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Avaliação dos teores de ácidos graxos em alimentos comercializados na cidade de São Paulo / Evaluation of the levels of trans fatty acids in foods marketed in Sao PauloBottan, Tatiane 13 July 2010 (has links)
Os ácidos graxos (AGs) trans foram largamente utilizados pela indústria de alimentos. Entretanto, seu consumo tem sido associado a problemas de saúde, principalmente ao aumento do risco para doenças coronarianas. No Brasil, desde 2006, o conteúdo de gorduras trans obrigatoriamente precisa ser informado nos rótulos dos alimentos industrializados. Aparentemente, isso fez surgir diversos produtos que declaram não conter gorduras trans e que tradicionalmente os continham em grandes concentrações. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a oferta atual desses alimentos. Para tanto, a proporção de alimentos que declaravam conter 0g de gordura trans foi avaliada, verificando variações conforme a localização do estabelecimento de venda dentro da cidade de São Paulo. Também foi realizada a comparação da composição declarada e preço dos alimentos que declaram conter 0g de AGs trans com os demais. Além disso, foram analisados alguns produtos para verificar se a informação com relação ao conteúdo de AG é confiável e se está em conformidade com a legislação. A pesquisa foi realizada nas categorias biscoito doce simples, biscoito recheado, wafer, cream cracker e biscoito de polvilho através de pesquisa em supermercados. A quantificação dos AG nas amostras foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa e os resultados foram comparados com as informações contidas nos rótulos. Dos 498 diferentes produtos encontrados nos supermercados visitados, 68,9 por cento foram de alimentos que informavam não conter gorduras trans. Não foram observadas diferenças na oferta entre as regiões da cidade, entretanto, os produtos que informavam não conter gorduras trans possuem um preço mais elevado que os demais (p<0,001). Nove produtos foram analisados e a quantidade média de gordura trans por porção encontrada foi de 0,18 (±0,29). Dentre os produtos analisados, dois deles não poderiam declarar não conter gordura trans, pois continham mais do que 0,2 g por porção, considerando-se a variação permitida pela legislação de ±20 por cento. Os resultados sugerem que a obrigatoriedade em informar a quantidade de gordura trans nos rótulos proporcionou uma oferta ampla e bem distribuída de alimentos afirmam não conter esse tipo de gordura, no entanto, tais alimentos são menos acessíveis por possuírem um preço mais elevado. Além disso, com nem sempre as informações disponíveis nos rótulos são confiáveis, existe a necessidade de maior fiscalização por parte do poder público / Trans fatty acids (FA) were extensively used by food industry. However, the consumption of this type of FA has been associated with health problems, especially with increased risk for heart diseases. Since July, 2006, Brazilian regulation has imposed that industrialized food labels must express trans fat content. This apparently contributed to several products known for having large amounts of trans fat which now declare does not contain trans fat. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the supply of food products that claim to be trans fat-free, checking possible variations according to the sales spots, and comparing their composition and price to those of other food products in order to verify if such claims are reliable and comply with the law. The supply of the following products was evaluated supermarkets of Sao Paulo: sweet biscuit, sandwich biscuit, wafer, cream cracker and tapioca flour biscuit. The comparison between the products was based on the information on the labels. The quantification of trans FA in some of these foods was carried by gas chromatography and the results were compared with the information from labels. Were found 498 different products in the six supermarkets visited and 68.9 per cent of them were products that declare the absence of trans FA. There were no differences in terms of supply among regions of the city. However, the products that claim to be trans fat-free had a higher price than the others in all categories (p <0.001). No increase in the amount of saturated fat was found. In the nine products analyzed by gas chromatography the average amount of trans fat per serving was 0.18 (±0.29). Two of the products tested should not claim to be trans fat-free because they contained more than 0.2 g per serving, taking into account the acceptable variation of ±20 per cent. The results suggest that the mandatory declaration of trans fat content on labels led to a wide and well distributed supply of products that declare do not contain this kind of fat. However, these products are less accessible because they are more expensive. Furthermore, available information on the labels is not always reliable, which indicates the need to supervise such information
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Interação Trypanosoma cruzi-célula hospedeira: estudo do \"domínio FLY\", motivo carboxi-subterminal conservado na superfamília das gp85/trans-sialidases. / Interaction between Trypanosoma cruzi and host cell: study of FLY domain, a conserved carboxil-subterminal motiv of gp85/trans-sialidases.Fessel, Melissa Regina 24 November 2006 (has links)
Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causador da Doença de Chagas, é um protozoário intracelular obrigatório. Vários estudos foram realizados visando a caracterização de moléculas de 85-90 kDa, presentes na superfície do parasita bem como de seus possíveis receptores nas células do hospedeiro vertebrado. Um membro da superfamília das gp85/trans-sialidases (Tc85-11), expresso somente na superfície das formas intectivas tripomastigotas e que adere em laminina e em células, foi clonado e caracterizado em nosso laboratório. Peptídeo J, fragmento de Tc85-11 não implicado em adesão a laminina, que contém o motivo conservado na superfamília, com seqüência VTVXNVFLYNR, aqui denominado \"domínio FLY\", foi identificado como sendo responsável pela adesão da porção carboxi-terminal da proteína em células epiteliais e, adicionado ao meio de cultura, promoveu aumento do número de células infectadas por T.cruzi. Seu receptor foi descrito como CK18 (Magdesian et al., 2001). Dando continuidade a esse estudo, em nosso laboratório caracterizamos a porção amino-terminal de CK18 como a região da interação com \"domínio FLY\" e identificamos o provável sítio de ligação, localizado entre os 15 aminoácidos iniciais da proteína. Adicionalmente, com o intuito de determinar a função do \"domínio FLY\", caracterizamos o peptídeo J como molécula extremamente adesiva, interagindo com a superfície de células epiteliais, matriz extracelular e promovendo interação entre tripomastigotas e ECM, possivelmente por meio de interações hidrofóbicas não dependentes de sua estrutura tridimensional adotada na proteína nativa. \"Domínio FLY\" foi caracterizado, ainda, como possível modulador da infecção por tripomastigotas já que, da mesma forma que estimula a invasão quando adicionado ao meio de cultura (Magdesian et al., 2001), promove secreção de proteínas imunorelacionadas com CK18 e ligantes de proteína A para o sobrenadante celular. Esse sobrenadante é capaz de in vitro inibir o processo infectivo do parasita em cerca de 40%. / Trypanosoma cruzi the causative agent of Chagas´ disease is an obligatory intracellular parasite in the mammalian host. Altrough the mechanism of trypomastigotes invasion of host cells has been intensively studied, a final and integrate picture of the process remains elusive. Members of the gp85/trans-sialidase superfamily have been implicated in the parasite-host interaction, with Tc85 family (85 kDa glycoproteins) implicated in the adhesion step. Our laboratory showed that Tc85-11, one member of Tc85 family, is a multi-adhesive molecule, with binding sites located at the amino- and carboxi-portions of the protein. The conserved \"FLY domain\" (peptide J) is present in all members of the family, binds to cytokeratin 18 (CK18) and enhances T. cruzi invasion (Magdesian et al., 2001). Herein, we localized the binding site of \"FLY domain\" on the amino-portion of CK18 and demonstrated an increase of trypomastigotes adhesion to extracellular matrix upon FLY treatment. The \"FLY domain\" can modulate T. cruzi infection in vitro and apparently is responsible for inducing the secretion of molecules by the host that inhibit trypomastigote invasion.
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När barnets kropp inte stämmer överens med det upplevda könet : En kvalitativ studie av föräldrars erfarenheter / When the child´s body does not match the perceived genderLundmark, Malin, Nielsen, Björn January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få en bild av hur föräldrar upplever situationen kring att ha ett barnvars kropp och upplevda kön inte harmonierar och utifrån det identifiera och lyfta fram relevanta aspekter som kan bidra till bättre förståelse och förbättringar inom området. Det har tidigare inte gjorts någon liknande undersökning i Sverige. Datamaterialet samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta föräldrar till barn med könsdysfori. Datan analyserades genom induktiv tematisk analys. Analysen resulterade i tre huvudteman:Tillgänglighet, Kunskap och kompetens samt Resan. Slutsatserna var att föräldrarna fyller funktionen som informatörer, rådgivare och stödpersoner till andra – funktioner de själva efterfrågar, bör få och behöver - och att hälso- och sjukvården och skolan behöver utveckla sina kunskaper kring könsdysfori och trans för att bättre kunna möta barnens och föräldrarnas behov. / The purpose of this study was to explore how parents experience the situation of having a child whose body does not harmonize with their experienced gender, in order to identify and highlight relevant aspects for better understanding and improvements within the field. No such research has been carried out in Sweden previously. Data was collected by semi- structured interviews with eight parents of children with gender dysphoria. The data was analyzed by inductive thematic analysis. The outcome was three central themes: Availability, Knowledge and competence and The Journey. Conclusions were that the parents fill the function as informers, advisors and sustaining persons in relation to others – functions that they request, should get and need for themselves - and that health care and schools need to explicate their competence regarding gender dysphoria and trans to better meet the needs of both children and parents.
