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Peuplements : transmission de rituels des indiens Pankararu aux indiens Pankararé, Nordeste du Brésil / Populating. : ritual's transmissions from Pankararus to Pankararé, Northeast of Brazil. / Povoamentos. : transmissões de rituais dos índios Pankararu para os índios Pankararé no Nordeste do Brasil.Menta, Cyril 19 December 2017 (has links)
Cette ethnographie est consacrée à l’analyse d’un fragment du parcours de rituels indigènes –toré, praiá et cure chamanique – dans le Nordeste du Brésil. Elle se fonde sur un travail de terrain mené entre 2010 et 2015 chez les indiens Pankararé (État de Bahia) et Pankararu (État du Pernambuco). L’objectif principal consiste à illustrer concrètement le processus régional de convergence rituelle à travers l’étude des transmissions entre ces deux populations. L’hypothèse est que ces transmissions conduisent à un triple peuplement. 1) Le premier est régional et ethnique : l’apprentissage et la performance du rituel du toré permet, pour des populations considérées caboclas et dénigrées pour leur absence de symboles extérieurs de l’indianité, l’acquisition du statut juridique, différenciateur et mélioratif de « population indigène ». 2) Ces enseignements consistent en la transmission de techniques ayant pour but l’établissement de contacts avec des entités invisibles locales, constitutives des actions rituelles. Les Pankararé, en tant que population réceptrice, découvrent à travers ces pratiques un panthéon d’entités locales légitimant la personnalisation de leurs pratiques rituelles, ce qui constitue un deuxième axe de peuplement, un peuplement cosmique. 3) Chez la population émettrice, ces transmissions interethniques de rituels ont pour conséquence une libéralisation des relations avec le monde invisible, ce qui provoque une multiplication considérable de ses habitants. De nouvelles catégories d’entités sont progressivement intégrées, possèdent des masques rituels et sont appelées lors des rituels domestiques ou collectifs. La description de ces trois formes de peuplement permet l’analyse des raisons et conditions des transmissions interethniques de rituels, de leur acceptation, succès, mais aussi de leurs conséquences et des innovations apportées. / This ethnography aims to analyze the journey of fragment of indigenous rituals – toré, praiá and shamanic cure – in Brazil Nordeste. It is based on a fieldwork carried between 2010 and 2015 within the Pankararé (State of Bahia) and the Panakaru (State of Pernambuco) indigenous people. The main objective of this dissertation is to illustrate the regional process of rituals’ convergence by studying the transmission between those two populations. The hypothesis at the core of this work is that these transmissions lead to a triple populating process. 1) The first one is a regional and ethnical process: the learning and performance of the toré rituals allows for population considered as caboclas and denigrated for the absence of exterior symbols of their indianness to obtain the legal status differentiating and ameliorating the situation for “indigenous populations”. (2) Those learnings consist in the transmission of techniques establishing contacts with local invisible entity, constitutive of rituals actions. Pankararé’s, as receptive populations, discover through those practices a pantheon of local entity legitimizing the personalization of their ritual practices. This constitutes a second realm of populating process, a cosmic populating. (3) Within the issuing population, those interethnic transmissions of rituals results in a relations’ liberalization with the invisible world, provoking a significant multiplication of its inhabitant. New categories of entity are progressively integrated, posses rituals mask and are called upon in collective and domestic rituals.The description of these three forms of populating process allows for the analysis of the motives and the condition behind interethnic rituals transmissions, of their acceptations, success, but also outcomes and innovations. / A presente etnografia se dedica à análise de fragmentos do percurso de rituais indígenas – toré, praiá e cura xamânica – no Nordeste do Brazil. Está baseada em trabalho de campo conduzido de 2010 à 2015 entre os índios Pankararé (Estado da Bahia) e Pankararu (Estado do Pernambuco). Seu objetivo principal é ilustrar o processo regional de convergência ritual através do estudo das transmissões entre esses dois grupos. Desenha-se a hipótese de que essas transmissões teriam levado à um povoamento triplo. O primeiro deles é regional e étnico : a aprendizagem do ritual do toré permite que populações consideradas « caboclas », portanto desvalorizadas pela ausência de símbolos exteriores de indianidade, passem a ter um estatuto jurídico de « população indígena ». Esses ensinamentos rituais levam, por sua vez, à transmissão de técnicas que têm por objetivo o contato com entidades invisiveis locais, constitutivas das ações rituais. Os Pankararé, enquanto população receptora, descobrem através dessas práticas um panteão de entidades locais que legitimam a personalização de suas práticas rituais. À essa descoberta está referido o segundo tipo de povoamento, o povoamento cósmico. Já o terceiro modelo de povoamento está vinculado à população emissora. Nela, as transmissões rituais interétnicas têm por consequência a liberalização das relações com o mundo invisível, o que provoca uma multiplicação considerável de seus habitantes. Novas categorias de entidades são progressivamente integradas, possuem suas máscaras e são constantemente chamadas para rituais domésticos e coletivos.A descrição dessas três formas de povoamento permite, portanto, a análise das razões e condições da transmissão de rituais em contextos interétnicos, chamando a atenção para seu sucesso e aceitação mas também para suas consequências e inovações.
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Le rapport à la politique des descendants d'immigrés dans les quartiers d'habitat social : de la diversité des parcours aux expériences communes / Political attitudes of immigrants' descendants living in deprived suburbs in France : from diversity of backgrounds to common experiencesLagier, Elsa 17 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les dynamiques de construction du rapport à la politique (intérêt, critique, indifférence, engagement etc.) des descendants d’immigrés nés en France – ou y ayant grandi – et résidant dans un quartier d'habitat social dans lequel est mise en oeuvre la politique de la ville. L'originalité de ce travail vient du fait que différents rapports à la politique sont étudiés et que les familles rencontrées sont originaires de différents pays (Sénégal, Algérie, Maroc, Vietnam, Laos, Comores etc.). L'analyse développée à partir d’entretiens biographiques souligne l’influence des différents parcours migratoires des parents et des expériences communes des enfants sur la construction de leurs attitudes politiques ; elle questionne leur éventuelle spécificité. Elle accorde une attention particulière à la mémoire familiale et aux dynamiques des transmissions intergénérationnelles, aux trajectoires socioprofessionnelles des descendants d’immigrés et de leurs parents ainsi qu’au contexte local de vie. / This PhD questions the dynamics of political attitudes (interest, criticism, indifference, involvement etc.) of French youths from non-European immigrant background born or raised in France in deprived areas where a specific policy is implemented. The originality of this study is that it includes different attitudes towards politics and different countries of origin. The interlocutors interviewed are from Senegal, Algeria, Morocco, Vietnam, Laos, Comoros etc. The analysis developed from biographical interviews underlines the influence of the different migration paths of the parents, and the common experiences of their children on the construction of their political attitudes; it questions their possible specificity. This analysis pays particular attention to the family memory and the dynamics of intergenerational transmission, to the socio-professional trajectories of immigrants’ descendants and those of their parents as well as their local context of residence.
