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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformative Jugenarbeit : eine Emperisch-theologische Untersuchung zu Boschs "Mission in creative tension" im Kontext einer Evangelischen Jugendarbeit in Solingen gendarbeit in Soligen / Transformative youth work : an empirical-theological study on Bosch's "mission in creative tension" in the context of Protestant youith work in Solingen

Arzt, Wolfgang 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this research study is the examination of the ideas about youth work found within the leadership team for the youth work of the Evangelical St. Reinoldi Chapel, Rupelrath. It investigates the way in which the team leaders' subjective understanding of youth work is affected by theological tensions, following David Bosch's approach “Mission in Creative Tension”. Following the Empirical-Theological Praxis Cycle, a qualitative analysis is carried out within the context of the youth leadership team of the Evangelical youth work. Data collection is undertaken in the form of a group workshop, data analysis in accordance with Grounded Theory. The results are utilised in order to develop a Dialogical Model for Transformative Youth Work as well as guiding principles for youth work with a missiological foundation. This study also aims to contribute to the development of a missiological rationale for youth work. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology

Prototypen transdisziplinärer Lehrformate im Reallabor Kiel

Godat, Frauke, Müller-Geers, Mark, Reisas, Sabine, Sandmann, Julia 19 February 2019 (has links)
Im folgenden Artikel werden die Anfänge des Reallabors Kiel als hochschuldidaktisches Lehrformat an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel dargestellt. Im Rahmen des Projekts erfolgreiches Lehren und Lernen (PerLe) an der Universität Kiel wird seit dem Sommersemester 2017 jedes Semester ein Lehrformat im Reallabor Kiel angeboten. Die Formate sollen transdisziplinäres Lernen im Sinne einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung fördern. Der Beitrag beschreibt die Grundzüge der Lehrformate, ordnet zentrale Aspekte in aktuelle hochschuldidaktische Diskussionen ein und formuliert Fragen, die für erfolgversprechende Umsetzungen von Lehrformaten mit Reallabor-Bezügen im bisherigen Prozess deutlich wurden.

Det “transformativa” i transformativa teknologier : En studie om investeringar inom området transformativ teknologi och dess transformativa egenskaper

Agerberg, David, Selenius, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Teknologiers transformativa förmågor har stor potential att bidra till förändring som gynnar samhällen, miljön och mänskligt välbefinnande. Världen står idag inför många stora utmaningar som klimatförändringar och omfattande digitala förändringar. Investerare påverkar vilka teknologier som formar våra samhällen, och uppdragsdrivna aktörer, snarare än endast vinstdrivna, kan påverka framtida paradigmskiften. Trots ett ökat intresse för området ”transformativa teknologier” saknas konsensus kring grundläggande egenskaper och vad begreppet inbegriper. Avsaknaden av definierande egenskaper resulterar i att begreppet löper risk att urvattnas, vilket vidare medför negativa effekter kopplade till beslutsfattares avsaknad av praxis för att utvärdera transformativa förmågor hos teknologier. Beslutsfattare kan hjälpas av ett tydligare definierat begrepp och genom applicerbara metoder kan beslutsfattare hjälpas nå sina mål. Befintliga metoder för utvärdering av ansvarsfulla investeringar som ESG och Impact investing är inte fokuserade på teknologier och därtill finns begränsningar som gör de mindre tillämpbara i fall där transformativa teknologier är relevant. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för begreppet och tillhandahåller metoder för utvärdering genom att analysera transformativa egenskaper i Industrifondens portföljbolag inom området transformativ teknologi. Det empiriska underlaget utgörs av 12 portföljbolag. Studien visar på tre dimensioner av transformativa egenskaper, value changes, mimicry och diffusion, samt bidrar med förståelse kring dess innebörd. Vidare visar studien på återkommande mönster i termer av transformativa egenskaper. Utöver bidraget kopplat till en ökad förståelse inom området ger studien förslag på hur dessa teknologier kan utvärderas samt hur utvärderingsmetoder kan tillämpas vid investeringsstrategier. / The transformative capabilities of technologies have great potential contributing to change that benefits society, the environment and human well-being. The world faces many grand challenges today, such as climate change and extensive digital change. Investors affect which technologies shaping our societies and organizations that are mission-driven, rather than entirely profit-driven, can affect the paradigm shifts that are to come. Despite an increased interest in the field of “transformative technologies”, there is a lack of consensus on basic characteristics and what the term entails. The lack of defining characteristics results in a risk of the term being diluted, which further has negative effects linked to decision-makers’ lack of approaches to evaluate transformative abilities in technologies. Decision-makers can be helped by a more defined concept, and through applicable methods, decision-makers can be helped to achieve their goals. Existing methods for evaluation of so-called “responsible investments” such as ESG and Impact investing are not focused on transformative capabilities of technologies. Furthermore, some limitations make them less applicable in cases where transformative technologies are relevant. The study contributes to an increased understanding of the concept and provides methods for evaluation by analyzing transformative capacities in Industrifonden's portfolio companies in the field of transformative technology. The empirical basis consists of 12 portfolio companies. The study highlights three dimensions of characteristics for transformative technologies, value changes, mimicry and diffusion, and contributes to an understanding of their meaning. Furthermore, the study shows recurring patterns in terms of transformative characteristics. In addition to the contribution linked to an increased understanding in the area, the study provides suggestions on how these technologies can be evaluated and how evaluation methods can be applied to investment strategies.

