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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Ni-Vanuatu RSE-Worker : Earning, Spending, Saving, and Sending

Ericsson, Lina January 2009 (has links)
In April 2007, New Zealand (NZ) launched the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme.  The scheme allows for unskilled workers from the Pacific Islands to enjoy the benefits of seasonal work in NZ’s horticulture and viticulture industries for up to seven months at a time.  One of the articulated objectives of the scheme is to advance the effects on development in the countries of origin of the workers, for which remittances have been stressed as key-benefits. Although previous data and interviews concerning these aspects are marginal, all studies indicate clear benefits for Pacific Islanders.  In contrast, this study provides the novel insight to the individual views and perceptions of the earning, saving, spending and remittance possibilities of 23 Ni-Vanuatu RSE workers in June of 2008.  The findings indicate an absence of autonomy among the individual RSE workers to decide over and manage the spending of their respective incomes, along with negative implications on the potential for workers to send remittances while working in NZ.  Identified as the primary cause of this outcome, is the dual and simultaneous role that NZ based companies, on the one hand, can play as recruitment agents in Vanuatu, and on the other hand, as pastoral care agents in NZ.  This twofold capacity creates a middle hand situation that severely restricts the possibilities for the workers to access their wages while in NZ.  The conclusion therefore holds that, in this example of 23 Ni-Vanuatu RSE workers, the degree of remittances depends on the type of employment governing the participation of the workers in the scheme, as opposed to the individual spending and saving patterns, differences in earnings, or differences in the availability of work of each worker respectively. / I april 2007 så startade Nya Zeeland (NZ) sitt Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) program.  Programmet tillåter lågutbildade arbetare från Söderhavsöarna att erhålla fördelaktigt säsongsarbete i NZ:s jordbruks industrier med upp till sju månader per arbetsperiod. Ett av de uttalade syftena med programmet är att avancera utvecklingen i arbetarnas hemländer, för vilket penningförsändelser från säsongsarbetet har lyfts fram som huvudsakliga förmåner. Trots att tidigare insamlad data och intervjuer som berör dessa delar av programmet är marginella, så har alla studier indikerat klara förmåner för säsongsarbetarna. Till skillnad från tidigare resultat, så påvisar denna studie nya insikter skildrade från ett perspektiv av 23 Ni-Vanuatu arbetare, och deras uppfattning om möjligheter till inkomst, sparande, och att kunna skicka penningförsändelser under en arbetsvistelse i juni 2008. Resultaten från studien pekar på en frånvaro av autonomi hos arbetarna att bestämma över hur deras inkomster skall spenderas, med negativa följder av att inte kunna skicka hem tillräckligt med pengar till sina anhöriga. Den identifierade primärorsaken till detta är framförallt den dubbelroll som NZ baserade företag, å ena sidan, kan spela som rekryterare av arbetskraft i Vanuatu, och å andra sidan, som förvaltare av arbetskraft i NZ. Denna dubbelroll skapar en mellanhandssituation som hindrar säsongsarbetarna från att tillgå sina inkomster under sin vistelse i NZ. Slutsatsen, i detta exempel av 23 Ni-Vanuatu arbetare, påvisar att nivån utav penningförsändelser beror på typ av anställningsform, istället för individuellt sparande eller spenderande av inkomster, skillnader i inkomst, eller skillnader i tillgängligt arbete för respektive arbetare.