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Trans-formação do ator no teatro de grupo em latino-américa: Abya Yala, Yuyachkani e Ói Nóis Aqui Traveiz / Actor trans-formation in latin american theater group: Abya Yala, Yuyachkani and Ói Nóis Aqui TraveizGina Maria Monge Aguilar 14 October 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivos identificar e analisar princípios pedagógicos dos processos de trans-formação do ator que os grupos Abya Yala (Costa Rica), Yuyachkani (Peru) e Ói Nóis Aqui Traveiz (Brasil) desenvolveram ao longo de sua história e problematizar como eles poderiam ser de grande valia na formação atoral em diversas instâncias. Partiu-se principalmente de entrevistas e visitas realizadas aos grupos, assim como do estudo de material escrito e audiovisual referente ao tema. O teatro é uma construção cultural que muda de acordo com a época, o local e contexto em que se desenvolve. Do mesmo modo a formação atoral responde a essas variáveis. Atrelada às práticas cênicas dos grupos se constrói uma pedagogia para a trans-formação. Foram identificados alguns pontos em comum entre eles como o engajamento tanto no que diz respeito à vida política do país como o que se refere ao treinamento do ator. Há também nos três a busca pela autonomia do ator como criador, responsável por suas escolhas e pelo seu papel dentro do grupo. Existe neles ainda a ênfase em compartilhar sua experiência, incentiva-se os atores a serem facilitadores de processos fora ou dentro do coletivo. Esta pesquisa trouxe à tona a importância de manter contato com o fazer teatral latino-americano, revelando uma riqueza na diversidade de propostas trans-formativas e de como elas extrapolam o ambiente do grupo, podendo ser tomadas como exemplo para outros processos de formação atoral. / This thesis aims to identify and analyze the pedagogical principles of the processes of trans-formation of the actor that Abya Yala (Costa Rica), Yuyachkani (Peru) and Ói Nóis Aqui Traveiz (Brazil) developed throughout its history and discuss how they could be of great value in the formation of actors in several instances. This thesis is based mainly on interviews and visits to the groups, as well as the study of written and audio-visual material on the topic. Drama is a cultural construction that changes according to time, place and context in which it develops. Similarly the formation of actors answers to those same variables. Coupled to the group´s practices on scene it is build a pedagogy for trans-formation. We identified some common ground between them as they engage both politically, with the country´s situation, and regarding the training of the actors. All three groups demonstrate a quest for the actors independence as creators, responsible for their choices and their role within the group. They also reveal their emphasis on sharing their experience, as they encourage the actors to be facilitators of processes both inside and outside of the collective. This research has brought to light the importance of maintaining contact with the Latin American way of doing theatre, revealing a wealth of diversity of the proposed trans-formative processes that go beyond the group environment, and how they can be taken as an example to other actor-forming processes.
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Avaliação dos teores de ácidos graxos em alimentos comercializados na cidade de São Paulo / Evaluation of the levels of trans fatty acids in foods marketed in Sao PauloTatiane Bottan 13 July 2010 (has links)
Os ácidos graxos (AGs) trans foram largamente utilizados pela indústria de alimentos. Entretanto, seu consumo tem sido associado a problemas de saúde, principalmente ao aumento do risco para doenças coronarianas. No Brasil, desde 2006, o conteúdo de gorduras trans obrigatoriamente precisa ser informado nos rótulos dos alimentos industrializados. Aparentemente, isso fez surgir diversos produtos que declaram não conter gorduras trans e que tradicionalmente os continham em grandes concentrações. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a oferta atual desses alimentos. Para tanto, a proporção de alimentos que declaravam conter 0g de gordura trans foi avaliada, verificando variações conforme a localização do estabelecimento de venda dentro da cidade de São Paulo. Também foi realizada a comparação da composição declarada e preço dos alimentos que declaram conter 0g de AGs trans com os demais. Além disso, foram analisados alguns produtos para verificar se a informação com relação ao conteúdo de AG é confiável e se está em conformidade com a legislação. A pesquisa foi realizada nas categorias biscoito doce simples, biscoito recheado, wafer, cream cracker e biscoito de polvilho através de pesquisa em supermercados. A quantificação dos AG nas amostras foi realizada por cromatografia gasosa e os resultados foram comparados com as informações contidas nos rótulos. Dos 498 diferentes produtos encontrados nos supermercados visitados, 68,9 por cento foram de alimentos que informavam não conter gorduras trans. Não foram observadas diferenças na oferta entre as regiões da cidade, entretanto, os produtos que informavam não conter gorduras trans possuem um preço mais elevado que os demais (p<0,001). Nove produtos foram analisados e a quantidade média de gordura trans por porção encontrada foi de 0,18 (±0,29). Dentre os produtos analisados, dois deles não poderiam declarar não conter gordura trans, pois continham mais do que 0,2 g por porção, considerando-se a variação permitida pela legislação de ±20 por cento. Os resultados sugerem que a obrigatoriedade em informar a quantidade de gordura trans nos rótulos proporcionou uma oferta ampla e bem distribuída de alimentos afirmam não conter esse tipo de gordura, no entanto, tais alimentos são menos acessíveis por possuírem um preço mais elevado. Além disso, com nem sempre as informações disponíveis nos rótulos são confiáveis, existe a necessidade de maior fiscalização por parte do poder público / Trans fatty acids (FA) were extensively used by food industry. However, the consumption of this type of FA has been associated with health problems, especially with increased risk for heart diseases. Since July, 2006, Brazilian regulation has imposed that industrialized food labels must express trans fat content. This apparently contributed to several products known for having large amounts of trans fat which now declare does not contain trans fat. