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Um estudo sobre a traducao de cartazes referentes aos eventos culturais de Macau com base na teoria funcionalista de nord / Study in translation of posters at cultural events in Macau based on the functionalism of nordWu, Shuang January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Portuguese
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A study of Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation programmes in tertiary institutions from a perspective of comparative education.January 1988 (has links)
by Vivien Fong. / Thesis (M.A.Ed.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1988. / Bibliography: leaves 270-281.
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香港翻譯劇的本地化現象1985-1995. / Xianggang fan yi ju de ben di hua xian xiang 1985-1995.January 1996 (has links)
盛思維. / 論文(哲學碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院翻譯學部, 1996. / 參考文献 : leaves 133-143. / Sheng Siwei. / Chapter 第一章: --- 引言 --- p.1 / 多系統理論(Polysystem Theory ) --- p.2 / 描述式研究方法(Descriptive Translation Studies ) --- p.5 / Chapter 第二章: --- 本地化翻譯劇在目標文化系統内的位置 --- p.10 / 《王子復仇記》、(Hamlet)、 --- p.11 / 《元宵》(Twelfth Night ) --- p.15 / 《禧春酒店》(L'Ho tel du Libre-Echange) --- p.18 / 《美人如玉劍如虹》(Cyrano de Bergerac ) --- p.21 / "《撞板風流》》(Move Over, Mrs Markham )" --- p.24 / Chapter 第三章: --- “解決方法+問題´ح 一一譯文與原文的轉移 本地化翻譯劇的翻譯策略 --- p.28 / 删減 --- p.29 / 換例 --- p.34 / 增補 --- p.47 / 從譯文與原文的轉移關係看香港翻譯劇本地化的趨勢 --- p.56 / Chapter 第四章: --- 本地化翻譯劇與原文的等值關係 --- p.65 / 故事 --- p.69 / 語言 --- p.77 / 從本地化翻譯劇與原文的等值關係看典型的本地化翻譯劇 --- p.80 / 從描述式翻譯研究到翻譯理論 --- p.88 / Chapter 第五章: --- 本地化翻譯劇的成因 --- p.91 / 翻譯規範(Translation Norms ) --- p.91 / 香港話劇系统 --- p.96 / 殖民統治與香港話劇 --- p.102 / 文化身份與後殖民理論 --- p.106 / 香港文學與大眾文化 --- p.111 / Chapter 第六章: --- 結論´Ø多系統理論與目標取向翻譯研究的再思 --- p.118 / 多系統理論的再思 --- p.119 / 目標取向與描述式翻譯研究的再思 --- p.126 / 再談香港本地化翻譯劇的特點 --- p.127 / 科際整合 --- p.130 / 參考書目 --- p.133
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離散譯者張愛玲的中英翻譯 : 一個後殖民女性主義的解讀 = The diasporic translator Eileen Chang's Chinese-English translations : a postcolonial feminist interpretation王曉鶯, 01 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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重譯的共性與多元性: 以《The Da Vinci code》兩個中譯本為個案研究. / Commonalities and diversities in multiple translations: a case study on the two Chinese translations of the Da Vinci code / 以The Da Vinci code兩個中譯本為個案研究 / Chong yi de gong xing yu duo yuan xing: yi "The Da Vinci code" liang ge Zhong yi ben wei ge an yan jiu. / Yi The Da Vinci code liang ge Zhong yi ben wei ge an yan jiuJanuary 2010 (has links)
趙欣. / "2009年10月". / "2009 nian 10 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 186-193). / Abstracts and table of contents in Chinese and English. / Zhao Xin. / 中文摘要 --- p.i / 英文摘要 --- p.ii / 前言 --- p.iv / 目錄 --- p.v / Chapter 第一章 --- 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- 硏宄目的 --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- 語料選取 --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- 原文簡介 --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- 譯文簡介 --- p.5 / Chapter 1.3 --- 研宄方法 --- p.8 / Chapter 1.4 --- 翻譯中的重譯現象 --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4.1 --- “重譯´ح的概念 --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4.2 --- 已有的重譯現象 --- p.19 / Chapter 1.5 --- 小結 --- p.27 / Chapter 第二章 --- 分析框架 --- p.29 / Chapter 2.1 --- 文本處理過程的五個層面 --- p.30 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- 語音層 --- p.31 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- 詞語層 --- p.31 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- 句法層 --- p.32 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- 語義層 --- p.38 / Chapter 2.1.5 --- 概念整合層 --- p.40 / Chapter 2.2 --- 重譯本之間的共性與多元性 --- p.41 / Chapter 2.3 --- 重譯本之間的本土化與外族化傾向 --- p.42 / Chapter 2.4 --- 重譯本的相對質量評估 --- p.45 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- 豪斯(House 1977)的模式 --- p.46 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- 萊斯(Reiss 1971 / 2000)的模式 --- p.50 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- 國内的一些模式 --- p.51 / Chapter 2.4.4 --- 翻譯過程與譯文質量評估 --- p.52 / Chapter 2.5 --- 小結 --- p.55 / Chapter 第三章 --- 雙語語料平行数據集 --- p.57 / Chapter 3.1 --- 基本概念 --- p.57 / Chapter 3.2 --- 文本切分單位 --- p.61 / Chapter 3.3 --- 建立方法 --- p.65 / Chapter 3.4 --- 数據集中文本句的對照關係 --- p.72 / Chapter 3.5 --- 小結 --- p.79 / Chapter 第四章 --- 重譯本翻譯策略的共性與多元性 --- p.81 / Chapter 4.1 --- 朱譯本 --- p.82 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- 語音層 --- p.82 / Chapter --- 人名 --- p.82 / Chapter --- 地名 --- p.84 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- 詞語層 --- p.85 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- 句法層 --- p.86 / Chapter 4.1.4 --- 語義層 --- p.91 / Chapter --- 詞義 --- p.91 / Chapter --- 句義 --- p.93 / Chapter --- 篇章義 --- p.96 / Chapter 4.1.5 --- 概念整合層 --- p.98 / Chapter 4.2 --- 尤譯本 --- p.100 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- 語音層 --- p.101 / Chapter --- 人名 --- p.101 / Chapter --- 地名 --- p.102 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- 詞語層 --- p.104 / Chapter --- 成語 --- p.104 / Chapter --- 方言詞 --- p.105 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- 句法層 --- p.106 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- 語義層 --- p.111 / Chapter --- 詞義 --- p.111 / Chapter --- 句義 --- p.114 / Chapter --- 篇章義 --- p.116 / Chapter 4.2.5 --- 概念整合層 --- p.117 / Chapter 4.3 --- 重譯本翻譯策略的共性與多元性 --- p.120 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- 數據對比 --- p.120 / Chapter --- 語音層 --- p.120 / Chapter --- 詞語層 --- p.122 / Chapter --- 句法層 --- p.123 / Chapter --- 語義層 --- p.125 / Chapter --- 概念整合層 --- p.129 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- 共性體現 --- p.130 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- 多元性體現 --- p.134 / Chapter 4.4 --- 小結 --- p.138 / Chapter 第五章 --- 重譯本的本土化與外族化傾向和質量評估 --- p.142 / Chapter 5.1 --- 重譯本的本土化與外族化傾向 --- p.143 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- 詞語層 --- p.143 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- 句法層 --- p.145 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- 概念整合層 --- p.146 / Chapter 5.2 --- 重譯本的相對質量評估 --- p.150 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- 語音層 --- p.151 / Chapter --- 人名 --- p.151 / Chapter --- 地名 --- p.153 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- 詞語層 --- p.156 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- 句法層 --- p.158 / Chapter 5.2.4 --- 語義層 --- p.158 / Chapter 5.2.5 --- 概念整合層 --- p.162 / Chapter 5.2.6 --- 譯文質量比較結果 --- p.164 / Chapter 5.3 --- 小結 --- p.165 / Chapter 第六章 --- 結論 --- p.167 / Chapter 6.1 --- 重譯本翻譯策略的共性與多元性 --- p.167 / Chapter 6.2 --- 重譯本的本土化與外族化傾向 --- p.170 / Chapter 6.3 --- 重譯本的相對質量評估 --- p.170 / Chapter 6.4 --- 翻譯的認知過程 --- p.172 / Chapter 6.5 --- 小結 --- p.178 / 英文目錄 --- p.181 / 參考文獻 --- p.186 / 附錄(及說明) --- p.194
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A study of the functions of machine translation and subsegment retrieval in computer-aided translation systems: 電腦輔助翻譯系統的機器翻譯及子句段檢索功能的研究 / 電腦輔助翻譯系統的機器翻譯及子句段檢索功能的研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / study of the functions of machine translation and subsegment retrieval in computer-aided translation systems: Dian nao fu zhu fan yi xi tong de ji qi fan yi ji zi ju duan jian suo gong neng de yan jiu / Dian nao fu zhu fan yi xi tong de ji qi fan yi ji zi ju duan jian suo gong neng de yan jiuJanuary 2015 (has links)
The last two decades have witnessed the rapid advances of computer-aided translation systems. Due to the limitations of “traditional” segment-based matching, the data mining of translation memory with subsegment retrieval has been introduced, and more machine translation systems have also been integrated into computer-aided translation systems to provide translations unavailable from the translation memory. / This thesis provides the first overview through the functions of machine translation systems in computer-aided translation systems through a review of their combination process, an analysis of two surveys of the users and the statistics of current combination. It then categorizes and compares the integration approaches in the widely-used computer-aided translation systems. / In addition, this study offers a typology of the subsegment retrieval functions available in computer-aided translation systems and evaluates the performance of subsegment retrieval functions in different computer-aided translation systems with a case study. The evaluation is based on definitions of recall and precision. / This thesis aims to achieve two main goals: (1) to give an overview of the functions of machine translation and subsegment retrieval in computer-aided translation systems to provide information to translators for a more efficient completion of their translation tasks; (2) to perform a functionality evaluation to examine the performance of machine translation integration and subsegment retrieval in computer-aided translation systems with a case study. / 在過去的二十年間,電腦輔助翻譯系統發展迅速。由於“傳統的”基於句段的匹配檢索法有局限,所以引入子句段檢索法,以進一步挖掘翻譯記憶中的可重用數據。此外,越來越多機器翻譯系統與電腦輔助翻譯系統結合,提供翻譯記憶的無法提供的翻譯。 / 本文詳細考察過去二十年間機器翻譯與電腦輔助翻譯系統的結合過程,分析使用者的調查數據,並考察電腦輔助翻譯系統中的機器翻譯功能的現狀,首次對電腦輔助翻譯系統中的機器翻譯功能作出全面評述。 / 本文並對電腦輔助翻譯系統中子句段檢索功能進行分類與分析,又以基於召回率和準確性作為指標,評估電腦輔助翻譯系統中的子句段檢索功能的性能。 / 本文一方面探討電腦輔助翻譯系統中的機器翻譯和子句段檢索功能,為譯者提供參考,以提升翻譯效率;另一方面,也通過一個案例探索評估電腦輔助翻譯系統中的機器翻譯功能和子句段檢索的功能。 / Liu, Xiangyu. / Thesis M.Phil. Chinese University of Hong Kong 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-85). / Abstracts also in Chinese; appendix iv includes Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on 06, October, 2016). / Liu, Xiangyu. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
