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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


柳本, 真弥 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬学) / 甲第20316号 / 薬博第826号 / 新制||薬||240(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科薬学専攻 / (主査)教授 橋田 充, 教授 髙倉 喜信, 教授 山下 富義 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Mechanisms of induction of CCL20/MIP3-α in lung epithelial cells by Moraxella catarrhalis

Serrano Aybar, Pablo 12 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Toll-like Receptor 4 Regulates Intraspinal and Peripheral Responses after Spinal Cord Injury

Church, Jamie Stoddard 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Papel de las vesículas extracelulares en la propagación y mantenimiento de la neuroinflamación inducida por el consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia

Ibáñez Cabanes, Francesc 07 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] El consumo de altas cantidades de etanol durante en un corto período de tiempo, conocido también como consumo en atracón, causa importantes alteraciones en el sistema nervioso central del adolescente, activando la respuesta innata inflamatoria, que puede causar muerte neuronal y alteraciones a nivel estructural y de la conducta. Esta respuesta se produce mediante la activación de los receptores de membrana Toll-like, y específicamente por los receptores TLR4, localizados en células gliales. Cuando dicho receptor se une a su ligando y dimeriza, desencadena una cascada de señalización que finaliza con la translocación al núcleo del factor de transcripción NF-κB, donde se promueve la síntesis y liberación de citoquinas y quimioquinas pro-inflamatorias al medio extracelular. Entre los mecanismos que podrían participar en la amplificación de la respuesta neuroinflamatoria se encontrarían un tipo de vesículas extracelulares (VEs), denominadas exosomas. Los exosomas son micropartículas de 30-150 nm de tamaño con un contenido de carácter bioactivo, formado por proteínas, lípidos y ácidos nucleicos, y que cumplen un papel importante en la comunicación intercelular. Por tanto, la hipótesis que planteamos en esta tesis doctoral es que las VEs ejercen un papel en el mantenimiento y propagación de la neuroinflamación causada por el consumo de alcohol en forma de atracón. Utilizando VEs de cultivos primarios de astrocitos demostramos que el etanol induce una mayor secreción de VEs y altera los niveles de determinadas proteínas y microARNs (miARNs) asociados con la neuroinflamacion. Además, demostramos que cuando las neuronas corticales en cultivo se incuban con VEs procedentes de los astrocitos WT tratados con etanol, se inducen marcadores inflamatorios en las neuronas y presentan mayores niveles de apoptosis. Durante el proceso de biogénesis exosomal, se ha demostrado la participación de una familia de enzimas, llamadas esfingomielinasas, que estarían relacionadas con la biogénesis y secreción de las VEs. Estudios previos de este laboratorio han demostrado que el etanol es capaz de activar las esfingomielinasas, aunque el mecanismo por el cual esto ocurre se desconoce. En este proyecto de tesis proponemos a las membranas asociadas a mitocondrias (MAM) como mecanismo regulador de la secreción de VEs mediada por esfingomielinasas. Mediante el análisis de la actividad de transferencia de fosfolípidos, marcador de actividad de MAM, observamos que el etanol, tanto a nivel tisular como en cultivo, es capaz de activar MAM. Además, demostramos que, inhibiendo la actividad tanto de MAM como de las esfingomielinasas, se revierte el aumento en secreción de VEs causado por el tratamiento con etanol. Estos resultados sugieren que el etanol promueve una mayor liberación de VEs mediante la activación de las enzimas esfingomielinasas a través de MAM. Además, puesto que las VEs tienen la capacidad de cruzar la barrera hematoencefálica (BBB) y tener estabilidad en la circulación, se han considerado como posibles candidatos a biomarcadores de situaciones patológicas. Uno de los elementos presentes en las VEs, que se ha utilizado recientemente como biomarcador en diversos estudios, son los miARNs, moléculas de ARN no codificante de cadena corta implicados en la regulación génica. Se ha descrito que, en pacientes con enfermedades neurodegenerativas como el Alzheimer, Parkinson u otras, se detectan patrones de expresión diferencial de miARNs en las VEs circulantes, en comparación con pacientes control. En este estudio demostramos que el etanol es capaz de alterar los perfiles de miARNs relacionados con la inflamación presentes en VEs circulantes de jóvenes con intoxicación etílica aguda (IEA). Estos efectos presentan diferencias de género, siendo las mujeres/hembras más vulnerables a los efectos del alcohol, ya que la expresión de marcadores inflamatorios en cerebro y en VEs circulantes son más elevadas en mujeres/hembras que en hombres/machos. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que las VEs circulantes y sus perfiles de miARNs son posibles candidatos a biomarcadores de la neuroinflamación asociadas con el abuso de alcohol. / [CA] El consum d'elevades quantitats d'alcohol durant un curt període de temps, conegut també com a consum en afartament, causa importants alteracions en el sistema nerviós central de l'adolescent, activant la resposta innata inflamatòria, que pot causar mort neuronal i alteracions a nivell estructural i de conducta. Aquesta resposta es produeix mitjançant l'activació dels receptors de membrana Toll-like, i específicament pels receptors TLR4, localitzats en cèl·lules glials. Quan aquest receptor s'uneix al seu lligant i dimeritza, desencadena una cascada de senyalització que finalitza amb la translocació al nucli del factor de transcripció NF-κB, on es promou la síntesi i alliberament de citoquines i quimioquines pro-inflamatòries al medi extracel·lular. Dins dels mecanismes que podrien participar en l'amplificació de la resposta neuroinflamatòria es trobarien un tipus de vesícules extracel·lulars (VEs), denominades exosomes. Els exosomes són micropartícules de 30-150 nm de grandària amb un contingut de caràcter bioactiu, format per proteïnes, lípids i àcids nucleics, i que compleixen un paper important en la comunicació intercel·lular. Per tant, la hipòtesi que plantegem en aquesta tesi doctoral és que les VEs exerceixen un paper en el