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To touch or not to touch. Male primary school teachers' experiences of touch: a hermeneutic phenomenological study.Power, Nicola January 2009 (has links)
This thesis offers an interpretation of how eight male primary school teachers experience touch between themselves and their pupils/students. Despite the positive benefits of touch and evidence suggesting that appropriate forms of touch should be encouraged, the many meanings, interpretations and reactions to touch potentially complicate the ways in which people react. The potential for touch to enhance human well-being is therefore often diminished. The taboo surrounding touch is particularly evident in the school environment where limited research has been undertaken. This study gives voice to male teachers as they share their experiences in an era when the risks associated with physical contact between teachers and pupils are increasing. Hermeneutic phenomenology was used to explore and gain deeper understanding of the meaning of touch in education through interpreting the day to day experiences of male primary school teachers in New Zealand. Narrative interviews were interpreted and described thematically. The themes: ‘being careful, cautious and visible’, ‘worrying about misinterpretation’, ‘feeling sad’ and ‘battling with boundaries’, revealed a complex array of tensions that contributed to the findings. Male primary school teachers are constantly aware of the risk they take when interacting with students. They experience tensions and conflict when deciding where and how they will touch children and whether this will be misinterpreted by others. Consideration of the ways in which people respond to this complex and sensitive subject is necessary so that male teachers feel able to use positive and appropriate forms of touch without fear of suspicion and reprisal.
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To touch or not to touch. Male primary school teachers' experiences of touch: a hermeneutic phenomenological study.Power, Nicola January 2009 (has links)
This thesis offers an interpretation of how eight male primary school teachers experience touch between themselves and their pupils/students. Despite the positive benefits of touch and evidence suggesting that appropriate forms of touch should be encouraged, the many meanings, interpretations and reactions to touch potentially complicate the ways in which people react. The potential for touch to enhance human well-being is therefore often diminished. The taboo surrounding touch is particularly evident in the school environment where limited research has been undertaken. This study gives voice to male teachers as they share their experiences in an era when the risks associated with physical contact between teachers and pupils are increasing. Hermeneutic phenomenology was used to explore and gain deeper understanding of the meaning of touch in education through interpreting the day to day experiences of male primary school teachers in New Zealand. Narrative interviews were interpreted and described thematically. The themes: ‘being careful, cautious and visible’, ‘worrying about misinterpretation’, ‘feeling sad’ and ‘battling with boundaries’, revealed a complex array of tensions that contributed to the findings. Male primary school teachers are constantly aware of the risk they take when interacting with students. They experience tensions and conflict when deciding where and how they will touch children and whether this will be misinterpreted by others. Consideration of the ways in which people respond to this complex and sensitive subject is necessary so that male teachers feel able to use positive and appropriate forms of touch without fear of suspicion and reprisal.
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Evaluation of Artery Wall Distensibility using Automatic Segmentation on CT Angiography ImagesKuo, Hao-Ting 13 August 2012 (has links)
Pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH), which is diagnosed by an abnormal increase of blood pressure in the pulmonary artery, can be a severe disease, leading to heart failure. In recent years, medical imaging, such as echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT), has been widely used due to its non-invasive property. Right pulmonary artery (RPA) wall distensibility derived from CT angiography was reported to serve as a reliabile marker for the diagnosis of PAH.
This study presented a robust method for automatic segmentation of artery based on CT angiography. The algorithm can be divided into two steps: generation of initial contour and refinement of edge. In the first step, a series of original images at different cardiac phases were thresholded to retrieve appropriate intensity window of vessels, followed by the determination of initial contours by a series of morphological image processing on the binary images with two simple manual initializations. Initial contours without touching can be taken as the final results of segmentation, when others need further refinement of edge. In the second step, the center of vessel was automatically located by an ellipse fitting method and then the ray casting algorithm was applied to search for possible edge. Disconnected segments of edge will be linked to complete the vessel segmentation. Furthermore, cross-sectional areas of arteries at different cardiac phases can be measured and used to obtain distensibility. In this study, artery wall distensibility of patients and healthy subjects was evaluated on four vessels, including aorta, main pulmonary artery, right and left pulmonary artery. In addition, segmentation results of five subjects were compared with those obtained by manual selection to evaluate the reliability of the proposed method.
