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Using Combined Integration Algorithms for Real-time Simulation of Continuous SystemsHarbor, Larry Keith 01 January 1988 (has links) (PDF)
At many American colleges and universities, efforts to enhance the retention of a diverse group of students have become a priority. This study represents part of this effort at the University of Central Florida, a large public suburban state university in the South. Specifically, this investigation evaluated Pegasus '95 and the Academic Mentoring Program offered in the Summer and Fall Semesters of 1995 to specially-admitted students who fell short of regular admissions requirements. During the summer, Pegasus '95 provided testing, orientation, guided course work, study skills workshops, and mentoring, both individually and in the context of cohesive socialization groups of approximately 15 students each. In the Fall 1995 Semester, students were highly encouraged to participate in one-on-one mentoring in the Academic Mentoring Program (AMP) available through the Student Academic Resource Center (SARC), a university-based office which provides a variety of academic assistance services.
A multiple regression analysis was conducted using the following independent predictor variables: gender, SAT/ACT scores, Pegasus participation, use of the AMP in the Fall 1995 semester, four summary scores from the College Student Inventory (CSI), and eight scaled scores from the Noncognitive Questionnaire (NCQ). Dependent variables were individual student GPA in the Summer and Fall 1995 semesters, cumulative GPA after two semesters, and enrolled credit hours into the Spring 1996 academic term.
Overall, it was expected that a combination of predictor variables, including both traditional cognitive factors (SAT/ACT scores and high school GPA) and noncognitive factors (NCQ scores and CSI scores, Pegasus participation, and mentoring by the SARC) would significantly predict GP A and retention. The study found that a regression equation including gender, high school GPA, overall SAT scores and the eight NCQ scale scores significantly predicted Fall 1995 and cumulative GPA after two semesters but not Summer 1995 GPA or credit hours enrolled in Spring 1996.
Attendance at Pegasus meetings was also shown to be significantly and positively associated with Fall 1995 GPA and cumulative GPA after two semesters but not of Summer 1995 GPA or credit hours enrolled in Spring 1996. Gender, high school GP A, the ACT score and the CSI Dropout Proneness scale significantly predicted credit hours enrolled in Spring 1996, as did use of the AMP program provided by the SARC.
Of particular interest was the finding that including noncognitive factors in significant equations led to a greater explanation of the variance than could be obtained with any of the traditional cognitive measurements alone, suggesting that with academically disadvantaged students noncognitive measures must be considered in predicting who can succeed and persist in college.
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Uplift Modeling : Identifying Optimal Treatment Group Allocation and Whom to Contact to Maximize Return on InvestmentKarlsson, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
This report investigates the possibilities to model the causal effect of treatment within the insurance domain to increase return on investment of sales through telemarketing. In order to capture the causal effect, two or more subgroups are required where one group receives control treatment. Two different uplift models model the causal effect of treatment, Class Transformation Method, and Modeling Uplift Directly with Random Forests. Both methods are evaluated by the Qini curve and the Qini coefficient. To model the causal effect of treatment, the comparison with a control group is a necessity. The report attempts to find the optimal treatment group allocation in order to maximize the precision in the difference between the treatment group and the control group. Further, the report provides a rule of thumb that ensure that the control group is of sufficient size to be able to model the causal effect. If has provided the data material used to model uplift and it consists of approximately 630000 customer interactions and 60 features. The total uplift in the data set, the difference in purchase rate between the treatment group and control group, is approximately 3%. Uplift by random forest with a Euclidean distance splitting criterion that tries to maximize the distributional divergence between treatment group and control group performs best, which captures 15% of the theoretical best model. The same model manages to capture 77% of the total amount of purchases in the treatment group by only giving treatment to half of the treatment group. With the purchase rates in the data set, the optimal treatment group allocation is approximately 58%-70%, but the study could be performed with as much as approximately 97%treatment group allocation.