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the supply of food products that claim to be trans fat-free, checking possible variations according to the sales spots, and comparing their composition and price to those of other food products in order to verify if such claims are reliable and comply with the law. The supply of the following products was evaluated supermarkets of Sao Paulo: sweet biscuit, sandwich biscuit, wafer, cream cracker and tapioca flour biscuit. The comparison between the products was based on the information on the labels. The quantification of trans FA in some of these foods was carried by gas chromatography and the results were compared with the information from labels. Were found 498 different products in the six supermarkets visited and 68.9 per cent of them were products that declare the absence of trans FA. There were no differences in terms of supply among regions of the city. However, the products that claim to be trans fat-free had a higher price than the others in all categories (p <0.001). No increase in the amount of saturated fat was found. In the nine products analyzed by gas chromatography the average amount of trans fat per serving was 0.18 (±0.29). Two of the products tested should not claim to be trans fat-free because they contained more than 0.2 g per serving, taking into account the acceptable variation of ±20 per cent. The results suggest that the mandatory declaration of trans fat content on labels led to a wide and well distributed supply of products that declare do not contain this kind of fat. However, these products are less accessible because they are more expensive. Furthermore, available information on the labels is not always reliable, which indicates the need to supervise such information
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-23 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / Melanoma is a very lethal skin tumor and, when widespread, presents unfavorable prognosis. Therefore, new drugs and treatments are important to the search for
more promising results. Treatment of this type of tumor surgery necessarily depend on having little effect on the supplementary chemotherapy. Studies have shown
resveratrol as a drug that acts in different stages of carcinogenesis. Allied to this, modified release systems of drugs are being studied to improve unwanted features
and optimize their actions. The aim of this study was to develop polymeric nanocapsules containing resveratrol and assess their potential antitumor in B16F10
melanoma strain. The nanocapsules of poly -caprolactone) (PCL) containing resveratrol were successfully prepared by interfacial deposition of preformedpolymer. All formulations showed encapsulation efficiency values suitable above 97%. Nanocapsules revealed spherical shape with smooth surface. Infrared Fourier transform spectra indicated no chemical interaction between the polymer and resveratrol after the nanoencapsulation. The analysis of X-ray diffraction showed that the process of nanoencapsulation led to an amorphisation of the system. Cell viability assays for neutral red and MTT confirmed that resveratrol-containing nanocapsules have cytotoxic effect on murine melanoma cells at concentrations of 300 and 100 micrometers. When analyzed the morphology of the cells treated with resveratrol free, it can be seen that they enter into the process of cell death by apoptosis. In the in vivo assay, the results demonstrated that treatment with
resveratrol-containing nanocapsules led to a reduction in tumor volume of the mice in the groups treated with resveratrol and free controls. Treated animals also
showed an increase in body mass suggesting that these animals had a better response to treatment compared to the control group. Histological analysis revealed an increase in necrotic area in the tumor and inflammation in the animals treated with the nanocapsules containing resveratrol and the treatment also led to the
development of non-pulmonary hemorrhage and metastasis. These results indicate that the nanocapsules prepared from the PCL containing resveratrol have
antiproliferative action front melanoma cells, with an interesting alternative in their treatment. / O melanoma é um tumor de pele muito letal e, quando disseminado, apresenta prognóstico pouco favorável. Por isso, novos fármacos e tratamentos são importantes para a busca de resultados mais promissores. O tratamento deste tipo de tumor depende necessariamente de intervenção cirúrgica tendo pouco resultado com a quimioterapia complementar. Estudos evidenciaram o
resveratrol como um fármaco que atua em diversas etapas da carcinogênese. Aliado a isso, os sistemas de liberação modificada de fármacos estão sendo estudados para melhorar características indesejadas e otimizar suas ações. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver nanocápsulas poliméricas contendo resveratrol e avaliar o seu potencial antitumoral na linhagem de melanoma B16F10. As nanocápsulas de poli (ε-caprolactona) (PCL) contendo resveratrol foram preparadas com sucesso pelo método de deposição interfacial de polímero pré-formado. Todas as formulações apresentaram valores de eficiência de encapsulação adequados, superiores a 97%. As
nanocápsulas revelaram formato esférico com superfície lisa. Os espectros de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier não indicaram nenhuma interação química entre o resveratrol e o polímero após a nanoencapsulação. As análises de difração de raios X demonstraram que o processo de nanoencapsulação levou a uma amorfização do sistema. Os ensaios de viabilidade celular por MTT e vermelho neutro confirmaram que as nanocápsulas contendo resveratrol possuem efeito citotóxico sobre as células de melanoma murino nas concentrações de 300 e 100 μM. Quando analisada a morfologia das células
tratadas com resveratrol livre, pode-se observar que as mesmas entram em processo de morte celular por apoptose. No ensaio in vivo, os resultados
demonstraram que o tratamento com as nanocápsulas contendo resveratrol levou a uma redução do volume tumoral dos camundongos em relação aos grupos tratados com resveratrol livre e os controles. Os animais tratados também apresentaram um aumento da massa corporal sugerindo que estes animais tiveram uma melhor resposta ao tratamento quando comparado ao grupo controle. A análise histológica revelou um aumento da área necrótica e da inflamação no tumor nos animais tratados com as nanocápsulas contendo resveratrol, e o tratamento também levou ao não desenvolvimento de
hemorragia pulmonar e metástase. Esses resultados indicam que as nanocápsulas elaboradas a partir da PCL contendo resveratrol possuem ação antiproliferativa frente as células de melanoma, sendo uma alternativa
interessante no seu tratamento.
