. I vissa fall är en distraktion av något slag tillräcklig för att matkonsumtionen ska öka. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om yttre stimuli i form av TV-tittande påverkar matintaget och mättnadskänslan. Det undersöktes även om olika intensitet på TV-programmen (actionserie resp. naturfilm) påverkade dessa faktorer. I föreliggande studie deltog 28 personer som fick konsumera en lunch, bestående av spaghetti och tomatsås, vid två tillfällen. Vid ett tillfälle fick de se på TV samtidigt som de åt och vid ett annat tillfälle fick de äta sin lunch helt utan distraktion. Hälften av deltagarna fick se på en actionserie som var menad att distrahera mer än naturfilmen, som resten av deltagarna fick se. Inga signifikanta skillnader i matkonsumtion erhölls som kunde relateras till TV-tittande, även om deltagarna i genomsnitt konsumerade lite mer mat framför TV:n. Även effekten på differensen i mättnadskänsla (mätt med Borg CR100 skalan®) mellan de olika betingelserna (ej TV resp. TV) blev icke-signifikant. Dessa resultat kan dels ha uppkommit på grund av det låga antalet deltagare men även på grund av miljömässiga faktorer.

Mediekonsumtionens betydelse för främlingsfientliga attityder

Mellin, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats kommer betydelsen av mediekonsumtionen för främlingsfientliga åsikter att undersökas. Datamaterialet i uppsatsen har hämtats från European Social Survey (2008) och analyseras via multipel regressionsanalys. Tidigare forskning visar att mediekonsumtion har stor inverkan på människors åsikter, däribland främlingsfientliga attityder. I denna uppsats undersöks betydelsen av två olika typer av media: TV och internet. Resultaten visar att de som tittar på TV ofta är mer främlingsfientliga än de som tittar på TV mer sällan och de som spenderar mycket tid vid internet är mindre främlingsfientlig än personer som gör det i mindre utsträckning. Studiens resultat motsäger delvis tidigare forskning som visat ett samband mellan användning av internet och främlingsfientliga attityder. En viktig anledning kan vara att internetanvändning inte längre är så selekterad som när tidigare studier genomfördes, och att internetanvändningen idag är mer utbrett.

"Man får någonting från TV, liksom som en liten hjälp." : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om Tv och barns lek / How is children's playing being affected by watching TV?

Nogander, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study focuses on how the playing of children is being affected by watching TV, if it is being affected at all? Is TV consumption promoting or restraining the playing of children? Can children identify with a TV-character? The study was carried out at a school with children 6 to 8 years old. I have interviewed five children, two 6 year olds, one child of 7 and two children who are 8 years old. I recorded the interview so I could listen to it afterwards, and concentrate on the childrens body language during the interview. I observed children playing during the recess. I also gave questionnaires to the five children's parents. I wanted to know the parents opinion about the TV-habits of their children, but the questionnaires did not have any major effect on the study. I haved drawn on, and related my findings to older research, specially the work of the swedish media researcher Margareta Rönnberg.</p><p>Children's playing is a reflection of what they have experienced and what they've seen and heard both on TV and from people around them. Identity is something you have in yourself. It's who you are and how you will react in different situations. But the identity is not the same over your lifetime. It changes when you meet with new situations and encounter other people. My major conclusion is that children's playing get inspired from what they see. Children don´t only look on children's TV-shows, they look at many adult TV-shows as well, and their playing gets inspiration from it. They mix the things they found interesting on TV with things they have been through personally. Children can identify with characters from TV and recognize themselvs in them. The identification can be based on personality or on the outer likeness in special features as hair colour etc.</p>

Ny teknik, samma behov : En kvalitativ undersökning av två generationers mediebruk i ljuset av den moderna bruks- och belöningsforskningen