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"Hipervírus humano tipo 8 (HHV-8): Estudo de segmentos alvo do genoma viral em amostras de sangue, saliva e urina de pacientes infectados pelo HIV/aids, com e sem Sarcoma de Kaposi" / Human Herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8): Study of target segments of the HHV-8 genoma in blood, saliva and urine of HIV/aids infected patients with or without Kaposi's SarcomaElizabeth de Los Santos Fortuna 08 December 2005 (has links)
Desde a descoberta do herpes vírus humano tipo 8 (HHV-8) como o agente etiológico do sarcoma de Kaposi (SK) nas suas diferentes formas clínico-epidemiológicas, vários estudos vêm sendo conduzidos com o intuito de determinar as vias de transmissão desse vírus em populações endêmicas e de risco epidemiológico. Em regiões endêmicas, a transmissão viral foi relacionada à transmissão horizontal de mães para filhos e entre irmãos e a sexual principalmente, nos casos de SK/aids. Com o objetivo de determinar segmentos do genoma viral em fluídos biológicos e consequentemente seu potencial infectante foi conduzido o presente trabalho. Foram avaliados quanto à presença de segmentos localizados em posições estratégicas do genoma do HHV-8 em sangue, saliva e urina de 76 pacientes com SK/aids, 19 pacientes com HIV/aids, 4 casos de SK clássico e 11 indivíduos sadios (HIV-soronegativos, sem SK). Foram utilizadas as técnicas de PCR "nested" para as ORF K1, ORF 25, ORF 26, ORF K8.1 e ORF 73 em DNA extraído de material de biópsia de lesão de SK (controle positivo), células do sangue periférico, saliva e urina. Os resultados de PCR positivo para o HHV-8 foram analisados quanto a variáveis epidemiológicas, clínicas e laboratoriais. Foram consideradas como variáveis: sexo, cor, origem étnica, tempo de infecção por HIV e de acompanhamento do SK, terapia ARV e para SK, contagem de células CD4+ e sorologia para o HHV-8 (IFI-LANA e IFI-Lítico). Os testes estatísticos de regressão logística e de razão de chances foram usados para detectar as associações estatisticamente significantes entre as PCRs positivas e as variáveis estudadas nos grupos SK/aids e HIV/aids. Os subtipos do HHV-8 foram também determinados pela técnica de PCR-RFLP da ORF K1 (VR1). Os resultados obtidos mostraram a detecção de DNA/HHV-8 em 80,2% do material de biópsia, 69,7% no sangue, 59,2% na saliva e 21,0% na urina de pacientes com SK/aids. No grupo HIV/aids, a PCR para o HHV-8 resultou positiva em 47,4% dos casos no sangue e em 26,3% na saliva e urina. Já no grupo SK clássico 100% das biópsias e salivas resultaram PCR positiva, 67% do sangue e 33% das urinas. A avaliação sorológica revelou 73,3% de reatividade para IFI-LANA e 85,3% para a IFI-Lítico no grupo SK/aids, enquanto o grupo HIV/aids mostrou reatividade de 15,8% para IFI-LANA e 47,4% para IFI-Lítico; todos os pacientes apresentaram resultados reagentes nas duas sorologias para o HHV-8 no grupo de SK clássico. No grupo controle sadio não houve reatividade na sorologia para o HHV-8, com exceção de um caso, que mostrou ser reagente na IFI-LANA. Foi possível realizar a subtipagem do HHV-8 em amostras de 69 pacientes, sendo detectadas 27 cepas do subtipo A, 13 do subtipo B, 28 do subtipo C e 1 do subtipo E. Após as análises estatísticas foi verificado que as PCRs que identificam as regiões ORF 26, ORF K8.1 e ORF 73 foram as que apresentaram melhor desempenho na identificação de DNA/HHV-8. Houve associação entre a reatividade de IFI-Lítico e a presença do vírus no sangue periférico, assim como a reatividade para IFI-LANA e a detecção de DNA/HHV-8 na saliva. Houve uma tendência dos subtipos B e C de HHV-8 serem detectados em pacientes com infecção profunda ou disseminada de SK. Estes resultados sugerem que a boca pode ser um sítio de latência da infecção por HHV-8 e confirmam a atuação de sangue, saliva e urina como fluídos potencialmente infectantes. / Since the discovery of the human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) as the etiological agent of Kaposis sarcoma (KS), several studies have been conducted in order to determine routes of virus transmission, mostly in endemic and at risk populations. The main of the present study was to determine target segments of the HHV-8 genoma and consequently infected bodily fluids. DNA sequences of ORF K1, ORF 25, ORF 26, ORF K8.1 and ORF 73 strategically localized in viral genoma were searched using nested PCR techniques in KS lesions (positive control), blood, saliva, and urine from 76 KS/aids patients, 19 HIV/aids patients, 4 classic KS patients, and among 11 healthy individuals (HIV-1 seronegative, without KS). HHV-8 subtypes were determined by PCR-RFLP of the ORF K1 (VR1), and HHV-8 antibodies by IFA-LANA and IFA-Lytic assays. The results obtained were analyzed according to epidemiological, clinical and laboratorial data, and the c2 test, logistic regression and odds ratio were applied to identify statistical association among variables in KS/aids and HIV/aids groups. The results obtained showed HHV-8 DNA in 80.2% of biopsies, 69.7% of blood, 59.2% of saliva, and 21% of urines from KS/aids group. Among HIV/aids patients, 47.4% resulted PCR positive in blood, 26.3% in saliva and urine. In classic KS cases, all biopsies and saliva resulted PCR positive, 67% in blood, and 33% in urine. The serology in KS/aids group showed 73.3% frequency of anti-latent antibodies, and 85.3% frequency of anti-lytic antibodies, while in HIV/aids group the frequencies were 15.8% and 47.4%, respectively. All classic KS cases resulted HHV-8 seroposite, while all individuals from control group resulted HHV-8 seronegative. Molecular characterization of 69 HHV-8 strains disclosed: 27 of subtype A, 13 of subtype B, 28 of subtype C, and 1 of subtype E. The ORF 26, ORF K8.1 and ORF 73 were the best segments for identifying HHV-8 DNA in bodily fluids. It was observed an association between antibodies to lytic antigens and the presence of HHV-8 in blood, and antibodies to latent antigens and the detection of HHV8 DNA in saliva of KS/aids patients. Indeed, HHV-8 subtypes B and C were detected mostly in disseminated KS cases. Taken together, the results obtained suggest that the mouth could be one site of HHV-8 latency, and confirm that blood, saliva and urine were potentially infectious bodily fluids.
