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Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle), is a well-known medicinal plant that produces a vast array of terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIAs), including two anticancer compounds vinblastine and vincristine. Industrial scale production of TIAs is hampered by the difficulties of total chemical synthesis of these compounds and the fragmented knowledge on TIA pathway. Transcriptional regulation of the TIA biosynthetic pathway has not been thoroughly investigated in Catharanthus and only a few structural genes have been identified as the targets of two master regulators: the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor (TF) CrMYC2 and APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR (AP2/ERF), ORCA3. Next generation sequencing (NGS) has been used as a tool to isolate novel genes encoding enzymes and regulators of TIA pathway in Catharanthus. In this dissertation, I have performed the transcriptomic analysis of transgenic Catharanthus hairy roots ectopically expressing a dominant repressive form of CrMYC2 or ORCA3 in order to understand their potential impact on the TIA transcriptional regulatory network and to identify and characterize novel target(s) of these two key TFs.
MYC2 acts as regulatory hub involved in diverse aspects of plant growth, development, and specialized metabolite biosynthesis by coordinating the crosstalk among different phytohormone signals. CrMYC2 was initially identified in Catharanthus as a regulator of ORCA3. CrMYC2 transactivates ORCA3 by binding to the T/G-box in jasmonate-responsive element (JRE) of ORCA3 promoter. RNA interference (RNAi) mediated knockdown of CrMYC2 strongly reduced TIA accumulation in Catharanthus cell suspension culture. However, the potential influence of CrMYC2 on the expression of other regulatory and structural genes in the TIA pathway remains poorly understood. Transcriptomic analyses revealed that CrMYC2 plays an essential role in JA-induced gene expression and the differentially expressed genes are involved in diverse aspects of growth and development as well as abiotic and biotic stress responses in Catharanthus. Additionally, the expression of genes related to auxin, ethylene, and abscisic acid signaling cascades were affected in hairy roots with modified CrMYC2 expression, suggesting this TF mediates cross-talk between JA and other phytohormones. Surprisingly, overexpression of CrMYC2 resulted in repressed expression of TIA pathway genes in transgenic hairy roots. Expressions of key activators of indole and iridoid pathway were downregulated whereas expression of repressors were upregulated in CrMYC2 hairy roots.
Activators (i.e. CrMYC2 and ORCA3) and repressors (i.e. G-box binding factors; GBFs) have been isolated and characterized for their role in regulation of TIA pathway. However, the interconnection between those regulators and the underlying molecular mechanism has not been throughly studied. I identified (i) the interaction of CrMYC2 with CrGBFs and (ii) how this cross-family transcription factor interactions fine-tunes TIA biosynthesis in Catharanthus. The expression profiles of CrMYC2 and CrGBFs were highly correlated in different tissues and in response JA. Moreover, CrMYC2 interacted with CrGBF1 and CrGBF2 in both yeast and plant cells. CrGBF1 and CrGBF2 could form homo- and hetero-dimer which bound T/G-box elements of TIA pathway gene promoters. In plant cells, CrGBF1 antagonizes the activity of CrMYC2 on target promoters in a dosage dependent-manner. Similarly, CrMYC2 can overcome CrGBF1-mediated repression of target promoters in a dosage dependent manner.
ORCA3 is another major regulator of TIA biosynthesis in Catharanthus. The transcriptomic analysis of ORCA3 transgenic hairy roots revealed (i) the effect of ORCA3 on newly identified TIA pathway biosynthetic enzymes; (ii) identify the potential effect of ORCA3 on three biological processes: abiotic stress response, plant secondary metabolic process, and response to hormonal stimulus; and (iii) the identification of potential regulator(s) of TIA biosynthesis using ORCA3 based co-expression analysis.
