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Des transmissions à l'épreuve des situations migratoires : les conditions d'une émancipation individuelle par le loisir sportif des descendantes de migrants maghrébins en quartier populaire / Transmissions in immigrant populations : conditions for individual emancipation through recreational sports in the female descendants of North African immigrants in a disadvantaged neighborhoodTatu-Colasseau, Anne 10 December 2013 (has links)
L’objet de notre recherche vise à identifier les chemins de l’émancipation individuelle desdescendantes sportives de migrants maghrébins habitantes de quartier populaire.Parler d’émancipation féminine dans un contexte d’héritage migratoire arabo-musulman suscite unrisque de lecture du processus au travers de catégories sociales ethnocentrées. Le premier travail a doncconsisté en une déconstruction des catégories sociales dominantes puis en une reconstruction de catégoriesd’intelligibilité du social afin de dépasser l’illusion de la relégation collective cumulée - sexuée, culturelle etsociale - des descendantes de migrants maghrébins et l’impasse pratique de l’injonction paradoxale de« fidélité versus rupture » vis-à-vis du système anthropologique arabo-musulman. Dès lors, notre lecturecompréhensive de l’engagement, minoritaire et innovant, des descendantes dans un loisir sportif, en tantqu’espace de tradition masculine impliquant particulièrement le corps, a permis d’appréhender les moteurs etmodalités d’une individualisation qui ne traduit pas une simple contestation pratique d’une tradition héritée.Cheminer vers la recherche des conditions de possibilité de leur expérience de loisir sportif et desimplications pratiques de cet engagement sur leur repositionnement dans divers rapports sociaux a exigé demobiliser une démarche de terrain enracinée. A l’issue d’une enquête quantitative basée sur un repéragepatronymique de la représentation des descendantes dans l’offre de loisir territorialisée d’un quartier bisontin,54 éclairages qualitatifs ont permis de recueillir la matière de cette recherche au fur et à mesure de 6 moisd’observation participante des loisirs sportifs sur le quartier.Nous avons constaté que les processus familiaux de transmissions mémorielles et culturelles –références sexuées et religieuses – sont les vecteurs d’une dynamique des générations source de changementsnégociés entre la génération des migrants et celle des descendants. Fonction des vécus pré et post-migratoires,ils conditionnent la définition de statuts féminins et masculins qui stimulent différentiellement tant la doubleinscription familiale et sociale que l’engagement dans des espaces et des pratiques renouvelés, dont le sport.Le statut du transmetteur, le genre de l’héritier, sa place dans la fratrie, la structuration de celle-ci définissentles conditions individualisées de transmission, mais aussi de réception, de ce fond commun familial. Dans unsystème d’échanges généralisés, les matrices de l’expérience, territoriale et scolaire, représentent alors uncontexte global de validation ou d’invalidation des stratégies éducatives parentales et définissent les conditionsde leur inflexion ou réorientation progressive. L’ensemble de ces transmissions et variables conduisent à desunivers des possibles sportifs fragmentés chez les descendantes de l’immigration maghrébine.Les implications de cet engagement en termes d’émancipation « en tant que descendantes del’immigration maghrébine dans un quartier populaire » ont alors été appréhendées du point de vue de leursexpériences, donc de ce qu’elles font et de ce qu’elles sont quand elles disent qu’elles sont émancipées. Lesbricolages situés ambivalents mis en place traduisent leur identification optionnelle fonction de la désignationincluse dans l’interaction, le moment et l’espace. Ils leur permettent de concilier leurs aspirations et référencescontradictoires, ainsi que les contraintes qui en découlent, et de re-prendre place simultanément dans lafiliation et la société au travers de processus pluriels d’autonomisation, d’individualisation, de distinction oud’autodétermination destinés à refuser les assignations. / The aim of our study was to identify the forms that individual emancipation takes for the women froma disadvantaged neighborhood in a French city who are involved in sports and are the descendants of NorthAfrican immigrants.We are well aware that a study of female emancipation within the context of Arab-Muslimimmigration could run the risk of being ethnocentrically biased. To avoid this, our first task involved adeconstruction of the dominant social categories, followed by a reconstruction of scientifically-based socialcategories in order to break out of both the current collective gender, cultural and social exclusion of thefemale descendants of North African immigrants and of the impasse presented by the dictate of "loyalty orrupture" which exists in the Arab-Muslim anthropological system. Our comprehensive study of thecommitments, which are few in number and innovative, of the female descendants who participate in arecreational sport that involves the body and which is usually reserved for males, provides the drivers andconditions of an individualization that is not simply