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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Second-Generation <em>Bruja</em>: Transforming Ancestral Shadows into Spiritual Activism

Monteagut, Lorraine E. 16 November 2017 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to develop and illustrate a spiritually centered narrative method for transforming disorder into agency and action. I use my own position as a second-generation Hispanic female immigrant to show how training in a spiritual practice that mirrors my ancestral traditions helped me productively move through a sense of displacement, illness, and lack of purpose. My research includes travel to Havana, Cuba, and immersion in a five-week shamanic counseling training program in Tampa, Florida, during which I learned how to narrate my experiences as I engaged in shamanic journeying. As I reflect on these experiences, I explore three questions: How can second-generation immigrants 1) overcome family histories of displacement to create a sense of home? 2) engage in self-care practices that promote healing and nourishing relationships? and 3) create healthy identities and a sense of purpose within their communities? Through the process of writing my own story, I move from individual pathology toward communal creativity and tap into the burgeoning activist movement of bruja feminism.

Working with parents and carers within psychodynamic child and adolescent psychotherapy

Widgery, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation uses a modified systematic literature review to look at working with parents and carers within child and adolescent psychotherapy, and to consider this tasks relationship to therapeutic outcomes for children and adolescents. The topic is important because psychotherapy with children and adolescents inevitably involves additional relationships. The literature indicates the way this undertaking has been regarded has varied through the history of psychodynamic child and adolescent psychotherapy. Numerous writers reflect on the ongoing neglect and absence of systematic thinking in relation to the task of work with parents and carers. This lack of attention is understood to have been influenced by the traditional model of child and adolescent psychotherapy where the source of the child or adolescent’s distress or difficulty was regarded as being primarily intrapsychic. What is now known regarding the current and active nature of the child or adolescent’s relationship with the parent or carer, and the power and persistence of the parent-child bond has resulted in an acknowledgement of the need for a more equitable balance of focus between internal and external factors. In acknowledging that the external can no longer be seen as peripheral there are compelling clinical reasons to work with parents and carers. This undertaking should not be seen as dependant on the therapist’s orientation or interest. The significant scope of possibilities for work with parents and carers within child and adolescent psychotherapy is explored; however there is a lack of data relating to the clinical effectiveness of these approaches. The future need is for systematic thinking, and the development of practice guidelines for this clinical task.

Transgenerational Ghosting in the Psyches and Somas of African Americans and their Literatures

McCoy-Wilson, Sonya Lynette 10 July 2008 (has links)
I argue that William Wells Brown’s narrative, Clotel, is informed by the white racism inherent in Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia and reveals evidence of the trauma it has fostered transgenerationally. By examining Toni Morrison’s Beloved, I assert that the trauma of slavery is transmitted transgenerationally in the black female body. I develop my argument using trauma theory, postulated through the work of Cathy Caruth, Dori Laub, Diana Miles, Abraham and Maria Torok, and William Cross. My purpose is to reveal the relevance and lasting significance of the legacy of slavery in contemporary American society. Thomas Jefferson’s white supremacist ideas, along with the system of slavery which nurtured them, continue to plague contemporary American thought and continue to shape African American female identity.

Tarpgeneraciniai traumos aspektai: vaikų patyrimas, vidinė darna ir potrauminė simptomatika / Transgenerational aspects of trauma: experience of children, sense of coherence and post-traumatic symptoms