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Rôle de la sélénoprotéine N dans les réseaux de régulation rédox : études physiologique et transcriptomique / Raie of selenoprotein N in redox regulation networks : physiological and transcriptomic studiesBriens, Mickaël 24 October 2014 (has links)
La réponse au stress oxydatif joue un rôle important dans de nombreux processus d’adaptation biologique. Les sélénoprotéines jouent un rôle clef dans le contrôle du stress oxydatif. Des mutations du gène codant pour la sélénoproteine N (SelN) sont la cause de différentes formes de dystrophies musculaires chez l’Homme mais la fonction moléculaire de SelN reste inconnue. Au cours de ma thèse j’ai cherché à déterminer la fonction moléculaire de SelN, et son rôle dans les mécanismes de régulation Rédox. Le modèle de souris Sepn1-/- a constitué l’outil central permettant de répondre à ces objectifs.Les principaux résultats ont révélé une sensibilité particulière des souris Sepn1-/- à certains agents inducteurs de stress oxydatif ou réticulaire. J’ai également caractérisé le modèle Sepn1-/- par séquençage haut débit, en comparant les muscles paravertébraux d’animaux Sepn1-/- et sauvages. Les résultats montrent que malgré l’absence de phénotype musculaire, il y a activation de 580 gènes codant pour des protéines secrétées et mettent en avant l’activation d’un certain nombre de voies métaboliques. Ces résultats participent à une meilleure caractérisation du rôle de la sélénoprotéine N dans le réticulum endoplasmique. / Oxidative stress response plays a major function in the adaptation of biological systems. Selenoproteins have a main role in oxidative stress control. Mutations in the gene coding for the selenoprotein N (SelN) cause different muscular dystrophies in Humans but the molecular function of SelN is still unknown. The main objective of my PhD was to determine the molecular function of SelN, and its role in Redox regulation mechanisms. The Sepn1-/- mouse model was a central tool to reach those objectives.The key results revealed a higher sensibility of Sepn1-/- mice to specific oxidative or reticular stress inducers. Moreover, the Sepn1-/- mouse model was characterized by high throughput sequencing, comparing gene expression of paravertebral muscle of Sepn1-/- and wild type animals. Results showed activation of 580 genes in Sepn1-/- mice despite the absence of muscular phenotype in those conditions. Activated genes are coding for secreted proteins and indicated the activation of several metabolic pathways. Those results participated to Sel N function determination in the endoplasmic reticulum.
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Complexe Majeur d’Histocompatibilité et génomique fonctionnelle dans les spondylarthrites / Major Histocompatibility Complex and functional genomics in spondyloarthritisTalpin, Alice 22 November 2013 (has links)
La SpA est un rhumatisme inflammatoire chronique fréquent, dont la prévalence est de 0,3% en France. Les mécanismes pathologiques qui en sont à l’origine demeurent largement incertains. Néanmoins, l’héritabilité de la maladie est élevée, impliquant de multiples facteurs génétiques, dont la région du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (CMH) et plus particulièrement l’allèle HLA-B27 qui y exerce un rôle prédominant. L’objectif de ce travail était d’identifier de nouvelles cibles moléculaires, en vue d’améliorer la compréhension de la physiopathologie de la SpA, par des approches génétiques et de génomiques fonctionnelles.La première partie de mon travail a consisté en l’identification de polymorphismes du CMH associés à la SpA et distinct de HLA-B27. Les études d’association portant sur les données génétiques de 3 cohortes indépendantes nous ont permis d’identifié 5 variants associés à la SpA indépendamment du HLA-B27. Les deux polymorphismes situés à proximité des gènes MICA et MAPK14 semblent particulièrement intéressants pour leur implication potentielle dans la pathogénèse de la SpA. En marge de cette étude, nous avons entrepris de déterminer la prévalence du HLA-B27 dans une cohorte française représentative de la population générale, qui était de 6,9% chez les témoins et de 74,2% chez les sujets atteints de SpA.Les études fonctionnelles conduites sur des cellules dendritiques dérivées de monocytes (MD-DCs) ont permis d’identifier un défaut de réponse proliférative des LT CD4+ stimulés par les MD-DCs de patients atteints de SpA, ainsi qu’une signature transcriptomique de 81 gènes caractéristique des MD-DCs de ces patients. Parmi les gènes validés, la surexpression d’ADAMTS15, de F13A1 et de SELL pourrait jouer un rôle dans l’inflammation