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Terms and processes in translation between Indonesian and EnglishJohnson, Richard K., School of Modern Language Studies, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine particular problems that the Indonesian language poses for translators, whether translating from Indonesian to English or English to Indonesian. The notation Indonesian~English translation substitutes the swung dash ~ substitutes for the hyphen -. This notation is used in this thesis to indicate translation either from Indonesian to English or from English to Indonesian. It is a convenient way to make it clear when translation is in both directions. A multifaceted approach to translation will enable translation to be viewed in much the same way as the kinds of demands it places on the translator, who needs constantly to be aware of author~reader, source~target culture, syntax, semantics, semiotics, even geography and even politics. The use of metaphor and illustrations to describe the theoretical processes of translation is justified in the same way that imagery is justified in literature. To go a step further, it is important to see through the artificial distinction often made between interpretation and translation, so that translation acquires flexibility and a deeper ethical structure. A symbolic approach may be used by the translator., involving the perception of modules within text, identified with symbols, that can facilitate the process of translation. With Indonesian, the influx of foreign words occurred in three identifiable stages, Sanskrit, Arabic and Dutch/English. In relation to Indonesian~ English translation, the levels of Javanese and the co-existing presence of the Jakarta dialect may be compared to English vocabulary levels, for example Anglo- Saxon versus Latinate forms. This means an awareness of the existence of layers on the part of the translator. It does not imply a match between the layers in each language, philological layers between English and Indonesian, or strict equivalence between one set of borrowings in English and one in Indonesian. The hypothesis put forward is that there are advantages for the translator in being aware of waves of foreign and regional input that are part of the history of Indonesian as well as English, and that there is potential for creative utilisation of the resources of the two languages. Although a match between the layers in each language or strict equivalence between one set of borrowings in English and one in Indonesianis not implied, it is useful to recognise word origins where this may impact on the appropriate translation. Examination of the corpus presented in this thesis has shown that the history of Indonesian words can readily affect their meaning, while the history of English words may affect the choice of terms/. Nevertheless it has proved difficult to demonstrate any particular effect of the history or layer of meaning on the choice of terminology in translation. It seems that once the Indonesian term has been understood, the translation that will emerge will not particularly be bound by reference to the history of English terminology. The hypothesis then may be reduced to an observation that the derivation of Indonesian terms, like that of English terms, is important in fully understanding the scope of meaning of the terms. The other hypothesis in this thesis is that texts or terms can be viewed as a root system containing various nodes content that the translator can respond to and wrap into the translated version, with the form of the target text possibly differing from that of the source text. The process of translation can be compared to a process of unpackaging various semantic and other elements in a unit to be translated and repackaging them for the target version. The undbundling~rebundling hypothesis is in the end a very practical matter. It aims to enlarge the discretion of the translator to carry over content with judicious changes in form. It is fair to summarise examination of the corpus by concluding that evidence of the need for unbundling~rebundling has not been convincingly presented in this thesis. It is also fair to say that in general the English translation has followed the order of the Indonesian original quite closely, and this means that a process of unbundling~rebundling is often unlikely to be necessary. Nevertheless the validity of the unbundling~rebundling approach remains, and if a text requires this kind of analysis there is ample justification for its use.