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Improving information perception from digital images for users with dichromatic color visionShayeghpour, Omid January 2013 (has links)
Color vision deficiency (CVD) is the inability or limited ability to recognize colors and discriminate between them. A person with this condition perceives a narrower range of colors compared to a person with a normal color vision. A growing number of researchers are striving to improve the quality of life for CVD patients. Finding cure, making rectification equipment, providing simulation tools and applying color transformation methods are among the efforts being made by researchers in this field. In this study we concentrate on recoloring digital images in such a way that users with CVD, especially dichromats, perceive more details from the recolored images compared to the original image. The main focus is to give the CVD user a chance to find information within the picture which they could not perceive before. However, this transformed image might look strange or unnatural to users with normal color vision. During this color transformation process, the goal is to keep the overall contrast of the image constant while adjusting the colors that might cause confusion for the CVD user. First, each pixel in the RGB-image is converted to HSV color space in order to be able to control hue, saturation and intensity for each pixel and then safe and problematic hue ranges need to be found. The method for recognizing these ranges was inspired by a condition called “unilateral dichromacy” in which the patient has normal color vision in one eye and dichromacy in another. A special grid-like color card is designed, having constant saturation and intensity over the entire image, while the hue smoothly changes from one block to another to cover the entire hue range. The next step is to simulate the way this color card is perceived by a dichromatic user and finally to find the colors that are perceived identically from two images and the ones that differ too much. This part makes our method highly customizable and we can apply it to other types of CVD, even personalize it for the color vision of a specific observer. The resulting problematic colors need to be dealt with by shifting the hue or saturation based on some pre-defined rules. The results for the method have been evaluated both objectively and subjectively. First, we simulated a set of images as they would be perceived by a dichromat and compared them with simulated view of our transformed images. The results clearly show that our recolored images can eliminate a lot of confusion from user and convey more details. Moreover, an online questionnaire was created and 39 users with CVD confirmed that the transformed images allow them to perceive more information compared to the original images.
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現行都市更新條例中協議合建之定位與相關法律問題研究 / A study on the Characterization of Joint Construction Agreement and Relevant Legal Problems within Urban Renewal Act張芳清, Chang, Fang Chin Unknown Date (has links)
結論中,為確立協議合建於都更條例中應有之定位,將本質上屬重要之事項,以修法建議加以確立。惟政策立法論非在本文主題所強調之列,其他影響協議合建之法條規範,當可從法解釋論與司法救濟上尋求解決之道。 / This thesis is based on the concept of traditional joint construction in Taiwan and "the rights transformation" which is the main idea of Urban Renewal Act in Taiwan transplanted from Urban Redevelopment Act in Japan to study on the "joint construction agreement" in Urban Renewal Act in Taiwan. By comparison and generalization, try to find the instructions for legislation of "joint construction agreement" in Urban Renewal Act in Taiwan.
Based on the urban renewal using the method of joint construction agreement, the intent of the parties and the purpose of urban renewal, the contracts of joint construction mentioned in the thesis are identified as the mixed contract of exchanging and contracting to analyze the legal relationships. Besides, discussing the multi-leveled administrative procedure of rights transformation could help us find the issue of Urban Renewal Act.
By researching on the regulation of reconstruction in Condominium Administration Act Building Administration Division and the policy of "Simple Urban Renewal" that New Taipei City government has promoted since 2013, we could clarify the character of the agreement among right holders of joint construction agreement.
Joint construction agreement having the character of autonomy of private law is one method to urban renewal so it is hard to value it directly. Because of the legislation of Urban Renewal Act allowing people to designate renewal unit besides the designation of the renewal area for personal interests, the joint construction agreement becomes a double-edged sword. Therefore, the challenge of joint construction in Taiwan is the effects will differ from the purposes of joint construction agreement.
In conclusion, the important things of joint construction agreement should be mentioned in the legislation amendment proposals to clarify the joint construction agreement in Urban Renewal Act. However, the policy of legislation is not emphasized in the thesis. Problems of other regulations affecting the joint construction agreement could be solved by the interpretation of law and judicial relief.