Ivansson, Frida January 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACT   Title (English): New technologies, same needs? A qualitative research of media usage in two generations, in the light of modern uses and gratifications research   Title (original): Ny teknik, samma behov? En kvalitativ undersökning av två generationers mediebruk i ljuset av den moderna bruks- och belöningsforskningen   Language: Swedish   Author: Frida Ivansson   Tutor: Sven Ross   Course: Media and Communication Studies, Bachelor's Thesis.   Period: Spring term 2013   University: Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMK) at Stockholm University   Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper is to, in the light of todays uses and gratification research, highlight the differences in media use in adolescents and adults. I focus on the informants' television viewing and I compare this cross-generational, and in relation to other media use.   Material/Method: The method I used in this thesis is qualitative interviews. My choice fell on this method because I believe it to be the most suitable for obtaining the data needed.   Main results: Media use differs between young people and adults, primarily at two levels. The younger generation tend to engage in a parallel media use when they consume television, while the older look more actively and undisturbed from other stimuli. Furthermore, the younger generation state that they largely talk about television shows with their friends, something the adults say is quite uncommon for them. In these differences, however, I found similarities. The audience is still looking to meet the same needs as they always have. The uses and gratification tradition have in the last years developed new concepts and models for audience research. However, the same basic needs still seem to apply, we need to acquire information, and relate to people around us.   Keywords: Uses and gratifications, new media, television, audience research, audience, cross-generational.

"Man får någonting från TV, liksom som en liten hjälp." : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om Tv och barns lek / How is children's playing being affected by watching TV?

Nogander, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
This study focuses on how the playing of children is being affected by watching TV, if it is being affected at all? Is TV consumption promoting or restraining the playing of children? Can children identify with a TV-character? The study was carried out at a school with children 6 to 8 years old. I have interviewed five children, two 6 year olds, one child of 7 and two children who are 8 years old. I recorded the interview so I could listen to it afterwards, and concentrate on the childrens body language during the interview. I observed children playing during the recess. I also gave questionnaires to the five children's parents. I wanted to know the parents opinion about the TV-habits of their children, but the questionnaires did not have any major effect on the study. I haved drawn on, and related my findings to older research, specially the work of the swedish media researcher Margareta Rönnberg. Children's playing is a reflection of what they have experienced and what they've seen and heard both on TV and from people around them. Identity is something you have in yourself. It's who you are and how you will react in different situations. But the identity is not the same over your lifetime. It changes when you meet with new situations and encounter other people. My major conclusion is that children's playing get inspired from what they see. Children don´t only look on children's TV-shows, they look at many adult TV-shows as well, and their playing gets inspiration from it. They mix the things they found interesting on TV with things they have been through personally. Children can identify with characters from TV and recognize themselvs in them. The identification can be based on personality or on the outer likeness in special features as hair colour etc.

Från tv-ben och förminskat latmaskshjärta till ADHD : -Hur påverkar medias bild av barns tv-tittande pedagogens syn på användandet av tv och dator i förskolan? / From television legs and reduced lazybones heart to ADHD : - How does the media's picture of children's television viewing pedagogue approach to the use of television and computer in preschool?

Ekman, Johanna, Östling, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Denna undersökning syftar till att undersöka sanningshalten i medias artiklar om barns TV-tittande. För att göra det, jämfördes flera tidningsartiklar med vetenskapliga artiklar som handlar om barns tv-tittande. Endast de tidningsartiklar som hänvisar till vetenskapliga artiklar användes för denna undersökning. Resultaten visar att media ibland vinklar fakta, men överdriver riskerna med yngre barns tv-tittande i jämförelse med vad som skrivs i de vetenskapliga artiklarna. I flera fall har även de positiva effekterna tonats ned, såväl i tidningsartikeln som i den vetenskapliga artikeln. Tolv av de fjorton tidningsartiklarna i denna undersökning återberättar inte vad den vetenskapliga forskningen säger på ett sanningsenligt sätt.   För att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan medias bild av barnens TV-tittande och förskollärarnas medieanvändande delades en enkät ut till flera förskollärare. Enkätundersökningen visar att hälften av deltagarna inte svarade på om de var påverkade av medias bild eller inte. De som besvarade den frågan uppgav att de antingen inte påverkades alls eller mycket lite av medias bild, eller så svarade de, men inte på den aktuella frågan. Dessa resultat är dock osäkra på grund av det låga antalet svar på enkäten. / This study aims to investigate the truthfulness in media reports concerning children´s television viewing. Several press articles were compared with scientific articles which is about children´s television viewing. The press articles referring to scientific articles for this study were choosen. Our results show that media attend some times to angle facts but exaggerate the risks with young children´s television viewing in compared to what the scientific articles report. In several cases, the positive effects have been downsized both in the press articles and in the scientific articles. Twelve of the fourteen press articles in this study failed to retell what the scientific research says in at truthful way.   To explore if there is a relationship between media´s report in children´s television viewing and preschool teachers media usage a questionnaire were handed out to preschool teachers. The questionnaire survey shows that half of the participants did not answer whether they were influenced by the media`s image or not. Those who did answer reported that they either were not affected at all or very little of media´s image or they did answer, but not to the question at issue. These results, however, are uncertain, due to the low number of responses on the questionnaire.