manteniment i propagació de la neuroinflamació causada pel consum d'alcohol en forma d'afartament. Utilitzant VEs de cultius primaris d'astròcits demostràrem que l'etanol indueix una major secreció de VEs i una alteració dels nivells de determinades proteïnes i microARNs (miARNs) associats amb la neuroinflamació. A més a més, també observàrem que quan les neurones corticals en cultiu s'incubaben amb VEs procedents dels astròcits WT tractats amb etanol, s'induïen marcadors inflamatoris en les neurones i aquestes presentaven majors nivells d'apoptosi. Durant el procés de biogènesi exosomal, s'ha demostrat la participació d'una família d'enzims, anomenats esfingomielinases, que estarien relacionats amb la biogènesi i secreció de les VEs. Estudis previs d'aquest laboratori han demostrat que l'etanol és capaç d'activar les esfingomielinases, encara que el mecanisme pel qual això passa es desconeix. En aquest projecte de tesi proposem a les membranes associades a mitocòndries (MAM), juntament amb les esfingomielinases com el mecanisme regulador de la secreció de VEs induïda pel consum d'alcohol. Mitjançant l'anàlisi de l'activitat de transferència de fosfolípids, marcador d'activitat de MAM, observàrem que l'etanol, tant a nivell tissular com en cultiu, era capaç d'activar MAM. A més, demostràrem que inhibint l'activitat tant de MAM com de les esfingomielinases, revertiem l'augment en la secreció de VEs causat pel tractament amb etanol. Aquests resultats suggereixen, que l'etanol promou una major alliberament de VEs mitjançant l'activació dels enzims esfingomielinases a través de MAM. A més, ja que les VEs tenen la capacitat de creuar la barrera hematoencefàlica (BBB) i ser estables en circulació, s'han considerat bons candidats a biomarcadors de situacions patològiques. Un dels elements presents en les VEs que s'ha utilitzat recentment com a biomarcador en diversos estudis, són els miARNs, molècules d'ARN no codificant de cadena curta implicats en la regulació gènica. S'ha descrit que, en pacients amb malalties neurodegeneratives, com l'Alzheimer o Parkinson, es detecten patrons d'expressió diferencial de miARNs a les VEs circulants, en comparació amb pacients control. A aquest estudi demostrem que l'etanol és capaç d'alterar els perfils de miARNs relacionats amb la inflamació presents en VEs circulants de joves amb intoxicació etílica aguda (IEA). Aquests efectes presenten diferències de gènere, sent les dones / noies més vulnerables als efectes de l'alcohol, ja que l'expressió de marcadors inflamatoris en cervell i en VEs circulants són més elevades en noies que en nois. / [EN] Heavy alcohol intake during a short period of time, also known as binge drinking, has been proved to produce negative effects on the individual's central nervous system by activating an inflammatory response that can lead to neuronal death and structural and behavioral alterations. This response is produced by glial cells, the main component of the neuroimmune system, through the activation of TLR4, a transmembrane receptor of the TLR family. When TLR4 binds to its ligand and dimerizes, it triggers a signaling cascade that ends up with the translocation of NF-κB to the nucleus, acting as a transcription factor, where it promotes the synthesis and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines to the extracellular milieu. Among the mechanisms responsible for the transmission and amplification of this neuroinflammatory response, one candidate could be a kind of extracellular vesicles (VEs) called exosomes. Exosomes are microparticles of 30-150 nm in size, with a bioactive content, composed mostly by proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, which play an important role in intercellular communication. Therefore, the hypothesis of this thesis is that VEs play an important role in the transmission of the neuroinflammatory response caused by ethanol binge drinking. Using VEs from primary cultures of astrocytes, we show that ethanol is able to induce a higher secretion of VEs and alters their composition of inflammatory related protein and microRNAs (miARNs). Furthermore, incubation of these VEs in primary cultures of neurons lead to the development of inflammatory protein and gene markers, and higher apoptosis levels. Exosomal release has been shown to be partly regulated by a family of enzymes called sphingomyelinases, since inhibition of these enzymes resulted in a reduction of secreted VEs. Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that ethanol is able to activate sphingomyelinases, but the mechanism involved in the process is currently unknown. We propose membrane-associated mitochondria (MAM), along with sphingomyelinases, as the responsible for the increased VEs release after ethanol intake. We show that ethanol is capable of increasing phospholipid transfer activity, a marker of MAM activity. Moreover, MAM and sphingomyelinase inhibition resulted in depleted VEs secretion. These results suggest that ethanol promotes increased release of VEs by activating sphingomyelinase enzymes through MAM. VEs display certain biological characteristics, like the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) or their high stability in serum, which make them good candidates for biomarkers of pathological situations. One of the elements present in VEs that has recently been used as a biomarker in various studies are miARNs, which are short-chain non-coding RNA molecules involved in gene regulation. It has been described that differential expression patterns of miARNs in circulating VEs can be detected in patients with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or others, when compared to healthy patients. In this study we demonstrate that ethanol is able to alter the inflammatory-related miARNs expression patterns in circulating VEs of young people with acute alcohol intoxication (IEA). Notably, the alterations in miARNs are dependent on the patient's gender, being women/females more affected by alcohol than men/males, since women/females showed lower presence of anti-inflammatory miARNs and a higher expression of inflammatory markers in brain tissue than men/males. / Ibáñez Cabanes, F. (2021). Papel de las vesículas extracelulares en la propagación y mantenimiento de la neuroinflamación inducida por el consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/174214