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Evolutionäre Sprachtransformation: Ereignismodell und Rekonstruktionsverfahren für SprachwandelJung, Hagen 06 June 2011 (has links)
Verwandte Sprachen besitzen Wörter gleichen Ursprungs. Im Laufe der Geschichte ändern diese Wörter ihre Gestalt und lassen sich heute in ähnlicher Form in verschiedenen Sprachen als Kognate wiederfinden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein formales Modell zur Beschreibung dieser Änderungen mit Hilfe von kodierten, lexikalischen Wortlisten entwickelt. Das Modell ist geeignet, automatisch und objektiv die Evolution idealisierter Sprachen mit Hilfe eines Sprach-Phylogeniebaumes abzubilden. Dabei werden die einzelnen Buchstabenveränderungen verwandter Wörter und die rekonstruierten Protoformen untersucht. Insbesondere interessieren solche Buchstabenveränderungen, die für mehrere Wörter einer Sprache synchron stattgefunden haben. Ein weiterer Bestandteil des evolutionären Modells ist die Identifikation von Kognaten, um die möglichen Buchstabenersetzungen zwischen den verwandten Wörtern untersuchen zu können.
Für die Rekonstruktion linguistisch plausibler Buchstabenveränderungen und Kognatzuweisungen entlang einer Sprachphylogenie wird ein parsimonisches Kostenmodell verwendet, welches die verschiedenen Sprach- und Transformationsverläufe bewertet. Die Suche nach der plausibelsten Lösung ist NP-vollständig, so dass für den enorm großen Suchraum ein Annäherungsverfahren vorgeschlagen wird. Ausgehend von einer geeigneten Rekonstruktion wird durch sukzessives und minimales Verändern einzelner Transformationen oder Kognatzuweisungen mit Hilfe eines speziell entwickelten Approximationsverfahrens nicht nur eine lokal maximale Lösung, sondern eine global beste Lösung angenähert.
Mit dem gewählten umfassenden Ansatz des untersuchten Rekonstruktionsmodells ist eine Sprachentwicklung für kleine Wortlisten in angemessener Zeit berechenbar. Als großer Vorteil ist die Nachvollziehbarkeit aller Einzeltransformationen für den linguistischen Diskurs anzusehen. Insbesonders die Identifikation regulärer Buchstabenersetzungen mit möglicher Interpretation als Lautwandel früherer Sprachen ist hierbei von Bedeutung. / Related languages contain words of the same origin. Through time these words
change. Remaining similarities between these words can be detected in different
languages. In this work, transformations across lexical wordlist are used to
model these changes. To reconstruct the possible pathways of language change
an algorithm is choosen that calculates the phylogeny, the appropriate protolanguage
and the cognate sets. An evaluation function detects plausible evolutions.
Because of the enormous amount of possible solutions an approximative
method is proposed that continuously modifies and improves possible solutions.