rebellion against an inherited tradition.In order to research the conditions under which the women experienced recreational sports and thepractical implications that this commitment had on their repositioning in social relationships, we usedgrounded theory methodology. We used patronymic tracking in a quantitative survey to obtain the percentageof female descendants participating in recreational sport offered in a neighborhood of Besançon, France, andthen we carried out 54 qualitative interviews. The research material was collected over a 6-month period ofon-site observation of recreational sports activities.We found that family processes of memory and cultural transmissions (gender and religiousreferences) are drivers of a generational dynamic: sources of changes negotiated between the generation ofimmigrants and that of the descendants. Based on pre-and post-immigration experiences, these processesdetermine the definition of female and male status, which stimulates in different ways family and socialpositions, as well as a new type of involvement with space and the new practices that accompany participationin sport. The status of the transmitter, the gender of the inheritor, her place among siblings, and thestructuration of her place define not only the individualized conditions of transmission, but also the conditionsof their reception into the common family background. In a generalized system of exchange, the matrices ofexperience (neighborhood and school environs) are representative of the over-all context of validation orinvalidation of parental educational strategies and define the conditions either for their acceptance or for theirgradual reorientation. All these types of transmissions and variables produce sport experiences that are variedand different for female descendants of North African immigrants. .The implications of this commitment to emancipation by the female descendants of North Africanimmigrants in a disadvantaged neighborhood are demonstrated in our study in terms of their experiences, i.e.,in what they do and what they are when they say they are emancipated. The resulting assemblage of varyingopposing and similar elements reflects their optional identification based on interactions, a particular time, andspace. It enables these women to reconcile their conflicting aspirations and references, and the resultingconstraints, and at the same time to take a new place in filiation and society via the multi-leveled process ofself-determination, individualization, distinguishing themselves from other women, and self-empowerment.
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A Model Based Framework for Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis of Dynamical Systems with an Application to Helicopter TransmissionsPatrick-Aldaco, Romano 06 July 2007 (has links)
The thesis presents a framework for integrating models, simulation, and experimental data to diagnose incipient failure modes and prognosticate the remaining useful life of critical components, with an application to the main transmission of a helicopter. Although the helicopter example is used to illustrate the methodology presented, by appropriately adapting modules, the architecture can be applied to a variety of similar engineering systems. Models of the kind referenced are commonly referred to in the literature as physical or physics-based models. Such models utilize a mathematical description of some of the natural laws that govern system behaviors.
The methodology presented considers separately the aspects of diagnosis and prognosis of engineering systems, but a similar generic framework is proposed for both. The methodology is tested and validated through comparison of results to data from experiments carried out on helicopters in operation and a test cell employing a prototypical helicopter gearbox. Two kinds of experiments have been used. The first one retrieved vibration data from several healthy and faulted aircraft transmissions in operation. The second is a seeded-fault damage-progression test providing gearbox vibration data and ground truth data of increasing crack lengths. For both kinds of experiments, vibration data were collected through a number of accelerometers mounted on the frame of the transmission gearbox. The applied architecture consists of modules with such key elements as the modeling of vibration signatures, extraction of descriptive vibratory features, finite element analysis of a gearbox component, and characterization of fracture progression.
Contributions of the thesis include: (1) generic model-based fault diagnosis and failure prognosis methodologies, readily applicable to a dynamic large-scale mechanical system; (2) the characterization of the vibration signals of a class of complex rotary systems through model-based techniques; (3) a reverse engineering approach for fault identification using simulated vibration data; (4) the utilization of models of a faulted planetary gear transmission to classify descriptive system parameters either as fault-sensitive or fault-insensitive; and (5) guidelines for the integration of the model-based diagnosis and prognosis architectures into prognostic algorithms aimed at determining the remaining useful life of failing components.