liée à la pathologie, alors que la sous-régulation de CITED2 paraitrait corrélée à une dérégulation de la voie Wnt. Enfin, nos investigations sur les MD-DCS nous ont amené à identifier une corrélation entre l’haplotype d’ERAP1 prédisposant à la SpA, et un niveau accru d’expression de ce gène ainsi que de la protéine ERAP1. / Spondyloarthritis (SpA) is a frequent chronic inflammatory rheumatic disorder, with a prevalence of 0.3% in France. Pathological mechanisms leading to SpA remain largely uncertain. Nevertheless, the heritability of this disorder is high, likely involving multiple genetic factors, among which the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region and particularly the HLA-B27 allele which plays a prominent role. The objective of this work was to achieve a better understanding of SpA physiopathology via genetic and transcriptomic approaches. The first part of my work consisted in identification of MHC polymorphisms associated with SpA, distinct of HLA-B27. Association studies based on the genetic data of 3 independent cohorts have allowed to identify 5 SNPs associated to SpA, independently of HLA-B27. Two polymorphisms localized next to MICA and MAPK14 genes seem particularly interesting for their implication in SpA pathogenesis. In parallel of this study, we characterized HLA-B27 prevalence in a French cohort corresponding to 6.9% in healthy controls and 74.2% in SpA patients. Functional studies on monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MD-DCs) revealed altered capacity to stimulate allogeneic CD4+ T cell responses by MD-DCs from SpA patients and a transcriptomic signature of 81 genes differentially expressed in those cells, as compared to those from healthy controls. Among validated genes, ADAMTS15, F13A1 and SELL could play a role in SpA inflammation, whereas CITED2 seemed to be correlated to Wnt pathway. Finally, a strong correlation between ERAP1 SpA-susceptibility haplotype and an increased expression of this gene and the ERAP1 protein has been identified.
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Cyanobacteria in symbiosis with boreal forest feathermosses : from genome evolution and gene regulation to impact on the ecosystemWarshan, Denis January 2017 (has links)
Among dinitrogen (N2)-fixing some cyanobacteria can establish symbiosis with a broad range of host plants from all plant lineages including bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. In the boreal forests, the symbiosis between epiphytic cyanobacteria and feathermosses Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi is ecologically important. The main input of biological N to the boreal forests is through these cyanobacteria, and thus, they greatly contribute to the productivity of this ecosystem. Despite the ecological relevance of the feathermoss symbiosis, our knowledge about the establishment and maintenance of cyanobacterial-plant partnerships in general is limited, and particularly our understanding of the feathermoss symbiosis is rudimentary. The first aim of this thesis was to gain insight on the genomic rearrangements that enabled cyanobacteria to form a symbiosis with feathermosses, and their genomic diversity and similarities with other plant-symbiotic cyanobacteria partnerships. Genomic comparison of the feathermoss isolates with the genomes of free-living cyanobacteria highlighted that functions such as chemotaxis and motility, the transport and metabolism of organic sulfur, and the uptake of phosphate and amino acids were enriched in the genome of plant-symbiotic cyanobacteria. The second aim of this PhD study was to identify cyanobacterial molecular pathways involved in forming the feathermoss symbiosis and the regulatory rewiring needed to maintain it. Global transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation in cyanobacteria during the early phase of establishment of the feathermoss symbiosis, and after colonization of the moss were investigated. The results revealed that the putative symbiotic gene repertoire includes pathways never before associated with cyanobacteria-plant symbioses, such as nitric-oxide sensing and regulation, and the transport and metabolism of aliphatic sulfonate. The third aim was to explore the role of the cyanobacterial community in contributing to the temporal variability of N2-fixation activity. Results from a field-study showed that temporal variation in N2-fixation rates could be explained to a high degree by changes in cyanobacterial community composition and activity. In particular, the cyanobacteria belonging to the genus Stigonema - although not dominating the community- appeared to be the main