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Improving Knowledge of Truck Fuel Consumption Using Data AnalysisJohnsen, Sofia, Felldin, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
The large potential of big data and how it has brought value into various industries have been established in research. Since big data has such large potential if handled and analyzed in the right way, revealing information to support decision making in an organization, this thesis is conducted as a case study at an automotive manufacturer with access to large amounts of customer usage data of their vehicles. The reason for performing an analysis of this kind of data is based on the cornerstones of Total Quality Management with the end objective of increasing customer satisfaction of the concerned products or services. The case study includes a data analysis exploring how and if patterns about what affects fuel consumption can be revealed from aggregated customer usage data of trucks linked to truck applications. Based on the case study, conclusions are drawn about how a company can use this type of analysis as well as how to handle the data in order to turn it into business value. The data analysis reveals properties describing truck usage using Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis. Especially one property is concluded to be important as it appears in the result of both techniques. Based on these properties the trucks are clustered using k-means and Hierarchical Clustering which shows groups of trucks where the importance of the properties varies. Due to the homogeneity and complexity of the chosen data, the clusters of trucks cannot be linked to truck applications. This would require data that is more easily interpretable. Finally, the importance for fuel consumption in the clusters is explored using model estimation. A comparison of Principal Component Regression (PCR) and the two regularization techniques Lasso and Elastic Net is made. PCR results in poor models difficult to evaluate. The two regularization techniques however outperform PCR, both giving a higher and very similar explained variance. The three techniques do not show obvious similarities in the models and no conclusions can therefore be drawn concerning what is important for fuel consumption. During the data analysis many problems with the data are discovered, which are linked to managerial and technical issues of big data. This leads to for example that some of the parameters interesting for the analysis cannot be used and this is likely to have an impact on the inability to get unanimous results in the model estimations. It is also concluded that the data was not originally intended for this type of analysis of large populations, but rather for testing and engineering purposes. Nevertheless, this type of data still contains valuable information and can be used if managed in the right way. From the case study it can be concluded that in order to use the data for more advanced analysis a big-data plan is needed at a strategic level in the organization. The plan summarizes the suggested solution for the managerial issues of the big data for the organization. This plan describes how to handle the data, how the analytic models revealing the information should be designed and the tools and organizational capabilities needed to support the people using the information.
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Culture qualité et organisation bureaucratique, le défi du changement dans les systèmes publics de santé. Une évaluation réaliste de projets qualité en Afrique / Quality culture and bureaucratic organisation, the challenge of change in public health systems. A realistic evaluation of quality projects in AfricaBlaise, Pierre 23 December 2004 (has links)
Depuis une quinzaine d'années en Afrique, cercles de qualité, audits cliniques, cycles de résolution de problèmes et autres 'projets qualité' ont été mis en oeuvre dans les services publics de santé pour améliorer la qualité des soins. Ces projets ont souvent mis l'accent sur des approches participatives, la résolution locale de problèmes et le changement, bousculant les pratiques managériales traditionnelles. A court terme, les évaluations montrent l'amélioration des résultats de programmes ou d'activités. Mais la pérennité de la dynamique reste largement à prouver. Le véritable aboutissement d'un programme d'assurance qualité devrait être apprécié à l'aune de sa capacité à mettre la préoccupation pour la qualité au cœur du management et du fonctionnement du système, et ce de façon continue. C'est en effet la vision moderne de l'assurance qualité déclinée dans les approches du management de la qualité totale, de l'amélioration continue de la qualité ou de l'organisation apprenante.
La définition, la mesure et le management de la qualité en santé se révèlent être beaucoup plus qu'une simple procédure technique: c'est un processus social dans un système complexe dont l'étude requiert une approche méthodologique appropriée (Chapitre 1). Notre objectif est d'explorer dans quelle mesure les projets qualité ont permis aux systèmes de santé d'adopter les principes du management de la qualité.
Nous proposons de conduire une 'évaluation réaliste' de projets qualité en Afrique (Chapitre 2). Conceptualisée par Pawson et Tilley (1997) dans le domaine des sciences sociales, l'évaluation réaliste ('realistic evaluation') est une approche méthodologique de la famille des theory based evaluations. Au-delà du constat d'un effet produit par une intervention, l'évaluation réaliste cherche à comprendre ce qui marche, pour qui, dans quelles circonstances et comment. Alors que les résultats issus de la 'grounded theory', de la recherche action et d'autres méthodes de recherche sur les systèmes de santé restent très liés à un contexte, l'évaluation réaliste génère des théories intermédiaires ('middle range theories') qui permettent d'étendre la validité des interprétations au-delà d'un contexte particulier. Construite autour d'études de cas menées dans des contextes multiples et variés, l'évaluation réaliste met en effet l'accent sur l'interaction entre le contexte et la logique d'une intervention.