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Terms and processes in translation between Indonesian and EnglishJohnson, Richard K., School of Modern Language Studies, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine particular problems that the Indonesian language poses for translators, whether translating from Indonesian to English or English to Indonesian. The notation Indonesian~English translation substitutes the swung dash ~ substitutes for the hyphen -. This notation is used in this thesis to indicate translation either from Indonesian to English or from English to Indonesian. It is a convenient way to make it clear when translation is in both directions. A multifaceted approach to translation will enable translation to be viewed in much the same way as the kinds of demands it places on the translator, who needs constantly to be aware of author~reader, source~target culture, syntax, semantics, semiotics, even geography and even politics. The use of metaphor and illustrations to describe the theoretical processes of translation is justified in the same way that imagery is justified in literature. To go a step further, it is important to see through the artificial distinction often made between interpretation and translation, so that translation acquires flexibility and a deeper ethical structure. A symbolic approach may be used by the translator., involving the perception of modules within text, identified with symbols, that can facilitate the process of translation. With Indonesian, the influx of foreign words occurred in three identifiable stages, Sanskrit, Arabic and Dutch/English. In relation to Indonesian~ English translation, the levels of Javanese and the co-existing presence of the Jakarta dialect may be compared to English vocabulary levels, for example Anglo- Saxon versus Latinate forms. This means an awareness of the existence of layers on the part of the translator. It does not imply a match between the layers in each language, philological layers between English and Indonesian, or strict equivalence between one set of borrowings in English and one in Indonesian. The hypothesis put forward is that there are advantages for the translator in being aware of waves of foreign and regional input that are part of the history of Indonesian as well as English, and that there is potential for creative utilisation of the resources of the two languages. Although a match between the layers in each language or strict equivalence between one set of borrowings in English and one in Indonesianis not implied, it is useful to recognise word origins where this may impact on the appropriate translation. Examination of the corpus presented in this thesis has shown that the history of Indonesian words can readily affect their meaning, while the history of English words may affect the choice of terms/. Nevertheless it has proved difficult to demonstrate any particular effect of the history or layer of meaning on the choice of terminology in translation. It seems that once the Indonesian term has been understood, the translation that will emerge will not particularly be bound by reference to the history of English terminology. The hypothesis then may be reduced to an observation that the derivation of Indonesian terms, like that of English terms, is important in fully understanding the scope of meaning of the terms. The other hypothesis in this thesis is that texts or terms can be viewed as a root system containing various nodes content that the translator can respond to and wrap into the translated version, with the form of the target text possibly differing from that of the source text. The process of translation can be compared to a process of unpackaging various semantic and other elements in a unit to be translated and repackaging them for the target version. The undbundling~rebundling hypothesis is in the end a very practical matter. It aims to enlarge the discretion of the translator to carry over content with judicious changes in form. It is fair to summarise examination of the corpus by concluding that evidence of the need for unbundling~rebundling has not been convincingly presented in this thesis. It is also fair to say that in general the English translation has followed the order of the Indonesian original quite closely, and this means that a process of unbundling~rebundling is often unlikely to be necessary. Nevertheless the validity of the unbundling~rebundling approach remains, and if a text requires this kind of analysis there is ample justification for its use.