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Beitrag zur Prädiktion von Schalltransferpfaden in FahrzeuggetriebenSchmitt, Carsten 23 January 2019 (has links)
Getriebeheulphänomenen wird in der industriellen Praxis zum Teil noch immer ausschließlich mit Hilfe einer optimierten Verzahnungsauslegung zur Minimierung des Drehfehlers begegnet. Bei auffälligen Resonanzerscheinungen werden zudem Strukturoptimierungen am Getriebegehäuse und den Karosserieanbindungspunkten des Antriebsstrangs vorgenommen, ohne auf die internen Systemkomponenten verstärkt einzugehen. Zudem kann bisher die verlässliche Erkenntnis, dass zur Einhaltung akustischer Grenzwerte die Konstruktion nochmals überarbeitet werden muss, erst spät im Entwicklungsprozess während der akustischen Versuchsdurchführung an Prüfständen oder im Fahrzeug getroffen werden. Durch sogenannte Sekundärmaßnahmen, die typischerweise nicht unmittelbar das Anregungsverhalten oder die Dynamik des Antriebsstrangs, sondern den karosserieseitigen Transferpfad betreffen, kann eine Reduktion des Schalldruckpegels im Fahrzeuginnenraum in gewissen Grenzen erzielt werden. Dies ist zumeist weder aus ingenieurstechnischer Sicht noch aus Sicht steigender Entwicklungskosten als optimal zu bezeichnen. Basierend auf einem detaillierten Abgleich zwischen Experiment und Simulation, angefangen auf Einzelteilebene über die Baugruppenebene bis hin zur Methodenentwicklung der Validierung von nichtrotierenden Gesamtsystemen mittels künstlicher Anregung, werden in dieser Arbeit möglichst akkurate Simulationsergebnisse angestrebt, um die Auswirkung von akustischen Optimierungen innerhalb der Simulationsumgebung realitätsnah vorherzusagen. Schließlich wird ein Prozess vorgeschlagen, der eine getriebeinterne Transferpfadanalyse zur Identifikation sensitiver Körperschallpfade vorstellt. Mit dieser Methode wird aufgezeigt, dass es möglich ist, akustische Schwachstellen auf der Antriebsstrangseite vorherzusagen. Dabei kann zum einen akustisches Optimierungspotenzial des Welle-Lager-Systems abgeleitet werden, zum anderen werden auch die aktuellen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Verfahren beleuchtet.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
Formelzeichen und Abkürzungen
1 Einleitung
2 Stand der Technik
2.1 Getriebeakustik – Einflussgrößen und Begrifflichkeiten
2.1.1 Verzahnungsanregung von unter Last stehenden Zahnrädern
2.1.2 Verzahnungsinduzierte Körper- und Luftschallweiterleitung in Fahrzeugen
2.1.3 Maßnahmen zur Reduktion von Körperschallpfaden
2.2 Strukturdynamische Analysemethoden in der Getriebeakustik
2.2.1 Numerische Modalanalyse
2.2.2 Experimentelle Modalanalyse und Betriebsschwingformanalyse
2.2.3 Unkonventionelle Methoden zur Erregung von Bauteilstrukturen
2.2.4 Computerunterstützte Modellanpassung
2.2.5 Transferpfadanalyse
2.3 Getriebesimulation
2.3.1 Getriebetypische Kontaktmodellierung
2.3.2 Finite-Element-Modellierung und Reduktionsverfahren
2.4 Fazit
3 Zielsetzung und Vorgehensweise
4 Methoden zur Analyse von Getriebekomponenten
4.1 Verzahnungsanalyse
4.2 Strukturdynamische Untersuchungen an Einzelteilen
4.3 Strukturdynamische Untersuchungen an Baugruppen
4.4 Verhalten von Wälzlagern
4.5 Fazit
5 Methode zur Gesamtsystemvalidierung
5.1 Modellierung des Getriebesystems mit Prüfstandsanbindung
5.2 Getriebeinterne Anregung mittels Zahnaktor
5.2.1 Voruntersuchungen
5.2.2 Implementierung einer torsionalen Anregung in Frontgetrieben
5.2.3 Simulative und experimentelle Untersuchungen
5.3 Fazit
6 Getriebeinterne Transferpfadanalyse
6.1 Identifikation sensibler Körperschalltransferpfade
6.2 Optimierungsansätze
6.3 Fazit
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
8 Literaturverzeichnis / Gear whine phenomena are typically mitigated by optimising gear design to minimise Transmission Error. Additionally, structural optimisations on the gearbox housing and on the gearbox-to-chassis mounts may be conducted most likely without a detailed consideration of internal components‘ dynamics. Moreover, it is not unusual that in the final stages of drivetrain developments when the gearbox is tested on test benches or in vehicles NVH targets are not met. The countermeasures applied often do not alter the source of excitation nor the dynamics of the drivetrain at this stage, but the vehicle transfer paths through the chassis. Thus, sound power level reduction may be exclusively limited to vehicle transfer path improvements. In most cases this is not regarded as an optimal solution neither from an engineering perspective nor from the commercial point of view due to increased development costs. Based on detailed correlation activities where simulation has been run against measurement the work strives to achieve accurate gearbox NVH predictions to forecast more realistically the effect of design optimisations. The correlation approach starts on single component level moving on to sub-assembly level and finally up to the development of a method which is able to artificially excite the entire but non-rotating drivetrain. After various successful correlation studies, a process has been elaborated which proposes a gearbox internal transfer path analysis to identify potentially critical structure-borne noise paths. The method illustrates the capability of successfully predicting weak spots at the active side of a drivetrain early in the development process. Additional room for improvement can be derived when implementing this method by considering the rotating components of a drivetrain such as gear blanks, shafts and bearings.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