En studie i studenters tv-tittande: Aspekter av binge-watching och maratontittande / A study of student’s television watching: Aspects of binge-watching and marathon viewing

Okurowska, Magdalena, Granlund, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
Sedan TV-apparaten uppfanns har man varit begränsad till linjär-Tv, både när det gäller utbud och antal avsnitt. Antalet kanaler har ökat och därigenom även antalet program användaren kan kolla på. Men tittandet sker fortfarande på en och samma stationära TV. Med utvecklingen av Video on Demand-tjänster (VoD) kom möjligheten att titta på serier var man vill och hur man vill. Detta nya medium utvecklade nya tittarmönster. Ett av dessa är binge-watching som inte så många har hört talas om men som många har en stor koppling till. Begreppet innebär att konsumenten ägnar sig åt att sträcktitta på en TV-serie. De flesta digitala tjänster försöker fokusera på att behålla publiken en längre tid framför skärmen för att tjäna mer pengar och därför utvecklar de plattformar med funktioner som uppmuntrar till binge-watching. Det är av intresse för hela samhället att förstå varför vi blir övertalade att titta längre på serier för att kunna förstå sina tittarbeteende och därigenom kontrollera dem. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som uppmuntrar mest till binge-watching. För att svara på vår frågeställning ska vi också svara på arbetsfrågorna: “Vilka faktorer hos Netflix och Viaplay uppmuntrar mest till binge-watching?” och “Vilka externa faktorer uppmuntrar till binge-watching?” För att få svar på de frågorna har 17 medieteknikstudenter från KTH dagligen under en hel vecka fått svara på en logg angående sina tittarvanor. Vi har också genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer för att kunna fördjupa oss i deras användning av VoD-tjänster. Vårt arbete gav bra och användbara resultat med hjälp av de kvalitativa - och kvantitativa metoder vi skapade. De kan användas i en framtida undersökning om tv-tittande för att nå en publik som binge-watchar och därigenom utveckla studien. Resultatet visade att den automatiska uppspelningsfunktionen påverkar tittarna till att fortsätta titta vidare på en serie där bara 5 av användarna kunde motstå funktionen. Vi kom också fram till att tittarmiljön och valet av elektronisk enhet bidrog till ett ökat maratontittande. Mer än hälften av deltagarna föredrog att titta på serier på en större skärm. Många av dem erkände att TV och en skön soffa eller säng uppmuntrar till binge-watching. Undersökningen visade också att det inte bara är tekniska funktioner som uppmuntrar till binge-watching utan också tiden som användaren kan ägna åt deras tittande samt orsaken till tittandet. Studien visade att många funktioner hos båda VoD-tjänsterna liknar varandra. Den största skillnaden var att i Viaplay är det möjligt att pausa den automatiska uppspelningsfunktionen medan Netflix kan man inte pausa nedräkningen. Ingen av våra deltagare kände till den möjligheten hos Viaplay och därför kunde vi inte dra några slutsatser kring huruvida denna skillnad mellan tjänsterna uppmuntrar till binge-watching. / Since television was invented one has been limited to linear television, both in terms of programs and the number of episodes. The number of channels has since then increased as has the number of available programs. But the watching still takes place on the same TV-set. With the introduction of the Video on Demand services (VoD) one got the opportunity to watch TV series wherever and wherever one wants. This has triggered new viewing patterns. One is binge-watching, a concept that many are unfamiliar with, even though many actually watch TV in that way. The term means that the consumer watch several episodes of a TV series at a time. Most digital services try, due to financial reasons, to extend the time the viewers spend at the TV, and therefore they develop platforms with features that encourage binge-watching. It is in the interest of the whole community to understand why and how we are persuaded to look longer on series in order to understand our viewing behavior and thereby stay in control. The purpose of our study is to investigate what factors that encourage the most to binge-watching. To answer this we also choose to look into: "What factors in Netflix and Viaplay encourage binge-watching the most?" and "Which external factors encourage binge-watching?". To find answers we took help from 17 media technology students at KTH that daily during a week was asked to logg their viewing habits. We have also conducted semistructured interviews with them to get in-depth knowledge of their use of VoD-services. Our work provides interesting and useful results based on the qualitative and quantitative methods we used, and is a good foundation for future studies of television viewing aimed at better understand the binge-watching phenomena. Our study shows that the autoplay function encourage viewers to continue to watch series. Only five of our study participants could resist this feature. We also conclude that the comfort-level of the viewing environment and the choice of electronic viewing device influence the tendency to marathon view. More than half of our study participants prefer to watch series on a larger screen. Many of them acknowledged that a TV-sized screen and a comfortable couch or bed encouraged binge-watching. Not only technical features encourage binge-watching. Also the time the user can devote to their viewing and the reason for viewing influence it. The study showed that many features in both the studied VoD-services are very similar. The biggest difference between them is that it in Viaplay is possible to pause the autoplay function while you can not do this in Netflix. But none of our participants knew that Viaplay had this feature and we could therefore not draw any conclusions as to whether this difference affected the binge-watching or not.