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Photothermal Single Particle Detection in Theory & ExperimentsSelmke, Markus 28 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The dissertation presents theoretical and experimental studies on the physical origin of the signal in photothermal microscopy of single particles. This noninvasive optical far field microscopy scheme allows the imaging and detection of single absorbing nanoparticles. Based on a heat-induced pertur- bation in the refractive index in the embedding medium of the nanoscopic absorber, a corresponding probe beam modification is measured and quantified. The method is well established and has been applied since its first demonstration in 2002 to the imaging and characterization of various absorbing particle species, such as quantum dots, single molecules and nanoparticles of different shapes.
The extensive theoretical developments presented in this thesis provide the first quantitative assess- ment of the signal and at the same time enlarge its phenomenology and thereby its potential. On the basis of several approximation schemes to the Maxwell equations, which fundamentally gov- ern the interaction of light with inhomogeneities, several complementing models are devised which describe the photothermal signal both qualitatively and quantitatively. In succession an interdepen- dent and self-consistent set of theoretical descriptions is given and allows important experimental consequences to be drawn. In consequence, the photothermal signal is shown to correspond to the action of a nanoscopic (thermal) lens, represented by the spherically symmetric refractive index pro- file n(r) which accompanies the thermal expansion of the absorber’s environment. The achieved quantification allows the direct measurement of absorption cross-sections of nanoparticles. Further, a qualitatively new phenomenology of the signal is unraveled and experimentally demonstrated. The separate roles of the probing and the heating beams in photothermal microscopy is dismantled and the influence of their relative alignment shown to allow for a controlled adjustment of the effective detection volume. For the first time, both positive and negative signals are demonstrated to occur and to be the characteristic signature of the lens-like action on the probe beam. The detection of the probe beam’s modification is also shown to sensitively depend on the aperture used in the detection chan- nel, and a signal optimization is shown to be feasible. Also, a generalization of the detectable signal via the use of a quadrant photodiode is achieved. Specifically, measuring the far field beam deflec- tion the result of the beam passing the lens off-center manifests in a laterally split detection volume. Hereby, finally each classical photothermal spectroscopic techniques has been shown to possess its microscopic counterpart. Central to the understanding of this generalized and new phenomenology is a scalar wave-optical model which draws an analogy between the scattering of a massive particle wave-packet by a Coulomb potential and the deflection of a focused beam by a photonic potential connected with the thermal lens.
The significance of the findings is demonstrated by its methodological implications on photother- mal correlation spectroscopy in which the diffusion dynamics of absorbing colloidal particles can be studied. The unique split focal detection volumes are shown to allow the sensitive measurement of a deterministic velocity field. Finally, the method is supplemented by a newly introduced sta- tistical analysis method which is capable of characterizing samples containing a heterogeneous size distribution.
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Isolement acoustique de parois aux basses fréquences : programmation d'outils prédictifs et confrontations expérimentales dans le cas de planchers solivés en boisTribaleau, Antonin 24 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le domaine de l'acoustique du bâtiment, la structuredes constructions en bois est légère et ses capacités d'isolementacoustique sont faibles en particulier pour les basses fréquencesen comparaison à d'autres techniques de constructioncomme le béton. Les travaux de cette thèse se donc sont centréssur l'élaboration d'un outil prédictif visant à déterminer lesperformances acoustiques des planchers solivés en bois afin decompléter les outils prédictifs actuellement sur le marché. Laméthode des éléments finis est adaptée pour résoudre ce problèmevibro-acoustique car le comportement basses fréquencesest de type modal. Pour gagner en temps de calcul, une résolutionmixte éléments finis - formulation intégrale d'Huygens etdifférentes optimisations ont été mises en place. Grâce à l'utilisationde la méthode des éléments finis, il a été possible demettre en évidence des résonances de ce problème couplé quifont chuter localement la valeur de l'affaiblissement ; celles-cine peuvent être prises en compte par la méthode des matricesde transfert. Néanmoins, ces deux méthodes fournissent des alluresmoyennes de courbes d'affaiblissement équivalentes, enparticulier lors d'une étude en tiers d'octave. Pour aborder leproblème des transmissions latérales, nous avons montré lafaisabilité de la détermination expérimentale des propriétés mécaniqueséquivalentes d'un élément de jonction courant entreles planchers et les murs : le sabot métallique. Un modèle mécaniquesimplifié par éléments finis permet ainsi un couplagemécanique entre les solives et les poutres en intégrant les effetslocaux de dissipation présents pour ce type de jonction.