Bellamy, Robyn Lyle, robyn.bellamy@flinders.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Social relationships, habitat utilisation and life history characteristics provide a framework which enables the survival of populations in fluctuating ecological conditions. An understanding of behavioural ecology is critical to the implementation of Natural Resource Management strategies if they are to succeed in their conservation efforts during the emergence of climate change. Egernia whitii from Wedge Island in the Spencer Gulf of South Australia were used as a model system to investigate the interaction of life history traits, scat piling behaviour and chemosensory communication in social lizards. Juveniles typically took ¡Ý 3 years to reach sexual maturity and the results of skeletochronological studies suggested longevity of ¡Ý 13 years. Combined with a mean litter size of 2.2, a pregnancy rate estimated at 75% of eligible females during short-term studies, and highly stable groups, this information suggests several life history features. Prolonged juvenile development and adult longevity may be prerequisite to the development of parental care. Parental care may, in turn, be the determining factor that facilitates the formation of small family groups. In E. whitii parental care takes the form of foetal and neonatal provisioning and tolerance of juveniles by small family or social groups within established resource areas. Presumably, resident juveniles also benefit from adult territorialism. Research on birds suggests that low adult mortality predisposes cooperative breeding or social grouping in birds, and life history traits and ecological factors appear to act together to facilitate cooperative systems. E. whitii practice scat piling both individually and in small groups. Social benefits arising from signalling could confer both cooperative and competitive benefits. Permanent territorial markers have the potential to benefit conspecifics, congenerics and other species. The high incidence of a skink species (E. whitii) refuging with a gecko species (N. milii) on Wedge Island provides an example of interspecific cooperation. The diurnal refuge of the nocturnal gecko is a useful transient shelter for the diurnal skink. Scat piling may release a species ¡®signature¡¯ for each group that allows mutual recognition. Scat piling also facilitates intraspecific scent marking by individual members, which has the potential to indicate relatedness, or social or sexual status within the group. The discovery of cloacal scent marking activity is new to the Egernia genus. E. Whitii differentiate between their own scats, and conspecific and congeneric scats. They scent mark at the site of conspecific scats, and males and females differ in their response to scent cues over time. Scat piling has the potential to make information concerning the social environment available to dispersing transient and potential immigrant conspecifics, enabling settlement choices to be made. This thesis explores some of the behavioural strategies employed by E. whitii to reduce risks to individuals within groups and between groups. Scents eliciting a range of behavioural responses relevant to the formation of adaptive social groupings, reproductive activity, and juvenile protection until maturity and dispersal are likely to be present in this species. Tests confirming chemosensory cues that differentiate sex, kin and age would be an interesting addition to current knowledge. The interaction of delayed maturity, parental care, sociality, chemosensory communication and scat piling highlights the sophistication of this species¡¯ behaviour. An alternative method for permanently marking lizards was developed. Persistence, reliability and individual discrimination were demonstrated using photographic identification and the method was shown to be reliable for broad-scale application by researchers. Naturally occurring toe loss in the field provided a context against which to examine this alternative identification method and revealed the need to further investigate the consequences of routine toe clipping, as this practice appears to diminish survivorship.

Structures et référence

Merle, Jean-Marie 22 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Synthèse des travaux de recherche effectués, sur will + BV, sur le conditionnel français, son invariant sémantique et sa traduction en anglais, sur les repères hypothétiques, l'opposition entre irréel et potentiel, le conditionnel journalistique et le discours indirect libre ; sur certaines constructions verbales (want, will) ; sur le sujet, la prédication, les constructions participiales, la qualification ; sur la focalisation (just ; l'exception) ; sur les prépositions ; sur les mots en wh. Présentation d'une réflexion actuelle qui porte entre autres sur la qualification, les structures résultatives, l'apposition, la coprédication, les nexus, les paradigmatiques, les structures de focalisation. L'auteur en est arrivé à essayer de rendre compte systématiquement dans ses travaux, entre autres, en relation avec la spécificité des phénomènes étudiés, de trois séries d'observables linguistiques dont les propriétés sont loin d'être entièrement explorées : trois modes de repérage - structurel, sémantico-référentiel, énonciatif ; trois incidences fondamentales - prédicative, co-prédicative, interne au syntagme ; trois types de constituants de base - syntagmes, nexus, propositions.

Elektrische Anisotropie durch ausgerichtete Olivinkristalle im oberen Mantel in Mitteleuropa: Magnetotellurische Array-Messungen und ein Ansatz zum Vergleich mit seismischer Anisotropie / Electrical anisotropy by aligned olivine crystals in the upper mantle in Central Europe: Magnetotelluric array measurements and an attempt of a comparison with seismic anisotropy

Gatzemeier, Alexander 25 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Ausbreitung von Volumenstörungen in thermischen Plumes. / Experimental and numerical studies of the propagation of volume disturbances in thermal plumes.