Formelzeichen und Abkürzungen
1 Einleitung
2 Stand der Technik
2.1 Getriebeakustik – Einflussgrößen und Begrifflichkeiten
2.1.1 Verzahnungsanregung von unter Last stehenden Zahnrädern
2.1.2 Verzahnungsinduzierte Körper- und Luftschallweiterleitung in Fahrzeugen
2.1.3 Maßnahmen zur Reduktion von Körperschallpfaden
2.2 Strukturdynamische Analysemethoden in der Getriebeakustik
2.2.1 Numerische Modalanalyse
2.2.2 Experimentelle Modalanalyse und Betriebsschwingformanalyse
2.2.3 Unkonventionelle Methoden zur Erregung von Bauteilstrukturen
2.2.4 Computerunterstützte Modellanpassung
2.2.5 Transferpfadanalyse
2.3 Getriebesimulation
2.3.1 Getriebetypische Kontaktmodellierung
2.3.2 Finite-Element-Modellierung und Reduktionsverfahren
2.4 Fazit
3 Zielsetzung und Vorgehensweise
4 Methoden zur Analyse von Getriebekomponenten
4.1 Verzahnungsanalyse
4.2 Strukturdynamische Untersuchungen an Einzelteilen
4.3 Strukturdynamische Untersuchungen an Baugruppen
4.4 Verhalten von Wälzlagern
4.5 Fazit
5 Methode zur Gesamtsystemvalidierung
5.1 Modellierung des Getriebesystems mit Prüfstandsanbindung
5.2 Getriebeinterne Anregung mittels Zahnaktor
5.2.1 Voruntersuchungen
5.2.2 Implementierung einer torsionalen Anregung in Frontgetrieben
5.2.3 Simulative und experimentelle Untersuchungen
5.3 Fazit
6 Getriebeinterne Transferpfadanalyse
6.1 Identifikation sensibler Körperschalltransferpfade
6.2 Optimierungsansätze
6.3 Fazit
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
8 Literaturverzeichnis
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Photothermal Single Particle Detection in Theory & ExperimentsSelmke, Markus 10 July 2013 (has links)
The dissertation presents theoretical and experimental studies on the physical origin of the signal in photothermal microscopy of single particles. This noninvasive optical far field microscopy scheme allows the imaging and detection of single absorbing nanoparticles. Based on a heat-induced pertur- bation in the refractive index in the embedding medium of the nanoscopic absorber, a corresponding probe beam modification is measured and quantified. The method is well established and has been applied since its first demonstration in 2002 to the imaging and characterization of various absorbing particle species, such as quantum dots, single molecules and nanoparticles of different shapes.
The extensive theoretical developments presented in this thesis provide the first quantitative assess- ment of the signal and at the same time enlarge its phenomenology and thereby its potential. On the basis of several approximation schemes to the Maxwell equations, which fundamentally gov- ern the interaction of light with inhomogeneities, several complementing models are devised which describe the photothermal signal both qualitatively and quantitatively. In succession an interdepen- dent and self-consistent set of theoretical descriptions is given and allows important experimental consequences to be drawn. In consequence, the photothermal signal is shown to correspond to the action of a nanoscopic (thermal) lens, represented by the spherically symmetric refractive index pro- file n(r) which accompanies the thermal expansion of the absorber’s environment. The achieved quantification allows the direct measurement of absorption cross-sections of nanoparticles. Further, a qualitatively new phenomenology of the signal is unraveled and experimentally demonstrated. The separate roles of the probing and the heating beams in photothermal microscopy is dismantled and the influence of their relative alignment shown to allow for a controlled adjustment of the effective detection volume. For the first time, both positive and negative signals are demonstrated to occur and to be the characteristic signature of the lens-like action on the probe beam. The detection of the probe beam’s modification is also shown to sensitively depend on the aperture used in the detection chan- nel, and a signal optimization is shown to be feasible. Also, a generalization of the detectable signal via the use of a quadrant photodiode is achieved. Specifically, measuring the far field beam deflec- tion the result of the beam passing the lens off-center manifests in a laterally split detection volume. Hereby, finally each classical photothermal spectroscopic techniques has been shown to possess its microscopic counterpart. Central to the understanding of this generalized and new phenomenology is a scalar wave-optical model which draws an analogy between the scattering of a massive particle wave-packet by a Coulomb potential and the deflection of a focused beam by a photonic potential connected with the thermal lens.