Juodytė, Rima 23 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo problema. Lyginant su nacistinių represijų aukų tyrimų gausa, komunistinio režimo vykdytų represijų psichologinės pasekmės yra mažai tyrinėtos. Lietuvoje atliktas išsamus tremtinių, politinių kalinių ir kitų nukentėjusiųjų tyrimas, tačiau duomenų apie sovietinės traumos poveikį antrajai kartai dar beveik nėra. Neklinikinė represuotų asmenų vaikų imtis Lietuvoje iki šiol nebuvo tyrinėta. Todėl šiuo tyrimu nusprendėme išsiaiškinti, koks yra antrosios kartos patyrimas, kokia potrauminė simptomatika būdinga šiems žmonėms, ar jų savijauta siejasi su lytimi ir tuo, kas iš tėvų: mama, tėvas ar abu, išgyveno represijas. Taip pat siekėme palyginti represuotų asmenų ir jų vaikų potrauminės simptomatikos išreikštumą, nustatyti sąsajas tarp vaikų ir tėvų psichinės sveikatos. Metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo 62 represuotų asmenų vaikai, kurių amžiaus vidurkis 43,21 m. Su dauguma iš jų buvo susisiekta, padedant jų tėvams (atsitiktinai atrinktiems iš sąrašo), dalyvavusiems sovietų ir nacių represijų psichologinių padarinių tyrime. Represuotųjų vaikams buvo paštu išsiųstas klausimynas, į kurį įtraukti klausimai, susiję su tėvų patirtomis represijomis ir jų įtaka nukentėjusiųjų vaikams, taip pat metodikos, kurios buvo naudotos tiriant nuo represijų nukentėjusius žmones: Harvardo traumos klausimyno (HTK) pirma dalis, Traumos simptomų klausimynas (TSK-35), Vidinės darnos skalė (SOC-13), papildomai įtraukta Becko Nevilties skalė (BHS). Rezultatai. Dauguma represuotų asmenų vaikų mano, kad tėvų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Background: In comparison with large amount of studies of Nazi repression, psychological effects of Soviet repression are little investigated. There is a comprehensive study of the survivors in Lithuania, but we have very little data on the effects of Soviet trauma on the second generation. There were no investigations in the nonclinical sample of the children of survivors in Lithuania. So in this study we tried to answer the first questions about experience of the second generation. We had the aim to compare posttraumatic symptoms of first and second generations. Gender differences of the offsprings of survivors were considered, also psychological health of those, who have mother, father or both parents survivors, was compared. Methods: 62 children of survivors (23 men and 39 women) participated in this research, mean age of participants was 43,21 years (SD=7,82). Most of them were accessed through their parents (randomly selected from the list of survivors), who participated in research of psychological effects of Soviet and Nazi repression. The questionnaire which was sent to the members of second generation consisted of questions, related to their parents‘ experienced repression and its impact on children of survivors, the same methods, which were used by investigating survivors, were included: Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, Traumatic Symptom Checklist, Sense of Coherence Scale, besides, Beck Hopelessness Scale was used. Results: Most children of survivors think, that... [to full text]