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Georeferering för 3D-visualisering av Sveriges historiska kartor med Open Source och öppna data : En undersökning av samtida möjligheter och begränsningar / Georeferencing for 3D-visualisation of historical maps of Sweden using open source and open data : A study of current possibilities and limitationsHermansson, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Den första detaljerade topografiska karteringen som täcker en större del av Sverige är den s.k. Häradskartan som framställdes under 1800-talets andra hälft och som följdes av Generalstabens topografiska karta under början av 1900-talet. För framställning av kartorna upprättades först stomkartor genom transporter av äldre kartor i större skala från skiften och lantmäteriförrättningar. Historiska topografiska kartor ur Häradskartan och stomkartorna till Generalstabens topografiska karta publicerades under 2023 av Naturvårdsverket i form av digitala kartraster som georefererats med en automatisk metod baserad på rutnät av kartbladshörn för kartserierna. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka huruvida resultatet av den automatiska georefering som utförts med kartbladshörnen kan förbättras med en metod baserad på identifiering av gemensamma passpunkter mellan de historiska kartan och den moderna topografiska karta som finns tillgänglig som öppen data från Lantmäteriet. För att den metod som används ska vara användbar för en intresserad allmänhet undersöktes de möjligheter för georeferering av de historiska topografiska kartorna som finns med kostnadsfria Open Source-programvaror och öppna data. För att resultatet av georefereringen ska kunna utvärderas i en praktisk tillämpning undersöktes skapande av 3D-visualiseringar av de historiska kartorna. Studien avgränsas till ett område omfattande 400 000 ha huvudsakligen i Örebro län och de georefereringsmetoder som finns i programvaran QGIS. Passpunkter identifierades i den moderna topografiska kartan där byggnadspunkter för slott, kyrkor och herrgårdar som kunde verifieras genom sökningar i bebyggelseregister kompletterades med gränspunkter, vägkorsningar och hydrografiska objekt som visuellt kan antas sammanfalla vid studie av geometrier i de automatiskt georefererade kartorna. För att de kartblad som bygger upp kartserierna ska passa ihop över skarvarna efter georeferering mosaikerades dessa kartblad till ett gemensamt virtuellt kartraster. Resultaten av georefereringen visade att de medelavvikelser som uppmättes i de automatiskt rektifierade kartorna, ca 50 m för Häradskartan och ca 150 m för stomkartorna, kunde förbättras till ca 30 m för båda kartmaterialen med ca sex passpunkter/kvadratmil. Det framgår dock att stora lokala variationer i storleken på felen finns såväl före som efter transformationerna och studien visar på att en mer komplex lokal transformationsmetod med en stor mängd passpunkter fördelade över kartan behövs för att erhålla generella förbättringar av passningen. De skapade 3D-visualiseringarna visade på att en visuellt bättre passning ändå kunde erhållas även med de relativt få passpunkter som använts här. / The first detailed topographic mapping of larger parts of Sweden is the so-called District Economic Map that was produced during the second half of the 19th century and which was followed by the General Staff Map in the beginning of the 20th century. These maps were produced from skeleton maps that were constructed from transports of older large-scaled maps from legal shifts and parcel acts. Historical topographic maps from the District Economic Map and the skeleton maps for the General Staff Map were published in 2023 as digital raster maps that has been georeferenced using an automatic method based on a grid of corner coordinates for the map series. This study aims to investigate whether the result of the automatic georeferencing method can be improved using a method of identifying common ground control points between the historical maps and the modern topographic maps that are available as open data from the Swedish Land Survey. In order for the applied methods to be available to an interested general public this study investigates the possibilities of performing the georeferencing using free open-source software and open data. To allow the evaluation of the georeferencing results in a practical application the historical maps are visualized in 3D. The study is limited to an area encompassing 400 000 ha mainly in Örebro county and the georeferencing algorithms that are available in the QGIS software. Ground control points were identified in the modern topographic map by supplementing building points representing castles, churches and manor houses that can be verified by researching registries of built heritage with boundary points, road crossings and hydrographic objects that visually appear to coincide when studying the geometries of the automatically georeferenced maps. In order to ensure that the map sheets that make up the map series fit over the sheet edges the sheets were mosaicked in a single virtual raster. The results of the georeferencing process show that the mean deviations that could be measured in the automatically referenced maps (approx. 50 m for the District Economic Map and approx. 150 m for the skeleton maps) could be improved to approx. 30 m in both cases using about six control points per 10 000 ha. Large variations in the sizes of local errors are prevalent both before and after the transformations and the study shows that a more complex local transformation method using a large amount of control points is required in order to achieve a general improvement of the fit with modern data. Visualizing in 3D did show, however, that a visually significant improvement could be achieved already using relatively few control points as in this study.