Characterization of the interaction between Basigin and the pattern recognition receptor TLR4

Brown, Josephine Michelle 01 January 2016 (has links)
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a major group of pattern recognition receptors expressed on the surface of immune cells that recognize molecular patterns associated with all classes of pathogenic microorganisms. TLR4 recognizes the lipopolysaccharide component of Gram-negative bacterial cell walls and is the only TLR known to induce signaling through both the MyD88 and TRIF pathways. Basigin, a ubiquitous cell adhesion molecule, is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily that has the ability to influence cell signaling mediated by the MyD88 and TRIF pathways, the same signaling pathways induced by the TLR4 receptor protein. Analysis of the Basigin protein sequence indicates the presence of a hydrophilic glutamate residue within the hydrophobic transmembrane domain, but no consensus binding sites for MyD88 or TRIF. The purpose of this study was to determine if Basigin uses TLR4 for signal transduction. It is hypothesized that Basigin interacts with TLR4 and that the glutamate residue plays a role in the interaction. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent binding assays were performed using endogenous TLR4 and recombinant Basigin proteins. These analyses demonstrated that binding of Basigin to TLR4 was significantly greater than that of the control protein and that the glutamate residue in the Basigin transmembrane domain does play a role in the interaction between Basigin and TLR4 as well as many hydrophobic residues in the Basigin transmembrane domain. The data suggest that Basigin interacts with TLR4 to influence signaling cascades using MyD88 and TRIF.