The significance of the findings is demonstrated by its methodological implications on photother- mal correlation spectroscopy in which the diffusion dynamics of absorbing colloidal particles can be studied. The unique split focal detection volumes are shown to allow the sensitive measurement of a deterministic velocity field. Finally, the method is supplemented by a newly introduced sta- tistical analysis method which is capable of characterizing samples containing a heterogeneous size distribution.:Contents
Bibliographic description
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
2.1 The current literature on the subject of the photothermal signal
2.2 Thermal conduction, and the temperature field around heated nanoparticles
2.3 The linear thermo-refractive response and the thermal lens
2.4 MAXWELL equations and approximation schemes
2.4.1 The MAXWELL equations
2.4.2 HELMHOLTZ equations
2.4.3 Paraxial HELMHOLTZ equation for the field components
2.4.4 Geometrical optics and the eikonal ansatz
2.5 Diffraction and the optical resolution limit in far field microscopy
2.5.1 Transmission scanning microscopy
2.5.2 Point spread functions and aberrations
2.5.3 Scalar diffraction approximation for weakly focused beams
2.5.4 Vectorial diffraction for highly focused electromagnetic fields
2.5.5 Theoretical description of transmission signals
2.6 Elastic scattering of light
2.6.1 Overview of optical elastic scattering theory
2.6.2 The integral equation of potential scattering and the BORN approximation
2.6.3 The generalized LORENZ-MIE theory
2.6.4 The electromagnetic fields
2.6.5 Description of the incident field: beam shape coefficients
2.6.6 Multilayered scatterers
2.6.7 POYNTING vector and field decomposition
2.6.8 Energy balance & total cross-sections
2.6.9 Optical theorem & the extinction paradox
2.6.10 Small particle scattering: the RAYLEIGH-limit
2.7 Optical properties of gold nanoparticles & Surface plasmon resonances
2.7.1 Dielectric function of gold
2.7.2 Total cross-sections of plasmonic nanoparticles
properties of gold nanoparticles & Surface plasmon resonances
2.8 (Hot) BROWNian motion, diffusion and their statistical analysis
2.8.1 (Hot) BROWNian motion
2.8.2 Diffusion and correlation analysis
2.8.3 Methods regarding the signal statistics of diffusing tracer particles
2.9 RUTHERFORD scattering of charged particles
2.9.1 Classical RUTHERFORD scattering
2.9.2 Quantum mechanical COULOMB scattering
3 Experimental Setup
3.1 Sample preparation
3.2 Photothermal microscopy setup
4 Photothermal Imaging: Results and Discussion
4.1 MAXWELL equations: Exact treatment of the PT signal
4.1.1 Angularly resolved powers: Fractional cross-sections
4.1.2 Incident power and background normalization
4.1.3 Fractional scattering and extinction cross-sections (off-axis)
4.1.4 Fractional scattering and extinction cross-sections (on-axis)
4.1.5 Small particle approximation(on-axis)
4.1.6 General properties of transmission scans
4.1.7 The thermal lens n(r) in the MIE-scattering framework
4.1.8 The photothermal signal F in the MIE scattering framework
4.2 Geometrical optics: Photonic RUTHERFORD scattering (ray optics)
4.2.1 FERMAT’s principle for a thermal lens medium
4.2.2 Gaussian beam transformation by a thermal lens
4.2.3 Experiments using weakly focused, i.e. nearly Gaussian beams
4.3 HELMHOLTZ equation: Photonic RUTHERFORD scattering (wave optics)
4.3.1 Plane-wave scattering
4.3.2 Focused beam scattering
4.3.3 Connection to the far field
4.3.4 Photothermal Rutherford scattering microscopy
4.3.5 Photothermal half-aperture measurements
4.4 Paraxial HELMHOLTZ equation: FRESNEL diffraction by a thermal lens
4.4.1 The diffraction integral and the phase mask for a thermal lens
4.4.2 The photothermal signal expressed via the image plane field
4.4.3 Experimental demonstration of the signal inversion
4.4.4 Connection to photothermal RUTHERFORD scattering
4.5 Plane-wave extinction & scattering by a thermal lens
4.5.1 The BORN approximation for the ideal and time-dependent thermal lens
4.5.2 The eikonal approximation for the ideal thermal lens and x>>1
4.5.3 Lessons to be learned from plane-wave scattering by thermal lenses
4.6 What is a lens? And is n(r) a lens?
5 Methodological Applications of the Results
5.1 Generalized photothermal correlation spectroscopy (incl. twin-PhoCS)
5.2 Photothermal signal distribution analysis (PhoSDA)
6 Summary and Outlook
6.1 Summary of the results
6.2 Outlook
7 Appendix
7.1 Material parameters
7.2 Calculation parameters
7.3 Interactive simulation scripts (Processing)
7.4 Vectorial scattering in the BORN-approximation
7.5 Details regarding the scattering framework
7.5.1 Connection between Gmn,TE,TM of Ref.1 and gmn,TE,TM in the GLMT
7.5.2 Off-axis BSCs including aberration (single interface)
7.5.3 Details on the incidence power Pinc
7.5.4 Details on the incidence power Pinc for arbitrary beams
7.5.5 Explicit expressions for the spherical field components of Es,i and Hs,i
7.5.6 Note on the time-dependence and the corresponding sign-conventions in M
7.5.7 Recurrence relation for Pn and tn
7.5.8 Gaussian beam shape coefficients: Off-axis
7.5.9 Multilayered Scatterer
7.5.10 POYNTING-vector and energy flow fields
7.5.11 Convergence
7.5.12 Further evaluations in the GLMT framework
7.5.13 Diffraction model: Comparison of angular PT signal pattern to the GLMT
7.6 Details on geometrical optics models
7.6.1 Geometrical optics: Exact solution r(f) for |bx|<1
7.6.2 Correspondences in photonic and partile RUTHERFORD scattering
7.6.3 On the difference in the definition of optical energy
7.6.4 Ray-opticsphotothermalsignal
7.6.5 Thick lens raytracing and the equivalent lens shape for a given aberration
7.7 Thermal lens around a wire of radius R
7.8 Twin-PhoCS: Graphic illustration of the CCF integrand
Curriculum Vitae
List of Tables
List of Figures
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Ein Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Eigenschaften magnetisch-induktiver TastspulenHeidary Dastjerdi, Maral 06 September 2016 (has links)
Magnetisch-induktive Techniken finden seit langer Zeit viele Anwendungsfelder in der Medizin, Sicherheitstechnik und der Industrie. Obwohl die technischen Grundlagen seit vielen Jahrzehnten bekannt sind, werden auf Basis detaillierter Analysen spezielle Lösungsansätze verfolgt, die neuartiges Anwendungspotential erschließen sollen. Dazu dienen verbesserte Werkzeuge wie Computersimulationen und analytische Berechnungen sowie neu kombinierte Methoden und Aufbauten aus Leistungselektronik und Signaldetektion.