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Berör mig! : Beröring som kommunikation / Touch me! : Touch as a mean of communicationWidgren, Maria, Eklund, Lina January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund:Beröring används inom sjukvården som komplement till olika behandlingar som exempelvis taktil massage. Vid beröring frisätts ämnen i kroppen som gör att vi känner välbefinnande. Beröring är också en viktig del i den icke-verbala kommunikationen. Syftet är att beskriva hur beröring som kommunikation påverkar vårdrelationen. Metod:Detta är en litteraturöversikt där metoden innebar att kvalitativa artiklar söktes fram med sökord som touching, nursing och caring. Dessa analyserades genom att söka gemensamma nämnare och skapa teman. Totalt har tolv artiklar analyserats. Resultat:Till resultatet framkom fyra teman: Beröring som tröst, Beröring för att fördjupa relationen, Beröring som maktfaktor och Beröringens sexuella aspekter. Diskussion:Beröring är ett medel för att trösta samt skapa och upprätthålla vårdrelationen. Dock kan beröring också upplevas som något kränkande och missförstås som en sexuell antydan. Samhällets normer och det sociala arvet påverkar individens värderingar och attityder till hur beröring uppfattas. Beröringen är komplex till sin natur.
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Edward Taylor's "brightest gem" : a religio-aesthetic explication of Gods determinationsGoodman, Dana Richard January 1976 (has links)
This study examines intensively Edward Taylor's Gods Determinations touching his Elect: and The Elects Combat in their Conversion, and Coming up to God in Christ together with the Comfortable Effects thereof. This poetic history was probably written immediately prior to one of Taylor's spiritual unions with God, which he described in his Preparatory Meditations. It is the work of a man sure of himself and of his salvation. For Taylor the task was clear: he must explain and justify to his parishioners the revelations from God which he had so regularly and recently experienced during the sacrament of communion.Gods Determinations is not the personal and enigmatic notations of a secretive Puritan minister. In the poem Taylor did not doubt his ideas or his purpose; however, if he was certain of his religious standing, the characters in the poem are not. What makes the poem more than mere Calvinistic propaganda is the fact that in the context of the poem the human characters are not static and unchanging. They choose to act. Gods Determinations is poetically complex, lacking neither tension nor paradox. The characters are not emotionless puppets; their hopes and fears evolve as the poem progresses. Tension arises from their ability to choose, to act.Taylor's poem is best viewed as a soul-search, the culmination of which will be the joyful exclamation of found assurance and of enlightened purpose. What Taylor had experienced in his soul's quest for truth in Gods Determinations enabled him to proceed confidently with his task in Preparatory Meditations, his life task, one might note, for these meditations covered a span of 43 years, from 1682-1725. The rational struggle for assurance is fought in Gods Determinations; the sensual and emotional expression of his complete joy and obedience is found in Preparatory Meditations. Taylor found strength in Gods Determinations to proceed on his poetic course of action. His Preparatory, Meditations were the poetic fruit of victory found in Gods Determinations,.Initially this study reviews and analyzes those scholarly studies which were concerned with Taylor's theology and his poetic devices, at first as they are found in all of Taylor's writings but more specifically as they are found in Gods Determinations. Often these studies were found to be critically inaccurate, unfair to Taylor the Puritan minister or to Taylor the poet.The heart of this study is that Edward Taylor the faithful Puritan minister was a serious poet who revised and edited his poems, as witness the first drafts and revisions of the Poetical Works. He controlled his material. Yet his poetic devices were always harnessed to theological ideas. Thus Taylor's poetic style is best viewed as religioaesthetic, a combination of spiritual and sensual realms.Granting Taylor's poetic ability, this study proceeds to explicate Gods Determinations, dividing the long poem into four significant eras of man's spiritual consciousness. The poem's thirty-six lyrics are not primarily a play, or a sermon, or a meditation; they are a history, a spiritual history of God's people. Taylor viewed this history in terms of four dispensations of God's Grace, four historical eras of significant religious awareness.Taylor's Gods Determinations progresses historically (in Judeo-Christian terms) from the beginning of time to a particular place in time, seventeenth-century Puritan New England. Ultimately, however, the poem is best viewed cyclically, spiritually and physically having no beginning or end. The essential concept, the unifying theme, of the entire poem is renewal. The poem does not end physically, because Taylor led into the Preparatory Meditations with it; it does not end spiritually because God is eternal and manis eternal. Taylor's fundamental aesthetic value must depend upon the complexity of the experiences of his characters during his four spiritual dispensations of God's Grace. In the end, the universal emotions and feelings of these struggling men were particularized by Puritan tenets that Taylor felt satisfied these emotions and yearnings.
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電視新聞中之影像與感動:以電視新聞專題為例陳其銳 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:電視新聞、影像、剪接、感動 / The image of television news is presented by editing. Because of the different techniques of editors, television news could be presented in various ways. The diversified modes of image allow the audience to off-load their feelings. To move them is the frequent technique used.
This research focuses on the special television news subject.The researcher attempts to figure out the reasons that image evoke feeling. There are three main topics. One topic is to find out what is the element of touching in special television news subject. Then the following is to analyze the elements. Finally, the researcher tries to find out how the editing expresses affection.
Touching is the process of inside description. The feeling is impossible to examine the degree by figures. The constructing process includes of many complicated factors, which have to be expressed by the actors. Furthermore, because the touching is concealed from the image, the touching image is not possible to quantify by questionnaire. The research proceeds by interview and document analyze.