Klinitzke, Grit 01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone (SBZ) und der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) waren schätzungsweise 300000 Menschen aus politischen Gründen inhaftiert, mindestens 200000 allein in der DDR. Dabei erlebten sie während der Haft physische und psychische Misshandlungen bzw. Folter. Mit der Inhaftierung unmittelbar verbunden war die Trennung von der Familie inklusive der Kinder. Frühere wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen aus den 90er Jahren zeigten, dass diese potentiell traumatischen Erlebnisse in den Gefängnissen langfristige körperliche und psychische Folgen für die Betroffenen nach sich zogen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, 20 Jahre nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung die aktuelle psychische und körperliche Belastung ehemals politisch Inhaftierter in der DDR zu erfassen, diese mit der Allgemeinbevölkerung zu vergleichen und potentielle Einflussfaktoren auf das Ausmaß der Belastung zu detektieren. Des Weiteren sollte die Frage untersucht werden, wie sich das psychische Wohlbefinden der Nachkommen ehemals politisch Inhaftierter in der SBZ und DDR im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung darstellt und ob es Faktoren gibt, die das Ausmaß der psychischen Belastung beeinflussen. Dabei war von besonderem Interesse, ob sich diejenigen Nachkommen, die zum Zeitpunkt der elterlichen Haft bereits geboren waren, bezüglich der psychischen Belastung von denen unterschieden, die erst später geboren wurden. Die Datenerhebung fand jeweils querschnittlich im Rahmen zweier Forschungsprojekte an der Selbständigen Abteilung für Medizinische Psychologie und Medizinische Soziologie an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig statt. Die ehemals politisch Inhaftierten in der DDR (Studie I; Forschungsbeginn 2007; n=157) und die Nachkommen von ehemals politischen Häftlingen in der SBZ und DDR (Studie II; Forschungsbeginn 2010; n=43) wurden mittels verschiedener standardisierter und validierter Fragebogenverfahren zu den aktuellen körperlichen Beschwerden (Studie I: GBB-24; Studie II: PHQ-15) und zum psychischen Wohlbefinden (Studie I: Depressivität und Angst [HADS], Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS) [IES-R]; Studie II: Depressivität [PHQ-9], Ängstlichkeit [GAD-7], PTBS [IES-R]) sowie zur gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (Studie I: EORTC-QLQ C30) befragt. Für den Vergleich der Stichprobendaten wurden in beiden Studien Substichproben aus bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Daten generiert. In Studie I wurden diese Vergleichsdaten alters- und geschlechtsparallelisiert, in Studie II alters-, geschlechts- und bildungs-parallelisiert. In drei Einzelpublikationen zur den Langzeitfolgen politischer Haft für die Betroffen und in einer Publikation zu den Nachkommen der Betroffenen wurden die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen dargestellt. Im Folgenden werden sie überblicksartig zusammengefasst: Ergebnisse Studie I: - Ehemals politisch Inhaftierte in der DDR berichten zum Teil noch 20 Jahre nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung signifikant vermehrt über Symptome von Traumafolge-störungen wie Ängstlichkeit, posttraumatische Belastungssymptome und Depressionen im Vergleich zu einer alters- und geschlechtsparallelisierten Stichprobe der Allgemein-bevölkerung. - Die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität ehemals politisch Inhaftierter in der DDR ist im Vergleich zu einer alters- und geschlechtsparallelisierten Stichprobe der Allgemein-bevölkerung in allen Funktions- (körperliche, emotionale, soziale, kognitive Funktion, Rollenfunktion) und Symptombereichen (Fatigue, Übelkeit/Erbrechen, Schmerz, Kurzatmigkeit, Schlaflosigkeit, Appetitlosigkeit, Verstopfung, Durchfall, finanzielle Schwierigkeiten) signifikant niedriger. Es fand sich kein durchgängiger Einfluss der haftbezogenen Merkmale auf das Ausmaß der Lebensqualität. Jedoch berichteten diejenigen Betroffenen, die mehrfach verhaftet wurden, geringere Werte auf allen Funktionsskalen der Lebensqualität als diejenigen, die „nur“ einmal verhaftet wurden. - Bei 50 % der Betroffenen wurde auf Grundlage der Fragebogendaten eine PTBS ermittelt. Diejenigen Betroffenen, die länger als zwei Jahre inhaftiert waren, litten seltener an einer PTBS als Personen, die zwei Jahre oder kürzer inhaftiert waren. In welcher Haftära die Betroffenen in der DDR inhaftiert waren (1949-1971 vs. 1972-1989), wie alt sie bei der ersten Inhaftierung waren und ob sie nach der Haft in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland oder in die DDR entlassen wurden, hatte keinen Einfluss auf das Ergebnis. Diejenigen Betroffenen, die mehrfach verhaftet wurden, wiesen jedoch signifikant häufiger eine PTBS auf. - Ehemals politisch Inhaftierte in der DDR berichteten signifikant mehr Körperbeschwerden (Erschöpfung, Magen-, Herzbeschwerden, Gliederschmerzen) im Vergleich zu einer alters- und geschlechtsparallelisierten Stichprobe der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Die Variable Haftdauer hatte keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Ausmaß der Körperbeschwerden. Ergebnisse Studie II: - Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass die Gruppe der Nachkommen politisch Inhaftierter in der SBZ und DDR im Durchschnitt in den psychischen Störungsbereichen Ängstlichkeit, Depressivität und somatoforme Symptome signifikant stärker belastet ist als eine repräsentative alters-, geschlechts- und bildungsparallelisierte Stichprobe der Allgemeinbevölkerung. - 49 % der Nachkommen ehemals inhaftierter Personen in der SBZ und DDR wiesen auf Grundlage der Fragebogendaten eine psychische Störung in den Bereichen Ängstlichkeit, Depressivität und somatoforme Störung auf. Bei 51 % wurde keine psychische Störung in den erhobenen Bereichen gefunden. - Diejenigen Nachkommen politisch Inhaftierter, die zum Zeitpunkt der elterlichen Haft bereits geboren waren, unterschieden sich in den Bereichen Ängstlichkeit, Depressivität und Somatisierung nicht signifikant von denen, die erst nach der Haft geboren wurden. - 88,4 % der befragten Nachkommen berichteten mindestens ein selbst erlebtes traumatisches Ereignis. 34,9 % von ihnen gaben als das schrecklichste Ereignis eines im Zusammenhang mit der politischen Inhaftierung ihrer Eltern an. 9,1 % Personen wiesen dabei auf Grundlage der Fragebogendaten eine PTBS auf. - Diejenigen Nachkommen, bei denen beide Elternteile in politischer Haft waren, wiesen über alle Störungsbereiche hinweg tendenzielle höhere Belastungswerte auf, allerdings blieb dieser Unterschied ohne statistische Signifikanz. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass eine politische Inhaftierung in der DDR weitreichende Folgen für den körperlichen und psychischen Gesundheitszustand eines Betroffenen haben konnte und dass diese Belastungen zum Teil noch bis heute anhalten können. Dabei ist auch die aktuelle gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität stark beeinträchtigt. Die Umstände der Haft scheinen nur vereinzelt einen Einfluss auf die Ausprägung der Belastungen zu haben. Für die klinische Praxis bedeuten diese Befunde, dass die historisch-biografischen Lebensumstände eines Individuums als Teil der ätiologischen Rahmenbedingungen für die Entstehung von Psychopathologie unbedingt mit betrachtet werden müssen. Für eine Gruppe von Nachkommen ehemals politisch inhaftierter Personen in der SBZ und DDR ergaben sich Hinweise auf eine erhöhte psychische Belastung in den Störungsbereichen Ängstlichkeit, Depressivität und somatoforme Symptome, unabhängig davon, ob sie zum Zeitpunkt der elterlichen Haft bereits geboren waren oder nicht. Die Interpretation der Studienergebnisse ist vor dem Hintergrund einiger methodischer Einschränkungen vorzunehmen. Das Fehlen klinisch-strukturierter Experteninterviews, die alle psychiatrischen Störungsbereiche erfassen, geringe Fallzahlen besonders in der Untersuchung zu den Nachkommen der ehemals politisch Inhaftierten, das Querschnittsdesign und die hohe Selektivität der Stichprobe sind kritische Aspekte, die in zukünftigen Untersuchungen besonderer methodischer Aufmerksamkeit bedürfen. Um die Auswirkungen der elterlichen Haft auf die Kinder umfassender zu untersuchen, sei empfohlen, sowohl systembezogene Variablen wie Eltern-Kind-Beziehung und Bindung, innerfamiliäre Kommunikation und den elterlichen Erziehungsstil zur Aufklärung der Beziehungen auf Verhaltensebene, als auch epigenetische, neuroendokrinologische oder neurologische Parameter, die Aufschluss auf der biologischen Ebene liefern können, zu erfassen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zu den Auswirkungen politischer Haft in der DDR und SBZ leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung der jüngsten deutsch-deutschen Geschichte. Sie macht deutlich, wie stark dieses potentiell traumatische Ereignis der politischen Haft in der DDR und SBZ zum Teil auch den gegenwärtigen körperlichen und psychischen Zustand der Betroffenen und deren Nachkommen bestimmt. Zugehörige Publikationen 1. Weißflog, G., Klinitzke, G. & Hinz, A. (2011). Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität und Posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen bei in der DDR politisch Inhaftierten. Psychother Psych Med 2011; 61; 133-139 2. Weißflog, G., Böhm, M., Klinitzke, G. & Brähler, E. (2010). Erhöhte Ängstlichkeit und Depressivität als Spätfolgen bei Menschen nach politischer Inhaftierung in der DDR. Psychiat Prax 2010; 37; 297-299 3. Weißflog, G., Daig, I., Klinitzke, G. & Brähler, E. (2012). Körperbeschwerden nach politischer Inhaftierung und deren Zusammenhang mit Ängstlichkeit und Depressivität. Verhaltenstherapie 2012; 22; 37-46 4. Klinitzke, G., Böhm, M., Brähler, E. & Weißflog G. (2012). Ängstlichkeit, Depressivität, Somatisierung und Posttraumatische Belastungssymptome bei den Nachkommen ehemals politisch inhaftierter Personen in Ostdeutschland (1945-1989). Psychother Psych Med 2012; 62: 18-24