contributors to the N2-fixation activities. Based on this result, it is suggested that this genus is responsible for the main input of N in the boreal forest ecosystems. The last aim was to understand how the relationship between cyanobacterial community composition and N2-fixation activity will be affected by climatic changes such as, increased temperature (11oC compared to 19oC) and CO2 level (500 ppm compared to 1000 ppm). Laboratory experiments highlighted that 30 weeks of combined elevation of temperature and CO2 resulted in increased N2-fixation activity and moss growth rates. The observed increases were suggested to be allocated to reduced cyanobacterial diversity and changes in community composition, resulting in the dominance of cyanobacteria adapted to the future abiotic condition. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Etude de l'impact des contaminants métalliques et organiques chez l'anguille européenne (Anguilla anguilla) et américaine (Anguilla rostrata) au moyen d'approches transcriptomiques / Study of the impact of metallic and organic contaminants of the European (Anguilla anguilla) and American (Anguilla rostrata) eels by means of transcriptomic approachesBaillon, Lucie 10 February 2015 (has links)
En milieu naturel, évaluer l’effet des contaminants sur les organismes aquatiques s’avère difficile dû aux nombreux facteurs (température, oxygénation, prédation, parasitisme, …) agissant sur les organismes. Le but de ces travaux de thèse était alors de tester la possibilité de détecter et hiérarchiser les effets de divers facteurs naturels et anthropiques sur des individus prélevés in situ. Le modèle d’étude utilisé était l’anguille Européenne (Anguilla anguilla) et Américaine (Anguilla rostrata). Pour appréhender les effets in situ des polluants, nous avons tenté d’identifier des gènes pour lesquels le niveau de transcription était spécifiquement corrélé à un polluant ou un facteur naturel mesuré sur le terrain au moyen de deux outils transcriptomiques : le séquençage haut débit et la puce à ADN. Les profils transcriptomiques obtenus à partir des foies d’anguilles directement prélevées sur le terrain ont été comparés dans un deuxième temps, à ceux obtenus à partir d’individus exposés au laboratoire à divers facteurs naturels et anthropiques de façon séparée. La comparaison de ces profils a montré une différence notable des réponses des individus exposés en laboratoire et ceux prélevés in situ, soulevant un effet non négligeable du stress induit par la captivité en mésocosme. La réalisation d’une étude similaire en utilisant la nageoire caudale comme méthode non invasive s’est révélée pertinente dans la capacité de cet organe à discriminer les différentes conditions expérimentales et de terrain. L’utilisation de la puce sur des gonades d’anguilles européennes maturées artificiellement a indiqué que la pollution pourrait affecter les capacités de reproduction des futurs géniteurs et contribuer alors au déclin massif de cette espèce observé depuis les dernières décennies. / In the natural environment, assessing the impact of contaminants on aquatic organisms remains difficult due to many factors (temperature, oxygenation, predation, parasitism, ...) acting on organisms. The purpose of this thesis was then to test the ability to detect and prioritize the effects of various natural and anthropogenic factors on individuals sampled in the natural environment. The models used were the European (Anguilla anguilla) and American (Anguilla rostrata) eels. To understand the effects of pollutants in situ, weat tempted to identify genes for which the transcription level was correlated to a specific pollutant or a natural factor measured in the field with two transcriptomic tools: high through put sequencing and DNA microarray. Transcriptomic profiles obtained from livers of eels taken directly from the field were compared in a second phase to those obtained from individuals exposed in the laboratory to various natural and anthropogenic factors separately. Comparison of these profiles showed a significant difference in responses of individuals exposed in the laboratory and those collected in the field, showing a significant effect induced by captivity mesocosm stress. Conducting a similar study using the tail fin as a non-invasive method was relevant for the ability of this tissue to discriminate different experimental and field conditions. Finally, the use of the microarray on the gonads of artificially matured European eels indicated that the pollution could affect the reproductive capabilities of futures pawners and contribute to massive decline of this species observed in last decades.