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Terms and processes in translation between Indonesian and EnglishJohnson, Richard K., School of Modern Language Studies, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine particular problems that the Indonesian language poses for translators, whether translating from Indonesian to English or English to Indonesian. The notation Indonesian~English translation substitutes the swung dash ~ substitutes for the hyphen -. This notation is used in this thesis to indicate translation either from Indonesian to English or from English to Indonesian. It is a convenient way to make it clear when translation is in both directions. A multifaceted approach to translation will enable translation to be viewed in much the same way as the kinds of demands it places on the translator, who needs constantly to be aware of author~reader, source~target culture, syntax, semantics, semiotics, even geography and even politics. The use of metaphor and illustrations to describe the theoretical processes of translation is justified in the same way that imagery is justified in literature. To go a step further, it is important to see through the artificial distinction often made between interpretation and translation, so that translation acquires flexibility and a deeper ethical structure. A symbolic approach may be used by the translator., involving the perception of modules within text, identified with symbols, that can facilitate the process of translation. With Indonesian, the influx of foreign words occurred in three identifiable stages, Sanskrit, Arabic and Dutch/English. In relation to Indonesian~ English translation, the levels of Javanese and the co-existing presence of the Jakarta dialect may be compared to English vocabulary levels, for example Anglo- Saxon versus Latinate forms. This means an awareness of the existence of layers on the part of the translator. It does not imply a match between the layers in each language, philological layers between English and Indonesian, or strict equivalence between one set of borrowings in English and one in Indonesian. The hypothesis put forward is that there are advantages for the translator in being aware of waves of foreign and regional input that are part of the history of Indonesian as well as English, and that there is potential for creative utilisation of the resources of the two languages. Although a match between the layers in each language or strict equivalence between one set of borrowings in English and one in Indonesianis not implied, it is useful to recognise word origins where this may impact on the appropriate translation. Examination of the corpus presented in this thesis has shown that the history of Indonesian words can readily affect their meaning, while the history of English words may affect the choice of terms/. Nevertheless it has proved difficult to demonstrate any particular effect of the history or layer of meaning on the choice of terminology in translation. It seems that once the Indonesian term has been understood, the translation that will emerge will not particularly be bound by reference to the history of English terminology. The hypothesis then may be reduced to an observation that the derivation of Indonesian terms, like that of English terms, is important in fully understanding the scope of meaning of the terms. The other hypothesis in this thesis is that texts or terms can be viewed as a root system containing various nodes content that the translator can respond to and wrap into the translated version, with the form of the target text possibly differing from that of the source text. The process of translation can be compared to a process of unpackaging various semantic and other elements in a unit to be translated and repackaging them for the target version. The undbundling~rebundling hypothesis is in the end a very practical matter. It aims to enlarge the discretion of the translator to carry over content with judicious changes in form. It is fair to summarise examination of the corpus by concluding that evidence of the need for unbundling~rebundling has not been convincingly presented in this thesis. It is also fair to say that in general the English translation has followed the order of the Indonesian original quite closely, and this means that a process of unbundling~rebundling is often unlikely to be necessary. Nevertheless the validity of the unbundling~rebundling approach remains, and if a text requires this kind of analysis there is ample justification for its use.
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A comparative study of conjunctive cohesion in bilingual legal documents : a corpus-based study of three Hong Kong listed prospectuses and the Hong Kong companies ordinance / Corpus-based study of three Hong Kong listed prospectuses and the Hong Kong companies ordinancePan, Han Ting January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of English
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