Afin de construire une théorie initiale, nous comparons les systèmes de santé Européens et Africains à l'aide des configurations organisationnelles de Mintzberg (chapitre 3). Nous mettons ainsi en évidence le rôle joué par la nature bureaucratique ou professionnelle de la configuration des organisations de santé dans les résistances à l'introduction des principes du management de la qualité.
Nous menons ensuite une série d'études de cas au Niger, en Guinée, au Maroc et au Zimbabwe pour étudier cette interaction. Dans une première série comparative de trois études de cas (Chapitre 4), nous mettons en évidence la tension qui existe entre la logique de commande et de contrôle des organisations bureaucratiques et la logique de l'assurance qualité valorisant la prise d'initiative de changement par des équipes non hiérarchisées. Nous explorons ensuite cette tension dans trois études de cas distinctes au Zimbabwe et au Maroc. Laissées à la merci des contraintes bureaucratiques, les initiatives locales pour améliorer la qualité apparaissent dépendantes de la capacité des acteurs à développer des stratégies de contournement (Chapitre 6). Faute de quoi elles doivent réduire fortement leurs ambitions à moins qu'elles ne bénéficient d'un soutien émanant d'une institution située hors de la ligne hiérarchique mais reconnue légitime (Chapitre 5). Les systèmes publics de santé de ces pays, conçus comme des organisations bureaucratiques structurées autour de relations hiérarchiques de commande et de contrôle tolèrent une démarche qualité, valorisant l'innovation, la créativité, la prise d'initiative locale et le travail en équipes non hiérarchisées, à la condition qu'elle se déroule à l'abri d'un projet. Force est de constater que ces dimensions clé de la culture qualité n'ont pas fondamentalement ni durablement imprégné des pratiques de management restées bureaucratiques. L'émergence d'une véritable 'culture qualité', un produit attendu de l'introduction de projets qualité, ne semble pas s'être produite au niveau organisationnel (Chapitre 7).
Nous procédons ensuite à la synthèse 'réaliste' de l'ensemble de nos études de cas (Chapitre 8). Nous en tirons les leçons sous la forme d'un enrichissement progressif de notre théorie initiale. Nous pouvons alors formuler une théorie améliorée, toujours intermédiaire et provisoire, dérivée de nos théories intermédiaires successives.
Notre discussion s'organise autour de deux thèmes (chapitre 9).
Dans une première partie, nous discutons le potentiel et les limites de nos résultats et de l'approche réaliste de l'évaluation. Nous montrons que nos résultats sont des théories provisoires et incomplètes, deux caractéristiques d'une middle range theory. En dépit de ces limites, l'approche réaliste est potentiellement très riche pour interpréter les effets d'interventions dans des systèmes complexes. Elle se situe dans une perspective d'aide à la décision pour orienter l'action sur le terrain plutôt que dans une perspective de genèse de lois universelles. Elle représente une avancée méthodologique particulièrement pertinente pour la recherche sur les systèmes de santé dans un monde turbulent où de multiples initiatives se télescopent.
Dans une deuxième partie, nous discutons les conséquences de nos résultats pour le futur de l'assurance qualité dans les systèmes de santé. Les projets qualité étudiés ne parviennent pas à changer une culture organisationnelle bureaucratique qui compromet pourtant leur pérennisation. Nous envisageons alors les stratégies susceptibles de permettre à la culture qualité de s'épanouir et au contexte organisationnel d'évoluer en conséquence. Décentralisation et nouveau management public, en vogue hier et aujourd'hui, montrent leurs limites. Il faut probablement trouver un équilibre entre trois idéaux-types décrits par Freidson: l'idéal-type bureaucratique, malmené par les stratégies de débrouille locale, l'idéal-type du marché, valorisant l'initiative, et l'idéal-type professionnel, émergent mais encore embryonnaire en Afrique. Finalement, à côté des mécanismes du contrôle et de la compétition, un troisième mécanisme régulateur devrait prendre toute sa place: la confiance.
For nearly two decades in Africa, quality circles, clinical audits, problem solving cycles and other quality projects have been implemented in public health services to improve quality of care. Challenging traditional managerial practices, these projects usually emphasized participatory approaches, local problem solving and change. At short term, evaluation shows improvement in programs and activities output. However the capacity to put quality at the heart of system's management should be considered as the genuine achievement of a quality assurance program. Did quality projects contribute to the adoption of quality management principles by health systems ? This is the question addressed in the present thesis.