A hiperglicemia altera o perfil inflamatório e imunometabólico de macrófagos derivados de medula óssea de camundongos / Hyperglycemia alters the inflammatory and immunometabolic profile of mouse bone marrow derived macrophages

Ayala, Thais Soprani 21 March 2019 (has links)
O diabetes mellitus é um grupo heterogêneo de distúrbios metabólicos caracterizado pela hiperglicemia. Indivíduos diabéticos possuem maior susceptibilidade a infecções comparado a indivíduos sadios e a hiperglicemia é um dos principais fatores que contribuem para isso, em parte, por alterar a resposta imune. Sendo assim, os macrófagos, como células essenciais para a resposta inflamatória, podem apresentar importante papel na resposta imune alterada de indivíduos diabéticos. Neste estudo, investigamos como a hiperglicemia modula os macrófagos derivados da medula óssea (BMDMs) sob um estímulo inflamatório. Para realizar este estudo, os BMDMs de camundongos C57BL/6 machos não diabéticos e diabéticos (60 mg/kg de aloxana, iv) (CEUA / FCF / USP-488) foram cultivados sob condições normais de glicose (5,5 mM) e alta concentração de glicose (25 mM ou 40 mM) e estimuladas ou não com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS, 100 ng/mL). Em comparação com os BMDMs dos camundongos não diabéticos, os BMDMs dos camundongos diabéticos estimulados com LPS apresentaram menor expressão de CD38 no tempo basal e após 24 horas, além de menor expressão de receptor do tipo Toll (TLR)-4 na superfície celular, menor capacidade fagocítica e redução na secreção de óxido nítrico, lactato, fator de necrose tumoral- e interleucina (IL)-10, porém apresentaram maior expressão de CD80, CD86 e MHC-II, maior consumo de oxigênio e maior fosforilação em quinase ativada por estresse/quinase Jun-amino-terminal (SAPK/JNK) subunidade p46 e em quinase regulada por sinal extracelular (ERK) subunidade p42, proteína quinase B (AKT) e proteína quinase C (PKC)-δ assim como maior secreção de IL-6. Quando os BMDMs dos camundongos não diabéticos foram cultivados sob condições de alta concentração de glicose in vitro e estimulados com LPS, a expressão de TLR4 e os níveis de óxido nítrico e peróxido de hidrogênio foram reduzidos. Por outro lado, os BMDMs diabéticos que também foram cultivados em alta concentração de glicose in vitro apresentaram níveis aumentados de lactato e fosforilação reduzida em AKT e PKC-δ, porém apresentaram fosforilação aumentada em p46 SAPK/JNK. A alta concentração de glicose parece modificar o comportamento dos macrófagos, afetando diferentes aspectos dos BMDMs diabéticos e não diabéticos sob estímulo de LPS, assim a hiperglicemia deixa um legado de glicose, induzindo uma memória glicêmica, alterando o estado basal dos macrófagos, modificando a via de sinalização do TLR4 contribuindo para a susceptibilidade de indivíduos diabéticos a infecções. / Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia. Diabetic individuals are more susceptible to infections compared to healthy subjects, and hyperglycemia is one of the major contributing factors, partly because they alter the immune response. Thus, macrophages, as essential cells for the inflammatory response, may play an important role in the altered immune response of diabetic individuals. In this study, we investigated how hyperglycemia modulates bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) under an inflammatory stimulus. To perform this study, BMDMs from non-diabetic male and diabetic C57BL/6 mice (60 mg / kg aloxane, iv) (CEUA / FCF / USP-488) were cultured under normal glucose conditions (5.5 mM) and high glucose concentration (25 mM or 40 mM) and stimulated or not with lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 100 ng / ml). Compared to non-diabetic mice BMDMs, the BMDMs of LPS-stimulated diabetic mice showed lower expression of CD38 at baseline and after 24 hours, as well as lower Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 on the cell surface, lower secretion of lactate, tumor necrosis factor-, and interleukin (IL)-10, but showed higher expression of CD80, CD86 and MHC-II, higher oxygen consumption and greater phosphorylation in stress-activated kinase/Jun-amino-terminal kinase (SAPK / JNK) p46 subunit and in extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) p42 subunit, protein kinase B (AKT) and protein kinase C (PKC)-δ as well as higher secretion of IL-6. When the BMDMs of nondiabetic mice were cultured under conditions of in vitro high glucose concentration and stimulated with LPS, the levels of TLR4 expression, nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide were reduced. On the other hand, diabetic BMDMs that were also cultured in high glucose concentration of glucose in vitro showed increased levels of lactate and reduced phosphorylation in AKT and PKC-δ, but showed increased phosphorylation in p46 SAPK/JNK. A high glucose concentration seems to modify the behavior of macrophages, affecting different aspects of diabetic and non-diabetic BMDMs under the same LPS stimulus. Hyperglycemia leaves a glucose legacy, inducing a glycemic memory, altering the basal state of macrophages, modifying the TLR4 signaling pathway, and may play a key role in the high susceptibility of diabetic individuals to infections.