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Advances on Differential Equations with Uncertainties and their Applications to Probabilistic Mechanics EngineeringLópez Navarro, Elena 29 December 2024 (has links)
[ES] Las ecuaciones diferenciales son herramientas fundamentales para modelizar y analizar sistemas dinámicos en Ingeniería. Las ecuaciones diferenciales permiten a los ingenieros describir cómo cambian en el tiempo y/o en el espacio las magnitudes físicas como, por ejemplo, la posición de un sistema vibratorio (como puede ser un muelle), la deflexión de un estructura mecánica (como puede ser una viga), etc. Por otra parte, muchos sistemas del mundo real están afectados por incertidumbres. Por ejemplo, los errores de medición, la comprensión incompleta de fenómenos físicos complejos, el ruido termal en los circuitos electrónicos o las variaciones en las propiedades de los materiales debido a su heterogeneidad son factores que involucran cierto nivel de aleatoriedad que debe tenerse en cuenta en la modelización. Esta modelización suele realizarse en muchos casos mediante ecuaciones diferenciales que, por tanto, contienen en su formulación magnitudes con incertidumbre, dando lugar a ecuaciones diferenciales aleatorias/estocásticas. Proporcionar métodos rigurosos para estudiar dichas ecuaciones es fundamental para desarrollar soluciones robustas y fiables de problemas de Ingeniería.
Esta tesis presenta un análisis probabilístico de tres clases de problemas de Ingeniería Mecánica, como son los sistemas vibratorios (osciladores), las estructuras mecánicas (deflexión de vigas) y un problema mecánico modelado por una ecuación diferencial fraccionaria aleatoria. A lo largo del trabajo se han aplicado diferentes técnicas probabilísticas para lograr una comprensión más profunda del comportamiento de estos sistemas bajo excitaciones aleatorias. Además, en esta tesis nos hemos centrado en construir aproximaciones, no sólo de los momentos estadísticos principales (media, varianza, etc.), sino también la función de densidad de probabilidad de la respuesta (solución) de los distintos modelos estudiados. Proporcionar una descripción probabilística completa de este tipo de modelos mecánicos es un tema que ha atraído un notable interés tanto de matemáticos como de ingenieros durante las últimas décadas.
En primer lugar, se estudian dos osciladores aleatorios no lineales en los que el término de restauración depende de la posición, en el primer caso, y de la posición y la velocidad, en el segundo. El término no lineal está afectado por un pequeño parámetro de perturbación. Como en ambos casos no podemos obtener la solución explícitamente, utilizaremos el método de perturbación estocástica para construir aproximaciones de la solución estocástica y sus primeros momentos estadísticos. Esto, en combinación con el principio de máxima entropía, nos permitirá obtener aproximaciones de la función de densidad de probabilidad estacionaria de la solución. En segundo lugar, se aborda el estudio de dos modelos estáticos aleatorios que describen la deflexión de una viga en voladizo. Se distinguen dos escenarios con respecto al tipo de procesos estocásticos que modelan la distribución de la carga que soporta la viga, y suponiendo que algunos parámetros del modelo, como el módulo de Young o el parámetro de rigidez flexural, pueden ser aleatorios. Adaptamos convenientemente distintas técnicas estocásticas para calcular de forma exacta o aproximada la función de densidad de probabilidad de la deflexión de la viga en voladizo en cada uno de los dos modelos antes mencionados.