Die Vorteile magnetisch-induktiver Techniken sind dabei u.a., dass sie das Prüfobjekt nicht schädigen, berührungslos arbeiten, robust gegenüber Verschmutzungen und einfach im Aufbau sind. Ein Nachteil dieser Technik ist die unzureichende Auflösung von feinen Strukturen.
In der aktuellen Forschung und Entwicklung werden unterschiedliche Spulenanordnungen zur Anwendung in industriellen und medizinischen Fragestellungen untersucht und optimiert. Thema dieser Arbeit ist es, durch Verbesserung der Spuleneigenschaften, neue Anwendungsbereiche für die zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung zu erschließen. Es wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die Eigenschaften magnetisch-induktiver Tastspulen zu verbessern und so den Aufwand bei der Signalverarbeitung zur Rekonstruktion im Rechner zu reduzieren sowie die Auflösung zu erhöhen. Dazu werden zwei Spulenanordnungen, Transmissions - Tastspulen und Gradiometer - Tastspulen, vergleichend gegenübergestellt und ihre technischen Grenzen aufgezeigt. / Magneto-inductive techniques are found in many fields of application areas so in medicine, security technology and industry. Although the technical basis has been known for many decades, special solutions are pursued on the basis of detailed analysis that should open new application potential. These are enhanced tools such as computer simulations, analytical calculations, new combined methods and structures of power electronics and signal detection.
The advantages of magneto-inductive techniques are that they do not damage the test object, are contactless, robust against dirt and simple in construction. A disadvantage of this technique is the insufficient resolution of fine structures.
In current research and development different coil assemblies are investigated in industrial and medical applications. The aim of this work is to improve the coil properties by changing geometric constructions and current patterns of the coils, in order to allow a sharper localization of objects in space and to tap new application areas for non-destructive testing. A method to improve the properties of magneto-inductive coils and thus to reduce the effort in signal processing and image reconstruction as well as to increase the resolution is presented. Two different coil assemblies, gradiometer – coils and transmission – coils, are compared and their technical limits shown.
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Study of the hydrothermal aging of Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalysts for lean CO oxidationRevilla Nebreda, María Consuelo 31 July 2023 (has links)
To limit the environmental impact from fuel based transport of goods and mobility, the knowledge-based improvement of the hydrothermal long-term stability of Pd exhaust catalysts is demanded. Thus, the present study evaluates the performance of hydrothermally aged Pd/gamma-Al2O3 powder catalysts on lean CO oxidation (60-200°C) in the presence of H2O, and discusses structure-activity correlations. A decline in the number of Pd surface sites is quantified with growing aging temperature (650-950°C), and correlates with the decrease in the CO oxidation activity in transient state. However, unexpected shifts in the activation energy of the steady state CO oxidation are observed for the different aging temperatures and total time on stream. The characterization of the active Pd sites of the aged and non-aged catalysts before and after the CO oxidation indicate that the oxidation state of Pd changes during the lean and wet CO oxidation. The observed trends of the oxidation state of Pd correlate with the determined variations of the activation energy, successfully elucidating structure sensitivity of the CO oxidation at temperatures of 750°C or higher, and with changing total time on stream.:1 Introduction and aims
2 Fundamentals
2.1 Emissions from combustion engines
2.2 Diesel exhaust after-treatment systems
2.3 Pd catalysts for CO oxidation
2.3.1 Characterization and CO oxidation activity of Pd catalysts
2.3.2 Mechanism of the CO oxidation on Pd catalysts
2.3.3 Influence of H2O on the CO oxidation on Pd catalysts
2.3.4 Structure sensitivity of the CO oxidation on Pd catalysts
2.4 Thermal and hydrothermal aging of supported Pd catalysts
2.4.1 Sintering and phase transformations of γ-Al2O3
2.4.2 Sintering of Pd in supported catalysts
2.4.3 Kinetic modelling of the CO oxidation on aged Pd catalysts
3 Materials and methods 37
3.1 Preparation of the Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalyst
3.2 Hydrothermal aging of the catalyst
3.3 Performance of the catalytic CO oxidation
3.3.1 Temperature-programmed CO oxidation
3.3.2 Steady state CO oxidation
3.4 Characterization of the catalysts
3.4.1 N2 physisorption
3.4.2 Temperature-programmed desorption of H2
3.4.3 Scanning transmission electron microscopy
3.4.4 X-ray diffraction
3.4.5 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
4 Results and discussion
4.1 Transient CO oxidation activity of the non-aged and aged Pd/γ-Al2O3
12 Contents
4.2 Quantification of the active sites of the non-aged and aged Pd/γ-Al2O3
4.2.1 Number of Pd surface sites
4.2.2 Pd particle sizes
4.2.3 Pd crystallite sizes
4.2.4 Content of surface Pd
4.2.5 Comparative discussion of the quantification of the active sites
4.3 Investigation of the aging mechanism of the Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalysts
4.4 Steady state CO oxidation kinetics of the non-aged and aged Pd/γ-Al2O3
4.4.1 Activation energy of the steady state CO oxidation and discussion
of structure sensitivity
4.4.2 Dispersion of Pd after the steady state CO oxidation
4.4.3 Oxidation state of Pd after the steady state CO oxidation
4.4.4 Comparative discussion of the transient and steady state CO
oxidation activity
4.5 Summarizing discussion of the structure-activity correlations of the nonaged
and aged Pd/γ-Al2O3 catalysts for CO oxidation
5 Conclusions and outlook
List of Figures
List of Tables
A Annexes
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Fast, Reliable, Low-power Wireless Monitoring and Control with Concurrent TransmissionsTrobinger, Matteo 27 July 2021 (has links)
Low-power wireless technology is a part and parcel of our daily life, shaping the way in which we behave, interact, and more generally live. The ubiquity of cheap, tiny, battery-powered devices augmented with sensing, actuation, and wireless communication capabilities has given rise to a ``smart" society, where people, machines, and objects are seamlessly interconnected, among themselves and with the environment. Behind the scenes, low-power wireless protocols are what enables and rules all interactions, organising these embedded devices into wireless networks, and orchestrating their communications.