SAMCOVÁ, Daniela January 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes the issue of transgenerational transmission of violence in families. The thesis is divided in into theoretical and research parts. The theoretical part describes the current state of the issue. The thesis contains several chapters focusing on a general description of violence, its causes and types. I also briefly described victims and perpetrators of domestic violence. The key chapter of the thesis deals with the transgenerational transmission of violence in families, in which I attempted to analyze the topic in detail by using opinions of several prominent authors. In the research part I set my objectives and formulated two hypotheses. The research was conducted among the general public and the respondents were selected at random. The respondents were represented evenly in terms of sex; they had different educational backgrounds and socioeconomic status. The objective of the thesis was to determine to what extent the childrearing models in families are transmitted from one generation to another and to specify which factors affect childrearing patterns. The results of the research part were described and shown in form of diagrams. The results have shown that violence is indeed transferred from one generation to another. The research has shown that most of the respondents do not agree with a childrearing method with a total absence of physical punishment. On the contrary, most of the respondents believed they were able to avoid mental punishment. It has been confirmed that a low socioeconomic status does not affect childrearing patterns. Nowadays the issue is discussed very openly and it is no more viewed as a taboo. However, the related information needs to be presented continually, including new discoveries and findings which might lead to an improvement of the situation. It is necessary to keep advertizing assistance and prevention in this area. Legislative changes are critical in the struggle against violence. A significant contribution to the solution could be the education about the issue as a natural part of curriculums for the helping professions.