Por último, se revisita un modelo sencillo propuesto recientemente para estudiar una clase de osciladores aleatorios formulados mediante la derivada fraccionaria de Caputo. Concretamente se construyen aproximaciones de la función de densidad de probabilidad de la respuesta estocástica aprovechando el método de transformación de variables aleatorias adaptado a procesos estocásticos. En este estudio se dan condiciones suficientes sobre los parámetros (que son variables aleatorias) del modelo para garantizar la convergencia de estas aproximaciones. / [CA] Les equacions diferencials són ferramentes fonamentals per a modelitzar i analitzar sistemes dinàmics en Enginyeria. Les equacions diferencials permeten als enginyers descriure com canvien en el temps i/o l'espai les magnituds físiques com, per exemple, la posició d'un sistema vibratori (com pot ser un moll), la deflexió d'una estructura mecànica (com pot ser una viga), etc. Per altra banda, molts sistemes del món real estan afectats per incerteses. Per exemple, els errors de mesurament, la comprensió incompleta de fenòmens físics complexos, el soroll termal en els circuits electrònics i les variacions en les propietats dels materials a causa de la seua heterogeneïtat són factors que involucren cert nivell d'aleatorietat que ha de tindre's en compte en la modelització. Esta modelització sol realitzar-se en molts casos mitjançant equacions diferencials que, per tant, contindrà en la seua formulació incertesa, donant lloc a equacions diferencials aleatòries/estocàstiques. Proporcionar mètodes rigorosos per a estudiar estes equacions és fonamental per a desenvolupar solucions robustes i fiables de problemes d'Enginyeria.
Esta tesi presenta una anàlisi probabilística de tres classes de problemes d'Enginyeria Mecànica, com són els sistemes vibratoris (oscil·ladors), les estructures mecàniques (deflexió de bigues) i un problema mecànic modelat per una equació diferencial fraccionària aleatòria. Al llarg del nostre treball, hem aplicat diferents tècniques matemàtiques per a aconseguir una comprensió més profunda del comportament d'estos sistemes sota excitacions aleatòries. A més a més, en esta tesi ens hem centrat en construir aproximacions, no sols dels moments estadístics principals (mitjana, variància, etc.), sinó també la funció de densitat de probabilitat de la resposta (solució) dels diferents models estudiats. Proporcionar una descripció probabilística completa d'esta mena de models mecànics és un tema que ha atret l'interés tant de matemàtics com d'enginyers durant les últimes dècades.
En primer lloc, estudiem dos oscil·ladors aleatoris no lineals en els quals el terme de restauració depén de la posició, en el primer cas, i de la posició i la velocitat, en el segon. El terme no lineal està afectat per un xicotet paràmetre de pertorbació. Com en tots dos casos no podem obtindre la solució explícitament, utilitzarem el mètode de pertorbació estocàstica per a construir aproximacions de la solució estocàstica i els seus primers moments estadístics. Això, en combinació amb el principi de màxima entropia, ens permetrà obtindre aproximacions fiables de la funció de densitat de probabilitat estacionària de la solució. En segon lloc, s'aborda l'estudi de dos models estàtics aleatoris que descriuen la deflexió d'una biga en volada. Distingim dos escenaris diferents respecte al tipus de processos estocàstics que modelen la distribució de la càrrega que suporta la biga i suposant aleatorietat per a alguns paràmetres del model, com el mòdul de Young o el paràmetre de rigidesa flexural. Adaptem convenientment diferents tècniques estocàstiques per a calcular de manera exacta o aproximada la funció de densitat de probabilitat de la deflexió de la biga en volada en cadascun dels dos models abans esmentats.
Finalment, es revisita un model senzill proposat recentment per a estudiar una classe d' oscil·ladors aleatoris formulats mitjançant la derivada fraccionària de Caputo. Concretament, es construïxen aproximacions de la funció de densitat de probabilitat de la resposta estocàstica aprofitant el mètode de transformació de variables aleatòries adaptat a processos estocàstics. En este estudi es donen condicions suficients sobre els paràmetres (que són variables aleatòries) del model per a garantir la convergència d'estes aproximacions. Els resultats d'este estudi poden ser d'utilitat per emprendre en el futur l'estudi d' oscil·ladors aleatoris més complexos formulats mitjançant equacions diferencials fraccionàries. / [EN] Differential equations in Engineering are fundamental tools for modelling and analysing dynamical systems. Differential equations allow engineers to describe how physical quantities change over time and/or space, such as vibratory systems, mechanical structures, etc. However, many real-world systems are influenced by uncertainties. For instance, measurement errors, incomplete understanding of complex physical phenomena, random fluctuations like electronic circuit noise, and unpredictable material properties variations are aleatoric factors. Understanding both deterministic and random/stochastic differential equations is, therefore, vital for developing robust and reliable engineering solutions in a random world.