Vad är det på tv ikväll? : En kvalitativ studie om svenska gymnasieelevers användning av och attityd till tv-mediet / What’s on TV tonight?

Doohan Pehrman, Fredrik, Davidsson, Emmy January 2012 (has links)
Abstract   Authors:                           Emmy Davidsson and Fredrik Doohan Pehrman Title:                                  What’s on TV tonight? Swedish title:                  Vad är det på tv ikväll? Level:                                BA Thesis in Media and Communication Studies Language:                                             Swedish Number of pages:          53   Aim: The purpose of this study is to chart and explain Swedish high school students’ TV viewing and their attitude towards the TV medium. The aim is also to discuss the students’ views on news and citizenship. The purpose is also to, through the term habitus, explore how the background of a person reflects on their choice of TV content, in what way they watch television and on their purpose of TV viewing. What similarities and differences can we discover in different groups’ TV viewing and attitude towards the TV medium and how can these similarities and differences be explained? Method: The used method is a qualitative method of investigation, divided in three parts. The first part is a TV diary, in which the respondents document different aspects of their TV viewing during a week. The second part of the method is focus groups and the last part is a survey concerning the background environment of the respondents.   Main result: In our study we have determined that Swedish high school students still, in some aspects, watch television in a traditional manner. They mainly watch entertaining content, but the varieties of entertainment vary depending on habitus, especially gender. We have also discovered that TV viewing is fragmented, but also formalized depending on which level; general, group or individual level, we choose to study. The main aspect of habitus that influence the behavior concerning TV viewing is gender, but also other aspects of habitus, for example education and place to live. We have studied a rather homogenous group of students, which result in differences in attitude towards the TV medium, mostly based on gender. However, we have also discovered subtleties in attitude between the different groups of respondents depending on lifestyle and taste. The results concerning TV use and attitude towards television can not alone determine if Swedish high school students are enlightened members of society or not. However, through habitus and the influence of parenthood and schooling, the students gain opportunities to create habits and a behavior surrounding news consumption that will make them take their social responsibility later in life. Program:                          The Program for Information and Communication Studies Location:                          Linnaeus University, Växjö Period:                              March – May 2012 Assessor:                        Magnus Eriksson Examinor:                        Malin Hjorth   Keywords:                       media use · TV · TV viewing · habitus · capital · identity · taste ·                           lifestyle · social responsibility · individualization · fragmentation

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