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Síntese e atividade biológica de dissacarídeos acoplados a aminoácidos / Synthesis and biological activity of disaccharides attached to amino acids.Andrade, Peterson de 09 April 2008 (has links)
trans-Sialidase de Trypanosoma cruzi (TcTS) pertence à família de glicoproteínas de superfície do parasita e constitui um dos poucos exemplos naturais de glicosiltransferases superficiais encontradas em eucariotes. T. cruzi é incapaz de sintetizar ácido siálico e utiliza esta enzima para retirar este monossacarídeo de glicoconjugados do hospedeiro para sialilar moléculas aceptoras, como mucina-GPI (glicosilfosfatidilinositol), presentes na sua membrana plasmática. Esta enzima é específica em catalisar, preferencialmente, a transferência de ácido siálico para moléculas de mucina, originando ligações -2,3 com moléculas de galactose aceptoras na superfície do parasita. Considerando a heterogeneidade das moléculas de mucina de T. cruzi, é necessário que novas moléculas sejam sintetizadas a fim de que estas atuem como substratos glicopeptídicos, os quais podem levar ao melhor entendimento das interações entre enzima e substratos e permitir o planejamento racional de inibidores seletivos. Por isso, o trabalho foi divido em três rotas sintéticas: (i) preparação do doador de galactose, (ii) preparação dos aceptores-doadores e (iii) acoplamento dos dissacarídeos com aminoácidos aceptores para obtenção dos blocos de construção. Apesar dos objetivos propostos inicialmente não terem sido totalmente alcançados, o trabalho desenvolvido durante esse período permitiu a síntese do doador de galactose (3) em três etapas, aceptor de galactose (6) em cinco etapas, dissacarídeo (11) na glicosilação de 6 com 3, aminoácidos aceptores (13 e 14) e também dos blocos de construção (17 e 18) decorrente do acoplamento de 11 com os aminoácidos aceptores. Não obstante, é importante ressaltar que apesar da extensa rota planejada, porém necessária, a síntese dos blocos de construção é inédita. Portanto, pode-se concluir que o trabalho trouxe relevante contribuição no que diz respeito à química de carboidratos e à disponibilização de dados espectrométricos de compostos orgânicos para a literatura. / Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase (TcTS) belongs to the family of glycoproteins expressed on the surface of the parasite and constitutes one of the few examples of natural surface glycosyltransferases found in eucariotes. T. cruzi can not synthesize sialic acid itself and uses this enzyme to scavenge this monosaccharide from host glycoconjugates to sialylate acceptors molecules, such as GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) mucins, that are present in parasite plasma membrane. This enzyme is specific to catalyze, preferentially, the transference of sialic acid to mucin glycoproteins, generating -2,3-linkages with acceptor galactose molecules in the parasite surface. Considering the heterogeneity of T. cruzi mucin molecules, its necessary to synthesize new compounds that can act as glycopeptide substrates, leading to a better understanding concerning the enzyme and substrates and allow the rational design of some selective inhibitors. Thus, this work was developed in three synthetic routes: (i) the synthesis of galactose donor, (ii) synthesis of donor-acceptors and (iii) coupling between disaccharides and acceptors amino acids in order to obtain building blocks. Despite of some objectives initially proposed had not been accomplished, the developed work during this period allow the synthesis of the galactose donor (3) in three steps, donor-acceptor (6) in five steps, disaccharide (11), acceptors amino acids (13 and 14) and also the building blocks (17 and 18). However, its important highlight that the synthesis of the building blocks by this necessary, but extensive, synthetic route is unpublished. Therefore, it can be concluded that the present work brought rich contribution concerning the carbohydrate chemistry and the availability of spectrometric data of organic compounds to the literature.