The After Generations: Legacies and Life Stories of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: The Holocaust and the effects it has had upon witnesses has been a topic of study for nearly six decades; however, few angles of research have been conducted relating to the long-term effects of the Holocaust upon the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors--the After Generations. The After Generations are considered the proof--the living legacies--that their parents and grandparents survived. Growing up with intimate knowledge of the atrocities that occurred during the Holocaust, members of the After Generations not only carry with them their family's story, but also their own vicarious experience(s) of trauma. From this legacy comes a burden of responsibility to those who perished, their survivor parents/grandparents, the stories that were shared, as well as to future generations. Using grounded theory method, this study not only explores the long-term effects of the Holocaust upon members of the After Generations, but what it means to responsibly remember the stories from the Holocaust, as well as how individuals might ethically represent such stories/memories. Findings that developed out of an axial analysis of interview transcripts and journal writing, as well as the later development of a performance script, are embodied in a manner that allows the actual language and experiences of the participants to be collectively witnessed both symbolically and visually. Through their desire to remember, members of the After Generations demonstrate how they plan to carry on traditions, live lives that honor those that came before them, and maintain hope for the future. In so doing, the stories shared reveal the centrality of the Holocaust in the lives of members of the After Generations through their everyday choices to responsibly and actively remember through their art, writings, life-work, as well as from within their work in their local communities. Such acts of remembrance are important to the education of others as well as to the construction and maintenance of the After Generations' identities. The representation of these voices acts as a reminder of how hatred and its all-consuming characteristics can affect not only the person targeted, but multiple generations, as well. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Communication 2012