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Block Transmissions On Orthogonal CarriersYazici, Ayhan 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Single Carrier
Block Transmissions (SCBT) are located at the two opposite edges of block
transmission concept. In this thesis a system which lies between OFDM
and SCBT is proposed. The new system, namely Block Transmissions on
Orthogonal Carriers (BTOC), can be considered as a hybrid form of OFDM
and SCBT. BTOC system is investigated under the redundant filterbank
precoders and equalizers framework. Peak to average power ratio (PAPR) of
BTOC is formulated and compared with the PAPRs of OFDM and SCBT.
Effect of frequency offset for BTOC is investigated and comparison between
OFDM, SCBT, and BTOC is presented. Simulation results of Zero Padded
OFDM (ZP-OFDM), SCBT, and BTOC are included.
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Transmissions intergénérationnelles dans des familles d'origine marocaine en France et en Allemagne : "la fierté d'être soi" / lntergenerational transmission processes in families with Moroccan origins in France and Germany : "the strategy of transmitting self-esteem"Pape, Elise 09 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’étude de processus de transmission en situation (post)migratoire. A partir d’une étude socio-anthropologique, elle vise à saisir l’impact de différents cadres nationaux sur ces transmissions, mais aussi à étudier les dynamiques transnationales à l’œuvre, car le groupe étudié est caractérisé par sa forte répartition dans plusieurs pays d’Europe. L’analyse dégage diverses formes de transmissions, allant des rapports de genre aux langues, aux pratiques transnationales, à la religion, ou encore au rapport à la modernité et à l’altérité. Ces transmissions révèlent, indépendamment de l’origine sociale des familles rencontrées, être motivées par la transmission de la « fierté d’être soi », par laquelle les familles élaborent une résistance active à l’impact du postcolonialisme. Un outil particulièrement puissant dans ce processus s’avère consister dans la transmission de la mémoire familiale, par laquelle les personnes étudiées développent une réflexion intense autour du rapport entre histoire, mémoire et construction des sociétés contemporaines, visant à rapprocher le « ici » du « là-bas ». / This PhD treats the question of transmission processes in families with migrant background. Departing from a socio-anthropological research, the study aims at depicting the impact of different national frameworks on these transmissions, but also to grasp the transnational dynamics at work, as the group of migrants concerned is particularly widespread in Europe. The analysis reveals different forms of transmission, going from the transmission of gender relations to the transmission of languages, transnational practices, religion or the positioning towards modernity and “Othering”. Independently from the social origin of the encountered families, these transmissions show to be motivated by the “strategy of transmitting self-esteem”, through which the families develop an active resistance to the impact of postcolonialism. A particularly powerful tool here by consists of the transmission of family memory, through which the encountered persons develop an intense reflection on the relationship between history, memory and the construction of contemporary societies, aiming at letting the “here” and the “there” get closer to one another.
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CFD simulation of dip-lubricated single-stage gearboxes through coupling of multiphase flow and multiple body dynamics : an initial investigationImtiaz, Nasir January 2018 (has links)
Transmissions are an essential part of a vehicle powertrain. An optimally designed powertrain can result in energy savings, reduced environmental impact and increased comfort and reliability. Along with other components of the powertrain, efficiency is also a major concern in the design of transmissions. The churning power losses associated with the motion of gears through the oil represent a significant portion of the total power losses in a transmission and therefore need to be estimated. A lack of reliable empirical models for the prediction of these losses has led to the emergence of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) as a means to (i) predict these losses and (ii) promote a deeper understanding of the physical phenomena responsible for theselosses in order to improve existing models. The commercial CFD solver STAR-CCM+ is used to investigate the oil distribution and the churning power losses inside two gearbox configurations namely an FZG (Technical Institute for the Study of Gears and Drive Mechanisms) gearbox and a planetary gearbox. A comparison of two motion handling techniques in STARCCM+ namely MRF (Moving Reference Frame) and RBM (Rigid Body Motion) models is made in terms of the accuracy of results and the computational requirements using the FZG gearbox. A sensitivity analysis on how the size of gap between the meshing gear teeth affects the flow and the computational requirements is also done using the FZG gearbox. Different modelling alternatives are investigated for the planetary gearbox and the best choices have been determined. The numerical simulations are solved in an unsteady framework where the VOF (Volume Of Fluid) multiphase model is used to track the interface between the immiscible phases. The overset meshing technique has been used to reconfigure the mesh at each time step. The results from the CFD simulations are presented and discussed in terms of the modelling choices made and their effect on the accuracy of the results. The MRF method is a cheaper alternative compared to the RBM model however, the former model does not accurately simulate the transient start-up and instead provides just a regime solution of the unsteady problem. As expected, the accuracy of the results suffers from having a large gap between the meshing gear teeth. The use of compressible ideal gas model for the air phase with a pressure boundary condition gives the optimum performance for the planetary gearbox. The outcomes can be used toeffectively study transmission flows using CFD and thereby improve the design of future transmissions for improved efficiency.