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Over expression, purification and characterization of hepatitis B virus X protein (HBx) and its interacting partner HBx - interacting protein (XIP).January 2002 (has links)
by Cheung Yuk Yin. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves xx-xxviii). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgements --- p.i / Abstract --- p.ii / 摘要 --- p.iii / Table of Content --- p.iv / Abbreviations / for Amino Acids --- p.viii / for Standard Genetic Code --- p.ix / for Units --- p.x / for Prefixes --- p.xi / for Terms commonly used in the report --- p.xii / List of Figures --- p.xiii / List of Tables --- p.xiv / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction / Chapter 1.1 --- Epidemiology of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Relationship between Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatocellular Carcinoma --- p.2 / Chapter 1.3 --- Brief Description of HBV Genome --- p.2 / Chapter 1.4 --- Possible Roles of HBx in Hepatocellular Carcinoma --- p.4 / Chapter 1.5 --- Novel Interacting Partner of HBx - HBx-lnteracting Protein (XIP) --- p.6 / Chapter 1.6 --- Objective --- p.6 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Methodology / Chapter 2.1 --- Information of the HBx and XIP Clones --- p.7 / Chapter 2.2 --- "Information of the Expression Vectors (pRSETA, 6xHis-pRSETA and pET8C)" --- p.7 / Chapter 2.3 --- Sub-Cloning of HBx and XIP into Different Vectors --- p.9 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Design of Primers for Cloning of HBx and XIP into Different Vectors --- p.9 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Protocol --- p.12 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Enzyme Digestion Reaction Protocol --- p.14 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- Ligation Protocol --- p.16 / Chapter 2.3.5 --- Preparation of Competent Cells --- p.17 / Chapter 2.3.6 --- Transformation --- p.18 / Chapter 2.3.7 --- Gel Extraction Protocol --- p.19 / Chapter --- Life Technologies CONCERT´ёØ Rapid Gel Extraction System --- p.19 / Chapter --- QIAGEN Gel Extraction Kit --- p.20 / Chapter 2.3.8 --- Plasmid Preparation Protocol --- p.22 / Chapter --- Life Technologies CONCERT´ёØ Rapid Plasmid Minipreps --- p.22 / Chapter --- QIAGEN Plasmid Maxi Kit --- p.23 / Chapter 2.4 --- Expression of HBx and XIP in E. coli Strain C41 (DE3) --- p.25 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Transformation --- p.25 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Expression of HBx and 6xHis-HBx in E. coli Strain C41 (DE3) --- p.26 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- Expression of XIP in E. coli Strain C41 (DE3) --- p.27 / Chapter 2.5 --- Preparation of Buffers for Chromatography and Circular Dichroism Spectrum Measurement --- p.28 / Chapter 2.6 --- Purification and Refolding of HBx and His-Tagged HBx --- p.28 / Chapter 2.6.1 --- Washing of HBx and His-Tagged HBx Inclusion Bodies --- p.28 / Chapter 2.6.2 --- His-Tagged HBx Purification by Affinity Chromatography --- p.29 / Chapter 2.6.3 --- HBx Purification by Size Exclusion Chromatography --- p.30 / Chapter 2.6.4 --- Refolding of HBx and His-Tagged HBx by Oxidative Dialysis --- p.30 / Chapter 2.7 --- Purification of XIP --- p.33 / Chapter 2.7.1 --- Screening of Chromatographic Conditions for the Purification of XIP --- p.33 / Chapter 2.7.2 --- XIP 1st Step of Purification by Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography --- p.34 / Chapter 2.7.3 --- XIP 2nd step of Purification by Size Exclusion Chromatography --- p.34 / Chapter 2.8 --- Chemical Denaturation Experiment of HBx and XIP --- p.36 / Chapter 2.8.1 --- Preparation of Urea Buffers for the Chemical Denaturation of HBx --- p.37 / Chapter 2.8.2 --- Preparation of Different GdnHCI Buffer for the Chemical Denaturation of XIP --- p.38 / Chapter 2.8.3 --- Calculation for Chemical Denaturation Experiment --- p.39 / Chapter --- Protein Concentration Calculation --- p.39 / Chapter --- Residual Molar Elipticity Calculation --- p.39 / Chapter --- Free Energy Change (ΔGu) Calculation --- p.40 / Chapter 2.9 --- Two-dimensional Heteronuclear Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Experiment --- p.41 / Chapter 2.10 --- Interaction Confirmation between HBx and XIP --- p.42 / Chapter 2.10.1 --- "Transfection of pEGFP, pEGFP-HBx and pEGFP-XIP into HepG2" --- p.42 / Chapter 2.10.2 --- Yeast Two Hybrid System for Confirmation of HBx and XIP Interaction --- p.44 / Chapter --- Preparation of Y187 Competent Cells --- p.44 / Chapter --- Transformation of pGBKT7-HBx and pACT2-XIP into Y187 --- p.45 / Chapter --- β-galactosidase Colony Lift Assay --- p.46 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- "Expression, Purification and Characterization of Hepatitis B Virus X Protein (HBx)" / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.47 / Chapter 3.2 --- Construction of Recombinant HBx-pRSETA and 6xHis-HBx-pRSETA Plasmids --- p.48 / Chapter 3.3 --- Expression of 6xHis-HBx in E. coli C41 (DE3) using M9ZB Medium --- p.52 / Chapter 3.4 --- Expression of HBx in E. coli C41 (DE3) using M9ZB Medium --- p.54 / Chapter 3.5 --- Purification and Refolding of 6xHis-HBx Fusion Proteins --- p.56 / Chapter 3.6 --- Purification and Refolding of HBx Proteins --- p.60 / Chapter 3.7 --- Structural Characterization of Refolded HBx --- p.65 / Chapter 3.7.1 --- Introduction --- p.55 / Chapter 3.7.2 --- Experimental Analysis of HBx Secondary Structure --- p.66 / Chapter 3.7.3 --- Chemical Unfolding Experiment of