Fourth year black male student teachers' conceptualisation of the in loco parentis prinicple at the University of Technology

Segalo, L January 2013 (has links)
Published Article / This research study explores how black male student teachers in their final fourth year programme at the University of Technology conceptualise the 'in loco parentis' aspect of their professional moulding. Male student teachers in their final fourth year studies are placed for a period of six months at various schools, as part of their professional preparation. Based on this phenomenon it has become important to explore how they perceive their position as male teachers in preparation against the delegated position invested in them by common law, as well as legal positive law. The researcher used the Critical Emancipatory Research (CER) approach as a transformative and liberatory mechanism to move away from the problems that are associated with being a male teacher and the abuse of power directed at learners in their care. A critical discourse analysis (CDA) was used to analyse the narratives of ten black male student teachers through in-depth interviews that were audio-taped. The ten male student teachers were based in different secondary schools in the Lejweleputswa district.

Transforming students nurses' images of nursing : an appreciative inquiry approach

Chauke, Motshedisi Eunice 25 November 2014 (has links)
Research has shown that, worldwide the nursing profession is faced with image-related challenges impacting on its status, prestige, power and the ability to attract more young and suitably qualified students to nursing. There is adequate evidence of a link between the image of nursing and the number of young people entering and leaving the profession. A positive image of nursing attracts applicants and the intention to leave nursing correlates positively with holding a negative image of nursing. There is also evidence of poor perception of the image of nursing among student nurses. The study aimed at exploring the potential of appreciative inquiry (AI) as a teaching strategy to transform the image of nursing among 3rd and 4th year, college and university student nurses in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The second aim was to describe student nurses’ experiences regarding their participation in the process of AI. A qualitatively dominant, sequentially embedded, mixed methods design with explorative-descriptive and quasi-experimental features was utilised. Sequential data collection and analysis were conducted during five stages comprising: a pre-test survey, intervention (appreciative inquiry), a post-test, description of the experiences of student nurses of AI and an integration stage. The pre-test results showed more positive than negative perceptions of the image of nursing among student nurses. The negative perceptions of the image of nursing among student nurses that needed intervention included the working conditions of nurses and the perception of nursing as a profession that was not respected and appreciated. The student nurses who took part in appreciative inquiry showed a significant and positive change in their perception of the image of nursing as a respected and appreciated profession. From the individual interviews on the student nurses’ experiences of AI, the themes “experience of positive emotions” and “experiential learning” emerged. The student nurses experiences described their engagement in AI as a positive and enjoyable experience from which multidimensional learning resulted. / Health Studies / Ph. D. (Health Studies)