This thesis presents a comprehensive probabilistic analysis of three mechanical engineering problems: vibratory systems (oscillators), mechanical structures (deflection of beams), and a foundational mechanical problem modelled by a random fractional differential equation. Throughout our work, we have applied different mathematical techniques to better understand these system's behavior under random excitations. A significant focus has been on accurately approximating not only the main statistical moments but also the probability density function of the model's response (solution) of the models studied throughout this dissertation. Providing a complete probabilistic description of such types of mechanical models is a topic that has attracted the interest of mathematicians and engineers during the last decades.
In the first place, we will study two nonlinear random oscillators where the restoring term depends on the position, in the first case, and on the position and velocity, in the second one. The nonlinear term is affected by a small perturbative parameter. As in both cases, we cannot obtain the solution explicitly, we will use the stochastic perturbation method to construct approximations of the stochastic solution and its first statistical moments. This, in combination with the principle of maximum entropy, will result in obtaining reliable approximations of the stationary probability density function of the response. Second, we will study two models describing the deflection of a random static cantilever beam. We distinguish two different scenarios with respect to the type of stochastic processes modelling the distribution of the load spanned the beam and assuming randomness for some model parameters such as the Young's modulus or the flexural rigidity parameter. We then conveniently adapt different stochastic techniques to calculate exactly or approximately the probability density function of the deflection of the cantilever.
Finally, we will revisit a simple model recently proposed to study a class of random oscillators formulated via the Caputo fractional derivative. We will construct approximations of the probability density function of the stochastic response, taking advantage of the random variable transformation method. We rigorously prove the convergence of these approximations under mild conditions of the model's parameters. This approach can inspire the study of more complex oscillators formulated via fractional differential equations. / López Navarro, E. (2024). Advances on Differential Equations with Uncertainties and their Applications to Probabilistic Mechanics Engineering [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/213333
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Mathematical modelling of virus RSV: qualitative properties, numerical solutions and validation for the case of the region of ValenciaArenas Tawil, Abraham José 24 May 2010 (has links)
El objetivo de esta memoria se centra en primer lugar en la modelización del comportamiento de enfermedades estacionales mediante sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales y en el estudio de las propiedades dinámicas tales como positividad, periocidad, estabilidad de las soluciones analíticas y la construcción de esquemas numéricos para las aproximaciones de las soluciones numéricas de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales de primer orden no lineales, los cuales modelan el comportamiento de enfermedades infecciosas estacionales tales como la transmisión del virus Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).
Se generalizan dos modelos matemáticos de enfermedades estacionales y se demuestran que tiene soluciones periódicas usando un Teorema de Coincidencia de Jean Mawhin. Para corroborar los resultados analíticos, se desarrollan esquemas numéricos usando las técnicas de diferencias finitas no estándar desarrolladas por Ronald Michens y el método de la transformada diferencial, los cuales permiten reproducir el comportamiento dinámico de las soluciones analíticas, tales como positividad y periocidad.
Finalmente, las simulaciones numéricas se realizan usando los esquemas implementados y parámetros deducidos de datos clínicos
De La Región de Valencia de personas infectadas con el virus RSV. Se confrontan con las que arrojan los métodos de Euler, Runge Kutta y la rutina de ODE45 de Matlab, verificándose mejores aproximaciones para tamaños de paso mayor a los que usan normalmente estos esquemas tradicionales. / Arenas Tawil, AJ. (2009). Mathematical modelling of virus RSV: qualitative properties, numerical solutions and validation for the case of the region of Valencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8316
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