Touching of television news is presented by the expressing of image. By interview and analyze, this research concludes in four aspects. First, image is the instrument to express emotion in television news. A news story is constructed by the events, the actors, and the objects. The touching comes from the interaction of all the subjects. Second, editing has to emphasize on the cause and effect to connect the feeling. Without the emphasis, the image is not touchable. Third, in addition to cause and fact and the common experience, beauty is the important factor to touch people. In many forms of arts, beauty is applied to evoke emotion. Image is no exception. In television news, the application of beauty is beyond description. Finally, touching is evoked from a systematic story. Any part of touching must have arose from the constructive plots. A story which can be presented in complete relies on the editing.
Keywords: television news、image、editing、touching
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Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser inom demenssjukvård / Nurses´ experiences of dementia careCrisan, Oana, Serif, Fatme January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Beröringens makt : En litteraturöversikt om hur vårdpersonal använder sig av beröring i omvårdnaden / The power of human touch : A literature review of how health professionals use touch in nursingBini, Christina, Nielsen, Claire January 2015 (has links)
Background: Human interaction by touch plays a central role for our health and well being throughout life. When people touch each other our bodies release a hormone called oxytocin into the bloodstream, this gives the body a soothing effect. Touching on the other hand can be perceived as unpleasant if it is not in accordance with the patient’s norm or wishes. From biblical times and through to today human touch plays a central part of nursing. The way we touch each other is not always something that comes naturally, habits of touching depends largely on one´s cultural background, upbringing and experiences. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how health professional’s uses touch in daily care. Method: The authors have made a literature review. Ten research papers of both qualitative and quantitative design have been gathered via database searches. Results: The result showed that touching is an inevitable part of nursing. Health professionals use touch to build relationships and support verbal communication with the patient. The result also showed that touching made patients feel more secure and it also gave health professionals pride. Discussions: The results were discussed in relation to the life-world theory according to Dahlberg and Segesten. The main focus of discussion was: how the relationship between health professionals and the patient is affected by the way touch is used, touch is also used to create positive feelings and health professionals themselves feel strengthened by using touch. / Bakgrund: Beröring har en central betydelse för människans hälsa och välbefinnande genom hela livet. När människan ger och får beröring frisätts hormonet oxytocin till blodet, vilket ger en lugnande effekt. Beröring kan upplevas som obehaglig om den inte är i enlighet med människans vilja. Från bibliska berättelser och fram till idag beskrivs beröring som en betydande del i vårdandet och hur vårdpersonal arbetar. Beröring är dock inte alltid något som kommer sig naturligt, användandet beror till stor del på människans uppväxt, erfarenheter och kulturella bakgrund. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva hur vårdpersonal använder beröring i den dagliga omvårdnaden. Metod: Författarna har gjort en litteraturöversikt. Tio forskningsartiklar av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ design samlades in genom databassökningar. Resultat: Resultatet visade att beröring är en oundviklig handling i vården. Vårdpersonalens beröring användes för att stärka vårdrelationen och den verbala kommunikationen. Resultatet visade också att beröring gav trygghet för patienterna samtidigt som det gav vårdpersonalen mening med sitt yrke. Diskussion: Resultatet har diskuterats i relation till livsvärldsteorin enligt Dahlberg och Segesten. Diskussionens huvudfokus är de mest framträdande upptäckterna i resultatet, vilka var: att vårdrelationen påverkas av hur vårdpersonalen använder beröring, att beröring används för att skapa positiva känslor samt att vårdpersonalen själva stärks då de använder sig av beröring.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge kroppslig beröring i omvårdnaden av äldre patienter inom palliativ vård / Nurses´ experiences of providing physical touch in nursing care of elderly patients in palliative careJettman Sundin, Malin January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Physical Mobile Interaction in Omni-Channel Retailing : Using the customers’ smartphone to interact with smart objects in a storeFalk, Johan January 2014 (has links)
While shopping in a retail store today the customers are often interacting with multiple sale channels when making a purchase. These channels can include in‑store terminals, the customers’ smartphone etc. This thesis looks at how physical mobile interaction can be implemented to enhance the experience when using different channels for a purchase. Physical mobile interaction is a way for a user to interact with real world objects using a mobile device. This thesis examines how some of these techniques can be used in a retail store using the customers’ own smartphone device. With todays smartphone market with several different operating systems available it is important to find find an implementation which suits the majority of the users. This paper details which technologies that are available to implement the physical mobile interaction on the major smartphone platforms. It also discusses important design decisions for it to work on these platforms. The paper concludes that it is possible to implement these techniques on todays major smartphone platforms. It also concludes that the best technology can not always be used because of limitations on one or more platforms.
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