Investigação da ação disruptora da deltametrina sobre o sistema reprodutor de ratos (gerações f1 e f2) / Disruptive action research of deltamethrin on the reproductive system of rats (f1 and f2 generation)

Reolon, Angélica 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2018-05-24T12:24:37Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Angélica Reolon.pdf: 1414182 bytes, checksum: 24ef86620ffa2bfc3e82176b316ebf86 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-24T12:24:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Angélica Reolon.pdf: 1414182 bytes, checksum: 24ef86620ffa2bfc3e82176b316ebf86 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A deltamethrin is an insecticide belonging to the type II pyrethroid group, widely used without as a pest control in agriculture, industry, public health and in homes, but its indiscriminate and unprotected use has become a problem for population, since several pyrethroids had their action associated with disruption. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the possible disrupting actions of deltamethrin on the male and female reproductive systems of rats. Four female rats and two adult, nonbreeding male Wistar albino rats were used. The animals were placed for mating and the pregnant rats (F0 generation) were divided into 2 groups: treatment and control. From the 8th to the 14th day of pregnancy the treatment group received intraperitoneal injections of deltamethrin (0.01 mg / kg) and the control group received canola oil. Pregnant rats (F0 generation) were monitored daily and at 21 days postpartum weaning was performed (F1 generation), at 70 and 76 days of age, this generation was placed for procreation, and, as in the F0 generation, weaning was performed after 21 days of delivery (F2 generation). All the generations had the time of pregnancy, the number of pups and the sexual proportion between females and males evaluated. After euthanasia, the organs weight of the female and male reproductive systems and the integrity of the sperm plasma membrane were analyzed. Exposure to deltamethrin resulted in increased right-sided seminal vesicle weight in both generations and influenced uterine volume increase and right ovary decrease in subsequent generations, and decreased left ovary in F1 generation. The relative weight of the testes, vas deferens, left epididymis, left seminal vesicle and prostate, and the integrity parameter of the sperm plasma membrane did not change. Pregnancy time and number of pups in F1 generation were not affected and the proportion between females and males in both generations was similar. We can conclude that the exposure to deltamethrin altered anatomical aspects of weight of the right seminal vesicle, uterus and ovaries in subsequent generations. However, fertility patterns (number and sex ratio) remained unchanged. / A deltametrina é um inseticida pertencente ao grupo dos piretroides do tipo II, muito utilizada no controle de pragas na agricultura, indústria, saúde pública e nas residências, porém, seu uso indiscriminado e sem a devida proteção tem se tornado um problema para a saúde da população, já que vários piretroides tiveram suas ações associadas com alterações disruptoras. Diante disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as possíveis ações disruptoras da deltametrina sobre o sistema reprodutor masculino e feminino de ratos. Utilizou-se 4 ratas fêmeas e 2 ratos machos adultos, não consanguíneos, albinos da linhagem Wistar. Os animais foram colocados para acasalamento e as ratas prenhes (geração F0) foram divididas em 2 grupos: tratamento e controle. A partir do 8° ao 14° dia de prenhez, o grupo tratamento recebeu injeções por via intraperitoneal de deltametrina (0,01 mg.kg-1) e o grupo controle recebeu óleo de canola. As ratas prenhes (geração F0) foram acompanhados diariamente e, aos 21 dias após o parto, foi realizado o desmame da ninhada (geração F1), aos 70 e 76 dias de vida esta geração foi colocada para procriação, e, assim como na geração F0, após 21 dias do parto foi realizado o desmame da ninhada (geração F2). Todas as gerações tiveram o tempo de prenhez, o número de filhotes e a proporção sexual entre fêmeas e machos avaliados. Após a eutanásia, foi analisado o peso dos órgãos do sistema reprodutor feminino e masculino e a integridade da membrana plasmática dos espermatozoides. A exposição à deltametrina resultou no aumento do peso da vesícula seminal direita em ambas as gerações e influenciou o aumento de volume uterino e a diminuição do ovário direito nas gerações subsequentes, e a diminuição do ovário esquerdo na geração F1. O peso relativo dos testículos, ductos deferentes, epidídimo esquerdo, vesícula seminal esquerda e próstata e o parâmetro integridade da membrana plasmática dos espermatozoides não tiveram alterações. O tempo de prenhez e o número de filhotes na geração F1 não foram afetados e a proporção entre fêmeas e machos em ambas as gerações foram semelhantes. Podemos concluir que a exposição à deltametrina alterou aspectos anatômicos de peso de vesícula seminal direita, útero e ovários nas gerações subsequentes. Entretanto, os padrões de fertilidade (número e proporção sexual) mantiveram-se inalterados.