Our methodology belongs to the realistic evaluation paradigm conceptualized by Pawson and Tilley and focuses on the interaction between an intervention mechanism and its context in order to understand what works, for whom, in what circumstances and how ? Based on case studies in various contexts in Niger, Guinea, Morocco and Zimbabwe, we build a middle range theory, that explains organizational behavior towards quality management.
Based on Mintzberg's models, we show the role of health care organizational configuration in resisting to quality management principles. We then explore the tension between the bureaucratic organization's command and control approach and the quality assurance approach promoting initiative and change through team work. Local initiative had to develop coping strategies to overcome bureaucratic constraints. Failing to do so, ambitions had to be reduced unless there was support from an external, yet legitimate institution. Public health systems of these countries, structured as command and control hierarchical organizations, allowed innovation, creativity, local initiative and non hierarchical relationships as long as they developed within the boundaries of a project. However, these key characteristics of a quality culture did not permeate routine management. The quality culture shift expected from quality projects does not seem to have happened at organizational level.
We first discuss the potential and limitation of realistic evaluation which appear particularly relevant for complex health systems research. We then discuss consequences of our results on the future of quality assurance in health systems. Since quality projects fail to transform a bureaucratic organizational culture, which in turn undermines their sustainability, alternative strategies must be sought to promote quality culture and relevant organizational change. Decentralization and new public management show their limitations. We suggest a balance between three ideal-types described by Freidson: The bureaucratic ideal-type, challenged by local coping strategies, the market ideal-type, which is fashionable today and promote initiative, and the professional ideal-type, emerging and promising, yet still embryonic in Africa.
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Avaliação da Implantação de um Sistema da Qualidade em um Laboratório Clínico Público. / Evaluation of the implementing of a quality control system in a public clinical laboratoryMendes, Maria Elizabete 18 December 1998 (has links)
Foi descrita e analisada a implantação de um processo de gestão da qualidade total na Divisão de Laboratório Central entre 1996 e 97. O sistema de garantia da qualidade com descrição e análise efetuadas, apoiou-se na Norma ISO 9002. Seu desempenho foi monitorizado por indicadores, tendo as suas repercussões discutidas. Os resultados indicaram que processos similares são viáveis em laboratórios clínicos públicos. Demonstrando-se um envolvimento dos funcionários, com diminuição do absenteísmo e do número de licenças do trabalho. A produtividade e o faturamento aumentaram, mantendo-se o custo médio por exame. As pesquisas de opinião apontaram mudanças no conceito dos médicos sobre o laboratório e mais satisfaçào dos pacientes com os serviços prestados. Este sistema obteve reconhecimento externo em 1997 / The implementing process of a total quality management system in the DLC was described and analyzed from 1996-97. A quality assurance system was established base don the rules of the ISO 9002. The steps of the establishing process were described, analyzed and a set of the indicators were used in order to monitor the performance of the introduced system, through the analysis of its follow-up. The results demonstrated that employees´ commitment resulted in a decrease in absenteeism, leave of absence and accidents related to work. There was an increase in productivity and billing with the upkeep of the cost per exam. Public opinion polls disclosed a better concept of the laboratory by the clinical staff and the patients. This system got external certification in 1997
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Development and Implementation of Rotorcraft Preliminary Design Methodology using Multidisciplinary Design OptimizationKhalid, Adeel S. 14 November 2006 (has links)
A formal framework is developed and implemented in this research for preliminary rotorcraft design using IPPD methodology. All the technical aspects of design are considered including the vehicle engineering, dynamic analysis, stability and control, aerodynamic performance, propulsion, transmission design, weight and balance, noise analysis and economic analysis. The design loop starts with a detailed analysis of requirements. A baseline is selected and upgrade targets are identified depending on the mission requirements. An Overall Evaluation Criterion (OEC) is developed that is used to measure the goodness of the design or to compare the design with competitors. The requirements analysis and baseline upgrade targets lead to the initial sizing and performance estimation of the new design. The digital information is then passed to disciplinary experts. This is where the detailed disciplinary analyses are performed. Information is transferred from one discipline to another as the design loop is iterated. To coordinate all the disciplines in the product development cycle, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) techniques e.g. All At Once (AAO) and Collaborative Optimization (CO) are suggested. The methodology is implemented on a Light Turbine Training Helicopter (LTTH) design. Detailed disciplinary analyses are integrated through a common platform for efficient and centralized transfer of design information from one discipline to another in a collaborative manner. Several disciplinary and system level optimization problems are solved. After all the constraints of a multidisciplinary problem have been satisfied and an optimal design has been obtained, it is compared with the initial baseline, using the earlier developed OEC, to measure the level of improvement achieved. Finally a digital preliminary design is proposed. The proposed design methodology provides an automated design framework, facilitates parallel design by removing disciplinary interdependency, current and updated information is made available to all disciplines at all times of the design through a central collaborative repository, overall design time is reduced and an optimized design is achieved.