A role for toll-like receptor-4 in pulmonary angiogenesis following multiple exposures to swine barn air

Juneau, Vanessa Jade 14 June 2007
Swine barn air is a heterogeneous mixture of dust, bacteria and irritant chemicals including ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Gram-negative bacteria are commonly found in swine barn air and significantly contribute to pulmonary disease in unprotected swine barn workers, through the endotoxin moiety, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Toll-like Receptor-4 is the ligand for LPS. It is found on many cell types including monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, endothelial cells, and to a lesser extent, epithelial cells. The severity and outcome of acute lung injury following barn air exposures depends upon the balance between epithelial and vascular endothelial repair mechanisms, including angiogenesis. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is an endothelial mitogen produced by mesenchymal and alveolar Type II epithelial cells and by activated bronchial airway epithelial cells. Research investigating the role of cytokines in angiogenesis has shown that close proximity of immune cells and endothelial cells modulates the production of various compounds that regulate vascular function. Given that LPS is the ligand for TLR4 there appeared to be a role for TLR4 in angiogenesis, particularly following endotoxin exposure. To determine whether this was occurring, we examined whether exposure to swine barn air alters vascular density in the lungs and the role of TLR4 using a murine model. Toll-like Receptor-4 wild-type (C3HeB/FeJ) and TLR4 mutant (C3H/HeJ) mice were obtained and exposed to swine barn air for 1-, 5-, or 20-days for 8 hours/day. Wild-type animals showed a 127% increase in vascular density after 20-days barn air exposure. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A protein levels were decreased by 0.62-fold after one-day swine barn air exposure in wild-type animals, indicating that VEGF-A is being used as a pro-angiogenic mitogen. Transcription of VEGF-A mRNA was increased in wild-type animals after all swine barn air exposure periods. The receptor VEGFR-1 showed increased mRNA transcription over all time points. These effects were only observed in TLR4 wild-type animals, indicating that these effects are mediated by TLR4. Further, VEGF-A and VEGFR-1 appear to be involved in the manifestation of TLR4-induced angiogenesis in the lung.

A role for toll-like receptor-4 in pulmonary angiogenesis following multiple exposures to swine barn air