The recent years have witnessed a persistent increase in the pervasiveness and impact of low-power wireless. After having spawned a wide spectrum of powerful applications in the consumer domain, low-power wireless solutions are extending their influence over the industrial context, where their adoption as part of feedback control loops is envisioned to revolutionise the production process, paving the way for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. However, as the scale and relevance of low-power wireless systems continue to grow, so do the challenges posed to the communication substrates, required to satisfy ever more strict requirements in terms of reliability, responsiveness, and energy consumption. Harmonising these conflicting demands is far beyond what is enabled by current network stacks and control architectures; the need to timely bridge this gap has spurred a new wave of interest in low-power wireless networking, and directly motivated our work. In this thesis, we take on this challenge with a main conceptual and technical tool: concurrent transmissions (CTX), a technique that, by enforcing nodes to transmit concurrently, has been shown to unlock unprecedented fast, reliable, and energy efficient multi-hop communications in low-power wireless networks, opening new opportunities for protocol design. We first direct our research endeavour towards industrial applications, focusing on the popular IEEE 802.15.4 narrowband PHY layer, and advance the state of the art along two different directions: interference resilience and aperiodic wireless control. We tackle radio-frequency noise by extensively analysing, for the first time, the dependability of CTX under different types, intensities, and distributions of reproducible interference patterns, and by devising techniques to push it further. Specifically, we concentrate on CRYSTAL, a recently proposed communication protocol that relies on CTX to rapidly and dependably collect aperiodic traffic. By integrating channel hopping and noise detection in the protocol operation, we provide a novel communication stack capable of supporting aperiodic transmissions with near-perfect reliability and a per-mille radio duty cycle despite harsh external interference. These results lay the ground towards the exploitation of CTX for aperiodic wireless control; we explore this research direction by co-designing the Wireless Control Bus (WCB), our second contribution. WCB is a clean-slate CTX-based communication stack tailored to event-triggered control (ETC), an aperiodic control strategy holding the capability to significantly improve the efficiency of wireless control systems, but whose real-world impact has been hampered by the lack of appropriate networking support. Operating in conjunction with ETC, WCB timely and dynamically adapts the network operation to the control demands, unlocking an order-of-magnitude reduction in energy costs w.r.t. traditional periodic approaches while retaining the same control performance, therefore unleashing and concretely demonstrating the true ETC potential for the first time. Nevertheless, low-power wireless communications are rapidly evolving, and new radios striking novel trade-offs are emerging. Among these, in the second part of the thesis we focus on ultra-wideband (UWB). By providing hitherto missing networking primitives for multi-hop dissemination and collection over UWB, we shed light on the communication potentialities opened up by the high data throughput, clock precision, and noise resilience offered by this technology. Specifically, as a third contribution, we demonstrate that CTX not only can be successfully exploited for multi-hop UWB communications but, once embodied in a full-fledged system, provide reliability and energy performance akin to narrowband. Furthermore, the higher data rate and clock resolution of UWB chips unlock up to 80% latency reduction w.r.t. narrowband CTX, along with orders-of-magnitude improvements in network-wide time synchronization. These results showcase how UWB CTX could significantly benefit a multitude of applications, notably including low-power wireless control. With WEAVER, our last contribution, we make an additional step towards this direction, by supporting the key functionality of data collection with an ultra-fast convergecast stack for UWB. Challenging the internal mechanics of CTX, WEAVER interleaves data and acknowledgements flows in a single, self-terminating network-wide flood, enabling the concurrent collection of different packets from multiple senders with unprecedented latency, reliability, and energy efficiency. Overall, this thesis pushes forward the applicability and performance of low-power wireless, by contributing techniques and protocols to enhance the dependability, timeliness, energy efficiency, and interference resilience of this technology. Our research is characterized by a strong experimental slant, where the design of the systems we propose meets the reality of testbed experiments and evaluation. Via our open-source implementations, researchers and practitioners can directly use, extend, and build upon our contributions, fostering future work and research on the topic.
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Intelligent multimedia flow transmission through heterogeneous networks using cognitive software defined networksRego Máñez, Albert 01 February 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis aborda el problema del encaminamiento en las redes definidas
por software (SDN). Específicamente, aborda el problema del diseño de un protocolo
de encaminamiento basado en inteligencia artificial (AI) para garantizar
la calidad de servicio (QoS) en transmisiones multimedia. En la primera parte
del trabajo, el concepto de SDN es introducido. Su arquitectura, protocolos
y ventajas son comentados. A continuación, el estado del arte es presentado,
donde diversos trabajos acerca de QoS, encaminamiento, SDN y AI son detallados.
En el siguiente capítulo, el controlador SDN, el cual juega un papel central
en la arquitectura propuesta, es presentado. Se detalla el diseño del controlador
y se compara su rendimiento con otro controlador comúnmente utilizado.
Más tarde, se describe las propuestas de encaminamiento. Primero, se aborda
la modificación de un protocolo de encaminamiento tradicional. Esta modificación
tiene como objetivo adaptar el protocolo de encaminamiento tradicional
a las redes SDN, centrado en las transmisiones multimedia. A continuación,
la propuesta final es descrita. Sus mensajes, arquitectura y algoritmos son
mostrados. Referente a la AI, el capítulo 5 detalla el módulo de la arquitectura
que la implementa, junto con los métodos inteligentes usados en la propuesta
de encaminamiento. Además, el algoritmo inteligente de decisión de rutas
es descrito y la propuesta es comparada con el protocolo de encaminamiento
tradicional y con su adaptación a las redes SDN, mostrando un incremento de
la calidad final de la transmisión. Finalmente, se muestra y se describe algunas
aplicaciones basadas en la propuesta. Las aplicaciones son presentadas para
demostrar que la solución presentada en la tesis está diseñada para trabajar
en redes heterogéneas. / [CA] La present tesi tracta el problema de l'encaminament en les xarxes definides
per programari (SDN). Específicament, tracta el problema del disseny d'un
protocol d'encaminament basat en intel·ligència artificial (AI) per a garantir
la qualitat de servici (QoS) en les transmissions multimèdia. En la primera
part del treball, s'introdueix les xarxes SDN. Es comenten la seva arquitectura,
els protocols i els avantatges. A continuació, l'estat de l'art és presentat,
on es detellen els diversos treballs al voltant de QoS, encaminament, SDN
i AI. Al següent capítol, el controlador SDN, el qual juga un paper central
a l'arquitectura proposta, és presentat. Es detalla el disseny del controlador
i es compara el seu rendiment amb altre controlador utilitzat comunament.