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Évaluation des capacités de survie de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas suite à des infections bactériennes / Whole transcriptome profiling of successful defence response to Vibrio infections in Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) using digital gene expression (DGE) analysisZenagui, Mohamed Reda 13 July 2011 (has links)
L'huître creuse C. gigas a connu des épisodes récurrents de mortalités estivales. En 2009, l'ostréiculture a connu la plus grave crise écologique et économique jamais observée depuis l'introduction de cette espèce sur les côtes françaises. Les études réalisées précédemment dans le but de comprendre les causes de ces mortalités, attribuent une origine multifactorielle faisant intervenir, de manière concomitante, des paramètres environnementaux, des conditions physiologiques particulières de l'huître, en association à la présence de microorganismes pathogènes tels que les vibrions appartenant aux espèces V. aestuarianus, V. splendidus et le virus OsHV-1. Ainsi, l'ensemble des travaux menés au cours de cette thèse représentent une contribution à l'étude d'une réponse immunitaire efficace de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas aux infections vibrions pathogènes.Le travail de thèse qui vous a été présenté a été réalisé dans le but de progresser encore sur la compréhension de la réponse immunitaire de l'huître creuse. Ce travail nous a permis d'établir une cartographie des modifications transcriptionnelles par la technique DGE (Digital Gene Expression) et notamment par l'identification d'effecteurs ou mécanismes entrant en jeu dans une réponse efficace vis-à-vis des agents infectieux et conduisant à son élimination. Le modèle (Crassostrea gigas – V. aestuarianus/V. splendidus) s'est avéré adapté à cette étude. Les mécanismes identifiés au cours de cette thèse, devront être étudiés plus précisément, puisque la plupart des gènes surreprésentés chez les huîtres survivantes ont des fonctions putatives. Nous avons suggéré l'implication de ces gènes dans le processus de survie des huîtres au cours d'une réponse efficace aux infections bactériennes. Il est apparu nécessaire de développer des recherches autour des défenses de l'huître creuse C. gigas avec pour objectif le développement de stratégies destinées à limiter l'impact des maladies. A long terme, ces stratégies seront applicables soit en prophylaxie afin de détecter des déficiences et prévenir le développement de maladies, soit en sélection génétique pour le criblage de géniteurs présentant des capacités de défenses optimales. / Aquatic organisms and particularly marine invertebrates, such as the oyster Crassostrea gigas, harbour an abundant and diverse microflora on their surface (epibiosis) or inside their tissues (endobiosis) where Vibrio splendidus is found as a dominant culturable Vibrio. With Evolution, oysters have developed effective systems for maintaining their homeostasis and discriminating the bacteria beneficial for their physiological fitness from the potentially harmful and pathogenic ones. However, for decades, the cultivated Pacific oyster C. gigas is suffering large scale summer mortality phenomenon that is reported in all areas of the world where this species is cultivated. Considerable effort has been invested in advanced genomic technologies to understand and characterize the major traits that govern the tolerance of oysters to stressful culture conditions and to pathogenic bacteria. In particular, immune-related genes have been characterized from C. giga. Briefly, a variety of antimicrobials have been fully characterized. Whereas most of these immune genes were shown to be modulated during infections, the molecular mechanisms by which the oyster can survive virulent Vibrio infections remained totally unknown. Here, our objective was to develop a better understanding of the genetic-level responses of oysters to pathogenic versus non pathogenic bacteria and to identify genes that are involved in physiological and immune responsiveness to circumvent the infections. In this attempt, we have performed a comprehensive analysis of the transcriptome of oyster immunity (hemocytes), using Digital Gene Expression (DGE). The study aimed to compare the expression profiles of the two libraries and, beyond gene identification and functional annotation, to explore the putative functions involved in the capability of oysters to circumvent and to survive infections. This is the first report on genome-wide transcriptional analysis of oyster survival-responsiveness.