Juneau, Vanessa Jade 14 June 2007 (has links)
Swine barn air is a heterogeneous mixture of dust, bacteria and irritant chemicals including ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Gram-negative bacteria are commonly found in swine barn air and significantly contribute to pulmonary disease in unprotected swine barn workers, through the endotoxin moiety, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Toll-like Receptor-4 is the ligand for LPS. It is found on many cell types including monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, endothelial cells, and to a lesser extent, epithelial cells. The severity and outcome of acute lung injury following barn air exposures depends upon the balance between epithelial and vascular endothelial repair mechanisms, including angiogenesis. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is an endothelial mitogen produced by mesenchymal and alveolar Type II epithelial cells and by activated bronchial airway epithelial cells. Research investigating the role of cytokines in angiogenesis has shown that close proximity of immune cells and endothelial cells modulates the production of various compounds that regulate vascular function. Given that LPS is the ligand for TLR4 there appeared to be a role for TLR4 in angiogenesis, particularly following endotoxin exposure. To determine whether this was occurring, we examined whether exposure to swine barn air alters vascular density in the lungs and the role of TLR4 using a murine model. Toll-like Receptor-4 wild-type (C3HeB/FeJ) and TLR4 mutant (C3H/HeJ) mice were obtained and exposed to swine barn air for 1-, 5-, or 20-days for 8 hours/day. Wild-type animals showed a 127% increase in vascular density after 20-days barn air exposure. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A protein levels were decreased by 0.62-fold after one-day swine barn air exposure in wild-type animals, indicating that VEGF-A is being used as a pro-angiogenic mitogen. Transcription of VEGF-A mRNA was increased in wild-type animals after all swine barn air exposure periods. The receptor VEGFR-1 showed increased mRNA transcription over all time points. These effects were only observed in TLR4 wild-type animals, indicating that these effects are mediated by TLR4. Further, VEGF-A and VEGFR-1 appear to be involved in the manifestation of TLR4-induced angiogenesis in the lung.

Le modèle cellulaire THP-1 : adaptation à l'étude de modulateurs de l'activité inflammatoire précoce implicant l'inflammasome

Maugé, Loranne 04 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'inflammation joue un rôle clé dans de nombreuses pathologies, telles que les maladies inflammatoires chroniques, les désordres métaboliques et le cancer. L'un de ses médiateurs le plus puissant est l'interleukine-1β (IL-1β), qui est une cytokine pro-inflammatoire participant à tous les stades de l'inflammation et de l'immunité. Son activation est régulée par un complexe multi-protéique nommé inflammasome, dont la caspase-1 active en découlant est responsable du clivage et de la maturation de l'IL-1β. Huit types d'inflammasomes activant et clivant la pro-caspase-1 ont été identifiés et contiennent tous la protéine ASC (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD). Les inflammasomes partagent un signal intracellulaire commun et le mécanisme menant à leur assemblage et leur activation n'est pas totalement élucidé. L'utilisation de la lignée cellulaire humaine monocytaire, THP-1, différenciée en macrophages grâce à un ester de phorbol, le TPA, a permis la mise en place d'un modèle d'étude de modulateurs de l'inflammasome en conditions stériles. Ce modèle a permis l'étude des mécanismes impliqués suite à des signaux issus de l'inflammation chronique, tels que l'ATP et les espèces réactives de l'oxygène (ROS). Ce travail montre qu'il existe une synergie entre ATP et ROS, qui agissent grâce à une boucle d'activation impliquant probablement plusieurs inflammasomes, dont NLRP3. Des donneurs de NO connus (trinitrine et isosorbide dinitrate) ou nouveau (dérivé de purine) ont montré une activité anti-inflammatoire. D'autres composés ont été identifiés comme de potentiels inhibiteurs d'inflammasome (extraits de dattes et dérivé de purine portant un acide lipoïque)

Vliv chronického působení morfinu na přežití buněk po působení oxidativního stresu u neuroblastomové linie SH-SY5Y buněk / Effect of chronic morphine on cell survival after oxidative stress in the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line

Moutelíková, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
Morphine is a natural opioid which is used in medicine due to his potent analgesic and sedative effects. In the forefront of scientific interest is a chronic usage of opioids which can lead to a development of drug addiction. Morphine role in oxidative stress was described in last years. It was revealed its protective potencial by many studies. However, some studies described its pro-oxidative effect. The aim of this study was to determinate effect of chronic morphine on cell survival after oxidative stress caused by H202 analog - tBHP in the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line. The results verified morphine protective effect against oxidative stress. The highest protective effect of morphine was achieved in a concetration of 10 µM. It was desribed that morphine can induce activation of mu-opioid (MOR) and Toll-like 4 (TLR4) receptors signalling pathway on molecular level. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the role of MOR a TLR4 in protective effect of morphine against oxidative stress by two methods. Firstly, it was used tests of oxidative stress on cell viability. The obtained results demonstrated majority role of TLR4 and minory role of MOR. Afterwards, we assesed changes in the expression of MOR a TLR4 after chronic morphine by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. Results of these experiments did not...

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