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'n Model vir leerlingdeelname aan skoolbestuur / Jurgens Johannes KokKok, Jurgens Johannes January 2000 (has links)
Since the democratic election in 1994 and the publishing of the SA Schools Act on
the 16th of November 1996 the South African education system has undergone a
fundamental transformation. Pupils are regarded as a specific interest group that
stands in a partnership relationship with other interest groups (stakeholders) in the
school. The principle of partnership advocated by the South African Schools Act
invites pupils to partake in and share responsibility for the governance, organising
and funding of public schools. To participate in school management pupils have to be
part of participative structures. Two such structures for pupil participation and
representation exist in South African schools, namely SRC's and the governing body
of the school.
The aim of this research is to develop a model for pupil participation in the
management of schools and specific attention was given to participative
management of pupils on the SRC and governing body of the school. In order to
operationalize the above mentioned aim an analysis of the nature of participative
management by pupils was done on the basis of theoretical approaches to
participative management.
Participative management by pupils can only be successful if the following
participative management techniques namely pupil participation, pupil empowerment,
influence. participative decision-making, delegation, democracy, decentralization,
committees and meetings are interwoven with the participative management process.
Pupil participation can also be successful if the advantages of such participation is
realised by all school interest groups.
The structure and functioning of pupil participation in the management activities of
the school is reviewed firstly by giving attention to the practices of pupil participation
in the education systems of a few international countries. This is done by analizing
the structure of each education system, the statutory directives for pupil participation
and the structures for pupil participation in these education systems. Secondly the
managerial involvement of pupils in the management activities of SRC's and the
governing bodies of schools was reviewed, while certain lacunas that resulted from
the lack of information were addressed by empirical research.
As a result of the preceding criteria a model for pupil participation in school
management was developed and certain findings and recommendations were
derived from it. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000
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'n Model vir leerlingdeelname aan skoolbestuur / Jurgens Johannes KokKok, Jurgens Johannes January 2000 (has links)
Since the democratic election in 1994 and the publishing of the SA Schools Act on
the 16th of November 1996 the South African education system has undergone a
fundamental transformation. Pupils are regarded as a specific interest group that
stands in a partnership relationship with other interest groups (stakeholders) in the
school. The principle of partnership advocated by the South African Schools Act
invites pupils to partake in and share responsibility for the governance, organising
and funding of public schools. To participate in school management pupils have to be
part of participative structures. Two such structures for pupil participation and
representation exist in South African schools, namely SRC's and the governing body
of the school.
The aim of this research is to develop a model for pupil participation in the
management of schools and specific attention was given to participative
management of pupils on the SRC and governing body of the school. In order to
operationalize the above mentioned aim an analysis of the nature of participative
management by pupils was done on the basis of theoretical approaches to
participative management.
Participative management by pupils can only be successful if the following
participative management techniques namely pupil participation, pupil empowerment,
influence. participative decision-making, delegation, democracy, decentralization,
committees and meetings are interwoven with the participative management process.
Pupil participation can also be successful if the advantages of such participation is
realised by all school interest groups.
The structure and functioning of pupil participation in the management activities of
the school is reviewed firstly by giving attention to the practices of pupil participation
in the education systems of a few international countries. This is done by analizing
the structure of each education system, the statutory directives for pupil participation
and the structures for pupil participation in these education systems. Secondly the
managerial involvement of pupils in the management activities of SRC's and the
governing bodies of schools was reviewed, while certain lacunas that resulted from
the lack of information were addressed by empirical research.