The journey from brand's social currency to superior customer-brand relationships : the intermediary roles of experiential and transformational benefits

Trudeau Hamidi, Sabrina January 2015 (has links)
The rise in the popularity of digital communication and social media platforms has increased the speed of information exchange among customers, and enabled them to instantaneously voice their thoughts and opinions about brands. This trend however has created certain challenges for marketers since they could no longer exert the sole control over the identities of their brands. Past research has confirmed that social interaction plays a key role in development of strong relationships among individuals (e.g. Nahapiet and Ghosal, 1998; Lobschat et al., 2013). In branding context, social interactions and the benefits derived from them establish a brand’s social value, and contribute to the formation of solid customer-brand relationships. As an attempt to better capture a brands’ social value, Lobschat et al. (2013) recently introduced the concept of social currency. Their findings reveal the importance of social currency as a key antecedent to several components of brand equity such as perceived quality, brand loyalty, and brand trust. Due to the newness of the social currency construct, however, its relationship with many other key variables of consumer behavior has not been much verified yet. In particular, there has been very little investigation of the potential links between social currency and the two emerging paradigms of experiential and transformational branding. Accordingly, the current study explores the role of brand’s social currency in providing experiential and transformational benefits in the context of cosmetics consumption. It further investigates the roles of brand experience and customer transformation in shaping greater customer attachment towards the brand. To test these relationships, the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method is applied. In total, 373 participants took part in this study. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed, and participants were invited to report on their consumption of their favorite cosmetic brands. Findings confirm that the various dimensions of social currency lead to experiential and transformational benefits in different ways. Results further suggest that both experiential and transformational benefits contribute to the enhancement of customer-brand relationships. Theoretical and managerial contributions are discussed.

Ledarskap i effektiva team : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskapet i effektiva säljteam / Leadership in effective teams : A qualitative study about leadership in effective salesteams

Norén, Tommie, Olsson, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Dagens arbetsliv kännetecknas av att arbete sker tillsammans med andra människor. Attarbeta i team med olika människor är idag vanligt och det ställer höga krav på förmågan attkunna hantera mellanmänskliga relationer. Ledarskap har stor påverkan på arbetsgruppersarbete och effektivitet och det krävs därför ett aktivt arbete från gruppernas ledare.Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie där vi undersökt hur ledare leder effektiva team. Vi harundersökt vilken ledarskapsstil ledarna har, hur ledarna utövar sitt ledarskap i vardagligasituationer samt hur teammedlemmar upplever ledarstilen i effektiva team. Studien har gjorts ien nationell säljorganisation där vi har fokuserat på de tre mest effektiva teamen och derasledare, med fokus på ledaren. Vi valde semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod.Resultatet visar att samtliga ledare till största del använder sig av ett transformativt ledarskapmen även har inslag av andra typer av ledarskapsstilar. Ledarna utövar sitt ledarskap genomstöd, konsultation, kommunikation och uppmuntran. Mål- och resultatstyrning är också enstor del av ledarskapets utövande då organisationen kräver att teammedlemmarna har tydligamål för dagen, veckan och månaden. / The working life of today has become more team focused. It is common to work in differentgroups which puts high demands on managing inter human relations. The leadership has a biginfluence on the workgroups productivity and efficiency hence it requires an active role fromthe group leader.By using a qualitative method, this study examines how leaders lead effective teams. Wefocused on what leadership style the leaders had, how the leaders exercise their leadership ondaily bases and how the leadership style is perceived in the effective teams. The study wasperformed at a national sales organization in Sweden and we used semi-structured interviewsas method. We interviewed the three most effective teams and their leaders in theorganization, with focus on the leadership.The result shows that all leaders mostly use a transformative leadership but also haveinfluences from other leadership styles. The leaders exercise their leadership by support,consultation, communication and encouragement. Results-Based Management is also a bigpart of the leadership exercise since the organization requires the team members to haveindividually daily, weekly and monthly goals to reach.