Transgenerational Effects of Thermal Stress: Impacts On and Beyond Coral Reproduction

Kuba, Alyson 27 July 2016 (has links)
Ocean warming causes stress to corals and records reveal that periods of thermal stress are increasing in frequency and severity. Previous studies show that thermal stress negatively impacts the reproductive output of corals. However, the transgenerational impacts of coral bleaching have never been quantified. As a consequence, it is unclear how ocean warming may alter population dynamics due to effects on reproduction and recruitment. This study quantified the transgenerational impacts of thermal stress in Montastraea cavernosa. To assess transgenerational effects of temperature stress during gametogenesis, colonies were exposed to elevated temperature for two weeks four months prior to spawning, and then returned to the reef. At spawning, eggs were collected to measure egg diameter and eggs from stressed females were significantly smaller than those from unstressed females. Then gametes from temperature stressed and unstressed corals were combined to create four fertilization crosses: unstressed female and male, unstressed female with stressed male, stressed female with unstressed male, and stressed female and male. Larvae and juveniles from each cross were kept at ambient (29°C) and elevated (31°C) temperatures. Larvae originating from stressed gametes overall had lower survival, but the separate effects of the male and female revealed paternal transgenerational acclimation and negative maternal effects. There were no transgenerational effects on initial size of juveniles, but elevated temperature in the larval stage decreased initial size. The transgenerational effects on juvenile survival were negative parental effects. Juvenile growth rate was only affected by adult male exposure to thermal stress. Juveniles originating from a thermally stressed male had higher growth rates. The timing of the thermal stress, which was during oogenesis and before spermatogenesis, most likely explains why negative effects were observed from the female and positive effects from the male. These results demonstrate that temperature stress has varying transgenerational effects.

Rebranding the silver market - The alteration of Huis Davidtsz from institution to place of living

Nicholson, Margaux 09 December 2013 (has links)
Places designed for the elderly tend be stigmatising, which is predicated in its medical engineering background. The institutional nature of these places accelerates decline as it negatively impacts on the health of its residents, physically and psychologically disabling them. Spaces that support the wellbeing of residents can be identified by the presence of three characteristics: a sense of control over ones environment, a sense of access to social support and access to positive distraction. Huis Davidtsz is a frail care facility, located just west of Pretoria’s central business district, which has housed elderly people since 1968. The interior environment of Huis Davidtsz is dull and disabling and for this reason is selected as site for design intervention. In order to re-design Huis Davidtsz into a psychologically supportive environment the aforementioned characteristics of supportive space are translated into architectural design. Four elements of architectural space: floor, wall, ceiling and window, are manipulated to create an intimacy gradient. This gradient humanises the institution by establishing a range of spaces and a sense of territoriality. The unforgiving threshold between intimate and public space is moderated by subtle spatial indications of levels of intimacy. This provides Huis Davidtsz with the seven levels of intimacy associated with domestic spaces, enabling individuality and choice. The result is a comfortable and secure place for living. / Dissertation MInt(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2014 / Architecture / MInt(Prof) / Unrestricted

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