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Développement de méthodes et d'algorithmes pour la caractérisation et l'annotation des transcriptomes avec les séquenceurs haut débit. / Development of methods and tools for the characterization and annotation of the transcriptomes with Next-Generation Sequencing technologies.Philippe, Nicolas 29 September 2011 (has links)
Depuis leur apparition, les séquenceurs haut débit ont révolutionné l'étude des transcriptomes à l'échelle du génome. En effet, ils offrent la possibilité de générer des millions, voire des milliards de séquences, appelées reads. Des nouvelles approches transcriptomiques, telles que la Digital Gene Expression (DGE) et le RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq), permettent aujourd'hui de répertorier, de quantifier, voire reconstruire tous les transcrits d'une cellule, même les plus rares. Parmi ce type de transcrits se trouvent des ARN non-codants régulateurs ; des variants d'épissages créateurs de protéines ; et aussi des chimères (par fusion de gènes ou trans-épissage). La caractérisation de l'ensemble de ces transcrits représente un réel défi algorithmique, mais suscite aussi un défi biologique car certains peuvent être impliqués dans de nombreux processus cellulaires physiologiques et pathologiques et sont fréquemment décrits dans les cancers.Dans ce travail, nous proposons des algorithmes et des méthodes pour la caractérisation et l'annotation des transcriptomes. Tout d'abord, nous proposons une étude statistique sur la DGE afin d'évaluer l'impact des erreurs de séquences lors de l'analyse des reads. À partir de cette analyse, nous avons développé un pipeline d'annotation pour la DGE. Par le biais de ce premier travail, nous avons pu démontrer que de nombreuses informations étaient partagées entre les reads. Cela nous a amené à concevoir la structure d'indexation Gk arrays qui permet d'organiser une quantité massive de reads de façon à pouvoir interroger rapidement la structure sous forme de requêtes. Enfin, en s'appuyant sur les Gk arrays, nous avons développé CRAC qui est un logiciel spécialisé dans le traitement du RNA-Seq. En intégrant sa propre phase de mapping, CRAC est capable de distinguer les phénomènes biologiques des erreurs de séquences. Ilpermet notamment l'identification de chimères qui sont souvent très faiblement exprimées dans un transcriptome et sont par nature complexe à détecter avec des parties localisées à différents endroits sur le génome. / Since their introduction, high-throughput sequencers have revolutionized transcriptomic studies at genome scale. Indeed, they have the ability to generate millions, or even billions of short sequences, called reads. New transcriptomic approaches, such as Digital Gene Expression (DGE) and RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq), enable the identification, quantification, and reconstitution of all transcripts of the cell, even rare ones. Among these transcripts are regulatory non-coding RNAs, alternative splice variants, which code for novel proteins, but also non colinear transcripts termed chimeras (generated by either gene fusion or trans-splicing). The characterization of these transcripts constitutes a sheer algorithmic,but also a biological challenge due to their differences in nature, their diverse implications in physiological and cellular processes, and for some their role in cancer development.In this work, we focus on algorithms and methods for the characterization and annotation of transcriptomes. First, we proposed a statistical study on DGE to assess the impact of sequence errors on the analysis. Therefrom, we developed a pipeline for the DGE annotation. Through this initial work,we demonstrated that a lot of information is shared between the reads. This property led us to design, the Gk arrays, an indexing data structure for organizing huge amounts of reads in memory and algorithms to quickly query this structure. Finally, based on the Gk arrays we have conceived, CRAC,a software specialised in the RNA-Seq processing. By integrating its own mapping process, CRAC is able to distinguish the biological phenomena from sequence errors. Moreover, it allows to identify chimeric RNAs, which may be weakly expressed in a transcriptome and are inherently complex to detect since their fragments originate from different places on the genome.