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Analyse des processus générationnels de transmission et d’engagements familiaux et communautaires. Cas des membres de trois générations marocaines masculines installés en BelgiqueArara, Rim 18 April 2018 (has links)
La transmission est un acte social manifestant les échanges entre individus dans le but d’assurer une continuité dans le temps à travers la succession des générations. Par ailleurs, cette même transmission dépend de plusieurs circonstances liées tant aux perceptions des individus qu’à leurs conditions sociohistoriques de vie. Il en résulte que ces transmissions sont souvent imbriquées entre la continuité et le changement, la production et la reproduction, la construction et la co-construction, etc. Certes, elles ne sont que rarement une reproduction à l’identique, ce qui favorise sa diversité et sa richesse aboutissant parfois à la complexité de ce processus. C’est dans le but de détecter les effets de génération traduisant les changements s’opérant entre trois générations masculines marocaines installées en Belgique que nous avions entamé cette étude. Celle-ci par le biais de deux méthodes complémentaires, notamment le récit de vie et l’analyse interprétative phénoménologique, a pu mettre en relation des faits connus. Il s’agit de la mise en lien de pratiques d’engagements familiaux et de transmissions générationnelles favorisant l'extraction d’éclairantes significations. Ainsi, cette étude, en analysant en premier les récits de vie à la façon d’un « roman » familial de ces trois générations ayant des relations collatérales et sociales (relations horizontales), a pu identifier les caractéristiques et profils des sujets relevant de chaque génération. Ces derniers,en vivant des moments sociohistoriques, y participent activement et passivement. En effet, de leur implication à un destin commun et concret, ils forment une unité générationnelle spécifique marquée par un temps historique et une trame événementielle commune.De plus, l’utilisation de la méthode phénoménologique a permis d’identifier ensuite trois registres de transmissions mis en évidence par les générations familiales ayant un lien de filiation patrilinéaire existant entre un grand-père, son fils et son petit-fils (relations verticales). Les différents contenus de leurs registres, non mutuellement exclusifs, dénotent du développement des pratiques de transmission où chaque génération intériorise les valeurs des ainés par modelage ou par l’exemple…, mais s’approprie également de nouvelles valeurs.De surcroit, leurs transmissions véhiculent différents contenus ce qui manifeste que chaque génération reste marquée par ses propres expériences, perceptions, vécues, favorisant la co-construction de nouvelles transmissions et leur circulation. Par conséquent, nos travaux nous amènent à concevoir une articulation très forte entre les transmissions diversifiées selon les contextes et les contenus qui se font entre ces générations patrilinéaires. Celles-ci se sont engagées dans des transmissions générationnelles pour faire face aux différentes pressions socioculturelles et économiques leur imposant de multiples ajustements. Par ailleurs, leurs transmissions s’opérant dans un contexte migratoire, même si elles ambitionnent de garder une continuité avec le patrimoine d’origine, évoquent par ailleurs, le changement social, sans pour autant marquer de rupture prononcée.Finalement, il est à noter que leurs objectifs de par leurs différentes transmissions s’articulent autour de la préservation de l’appartenance et de l’équilibre familial, du respect des habitudes familiales, particulièrement par le développement de leurs liens qui demeurent une puissance affective qui scelle, maintient et développe leurs relations. De plus, toutes ces générations ambitionnent leur adaptation aux nouvelles valeurs et règles de la nouvelle société. Il s’agit là d’un enjeu familial consistant à maintenir une stabilité sociale et culturelle tout en ayant une harmonie avec l’environnement extérieur. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Distributed Inference using Bounded TransmissionsJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Distributed inference has applications in a wide range of fields such as source localization, target detection, environment monitoring, and healthcare. In this dissertation, distributed inference schemes which use bounded transmit power are considered. The performance of the proposed schemes are studied for a variety of inference problems. In the first part of the dissertation, a distributed detection scheme where the sensors transmit with constant modulus signals over a Gaussian multiple access channel is considered. The deflection coefficient of the proposed scheme is shown to depend on the characteristic function of the sensing noise, and