HBx --- p.68 / Chapter 3.8 --- Discussion --- p.70 / Chapter 3.8.1 --- "HBx was Expressed, Purified and Characterized instead of 6xHis-HBx" --- p.71 / Chapter 3.8.2 --- High Concentration of DTT was used to Minimize Formation of HBx Aggregates --- p.72 / Chapter 3.8.3 --- Oxidative Refolding to Ensure Proper Disulfide Bond Formation --- p.73 / Chapter 3.8.4 --- Computational Prediction and Experimental Prediction of Secondary Structure of HBx --- p.75 / Chapter 3.9 --- Concluding Remarks --- p.77 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- "Expression, Purification and Characterization of HBx-lnteracting Protein (XIP)" / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.78 / Chapter 4.2 --- Construction of Recombinant XIP-pET8C --- p.78 / Chapter 4.3 --- Expression of XIP in E. coli C41 (DE3) using M9ZB and M9 Mediums --- p.82 / Chapter 4.4 --- Screening of Chromatographic Conditions for the Purification of XIP --- p.83 / Chapter 4.4.1 --- Introduction --- p.83 / Chapter 4.4.2 --- Purification Details --- p.83 / Chapter 4.5 --- Purification of XIP by HiTrap Phenyl HP 5-ml Column --- p.87 / Chapter 4.6 --- Purification of XIP by HiLoad 26/60 Superdex 75 Prep Grade --- p.89 / Chapter 4.7 --- Structural Characterization of XIP --- p.92 / Chapter 4.7.1 --- CD Spectrum --- p.92 / Chapter 4.7.2 --- Chemical Denaturation Experiment of XIP --- p.93 / Chapter 4.7.3 --- Two-Dimensional Heteronuclear Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrum of 15N Labeled XIP --- p.95 / Chapter 4.8 --- Discussion --- p.97 / Chapter 4.8.1 --- Purification Method Development --- p.97 / Chapter 4.8.2 --- "Do Different Protein Cosolutes, Protein Stabilizers and Detergents Help XIP to Adopt a Stable Conformation?" --- p.99 / Chapter 4.9 --- Concluding Remarks --- p.101 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- In vivo Studies of HBx and XIP Interactions / Chapter 5.1 --- Investigation of Sub-Cellular Localization of HBx and XIP in Liver Cells --- p.102 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- Introduction --- p.102 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- "Construction of Recombinant HBx-pECFP-C1, HBx-pEGFP-C1, HBx-pEYFP-C1 and XIP-pECFP-C1, XIP-pEGFP-C1, XIP-pEYFP-C1" --- p.103 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- Transfection of pEGFP-C1 HBx and pEGFP-C1 XIP into HepG2 to Find Out HBx and XIP Sub-Cellular Localization --- p.106 / Chapter --- Introduction --- p.107 / Chapter --- Investigation of EGFP Proteins Expression using the Confocal Microscope and the Leica TCS Software --- p.108 / Chapter 5.1.4 --- Discussion and Future Prospects --- p.111 / Chapter 5.2 --- Interaction of HBx and XIP Studied by Yeast Two-Hybrid System --- p.113 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Introduction --- p.113 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Construction of Recombinant HBx-pGBKT7 and XIP-pACT2 Plasmids --- p.114 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Confirmation of HBx and XIP Interaction by Yeast Two-Hybrid System --- p.117 / Chapter 5.2.4 --- Discussion --- p.121 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.123 / Appendix I Sequence of HBx and XIP --- p.I / Chapter II --- Vector Sequences --- p.II / Chapter III --- Vector Maps --- p.VI / Chapter IV --- Electrophoresis Markers --- p.XI / Chapter V --- Agarose Gel Electrophoresis --- p.XII / Chapter VI --- SDS-PAGE Eectrophoresis --- p.XIII / Chapter VII --- Medium for Bacterial Culture --- p.XV / Chapter VIII --- Medium for Cell Culture --- p.XVII / Chapter IX --- Medium for Yeast Culture --- p.XVIII / Chapter X --- Buffers for Yeast Transformation --- p.XIX / Reference --- p.XX
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La protéomique de sous-domaines du trans-Golgi Network révèle un lien entre les sphingolipides et les phosphoinositides chez la plante. / Proteomics of trans-Golgi Network subdomains revealed lipid crosstalk between sphingolipids and phosphoinositides in plants.Esnay, Nicolas 21 December 2018 (has links)
La polarité cellulaire est une caractéristique commune à tous les organismes. Jusqu’à récemment, il était assumé que la sécrétion de protéines vers des domaines polaires de la cellule végétale se faisait de façon non polarisée, mais ce point de vue a été re-étudié, la sécrétion est polarisée mais la dynamique, les voies de traficempruntées et les mécanismes sont toujours inconnus. Précédemment, mon laboratoire d’accueil a caractérisé un enrichissement en sphingolipides contenant des acides gras à très longues chaines (VLCFAs) au niveau d’un sous-domaine du trans-Golgi Network (TGN) appelé Vésicules de Sécrétions (SVs). Plus précisément, il a été montré que la longueur des acides gras des sphingolipides jouait un rôle critique dans la sécrétion du transporteur d’auxine PIN2 des SVs vers des domaines polaires de la membrane plasmique. Pendant ma thèse, je me suis intéressé à la question suivante : comment les sphingolipides agissent-t-ils au TGN? En identifiant le protéome des SVs, ainsi qu'en utilisant des outils génétiques et pharmacologiques en combinaison avec la visualisation de marqueurs lipidiques, j'ai pu identifier que les sphingolipides agissent sur l’homéostasie des phosphoinositides en mettant en avant un lien fonctionnel entre ces deux classes de lipides au sein de la cellule végétale. En utilisant un set de marqueurs des phosphoinositides (PIPs), j’ai pu montrer que les sphingolipides ciblent principalement le phosphatidyl-inositol-3-phosphate, PI(3)P et le phosphatidylinositol- 