International human rights education: an evaluation of treaty compliance in British Columbia's Kindergarten to Grade 12 Social Studies school curriculum

Friedmann, Lesley Barbara 05 May 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I probe into British Columbia’s (BC) Kindergarten to Grade 12 Social Studies curriculum to determine how adequately it adheres to Canada’s international treaty obligations. I give particular attention to the duties regarding dissemination of information about, through, and for human rights principles and norms that are contained within the United Nations (UN) 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (Convention) and the UN 2011 Declaration of Human Rights Education and Training (DHRET). To accomplish this, I first develop a compliance assessment tool that is based on international human rights legal standards. This tool is then used in a normative inquiry into BC’s current Social Studies curriculum to assess the extent to which its educational aim, and its conception of the learner, learning process, learning environment, teacher’s role, and evaluation satisfies the international human rights education law requirements that are articulated in the treaties that Canada has ratified. The knowledge that is generated from this investigation is of value to BC’s Ministry of Education and members of the public who are involved in BC’s curriculum development and revision, because it creates a benchmark from which to “take more active measures to systematically disseminate and promote” (UN, 2012, paragraph 25) knowledge about international human rights in BC’s schools. / Graduate

Framtidens ledarskap inom offentligsektor. : Universalgeni, trollkonstnär eller bara en helt vanlig människa

Bolmgren, Eva, Linnberg, Lis January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta arbete är att försöka ta reda på vilka egenskaper som framtidens ledare kommer att behöva inom den kommunala sektorn, men också om det finns eventuella förutsättningar som måste förändras för framtidens ledare. Tio intervjuer genomfördes med personer på ledande positioner inom fyra kommuner i Mellansverige. Utifrån detta sammanställdes intervjumaterialet, och ur detta framkom tre övergripande huvudområden organisation, egenskaper och framtid som sen utmynnade i ett antal ledord. Mot dessa tolkades teorier i ett försök att koppla de till det framtida ledarskapet. Slutsatsen är att det inte finns bara en teori att förhålla sig till, utan det gäller att kunna hantera kontexten och förutsättningarna, och utifrån den kunna anpassa sig. Ett transformativt synsätt kring ledarskap kan vara ett sätt att lyckas i framtiden.</p>

Getting Europe back on Track? Learning Experiences during Interrail and how a free Interrail Ticket could foster Global Citizenship

Schmiers, Tina January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates learning experiences and outcomes during the train travel phenomenon Interrail. It especially focuses on transformational learning and whether and in what scope these learning outcomes correlate with the concept of global citizenship. It further analyses how the proposal of a free Interrail ticket, that is currently debated within the European Commission, could foster global citizenship in the wider context of Education for Sustainable Development. Although there has been much research on educative benefits of travel, Interrail in general and as an informal learning environment in particular, is an under-researched phenomenon. By providing a deeper understanding about transformative learning processes and outcomes during the specific case of Interrail in the context of sustainable development, this study contributes towards closing this niche. This research was carried out in form of a qualitative case study research. In total, 18 in-depth interviews were conducted with young adults representing 13 different nationalities. The interviews were thoroughly analysed by applying Jack Mezirows´ transformative learning theory and the concept of global citizenship. The results were completed with an additional documentation analysis. The study results reveal that Interrail with its specific characteristics and elements may provide an informal learning environment that can foster and promote both transformative learning and global citizenship to the individual traveller. The identified patterns and commonalities of learning experiences and outcomes were summarized within the main topics of personal development, critical thinking and reflection, cultural sensitivity and pluralism, shaping identity and sense of belonging, broadening view and change of behavior or action. Implementing a free Interrail ticket could thus arguably contribute to greater accessibility and more equal opportunities for youth to discover, experience and learn from travelling through Europe by train. Subsequently, this could help to foster Education for Sustainable Development and global citizenship. Based on the study results it is suggested, that transformative learning during Interrail could be enhanced through providing incentives and formal guidance in critical thinking and engagement in rational discourse in formal education.

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