the error exponent for the system is derived using large deviation theory. Optimization of the deflection coefficient and error exponent are considered with respect to a transmission phase parameter for a variety of sensing noise distributions including impulsive ones. The proposed scheme is also favorably compared with existing amplify-and-forward (AF) and detect-and-forward (DF) schemes. The effect of fading is shown to be detrimental to the detection performance and simulations are provided to corroborate the analytical results. The second part of the dissertation studies a distributed inference scheme which uses bounded transmission functions over a Gaussian multiple access channel. The conditions on the transmission functions under which consistent estimation and reliable detection are possible is characterized. For the distributed estimation problem, an estimation scheme that uses bounded transmission functions is proved to be strongly consistent provided that the variance of the noise samples are bounded and that the transmission function is one-to-one. The proposed estimation scheme is compared with the amplify and forward technique and its robustness to impulsive sensing noise distributions is highlighted. It is also shown that bounded transmissions suffer from inconsistent estimates if the sensing noise variance goes to infinity. For the distributed detection problem, similar results are obtained by studying the deflection coefficient. Simulations corroborate our analytical results. In the third part of this dissertation, the problem of estimating the average of samples distributed at the nodes of a sensor network is considered. A distributed average consensus algorithm in which every sensor transmits with bounded peak power is proposed. In the presence of communication noise, it is shown that the nodes reach consensus asymptotically to a finite random variable whose expectation is the desired sample average of the initial observations with a variance that depends on the step size of the algorithm and the variance of the communication noise. The asymptotic performance is characterized by deriving the asymptotic covariance matrix using results from stochastic approximation theory. It is shown that using bounded transmissions results in slower convergence compared to the linear consensus algorithm based on the Laplacian heuristic. Simulations corroborate our analytical findings. Finally, a robust distributed average consensus algorithm in which every sensor performs a nonlinear processing at the receiver is proposed. It is shown that non-linearity at the receiver nodes makes the algorithm robust to a wide range of channel noise distributions including the impulsive ones. It is shown that the nodes reach consensus asymptotically and similar results are obtained as in the case of transmit non-linearity. Simulations corroborate our analytical findings and highlight the robustness of the proposed algorithm. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Electrical Engineering 2013
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Les télécommunications au premier millénaire av. J.-C. au Levant / Telecommunications during the first millennium BCE in the Near EastLeibovici, Jacques 16 November 2010 (has links)
La survie d’un État dépend de la capacité de ses dirigeants à être informés et à communiquer leurs décisions, puis de contrôler leur exécution. L’information dans l’Antiquité circulait par courrier mais aussi par transmissions de signaux sonores et/ou lumineux. Après une étude documentaire des récits attestant la transmission d’informations par signaux lumineux et sonores au Levant au premier millénaire av. J.-C., nous avons démontré que les logiciels utilisés pour la conception des réseaux actuels de télécommunications peuvent suggérer des sites relais utilisés pour cette transmission. Les limites techniques des moyens de l’époque sont des paramètres déterminants. Nous en avons déduit des modèles de réseaux. Enfin ces hypothèses ont été validées sur le terrain. / The survival of a State depends on the capacity of its leaders to be informed and on their successes to communicate their decisions, then to control their executions. The information in the ancient times circulated by mail, but also by transmissions of sound and/or light signals.After a documentary survey of stories attesting the transmission of informations by light and sound signals in the Near East during the first millennium BCE, we tried to see if the software used for telecommunications networks design and planning can hint repeater sites used for this transmission. The limitations of the technology at that time will determine parameters. Models of networks have been deducted. Finally these hypotheses have been validated on the ground.
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