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Bases moléculaires de la résistance métabolique au néonicotinoïde imidaclopride chez le moustique Aedes aegypti / Molecular basis of metabolic resistance to the neonicotinoid imidacloprid in Aedes aegypti.Riaz, Muhammad Asam 18 November 2011 (has links)
Résumé trop long / Mosquitoes transmit several human and animal diseases and their control represents a public health challenge worldwide. In most tropical countries, efficient control of mosquitoes relies on the use of chemical insecticides targeting adults or larvae. However, resistance to the four main classes of chemical insecticides has been reported worldwide and threatens vector control programs. In this context, there is an urgent need to find alternatives to conventional insecticides used in vector control. In this thesis, I explored the potential use of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid for mosquito control, focusing on the identification of metabolic resistance mechanisms, cross-resistance with other insecticides and the impact of environmental pollutants on imidacloprid tolerance. The mosquito Aedes aegypti was used as a model species for this research work. Basal tolerance of Ae. aegypti to imidacloprid was first evaluated at the larval and adult stages. Effects of a larval exposure across a single generation to a sub-lethal dose of imidacloprid were then investigated at the toxicological and molecular levels using transcriptome profiling. Short sub-lethal exposures were also used to identify potential cross-responses between imidacloprid, other chemical insecticides and anthropogenic pollutants. Long-term adaptive response of Ae. aegypti to imidacloprid was then investigated across several generations by selecting an insecticide-susceptible strain (Bora-Bora strain) with imidacloprid at the larval stage for 14 generations in the laboratory. Such artificial selection allowed obtaining the Imida-R strain. This strain showed an increased resistance to imidacloprid in larvae while no significant resistance was measured in adults. Resistance mechanisms were then investigated using various approaches including the use of detoxification enzyme inhibitors, biochemical assays and transcriptome profiling with DNA microarray and massive mRNA sequencing. Several protein families potentially involved in resistance were identified including detoxifications enzymes and cuticle proteins. Among the formers, 8 cytochrome P450s and 1 glutathione S-transferase appears as good candidates for a role in imidacloprid metabolism. The role of P450s in the elevated resistance of the Imida-R strain was confirmed by comparative P450-dependent in vitro metabolism assays conducted on microsomal fractions of the susceptible and Imida-R strains. At the gene level, substrate binding modeling allowed restricting the panel of P450 candidates. Meantime, heterologous expression of one P450 was performed and its ability to metabolize imidacloprid confirmed. Bioassay with other insecticides revealed potential cross-resistance of the Imida-R at the larval stage to other neonicotinoids but also to an insect growth inhibitor and in a lesser extent to DDT, confirming the probable role of detoxification enzymes. Relaxing the selection pressure of the Imida-R strain for few generations led to a rapid decrease of resistance, suggesting a cost of resistance mechanisms. Comparing the inducibility of candidate detoxification genes by imidacloprid in susceptible and resistant strains revealed a higher induction of these genes in the resistant strain, suggesting the selection of both a higher constitutive expression but also a greater phenotypic plasticity of these enzymes in the Imida-R strain. Finally, the potential role of cuticle protein in resistance was preliminary investigated by exposing larvae to a chitin synthesis inhibitor before bioassays. Overall, although this research work requires additional functional validation experiments, these data provide a better understanding of imidacloprid resistance mechanisms in mosquitoes and its potential use as an alternative to conventional insecticides in vector control.
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Controlling false positive rate in network analysis of transcriptomic dataXu, Huan 01 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Genotype by temperature interaction effects on sex determination in zebrafish (Danio rerio)Hosseini, Shahrbanou 03 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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