Laudenbach, Nils 14 December 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis del proceso de adopción de tecnologías de información y comunicaciones en actividades de aprovisionamiento empresarial en pequeñas y medianas empresas manufactureras. Una aplicación al sector del mueble en España

Aguilar Jiménez, Alba Soraya 16 November 2010 (has links)
La dinámica y el uso cada vez más generalizado de las tecnologías de información y comunicaciones (TIC), ha llevado a que el uso de las mismas se convierta en una necesidad competitiva para empresas de diferentes tamaños y sectores industriales, los cuales tienen que asumir el reto de integrarlas en su práctica cotidiana y en sus actividades comerciales y utilizarlas para competir. Si bien las empresas en general, y las españolas en particular, comprenden la importancia de adoptar TIC para soportar sus procesos de negocio, y más específicamente las actividades de aprovisionamiento, las decisiones de inversión en innovaciones de TIC están condicionadas por la necesidad de obtener beneficios tangibles, lo cual es especialmente inquietante en pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en las que la disponibilidad de recursos usualmente es más limitada. Este fenómeno de adopción TIC ha sido ampliamente estudiado desde diversas perspectivas, contextos y modelos teóricos, permitiendo identificar aspectos comunes que influyen en la toma de decisiones en relación a la adopción de innovaciones de TIC. Sin embargo, pese a las ventajas del aprovisionamiento electrónico, la dinámica evolutiva de las TIC y las cada vez mayores posibilidades ofrecidas por las TIC y en especial por Internet, el aprovisionamiento electrónico no ha sido igualmente asumido por todas las empresas, lo que conlleva a plantear la pregunta: ¿Cuáles son los aspectos que influyen en el proceso de adopción de tecnologías de información y comunicaciones en actividades de aprovisionamiento empresarial en pequeñas y medianas empresas de fabricación de muebles en España? En este orden de ideas, el presente trabajo exploratorio pretende identificar, a nivel teórico y con ayuda de fuentes de información secundarias, como lo es la encuesta sobre negocio electrónico e-business W@tch 2007, los aspectos que inciden en el proceso de adopción de TIC en actividades de aprovisionamiento empresarial, en pequeñas y medianasempresas del sector de fabricación del mueble en España. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se desarrolla un modelo conceptual sobre el aprovisionamiento electrónico empresarial, basado en teorías conocidas y validadas en el campo de las TIC, como la teoría de difusión de innovaciones, la teoría de etapas de crecimiento, la teoría de recursos y capacidades y el marco teórico TOE (Tecnología, Organización y Entorno), modelo que está compuesto por dos elementos fundamentales que son: el proceso de adopción de innovaciones de TIC y los aspectos que influyen en este proceso. Este modelo fue comprobado empíricamente en una muestra de 120 pymes del sector del mueble en España, y los resultados muestran en primer lugar que la adopción de innovaciones de TIC para soportar actividades de aprovisionamiento empresarial no puede entenderse de manera puntual sino como proceso. / Aguilar Jiménez, AS. (2010). Análisis del proceso de adopción de tecnologías de información y comunicaciones en actividades de aprovisionamiento empresarial en pequeñas y medianas empresas manufactureras. Una aplicación al sector del mueble en España [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8935 / Palancia

Binokulární vidění / Binocular vision

Brňák, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This masters thesis deals with the physiology of binocular vision people for obtaining two dimensional spatial perception of images with glasses. There are developed theoretical part of the physiology of vision, then writing available methods that are now widespread for obtaining stereoscopic scene. The work also describes shooting dynamic scene using a pair of identical cameras. It focuses mainly on OFF-AXES method and deals with the topic of the settings stereoscopic base. There is also realized a practical part, which works with the capture dynamic scenes using video cameras with a automatic control of cameras distance. Automatic control is performed using the parallel port and a stepper motor. For this purpose it is designed to work in hardware support and a program for mutual communication. Filmed a short movie was screened to a group and those observers evaluated the parameters that were specified in the created poll.

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