Més endavant, es descriuen les propostes d'encaminament. Primer, s'aborda
la modificació d'un protocol d'encaminament tradicional. Aquesta modificació
té com a objectiu adaptar el protocol d'encaminament tradicional a les xarxes
SDN, centrat a les transmissions multimèdia. A continuació, la proposta final
és descrita. Els seus missatges, arquitectura i algoritmes són mostrats. Pel
que fa a l'AI, el capítol 5 detalla el mòdul de l'arquitectura que la implementa,
junt amb els mètodes intel·ligents usats en la proposta d'encaminament. A
més a més, l'algoritme intel·ligent de decisió de rutes és descrit i la proposta és
comparada amb el protocol d'encaminament tradicional i amb la seva adaptació
a les xarxes SDN, mostrant un increment de la qualitat final de la transmissió.
Finalment, es mostra i es descriuen algunes aplicacions basades en la proposta.
Les aplicacions són presentades per a demostrar que la solució presentada en
la tesi és dissenyada per a treballar en xarxes heterogènies. / [EN] This thesis addresses the problem of routing in Software Defined Networks
(SDN). Specifically, the problem of designing a routing protocol based on Artificial
Intelligence (AI) for ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) in multimedia
transmissions. In the first part of the work, SDN is introduced. Its architecture,
protocols and advantages are discussed. Then, the state of the art is
presented, where several works regarding QoS, routing, SDN and AI are detailed.
In the next chapter, the SDN controller, which plays the central role
in the proposed architecture, is presented. The design of the controller is detailed
and its performance compared to another common controller. Later, the
routing proposals are described. First, a modification of a traditional routing
protocol is discussed. This modification intends to adapt a traditional routing
protocol to SDN, focused on multimedia transmissions. Then, the final proposal
is described. Its messages, architecture and algorithms are depicted. As
regards AI, chapter 5 details the module of the architecture that implements
it, along with all the intelligent methods used in the routing proposal. Furthermore,
the intelligent route decision algorithm is described and the final
proposal is compared to the traditional routing protocol and its adaptation to
SDN, showing an increment of the end quality of the transmission. Finally,
some applications based on the routing proposal are described. The applications
are presented to demonstrate that the proposed solution can work with
heterogeneous networks. / Rego Máñez, A. (2020). Intelligent multimedia flow transmission through heterogeneous networks using cognitive software defined networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/160483
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Determination of the actual morphology of core-shell nanoparticles by advanced X-ray analytical techniques: A necessity for targeted and safe nanotechnologyMüller, Anja 07 April 2022 (has links)
Obwohl wir sie oft nicht bewusst wahrnehmen, sind Nanopartikel heutzutage in den meisten Bereichen unseres Alltags präsent, unter anderem in Lebensmitteln und ihren Verpackungen, Medizin, Medikamenten, Kosmetik, Pigmenten und in elektronischen Geräten wie Computermonitoren. Ein Großteil dieser Partikel weist, beabsichtigt oder unbeabsichtigt, eine Kern-Schale Morphologie auf. Einfachheitshalber wird diese Morphologie eines Kern-Schale-Nanopartikels (CSNP) oft als ideal angenommen, d.h. als ein sphärischer Kern, der komplett von einer Schale homogener Dicke bedeckt ist, mit einer scharfen Grenzfläche zwischen Kern- und Schalenmaterial. Außerdem wird vielfach auch davon ausgegangen, alle Partikel der Probe hätten gleiche Schalendicken. Tatsächlich weichen die meisten realen CSNPs in verschiedenster Weise von diesem Idealmodell ab, mit oft drastischen Auswirkungen darauf, wie gut sie ihre Aufgabe in einer bestimmten Anwendung erfüllen.
Das Thema dieser kumulativen Doktorarbeit ist die exakte Charakterisierung der wirklichen Morphologie von CSNPs mit modernen Röntgen-basierten Methoden, konkret Röntgen-Photoelektronen-Spektroskopie (XPS) und Raster-Transmissions-Röntgen-Mikroskopie (STXM). Der Fokus liegt insbesondere auf CSNPs, die von einer idealen Kern-Schale-Morphologie abweichen.
Aufgrund der enormen Vielfalt an CSNPs, die sich in Material, Zusammensetzung und Form unterscheiden, kann eine Messmethode nicht völlig unverändert von einer Probe auf eine andere übertragen werden. Nichtsdestotrotz, da die als Teil dieser Doktorarbeit präsentierten Artikel eine deutlich ausführlichere Beschreibung der Experimente enthalten als vergleichbare Publikationen, stellen sie eine wichtige Anleitung für andere Wissenschaftler dafür dar, wie aussagekräftige Informationen über CSNPs durch Oberflächenanalytik erhalten werden können. / Even though we often do not knowingly recognize them, nanoparticles are present these days in most areas of our daily life, including food and its packaging, medicine, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, pigments as well as electronic products, such as computer screens. The majority of these particles exhibits a core-shell morphology either intendedly or unintendedly. For the purpose of practicability, this core-shell nanoparticle (CSNP) morphology is often assumed to be ideal, namely a spherical core fully encapsulated by a shell of homogeneous thickness with a sharp interface between core and shell material. It is furthermore widely presumed that all nanoparticles in the sample possess the same shell thickness. As a matter of fact, most real CSNPs deviate in several ways from this ideal model with quite often severe impact on how efficiently they perform in a specific application.
The topic of this cumulative PhD thesis is the accurate characterization of the actual morphology of CSNPs by advanced X-ray analytical techniques, namely X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM). A special focus is on CSNPs which deviate from an ideal core-shell morphology.
Due to the vast diversity of nanoparticles differing in material, composition and shape, a measurement procedure cannot unalteredly be transferred from one sample to another. Nevertheless, because the articles in this thesis present a greater depth of reporting on the experiments than comparable publications, they constitute an important guidance for other scientists on how to obtain meaningful information about CSNPs from surface analysis.
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