As a result of the preceding criteria a model for pupil participation in school
management was developed and certain findings and recommendations were
derived from it. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000
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全員品質管理與360度回饋知覺、滿意、行為改變、與績效提升之實證研究 / The longitudinal field study of TQM with 360 degree feedback perception, satisfaction, behavior change and Performance improvement葉益昌, Yeh, Yih-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
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Σχεδιασμός και ανάπτυξη δυναμικού συστήματος επιχειρηματικής αρίστευσης - ολικής ποιότητας / Design and implementation of a dynamic system of business excellence - total quality managementΜαυροειδής, Βασίλειος 09 September 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη ενός δυναμικού συστήματος επιχειρηματικής αρίστευσης το οποίο μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί σε οποιοδήποτε περιβάλλον (γεωγραφικό, κλαδικό, οικονομικό) υιοθετώντας τις αρχές της Ποιότητας, της Συστημικής Προσέγγισης και των Δυναμικών Συστημάτων. Ως μελέτες περίπτωσης δίνεται η ανάπτυξη του Ελληνικού Μοντέλου Επιχειρηματικής Αρίστευσης και ενός κλαδικού μοντέλου στις Τηλεπικοινωνίες. / The aim of the dissertation is the development of an integrated system of business excellence which can be applied to any environment (geographical, sector and economical) by adopting Quality Management priciples, Systemic Approach and System Dynamics. Case studies have been developed for both the Hellenic Business Excellence framework and the Telecommications sector.
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Análise do sistema de gestão de empresas de pré-fabricados e desenvolvimento de estudo de caso com implementação de manual de processos / Analysis of the system of management of prefabricated companies and development of case study with implementation of process manualLara, Debora Marques de 27 February 2015 (has links)
A crescente demanda da construção civil nacional nos últimos anos leva-nos a pensar em técnicas de construção mais avançadas, com utilização de pré-fabricação, com maior nível de industrialização, redução do volume de desperdícios e prazos de entrega, mas sem abrir mão da qualidade e durabilidade dos materiais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os sistemas de gestão da qualidade, SSO e ambiental, de empresas de pré-fabricados. Para tanto, foi utilizado o método de pesquisa qualitativa e estudo de caso como técnica principal. Participaram deste trabalho oito empresas que estão localizadas na cidade de Curitiba e região metropolitana, Paraná. Para a coleta de dados, foi elaborado um questionário, observações diretas e entrevistas com alguns gestores. A partir das informações obtidas, desenvolveu-se um manual de processos e o mesmo foi aplicado como estudo de caso em uma das empresas que participou da pesquisa. O estudo mostrou que os processos e as atividades de gestão da maioria das empresas deste setor apresentam dificuldades e necessidade de melhorias. Com o estudo de caso foi possível aplicar o manual elaborado e pretende-se que os resultados obtidos sirvam de experiência para o desenvolvimento de técnicas semelhantes em empresas do mesmo ramo e setor. / The growing demand of national construction in recent years leads us to think in more advanced construction techniques, using prefabrication, with higher level of industrialization, reducing the volume of waste and delivery, but without sacrificing quality and durability of this materials. O study aims to identify and analyze the systems of quality management, safety and health at work, and environmental prefabricated companies. Thus, the qualitative research method and case study was used as the main technique. Participated in this study, eight companies are located in the city of Curitiba and metropolitan region, Paraná. To collect data, a questionnaire, direct observation and interviews with some managers was developed. From the information obtained, we developed a manual process and it has been implemented as a case study in one of the companies that participated in the survey. The study showed that the processes and activities of management of most companies in this sector have difficulties and need for improvement. With the case study it was possible to apply the manual prepared and it is intended that the results serve as experience for the development of similar techniques in companies in the same industry and sector.
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A comprehensive measure of business performance : a study of the commercial banking industry in EthiopiaAssefa Worede Tesfay 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify a comprehensive measure of performance by assessing the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction on the profitability of the commercial banking industry in Ethiopia. The study adopted unidimensional path models, multivariate approach and factor analysis in predicting the dependent variable, determining the independent variables and the sample size and justifying the objectives of the sturdy. Primary data were obtained through structured questionnaires from valid sample responses of 180 employees and customers selected on convenient sampling method. Profitability (ROA & ROE) was measured based on the average data from the financial statements of 2007/8-2001/12 of the banks. Variant of empirical studies and theoretical frameworks, drawn from motivational, psychological and behavioural theories, were used to formulate the hypothesis and establish the relationship between internal service quality, employee satisfaction, customer service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and profitability. Results of the study indicated internal marketing influenced employee job satisfaction which in turn partially influenced customer service quality and customer satisfaction; customer service quality influenced customer satisfaction which then influenced customer loyalty. But, no relationship was observed between customer loyalty and profitability. However, due to the timing gap of the data on profitability and the data on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, the relationship is apparently realizable in the long run. Therefore, due emphasis is required by the management of the banks to exert the necessary strategic effort on employee satisfaction, customer service quality, and customer satisfaction because of their implicit effects on profitability. Finally, the relevance of the research to the literature on performance measurement is demonstrated by contextualizing comprehensive models in the context of commercial banking industry in Ethiopia. / Business Management / D.B.L.
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