4-phosphate, PI(4)P. De plus, mon analyse protéomique a montré que la localisation d'un ensemble de protéines liées aux PIPs était diminuée dans les SVs/TGN immunopurifiées quand la composition des sphingolipides est altérée. Mes résultats nous forcent à revoir notre vision de la dynamique des lipides au niveau des membranes, et suggère l’idée que la dynamique de remodelage de la composition d’une classe de lipide, les phosphoinositides, peut être modulée par une autre classe de lipide, les sphingolipides. / Cell polarity is a defining feature of all organisms. Until very recently, it was thought that delivery of proteins to polar domains of root epidermal cells plasma membrane was non-polar, but this view has been re-examined, the delivery is polar but the dynamics, the paths taken, and the mechanisms are unknown. My host team previously characterised an enrichment of Very-Long-Chain-Fatty-Acids (VLCFAs)-containing sphingolipids at the site of secretory vesicles (SVs) sub-domain of the trans-Golgi Network (TGN). Moreover, the length of sphingolipids acyl-chain was found to play a critical role in secretory sorting of the auxin carrier PIN2 from SVsassociated TGN to apical polar domain of the plasma membrane (PM). During my PhD, I addressed the following question: how sphingolipids act at SVs/TGN? Using proteomics of SVs, genetics and pharmacological tools in combination with visualisation of lipid probes we could identify that sphingolipids act on phosphoinositides (PIPs) homeostasis establishing a new functional link between these two lipids in plant cells. Using a set of multi-affinity fluorescent PIPs probes I could show that sphingolipids target phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PI3P) and phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P). Moreover, my proteomic analyses show that several PIPs-related proteins are downregulated in immuno-purified TGN-associated SVs when the sphingolipid composition is altered pharmacologically. My results force the reassessment of our view of lipid membranes dynamics and highlight the idea that dynamic remodelling of the composition of one lipid class, the phosphoinositides, can be modulated by another lipid class, the sphingolipids.
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Trans-formação do ator no teatro de grupo em latino-américa: Abya Yala, Yuyachkani e Ói Nóis Aqui Traveiz / Actor trans-formation in latin american theater group: Abya Yala, Yuyachkani and Ói Nóis Aqui TraveizAguilar, Gina Maria Monge 14 October 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivos identificar e analisar princípios pedagógicos dos processos de trans-formação do ator que os grupos Abya Yala (Costa Rica), Yuyachkani (Peru) e Ói Nóis Aqui Traveiz (Brasil) desenvolveram ao longo de sua história e problematizar como eles poderiam ser de grande valia na formação atoral em diversas instâncias. Partiu-se principalmente de entrevistas e visitas realizadas aos grupos, assim como do estudo de material escrito e audiovisual referente ao tema. O teatro é uma construção cultural que muda de acordo com a época, o local e contexto em que se desenvolve. Do mesmo modo a formação atoral responde a essas variáveis. Atrelada às práticas cênicas dos grupos se constrói uma pedagogia para a trans-formação. Foram identificados alguns pontos em comum entre eles como o engajamento tanto no que diz respeito à vida política do país como o que se refere ao treinamento do ator. Há também nos três a busca pela autonomia do ator como criador, responsável por suas escolhas e pelo seu papel dentro do grupo. Existe neles ainda a ênfase em compartilhar sua experiência, incentiva-se os atores a serem facilitadores de processos fora ou dentro do coletivo. Esta pesquisa trouxe à tona a importância de manter contato com o fazer teatral latino-americano, revelando uma riqueza na diversidade de propostas trans-formativas e de como elas extrapolam o ambiente do grupo, podendo ser tomadas como exemplo para outros processos de formação atoral. / This thesis aims to identify and analyze the pedagogical principles of the processes of trans-formation of the actor that Abya Yala (Costa Rica), Yuyachkani (Peru) and Ói Nóis Aqui Traveiz (Brazil) developed throughout its history and discuss how they could be of great value in the formation of actors in several instances. This thesis is based mainly on interviews and visits to the groups, as well as the study of written and audio-visual material on the topic. Drama is a cultural construction that changes according to time, place and context in which it develops. Similarly the formation of actors answers to those same variables. Coupled to the group´s practices on scene it is build a pedagogy for trans-formation. We identified some common ground between them as they engage both politically, with the country´s situation, and regarding the training of the actors. All three groups demonstrate a quest for the actors independence as creators, responsible for their choices and their role within the group. They also reveal their emphasis on sharing their experience, as they encourage the actors to be facilitators of processes both inside and outside of the collective. This research has brought to light the importance of maintaining contact with the Latin American way of doing theatre, revealing a wealth of diversity of the proposed trans-formative processes that go beyond the group environment, and how they can be taken as an example to other actor-forming processes.
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